yamaha a-s701 Bedinungsanleitung
- Condition: Used
- Price: 3.0 EUR
- Status: unsold
- Item number: 146397289813
- Bids: 0
- Seller: pixxit (231|96.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Merdingen
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 3,85 EUR
- on EBAY
The Amplifier has been tested and is working properly - light scratches on the outside from normal use SEE PICTURES ABOUT USFaith Farm Ministries has been standing on the front lines in the war against addiction for 69 years. Our 10-month, men’s and women’s addiction recovery program, focuses strongly on the believer’s Biblical identity in Christ and being transformed by the renewing of the mind to the amazing Truth of the Gospel.Our program operates by a “thrift store” model, depending upon the Lord to provide our resources through donations of used saleable furniture, clothing, other household goods and unrestricted cash donations by the people in our community. This allows us to provide the program free of charge to those who come seeking recovery. “The Farm” serves up to 450 men and women from all walks of life, from every corner of the country, from every ethnicity and denominational background, who all come to seek recovery through a life in union with Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Our curriculum is accredited through our close partnership with a local Bible College & Seminary and we believe we are the only recovery mission in the world with college-accredited curriculum.Your purchase today provides direct support to the recovery of hundreds of sons, brothers, husbands, dads, daughters, sisters, wives & moms, and helps us to continue to minister salvation, healing, restoration, and hope. Thank you for bidding, thank you for buying, thank you for your prayers, and thank you for supporting Faith Farm Ministries.© 2020 Faith Farm Ministries. | All Rights Reserved |9538 US Hwy 441 Boynton Beach, FL 33472 | Fort Lauderdale Rescue Tabernacle, Inc., d/b/a Faith Farm Ministries is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Hallo Ebayer,verkaufe hier mein Verstärker von Yamaha A-S701Verstärker funktionier zu 100%!Lief ca. 2 MonateVerstärker macht Lust auf mehr Musik ob Digitalen oder Analogen Ausgängen!Trenne mich wieder davon, da ich mir ein Yamaha A-S 3200 Verstärker gekauft habe, um einen noch Hochauflösenden Klang aus meinen Lautsprecher zubekommen!(Musikliebhaber)Verstärker hat leider leichte Kratzer auf der Draufsicht aber nicht störend. Exzellenter Klang und herausragende Leistung. Ein Vollverstärker mit den Vorzügen digitaler Eingänge.ToP-ART (Total Purity Audio Reproduction Technology) und hochwertige BauteileVollsymmetrische Konstruktion (vom Eingang bis zum Ausgang)ART (Anti-Resolution and Tough) BaseSpeziell angefertigter Netztransformator / 12,000 uF Blockkondensatoren / stranggepresste Aluminium-Wärmetauscher160 W x 2 (max), 100 W x 2 (RMS) AusgangsleistungCD Direktverstärkung und Pure Direct-ModusStufenlos einstellbare LoudnessVergoldete Lautsprecher- und Cinch-AnschlüsseDigitale Audio-Eingänge für TV oder Blu-ray PlayerSchlichtes, elegantes Design (Gerätefront und Bedienelemente aus Aluminium)Automatisches Standby Dann viel Spaß Beim Bieten...1,2,3,Meins! Da es um eine Private Aktion handelt gibt es von mir keine Haftung oder Gewährleistung Ansprüche aber Restgarantie bis ca. April 2025
Biete eine Yamaha a-s701 Bedinungsanleitung. guter Zustand, siehe Bilder. Privatverkauf & Keine Rücknahme.
Angeboten wird eine Kombination Hifi- Bausteine von Yamaha, bestehend aus Verstrker A-S 701, passender CD - Player CD-S 700 sowie Subwoofer NS-SW 700 Der Verstrker ist technisch und optisch tadellos, keine Gebrauchsspuren, fast als neuwertig zu bezeichnen. Der CD - Player hat zeitweise (!) eine kleine Macke und liest die erstmalig eingelegte CD nicht ein (egal welche), nach leichtem aufstauchen auf die Vorderfe und ab dem 2. play jedoch problemloses, fehlerfreies abspielen der gesamten CD. Vielleicht ein Reinigungsproblem, ich wei es nicht. Der Player ist optisch neuwertig! Die beiden Gerte haben die originale Fernbedienung aus Aluminium (Oberseite), sehr guter bzw. neuwertiger Zustand. Obendrauf gibts den aktiven Subwoofer in Pianolack, technisch und optisch einwandfrei! Keine Kratzer etc., fast neuwertig. Bedienungsanleitungen, Netz- und Cinchkabel fr alle Gerte inklusive. Technische Details zu allen Gerten mchten Sie bitte dem Internet entnehmen. Die angebotene Zusammenstellung hat ca. 1600 gekostet! Alle Teile sind etwa 6 Jahre alt. Achtung, bitte unbedingt lesen!!! Die Originalverpackungen sind nicht mehr vorhanden, daher werden die Gerte nicht verschickt! Nur Abholung innerhalb 7 Tage nach Auktionsende in 99734 Nordhausen (ca. 70km nrdlich von Erfurt) BITTE NEHMEN SIE KEINE ZAHLUNG VOR, BARZAHLUNG BEI BERGABE! Sollten Sie die Gerte testen wollen, bitte unbedingt eigene Lautsprecher und ein Subwooferkabel mitbringen da meine Lautsprecher bereits verkauft sind (Lautsprecherkabel vorhanden). Stellen Sie mir gern Fragen, ich versuche zeitnah zu antworten. Die Artikelbeschreibung wurde nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen erstellt, schauen Sie hierzu auch meine zu 100% positiven Bewertungen. Danke fr Ihr Interesse.
High Quality Circuit Design Based on the ToP-ART (Total Purity Audio Reproduction Technology) ConceptThe amplifier design technology from Yamaha is called ToP-ART which features an input to output with a direct symmetrical design. ToP-ART design and ART Base ensure optimum sound when processing and transmitting the audio signal. The signal is simple and direct, therefore it is less likely to be affected by noise and distortion. The left and right channels are organized in a straight, symmetrical layout for the highest signal purity. In addition, the ART (Anti-Resonance and Tough) Base bottom chassis and a solid center bar provide high rigidity support and dampers vibration. These design innovations contribute to this amplifiers rich audio reproduction with abundant musicality. High Quality Parts for Outstanding Audio PerformanceNotice the custom made power transformer, custom made block capacitors, two direct signal path speaker relays, one point grounding system, extruded aluminum heat sinks and other top quality parts to effortlessly handle demanding audio conditions. The quality of each individual part, as well as how they work together, basically determines the sound quality of this component. Yamaha uses only very high quality parts, carefully selected and tested for their sound properties. Created by Rich Experience, Tradition and High Technological ExpertiseYamaha, with a long history of over 125 years as a musical instrument maker, also has a high reputation for Hi-Fi components. The A-S701 is created by taking advantage of this rich experience and high technological expertise. Based on the concept of “Natural Sound” for reproducing all music as it really sounds, this amplifier is built with scrupulous care from its circuit design to basic sound production.CD Direct Amplification and Pure Direct Mode for Greater Sound PurityWith a straight connection to the CD input, CD Direct Amplification maximizes the CD sources signal to noise ratio. Additionally, engaging the Pure Direct mode causes the music signals to travel the shortest possible circuit route, bypassing the buffer amp, the tone, loudness and balance controls to virtually eliminate any signal degradation for the purest sound quality.Continuously Variable Loudness ControlThe A-S701 also features a new analog loudness control on the front panel that uses electronic volume for higher sound quality which lets you adjust the loudness effect as desired. Separate from the overall volume, this controls the balance of the low and high frequencies providing full tonal range at any volume level by compensating for the natural loss in the human ear at soft levels.
Biete eine Yamaha a-s701 Bedinungsanleitung. guter Zustand, siehe Bilder. Privatverkauf & Keine Rücknahme.
Genießen Sie mit dem Yamaha A-S701 Vollverstärker in edlem Silber ein herausragendes Klangerlebnis. Dieses hochwertige Audio-Gerät bietet Ihnen mit einer Leistung von 100 Watt und zwei Kanälen ein beeindruckendes Hörerlebnis. Der Verstärker ist mit einer Vielzahl von Anschlüssen ausgestattet, darunter sowohl digitale Audioeingänge und -ausgänge (TOSLINK und Coaxial RCA) als auch analoge Eingänge, die eine vielseitige Nutzung ermöglichen. Mit seiner eleganten Optik und der soliden Bauweise repräsentiert der Yamaha A-S701 nicht nur akustische, sondern auch optische High-Class-Qualität. Er eignet sich perfekt für anspruchsvolle Musikliebhaber, die Wert auf klare Klangübertragung und elegantes Design legen. Erweitern Sie Ihr Heim-Audio-System mit diesem exzellenten Vollverstärker und erleben Sie Musik in ihrer reinsten Form. Normale Gebrauchsspuren
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt hochwertiger Klangübertragung mit dem Yamaha A-S701, einem Meisterwerk der HiFi-Komponenten. Dieser Verstärker besticht durch sein elegantes Design in edlem Silber und steht für herausragende Klangqualität und Langlebigkeit. Das Modell Yamaha A-S701 ist eine Hommage an erstklassige Akustik und technische Raffinesse, die in einem robusten Gehäuse verpackt ist. Mit Originalverpackung und in einem 1A-Zustand bietet dieser Verstärker eine exzellente Grundlage für Ihr Audio-System.
Yamaha A-S701 in Silver. Bought 1 year ago and kept in perfect condition. Smoke free home. Does not come with original box but does come with power cable, manual, and remote. Priced to sell!
Es handelt sich um die originale Bedienungsanleitung von Yamaha A S701, A S501 und A S301. Zustand des Buches ist sehr gut
Es handelt sich um die originale Bedienungsanleitung von Yamaha A S701, A S501 und A S301. Zustand des Buches ist sehr gut
Yamaha A-S701 Stereo Integrated Amplifier in excellent condition. Comes with AC power cord and remote only. Shipping to Continental USA only, no APO/FPO or PO Boxes
High Quality Circuit Design Based on the ToP-ART (Total Purity Audio Reproduction Technology) ConceptThe amplifier design technology from Yamaha is called ToP-ART which features an input to output with a direct symmetrical design. ToP-ART design and ART Base ensure optimum sound when processing and transmitting the audio signal. The signal is simple and direct, therefore it is less likely to be affected by noise and distortion. The left and right channels are organized in a straight, symmetrical layout for the highest signal purity. In addition, the ART (Anti-Resonance and Tough) Base bottom chassis and a solid center bar provide high rigidity support and dampers vibration. These design innovations contribute to this amplifiers rich audio reproduction with abundant musicality. High Quality Parts for Outstanding Audio PerformanceNotice the custom made power transformer, custom made block capacitors, two direct signal path speaker relays, one point grounding system, extruded aluminum heat sinks and other top quality parts to effortlessly handle demanding audio conditions. The quality of each individual part, as well as how they work together, basically determines the sound quality of this component. Yamaha uses only very high quality parts, carefully selected and tested for their sound properties. Created by Rich Experience, Tradition and High Technological ExpertiseYamaha, with a long history of over 125 years as a musical instrument maker, also has a high reputation for Hi-Fi components. The A-S701 is created by taking advantage of this rich experience and high technological expertise. Based on the concept of “Natural Sound” for reproducing all music as it really sounds, this amplifier is built with scrupulous care from its circuit design to basic sound production.CD Direct Amplification and Pure Direct Mode for Greater Sound PurityWith a straight connection to the CD input, CD Direct Amplification maximizes the CD sources signal to noise ratio. Additionally, engaging the Pure Direct mode causes the music signals to travel the shortest possible circuit route, bypassing the buffer amp, the tone, loudness and balance controls to virtually eliminate any signal degradation for the purest sound quality.Continuously Variable Loudness ControlThe A-S701 also features a new analog loudness control on the front panel that uses electronic volume for higher sound quality which lets you adjust the loudness effect as desired. Separate from the overall volume, this controls the balance of the low and high frequencies providing full tonal range at any volume level by compensating for the natural loss in the human ear at soft levels.
verkaufe neuwertigen Yamaha A-S701 Vollverstärker in silber voll funktionsfähig 13 Monate alt hat beim rausholen vom Rack oben rechts siehe Bild leichte Kratzer. Stammt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt. Zubehör:Fernbedienung, Netzleitung, Rechnung vom Nov. 23 und Bedienungsanleitung. Dieses Angebot ist privater, nicht gewerblicher Natur. Der angebotene Artikel wird unter demStatus einer Gebrauchtartikelweitergabe verkauft. Das Bild ist Bestandteil der Artikelbeschreibung.Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeder Gewährleistung und Rücknahme.Natürlich auch Selbstabholung möglich.Der Artikel wird wie beschrieben von Privat verkauft.
Es handelt sich um die originale Bedienungsanleitung von Yamaha A S701, A S501 und A S301. Zustand des Buches ist sehr gut
Amp is in VGC, works & sounds great. The finish on the faceplate has some discoloration. The flash makes it stand out & you really have to be at an angle to see it. Not that noticeable and thats why its priced right. Comes with remote & power cord. Will be well packed & shipped Fedex. Im not requiring a signature, so let me know if you want to sign for the package and Ill ad that feature. Shipping is limited to lower 48 states. No p.o. boxes. Look at the pictures and feel free to ask any questions.
High Quality Circuit Design Based on the ToP-ART (Total Purity Audio Reproduction Technology) ConceptThe amplifier design technology from Yamaha is called ToP-ART which features an input to output with a direct symmetrical design. ToP-ART design and ART Base ensure optimum sound when processing and transmitting the audio signal. The signal is simple and direct, therefore it is less likely to be affected by noise and distortion. The left and right channels are organized in a straight, symmetrical layout for the highest signal purity. In addition, the ART (Anti-Resonance and Tough) Base bottom chassis and a solid center bar provide high rigidity support and dampers vibration. These design innovations contribute to this amplifiers rich audio reproduction with abundant musicality. High Quality Parts for Outstanding Audio PerformanceNotice the custom made power transformer, custom made block capacitors, two direct signal path speaker relays, one point grounding system, extruded aluminum heat sinks and other top quality parts to effortlessly handle demanding audio conditions. The quality of each individual part, as well as how they work together, basically determines the sound quality of this component. Yamaha uses only very high quality parts, carefully selected and tested for their sound properties. Created by Rich Experience, Tradition and High Technological ExpertiseYamaha, with a long history of over 125 years as a musical instrument maker, also has a high reputation for Hi-Fi components. The A-S701 is created by taking advantage of this rich experience and high technological expertise. Based on the concept of “Natural Sound” for reproducing all music as it really sounds, this amplifier is built with scrupulous care from its circuit design to basic sound production.CD Direct Amplification and Pure Direct Mode for Greater Sound PurityWith a straight connection to the CD input, CD Direct Amplification maximizes the CD sources signal to noise ratio. Additionally, engaging the Pure Direct mode causes the music signals to travel the shortest possible circuit route, bypassing the buffer amp, the tone, loudness and balance controls to virtually eliminate any signal degradation for the purest sound quality.Continuously Variable Loudness ControlThe A-S701 also features a new analog loudness control on the front panel that uses electronic volume for higher sound quality which lets you adjust the loudness effect as desired. Separate from the overall volume, this controls the balance of the low and high frequencies providing full tonal range at any volume level by compensating for the natural loss in the human ear at soft levels.
Biete eine Yamaha a-s701 Bedinungsanleitung. guter Zustand, siehe Bilder. Privatverkauf & Keine Rücknahme.
Es handelt sich um die originale Bedienungsanleitung von Yamaha A S701, A S501 und A S301. Zustand des Buches ist sehr gut
High Quality Circuit Design Based on the ToP-ART (Total Purity Audio Reproduction Technology) ConceptThe amplifier design technology from Yamaha is called ToP-ART which features an input to output with a direct symmetrical design. ToP-ART design and ART Base ensure optimum sound when processing and transmitting the audio signal. The signal is simple and direct, therefore it is less likely to be affected by noise and distortion. The left and right channels are organized in a straight, symmetrical layout for the highest signal purity. In addition, the ART (Anti-Resonance and Tough) Base bottom chassis and a solid center bar provide high rigidity support and dampers vibration. These design innovations contribute to this amplifiers rich audio reproduction with abundant musicality. High Quality Parts for Outstanding Audio PerformanceNotice the custom made power transformer, custom made block capacitors, two direct signal path speaker relays, one point grounding system, extruded aluminum heat sinks and other top quality parts to effortlessly handle demanding audio conditions. The quality of each individual part, as well as how they work together, basically determines the sound quality of this component. Yamaha uses only very high quality parts, carefully selected and tested for their sound properties. Created by Rich Experience, Tradition and High Technological ExpertiseYamaha, with a long history of over 125 years as a musical instrument maker, also has a high reputation for Hi-Fi components. The A-S701 is created by taking advantage of this rich experience and high technological expertise. Based on the concept of “Natural Sound” for reproducing all music as it really sounds, this amplifier is built with scrupulous care from its circuit design to basic sound production.CD Direct Amplification and Pure Direct Mode for Greater Sound PurityWith a straight connection to the CD input, CD Direct Amplification maximizes the CD sources signal to noise ratio. Additionally, engaging the Pure Direct mode causes the music signals to travel the shortest possible circuit route, bypassing the buffer amp, the tone, loudness and balance controls to virtually eliminate any signal degradation for the purest sound quality.Continuously Variable Loudness ControlThe A-S701 also features a new analog loudness control on the front panel that uses electronic volume for higher sound quality which lets you adjust the loudness effect as desired. Separate from the overall volume, this controls the balance of the low and high frequencies providing full tonal range at any volume level by compensating for the natural loss in the human ear at soft levels.
Does NOT include remote control Instead includesYamaha YBA-11 Bluetooth Wireless Audio Receiver for Yamaha AV Products Yamaha A-S701BL Natural Sound Integrated Stereo AmplifierFeaturesPure sound quality and outstanding drive power. An integrated amplifier with the advantage of analog and digital inputs.100 W x 2-ch (20 Hz - 20 kHz)Digital audio inputs for TV and Blu-ray Disc playerCD Direct Amplification and Pure DirectToP-ART (Total Purity Audio Reproduction Technology) and high quality partsI/O (input to output) direct symmetrical designART (Anti-Resonance and Tough) BaseCustom-made power transformer / 12,000uF block capacitors / extruded aluminum heat sinksGold-plated speaker terminals and RCA terminalsSimple yet sophisticated design (aluminum front panel)Continuously variable loudness control
Biete eine Yamaha a-s701 Bedinungsanleitung. guter Zustand, siehe Bilder. Privatverkauf & Keine Rücknahme.
Appears to be slightly used. Ver very good condition, tested and both outputs works fine, has great natural sound.
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