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Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo-Receiver - Schwarz (TX-8220-B) DAB+

End: 14.02. 2025 09:09:31 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 159.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235956775816
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: pc-neuss (962|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neuss Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo-Receiver - Schwarz (TX-8220-B) DAB+Stereo-ReceiverHi-Fi-Power in Höchstform mit dem TX-8220 Vielfältige Anschlussmöglichkeiten und reine analoge Verstärkung finden sich hier in einem einfach zu bedienenden Receiver mit einem für diese Preisklasse überragenden Klang. Das Gerät bietet alle grundlegenden Funktionen wie digitale Audioeingänge für TV und BD/DVD-Player sowie vier analoge Eingänge mit Line-Pegel für Geräte wie CD-Player. Highlights des TX-8220 sind der MM-Phono-Eingang für Plattenspieler, ein Radiotuner für DAB+ und FM/RDS mit 40 Senderspeichern sowie die integrierte Bluetooth®-Technologie. Dank automatischer Verbindungsfunktion können Sie durch einfaches Tippen auf Touchscreen, Trackpad oder mit der Maus Musik von Apps über Ihre Lautsprecher abspielen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst, wie Sie mit Bass-, Höhen- und Balance-Regler, mit A/B-Lautsprecherschaltung und Subwoofer-Vorverstärkerausgang das System auf die Besonderheiten Ihrer Lautsprecher anpassen, die Wiedergabe in verschiedenen Räumen steuern oder die Niederfrequenzeffekte in Soundtracks von Filmen genießen können. Das klare, minimalistische Design und die außergewöhnliche Vielseitigkeit machen den TX-8220 zum Receiver Ihrer Wahl.Bluetooth® verwandelt mobile Audioinhalte in raumfüllenden Klang Mit der Drahtlostechnologie Bluetooth 4.1 können Sie bei nur geringer Latenz praktisch jede Art von Audioinhalt streamen, die auf Ihrem Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop oder PC abgespielt wird. Mit der automatischen Verbindungsfunktion erfolgen das Pairing der Geräte und die Wiedergabe der Inhalte so schnell und einfach wie noch nie – und dies bei verbesserter Stabilität und nur minimalen Verlusten der Klangqualität. UKW/DAB+-Tuner mit 40 Senderspeichern 40 gespeicherte UKW/RDS- und DAB+-Radiosender können jederzeit per Knopfdruck aufgerufen werden. Die RDS-­Funktion bietet detaillierte Informationen zum Sender und zu gerade abgespielten Titeln. So steht Ihnen eine Vielzahl an Sendern und Programmen zur Verfügung – von Nachrichten und Talkradio über Musik bis hin zu Sport.Anschlussmöglichkeiten für Plattenspieler, CD-Player, TV und Medien-Streamer Der TX-8220 mit seinen vielfältigen Audioverbindungen ist die perfekte Wahl für Musik- und Filmliebhaber, die viel Wert auf einen guten Klang der verschiedenen Medienquellen legen. Der Receiver ist einer der wenigen in diesem Preissegment, der einen so hochwertigen MM-Phono-Vorverstärker für Ihren Plattenspieler bietet. Er verfügt außerdem über digitale Eingänge zur Übertragung von Audiosignalen von TV über Verstärker an die Lautsprecher. Und falls Sie Ihr Quellgerät eher zur D/A-Wandlung verwenden oder andere Geräte anschließen möchten, stehen vier analoge Line-Eingänge zur Verfügung.Satter, kraftvoller Klang Verbinden Sie den TX-8220 mit Lautsprechern Ihrer Wahl, und genießen Sie den eindringlichen Klang von Audiostreaming, TV-Programmen, Vinyl und CD. Diskret aufgebaute Verstärker, ein massiver EI-Transformator und spezielle Kondensatoren liefern ausreichende Steuerleistung bei minimaler Verzerrung. Die Verstärkung mit Hochstrom sorgt durch eine exakte Ansteuerung für eine vitale und detailreiche Wiedergabe von Musik. Gleichzeitig erzeugt die diskrete, breitbandige Schaltung ohne Phasenverschiebung ein fokussiertes Klangbild.Hochstrom und niedrige ImpedanzBei dynamischen Passagen von Musikstücken und Soundtracks können für kurze Momente dramatische Impedanzspitzen und -abfälle auftreten. Dadurch kann die Belastung des Verstärkers bis auf das Zehnfache des Normalwerts ansteigen. Ist der Verstärker diesen Leistungsanforderungen nicht gewachsen, wird die Klangqualität hörbar beeinträchtigt. Das „High-Current, Low-Impedance“-WRAT-Design von Onkyo mit niedrigem Innenwiderstand und hohen Leistungsreserven basiert auf einem massiven EI-Transformator, durch den die Lautsprecher auch bei höchster Belastung exakt angesteuert werden.A/B-Lautsprecheranschlüsse für Audiowiedergabe in mehreren RäumenDer TX-8220 verfügt über zwei Lautsprecheranschluss-Sets für den Anschluss von zwei Paar Lautsprechern. Der Receiver kann entweder mit einem Lautsprecherpaar mit einer nominalen Impedanz von 4–16 ? oder mit zwei Lautsprecherpaaren mit einer Impedanz von 8–16 ? eingesetzt werden, wodurch Sie ein- und dieselbe Audioquelle in zwei Räumen gleichzeitig genießen oder einfach zwischen beiden Lautsprechersets hin- und herschalten können. Regler für Bass, Höhen und BalanceMit den Reglern für Bass, Höhen und Balance können Sie die Farbtoneigenschaften Ihrer Musik für den gewünschten Klang mit beliebigen Lautsprechern einstellen. Mithilfe sorgfältig konzipierter Schaltkreise – an denen es vielen Receivern mangelt – können Sie den Klang nach Ihrem Geschmack und ohne hörbaren Verlust in der Klangqualität abstimmen.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo-Receiver - Schwarz (TX-8220-B) DAB+

End: 13.02. 2025 12:29:43 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 189.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235949485515
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: pc-neuss (961|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neuss Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo-Receiver - Schwarz (TX-8220-B) DAB+Stereo-ReceiverHi-Fi-Power in Höchstform mit dem TX-8220 Vielfältige Anschlussmöglichkeiten und reine analoge Verstärkung finden sich hier in einem einfach zu bedienenden Receiver mit einem für diese Preisklasse überragenden Klang. Das Gerät bietet alle grundlegenden Funktionen wie digitale Audioeingänge für TV und BD/DVD-Player sowie vier analoge Eingänge mit Line-Pegel für Geräte wie CD-Player. Highlights des TX-8220 sind der MM-Phono-Eingang für Plattenspieler, ein Radiotuner für DAB+ und FM/RDS mit 40 Senderspeichern sowie die integrierte Bluetooth®-Technologie. Dank automatischer Verbindungsfunktion können Sie durch einfaches Tippen auf Touchscreen, Trackpad oder mit der Maus Musik von Apps über Ihre Lautsprecher abspielen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst, wie Sie mit Bass-, Höhen- und Balance-Regler, mit A/B-Lautsprecherschaltung und Subwoofer-Vorverstärkerausgang das System auf die Besonderheiten Ihrer Lautsprecher anpassen, die Wiedergabe in verschiedenen Räumen steuern oder die Niederfrequenzeffekte in Soundtracks von Filmen genießen können. Das klare, minimalistische Design und die außergewöhnliche Vielseitigkeit machen den TX-8220 zum Receiver Ihrer Wahl.Bluetooth® verwandelt mobile Audioinhalte in raumfüllenden Klang Mit der Drahtlostechnologie Bluetooth 4.1 können Sie bei nur geringer Latenz praktisch jede Art von Audioinhalt streamen, die auf Ihrem Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop oder PC abgespielt wird. Mit der automatischen Verbindungsfunktion erfolgen das Pairing der Geräte und die Wiedergabe der Inhalte so schnell und einfach wie noch nie – und dies bei verbesserter Stabilität und nur minimalen Verlusten der Klangqualität. UKW/DAB+-Tuner mit 40 Senderspeichern 40 gespeicherte UKW/RDS- und DAB+-Radiosender können jederzeit per Knopfdruck aufgerufen werden. Die RDS-­Funktion bietet detaillierte Informationen zum Sender und zu gerade abgespielten Titeln. So steht Ihnen eine Vielzahl an Sendern und Programmen zur Verfügung – von Nachrichten und Talkradio über Musik bis hin zu Sport.Anschlussmöglichkeiten für Plattenspieler, CD-Player, TV und Medien-Streamer Der TX-8220 mit seinen vielfältigen Audioverbindungen ist die perfekte Wahl für Musik- und Filmliebhaber, die viel Wert auf einen guten Klang der verschiedenen Medienquellen legen. Der Receiver ist einer der wenigen in diesem Preissegment, der einen so hochwertigen MM-Phono-Vorverstärker für Ihren Plattenspieler bietet. Er verfügt außerdem über digitale Eingänge zur Übertragung von Audiosignalen von TV über Verstärker an die Lautsprecher. Und falls Sie Ihr Quellgerät eher zur D/A-Wandlung verwenden oder andere Geräte anschließen möchten, stehen vier analoge Line-Eingänge zur Verfügung.Satter, kraftvoller Klang Verbinden Sie den TX-8220 mit Lautsprechern Ihrer Wahl, und genießen Sie den eindringlichen Klang von Audiostreaming, TV-Programmen, Vinyl und CD. Diskret aufgebaute Verstärker, ein massiver EI-Transformator und spezielle Kondensatoren liefern ausreichende Steuerleistung bei minimaler Verzerrung. Die Verstärkung mit Hochstrom sorgt durch eine exakte Ansteuerung für eine vitale und detailreiche Wiedergabe von Musik. Gleichzeitig erzeugt die diskrete, breitbandige Schaltung ohne Phasenverschiebung ein fokussiertes Klangbild.Hochstrom und niedrige ImpedanzBei dynamischen Passagen von Musikstücken und Soundtracks können für kurze Momente dramatische Impedanzspitzen und -abfälle auftreten. Dadurch kann die Belastung des Verstärkers bis auf das Zehnfache des Normalwerts ansteigen. Ist der Verstärker diesen Leistungsanforderungen nicht gewachsen, wird die Klangqualität hörbar beeinträchtigt. Das „High-Current, Low-Impedance“-WRAT-Design von Onkyo mit niedrigem Innenwiderstand und hohen Leistungsreserven basiert auf einem massiven EI-Transformator, durch den die Lautsprecher auch bei höchster Belastung exakt angesteuert werden.A/B-Lautsprecheranschlüsse für Audiowiedergabe in mehreren RäumenDer TX-8220 verfügt über zwei Lautsprecheranschluss-Sets für den Anschluss von zwei Paar Lautsprechern. Der Receiver kann entweder mit einem Lautsprecherpaar mit einer nominalen Impedanz von 4–16 ? oder mit zwei Lautsprecherpaaren mit einer Impedanz von 8–16 ? eingesetzt werden, wodurch Sie ein- und dieselbe Audioquelle in zwei Räumen gleichzeitig genießen oder einfach zwischen beiden Lautsprechersets hin- und herschalten können. Regler für Bass, Höhen und BalanceMit den Reglern für Bass, Höhen und Balance können Sie die Farbtoneigenschaften Ihrer Musik für den gewünschten Klang mit beliebigen Lautsprechern einstellen. Mithilfe sorgfältig konzipierter Schaltkreise – an denen es vielen Receivern mangelt – können Sie den Klang nach Ihrem Geschmack und ohne hörbaren Verlust in der Klangqualität abstimmen.


End: 13.02. 2025 00:30:00 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 70.37 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 365383914709
  • Bids: 12
  • Seller: regencytechnologies (146716|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Stow, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand:OnkyoModel:TX-8220Man. Serial:0109DC53X3609106Color:BlackType:ReceiverConnectivity:Wired/WirelessRemote:Not IncludedBattery:NoAccessories Included:NoneThe item above is fully tested. This is a used item that may show normal signs of use such as chipped corners, marks, slight dents, or scratches. Wear will vary from item to item. This wear does not affect the working condition. Unless stated otherwise in the listing, our Windows-based laptop and desktop computers are sold without an operating system (No OS).ANY ITEMS OR ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED ABOVE OR ANYTHING NOT SHOWN IN PHOTOS PROVIDED ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS ITEM.Shipping Services: We only ship using UPS Ground. We cannot ship using any other carriers. We are not able to offer Local Pick Up. All items will have to be shipped unless otherwise detailed in the listing.Shipping Locations: United States only. We do not sell or ship Internationally. Any buyers found using a freight forwarding service to forward items out of the US will be blocked from making future purchases.Excludes: Alaska/Hawaii, US Protectorates, APO/FPO, Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Oceania, Southeast Asia, South America, PO BoxReturns: Require an RMA Number.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1866974

End: 11.02. 2025 22:36:37 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 103.3 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335782651331
  • Seller: adorama-trade (60090|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Elizabeth, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1866974 SKU: 1866974 Item Condition E- Excellent Minus - Shows sign of moderate use. Item Description PLEASE NOTE: Scratches Item Includes TX-8220 Stereo Receiver Indoor FM Antenna AM Loop Antenna Instruction Manual Remote Controller 2x AAA batteries (R03) Original Box Item Note:Scratches About us Adorama is one of the nations largest photo, video and electronic retail and mail order suppliers. For over 30 years we have been serving professionals as well as amateurs in the photographic, video, digital imaging, lighting and telescope fields, as well as a vast inventory of used equipment. We offer the best combination of quality services, selection, knowledgeable staff, and competitive pricing. Customers investing in used products benefit by spending less to buy equipment and accessories. We pay top dollar for your used photo, video, audio & lighting equipment. If you are ready to upgrade your system, or you have equipment that you would like to turn into cash, send us the equipment or Bring it to our superstore to have it evaluated and we will give you an honest and fair offer. If you accept the offer, we will send you a check right away, or you can use it as a credit toward any purchase. If a deal is not made, we will return the merchandise to you, fully insured, at our expense. We buy all models of photography equipment (from old half-frames to the new digital format), lenses, and accessories. We also buy video & cinema equipment, lighting, audio, binoculars, and scopes. Nothing is too big or too small for us to handle. Remember, your used or unwanted equipment might be worth might much more than you expect! Please submit your equipment listing to us to receive a free prepaid fully insured shipping label to send in your equipment for evaluation. Equipment trade-ins can also be brought into our store. We are located at 42 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011. Policies Payments After successfully winning the auction, you can either wait for an email from Adorama or use the checkout option right there on the item page. You will be redirected to our secure order process for fast and secure checkout. PayPal is the only option offered for payment. Auction Info Bid & All items have a Buy with Confidence! All items have a 100% Satisfaction guarantee and 30 day return policy (money back). Orders will be processed and shipped during normal business hours. All orders over $100 will need to have the payment address verified before the item is shipped. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if payment has not been received within 3 days. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if you have 0 feedback. Good luck and have fun! Feedback is a powerful tool. It gives sellers a reason to conduct business at the highest level of honesty and respect. If you feel that you have reason to leave neutral or negative feedback, please contact us beforehand. Im sure we can work it out. Returns If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied within the first 30 days after the receipt of your purchase, you may return the merchandise for a full money back refund, excluding any shipping charges. All merchandise that was received damaged from the shipping carrier / USPS beyond what was described in the item listing must be reported within 3 days of receipt of your purchase. You may return the merchandise for a full refund of the purchase price including shipping charges, or exchange at no additional cost. TVs and monitors 20 and higher: Upon delivery, please inspect the TV and insure that it is not physically damaged and in operable condition. DO NOT SIGN the delivery manifest until you have inspected the TV. Once you sign for the item, you are signing acceptance of the product as is. If the merchandise is damaged, please make the notation on the delivery manifest, and have the person delivering the merchandise sign as a witness to the damages and contact us immediately to report the damage. Notebooks, Netbooks, Tablets, iPads and Computers Sold in NEW condition cannot be returned or exchanged once opened. Shipping info Adoramas eBay store ships to the 48 Contiguous United States including Military APO & FPO and Puerto Rico. Items with free shipping are only shipped free to the 48 contiguous United States. Combined shipping is available by using the Add-to-Cart button and making sure the shipping Carrier is the same for all items BEFORE making the Payment. eBays new checkout will then offer you the consolidated shipping rates. All orders must be shipped with a printed invoice included. We can not ship orders without the invoice or a lower value invoice. Shipment errors due to a bad address entered by the buyer and will not be credited for shipping charges if returned or at all if lost or abandoned by the carrier. We supply tracking information directly to your eBay account within 24 hours after the shipment leaves our warehouse. Please make sure to read your email messages that you ebay account is registered at and that they do not go into spam or junk. Approved change requests may not be updated on eBay, please check the emails we send you. No store pick-ups for eBay orders. All carriers now require a phone number so please provide a phone number. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying, These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. All shipping prices include handling and insurance to their destination. We DO NOT ship to China, Brazil, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bolivia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Anguilla, Niue, Greece, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Algeria, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mayotte, Nigeria, Somalia, Western Sahara. Tracking Info An automated email will be sent with tracking info. If you did not receive a tracking number, please check the email address associated with your PayPal account and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.t and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.

Onkyo TX-8220 2.1 Stereo Receiver with Phono, Bluetooth, And Subwoofer Output

End: 11.02. 2025 18:31:51 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 161.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116452152295
  • Seller: tino420 (77|97.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Medicine Hat, Alberta Kanada
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for sale we have a fully tested and working Onkyo tx-8220, a wonderful stereo receiver equipped with a phono stage for use with turntables which I can confirm sounds really nice, a Bluetooth input for convenience, and a subwoofer output to ensure a nice full range output especially handy with smaller speakers. Like I said this receiver is fully tested and working. Comes with a remote, and will will be packed with the utmost care to ensure it arrives to you safely. If you have any questions feel free to reach out and I will happily get back to you.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo-Receiver - Schwarz (TX-8220-B) DAB+

End: 08.02. 2025 12:29:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 239.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235941592898
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: pc-neuss (959|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neuss Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo-Receiver - Schwarz (TX-8220-B) DAB+Stereo-ReceiverHi-Fi-Power in Höchstform mit dem TX-8220 Vielfältige Anschlussmöglichkeiten und reine analoge Verstärkung finden sich hier in einem einfach zu bedienenden Receiver mit einem für diese Preisklasse überragenden Klang. Das Gerät bietet alle grundlegenden Funktionen wie digitale Audioeingänge für TV und BD/DVD-Player sowie vier analoge Eingänge mit Line-Pegel für Geräte wie CD-Player. Highlights des TX-8220 sind der MM-Phono-Eingang für Plattenspieler, ein Radiotuner für DAB+ und FM/RDS mit 40 Senderspeichern sowie die integrierte Bluetooth®-Technologie. Dank automatischer Verbindungsfunktion können Sie durch einfaches Tippen auf Touchscreen, Trackpad oder mit der Maus Musik von Apps über Ihre Lautsprecher abspielen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst, wie Sie mit Bass-, Höhen- und Balance-Regler, mit A/B-Lautsprecherschaltung und Subwoofer-Vorverstärkerausgang das System auf die Besonderheiten Ihrer Lautsprecher anpassen, die Wiedergabe in verschiedenen Räumen steuern oder die Niederfrequenzeffekte in Soundtracks von Filmen genießen können. Das klare, minimalistische Design und die außergewöhnliche Vielseitigkeit machen den TX-8220 zum Receiver Ihrer Wahl.Bluetooth® verwandelt mobile Audioinhalte in raumfüllenden Klang Mit der Drahtlostechnologie Bluetooth 4.1 können Sie bei nur geringer Latenz praktisch jede Art von Audioinhalt streamen, die auf Ihrem Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop oder PC abgespielt wird. Mit der automatischen Verbindungsfunktion erfolgen das Pairing der Geräte und die Wiedergabe der Inhalte so schnell und einfach wie noch nie – und dies bei verbesserter Stabilität und nur minimalen Verlusten der Klangqualität. UKW/DAB+-Tuner mit 40 Senderspeichern 40 gespeicherte UKW/RDS- und DAB+-Radiosender können jederzeit per Knopfdruck aufgerufen werden. Die RDS-­Funktion bietet detaillierte Informationen zum Sender und zu gerade abgespielten Titeln. So steht Ihnen eine Vielzahl an Sendern und Programmen zur Verfügung – von Nachrichten und Talkradio über Musik bis hin zu Sport.Anschlussmöglichkeiten für Plattenspieler, CD-Player, TV und Medien-Streamer Der TX-8220 mit seinen vielfältigen Audioverbindungen ist die perfekte Wahl für Musik- und Filmliebhaber, die viel Wert auf einen guten Klang der verschiedenen Medienquellen legen. Der Receiver ist einer der wenigen in diesem Preissegment, der einen so hochwertigen MM-Phono-Vorverstärker für Ihren Plattenspieler bietet. Er verfügt außerdem über digitale Eingänge zur Übertragung von Audiosignalen von TV über Verstärker an die Lautsprecher. Und falls Sie Ihr Quellgerät eher zur D/A-Wandlung verwenden oder andere Geräte anschließen möchten, stehen vier analoge Line-Eingänge zur Verfügung.Satter, kraftvoller Klang Verbinden Sie den TX-8220 mit Lautsprechern Ihrer Wahl, und genießen Sie den eindringlichen Klang von Audiostreaming, TV-Programmen, Vinyl und CD. Diskret aufgebaute Verstärker, ein massiver EI-Transformator und spezielle Kondensatoren liefern ausreichende Steuerleistung bei minimaler Verzerrung. Die Verstärkung mit Hochstrom sorgt durch eine exakte Ansteuerung für eine vitale und detailreiche Wiedergabe von Musik. Gleichzeitig erzeugt die diskrete, breitbandige Schaltung ohne Phasenverschiebung ein fokussiertes Klangbild.Hochstrom und niedrige ImpedanzBei dynamischen Passagen von Musikstücken und Soundtracks können für kurze Momente dramatische Impedanzspitzen und -abfälle auftreten. Dadurch kann die Belastung des Verstärkers bis auf das Zehnfache des Normalwerts ansteigen. Ist der Verstärker diesen Leistungsanforderungen nicht gewachsen, wird die Klangqualität hörbar beeinträchtigt. Das „High-Current, Low-Impedance“-WRAT-Design von Onkyo mit niedrigem Innenwiderstand und hohen Leistungsreserven basiert auf einem massiven EI-Transformator, durch den die Lautsprecher auch bei höchster Belastung exakt angesteuert werden.A/B-Lautsprecheranschlüsse für Audiowiedergabe in mehreren RäumenDer TX-8220 verfügt über zwei Lautsprecheranschluss-Sets für den Anschluss von zwei Paar Lautsprechern. Der Receiver kann entweder mit einem Lautsprecherpaar mit einer nominalen Impedanz von 4–16 ? oder mit zwei Lautsprecherpaaren mit einer Impedanz von 8–16 ? eingesetzt werden, wodurch Sie ein- und dieselbe Audioquelle in zwei Räumen gleichzeitig genießen oder einfach zwischen beiden Lautsprechersets hin- und herschalten können. Regler für Bass, Höhen und BalanceMit den Reglern für Bass, Höhen und Balance können Sie die Farbtoneigenschaften Ihrer Musik für den gewünschten Klang mit beliebigen Lautsprechern einstellen. Mithilfe sorgfältig konzipierter Schaltkreise – an denen es vielen Receivern mangelt – können Sie den Klang nach Ihrem Geschmack und ohne hörbaren Verlust in der Klangqualität abstimmen.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1898958

End: 30.01. 2025 17:32:40 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 74.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235927972112
  • Seller: adorama-trade (60090|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Elizabeth, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1898958 SKU: 1898958 Item Condition G Good - Appears to have been used very heavily with multiple dings, scrapes, scratches and heavy brassing. Glass may have fungus, excessive dust and/or scratches that can affect picture quality. Item Description PLEASE NOTE: Dent on receiver Item Includes TX-8220 Stereo Receiver Indoor FM Antenna AM Loop Antenna Remote Controller Original Box Item Note: Dent on receiver About us Adorama is one of the nations largest photo, video and electronic retail and mail order suppliers. For over 30 years we have been serving professionals as well as amateurs in the photographic, video, digital imaging, lighting and telescope fields, as well as a vast inventory of used equipment. We offer the best combination of quality services, selection, knowledgeable staff, and competitive pricing. Customers investing in used products benefit by spending less to buy equipment and accessories. We pay top dollar for your used photo, video, audio & lighting equipment. If you are ready to upgrade your system, or you have equipment that you would like to turn into cash, send us the equipment or Bring it to our superstore to have it evaluated and we will give you an honest and fair offer. If you accept the offer, we will send you a check right away, or you can use it as a credit toward any purchase. If a deal is not made, we will return the merchandise to you, fully insured, at our expense. We buy all models of photography equipment (from old half-frames to the new digital format), lenses, and accessories. We also buy video & cinema equipment, lighting, audio, binoculars, and scopes. Nothing is too big or too small for us to handle. Remember, your used or unwanted equipment might be worth might much more than you expect! Please submit your equipment listing to us to receive a free prepaid fully insured shipping label to send in your equipment for evaluation. Equipment trade-ins can also be brought into our store. We are located at 42 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011. Policies Payments After successfully winning the auction, you can either wait for an email from Adorama or use the checkout option right there on the item page. You will be redirected to our secure order process for fast and secure checkout. PayPal is the only option offered for payment. Auction Info Bid & All items have a Buy with Confidence! All items have a 100% Satisfaction guarantee and 30 day return policy (money back). Orders will be processed and shipped during normal business hours. All orders over $100 will need to have the payment address verified before the item is shipped. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if payment has not been received within 3 days. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if you have 0 feedback. Good luck and have fun! Feedback is a powerful tool. It gives sellers a reason to conduct business at the highest level of honesty and respect. If you feel that you have reason to leave neutral or negative feedback, please contact us beforehand. Im sure we can work it out. Returns If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied within the first 30 days after the receipt of your purchase, you may return the merchandise for a full money back refund, excluding any shipping charges. All merchandise that was received damaged from the shipping carrier / USPS beyond what was described in the item listing must be reported within 3 days of receipt of your purchase. You may return the merchandise for a full refund of the purchase price including shipping charges, or exchange at no additional cost. TVs and monitors 20 and higher: Upon delivery, please inspect the TV and insure that it is not physically damaged and in operable condition. DO NOT SIGN the delivery manifest until you have inspected the TV. Once you sign for the item, you are signing acceptance of the product as is. If the merchandise is damaged, please make the notation on the delivery manifest, and have the person delivering the merchandise sign as a witness to the damages and contact us immediately to report the damage. Notebooks, Netbooks, Tablets, iPads and Computers Sold in NEW condition cannot be returned or exchanged once opened. Shipping info Adoramas eBay store ships to the 48 Contiguous United States including Military APO & FPO and Puerto Rico. Items with free shipping are only shipped free to the 48 contiguous United States. Combined shipping is available by using the Add-to-Cart button and making sure the shipping Carrier is the same for all items BEFORE making the Payment. eBays new checkout will then offer you the consolidated shipping rates. All orders must be shipped with a printed invoice included. We can not ship orders without the invoice or a lower value invoice. Shipment errors due to a bad address entered by the buyer and will not be credited for shipping charges if returned or at all if lost or abandoned by the carrier. We supply tracking information directly to your eBay account within 24 hours after the shipment leaves our warehouse. Please make sure to read your email messages that you ebay account is registered at and that they do not go into spam or junk. Approved change requests may not be updated on eBay, please check the emails we send you. No store pick-ups for eBay orders. All carriers now require a phone number so please provide a phone number. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying, These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. All shipping prices include handling and insurance to their destination. We DO NOT ship to China, Brazil, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bolivia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Anguilla, Niue, Greece, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Algeria, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mayotte, Nigeria, Somalia, Western Sahara. Tracking Info An automated email will be sent with tracking info. If you did not receive a tracking number, please check the email address associated with your PayPal account and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.t and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1876929

End: 28.01. 2025 03:55:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 129.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235927972050
  • Seller: adorama-trade (60090|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Elizabeth, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1876929 SKU: 1876929 Item Condition E Excellent - Cosmetically shows slight wear and/or signs of use. Item Description PLEASE NOTE: Surface Scratches On LCD Display Item Includes TX-8220 Stereo Receiver Indoor FM Antenna AM Loop Antenna Instruction Manual Remote Controller 2x AAA batteries (R03) Original Box Item Note: Surface Scratches On LCD Display About us Adorama is one of the nations largest photo, video and electronic retail and mail order suppliers. For over 30 years we have been serving professionals as well as amateurs in the photographic, video, digital imaging, lighting and telescope fields, as well as a vast inventory of used equipment. We offer the best combination of quality services, selection, knowledgeable staff, and competitive pricing. Customers investing in used products benefit by spending less to buy equipment and accessories. We pay top dollar for your used photo, video, audio & lighting equipment. If you are ready to upgrade your system, or you have equipment that you would like to turn into cash, send us the equipment or Bring it to our superstore to have it evaluated and we will give you an honest and fair offer. If you accept the offer, we will send you a check right away, or you can use it as a credit toward any purchase. If a deal is not made, we will return the merchandise to you, fully insured, at our expense. We buy all models of photography equipment (from old half-frames to the new digital format), lenses, and accessories. We also buy video & cinema equipment, lighting, audio, binoculars, and scopes. Nothing is too big or too small for us to handle. Remember, your used or unwanted equipment might be worth might much more than you expect! Please submit your equipment listing to us to receive a free prepaid fully insured shipping label to send in your equipment for evaluation. Equipment trade-ins can also be brought into our store. We are located at 42 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011. Policies Payments After successfully winning the auction, you can either wait for an email from Adorama or use the checkout option right there on the item page. You will be redirected to our secure order process for fast and secure checkout. PayPal is the only option offered for payment. Auction Info Bid & All items have a Buy with Confidence! All items have a 100% Satisfaction guarantee and 30 day return policy (money back). Orders will be processed and shipped during normal business hours. All orders over $100 will need to have the payment address verified before the item is shipped. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if payment has not been received within 3 days. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if you have 0 feedback. Good luck and have fun! Feedback is a powerful tool. It gives sellers a reason to conduct business at the highest level of honesty and respect. If you feel that you have reason to leave neutral or negative feedback, please contact us beforehand. Im sure we can work it out. Returns If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied within the first 30 days after the receipt of your purchase, you may return the merchandise for a full money back refund, excluding any shipping charges. All merchandise that was received damaged from the shipping carrier / USPS beyond what was described in the item listing must be reported within 3 days of receipt of your purchase. You may return the merchandise for a full refund of the purchase price including shipping charges, or exchange at no additional cost. TVs and monitors 20 and higher: Upon delivery, please inspect the TV and insure that it is not physically damaged and in operable condition. DO NOT SIGN the delivery manifest until you have inspected the TV. Once you sign for the item, you are signing acceptance of the product as is. If the merchandise is damaged, please make the notation on the delivery manifest, and have the person delivering the merchandise sign as a witness to the damages and contact us immediately to report the damage. Notebooks, Netbooks, Tablets, iPads and Computers Sold in NEW condition cannot be returned or exchanged once opened. Shipping info Adoramas eBay store ships to the 48 Contiguous United States including Military APO & FPO and Puerto Rico. Items with free shipping are only shipped free to the 48 contiguous United States. Combined shipping is available by using the Add-to-Cart button and making sure the shipping Carrier is the same for all items BEFORE making the Payment. eBays new checkout will then offer you the consolidated shipping rates. All orders must be shipped with a printed invoice included. We can not ship orders without the invoice or a lower value invoice. Shipment errors due to a bad address entered by the buyer and will not be credited for shipping charges if returned or at all if lost or abandoned by the carrier. We supply tracking information directly to your eBay account within 24 hours after the shipment leaves our warehouse. Please make sure to read your email messages that you ebay account is registered at and that they do not go into spam or junk. Approved change requests may not be updated on eBay, please check the emails we send you. No store pick-ups for eBay orders. All carriers now require a phone number so please provide a phone number. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying, These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. All shipping prices include handling and insurance to their destination. We DO NOT ship to China, Brazil, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bolivia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Anguilla, Niue, Greece, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Algeria, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mayotte, Nigeria, Somalia, Western Sahara. Tracking Info An automated email will be sent with tracking info. If you did not receive a tracking number, please check the email address associated with your PayPal account and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.t and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1874357

End: 23.01. 2025 21:05:07 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 129.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256791305380
  • Seller: adorama-trade (60071|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Elizabeth, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1874357 SKU: 1874357 Item Condition E Excellent - Cosmetically shows slight wear and/or signs of use. Item Description PLEASE NOTE: Small Scratches Item Includes TX-8220 Stereo Receiver Indoor FM Antenna AM Loop Antenna Instruction Manual Remote Controller 2x AAA batteries (R03) Original Box Item Note: Small Scratches About us Adorama is one of the nations largest photo, video and electronic retail and mail order suppliers. For over 30 years we have been serving professionals as well as amateurs in the photographic, video, digital imaging, lighting and telescope fields, as well as a vast inventory of used equipment. We offer the best combination of quality services, selection, knowledgeable staff, and competitive pricing. Customers investing in used products benefit by spending less to buy equipment and accessories. We pay top dollar for your used photo, video, audio & lighting equipment. If you are ready to upgrade your system, or you have equipment that you would like to turn into cash, send us the equipment or Bring it to our superstore to have it evaluated and we will give you an honest and fair offer. If you accept the offer, we will send you a check right away, or you can use it as a credit toward any purchase. If a deal is not made, we will return the merchandise to you, fully insured, at our expense. We buy all models of photography equipment (from old half-frames to the new digital format), lenses, and accessories. We also buy video & cinema equipment, lighting, audio, binoculars, and scopes. Nothing is too big or too small for us to handle. Remember, your used or unwanted equipment might be worth might much more than you expect! Please submit your equipment listing to us to receive a free prepaid fully insured shipping label to send in your equipment for evaluation. Equipment trade-ins can also be brought into our store. We are located at 42 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011. Policies Payments After successfully winning the auction, you can either wait for an email from Adorama or use the checkout option right there on the item page. You will be redirected to our secure order process for fast and secure checkout. PayPal is the only option offered for payment. Auction Info Bid & All items have a Buy with Confidence! All items have a 100% Satisfaction guarantee and 30 day return policy (money back). Orders will be processed and shipped during normal business hours. All orders over $100 will need to have the payment address verified before the item is shipped. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if payment has not been received within 3 days. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if you have 0 feedback. Good luck and have fun! Feedback is a powerful tool. It gives sellers a reason to conduct business at the highest level of honesty and respect. If you feel that you have reason to leave neutral or negative feedback, please contact us beforehand. Im sure we can work it out. Returns If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied within the first 30 days after the receipt of your purchase, you may return the merchandise for a full money back refund, excluding any shipping charges. All merchandise that was received damaged from the shipping carrier / USPS beyond what was described in the item listing must be reported within 3 days of receipt of your purchase. You may return the merchandise for a full refund of the purchase price including shipping charges, or exchange at no additional cost. TVs and monitors 20 and higher: Upon delivery, please inspect the TV and insure that it is not physically damaged and in operable condition. DO NOT SIGN the delivery manifest until you have inspected the TV. Once you sign for the item, you are signing acceptance of the product as is. If the merchandise is damaged, please make the notation on the delivery manifest, and have the person delivering the merchandise sign as a witness to the damages and contact us immediately to report the damage. Notebooks, Netbooks, Tablets, iPads and Computers Sold in NEW condition cannot be returned or exchanged once opened. Shipping info Adoramas eBay store ships to the 48 Contiguous United States including Military APO & FPO and Puerto Rico. Items with free shipping are only shipped free to the 48 contiguous United States. Combined shipping is available by using the Add-to-Cart button and making sure the shipping Carrier is the same for all items BEFORE making the Payment. eBays new checkout will then offer you the consolidated shipping rates. All orders must be shipped with a printed invoice included. We can not ship orders without the invoice or a lower value invoice. Shipment errors due to a bad address entered by the buyer and will not be credited for shipping charges if returned or at all if lost or abandoned by the carrier. We supply tracking information directly to your eBay account within 24 hours after the shipment leaves our warehouse. Please make sure to read your email messages that you ebay account is registered at and that they do not go into spam or junk. Approved change requests may not be updated on eBay, please check the emails we send you. No store pick-ups for eBay orders. All carriers now require a phone number so please provide a phone number. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying, These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. All shipping prices include handling and insurance to their destination. We DO NOT ship to China, Brazil, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bolivia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Anguilla, Niue, Greece, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Algeria, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mayotte, Nigeria, Somalia, Western Sahara. Tracking Info An automated email will be sent with tracking info. If you did not receive a tracking number, please check the email address associated with your PayPal account and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.t and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.


End: 21.01. 2025 21:59:00 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 26.05 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116442216992
  • Seller: brittvegas (10675|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Henderson, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for sale is an Onkyo RC-962R Stereo Receiver Remote in excellent condition. Missing battery cover. Originally supplied with model TX-8220. I have thoroughly tested this remote and guarantee it to arrive in working condition. Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have. Thanks in advance for your purchase.

Onkyo TX8220 Stereo Receiver w/Bluetooth Minor Damage - Good

End: 20.01. 2025 22:50:36 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 95.93 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335776974644
  • Seller: admcca-2524 (13|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Columbus, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Listed is a basic stereo receiver from Onkyo. 45 WPC. Has some light scuff marks and scratches but works. Includes remote, AM and FM antenna, and owners manual. Will ship in product box.

Onkyo TX-8220 2-Channel Stereo Receiver with Bluetooth, Black

End: 04.01. 2025 17:07:55 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 144.46 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156617291342
  • Seller: codydude23 (15|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Herndon, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fully working and tested. Receiver comes with Remote and Analog Audio Cables. I believe the receiver originally came with a wire AM antenna, that is not included

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1883579

End: 22.12. 2024 23:05:02 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 132.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256754927495
  • Seller: adorama-trade (59618|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Elizabeth, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1883579 SKU: 1883579 Item Condition E Excellent - Cosmetically shows slight wear and/or signs of use. Item Description PLEASE NOTE: Minor scuffs Item Includes TX-8220 Stereo Receiver Indoor FM Antenna AM Loop Antenna Instruction Manual Remote Controller 2x AAA batteries (R03) Minor scuffs About us Adorama is one of the nations largest photo, video and electronic retail and mail order suppliers. For over 30 years we have been serving professionals as well as amateurs in the photographic, video, digital imaging, lighting and telescope fields, as well as a vast inventory of used equipment. We offer the best combination of quality services, selection, knowledgeable staff, and competitive pricing. Customers investing in used products benefit by spending less to buy equipment and accessories. We pay top dollar for your used photo, video, audio & lighting equipment. If you are ready to upgrade your system, or you have equipment that you would like to turn into cash, send us the equipment or Bring it to our superstore to have it evaluated and we will give you an honest and fair offer. If you accept the offer, we will send you a check right away, or you can use it as a credit toward any purchase. If a deal is not made, we will return the merchandise to you, fully insured, at our expense. We buy all models of photography equipment (from old half-frames to the new digital format), lenses, and accessories. We also buy video & cinema equipment, lighting, audio, binoculars, and scopes. Nothing is too big or too small for us to handle. Remember, your used or unwanted equipment might be worth might much more than you expect! Please submit your equipment listing to us to receive a free prepaid fully insured shipping label to send in your equipment for evaluation. Equipment trade-ins can also be brought into our store. We are located at 42 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011. Policies Payments After successfully winning the auction, you can either wait for an email from Adorama or use the checkout option right there on the item page. You will be redirected to our secure order process for fast and secure checkout. PayPal is the only option offered for payment. Auction Info Bid & All items have a Buy with Confidence! All items have a 100% Satisfaction guarantee and 30 day return policy (money back). Orders will be processed and shipped during normal business hours. All orders over $100 will need to have the payment address verified before the item is shipped. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if payment has not been received within 3 days. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if you have 0 feedback. Good luck and have fun! Feedback is a powerful tool. It gives sellers a reason to conduct business at the highest level of honesty and respect. If you feel that you have reason to leave neutral or negative feedback, please contact us beforehand. Im sure we can work it out. Returns If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied within the first 30 days after the receipt of your purchase, you may return the merchandise for a full money back refund, excluding any shipping charges. All merchandise that was received damaged from the shipping carrier / USPS beyond what was described in the item listing must be reported within 3 days of receipt of your purchase. You may return the merchandise for a full refund of the purchase price including shipping charges, or exchange at no additional cost. TVs and monitors 20 and higher: Upon delivery, please inspect the TV and insure that it is not physically damaged and in operable condition. DO NOT SIGN the delivery manifest until you have inspected the TV. Once you sign for the item, you are signing acceptance of the product as is. If the merchandise is damaged, please make the notation on the delivery manifest, and have the person delivering the merchandise sign as a witness to the damages and contact us immediately to report the damage. Notebooks, Netbooks, Tablets, iPads and Computers Sold in NEW condition cannot be returned or exchanged once opened. Shipping info Adoramas eBay store ships to the 48 Contiguous United States including Military APO & FPO and Puerto Rico. Items with free shipping are only shipped free to the 48 contiguous United States. Combined shipping is available by using the Add-to-Cart button and making sure the shipping Carrier is the same for all items BEFORE making the Payment. eBays new checkout will then offer you the consolidated shipping rates. All orders must be shipped with a printed invoice included. We can not ship orders without the invoice or a lower value invoice. Shipment errors due to a bad address entered by the buyer and will not be credited for shipping charges if returned or at all if lost or abandoned by the carrier. We supply tracking information directly to your eBay account within 24 hours after the shipment leaves our warehouse. Please make sure to read your email messages that you ebay account is registered at and that they do not go into spam or junk. Approved change requests may not be updated on eBay, please check the emails we send you. No store pick-ups for eBay orders. All carriers now require a phone number so please provide a phone number. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying, These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. All shipping prices include handling and insurance to their destination. We DO NOT ship to China, Brazil, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bolivia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Anguilla, Niue, Greece, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Algeria, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mayotte, Nigeria, Somalia, Western Sahara. Tracking Info An automated email will be sent with tracking info. If you did not receive a tracking number, please check the email address associated with your PayPal account and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.t and any spam filters, or contact us and we will be sure to respond.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1877125

End: 13.12. 2024 19:56:37 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 137.58 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335725369122
  • Seller: adorama-trade (59520|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Elizabeth, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth - SKU#1877125 SKU: 1877125 Item Condition E Excellent - Cosmetically shows slight wear and/or signs of use. Item Description While delivering an exceptional audio experience, the TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth stands as a testament to Onkyos commitment to high-quality, advanced, and user-friendly home audio solutions. This multifunctional receiver is the perfect centerpiece for your home entertainment system, offering universal connectivity and pure analog amplification that belies its accessible price point. The TX-8220 is meticulously designed to cater to the needs of audiophiles and casual listeners alike. It features a plethora of inputs, including digital audio inputs for seamless TV and BD/DVD player integration, an MM phono equalizer for your cherished turntable, and four analog line-level inputs to accommodate your CD player and other devices. The built-in Bluetooth 4.1 technology with low-latency ensures that streaming audio from your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or PC is not only possible but also delivers room-filling sound with enhanced stability and minimal loss in audio quality. Crafted for those who appreciate authentic hi-fi sound, the TX-8220 is equipped to handle a wide array of audio sources. High-Resolution Audio-ready digital audio inputs allow for crystal-clear transmission of TV or PC audio through your speakers, while the MM phono input welcomes the warm tones of vinyl records. Listeners can also enjoy FM/AM radio, USB audio, network, and Bluetooth sources with unparalleled ease. The rich and powerful hi-fi sound is a hallmark of the TX-8220, which can be paired with a variety of loudspeakers to elevate your everyday entertainment. Discrete amplifiers, a massive EI transformer, and customized capacitors ensure ample driving power with low distortion. The high-current design grips speaker cones for more accurate control, breathing life and detail into your music. The non-phase-shift circuitry sharpens the audio image, providing a focused and realistic listening experience. Onkyos high-current low-impedance WRAT design is engineered to drive your speakers accurately, even under heavy loads, ensuring that dynamic passages in music and film soundtracks are delivered with precision. The FM/AM tuner with 40 memory presets allows for easy access to a wide variety of programming, from music to talk radio. The TX-8220 also features A/B speaker posts for multi-room audio, enabling connection to two pairs of speakers. This allows you to enjoy the same audio source in multiple rooms or switch between two sets of speakers effortlessly. Bass, treble, and balance controls offer further customization, enabling you to adjust the tone characteristics to match any speaker type and personal preference without compromising audio quality. Advanced features of the TX-8220 include: - Amplifier power that delivers up to 100 watts per channel at 6 ohms or 45 watts per channel at 8 ohms, with a dynamic power range that can handle various speaker impedances. - WRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology) for a broader frequency range and lower noise. - Non-Phase-Shift Amp Design for realistic sound imaging. - High-performance 192K/24 Bit DACs (PCM1754) for impeccable sound quality. - Comprehensive connectivity options, including audio input/output, phono input, digital audio inputs (optical/coaxial), speaker A/+B posts, subwoofer pre-out, and a headphone jack. - Bluetooth 4.1 (A2DP/AVRCP) for wireless audio streaming. - Firmware updates via network or USB to keep your receiver up-to-date. With the TX-8220 Stereo Receiver, Onkyo delivers a durable and advanced audio solution that is sure to enrich the listening experience in any home. Whether youre enjoying the intricate layers of a symphony, the raw energy of a live rock concert, or the immersive soundscapes of your favorite movies, this receiver is built to exceed expectations and bring your audio to life. Item Includes TX-8220 Stereo Receiver Indoor FM Antenna AM Loop Antenna Instruction Manual Remote Controller 2x AAA batteries (R03) Original Box About us Adorama is one of the nations largest photo, video and electronic retail and mail order suppliers. For over 30 years we have been serving professionals as well as amateurs in the photographic, video, digital imaging, lighting and telescope fields, as well as a vast inventory of used equipment. We offer the best combination of quality services, selection, knowledgeable staff, and competitive pricing. Customers investing in used products benefit by spending less to buy equipment and accessories. We pay top dollar for your used photo, video, audio & lighting equipment. If you are ready to upgrade your system, or you have equipment that you would like to turn into cash, send us the equipment or Bring it to our superstore to have it evaluated and we will give you an honest and fair offer. If you accept the offer, we will send you a check right away, or you can use it as a credit toward any purchase. If a deal is not made, we will return the merchandise to you, fully insured, at our expense. We buy all models of photography equipment (from old half-frames to the new digital format), lenses, and accessories. We also buy video & cinema equipment, lighting, audio, binoculars, and scopes. Nothing is too big or too small for us to handle. Remember, your used or unwanted equipment might be worth might much more than you expect! Please submit your equipment listing to us to receive a free prepaid fully insured shipping label to send in your equipment for evaluation. Equipment trade-ins can also be brought into our store. We are located at 42 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011. Policies Payments After successfully winning the auction, you can either wait for an email from Adorama or use the checkout option right there on the item page. You will be redirected to our secure order process for fast and secure checkout. PayPal is the only option offered for payment. Auction Info Bid & All items have a Buy with Confidence! All items have a 100% Satisfaction guarantee and 30 day return policy (money back). Orders will be processed and shipped during normal business hours. All orders over $100 will need to have the payment address verified before the item is shipped. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if payment has not been received within 3 days. Adorama reserves the right to cancel a transaction if you have 0 feedback. Good luck and have fun! Feedback is a powerful tool. It gives sellers a reason to conduct business at the highest level of honesty and respect. 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Used -Onkyo TX8220 Stereo Receiver w/Bluetooth- FREE SHIPPING

End: 26.11. 2024 21:00:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 151.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155688105439
  • Seller: onecall (45501|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Spokane, Washington USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TX–8220Universal connectivity meets pure analog amplification in a simple hub that sounds a whole lot better than its modest price suggests. All the essentials are covered with digital audio inputs for TV and BD/DVD player connection, along with an MM phono equalizer, four analog line–level inputs for CD player and everything else.Bluetooth® Transforms Mobile Audio Into Room–filling SoundWith low–latency Bluetooth 4.1 wireless technology, you can stream almost any audio thats playing on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or PC applications. Auto Connect function tablet, laptop, or PC applications. Auto Connect function makes pairing up and playing back your music much faster and easier than before, with enhanced stability reducing loss in audio quality.Connects Turntables, CD Players, and Everything in BetweenCrafted for music and film lovers seeking authentic hi–fi sound, the TX–8260 is extensively equipped with inputs to connect wide range of players. Use Hi–Res Audio–ready digital audio inputs to route TV or PC audio through to the speakers, line–level inputs for a good–quality CD player or DAC, and the MM phono input for your turntable. Enjoy room–filling reproduction of these as well as FM/AM radio, USB Audio, Network, and Bluetooth sources with ease.Rich and Powerful Hi–fi SoundPair the TX–8220 with your choice of loudspeakers and add high–fidelity sound to everyday entertainment, from streaming audio to TV programs, vinyl, and CD. Discrete amplifiers, massive EI transformer, and customized capacitors deliver ample driving power with low distortion. High current grips the speaker cones for more accurate control, restoring vitality and detail to music. Non–phase–shift circuitry, meanwhile, clearly focuses the audio image.High Current and Low Impedance ArchitectureDynamic passages in music and film soundtracks can see impedance spike and dip dramatically for short periods. This can place up to 10 times the usual load on your amplifier, and if it cant meet power demands, sound quality suffers. Onkyos high–current low–impedance WRAT design uses a massive EI transformer to drive your speakers accurately, even under heavy loads.FM/AM Tuner with 40 Memory PresetsScan, name, and save 40 FM and AM radio stations for easy: one–touch recall anytime. Bring a huge variety of programming to your listening space, from news and sport to music and talk radio.A/B Speaker Posts for Multi–room AudioTX–8220 features two sets of speaker posts enabling connection of two pairs of speakers. The receiver is designed to drive either a single pair of speakers rated at 4–16 Ohms, or two pairs of 8–16 Ohms speakers, allowing you to enjoy the same audio source in two rooms at once, or to easily switch between two sets of speakers.Bass, Treble, and Balance ControlsBass, treble, and balance buttons are useful for adjusting the tone characteristics of your music for satisfying response with any speaker type. Carefully designed tone circuits, which some receivers dont include, let you personalize sound to taste with no perceived loss in audio quality. Amplifier SectionPower Watts/Ch (8 Ohms 20–20kHz, 2 Channels Driven, FTC): 45, 0.08% THDPower Watts/Ch (6 Ohms 1kHz, 2 Channel Driven): 100, 10% THDDynamic Power140 W: 3 Ohms, Front120 W: 4 Ohms, Front80 W: 8 Ohms, FrontTHD + Noise: 0.08 % (20hz–20kHz, Half power)Frequency Response: 10 Hz–100 kHz (+ 1 dB, –3 dB)S/N Ratio100 dB: IHF–A, Line In, Speaker Out93 dB: IHF–A, Phono In, Speaker OutPhono Overload (1 kHz): 40 mV (MM, 1 kHz, 0.5%)Tuner SectionFM: 87.5 MHz–107.9 MHzAM: 530 kHz–1,710 kHzFM/AM Preset Memory: 40 StationsGeneralPower Supply: AC 120 V, 60 HzPower Consumption: 2.7 AStandby Power Consumption: 0.4 WNo–Sound Power Consumption: 20 WNetwork Standby Power Consumption: 2.9 WDimensions (Receiver)Width: 17.1Height: 5.8Depth: 12.9Weight: 15 lbsDimensions (Package)Width: 21.5Height: 9Depth: 14Weight: 18.7 lbs

Onkyo TX-8220 2 Channel Stereo Receiver with Bluetooth

End: 21.11. 2024 03:17:56 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 119.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305916475261
  • Seller: robertmabry (127|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: North Attleboro, Massachusetts USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Near-perfect condition. Fully operational. Includes all accessories as indicated in the photo. *100 W/Ch High-Current Amplification System*Bluetooth Audio Streaming Technology for Almost Any Device*MM Phono, Analog, and Digital Audio Inputs*Hi-Current Discrete Amplification System Includes : Indoor FM antenna, AM loop antenna, Instruction manual, Service Manual, Remote control, Speaker Wire

Onkyo TX-8220 2-Channels 100 W Stereo Receiver

End: 09.11. 2024 01:10:43 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 96.06 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296566510018
  • Seller: keabo_39 (1|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Deerfield, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Used but in like-new condition. Sewell Banana Plugs ($25 value) included for free. Stream audio from your phone/tablet to your home speakers. $250 new on Amazon: Onkyo TX-8220 2 Home Audio Channel Stereo Receiver with Bluetooth,black : Electronics About this itemMULTI-ROOM AUDIO. The TX-8220 features two sets of speaker posts. The receiver drives either a single pair of speakers (4–16 Ohms) or two pairs of speakers (8–16 Ohms) to enjoy the same audio source in two rooms, or switch between two sets of speakers.BLUETOOTH COMPATIBLE. Seamlessly connect your phone, tablet or PC and stream to the receiver with Bluetooth Wireless Technology. This smart receiver remembers your device and starts playback whenever it detects an incoming Bluetooth audio stream.MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS. For music and film lovers that want to add great sound to any source, this receiver comes extensively equipped with a quality MM phono stage for your turntable, digital inputs to route audio from TV and four analog line inputs.HI-CURRENT AMP SYSTEM. Onkyo’s high-current low-impedance Wide Range Amplification Technology (WRAT) design uses a massive EI transformer to drive your speakers accurately, even under heavy loads, so sound quality doesnt suffer.FEATURES. 45 W/Ch stereo power (8 ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.08%, 2 channels Driven, FTC); 100 W/Ch (6 ohms, 1 kHz, 10% THD, 2 channels Driven) , AM - 530 kHz–1,710 kilo Hertz

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth

End: 31.10. 2024 22:11:32 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 120.94 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196746257292
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: cchatigny (26|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Naples, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Onkyo TX-8220 is a stereo receiver with Bluetooth that offers a variety of connectivity options, including two digital audio inputs, four analog RCA inputs, and one line output. It also has Bluetooth for streaming music from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. The TX-8220 has two channels and delivers 100 watts per channel at 6 ohms (1khz, 1% THD). It also has an AM/FM tuner with 40 fixed settings.

Onkyo TX8220 A/V Stereo Receiver with Bluetooth Mint Condition!

End: 30.10. 2024 17:52:32 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 143.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196759232772
  • Seller: music-co (1685|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Panama City Beach, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product detailsOnkyo TX8220 A/V Stereo Receiver with Bluetooth - 45 W/Ch (8 Ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.08%, 2 Ch, FTC) - Built-in Bluetooth Version 4.1 (A2DP/AVRCP) - Bluetooth Standby and Auto Connect Functions - MM Phono Input - A/B Speaker Posts for Multi-room Audio - Hi-Current Discrete Amplification System - 192 kHz/24-bit (PCM1754) Digital-to-Analog Converter - WRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology) - Optical & Digital Coaxial In - Subwoofer Pre-Out - FM/AM Tuner with 40 Memory Presets.I boutht this new and raely used it. It is in mint cnditiion.Please note: The remote controll comes with the unit. There are no antetnias included. Buy with confidence! See my over 1680 Positive Feedbacks!

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth

End: 24.10. 2024 22:11:09 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 137.63 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196731498213
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cchatigny (26|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Naples, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Onkyo TX-8220 is a stereo receiver with Bluetooth that offers a variety of connectivity options, including two digital audio inputs, four analog RCA inputs, and one line output. It also has Bluetooth for streaming music from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. The TX-8220 has two channels and delivers 100 watts per channel at 6 ohms (1khz, 1% THD). It also has an AM/FM tuner with 40 fixed settings.

ONKYO Stereo-Receiver TX-8220 RDS in allen Funktionen geprüft [01]

End: 24.10. 2024 17:54:12 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 129.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326307931751
  • Seller: renew_av (250|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Stuttgart Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ONKYO Stereo-Receiver TX-8220 RDS in allen Funktionen geprüft [01]Sie bieten auf einen Stereo Receiver TX-8020 in der Farbe schwarz der Marke ONKYO. Das Gerät ist gebraucht, aber in gutem Zustand, es wurde in allen Funktionen geprüft. Zubehör: Transportsichere Verpackung Gerät wird OHNE Fernbedienung geliefertUKW-WurfantenneBedienungsanleitung per Email als PDF auf Wunsch Gewährleistung: 12 Monate

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth

End: 17.10. 2024 22:10:59 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 138.08 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196714072473
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cchatigny (26|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Naples, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Onkyo TX-8220 is a stereo receiver with Bluetooth that offers a variety of connectivity options, including two digital audio inputs, four analog RCA inputs, and one line output. It also has Bluetooth for streaming music from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. The TX-8220 has two channels and delivers 100 watts per channel at 6 ohms (1khz, 1% THD). It also has an AM/FM tuner with 40 fixed settings.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth

End: 10.10. 2024 22:10:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 138.48 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196693031045
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cchatigny (26|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Naples, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Onkyo TX-8220 is a stereo receiver with Bluetooth that offers a variety of connectivity options, including two digital audio inputs, four analog RCA inputs, and one line output. It also has Bluetooth for streaming music from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. The TX-8220 has two channels and delivers 100 watts per channel at 6 ohms (1khz, 1% THD). It also has an AM/FM tuner with 40 fixed settings.

Onkyo TX-8220 Stereo Receiver with Built-In Bluetooth

End: 03.10. 2024 22:10:16 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 139.21 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196673313707
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: cchatigny (26|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Naples, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Onkyo TX-8220 is a stereo receiver with Bluetooth that offers a variety of connectivity options, including two digital audio inputs, four analog RCA inputs, and one line output. It also has Bluetooth for streaming music from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. The TX-8220 has two channels and delivers 100 watts per channel at 6 ohms (1khz, 1% THD). It also has an AM/FM tuner with 40 fixed settings.