Original Price is $1995 Made in the UK LFD LE/SE MM & MC Phono Stage This is a used LFD LE/SE Phono Stage in excellent condition. The LFD phono stages offer superb sound quality. This unit was from a local customer who made the upgrade to the much more expensive Sutherland Little Loco. Can be used with MM or MC. Black logo on the front means it is the most recent of this model, likely 4 years old.. Any units with blue or gold logos are very early samples from up to 12 years ago. Buy with confidence from one of the USAs longest existing, most knowledgeable audio dealers: Gene Rubin Audio Established way back in 1979! Go ahead and google Gene Rubin Audio, read the forums, read the reviews, read my ebay feedback, you are dealing with the best customer service in the audio businessFranchised dealer for: LFD, Rega, Heed, Palmer, Pure Fidelity, Sutherland, Graham Speakers, Fyne Audio, Belles, Exposure, Aurender, Hana, Koetsu, Ortofon, Croft, Harbeth, Spendor, Clearaudio, Dynavector, Quadraspire, Chord Company, Audience, Audio Desk Systeme, Creek, Milty, KAB, Q-UP, Furutech, Musical Surroundings, and more.
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