This is an AMAZING disc for anyone who loves Carver Audio! This CD has 40 advertisements on it for many of CARVERs best products! I will list each ad individually below. The Picture above is the actual group of Ads that are scanned in on this CD. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Shipping is $1.99 in the USA, $4.99 outside of the USA, I SHIP WORLDWIDE! -You can print them out and frame them as many people do, or you can just read the specs, and artwork that graced the Ads over the years. -Will work in any computer! Works with Mac or PC. -I scanned them in at 500 DPI, so every detail is EXACTLY as it was on the original page. -Satisfaction Guaranteed! or your money back... -It wont go up in value as the original Ads will do, but you will have 26 of the BEST Ads Bob Carver and his team ever created saved forever! Upload them to web sites, use them as a screensaver, whatever! -I have the original Ads for sale on my Ebay Store if you want an investment that will go up in value every year. Here is the list of Ads and dates: MANY EXTRAS, SCROLL Down... -Ct-7 Preamp, m1.0t, m.5t, m-4.0t, m-500t, 1989 -Cube m-400a CUBE Ad, RARE! 1992 -M4.0t Silver Seven Transfer Function Ad, 1990 -Silver Seven Tube Ad, very RARE!!! 1990 -The Receiver 2000 with specs, 1987 -TX-11a Tuner, 1988 -Sonic Holography Explained 1988, c4000t Preamp -RARE RARE--- LIGHTSTAR ----RARE RARE, great one from 1995 -Sonic Holography explained again, with 400t, c-1, c-9, receiver 2000 1989 -M-500t Amplifier , full specs, article, 1987 -TFM-45, TFM-15 Power Amp explained, full specs, article, etc 1992 -SD/A-490t TUBE CD Ad, specs, article, 1992-RED -SD/A-490t TUBE CD Reviews Ad, 1992 -4000t, C-1, c-9, Receiver 2000 Sonic Holography Ad, 1988 -TX-12 Tuner, C-16 Pre, TFM-25 Amp Ad, specs, article, 1989 -TX-11a, full specs and article,1987 -m-1.0t Stereophile Challenge Ad, 1988 -RARE ONE! TFM-75 MONSTER Amplifier Ad, specs, article, 1993 SD/A-490t TUBE CD Article, Ad, 1992-Yellow -DTL-200 CD Ad, specs, Digital Time Lens,1987 -RARE RARE! Amazing Loudspeakers Q and A with Bob in it!! 1988 -AL-III Amazing Loudpspeakers Ad with Original Amazings in it, 1993 -Ct-17 Preamp, 1991 And 16 more! PLUS -FULL 1986 Brochure, 32 pages,articles, FULL SPECS, everything explained! PICTURES, Every item Bob Carver made in 1986, AMAZING!! -Full 1989 Brochure, 6 pages, all items, full specs, pictures -Carver C-1 Preamp and M-500 Power Amp Review, 1983---Very RARE!!! -Carver PREMIERE AV-705x 5 channel Amp review, 4 pages, 1997 -The COMPLETE Stereophile Challenge article by J Gordon Holt, 8 pages! All tests!! M1.0t Amplifier -The Audio Critic Review of the M1.5 Amplifier vs Mark Levinson ML-2, 8 pages, 1983-RARE! -The Magnetic Field Amplifier Story, 32 pages! VERY detailed...
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