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Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 Channel AV Receiver w/BT,ATMOS,DTS:X,MusicCast,Alexa Voice+Rem

End: 25.04. 2024 01:59:39 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 206.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375379149314
  • Seller: drwest-53 (3|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dallas, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 Channel AV Receiver w/BT,ATMOS,DTS:X,MusicCast,Alexa Voice+Rem Please let me know if you have any other AV needs. I have a bunch of new and used AV equipment for sale currently. Including; indoor/outdoor speakers, amplifiers, Subwoofers, AVRs, Networking gear, Apple TVs, Rokus, Blue Ray players, Security Cameras, Camera DVRs, and much more!All of the stuff I have is from the residential AV industry. No commercial stuff.

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast

End: 23.04. 2024 14:14:30 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 229.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266772187829
  • Seller: deals_2015 (30470|96.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lawrenceville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Click image to enlarge Description The Auction Includes The Following Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast USED IN GREAT CONDITION RECEIVER POWER CORD INCLUDED REMOTE CONTROL INCLUDED NO BOX NO MANUALS OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORY Images sell! Get Supersized Images & Free Image HostingCreate your brand with Auctivas Customizable Templates. Attention Sellers - Get Templates Image Hosting, Scheduling at Track Page Views With Auctivas Counter

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 AV-Receiver (MusicCast, Cinema DSP 3D) - Schwarz "GUT"

End: 20.04. 2024 19:36:37 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 329.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276412775287
  • Seller: rankauf (35316|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Limburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 AV-Receiver (MusicCast, Cinema DSP 3D) - Schwarz Geprüfte Ware Sichere ebay Zahlungsabwicklung Hohe Kundenzufriedenheit Zum Shop Profil Bewertungen Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 AV-Receiver (MusicCast, Cinema DSP 3D) - Schwarz GUT Artikelbeschreibung Der Stereo Receiver ist voll funktionstüchtig. Der Artikel weist ein paar Gebrauchsspuren auf. Originalverpackung. Gesamtzustand: Gut Produktdetails Der kompakte Audio Video Receiver glänzt mit elegantem Design, Surround Sound, integriertem Musikstreaming & Gaming spezifischen Funktionen - die ideale Ergänzung für das Home Entertainment-System Smart Home für Musikliebhaber: Das Yamaha MusicCast System bietet drahtlosen WiFi Zugriff auf die gesamte Musik-Bibliothek und hebt das Hörerlebnis auf ein neues Level - mehr als nur Multiroom Mithilfe YPAO Einmessautomatik wird der Klang präzise an die Räumlichkeit angepasst & optimiert / Den AV-Empfänger auf Wunsch bequem um kabellose Streaming-Lautsprecher ergänzen Dank Cinema DSP 3D kann die Akustik einer Konzerthalle originalgetreu vom Fußboden bis zur Decke wiedergegeben werden - für authentischen Audio-Genuss / Inkl. 4 HDMI Eingänge & 1 HDMI Ausgang Receiver unterstützt HDR10+, 8K und Gaming Funktionen Lieferumfang Yamaha RX-V4A AV-Receiver - Schwarz Fernbedienung Einmessmikro Stromkabel Originalverpackung Info zur Mehrwertsteuer Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. Hinweise zur Batterieentsorgung Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise. Service & Support Mo - Fr: 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr Versand Wir versenden Montag bis Freitag mit:

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - Schwarz

End: 19.04. 2024 09:17:55 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 150.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256484532996
  • Seller: kevin_neugebauer91 (967|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lemwerder Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - SchwarzBiete hier einen 2 Jahre alten yamaha rx-v4a an. Leider ist die Schutzschaltung aktiv. Sollte fr jemanden, der sich auskennt kein Problem sein. Fernbedienung und weiteres Zubehr sind selbstverstndlich dabei. Die original Verpackung ist ebenfalls vorhanden.

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - Schwarz Absolut Neuwertig

End: 17.04. 2024 09:39:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 400.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 276419943430
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mcrainer777 (98|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - Schwarz Absolut NeuwertigHallo liebe ebayer, angeboten wird ein Yamaha AV Receiver in absolut neuwertigen Zustand. Der Receiver wurde im letzten Jahr über Media Markt zu einem Neupreis in Höhe von 599 € neu gekauft, ordnungsgemäß installiert, aufgestellt und sehr pfleglich behandelt. Das Gerät weist keinerlei Kratzer oder Schäden auf. Der Versand erfolgt über DHL, per versichertem Versand. Eine Abholung ist ebenfalls möglich. Das Gerät funktioniert selbstverständlich einwandfrei und wurde nur recht selten genutzt, da die Aufmachung der Anlage für die Wohnung zu groß dimensioniert ist und sich meine Nachbarn beschweren. Daher wird die Anlage komplett verkauft. Es sieht an den Kanten durch die Spiegelung der Lampe aus als hätte der Receiver Kratzer, dem ist nicht so. Das Gerät ist absolut unversehrt. Features im Überblick: Studio DSP 3D Music Enhancer HDR 10+, 8K/60 Hz und 4K/120 Hz* Gaming-spezifische Funktionen (ALLM,VRR,QMS,QFT)* Mehrere 8K-kompatible HDMI-Eingänge* Steuerung per App, Alexa, Google Assistant oder Siri über Airplay 2 YPAO Einmessung und Raumkorrektur Drahtlose hinterer Lautsprecher Endstufen5.2 FarbeSchwarz Preisklasse500 - 999 Euro FeaturesNetzwerkfähig, AirPlay, Dialog-Pegel Einstellung, App-Steuerung, 12V Trigger Output, Szenenspeicher, Audio Delay einstellbar, Abmessungen (B/H/T)435 x 171 x 377mm Gewicht in Kg8,8 HDMI Eingänge/Ausgänge4/1 Verstärkerleistung115 HDR10+, 8K/60Hz, 4K/120Hz* HDR10 + ist eine High Dynamic Range-Videotechnologie, die HDR10-Quelldateien dynamische Metadaten hinzufügt (ähnlich Dolby Vision). HDR10 + signalisiert den Dynamikbereich und die Szeneneigenschaften Szene für Szene oder sogar Bild für Bild. 8K/60Hz Die ersten Beamer und TVs mit 8K gibt es schon - seien Sie gerüstet für die Zukunft 4K/120Hz ermöglicht ultraschnell bewegte UHD-Bilder, die gestochen scharf sind. Perfekt für Sport, Action-Filme und Gaming! Verbesserte Spiele- und Medienfunktionen sorgen für butterweiche Bewegungen und Übergänge bei Spielen, Filmen und Videos. Sie umfassen: Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM): ermöglicht das die ideale Latenzeinstellung automatisch eingestellt wird, um eine reibungslose, verzögerungsfreie und ununterbrochene Anzeige und Interaktivität zu ermöglichen. Variable Aktualisierungsrate (VRR): reduziert Verzögerungen, Stottern und Bildabrisse für ein flüssigeres und detaillierteres Gameplay. CINEMA DSP 3D für Film, Musik und Spiel Die einzigartige Yamaha 'Sound Field Creation' Technologie wurde entwickelt, indem gemessene Klangfelddaten mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung kombiniert wurde. Yamaha hat die Klangfelddaten berühmter Konzertsäle und Musik-Clubs auf der ganzen Welt gesammelt. Dabei kam die umfassende Expertise im Design von Konzertsälen, in der Beschallungstechnik und in der Audiomischung voll zur Geltung. Indem diese riesigen Informationsmengen digitalisiert und in spezielle LSI-Geräte integriert wurden, kann die Akustik dieser Räume vom Audio-Equipment zuhause präzise nachempfunden werden. Tauchen Sie ein in eine extrem realistische Filmwelt und den authentischen Klang berühmter Auftrittsorte. YPAO Mehrpunkt - Messung YPAO (Yamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer) analysiert die Raumakustik und Ihr System und passt dann verschiedene Audioparameter präzise an, um den besten Klang für Ihren Raum zu erzielen. Einfach das mitgelieferte Mikrofons an Ihrer Hörposition positionieren und ihr System wird automatisch für eine optimale Leistung in Ihrem Heimkino-Raum kalibriert. Drahtlose hinterer Lautsprecher Kombinieren Sie diesen AV-Receiver mit dem drahtlosen Streaming-Lautsprecher MusicCast 50 oder MusicCast 20 und genießen Sie drahtlosen Surround-Sound.

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 Channel AV Receiver w/BT,ATMOS,DTS:X,MusicCast,Alexa Voice+Rem

End: 17.04. 2024 04:12:25 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 223.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235520208317
  • Seller: pand-8761 (68|98.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kansas City, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For Sale: a Yamaha RX-V4A 7.2 Channel 8K Home Theater Reciever wit. h Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, MusicCast, Alexa Voice, Google Assistant and Much More! This Unit comes with Remote Control and both Wireless Antennas for the back(Only). No other items are included. Please See All Photos for Exact Item Condition; as well as for Any Imperfections. The Unit Has Been Fully Tested and IS Guaranteed To Be 100% Fully Functional with No Issues. This Receiver’s performance is AWESOME! VERY Nice Picture Quality! Crisp, Clear 4K/8K Video:-). Features 4K/60Hz, 8K/60Hz & 4K/120Hz, 4K UHD Pass-Through & Upscaling, HDR10+ Support, HLG, eARC, HDCP Version 2.3, AirPlay 2, MusicCast Multi-Room Audio, Alexa Voice Control, Google Assistant and more. For a complete list of Features and Amplifier Power & Specifications, please scroll down towards the bottom:-). All Features, Functions, Inputs, Outputs, Speaker Terminals, Etc. Have been Tested and Everything Works Flawlessly! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED 100% Fully Functional with NO Issues. Please study All Photos for your convenience and for EXACT Item Condition as the photos are a good part of the description as well. This item will come Exactly As Pictured. Will be Very Well Packaged and Insured For Extra Safe Shipping! Please feel free to ask any questions. Ships Only To The Lower 48 Contiguous States Only. No Shipping To Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Etc. No Shipping To APO/FPO OR PO Boxes, Sorry. Yamaha RX-V4A HighlightsUp to 80W per Channel at 6 OhmsYPAO Sound Customization4K UHD Pass-ThroughHDMI with HDR10, eARC, ARC Support4 x HDMI-In / 1 x HDMI-OutBuilt-In Wi-Fi and BluetoothApple AirPlay 2 ConnectivityAlexa, Google Assistant, Siri ControlFront Panel USB ConnectionGUI On-Screen DisplayFeaturesEnjoy 5.2-channel surround sound with your favorite speaker system and the Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver. It has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi built-in for wireless connection to your compatible smart devices. Various streaming music services are built-in for convenient streaming. The receiver outputs up to 80W per channel at 6 Ohms and features YPAO sound customization to tailor the sound to your environment. In addition to its wireless compatibility, the RX-V4A has four HDMI inputs and one output, which support 4K UHD resolution and HDR10 pass-through, and the output supports ARC and eARC. It also has a USB port on the front for firmware updates and playback of files stored on flash drives. You can control the receiver with your Amazon Alexa-, Google Assistant-, or Apple Siri-enabled products, via the MusicCast app, or with the included remote control.CINEMA DSP 3DCINEMA DSP 3D is designed to combine measured sound field data with digital signal processing to simulate the acoustic effects of concert halls and music clubs from around the world.Compressed Music EnhancerThis feature uses digital signal processing and algorithms to restore data lost in the compression process, so your audio will sound closer to the original recording.HDR10 Support; HDR10+ via Future Firmware UpdateThe HDMI ports on this receiver support the pass-through of HDR10 signals, so you can enjoy the vibrant, lifelike color this HDR format has to offer. HDR10+ support is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.4K/60 Hz Pass-Through; 8K/60 Hz & 4K/120 Hz via Future Firmware UpdateThe RX-V4A supports end-to-end 4K/60 Hz pass-through, and support for 8K/60 Hz and 4K/120 Hz is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.AV Setup Guide for Simple Initial SetupUse this app to receive expert setup assistance for the receiver and your source devices. It also guides you through various other settings, such as speaker connections, TV and source device connections, and power amplifier assignments.MusicCast App for Easy UseUse your smartphone or tablet together with the MusicCast app top operate the receiver and change its settings. The app offers the same functions as a remote control for all your MusicCast-compatible devices as well as full multi-room audio controls.Voice Control via Alexa, the Google Assistant, and SiriThe receiver works with your Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri devices (via AirPlay 2) for simple smart home integration.YPAO Sound OptimizationYamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer is designed to analyze the room acoustics and your system, then adjust various audio parameters to provide the best sound for your room. Place microphone(NOT INCLUDED) at your listening position, turn YPAO on, and the system calibrates itself.SCENE Buttons Let You Preset Songs, Stations, and MoreProgram up to four different preset scenarios using the four SCENE buttons. You can preset them for different inputs, a sound field program, Music Enhancer, HDMI output, and more. The inputs can be set to specific sources, such as an FM or internet radio station, a station on a streaming service, a USB device, or a song on your computer or NAS. Once youve set the buttons, just press one on the main unit or remote control to power on the receiver and hear what youre looking for. The buttons can be reset at any time.Built-In Streaming ServicesSynchronizing your playlists and tracks from your smartphone or computer to the receiver, music streaming services help make it easy to listen to your favorites or discover new music. Enjoy Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, SiriusXM, TIDAL, Deezer, Napster, and more.Multiroom Audio with MusicCastWith optional compatible speakers, you can play your music throughout the house, including high-resolution formats like Apple Lossless (ALAC) up to 96 kHz, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF up to 192 kHz.AirPlay 2AirPlay 2 adds the ability to stream Apple Music and other compatible streaming services to multiple MusicCast devices throughout your home. Control it from your iPhone or iPad, link it with a HomePod, or use voice control and ask Siri for what you want.MusicCast Surround with Optional MusicCast SpeakersAdd your MusicCast 50 or two MusicCast 20 wireless speakers to enjoy MusicCast Surround, creating a 5.1-channel home theater with wireless surround sound that provides realistic sound with a clean, clutter-free setup.eARCeARC (Enhanced Audio Return channel) delivers full-resolution, multichannel audio formats like Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD through your existing HDMI connection from your compatible display to provide a realistic surround sound experience.Enhanced Media and Gaming via a Future Firmware UpdateALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) enables the ideal latency setting to automatically be set to provide smooth, lag-free, uninterrupted viewing and interactivity. VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) reduces or eliminates lag, stutter, and frame tearing for more fluid and detailed gameplay. QMS (Quick Media Switching) eliminates the delay that can cause blank frames in movies and video before content is displayed. QFT (Quick Frame Transport) reduces latency for smoother, virtually no-lag gaming and real time interactive virtual reality. These features are scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.Additional FeaturesHigh slew rate design responds to rapid changes in input level for precise, stable signal transmission17 DSP programsDialog Level AdjustmentVirtual Presence SpeakerSILENT Cinema / Virtual Cinema DSPPure DirectYPAO VolumeAdaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control)Initial Volume and Maximum Volume Setting0 to 500 ms audio delayDual-band Wi-FiAuto Power StandbyECO Modewith Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, MusicCast, Alexa Voice, Google Assistant and Much More! This Receiver has been Very Gently Used, Only for a short period of time. Very Well Cared For and Maintained:-). Comes from a Smoke-Free Home:-)! Includes Remote Control(Only). This Item is in Excellent Condition showing Very Little-but Some Normal Signs of Use. The Unit Has Been Fully Tested and Complete Functionality IS Guaranteed! Has No Damage, No Major Imperfections and No Issues:-). This Receiver’s performance is AWESOME! VERY Nice Picture Quality! Crisp, Clear 4K/8K Video:-). Features 4K/60Hz, 8K/60Hz & 4K/120Hz, 4K UHD Pass-Through & Upscaling, HDR10+ Support, HLG, eARC, HDCP Version 2.3, AirPlay 2, MusicCast Multi-Room Audio, Alexa Voice Control, Google Assistant and more. For a complete list of Features and Amplifier Power & Specifications, please scroll down towards the bottom:-). All Features, Functions, Inputs, Outputs, Speaker Terminals, Etc. Have been Tested and Everything Works Flawlessly! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED 100% Fully Functional with NO Issues. Please study All Photos for your convenience and for EXACT Item Condition as the photos are a good part of the description as well. This item will come Exactly As Pictured. Will be Very Well Packaged and Insured For Extra Safe Shipping! Please feel free to ask any questions. Ships Only To The Lower 48 Contiguous States Only. No Shipping To Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Etc. No Shipping To APO/FPO OR PO Boxes, Sorry. Restocking Fee Applies To All Returns. Yamaha RX-V4A HighlightsUp to 80W per Channel at 6 OhmsYPAO Sound Customization4K UHD Pass-ThroughHDMI with HDR10, eARC, ARC Support4 x HDMI-In / 1 x HDMI-OutBuilt-In Wi-Fi and BluetoothApple AirPlay 2 ConnectivityAlexa, Google Assistant, Siri ControlFront Panel USB ConnectionGUI On-Screen DisplayFeaturesEnjoy 5.2-channel surround sound with your favorite speaker system and the Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver. It has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi built-in for wireless connection to your compatible smart devices. Various streaming music services are built-in for convenient streaming. The receiver outputs up to 80W per channel at 6 Ohms and features YPAO sound customization to tailor the sound to your environment. In addition to its wireless compatibility, the RX-V4A has four HDMI inputs and one output, which support 4K UHD resolution and HDR10 pass-through, and the output supports ARC and eARC. It also has a USB port on the front for firmware updates and playback of files stored on flash drives. You can control the receiver with your Amazon Alexa-, Google Assistant-, or Apple Siri-enabled products, via the MusicCast app, or with the included remote control.CINEMA DSP 3DCINEMA DSP 3D is designed to combine measured sound field data with digital signal processing to simulate the acoustic effects of concert halls and music clubs from around the world.Compressed Music EnhancerThis feature uses digital signal processing and algorithms to restore data lost in the compression process, so your audio will sound closer to the original recording.HDR10 Support; HDR10+ via Future Firmware UpdateThe HDMI ports on this receiver support the pass-through of HDR10 signals, so you can enjoy the vibrant, lifelike color this HDR format has to offer. HDR10+ support is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.4K/60 Hz Pass-Through; 8K/60 Hz & 4K/120 Hz via Future Firmware UpdateThe RX-V4A supports end-to-end 4K/60 Hz pass-through, and support for 8K/60 Hz and 4K/120 Hz is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.AV Setup Guide for Simple Initial SetupUse this app to receive expert setup assistance for the receiver and your source devices. It also guides you through various other settings, such as speaker connections, TV and source device connections, and power amplifier assignments.MusicCast App for Easy UseUse your smartphone or tablet together with the MusicCast app top operate the receiver and change its settings. The app offers the same functions as a remote control for all your MusicCast-compatible devices as well as full multi-room audio controls.Voice Control via Alexa, the Google Assistant, and SiriThe receiver works with your Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri devices (via AirPlay 2) for simple smart home integration.YPAO Sound OptimizationYamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer is designed to analyze the room acoustics and your system, then adjust various audio parameters to provide the best sound for your room. Place microphone(NOT INCLUDED) at your listening position, turn YPAO on, and the system calibrates itself.SCENE Buttons Let You Preset Songs, Stations, and MoreProgram up to four different preset scenarios using the four SCENE buttons. You can preset them for different inputs, a sound field program, Music Enhancer, HDMI output, and more. The inputs can be set to specific sources, such as an FM or internet radio station, a station on a streaming service, a USB device, or a song on your computer or NAS. Once youve set the buttons, just press one on the main unit or remote control to power on the receiver and hear what youre looking for. The buttons can be reset at any time.Built-In Streaming ServicesSynchronizing your playlists and tracks from your smartphone or computer to the receiver, music streaming services help make it easy to listen to your favorites or discover new music. Enjoy Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, SiriusXM, TIDAL, Deezer, Napster, and more.Multiroom Audio with MusicCastWith optional compatible speakers, you can play your music throughout the house, including high-resolution formats like Apple Lossless (ALAC) up to 96 kHz, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF up to 192 kHz.AirPlay 2AirPlay 2 adds the ability to stream Apple Music and other compatible streaming services to multiple MusicCast devices throughout your home. Control it from your iPhone or iPad, link it with a HomePod, or use voice control and ask Siri for what you want.MusicCast Surround with Optional MusicCast SpeakersAdd your MusicCast 50 or two MusicCast 20 wireless speakers to enjoy MusicCast Surround, creating a 5.1-channel home theater with wireless surround sound that provides realistic sound with a clean, clutter-free setup.eARCeARC (Enhanced Audio Return channel) delivers full-resolution, multichannel audio formats like Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD through your existing HDMI connection from your compatible display to provide a realistic surround sound experience.Enhanced Media and Gaming via a Future Firmware UpdateALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) enables the ideal latency setting to automatically be set to provide smooth, lag-free, uninterrupted viewing and interactivity. VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) reduces or eliminates lag, stutter, and frame tearing for more fluid and detailed gameplay. QMS (Quick Media Switching) eliminates the delay that can cause blank frames in movies and video before content is displayed. QFT (Quick Frame Transport) reduces latency for smoother, virtually no-lag gaming and real time interactive virtual reality. These features are scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.Additional FeaturesHigh slew rate design responds to rapid changes in input level for precise, stable signal transmission17 DSP programsDialog Level AdjustmentVirtual Presence SpeakerSILENT Cinema / Virtual Cinema DSPPure DirectYPAO VolumeAdaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control)Initial Volume and Maximum Volume Setting0 to 500 ms audio delayDual-band Wi-FiAuto Power StandbyECO Mode

Original Yamaha RAV574 VDM8690, Remote Control for RX-V4A RXV4A Audio Receiver

End: 15.04. 2024 17:41:24 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 34.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285455206307
  • Seller: certified_distributors (14331|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Yamaha RAV574 VDM8690, Remote Control for RX-V4A RXV4A Audio Receiver Track Page Views WithAuctivas Counter

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 Channel AV Receiver w/BT,ATMOS,DTS:X,MusicCast,Alexa Voice+Rem

End: 15.04. 2024 01:51:44 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 232.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235517224905
  • Seller: pand-8761 (68|98.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kansas City, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For Sale: a Yamaha RX-V4A 7.2 Channel 8K Home Theater Reciever wit. h Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, MusicCast, Alexa Voice, Google Assistant and Much More! This Unit comes with Remote Control and both Wireless Antennas for the back(Only). No other items are included. Please See All Photos for Exact Item Condition; as well as for Any Imperfections. The Unit Has Been Fully Tested and IS Guaranteed To Be 100% Fully Functional with No Issues. This Receiver’s performance is AWESOME! VERY Nice Picture Quality! Crisp, Clear 4K/8K Video:-). Features 4K/60Hz, 8K/60Hz & 4K/120Hz, 4K UHD Pass-Through & Upscaling, HDR10+ Support, HLG, eARC, HDCP Version 2.3, AirPlay 2, MusicCast Multi-Room Audio, Alexa Voice Control, Google Assistant and more. For a complete list of Features and Amplifier Power & Specifications, please scroll down towards the bottom:-). All Features, Functions, Inputs, Outputs, Speaker Terminals, Etc. Have been Tested and Everything Works Flawlessly! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED 100% Fully Functional with NO Issues. Please study All Photos for your convenience and for EXACT Item Condition as the photos are a good part of the description as well. This item will come Exactly As Pictured. Will be Very Well Packaged and Insured For Extra Safe Shipping! Please feel free to ask any questions. Ships Only To The Lower 48 Contiguous States Only. No Shipping To Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Etc. No Shipping To APO/FPO OR PO Boxes, Sorry. Yamaha RX-V4A HighlightsUp to 80W per Channel at 6 OhmsYPAO Sound Customization4K UHD Pass-ThroughHDMI with HDR10, eARC, ARC Support4 x HDMI-In / 1 x HDMI-OutBuilt-In Wi-Fi and BluetoothApple AirPlay 2 ConnectivityAlexa, Google Assistant, Siri ControlFront Panel USB ConnectionGUI On-Screen DisplayFeaturesEnjoy 5.2-channel surround sound with your favorite speaker system and the Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver. It has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi built-in for wireless connection to your compatible smart devices. Various streaming music services are built-in for convenient streaming. The receiver outputs up to 80W per channel at 6 Ohms and features YPAO sound customization to tailor the sound to your environment. In addition to its wireless compatibility, the RX-V4A has four HDMI inputs and one output, which support 4K UHD resolution and HDR10 pass-through, and the output supports ARC and eARC. It also has a USB port on the front for firmware updates and playback of files stored on flash drives. You can control the receiver with your Amazon Alexa-, Google Assistant-, or Apple Siri-enabled products, via the MusicCast app, or with the included remote control.CINEMA DSP 3DCINEMA DSP 3D is designed to combine measured sound field data with digital signal processing to simulate the acoustic effects of concert halls and music clubs from around the world.Compressed Music EnhancerThis feature uses digital signal processing and algorithms to restore data lost in the compression process, so your audio will sound closer to the original recording.HDR10 Support; HDR10+ via Future Firmware UpdateThe HDMI ports on this receiver support the pass-through of HDR10 signals, so you can enjoy the vibrant, lifelike color this HDR format has to offer. HDR10+ support is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.4K/60 Hz Pass-Through; 8K/60 Hz & 4K/120 Hz via Future Firmware UpdateThe RX-V4A supports end-to-end 4K/60 Hz pass-through, and support for 8K/60 Hz and 4K/120 Hz is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.AV Setup Guide for Simple Initial SetupUse this app to receive expert setup assistance for the receiver and your source devices. It also guides you through various other settings, such as speaker connections, TV and source device connections, and power amplifier assignments.MusicCast App for Easy UseUse your smartphone or tablet together with the MusicCast app top operate the receiver and change its settings. The app offers the same functions as a remote control for all your MusicCast-compatible devices as well as full multi-room audio controls.Voice Control via Alexa, the Google Assistant, and SiriThe receiver works with your Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri devices (via AirPlay 2) for simple smart home integration.YPAO Sound OptimizationYamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer is designed to analyze the room acoustics and your system, then adjust various audio parameters to provide the best sound for your room. Place microphone(NOT INCLUDED) at your listening position, turn YPAO on, and the system calibrates itself.SCENE Buttons Let You Preset Songs, Stations, and MoreProgram up to four different preset scenarios using the four SCENE buttons. You can preset them for different inputs, a sound field program, Music Enhancer, HDMI output, and more. The inputs can be set to specific sources, such as an FM or internet radio station, a station on a streaming service, a USB device, or a song on your computer or NAS. Once youve set the buttons, just press one on the main unit or remote control to power on the receiver and hear what youre looking for. The buttons can be reset at any time.Built-In Streaming ServicesSynchronizing your playlists and tracks from your smartphone or computer to the receiver, music streaming services help make it easy to listen to your favorites or discover new music. Enjoy Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, SiriusXM, TIDAL, Deezer, Napster, and more.Multiroom Audio with MusicCastWith optional compatible speakers, you can play your music throughout the house, including high-resolution formats like Apple Lossless (ALAC) up to 96 kHz, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF up to 192 kHz.AirPlay 2AirPlay 2 adds the ability to stream Apple Music and other compatible streaming services to multiple MusicCast devices throughout your home. Control it from your iPhone or iPad, link it with a HomePod, or use voice control and ask Siri for what you want.MusicCast Surround with Optional MusicCast SpeakersAdd your MusicCast 50 or two MusicCast 20 wireless speakers to enjoy MusicCast Surround, creating a 5.1-channel home theater with wireless surround sound that provides realistic sound with a clean, clutter-free setup.eARCeARC (Enhanced Audio Return channel) delivers full-resolution, multichannel audio formats like Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD through your existing HDMI connection from your compatible display to provide a realistic surround sound experience.Enhanced Media and Gaming via a Future Firmware UpdateALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) enables the ideal latency setting to automatically be set to provide smooth, lag-free, uninterrupted viewing and interactivity. VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) reduces or eliminates lag, stutter, and frame tearing for more fluid and detailed gameplay. QMS (Quick Media Switching) eliminates the delay that can cause blank frames in movies and video before content is displayed. QFT (Quick Frame Transport) reduces latency for smoother, virtually no-lag gaming and real time interactive virtual reality. These features are scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.Additional FeaturesHigh slew rate design responds to rapid changes in input level for precise, stable signal transmission17 DSP programsDialog Level AdjustmentVirtual Presence SpeakerSILENT Cinema / Virtual Cinema DSPPure DirectYPAO VolumeAdaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control)Initial Volume and Maximum Volume Setting0 to 500 ms audio delayDual-band Wi-FiAuto Power StandbyECO Modewith Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, MusicCast, Alexa Voice, Google Assistant and Much More! This Receiver has been Very Gently Used, Only for a short period of time. Very Well Cared For and Maintained:-). Comes from a Smoke-Free Home:-)! Includes Remote Control(Only). This Item is in Excellent Condition showing Very Little-but Some Normal Signs of Use. The Unit Has Been Fully Tested and Complete Functionality IS Guaranteed! Has No Damage, No Major Imperfections and No Issues:-). This Receiver’s performance is AWESOME! VERY Nice Picture Quality! Crisp, Clear 4K/8K Video:-). Features 4K/60Hz, 8K/60Hz & 4K/120Hz, 4K UHD Pass-Through & Upscaling, HDR10+ Support, HLG, eARC, HDCP Version 2.3, AirPlay 2, MusicCast Multi-Room Audio, Alexa Voice Control, Google Assistant and more. For a complete list of Features and Amplifier Power & Specifications, please scroll down towards the bottom:-). All Features, Functions, Inputs, Outputs, Speaker Terminals, Etc. Have been Tested and Everything Works Flawlessly! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED 100% Fully Functional with NO Issues. Please study All Photos for your convenience and for EXACT Item Condition as the photos are a good part of the description as well. This item will come Exactly As Pictured. Will be Very Well Packaged and Insured For Extra Safe Shipping! Please feel free to ask any questions. Ships Only To The Lower 48 Contiguous States Only. No Shipping To Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Etc. No Shipping To APO/FPO OR PO Boxes, Sorry. Restocking Fee Applies To All Returns. Yamaha RX-V4A HighlightsUp to 80W per Channel at 6 OhmsYPAO Sound Customization4K UHD Pass-ThroughHDMI with HDR10, eARC, ARC Support4 x HDMI-In / 1 x HDMI-OutBuilt-In Wi-Fi and BluetoothApple AirPlay 2 ConnectivityAlexa, Google Assistant, Siri ControlFront Panel USB ConnectionGUI On-Screen DisplayFeaturesEnjoy 5.2-channel surround sound with your favorite speaker system and the Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver. It has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi built-in for wireless connection to your compatible smart devices. Various streaming music services are built-in for convenient streaming. The receiver outputs up to 80W per channel at 6 Ohms and features YPAO sound customization to tailor the sound to your environment. In addition to its wireless compatibility, the RX-V4A has four HDMI inputs and one output, which support 4K UHD resolution and HDR10 pass-through, and the output supports ARC and eARC. It also has a USB port on the front for firmware updates and playback of files stored on flash drives. You can control the receiver with your Amazon Alexa-, Google Assistant-, or Apple Siri-enabled products, via the MusicCast app, or with the included remote control.CINEMA DSP 3DCINEMA DSP 3D is designed to combine measured sound field data with digital signal processing to simulate the acoustic effects of concert halls and music clubs from around the world.Compressed Music EnhancerThis feature uses digital signal processing and algorithms to restore data lost in the compression process, so your audio will sound closer to the original recording.HDR10 Support; HDR10+ via Future Firmware UpdateThe HDMI ports on this receiver support the pass-through of HDR10 signals, so you can enjoy the vibrant, lifelike color this HDR format has to offer. HDR10+ support is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.4K/60 Hz Pass-Through; 8K/60 Hz & 4K/120 Hz via Future Firmware UpdateThe RX-V4A supports end-to-end 4K/60 Hz pass-through, and support for 8K/60 Hz and 4K/120 Hz is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.AV Setup Guide for Simple Initial SetupUse this app to receive expert setup assistance for the receiver and your source devices. It also guides you through various other settings, such as speaker connections, TV and source device connections, and power amplifier assignments.MusicCast App for Easy UseUse your smartphone or tablet together with the MusicCast app top operate the receiver and change its settings. The app offers the same functions as a remote control for all your MusicCast-compatible devices as well as full multi-room audio controls.Voice Control via Alexa, the Google Assistant, and SiriThe receiver works with your Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri devices (via AirPlay 2) for simple smart home integration.YPAO Sound OptimizationYamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer is designed to analyze the room acoustics and your system, then adjust various audio parameters to provide the best sound for your room. Place microphone(NOT INCLUDED) at your listening position, turn YPAO on, and the system calibrates itself.SCENE Buttons Let You Preset Songs, Stations, and MoreProgram up to four different preset scenarios using the four SCENE buttons. You can preset them for different inputs, a sound field program, Music Enhancer, HDMI output, and more. The inputs can be set to specific sources, such as an FM or internet radio station, a station on a streaming service, a USB device, or a song on your computer or NAS. Once youve set the buttons, just press one on the main unit or remote control to power on the receiver and hear what youre looking for. The buttons can be reset at any time.Built-In Streaming ServicesSynchronizing your playlists and tracks from your smartphone or computer to the receiver, music streaming services help make it easy to listen to your favorites or discover new music. Enjoy Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, SiriusXM, TIDAL, Deezer, Napster, and more.Multiroom Audio with MusicCastWith optional compatible speakers, you can play your music throughout the house, including high-resolution formats like Apple Lossless (ALAC) up to 96 kHz, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF up to 192 kHz.AirPlay 2AirPlay 2 adds the ability to stream Apple Music and other compatible streaming services to multiple MusicCast devices throughout your home. Control it from your iPhone or iPad, link it with a HomePod, or use voice control and ask Siri for what you want.MusicCast Surround with Optional MusicCast SpeakersAdd your MusicCast 50 or two MusicCast 20 wireless speakers to enjoy MusicCast Surround, creating a 5.1-channel home theater with wireless surround sound that provides realistic sound with a clean, clutter-free setup.eARCeARC (Enhanced Audio Return channel) delivers full-resolution, multichannel audio formats like Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD through your existing HDMI connection from your compatible display to provide a realistic surround sound experience.Enhanced Media and Gaming via a Future Firmware UpdateALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) enables the ideal latency setting to automatically be set to provide smooth, lag-free, uninterrupted viewing and interactivity. VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) reduces or eliminates lag, stutter, and frame tearing for more fluid and detailed gameplay. QMS (Quick Media Switching) eliminates the delay that can cause blank frames in movies and video before content is displayed. QFT (Quick Frame Transport) reduces latency for smoother, virtually no-lag gaming and real time interactive virtual reality. These features are scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.Additional FeaturesHigh slew rate design responds to rapid changes in input level for precise, stable signal transmission17 DSP programsDialog Level AdjustmentVirtual Presence SpeakerSILENT Cinema / Virtual Cinema DSPPure DirectYPAO VolumeAdaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control)Initial Volume and Maximum Volume Setting0 to 500 ms audio delayDual-band Wi-FiAuto Power StandbyECO Mode

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast

End: 14.04. 2024 22:35:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 91.94 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386910324666
  • Seller: sa_151256 (5|77.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Manassas, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY

Yamaha RX-V4A receiver set

End: 14.04. 2024 20:15:44 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 376.4 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404909128155
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jirai82 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saint Louis, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Please check the picture to get more detail information.

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 Channel AV Receiver w/ 8K HDMI Used

End: 13.04. 2024 19:08:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 277.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295815210853
  • Seller: everydayfulfillment_kc (183047|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Kansas City, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    * * This item is USED in good working condition. NOT SOLD IN ANY ORIGINAL RETAIL PACKAGING. Item does exhibit some light wear from prior use that has not affected the overall functionality. Please view listing photos for further condition details This listing includes all items pictured in listing photos ONLYIf it is not pictured, please assume it is NOT included MPN : RX-V4ABrand : YamahaModel : RX-V4AType : A/V ReceiverNumber of Channels : 5.2Number of Inputs : 4Number of Outputs : 1Surround Sound Formats : DTS-HD,DolbyAudio Inputs : USB,Ethernet,HDMIAudio Outputs : HDMIReceiver Combo Features : 4K,SpotifyColor : BlackFeatures : DigitalPower : 80 WManufacturer : YamahaProductReferenceID : 13041467940 Communication At Everyday Fulfillment KC, we take pride in our great customer service. If you have any questions about a listing or concerns regarding a purchase, please contact us through eBays messaging system and we will be happy to assist. We operate Monday - Friday 7 AM - 4 PM Central Time. Please allow time for communication after hours and during weekends & holidays. Fast Shipping When you purchase from us, your order will be processed and shipped on the following business day after successful payment. This EXCLUDES Saturdays and Sundays. If you purchase an item on Friday, your order will ship from our facility on Monday. Transit time typically varies between 2-5 business days. We ship within the continental United States ONLY. We DO NOT ship to PO boxes. We DO NOT offer overnight or expedited shipping services. We DO NOT offer delivery services. We reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason and only ship to verified addresses. We are not responsible for undeliverable addresses. If you purchase an item over $649.99, we ship these packages with a signature required for delivery. This keeps both us as the seller and you as the buyer safe in case your package is lost or stolen during transit. If this will be an issue, please contact us through eBay’s messaging system or have your package delivered to a nearby FedEx pickup location. If an item weighs over 70-pounds, it will be shipped via FedEx & cannot be shipped via USPS. Order Cancellations If you do not place an order cancellation request or email us prior to 7AM CST on the day that your order is to be processed & shipped, we reserve the right to deny cancellation. Freight Shipping If your order is over 150-pounds, it will be required to be shipped via a freight carrier, at no additional cost to you. On these orders it is vital that you put the most accurate address & contact information to ensure you get your freight shipment in a timely manner. Freight shipping delivery varies on many factors & we are unable to provide you with an ETA until a shipment has been booked. Local Pickup We offer local pickup on select listings. If you are interested in local pickup & do not see a local pickup option, please message us & we will work with you to see if the listing(s) you are interested in are able to be picked up locally. Return Policy We offer FREE returns up to 30 days after confirmed delivery of an order. Return shipping is paid for by Everyday Fulfillment KC. If you have ANY issues with your purchase, please let us know and we can provide instructions to open a return request so you can be provided a prepaid return label. Address Changes We unfortunately are not able to edit shipping addresses once an order has been confirmed. If you need to change your address, please put in an order cancellation request on eBay or message us so we can cancel your order. You can then reorder with the correct address once the item you purchased goes back up live on our eBay storefront. Warranty We DO NOT guarantee, offer or have any control over warranties of any kind. Most manufacturers will honor their warranty but we highly recommend contacting the manufacturer prior to making a purchase from everydayfulfillment_kc. For our customers peace of mind, we do offer guaranteed returns to protect you from items that are dead on arrival or malfunction within the first 30 days after receiving the item. Feedback Positive feedback will be left automatically after payment. If your experience with us is less than satisfactory, we encourage you to please contact us directly prior to leaving feedback. We strive to make every transaction a positive one for all of our buyers!

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast

End: 12.04. 2024 21:47:41 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 224.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375222264112
  • Seller: shenidss9ckq (101904|95.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lawrenceville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Click image to enlarge Description The Auction Includes The Following Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast REMOTE CONTROL INCLUDEDPOWER CORD INCLUDED USED IN GREAT CONDITION RECEIVER

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - Schwarz Absolut Neuwertig

End: 10.04. 2024 09:39:29 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 400.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 276409621854
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mcrainer777 (96|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Leipzig Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - Schwarz Absolut NeuwertigHallo liebe ebayer, angeboten wird ein Yamaha AV Receiver in absolut neuwertigen Zustand. Der Receiver wurde im letzten Jahr über Media Markt zu einem Neupreis in Höhe von 599 € neu gekauft, ordnungsgemäß installiert, aufgestellt und sehr pfleglich behandelt. Das Gerät weist keinerlei Kratzer oder Schäden auf. Der Versand erfolgt über DHL, per versichertem Versand. Eine Abholung ist ebenfalls möglich. Das Gerät funktioniert selbstverständlich einwandfrei und wurde nur recht selten genutzt, da die Aufmachung der Anlage für die Wohnung zu groß dimensioniert ist und sich meine Nachbarn beschweren. Daher wird die Anlage komplett verkauft. Es sieht an den Kanten durch die Spiegelung der Lampe aus als hätte der Receiver Kratzer, dem ist nicht so. Das Gerät ist absolut unversehrt. Features im Überblick: Studio DSP 3D Music Enhancer HDR 10+, 8K/60 Hz und 4K/120 Hz* Gaming-spezifische Funktionen (ALLM,VRR,QMS,QFT)* Mehrere 8K-kompatible HDMI-Eingänge* Steuerung per App, Alexa, Google Assistant oder Siri über Airplay 2 YPAO Einmessung und Raumkorrektur Drahtlose hinterer Lautsprecher Endstufen5.2 FarbeSchwarz Preisklasse500 - 999 Euro FeaturesNetzwerkfähig, AirPlay, Dialog-Pegel Einstellung, App-Steuerung, 12V Trigger Output, Szenenspeicher, Audio Delay einstellbar, Abmessungen (B/H/T)435 x 171 x 377mm Gewicht in Kg8,8 HDMI Eingänge/Ausgänge4/1 Verstärkerleistung115 HDR10+, 8K/60Hz, 4K/120Hz* HDR10 + ist eine High Dynamic Range-Videotechnologie, die HDR10-Quelldateien dynamische Metadaten hinzufügt (ähnlich Dolby Vision). HDR10 + signalisiert den Dynamikbereich und die Szeneneigenschaften Szene für Szene oder sogar Bild für Bild. 8K/60Hz Die ersten Beamer und TVs mit 8K gibt es schon - seien Sie gerüstet für die Zukunft 4K/120Hz ermöglicht ultraschnell bewegte UHD-Bilder, die gestochen scharf sind. Perfekt für Sport, Action-Filme und Gaming! Verbesserte Spiele- und Medienfunktionen sorgen für butterweiche Bewegungen und Übergänge bei Spielen, Filmen und Videos. Sie umfassen: Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM): ermöglicht das die ideale Latenzeinstellung automatisch eingestellt wird, um eine reibungslose, verzögerungsfreie und ununterbrochene Anzeige und Interaktivität zu ermöglichen. Variable Aktualisierungsrate (VRR): reduziert Verzögerungen, Stottern und Bildabrisse für ein flüssigeres und detaillierteres Gameplay. CINEMA DSP 3D für Film, Musik und Spiel Die einzigartige Yamaha 'Sound Field Creation' Technologie wurde entwickelt, indem gemessene Klangfelddaten mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung kombiniert wurde. Yamaha hat die Klangfelddaten berühmter Konzertsäle und Musik-Clubs auf der ganzen Welt gesammelt. Dabei kam die umfassende Expertise im Design von Konzertsälen, in der Beschallungstechnik und in der Audiomischung voll zur Geltung. Indem diese riesigen Informationsmengen digitalisiert und in spezielle LSI-Geräte integriert wurden, kann die Akustik dieser Räume vom Audio-Equipment zuhause präzise nachempfunden werden. Tauchen Sie ein in eine extrem realistische Filmwelt und den authentischen Klang berühmter Auftrittsorte. YPAO Mehrpunkt - Messung YPAO (Yamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer) analysiert die Raumakustik und Ihr System und passt dann verschiedene Audioparameter präzise an, um den besten Klang für Ihren Raum zu erzielen. Einfach das mitgelieferte Mikrofons an Ihrer Hörposition positionieren und ihr System wird automatisch für eine optimale Leistung in Ihrem Heimkino-Raum kalibriert. Drahtlose hinterer Lautsprecher Kombinieren Sie diesen AV-Receiver mit dem drahtlosen Streaming-Lautsprecher MusicCast 50 oder MusicCast 20 und genießen Sie drahtlosen Surround-Sound.

Yamaha RX-V4A receiver set

End: 07.04. 2024 20:15:30 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 371.97 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404894581153
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jirai82 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saint Louis, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Please check the picture to get more detail information.


End: 06.04. 2024 22:30:00 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 125.25 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 364820290351
  • Bids: 28
  • Seller: regencytechnologies (138807|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand:YamahaModel:RX-V4AMan. Serial:Y500453YOType:ReceiverInputs:(4) HDMI, (2) RCA, USBOutputs:HDMI, Optical, SubwooferRemote:Not IncludedCables Included:Power CordTotal Count of HDMI:5Condition Details:Scratches and Scuffs on ReceiverThe item above is fully tested. This is a used item that may show normal signs of use such as chipped corners, marks, slight dents, or scratches. Wear will vary from item to item. This wear does not affect the working condition. Unless stated otherwise in the listing, our Windows-based laptop and desktop computers are sold without an operating system (No OS).ANY ITEMS OR ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED ABOVE OR ANYTHING NOT SHOWN IN PHOTOS PROVIDED ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS ITEM.Shipping Services: We only ship using UPS Ground. We cannot ship using any other carriers. We are not able to offer Local Pick Up. All items will have to be shipped unless otherwise detailed in the listing.Shipping Locations: United States only. We do not sell or ship Internationally. Any buyers found using a freight forwarding service to forward items out of the US will be blocked from making future purchases.Excludes: Alaska/Hawaii, US Protectorates, APO/FPO, Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Oceania, Southeast Asia, South America, PO BoxReturns: Require an RMA Number.

YAMAHA RX-V4A 5.2 A/V-Receiver Surround AM/FM LAN WLAN Bluetooth schwarz

End: 06.04. 2024 16:33:39 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 270.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266752242095
  • Seller: dorni1 (475|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nordenham Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    YAMAHA RX-V4A 5.2 A/V-Receiver Surround AM/FM LAN WLAN Bluetooth schwarzHallo,der Receiver ist von 11/2022 und ist in einem neuwertigen Zustand mit allem Zubehör.Rechnungskopie liegt bei!V4A – 5.2-Kanal-AV-Receiver mit CINEMA DSP 3D, HDMI™ 4 Eingänge/1 Ausgang, kabelloser Surround-Sound.Kraftvoller 5.2-Kanal Surround-SoundWLAN, Bluetooth®, AirPlay 2, Spotify Connect und MusicCast Multiroom AudioSpezielle Gaming-Funktion (ALLM, VRR)Sprachsteuerung mit Alexa und Google Assistent. *Verfügbarkeit variiert je nach RegionKompatibel mit Music Cast Surround – für einen kabellosen Surround-Sound mit den Lautsprechern Music Cast 50 oder Music Cast 20HD Audio mit CINEMA DSP 3DYPAO™ Klangoptimierung Dies ist ein Privatverkauf

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - Surround Sound, 8k60Hz, 4k120Hz, Garantie

End: 05.04. 2024 13:14:51 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 270.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256462265025
  • Bids: 3
  • Seller: mkay157 (244|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kehl Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal A/V Receiver - Surround Sound, 8k60Hz, 4k120Hz, GarantieIch biete hier ein Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 Surround System Receiver, da ich meine Heimkinoanlage erweitert habe. Der Receiver ist technisch einwandfrei und weist nur geringe optische Gebrauchsspuren auf. Geliefert wird mit allem Zubehör, jedoch nicht im originalen Karton. Der Receiver hat noch Herstellergarantie bis 16.06.24, das Garantiezertifikat liegt bei. Yamaha RX-V4A – 8K 5.2 AV-Receiver5.2-Kanal 8K AV-Receiver5 Endstufen mit je 115 WattHDMI2.1, 8K/60p HDR10, HDR10+, HLGspotify, Tidal, USB- und NetzwerkstreamingUKW- & DAB+ Radio, Cinema DSP Yamaha Modellneuheiten 2020Yamaha hat sich mit der Entwicklung neuer AV-Receiver mehr Zeit als sonst üblich gelassen, damit die neue Generation garantiert mehr als nur Facelift darstellt, so bietet die neue Generation 2020 eine Reihe zukunftsweisender Features:Dolby Surround UpscalerSteuerung mit Alexa und Google Assistant (separate Hardware erforderlich)8K/60p VideoverarbeitungHDMI 2.1HDR, HDR10, HDR10+, Dolby VisionAuto Low Latency Mode (ALLM)*Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)**Quick Frame Transport (QFT)***Quick Media Switching (QMS) **** Anschlüsse vom RX-V4ADer Yamaha 5.2-AV-Receiver RXV4A ist anschlussseitig gut bestückt, er enthält 4 HDMI-Eingänge, 1 optischen und 1 koaxialen Digitaleingang. Auf der Frontseite stehen ein Kopfhöreranschluss und eine USB-Buchse zur Verfügung – ausserdem sind 3 Paar analoger Cinch-Hochpegel-Eingänge und der Radioanschluss für UKW und DAB+. Einrichtung des RX-V4ADer Yamaha RX-V 4A lässt sich bequem und präzise über sein Bildschirm-Menü einrichtren, darüber hinaus unterstützt Sie die kostenlos für IOS und Android verfügbare ‚AV-Set Up Guide‘ App, mit der die Einrichtung Schritt für Schritt erklärt wird. Die über das mitgelieferte Mikrofon computergesteuerte Einmessung justiert Ihren Receiver perfekt auf die angeschlossenen Lautsprecher und Ihren Hörraum. AusstattungDer Yamaha RXV 4A wird einfach per LAN-Kabel oder WLAN an das Heimnetz angeschlossen. Das Musikhören von Smartphone und Tablet ist entweder über bluetooth oder verlustfrei über die kostenlos für IOS oder Android erhältliche Yamaha musiccast App möglich. Der RX-V4A unterstützt AirPlay, dies ermöglicht Ihnen das Streamen Ihrer Musikbibliothek von einem iPhone, iPad, iPod touch oder iTunes. Natürlich spielt er auch Musik von Android-Smartphones, Computern oder Musikservern ab. Cinema DSP 3DBeinhaltet umfangreiche Schallfelddaten aus weltberühmten Konzertsälen und Musikclubs, um die große Theaterakustik in den Wänden Ihres Hauses zu reproduzieren. Musik-EnhancerStellt komprimiertes Audio so wieder her, dass es so klingt, wie es gehört werden soll. Verstärker mit hoher AnstiegsgeschwindigkeitReagiert auf schnelle Änderungen des Eingangspegels für eine präzise und stabile Signalübertragung. MusicCast MusikstreamingSpielen Sie Ihre Lieblingsmusik und steuern sie den Yamaha RXV4A bequem vom Smartphone oder Tablet: Mit der kostenlos für IOS und Andoid erhältliche Yamaha MusicCast App spielen Sie Spoify, qobuz, Tidal, Deezer, Internetradio oder Sie streamen Ihre Lieblingsmusik mit Apple AirPlay – natürlich ist auch Bluetooth an Bord. Wireless-Rear-SpeakerAuf Wunsch können kabellose Surround-Sound-Lautsprecher hinzugefügt werden. (Yamaha MusicCast 20 oder MusicCast 50) Leistung des RX-V4ADer Yamaha RX V4A stellt 115 Watt Leistung auf jeder seiner 5 Endstufen-Kanäle zur Verfügung. Die Leistungsverstärker sind aus diskreten Bauteilen aufgebaut, dies ist im Vergleich zu den günstigen Verstärker-Chips, die einige Wettbewerber einsetzen, sicherlich die teurere aber auch erheblich besser klingende Lösung. Neue HDMI TechnologienDer Yamaha RX-V4A ist mit zukunftsweisenden Video-Technologien wie HDMI2.1 ausgestattet, die Auflösungen von bis zu 8K/60Hz und 4K/120Hz unterstützen. Neue Begriffe schnell erklärt*Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM)Im Auto Low Latency Mode wird die Verzögerungszeit (Latenz) zwischen Bild und Ton automatisch optimiert, damit eine möglichst reibungslose und verzögerungsfreie Interaktivität (geringer input Lag) ermöglicht wird, dies ist z.B. bei der Verwendung von Spielekonsolen von Vorteil. **Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)Spielen die angeschlossenen Videoquellen in unterschiedlichen Auflösungen, z.B. der BluRayPlayer in 4K, die Spielekonsole in HD usw., greift QMS auf die VRR zu, um die Sperrzeit zu vermeiden, wenn die an HDMI angeschlossenen Geräte den Videomodus ändern. *** Quick Frame Transport (QFT)Der Quick Frame Transport. QFT reduziert die Eingabeverzögerung für reibungsloses Spielen ohne Verzögerung und interaktive virtuelle Realität in Echtzeit. QFT transportiert jedes einzelne Bild mit einer höheren Rate, um die Anzeigeverzögerung des angeschlossenen Fernsehers oder Beamers zu verringern. Diese Verzögerung entsteht aus der Summe der Transportzeit durch die Ausgangsschaltungen des Quellgerätes, der Transportzeit über die HDMI-Schnittstelle, der Verarbeitung der Videodaten und dem darauf folgenden Bildaufbau im Fernseher oder Beamer. **** Quick Media Switching (QMS)HDMI 2.1 gewährleistet eine schnellere Reaktion beim Umschalten von Videoquellen und eliminiert die Schwarzbilder, die beim Umschalten der Quellen bisher entstanden. Dies ist gewährleistet, soweit alle Quellen in derselben Bildauflösung spielen. Solange die Auflösung gleich bleibt und sich nur die Bildrate ändert, wechselt QMS reibungslos zwischen den Bildraten. SprachsteuerungSteuern Sie Ihren Yamaha RX-V4A mit Alexa oder Google Assistant.* Die Verfügbarkeit der Sprachbefehlssteuerung über Amazon Alexa und Google Assistant variiert je nach Region.* Zum Initiieren von Sprachbefehlen ist ein Gerät eines Drittanbieters erforderlich. Technische Daten Yamaha RX-V4ADiskrete 5-Kanal-Endstufe mit 115 Watt pro Kanal (4 Ohm)UKW-RadioDAB+-RadioIntegriertes Dual-Band-WLAN (2,4 / 5 GHz) und Bluetooth4 HDMI-Eingänge, ARC3 Paar analoge Cinch-Hochpegel-EingängeHDCP 2.3, 4k/Ultra HD/50p, HDR10, HDR10+, HLG, Dolby VisionMusik-Streaming (spotify, deezer, napster, Tidal, netradio), von USB und DLNA-ServerMusiCast Integration für Multizonen-BetriebUSB-Eingang für Musikwiedergabe von Massenspeichern sowie iPod/iPhone/iPadYPAO RaumeinmessungSteuerbar über Fernbedienung und MusiCast App Weitere ProduktinformationenLeistung115 Watt / Kanal (4 Ohm, 1 kHz, 1 Kanal betrieben), 80 / Kanal (8 Ohm, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0,06% Klirr, 2 Kanäle betriebenAnaloge Eingänge3x Cinch HochpegelAnalog/Digital TunerUKW, DAB+, InternetradioDigitale Eingänge4x HDMI, 1x optisch, 1x koaxial, 1x USB-A, 1x bluetoothKopfhörer-Anschluß1x Klinke 6,3mmLautsprecherausgänge5Lautsprecherimpedanz4-8 OhmAnaloge Ausgänge2x Cinch SubwooferDigitale Ausgänge1x HDMI ARCNetzwerk | Streaming-InhalteW-LAN, LAN, AirPlay2, UpnPTonkontrolleBässe, HöhenLeistungsaufnahme Standby?0.1W (IR only)Netzteil/BatterieAC 230V - 50HzAbmessung BxHxT435 x 171 x 377mm, 435 x 245 x 377mm (mit Antenne)Farbausführung(en)schwarzGewicht in Kg Da dies ein Privatverkauf ist, keine Rücknahme oder Gewährleistung meinerseits.8,8 kg

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver NO REMOTE FOR PARTS OR REPAIR

End: 04.04. 2024 20:34:50 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 107.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166690794794
  • Seller: laptopsandlead (545|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Jefferson, Wisconsin USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast IN ORIGINAL BOX

End: 03.04. 2024 17:27:58 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 234.3 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126389767448
  • Seller: shenidss9ckq (101276|96.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Lawrenceville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast IN ORIGINAL BOX Click image to enlarge Description The Auction Includes The Following Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast IN ORIGINAL BOX REMOTE CONTROL INCLUDEDPOWER CORD INCLUDED AM/FM ANTENNA INCLUDED USED IN EXCELLENT CONDITION RECEIVER

Yamaha RX-V4A receiver set

End: 31.03. 2024 20:15:12 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 370.37 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404875784527
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jirai82 (0|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saint Louis, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast - PARTS READ

End: 30.03. 2024 17:42:32 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 92.42 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145693141489
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: mrggary (2212|98.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 37,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Listing as parts because sometimes cuts off & must be restarted. Looks & sounds great. Selling as PARTS: NO WARRANTY OR RETURNS

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 Channel AV Receiver w/BT,ATMOS,DTS:X,MusicCast,Alexa Voice+Rem

End: 30.03. 2024 16:46:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 255.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235495474727
  • Seller: pand-8761 (59|98.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kansas City, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    For Sale: a Yamaha RX-V4A 7.2 Channel 8K Home Theater Reciever wit. h Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, MusicCast, Alexa Voice, Google Assistant and Much More! This Receiver has been Very Gently Used, Only for a short period of time. Very Well Cared For and Maintained:-). Comes from a Smoke-Free Home:-)! Includes Remote Control(Only). This Item is in Excellent Condition showing Very Little-but Some Normal Signs of Use. The Unit Has Been Fully Tested and Complete Functionality IS Guaranteed! Has No Damage, No Major Imperfections and No Issues:-). This Receiver’s performance is AWESOME! VERY Nice Picture Quality! Crisp, Clear 4K/8K Video:-). Features 4K/60Hz, 8K/60Hz & 4K/120Hz, 4K UHD Pass-Through & Upscaling, HDR10+ Support, HLG, eARC, HDCP Version 2.3, AirPlay 2, MusicCast Multi-Room Audio, Alexa Voice Control, Google Assistant and more. For a complete list of Features and Amplifier Power & Specifications, please scroll down towards the bottom:-). All Features, Functions, Inputs, Outputs, Speaker Terminals, Etc. Have been Tested and Everything Works Flawlessly! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED 100% Fully Functional with NO Issues. Please study All Photos for your convenience and for EXACT Item Condition as the photos are a good part of the description as well. This item will come Exactly As Pictured. Will be Very Well Packaged and Insured For Extra Safe Shipping! Please feel free to ask any questions. Ships Only To The Lower 48 Contiguous States Only. No Shipping To Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Etc. No Shipping To APO/FPO OR PO Boxes, Sorry. Restocking Fee Applies To All Returns. Yamaha RX-V4A HighlightsUp to 80W per Channel at 6 OhmsYPAO Sound Customization4K UHD Pass-ThroughHDMI with HDR10, eARC, ARC Support4 x HDMI-In / 1 x HDMI-OutBuilt-In Wi-Fi and BluetoothApple AirPlay 2 ConnectivityAlexa, Google Assistant, Siri ControlFront Panel USB ConnectionGUI On-Screen DisplayFeaturesEnjoy 5.2-channel surround sound with your favorite speaker system and the Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver. It has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi built-in for wireless connection to your compatible smart devices. Various streaming music services are built-in for convenient streaming. The receiver outputs up to 80W per channel at 6 Ohms and features YPAO sound customization to tailor the sound to your environment. In addition to its wireless compatibility, the RX-V4A has four HDMI inputs and one output, which support 4K UHD resolution and HDR10 pass-through, and the output supports ARC and eARC. It also has a USB port on the front for firmware updates and playback of files stored on flash drives. You can control the receiver with your Amazon Alexa-, Google Assistant-, or Apple Siri-enabled products, via the MusicCast app, or with the included remote control.CINEMA DSP 3DCINEMA DSP 3D is designed to combine measured sound field data with digital signal processing to simulate the acoustic effects of concert halls and music clubs from around the world.Compressed Music EnhancerThis feature uses digital signal processing and algorithms to restore data lost in the compression process, so your audio will sound closer to the original recording.HDR10 Support; HDR10+ via Future Firmware UpdateThe HDMI ports on this receiver support the pass-through of HDR10 signals, so you can enjoy the vibrant, lifelike color this HDR format has to offer. HDR10+ support is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.4K/60 Hz Pass-Through; 8K/60 Hz & 4K/120 Hz via Future Firmware UpdateThe RX-V4A supports end-to-end 4K/60 Hz pass-through, and support for 8K/60 Hz and 4K/120 Hz is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.AV Setup Guide for Simple Initial SetupUse this app to receive expert setup assistance for the receiver and your source devices. It also guides you through various other settings, such as speaker connections, TV and source device connections, and power amplifier assignments.MusicCast App for Easy UseUse your smartphone or tablet together with the MusicCast app top operate the receiver and change its settings. The app offers the same functions as a remote control for all your MusicCast-compatible devices as well as full multi-room audio controls.Voice Control via Alexa, the Google Assistant, and SiriThe receiver works with your Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri devices (via AirPlay 2) for simple smart home integration.YPAO Sound OptimizationYamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer is designed to analyze the room acoustics and your system, then adjust various audio parameters to provide the best sound for your room. Place microphone(NOT INCLUDED) at your listening position, turn YPAO on, and the system calibrates itself.SCENE Buttons Let You Preset Songs, Stations, and MoreProgram up to four different preset scenarios using the four SCENE buttons. You can preset them for different inputs, a sound field program, Music Enhancer, HDMI output, and more. The inputs can be set to specific sources, such as an FM or internet radio station, a station on a streaming service, a USB device, or a song on your computer or NAS. Once youve set the buttons, just press one on the main unit or remote control to power on the receiver and hear what youre looking for. The buttons can be reset at any time.Built-In Streaming ServicesSynchronizing your playlists and tracks from your smartphone or computer to the receiver, music streaming services help make it easy to listen to your favorites or discover new music. Enjoy Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, SiriusXM, TIDAL, Deezer, Napster, and more.Multiroom Audio with MusicCastWith optional compatible speakers, you can play your music throughout the house, including high-resolution formats like Apple Lossless (ALAC) up to 96 kHz, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF up to 192 kHz.AirPlay 2AirPlay 2 adds the ability to stream Apple Music and other compatible streaming services to multiple MusicCast devices throughout your home. Control it from your iPhone or iPad, link it with a HomePod, or use voice control and ask Siri for what you want.MusicCast Surround with Optional MusicCast SpeakersAdd your MusicCast 50 or two MusicCast 20 wireless speakers to enjoy MusicCast Surround, creating a 5.1-channel home theater with wireless surround sound that provides realistic sound with a clean, clutter-free setup.eARCeARC (Enhanced Audio Return channel) delivers full-resolution, multichannel audio formats like Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD through your existing HDMI connection from your compatible display to provide a realistic surround sound experience.Enhanced Media and Gaming via a Future Firmware UpdateALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) enables the ideal latency setting to automatically be set to provide smooth, lag-free, uninterrupted viewing and interactivity. VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) reduces or eliminates lag, stutter, and frame tearing for more fluid and detailed gameplay. QMS (Quick Media Switching) eliminates the delay that can cause blank frames in movies and video before content is displayed. QFT (Quick Frame Transport) reduces latency for smoother, virtually no-lag gaming and real time interactive virtual reality. These features are scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.Additional FeaturesHigh slew rate design responds to rapid changes in input level for precise, stable signal transmission17 DSP programsDialog Level AdjustmentVirtual Presence SpeakerSILENT Cinema / Virtual Cinema DSPPure DirectYPAO VolumeAdaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control)Initial Volume and Maximum Volume Setting0 to 500 ms audio delayDual-band Wi-FiAuto Power StandbyECO Modewith Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, MusicCast, Alexa Voice, Google Assistant and Much More! This Receiver has been Very Gently Used, Only for a short period of time. Very Well Cared For and Maintained:-). Comes from a Smoke-Free Home:-)! Includes Remote Control(Only). This Item is in Excellent Condition showing Very Little-but Some Normal Signs of Use. The Unit Has Been Fully Tested and Complete Functionality IS Guaranteed! Has No Damage, No Major Imperfections and No Issues:-). This Receiver’s performance is AWESOME! VERY Nice Picture Quality! Crisp, Clear 4K/8K Video:-). Features 4K/60Hz, 8K/60Hz & 4K/120Hz, 4K UHD Pass-Through & Upscaling, HDR10+ Support, HLG, eARC, HDCP Version 2.3, AirPlay 2, MusicCast Multi-Room Audio, Alexa Voice Control, Google Assistant and more. For a complete list of Features and Amplifier Power & Specifications, please scroll down towards the bottom:-). All Features, Functions, Inputs, Outputs, Speaker Terminals, Etc. Have been Tested and Everything Works Flawlessly! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED 100% Fully Functional with NO Issues. Please study All Photos for your convenience and for EXACT Item Condition as the photos are a good part of the description as well. This item will come Exactly As Pictured. Will be Very Well Packaged and Insured For Extra Safe Shipping! Please feel free to ask any questions. Ships Only To The Lower 48 Contiguous States Only. No Shipping To Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Etc. No Shipping To APO/FPO OR PO Boxes, Sorry. Restocking Fee Applies To All Returns. Yamaha RX-V4A HighlightsUp to 80W per Channel at 6 OhmsYPAO Sound Customization4K UHD Pass-ThroughHDMI with HDR10, eARC, ARC Support4 x HDMI-In / 1 x HDMI-OutBuilt-In Wi-Fi and BluetoothApple AirPlay 2 ConnectivityAlexa, Google Assistant, Siri ControlFront Panel USB ConnectionGUI On-Screen DisplayFeaturesEnjoy 5.2-channel surround sound with your favorite speaker system and the Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel Network A/V Receiver. It has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi built-in for wireless connection to your compatible smart devices. Various streaming music services are built-in for convenient streaming. The receiver outputs up to 80W per channel at 6 Ohms and features YPAO sound customization to tailor the sound to your environment. In addition to its wireless compatibility, the RX-V4A has four HDMI inputs and one output, which support 4K UHD resolution and HDR10 pass-through, and the output supports ARC and eARC. It also has a USB port on the front for firmware updates and playback of files stored on flash drives. You can control the receiver with your Amazon Alexa-, Google Assistant-, or Apple Siri-enabled products, via the MusicCast app, or with the included remote control.CINEMA DSP 3DCINEMA DSP 3D is designed to combine measured sound field data with digital signal processing to simulate the acoustic effects of concert halls and music clubs from around the world.Compressed Music EnhancerThis feature uses digital signal processing and algorithms to restore data lost in the compression process, so your audio will sound closer to the original recording.HDR10 Support; HDR10+ via Future Firmware UpdateThe HDMI ports on this receiver support the pass-through of HDR10 signals, so you can enjoy the vibrant, lifelike color this HDR format has to offer. HDR10+ support is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.4K/60 Hz Pass-Through; 8K/60 Hz & 4K/120 Hz via Future Firmware UpdateThe RX-V4A supports end-to-end 4K/60 Hz pass-through, and support for 8K/60 Hz and 4K/120 Hz is scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.AV Setup Guide for Simple Initial SetupUse this app to receive expert setup assistance for the receiver and your source devices. It also guides you through various other settings, such as speaker connections, TV and source device connections, and power amplifier assignments.MusicCast App for Easy UseUse your smartphone or tablet together with the MusicCast app top operate the receiver and change its settings. The app offers the same functions as a remote control for all your MusicCast-compatible devices as well as full multi-room audio controls.Voice Control via Alexa, the Google Assistant, and SiriThe receiver works with your Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri devices (via AirPlay 2) for simple smart home integration.YPAO Sound OptimizationYamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer is designed to analyze the room acoustics and your system, then adjust various audio parameters to provide the best sound for your room. Place microphone(NOT INCLUDED) at your listening position, turn YPAO on, and the system calibrates itself.SCENE Buttons Let You Preset Songs, Stations, and MoreProgram up to four different preset scenarios using the four SCENE buttons. You can preset them for different inputs, a sound field program, Music Enhancer, HDMI output, and more. The inputs can be set to specific sources, such as an FM or internet radio station, a station on a streaming service, a USB device, or a song on your computer or NAS. Once youve set the buttons, just press one on the main unit or remote control to power on the receiver and hear what youre looking for. The buttons can be reset at any time.Built-In Streaming ServicesSynchronizing your playlists and tracks from your smartphone or computer to the receiver, music streaming services help make it easy to listen to your favorites or discover new music. Enjoy Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, SiriusXM, TIDAL, Deezer, Napster, and more.Multiroom Audio with MusicCastWith optional compatible speakers, you can play your music throughout the house, including high-resolution formats like Apple Lossless (ALAC) up to 96 kHz, WAV, FLAC, and AIFF up to 192 kHz.AirPlay 2AirPlay 2 adds the ability to stream Apple Music and other compatible streaming services to multiple MusicCast devices throughout your home. Control it from your iPhone or iPad, link it with a HomePod, or use voice control and ask Siri for what you want.MusicCast Surround with Optional MusicCast SpeakersAdd your MusicCast 50 or two MusicCast 20 wireless speakers to enjoy MusicCast Surround, creating a 5.1-channel home theater with wireless surround sound that provides realistic sound with a clean, clutter-free setup.eARCeARC (Enhanced Audio Return channel) delivers full-resolution, multichannel audio formats like Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD through your existing HDMI connection from your compatible display to provide a realistic surround sound experience.Enhanced Media and Gaming via a Future Firmware UpdateALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) enables the ideal latency setting to automatically be set to provide smooth, lag-free, uninterrupted viewing and interactivity. VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) reduces or eliminates lag, stutter, and frame tearing for more fluid and detailed gameplay. QMS (Quick Media Switching) eliminates the delay that can cause blank frames in movies and video before content is displayed. QFT (Quick Frame Transport) reduces latency for smoother, virtually no-lag gaming and real time interactive virtual reality. These features are scheduled to be enabled via a future firmware update.Additional FeaturesHigh slew rate design responds to rapid changes in input level for precise, stable signal transmission17 DSP programsDialog Level AdjustmentVirtual Presence SpeakerSILENT Cinema / Virtual Cinema DSPPure DirectYPAO VolumeAdaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control)Initial Volume and Maximum Volume Setting0 to 500 ms audio delayDual-band Wi-FiAuto Power StandbyECO Mode

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal AV Receiver Verstärker Surround Schwarz TOP

End: 29.03. 2024 10:08:07 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 202.11 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285787286104
  • Bids: 9
  • Seller: sroczynski-sebastian (133|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Albstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Kanal AV Receiver Verstärker Surround Schwarz TOPVerkaufe hier einen: Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2 AV Receiver (Kaufdatum: 02.11.23 fr 397) Mit Original Verpackung und Rechnung und allem Zubehr! Verkaufe auch passende Lautsprecher (Siehe andere Anzeige) 2x Canton GLE 420.2 Regallautsprecher 2x Canton Plus X3 Satellitenlautsprecher 1x Canton GLE 455.2 Center In dieser Anzeige geht es nur um den Yamaha Receiver...!!! Da Privatverkauf keine Garantie oder Rcknahme Versende nur ber DHL weil es mit anderen Unternehmen nur rger gibt Da der Receiver leider mit Verpackung 12Kg hat kostet der Versand so viel

Yamaha RX-V4A 5.2-Channel AV Receiver with 8K HDMI and MusicCast - PARTS READ

End: 28.03. 2024 23:07:11 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 115.74 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134990527962
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mrggary (2211|98.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 37,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Listing as parts because sometimes cuts off & must be restarted. Looks & sounds great. Selling as PARTS: NO WARRANTY OR RETURNS