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Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 - AV-Receiver (4K, Dolby-Atmos, 3D) - Silber "PERFEKT"

End: 07.09. 2024 08:59:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 606.11 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266969241020
  • Bids: 30
  • Seller: pierre-dalluege (46|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Deggendorf Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 23,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 - AV-Receiver (4K, Dolby-Atmos, 3D) - Silber Bekanntes Produkt, Stand nur im Regal als Ersatzgerät. Inklusive Anleitung, Fernbedienung, Messmikrofon. Sehr seltene Gelegenheit in silberner Ausführung. Am 05.09.24 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt: gebe den OVP von 8000er-Serie, mit großen Schmerzen,  da ich den ja noch im Einsatz habe, bitte dafür noch etwas am Preis tu, vielen Dank... Am 05.09.24 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt: JETZT MIT EINER OVP 8000er  Am 05.09.24 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt: Die OVP vom anderen Gerät bitte dann wieder zurück schicken

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 - AV-Receiver (4K, Dolby-Atmos, 3D) - Schwarz "GUT"

End: 04.09. 2024 04:46:02 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 699.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285953080783
  • Seller: rankauf (36270|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Limburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 - AV-Receiver (4K, Dolby-Atmos, 3D) - Schwarz Geprüfte Ware Sichere ebay Zahlungsabwicklung Hohe Kundenzufriedenheit Zum Shop Profil Bewertungen Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 - AV-Receiver (4K, Dolby-Atmos, 3D) - Schwarz GUT Artikelbeschreibung Der AV-Receiver ist voll funktionstüchtig. Der Artikel weist ein paar Gebrauchsspuren auf. Ohne Originalverpackung. Gesamtzustand: Gut Produktdetails Hochwertiger 9-Kanal-Hochleistungsverstärker mit je 205 Watt Monoblock-Verstärkerdesign mit eigens für Denon gefertigten Transistoren Integriertes WLAN mit zwei Antennen, integriertes Bluetooth 11.2 Kanal Signalverarbeitung, 13.2 Kanal Vorverstärkerausgänge mit flexibler Zuweisung Dolby Atmos bis zu 7.1.4 oder 9.1.2 (mit einem zusätzlichen 2-Kanal -Verstärker); DTS-X Ready (via Firmwareupdate) Auro 3D , Auromatik (bis zu 10.1 Kanälen; kostenpflichtiges Upgrade) Erweiterter Eco-Modus mit drei Einstellungen (Ein/Aus/Automatik) Setup Assistent in 9 Sprachen; Farblich gekennzeichnete Lautsprecheranschlüsse Vergoldete Anschlüsse Lieferumfang Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 AV-Receiver - Schwarz Fernbedienung Netzkabel Einmessmikro Handbuch (FEHLT) Originalverpackung (FEHLT) Info zur Mehrwertsteuer Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. Hinweise zur Batterieentsorgung Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise. Service & Support Mo - Fr: 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr Versand Wir versenden Montag bis Freitag mit:

⭐DENON AVR-X6200W 9.2 Kanal 4K Netzwerk AV Receiver + Fernbedienung + Wifi used⭐

End: 30.08. 2024 17:35:01 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 431.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305736844441
  • Bids: 59
  • Seller: bralberlin (8543|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 18,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ⭐DENON AVR-X6200W 9.2 Kanal 4K Netzwerk AV Receiver + Fernbedienung + Wifi used⭐Erstellt mit Eselt - Vorlage-Editor ?DENON AVR-X6200W 9.2 Kanal 4K Netzwerk AV Receiver + Fernbedienung + Wifi used?Artikel mit Gebrauchsspuren und Kratzern (siehe Bilder). Das Gerät wird mit Fernbedienung und Wifi Antennen verkauft. Denon AVR-X6200W Der Denon AVR-X6200W überzeugt durch seine umfangreiche Ausstattung, hervorragende Klangqualität und Zukunftssicherheit. Er eignet sich besonders für anspruchsvolle Heimkino-Setups mit Dolby Atmos und bietet genügend Leistung und Flexibilität für komplexe Mehrkanal-Konfigurationen. Merkmale: 9 integrierte Endstufen mit 205 Watt pro Kanal (6 Ohm, 1 kHz, 1% THD, 1 Kanal betrieben)Dolby Atmos-Unterstützung für 7.2.4 oder 9.2.2 Setups (mit zusätzlichen externen Verstärkern)11.2-Kanal-Signalverarbeitung8 HDMI-Eingänge und 3 HDMI-Ausgänge mit 4K Ultra HD, HDCP 2.2 und HDR Technische Daten Hersteller: Denon Modell: AVR-X6200W Typ: Netzwerk Receiver Fernbedienung: ja ( im Lieferumfang enthalten ) gebraucht ? mit Fernbedienung ? Funktioniert ? Wifi Antennen ? Zustand siehe Originalbilder ?Nachhaltig? Für geprüfte Gebrauchtware räumen wir unseren Kunden einen Gewährleistungszeitraum von 12 Monaten und für Neuware von 24 Monaten ein. !!! Important for business customers from the European Union.Please do not pay your purchase through the Ebay payment system yet.Send us your VAT data for an adjustment of the invoice.After payment has been made, no change via the Ebay invoice is possible. Your BRAL Team Zahlung Versand

DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertig

End: 25.07. 2024 15:44:04 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 555.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166874878797
  • Bids: 6
  • Seller: am1367 (519|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Meersburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertigAufgrund von Umzug verkaufe ich - schweren Herzens - meine High-End Heimkino-Anlage (s. auch andere Auktionen). Hier: DENON AVR-X6200W in Silber. Zustand: neuwertig, wenig genutzt und ohne irgendwelche Beschädigungen, Fehler o.ä.. Immer top gepflegt! Vollständig - inkl. Einmessmikrofon etc. 9x 205W Full 4K Ultra HD Netzwerk AV-Receiver mit WLAN, Bluetooth und Monoblock-Verstärkerdesign Der Denon AVR-X6200W ist ein AV-Receiver mit 9,2 Kanälen, der über eine hohe Stromstärke, Unterstützung für erweiterte Audio- und Videoformate sowie Netzwerkverbindungen mit integriertem Wi-Fi und Bluetooth sowie Kompatibilität mit beliebten Streaming-Diensten verfügt. Alle weiteren Details hier: Privatauktion - keine Rücknahme, Garantie, Umtausch

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel 4k Network AV Receiver

End: 22.07. 2024 18:03:30 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 361.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235658398082
  • Seller: az_electronics480 (42|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Phoenix, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Used...Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel 4k Network AV Receiver Tested & works This item is in very good used condition. See pictures for details

DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertig

End: 18.07. 2024 10:27:18 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 600.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166863521399
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: am1367 (519|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Meersburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertigAufgrund von Umzug verkaufe ich - schweren Herzens - meine High-End Heimkino-Anlage (s. auch andere Auktionen). Hier: DENON AVR-X6200W in Silber. Zustand: neuwertig, wenig genutzt und ohne irgendwelche Beschädigungen, Fehler o.ä.. Immer top gepflegt! Vollständig - inkl. Einmessmikrofon etc. 9x 205W Full 4K Ultra HD Netzwerk AV-Receiver mit WLAN, Bluetooth und Monoblock-Verstärkerdesign Der Denon AVR-X6200W ist ein AV-Receiver mit 9,2 Kanälen, der über eine hohe Stromstärke, Unterstützung für erweiterte Audio- und Videoformate sowie Netzwerkverbindungen mit integriertem Wi-Fi und Bluetooth sowie Kompatibilität mit beliebten Streaming-Diensten verfügt. Alle weiteren Details hier: Privatauktion - keine Rücknahme, Garantie, Umtausch

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel 4k Network AV Receiver

End: 15.07. 2024 17:55:44 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 267.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156305211441
  • Seller: x_box_gamer (172|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Mechanicsville, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    HDMI 1 does not work. Hasn’t worked since basically buying it. I don’t need all the HDMI so didn’t bother returning. Not selling due to HDMI issue, I upgraded to HDMI 2.1 receiver for gaming, and do not need this any longer. Just for clarity, the HDMI 1 input is the port that does not work. The two HDMI out ports work as intended. Please see picture of back of the receiver, I have added a red HDMI port blocker to the broken port for reference. Everything else in good working order. Tested all other HDMI and reset the receiver to stock. Smoke free home.

DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertig

End: 11.07. 2024 10:25:17 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 600.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166853499047
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: am1367 (519|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Meersburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertigAufgrund von Umzug verkaufe ich - schweren Herzens - meine High-End Heimkino-Anlage (s. auch andere Auktionen). Hier: DENON AVR-X6200W in Silber. Zustand: neuwertig, wenig genutzt und ohne irgendwelche Beschädigungen, Fehler o.ä.. Immer top gepflegt! Vollständig - inkl. Einmessmikrofon etc. 9x 205W Full 4K Ultra HD Netzwerk AV-Receiver mit WLAN, Bluetooth und Monoblock-Verstärkerdesign Der Denon AVR-X6200W ist ein AV-Receiver mit 9,2 Kanälen, der über eine hohe Stromstärke, Unterstützung für erweiterte Audio- und Videoformate sowie Netzwerkverbindungen mit integriertem Wi-Fi und Bluetooth sowie Kompatibilität mit beliebten Streaming-Diensten verfügt. Alle weiteren Details hier: Privatauktion - keine Rücknahme, Garantie, Umtausch

DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertig

End: 27.06. 2024 10:21:37 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 650.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166833099908
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: am1367 (516|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Meersburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DENON X6200W High-End 9.2 AV Receiver, silber, neuwertigAufgrund von Umzug verkaufe ich - schweren Herzens - meine High-End Heimkino-Anlage (s. auch andere Auktionen). Hier: DENON AVR-X6200W in Silber. Zustand: neuwertig, wenig genutzt und ohne irgendwelche Beschädigungen, Fehler o.ä.. Immer top gepflegt! Vollständig - inkl. Einmessmikrofon etc. 9x 205W Full 4K Ultra HD Netzwerk AV-Receiver mit WLAN, Bluetooth und Monoblock-Verstärkerdesign Der Denon AVR-X6200W ist ein AV-Receiver mit 9,2 Kanälen, der über eine hohe Stromstärke, Unterstützung für erweiterte Audio- und Videoformate sowie Netzwerkverbindungen mit integriertem Wi-Fi und Bluetooth sowie Kompatibilität mit beliebten Streaming-Diensten verfügt. Alle weiteren Details hier: Privatauktion - keine Rücknahme, Garantie, Umtausch

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel AV Receiver AS-IS NO POWER

End: 07.06. 2024 16:09:28 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 248.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 395453343834
  • Seller: renew555 (1166|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Rafael, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel AV Receiver AS-IS NO POWER Unit doesnt power up when plugged into the wall, unable to test further. NO power cable, original packaging, manuals, or other accessories included Feel free to message with any questions related to this listing.We do not accept returns on known broken/for parts units.We only reply to direct messages and ship packages during our business hours of Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM PST

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel 4k Network AV Receiver

End: 25.04. 2024 23:13:10 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 304.3 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276431094929
  • Bids: 29
  • Seller: htservices365 (171|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lacey, Washington USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Denon AVR-X6200W is a 9.2-channel A/V receiver with 8 inputs and 3 outputs. It supports analog and digital features and is available in black. The receiver is capable of decoding various surround sound formats such as DTS, DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby TrueHD, DTS:X, Dolby Atmos, and more. It is also equipped with DTS Neural:X and Dolby Digital 6.1. The AVR-X6200W is a network receiver that supports 4K video. The unit has been tested carefully and guaranteed to function as advertised.The unit comes with 2 Wi-Fi antennas and power cord only. No other accessories included.

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel AV Receiver AS-IS/For Parts

End: 17.04. 2024 00:10:14 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 185.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386920310589
  • Seller: adamiske (7937|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Huntington Beach, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel AV Receiver AS-IS/For Parts.No audio, no video, no display. Powers on, red standby light comes on, white light flashes.small dent in front corner.speaker terminals slightly bent.Does not come with any accessories.

Denon AVR-X6200W Integrated Network Receiver Untested (sold for parts only)

End: 02.04. 2024 21:26:54 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 206.67 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326070342836
  • Bids: 14
  • Seller: thriftonic (90766|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Jose, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product Specifications: Denon AVR-X6200W Integrated Network Receiver Untested (sold for parts only)Accessories: Not IncludedDescription: Unit is being sold for parts because we are not able to fully test its functionality due to missing parts or equipment. If not stated you will only receive what is seen in the photos.Appearance: Missing Power Connector IN Back Unit is in good condition with minor cosmetic damage.---Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions about the product. If choosing Local Pickup: Local Pickup Policy All items must be picked up within 14 days of purchase.Any item not picked up within 14 days of purchase will be cancelled, refunded and relisted without notification.All items picked up must be picked up by the individual named in the profile.No 3rd party pickups without prior approval.Identification is required to be shown when picking up all ordersAll pick-up orders must be paid for prior to pick-up. Payments will not be accepted on-site - no exceptions.No Walk-Ins. If you have not scheduled and received a confirmation of your pick up time, we will not be able to accommodate your pick up.Local pickup must be scheduled prior to arrival by contacting Customer Service.The pickup address for all items is 1080 N. 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112Local pickup is available by appointment only and must be picked up within 14 days.

Denon RC-1193 AV Receiver Remote AVR-X4100W AVR-X4200W AVR-X5200W AVR-X6200W

End: 21.03. 2024 15:59:39 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 395274896529
  • Seller: mytrashyourtreasure101 (706|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: La Mesa, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Tested working unit. Batteries not included.

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel AV Receiver ##Mint Condition##

End: 17.03. 2024 04:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 417.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256440240378
  • Bids: 21
  • Seller: v1k1ngsfan (2364|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dayton, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    About the Denon AVR-X6200WHigh-res audio puts you inside the musicThis equipment plays high-resolution audio files that can re-create more lifelike sound than CDs, bringing subtle details to life. High-res online music stores offer a variety of formats including 24-bit/96kHz, 24-bit/192kHz, and DSD. data-original-title=High-res audio data-placement=left title= style=box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(93, 91, 90); text-decoration-line: underline; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important;>9.2 channels of funSerious power, serious audio and video processing, and serious features are what make the Denon AVR-X6200W an attractive option for serious home theater enthusiasts. With all of that seriousness, you might forget that this is a machine built for fun. What kind of fun can you get into with 9.2 channels at your disposal?For starters, you can transform movie night at home into a lifelike theater experience with 5-, 7-, or 9-channel surround sound, with the option of using height channels for super-immersive surround sound. You can enjoy new levels of video game realism with a three-dimensional soundstage that perfectly complements the on-screen action. You can also extend music and video playback to multiple rooms — great for parties and also for those times when different family members feel like watching or listening to different content.Take your home theater above and beyond with Dolby Atmos and DTS:X™Convenient buttons and connections on the Denon AVR-X6200Ws front panel give you quick access to a variety of features and entertainment sources.A technology that just made its debut in home theater receivers last year, Dolby Atmos creates the most lifelike, captivating surround sound of any audio format weve heard to date. If youre watching a plane take off onscreen, your ears will follow it down the runway along with your eyes, and as it roars directly overhead you might swear your hair is blowing back. If youre ready to explore this new dimension in home theater sound, youll just need to add a pair of in-ceiling speakers to your five- or seven-channel system, or pick up a pair of Atmos enabled upward-firing speakers to project sound off your ceiling and create the height effects that make an Atmos system so riveting.Heres a breakdown of all the Dolby Atmos speaker configurations this receiver supports:7.1.2 - seven conventional surround speakers, one powered subwoofer, and two overhead or height speakers5.1.4 - five conventional surround speakers, one powered subwoofer, and four overhead or height speakers5.1.2 - five conventional surround speakers, one powered subwoofer, and two overhead or height speakers7.1.4 - seven conventional surround speakers, one powered subwoofer, and four overhead or height speakers (requires an external stereo power amp)You can use one or two subwoofers with any of these configurations.With a firmware update, this receiver also supports DTS:X surround sound, a new format which uses object-based processing similar to Dolby Atmos and overhead speakers for immersive home theater.Add more music with easy wireless listening optionsThe AVR-X6200W gives you plenty of ways to enjoy different tunes through your home speakers. You can quickly access all your old favorites from your own digital music library via your home network, while Bluetooth lets you stream anything you listen to on your phone or tablet. Anytime you feel like expanding your horizons, youll be able to tune in to countless Internet radio stations from around the globe. And theres also support for Pandora®, Spotify® Connect and SiriusXM Internet radio for easy playback of your favorite music services.Due to changes implemented by Pandora, this receiver is temporarily unable to connect to the Pandora service. A firmware update to resolve this issue will be released on 11/14/2016.Get music and video in multiple roomsWith all of the listening choices you get with the AVR-X6200W, it only makes sense to spread your music beyond the boundaries of your living room. You can play music from three different sources in up to three rooms. The receivers powerful processing gives you stereo playback of digital or analog sources across three different zones. A dedicated Zone 2 HDMI output lets you watch video from two separate sources in your living room and a second room. A third HDMI output lets you send the same video content from your main zone to a TV in a different room or a projector in the same room.Stress-free setupDenon has made sure you wont spend hours buried in a manual trying to figure out how to set up the AVR-X6200W. With the Setup Assistant, connecting your equipment and optimizing system settings is a matter of following easy on-screen instructions that take you step-by-step through the entire process with clear illustrations. The Audyssey calibration system uses a microphone to analyze your rooms acoustics, so your speakers settings will be configured for the best possible sound in their environment.Useful home automation featuresDenons IN-Command series of receivers offers heightened control capabilities and compatibility with custom integration options. The AVR-X6200Ws rear-panel IR remote control input makes it compatible with external remotes and control systems. It can also be set up and controlled by a networked computer, and is certified for use with Crestron and Control4 home automation equipment. Product highlights:Power and Processing:9-channel amplifier140 watts per channel into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD, with 2 channels drivenDolby® and DTS® surround sound decodingDolby Atmos processing for use with in-ceiling or height speakers for more enveloping surround soundDTS:X for an immersive, 3-dimensional soundstage (available via firmware update)Auro-3D® ready decoder for creating three-dimensional soundfields with Auro-3D soundtrack mixes and a 10.1-channel speaker configuration (requires $199 firmware upgrade for activation; see more information)analog-to-HDMI video conversionupscales standard-definition video signals to HD and Ultra HD (up to 4K)Audyssey MultEQ® XT32 speaker calibration and system optimization includes:MultEQ XT32 advanced auto setup and room calibration uses high-resolution digital processing filters to deliver balanced, dynamic sound to as many as 8 listening positions (expandable to 32 with a professional installer)DSX® (Dynamic Surround Expansion) optimizes front height or front width speakers to create a larger soundstage with more engaging surround effectsDynamic Volume anticipates loud sounds to keep volume levels evenDynamic EQ improves dialogue, bass response, and surround channel levels at lower volumesSub EQ HT provides individual calibration for dual subwoofers, for even bass response throughout the roomLow Frequency Containment reduces the amount of bass that bleeds into other roomsDigital and Streaming Music Options:built-in Wi-Fi for listening to music from a networked PC, free Internet radio, and music servicesincludes support for Pandora, SiriusXM, and free Internet radio streams with vTuner (subscription required for some services)firmware update needed to connect to Pandora: available 11/14/2016Spotify Connect lets you play Spotifys streaming music library through the receiver via your smartphone or tablet (requires Spotify app and a premium subscription)Apple AirPlay for streaming music from an iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® or computer running iTunes®built-in Bluetooth for wireless music listening with smartphones, tablets, and compatible computersplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution; DSD up to 2.8 MHz .dsf files)DLNA certified for streaming music with compatible devices and computersfront-panel USB input for connecting an iPod®, iPhone, or USB memory devicedirect digital connection for iPod or iPhone bypasses the devices digital-to-analog converter for better soundDenons Compressed Audio Restorer improves sound quality of MP3s and other digital music filesMulti-room Audio/Video:three-room/three-source outputpowered stereo outputs for second and third rooms allow playback in three rooms at onceamp assign feature lets you reassign extra surround channels to second and third zonesline-level outputs for Zones 2 and 3 for use with additional receiver, amplifier, or powered speakersindependent HDMI outputs for watching video content from different sources in two zones simultaneouslysupports 2nd/3rd zone playback of digital sources (audio from HDMI sources is limited to Zones 1 and 2)component and composite video outputs can be assigned to Zone 2Audio Performance Features:monoblock design separates circuitry for the left and right channelsDenon custom-made high current transistors and power transformer offer robust power and clean soundbi-amp compatible front left and right speakers by reassigning Wide/Height channelsConnections:HDMI 2.0a audio/video switching: 8 in (includes 1 front-panel input), 3 outHDCP 2.2 technology ensures compatibility with 4K Ultra HD sources and TVs (all HDMI inputs and outputs)HDR-compatible for extended picture contrast and brightness with compatible 4K TVs and HDR-encoded contentcomponent video switching: 2 in, 1 out (Zone 2)composite video switching: 5 in, 2 out (includes 1 front-panel input)digital audio inputs: 2 optical, 2 coaxial7 analog stereo audio inputs (includes 1 pair of front-panel inputs)phono input for connecting a turntable13.2-channel preamp outputs include outputs for 2 powered subwoofersfront-panel USB port for audio playback from USB flash drives and an iPod or iPhoneDenon Link HD creates a jitter-free connection to compatible Denon Blu-ray players; requires HDMI connection and proprietary Denon Link RCA-style cableEthernet port for network connectionoutputs for 11 speakers (Front L/R, Center, Surround L/R, Surround Back L/R, Height 1 L/R, Height 2 L/R)receiver can only power 9 channels at onceRS-232C port for use with external controllersIR in/out and 12-volt triggers1/4 headphone jackremovable power cordGeneral Features:4K/60p and 3D video pass-throughfree Denon Remote app lets you use your Apple or Android™ device as a Wi-Fi remoteSetup Assistant guides you through the initial connection process and settingsHDMI standby pass-through allows HDMI switching without powering up receiversupport for third-party control systems by Control4 and Crestron for home automationintuitive, full-color on-screen guidebuilt-in HD Radio™ tunerAM/FM tunerremote control17-1/8W x 6-5/8H x 15-1/2D (9-5/16H with Wi-Fi antennas raised)weight: 31.3 lbsMFR # AVR-X6200W

Denon AVR-X6200W

End: 16.03. 2024 07:44:17 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 238.8 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266711202738
  • Bids: 3
  • Seller: michaepellerit_6 (6|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pompano Beach, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Immerse yourself in a cinematic experience with the Denon AVR-X6200W Integrated Network AV Receiver. This 9.2 channel unit boasts surround sound formats such as DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby Atmos, and DTS-X. Its connectivity options, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and HDMI, allow for seamless integration with your home theater setup. With voice control compatibility through Alexa, you can easily navigate your audio inputs, including digital coaxial RCA, USB, and stereo L/R RCA. The sleek black metal design, measuring at 15.1 inches in length, 6.6 inches in height, and 17.1 inches in width, is sure to complement any home theater system. See website below for more information.Product highlights:Power and Processing:9-channel amplifier140 watts per channel into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD, with 2 channels drivenDolby® and DTS® surround sound decodingDolby Atmos processing for use with in-ceiling or height speakers for more enveloping surround soundDTS:X for an immersive, 3-dimensional soundstage (available via firmware update)Auro-3D® ready decoder for creating three-dimensional soundfields with Auro-3D soundtrack mixes and a 10.1-channel speaker configuration (requires $199 firmware upgrade for activation; see more information)analog-to-HDMI video conversionupscales standard-definition video signals to HD and Ultra HD (up to 4K)Audyssey MultEQ® XT32 speaker calibration and system optimization includes:MultEQ XT32 advanced auto setup and room calibration uses high-resolution digital processing filters to deliver balanced, dynamic sound to as many as 8 listening positions (expandable to 32 with a professional installer)DSX® (Dynamic Surround Expansion) optimizes front height or front width speakers to create a larger soundstage with more engaging surround effectsDynamic Volume anticipates loud sounds to keep volume levels evenDynamic EQ improves dialogue, bass response, and surround channel levels at lower volumesSub EQ HT provides individual calibration for dual subwoofers, for even bass response throughout the roomLow Frequency Containment reduces the amount of bass that bleeds into other roomsDigital and Streaming Music Options:built-in Wi-Fi for listening to music from a networked PC, free Internet radio, and music servicesincludes support for Pandora, SiriusXM, and free Internet radio streams with vTuner (subscription required for some services)firmware update needed to connect to Pandora: available 11/14/2016Spotify Connect lets you play Spotifys streaming music library through the receiver via your smartphone or tablet (requires Spotify app and a premium subscription)Apple AirPlay for streaming music from an iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® or computer running iTunes®built-in Bluetooth for wireless music listening with smartphones, tablets, and compatible computersplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution; DSD up to 2.8 MHz .dsf files)DLNA certified for streaming music with compatible devices and computersfront-panel USB input for connecting an iPod®, iPhone, or USB memory devicedirect digital connection for iPod or iPhone bypasses the devices digital-to-analog converter for better soundDenons Compressed Audio Restorer improves sound quality of MP3s and other digital music filesMulti-room Audio/Video:three-room/three-source outputpowered stereo outputs for second and third rooms allow playback in three rooms at onceamp assign feature lets you reassign extra surround channels to second and third zonesline-level outputs for Zones 2 and 3 for use with additional receiver, amplifier, or powered speakersindependent HDMI outputs for watching video content from different sources in two zones simultaneouslysupports 2nd/3rd zone playback of digital sources (audio from HDMI sources is limited to Zones 1 and 2)component and composite video outputs can be assigned to Zone 2Audio Performance Features:monoblock design separates circuitry for the left and right channelsDenon custom-made high current transistors and power transformer offer robust power and clean soundbi-amp compatible front left and right speakers by reassigning Wide/Height channelsConnections:HDMI 2.0a audio/video switching: 8 in (includes 1 front-panel input), 3 outHDCP 2.2 technology ensures compatibility with 4K Ultra HD sources and TVs (all HDMI inputs and outputs)HDR-compatible for extended picture contrast and brightness with compatible 4K TVs and HDR-encoded contentcomponent video switching: 2 in, 1 out (Zone 2)composite video switching: 5 in, 2 out (includes 1 front-panel input)digital audio inputs: 2 optical, 2 coaxial7 analog stereo audio inputs (includes 1 pair of front-panel inputs)phono input for connecting a turntable13.2-channel preamp outputs include outputs for 2 powered subwoofersfront-panel USB port for audio playback from USB flash drives and an iPod or iPhoneDenon Link HD creates a jitter-free connection to compatible Denon Blu-ray players; requires HDMI connection and proprietary Denon Link RCA-style cableEthernet port for network connectionoutputs for 11 speakers (Front L/R, Center, Surround L/R, Surround Back L/R, Height 1 L/R, Height 2 L/R)receiver can only power 9 channels at onceRS-232C port for use with external controllersIR in/out and 12-volt triggers1/4 headphone jackremovable power cordGeneral Features:4K/60p and 3D video pass-throughfree Denon Remote app lets you use your Apple or Android™ device as a Wi-Fi remoteSetup Assistant guides you through the initial connection process and settingsHDMI standby pass-through allows HDMI switching without powering up receiversupport for third-party control systems by Control4 and Crestron for home automationintuitive, full-color on-screen guidebuilt-in HD Radio™ tunerAM/FM tunerremote control17-1/8W x 6-5/8H x 15-1/2D (9-5/16H with Wi-Fi antennas raised) If you have questions or would like to see more pictures please contact seller.

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel Receiver -NO POWER- AS IS - Free shipping

End: 26.02. 2024 01:56:59 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 230.45 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404402358902
  • Seller: tech-world43228 (39576|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Columbus, Ohio USA
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Stock # 190995057588 Condition: For Fix or parts , Item was plugged but it does not power up Cosmetic condition: item has some signs and scratches of wear due to usage, Please refer to the pictures(Antenna broken). Package Includes: Item Only as shown in the pictures Does Not Include: Original Box, Remote, Cables or Any other accessories not mentioned above or shown in the pictures Shipping & Return Policy Free shipping applies to the Contiguous U.S. (Lower 48 States)Customer must contact us or ebay first in order to obtain Return Merchant Authorization (RMA)Any item returned for warranty must be returned in the same condition that it was receivedAll Items must be returned with all original contents and componentsReturn shipping shall be the responsibility of the buyerWe pay the shipping cost to send the replacementBidder is responsible to ask any questions prior to bidding.We do our best to give an accurate description of the items being auctionedWe highly recommend bidders to read the description and bid accordingly

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel Home Theater Receiver

End: 23.02. 2024 21:12:57 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 738.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166579683591
  • Seller: pinnaclemicro (615|98.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sacramento, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel Home Theater Receiver FunctionalityFully tested and passed all diagnostic tests Cosmetic ConditionGood condition - Unit may have scratches, scuffs, and other small cosmetic imperfections from normal previous use Additional NotesPhotos are of the actual unit you will receive, please refer to them.No additional cords or accessories, just what is pictured. ShippingItems charging shipping are charged for weight of item + 1 pound for packaging and use eBays calculated shippingAll items will be shipped within 1 business days of payment being received.Shipping forwarders are responsible for all extra return fees associated with getting the return back to where it was originally shipped Domestically.Message us BEFORE paying for your order with inquiries about shipping adjustments or quotes please.Domestic Returns/ReplacementsIf you are not 100% satisfied with your order when received you may return anything to us within 30 days for a full refund or product replacement if one is available. Outside of 30 days we will do our best to work with any of our customers on a case by case basis. We are here to help and serve you!We reserve the right to charge a 10% restocking fee on any items returned as described in the listing above.International ReturnsInternational customers who wish to make a return are responsible for all customs and shipping fees associated with returning the package to us. Once we have received the unit we will refund the final sale value of the item being returned, no return shipping fees or custom fees will be refunded.Customer ServiceIf you need any help dont hesitate to message us with any questions or inquiries big or small.Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel AV Receiver AS-IS/For Parts Or Repair

End: 17.02. 2024 19:34:30 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 229.58 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326012243907
  • Seller: buy_the_brick (933|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Westminster, Maryland USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AV receiver for sale Model AVR-6200w Unit is sold as is for repair or parts. HDMI /video out is not working on this unit. The amplification stage / speaker outs were working 100% correctly when the unit was removed from use. If you can repair the HDMI ports/board then you will have a powerful 9.2 avr. No returns accepted on this item. Also includes remote, antennas, power cable, setup microphone, and user manual on disc.


End: 28.01. 2024 05:50:51 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 46.14 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 156024437103
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: faust415 (1402|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Redwood City, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    USED DENON AVR-X6200W AV RECEIVERAURO 3D FIRMWARE UPGRADE INSTALLEDFOR PARTS OR REPAIR Powerful Denon flagship receiver from 2016. I am the original owner and this is pulled from an existing AV setupFeatures Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth®, Apple® AirPlay®, and Dolby Atmos®140 watts per channel into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD, with 2 channels driven9.2 channel amplifier with Dolby Atmos, DTS-X and has Auro 3D firmware upgrade installedConvenient front panel analog and HDMI inputsAnalog-to-HDMI conversion, Multi-room audio/video and upscaling to 4K/60fpsHDMI 2.0a with HDCP 2.2Phono input for MM turntablesUnit is in amazing condition but unfortunately there is an issue with the eARC monitor connection. The unit has trouble handshaking with a monitor which results in random on/off switching, no sound, no picture or all of the above. There may be an issue with the logic board or the actual monitor HDMI connection. The other monitor inputs may be fine but they are untested. Therefore, the buyer can choose to have the unit repaired or harvest it for parts. Please do not bid if you do not understand the condition of this receiver.Includes receiver, wireless antennas, power cord and remote. No manual or Audyssey calibration gear included. Unit has some dust and light scratches. No severe dents or damage.Buyer pays for shipping by UPS Ground. This is a very heavy unit but will be packaged safely in an alternate Denon box with sturdy packing. Sold AS-IS. All sales final. No returns. Retail price when new: $1600. Bidding starts at $50.100% feedback since 1999All items sold AS-IS, even on new items. No warranties.Winning bidders get a tracking number within 3 business days of payment. International winners must use Ebays Global Shipping Program for delivery. Buyer is responsible for any import fees/taxes. Contact me first if there is a problem, before you file a formal claim.

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel with Dolby Atmos DTS-X 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver

End: 24.01. 2024 22:11:00 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 584.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 176064630261
  • Seller: hdgadgets (1286|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Rimouski, QC Kanada
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2 Channel with Dolby Atmos DTS-X 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver Made in Japan Receiver is in very good condition! Works great! No major marks or scratches but a little dusty. Includes:- Original AC power cord- 2 Bluetooth/WLAN antennas- Remote control- Audyssey calibration microphone I do not have the original box but it will be well packaged to arrive to you safely Note to USA bidders - This item ships from Canada and you will be responsible for customs and duties. Please bid accordingly. Shipping:Shipping to Canada (Excluding YT,NWT,NU, Remote locations) is FREE!Shipping to USA (Exclusions below) is FREE!Most purchases will ship within 24 business hours.Excludes: Alaska/Hawaii, APO/FPO, US Protectorates, PO Box. Puerto RicoWe do not ship to other international locations.We do not ship to PayPal unconfirmed addresses

Denon Rc-1193 receiver remote AVR-X4100W AVR-X4200W AVR-X5200W AVR-X6200W READ

End: 22.01. 2024 13:57:57 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 32.43 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204612504732
  • Seller: moneybuzz (2813|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 4,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Denon Rc-1193 receiver remote .Appears to fit models AVR-X4100W AVR-X4200W AVR-X5200W AVR-X6200W.Please check.has dent on right bottom side. But all buttons work well.I SHIP FAST! Usually same day or next.Buyer Pays $4 shipping within U.S. I wholesale remotes. Click on my store for more info.

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel 4k Network AV Receiver

End: 22.01. 2024 03:41:21 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 418.87 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 296173721164
  • Bids: 17
  • Seller: mikute_0 (248|96.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hampstead, New Hampshire USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unit is in great, like new condition. Has been in a temperature controlled rack and seldom used. No issues. Comes with remote, antennas for am, fm and WiFi. Also included is the Audyssey mic and cardboard setup stand. Comes packed in a receiver box as seen in pictures. On Jan-19-24 at 12:39:12 PST, seller added the following information: Please no under 5 or 10 feedback users unless you’re serious.

Denon AVR-X6200W 9.2-channel 4k Network AV Receiver Untested Damaged

End: 18.01. 2024 21:20:46 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 278.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235385048798
  • Seller: dalsha-95 (713|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rochester, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Only tested power See photos for damage