Wilson Audio Alexandria X2 Reference Loudspeakers ~ Now with FREE FREIGHT!
- Condition: Used
- Price: 43932.67 EUR
- Status: unsold
- Item number: 296464786625
- Bids: 0
- Seller: wire9473 (720|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Tallahassee, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Now with FREE Freight! One of the most profound listening experiences Ive ever had (and there have been a few) over my 45 years in the audio business was hearing Dave Wilsons original Alexandrias.I will never forget where I was and the track I was listening to... Im not a reviewer and so without plagiarizing one, there is no way for me to describe these masterpieces of audio, art and science.They are simply remarkable in every way. This is the 46 pair made (serial # 0091/0092 in 2004) and were at the time, Wilsons best claim to immortality ~ The improvements over the X1 were quite extraordinary and Wilson would go on to refine every incarnation of the Alexandrias until they simply ran out of ways to improve it and went towards the current reference speaker they make today. Nothing really came close to reproducing sound in a room the way the Alexandrias did and with the exception of the latest incarnations, I cant imagine any other speaker, in this price range keeping up with their sheer impact and reality. Properly set-up (very critical) the Alexandrias simply disappear, which is a remarkable feat for something so large, but that is, after all, the whole idea. What the listener is left with is nothing but the music. The depth, soundstage and total command of the space is what the Alexandrias were designed for and like every pair of Alexandrias, this pair represents the best that Dave Wilson and his team could build at the time. It was my first experience with a speaker over $100,000/pr and I remember just being in awe of them and anyone who had the means to afford them. At the time, I owned the 8th pair (serial # 015/016) made of the iconic Bowers & Wilkins NautilusThe original snails that Dickey and his team had spent over 5 years in R&D and considered one of the most neutral loudspeakers ever conceived. I had never experienced anything like the Nautilus (another one of my definitive audio moments!) The Alexandrias were so different in every way...there was no real limit to what Dave Wilson was prepared to spend on R&D on this speaker. He wanted the very best reproducer that he could build... regardless of cost and the only other speaker than comes to mind that approaches what might have been spent on R&D on the Alexandrias is the iconic Bowers & Wilkins original Nautilus This pair of X2s were purchased new at Sound Components and set up by Mark Goldman in 2004. It has been a privilege to spend time with them over the years and Ive had an open invitation to listen to them anytime I want to hear them. I have the room (Listening Room #1 jimgraydesigns.com) for them, but between the Nautilus 802D4, the Klipsch LaScala and the brand new Bowers & Wilkins 805D4 Signature, theres just no room for them right now. They are far and away the best speaker Ive ever owned. I have thought about moving the LaScalas to Listening Room #2, which would open up the space for the Alexandrias... but Im not there yet.I have measured the room and found the Zone of NeutralityThey will certainly work... There isnt room here to go into all that went into the developments and execution of the Alexandria.There is so much that has been written over the years, please set aside an hour or more and go and enjoy the reviews! Even if this pair is outside your comfort zone it, I think you might enjoy all that has been written about them.I know I enjoy reading reviews of things outside mine! I believe the Alexandrias, in all their incarnations, will go down as one of the finest speakers ever conceived. To hear them in person is a pretty sublime experience...there really are no words. The Alexandrias are back in their original crates and ready to ship... I would estimate the cost to ship and insure them will probably be between $2,500 ~ $3,000, depending on how far they have to travel and whether they ship to a residence or business. Back to this pairs history for a moment... I can tell you that they have mostly played classical music... Mostly vinyl and only by one owner and two users (me, being one) they are in like new condition and theres not much else I can add. If you have the room and always coveted a pair of Alexandrias, you will not likely find a better example... with a minimum number of hours on them (Joe and Is best guess is less than 200) No smoke, no kids, no pets... these are simply magnificent! Please dont hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns and thanks for stopping by... I hope this finds everyone in your life well and staying safe. It wasnt practical to move this system into a better lighted space, so please pardon the relative poor quality of the photos...They in no way, do the Alexandrias any justice~ Thanks again for stopping by! Best regards,JimJim Gray Designsjimgraydesigns.com
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