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High End FULL HD ViewSonic PX700HD 3.500 AnsiLumen Beamer, UVP 1099 Euro, 2xHDMI

End: 09.02. 2025 19:41:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 166.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 296983348009
  • Bids: 11
  • Seller: inn_de7 (2882|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rastatt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 12,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    High End FULL HD ViewSonic PX700HD 3.500 AnsiLumen Beamer, UVP 1099 Euro, 2xHDMIViewSonic PX700HD High End FULL HD Profi BeamerNeupreis 1.099 Euro TOP-ZUSTAND! In der Originalverpackung! OVP! Ultrahelle 3500 Ansi Lumen tageslichttauglich Kontrast: 12.000:1 Flüsterleise mit 27 dB super transportierbar mit nur 2,7 kg natives FULL HD 1920x1080 WUXGA 1920x1200 Technisch einwandfrei!! Digitaler HDMI-Eingang für allerbeste Bildqualität Dieser Beamer hat die 3D-ready-Technologie 3D-ready rechnet die Bilder des Beamers für 3D-Brillen um. Mit den Shutterbrillen werden die Filme oder Bilder dann in 3D dargestellt, was vor allem bei Animationsfilmen sehr gut rüber kommt. Dieser Beamer hat die Real Full HD 3D-Technologie Das Full HD 3D-Format ist das einzige 3D Format ohne Qualitätsverlust. Dabei werden die beiden Perspektiven in ein Vollbild (Frame) gepackt, getrennt nur durch einige Leerzeilen mit einer Auflösung von 1920 x 2205 Pixel per HDMI-Version 1.4 vom Blu Ray Player zum Projektor übertragen. Bis HDMI 1.3 war es nicht möglich Unterbilder mit so hoher Auflösung darzustellen, und darum ist Full HD 3D auch nicht kompatibel mit HDMI 1.3. Ausnahme sind wenige Geräte wie die Sony Playstation 3. Daten- und Videoprojektor DLP-Technologie Lampe ist erst 321 Stunden in Betrieb und kann laut Hersteller bis zu 15.000 Stunden. Wer träumt nicht von einem Kinoerlebnis im eigenen Wohnzimmer? Die Chance auf Kino in den eigenen 4 Wänden. Mit diesem Beamer können Auflösungen von 1.440.000 (XGA 1024x768, SVGA 800x600) dargestellt werden. Durch diese hohe Pixelzahl kann ein extrem scharfes Bild projeziert werden, das bei anderen Beamern oft Mangelware ist. Die Pixelanzahl setzt sich wie folgt zusammen: Bei einer Auflösung von 640 x 480 gibt die Vordere Zahl die horizontale und die Hintere die vertikale Auflösung an. Somit erhält man 307.200 Pixel. Jedoch muss das Ergebnis aufgrund eines 3 Panels Beamers und den damit verbunden drei Grundfarben noch mit 3 multipliziert werden. Ansi Lumen Mit 3500 Ansi Lumen ist der Beamer absolut tageslichttauglich. Bei der Maßeinheit Ansi Lumen handelt es sich um die Lichtleistung bei Projektoren. Also wieviel Licht auf einer Stelle eintrifft. Diese Einheit ist wichtig für den Einsatzort eines Beamers.In abgedunkelten Räumen reichen gewöhnlich 500 Ansi Lumen aus. Für belichtete Räumen werden 1000 Ansi Lumen benötigt. Kontrast Mit einem Kontrast von 12.000:1 handelt es ich um einen absoluten High End Beamer. Der Kontrast gibt die Helligkeitsstufen an, die ein Beamer leisten kann. Bei einem schwachen Kontrast erhält man ein flaues Bild. Schwarze Bildpunkte erscheinen bei einem geringen Kontrast grau. Der Projektor ist Multi-Systemfähig. Er kann an folgende Videosignale: PAL, PAL-M, PAL-N, PAL-60, SECAM, NTSC, HDTV 720p, 1080i, EDTV 480p, 576p angeschlossen werden. Geräte können über folgende Anschlüssen mit dem Beamer verbunden werden: 2x HDMI 1.4 mit HDCP in D-sub 15 pin in und out (VGA) Cinch Video in Audio in und out S-Video in RJ45 in USB Typ A RS232C Mini Jack Audio Durch diese Mega-Anschlussmöglichkeiten kann der Beamer mit SAT-Receiver, Notebooks, PCs, Premiere-Decoder, DVD-Player oder Spielkonsolen wie z.B. PS3 oder XBOX 360 verbunden werden. Der Projektor eignet sich perfekt für Präsentationen. Dazu wird der Beamer via VGA-Anschluss an ein Notebook angeschlossen. Der VGA-Anschluss ist ein analoger Bildübertragungsstandard für Stecker- und Kabelverbindungen zwischen Grafikkarten und Anzeigegeräten. Dieser wurde mit dem Video Graphics Array von IBM eingeführt. Ebenso der Hammer auf Zock-Abenden Sportevents auf einer großen Leinwand wie beim public viewing Die neue Bundesliga-Saison hat ja gerade wieder angefangen :) Da es sich um einen Beamer handelt werden folgende Signale unterstützt: Voreingestellte Signale Horizontale Frequenz (kHZ) Vertikale Frequenz (Hz) 480i 15.8 kHz 60 Hz 480p 31.5 kHz 60 Hz 576i 15.6 kHz 50 Hz 576p 31.3 kHz 50 Hz 720p 45.0 kHz 60 Hz 720p 37.5 kHz 50 Hz 1080i 33.8 kHz 60 Hz 1080i 28.1 kHz 50 Hz Der Videoprojektor kann selbstverständlich von 4:3 auf 16:9 umgestellt werden. Filme im 16:9 Format 720p, 1080i HDTV auf Großfläche Der Beamer ermöglicht Projektionen von 51 cm bis knapp 7 m Bilddiagonale. Zoom-Möglichkeit Die Projektion lässt sich ohne Probleme über die Zoom-Funktion regulieren. Dadurch wird ein Verrücken des Projektors unnötig, um die projezierte Fläche zu maximieren bzw. minimieren. Als Projektionsfläche bedarf es keiner Leinwand. Der Einsatz eines weißen Leinentuchs oder einer weißen Wand reichen vollkommen aus. Digital Light Processing Als Bildwandler eines DLP-Projektors (Digital Light Processing) kommt ein Digital Micromirror Device (DMD)zum Einsatz, eine Integrierte Schaltung, auf der sich für jeden einzelnen Bildpunkt ein winziger, durch einen elektrischen Impuls kippbarer Spiegel befindet. Die Bilderzeugung erfolgt durch gezieltes Ansteuern der Kippspiegel,, so dass das Licht in Richtung der Projektionsoptik geleitet oder abgelenkt wird. Da diese Art der Bilderzeugung nur die zwei Zustände an und aus kennt, müssen Helligkeitsabstufungen durch schnelles Pulsieren erreichtt werden. Die DLP-Spiegel schalten bis zu 5000 Mal pro Sekunde. Vorteile: Sehr hohe Geschwindigkeit, dadurch kein Nachleuchten/Nachziehen des Bildes, hierdurch sehr gut für 3D-Projektion geeignet Kein Einbrennen des Bildes (z. B. bei Computerspielen) Höherer Kontrast (durch das tiefere Schwarz) als beim LCD-Projektor Weniger stark ausgeprägte Pixelstruktur als bei LCD-Projektoren Durch gekapselte Optik und langlebiges DMD weniger staubempfindlich als LCD-Projektoren Über das on-screen Menü lassen sich alle Beamer-Einstellungen vornehmen. Dieses ermöglicht so ein bequemes Einstellen aller benötigten Funktionen. Die Einstellungen können direkt am Gerät vorgenommen werden oder via Fernbedienung. Digitale Keystone-Korrektur Natürlich hat der Beamer auch die Keystone-Korrektur. Im deutschen auch unter Trapezregulierung bekannt. Mit dieser Funktion lassen sich verzerrte Bilder auf ein schönes entzerrtes Niveau anpassen. Der Einsatz des Beamers ist kinderleicht. Nur ans Stromnetz anschließen. Mit Notebook, Sat-Receiver, Spielkonsole, DVD-Player verbinden und der Spaß kann beginnen. So wird jeder Einsatz zum Multimedia-Highlight. Nach einer umkomplizierten Einrichtung liefert er Bilder in Spitzenqualität auch unter Umständen, die nicht den idealen Bestimmungen entsprechen. Freeze-Funktion Die Freezefunktion ermöglicht es ein Bild während der Wiedergabe einzufrieren, man erhält so ein Standbild. Brilliant-Color Technologie DLP-Projektoren mit BrilliantColor nutzen bis zu sechs separate Farben zur Bilderzeugung. Rot, Grün, Blau, Cyan, Magenta und Gelb sorgen für eine größere Bandbreite natürlicher, lebendiger Farben. Wie bei allen DLP-Projektoren kommt es auch hier nicht zu einem Ausbleichen der Farben im Dauereinsatz. BrilliantColor ermöglicht eine um rund 50 Prozent verbesserte Helligkeit der Farben und weitet die Farbpalette über die drei Grundfarben RGB hinaus aus, die bei den konkurrierenden Technologien wie etwa LCD zur Verfügung stehen. Dieser Beamer besitzt die Brilliant-Color Technologie. DLP-Projektoren mit BrilliantColor nutzen bis zu sechs separate Farben zur Bilderzeugung. Rot, Grün, Blau, Cyan, Magenta und Gelb sorgen für eine größere Bandbreite natürlicher, lebendiger Farben. Wie bei allen DLP-Projektoren kommt es auch hier nicht zu einem Ausbleichen der Farben im Dauereinsatz. BrilliantColor ermöglicht eine um rund 50 Prozent verbesserte Helligkeit der Farben und weitet die Farbpalette über die drei Grundfarben RGB hinaus aus, die bei den konkurrierenden Technologien wie etwa LCD zur Verfügung stehen. Blackboard-Mode Wenn Bilder auf eine Klassenzimmertafel ohne Leinwand projiziert werden ist das Bild grünlich. Der Tafel Modus (Blackboardmode) des Projektors gleicht diesen Farbfehler aus. sRGB Dieser Beamer ist sRGB-fähig. sRGB definiert eine Technologie, die eine naturgetreue Farbwiedergabe bei jüngeren Windows-Versionen (ab Windows ME) in Verbindung mit sRGB-kompatiblen Peripheriegeräten verspricht. sRGB ermöglicht eine automatische Farbkalibrierung, um die oft erheblichen Farbabweichungen bei den verschiedenen Gerätschaften (von der Aufnahme mittels Scanner oder Digitalkamera, über die Verwendung von DVD-Geräten bis zur Ausgabe via Bildschirm und/oder Farbdrucker) auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. Acer ColorBoost II+ ist die innovative Kombination aktuellster projektionstechnologien, bestehend aus einem von Acer ständig weiterentwickelten Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmus, dem aktuellsten DLP BrilliantColor-Chip, der hoch entwickelten Lichtsteuerungstechnologie von Osram und Philips sowie einem optimierten Farbrad mit mindestens 6 Segmenten. Vorteile: - Wartungsfreiheit durch digitale DLP® Technologie ohne Filterwechsel - eine optimierte Farbtemperatur abgestimmt auf die Projektionshelligkeit (Acer PerfectColor) - Bei Tageslicht gut sichtbare Projektion - auch auf der Raufasertapete brillant - Deutlich höhere Brillanz und natürlich, lebensechte Farben Unishape Lampentechnologie Die hochentwickelte Lichtsteuerung UNISHAPE von OSRAM basiert auf einer Modulationen des Lampenstroms. Mittels der Technologien Low Pulse, Variable Plateau und Dynamic Dimming wird sowohl eine effizientere und hellere Ausleuchtung, als auch ein höherer Kontrast erzielt. Farbtiefe und die natürliche Bildwiedergabe werden verbessert. Mit Low Pulse wird der Lampenstrom für Mikrosekunden abgesenkt, um die natürliche Farbwiedergabe und einen optimalen Kontrast zu realisieren. Durch Variable Plateau wird die Lichtintensität je Farbe erhöht oder gesenkt, um Helligkeit und Farbwiedergabe zu erhöhen. Dynamic Dimming senkt die Lampenleistung während dunkler Szenen, um einen besseren schwarz Kontrast zu erzielen. Lampe ist erst 321 Stunden in Betrieb und kann laut Hersteller bis zu 15.000 Stunden. Somit einer der besten Beamer auf dem Markt! Technisch einwandfrei!! Kontrast 12.000:1, 3500 Ansi Lumen, nur 2,7 kg, hammerleise 27 dB kleine Maße, dadurch super transportierbar + vielzählige Anschlussmöglichkeiten Lieferumfang: Beamer mit Lampe Stromkabel FernbedienungHDMI-KabelVGA-KabelOVP Viel Erfolg beim Bieten 3...2...1...meins!

ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Projector (For Parts)

End: 30.12. 2024 20:51:39 on Monday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 19.75 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 176754603133
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: goodwillofsouthernnevada (94655|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Projector (For Parts) Condition: FAIR - The item is in a well-used condition, it may have light scratches or wear and need cleaning - See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. Power Cord Included: Yes Functionality: *Did not turn on with power cord. SOLD AS IS FOR PARTS/NOT WORKING. Accessories included: Power Cord Serial Number: V51192701316 Model Number: PX700HD PICK UPS: Pick-up customers must make payment 24 hours prior to a pick-up. No exceptions will be accepted. All payments have to be submitted online. Pick-Up Schedule: Monday - Friday : 9:00am-3:00pm Saturday-Sunday: Closed for Pick-Up Pick-Up Customers must provide their picture ID and order number to receive their order. Our address is 7940 S. Valley View Blvd, Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89139 All pick up items must be retrieved within 14 days from the date payment was recorded. All items not retrieved within this time frame will be considered a donation without further notice.

Viewsonic PX700HD Beamer Full Hd

End: 07.12. 2024 16:00:04 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.68 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 205137149823
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: shortyxxl4 (351|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Viewsonic PX700HD Beamer Full HdVerkaufe meinen gebrauchten Full Hd Beamer incl. Stromkabel, Fernbedienung, ca. 8m HDMI Kabel im Original Karton. Das Gerät funktioniert einwandfrei und ist aus einem nicht Raucher Haushalt. Ich bitte darum die detaillierte Beschreibung des Produktes im Internet nachzulesen. Ich habe lediglich 321 Stunden mit dem Gerät Filme geschaut. Falls sonst noch Fragen sind bitte melden. Es handelt sich um einen Verkauf von Privat, deshalb keinerlei Rückgabe, Gewährleistung oder Garantie

ViewSonic PX700HD Full HD DLP Home Theater Projector *1,298 Lamp Hrs*

End: 03.12. 2024 17:46:35 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 143.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375714132336
  • Seller: uwilllikeit (37498|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Dawsonville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Make: ViewSonic Model: PX700HD Part Number: ** Description: Item Listed: ViewSonic PX700HD Full HD DLP Home Theater Projector *1,298 Lamp Hrs*Brightness of 3500 ANSI LumensFull HD 1080p ResolutionSuperColor TechnologyUltra-Low Input LatencySports Mode & SuperEcoHDMI & VGA PortsAudio Input & OutputRS-232 Serial PortBuilt-In 2W Speaker **Please note that this item will be pulled from a bulk surplus selection. The item you receive may not be the exact item pictured, but it will be in like condition. Functionality: Tested for Key Functions, R2/Ready for Resale. Condition: Used in good condition, some signs of wear from previous use. Accessories: Power + HDMI Cables Quality Assurance Plan We do our best to ensure each and every product we sell is fully tested and free of problems. We try to note any issues we notice and describe them in the listing. Everything included in this ad is shown in the pictures unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, please do not assume that it is included. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please contact us through eBay immediately upon receipt of your item if you have any issues. We will help to resolve any issues quickly and fairly. Recycling As an R2 certified company we desire to ensure that electronic equipment is recycled in compliance with local, state, and federal laws upon reaching the end of its useful life or becoming un-useful for any reason. Your participation in ensuring proper recycling of the equipment is appreciated. Please help us responsibly recycle any unused parts by taking to your local recycling facility or by shipping back to us once the item has reached the end of its useful life. We appreciate your business and your effort in helping to reduce electronic waste in our landfills. 30 Day Return Policy All buyers located in Georgia will pay 7.0% sales tax. Depending on your location, eBay may be required to charge sales tax in accordance with the Internet Sales Tax laws. Buyer can pay with: PayPal. Everything included in the ad is shown in the pictures and listed in the accessories line unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, or it is not listed above next to Accessories, please do not assume that it is included. F3

ViewSonic PX700HD Full HD DLP Home Theater Projector *25 Lamp Hrs*

End: 13.11. 2024 13:25:15 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 144.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305838540968
  • Seller: uwilllikeit (37337|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Dawsonville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Make: ViewSonic Model: PX700HD Part Number: ** Description: Item Listed: ViewSonic PX700HD Full HD DLP Home Theater Projector *25 Lamp Hrs*Brightness of 3500 ANSI LumensFull HD 1080p ResolutionSuperColor TechnologyUltra-Low Input LatencySports Mode & SuperEcoHDMI & VGA PortsAudio Input & OutputRS-232 Serial PortBuilt-In 2W Speaker Functionality: Tested for Key Functions, R2/Ready for Resale. Condition: Used in good condition, some signs of wear from previous use. Accessories: Power + HDMI Cables Quality Assurance Plan We do our best to ensure each and every product we sell is fully tested and free of problems. We try to note any issues we notice and describe them in the listing. Everything included in this ad is shown in the pictures unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, please do not assume that it is included. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please contact us through eBay immediately upon receipt of your item if you have any issues. We will help to resolve any issues quickly and fairly. Recycling As an R2 certified company we desire to ensure that electronic equipment is recycled in compliance with local, state, and federal laws upon reaching the end of its useful life or becoming un-useful for any reason. Your participation in ensuring proper recycling of the equipment is appreciated. Please help us responsibly recycle any unused parts by taking to your local recycling facility or by shipping back to us once the item has reached the end of its useful life. We appreciate your business and your effort in helping to reduce electronic waste in our landfills. 30 Day Return Policy All buyers located in Georgia will pay 7.0% sales tax. Depending on your location, eBay may be required to charge sales tax in accordance with the Internet Sales Tax laws. Buyer can pay with: PayPal. Everything included in the ad is shown in the pictures and listed in the accessories line unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, or it is not listed above next to Accessories, please do not assume that it is included. F3

ViewSonic PX700HD Full HD DLP Home Theater Projector *342 Lamp Hrs*

End: 13.11. 2024 13:25:13 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 144.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375714096681
  • Seller: uwilllikeit (37337|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Dawsonville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Make: ViewSonic Model: PX700HD Part Number: ** Description: Item Listed: ViewSonic PX700HD Full HD DLP Home Theater Projector *342 Lamp Hrs*Brightness of 3500 ANSI LumensFull HD 1080p ResolutionSuperColor TechnologyUltra-Low Input LatencySports Mode & SuperEcoHDMI & VGA PortsAudio Input & OutputRS-232 Serial PortBuilt-In 2W Speaker Functionality: Tested for Key Functions, R2/Ready for Resale. Condition: Used in good condition, some signs of wear from previous use. Accessories: Power + HDMI Cables Quality Assurance Plan We do our best to ensure each and every product we sell is fully tested and free of problems. We try to note any issues we notice and describe them in the listing. Everything included in this ad is shown in the pictures unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, please do not assume that it is included. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please contact us through eBay immediately upon receipt of your item if you have any issues. We will help to resolve any issues quickly and fairly. Recycling As an R2 certified company we desire to ensure that electronic equipment is recycled in compliance with local, state, and federal laws upon reaching the end of its useful life or becoming un-useful for any reason. Your participation in ensuring proper recycling of the equipment is appreciated. Please help us responsibly recycle any unused parts by taking to your local recycling facility or by shipping back to us once the item has reached the end of its useful life. We appreciate your business and your effort in helping to reduce electronic waste in our landfills. 30 Day Return Policy All buyers located in Georgia will pay 7.0% sales tax. Depending on your location, eBay may be required to charge sales tax in accordance with the Internet Sales Tax laws. Buyer can pay with: PayPal. Everything included in the ad is shown in the pictures and listed in the accessories line unless otherwise stated. If you do not see it in the pictures, or it is not listed above next to Accessories, please do not assume that it is included. F3

ViewSonic PX700HD Full HD DLP Home Theater Projector 429 lamp hours

End: 06.11. 2024 01:05:34 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 188.41 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 267038823567
  • Seller: dsbsolutions (423|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Alpharetta, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ViewSonic 1080p Projector with 3500 Lumens DLP 3D Dual HDMI and Low Input Lag for Gaming.429 lamp hours (eco-mode), bulbs last 5,000-15,000 hours. Fast and Free Shipping.Includes Projector, and Remote.

Viewsonic PX700HD 1080p DLP projector W/ remote control

End: 19.10. 2024 13:54:02 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 157.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156464088313
  • Seller: kingslandmedicalsystems (4150|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PICTURES SHOWN ARE OF THE AUCTUAL ITEM ** UNIT ONLY – NO POWER CORDS WITH ANY OF OUR ITEMS** 14 day DOA warranty on tested working product. If product fails within the time period or is damaged upon arrival, buyer is responsible to return the item(s) back to seller. Once the product is received, we will inspect the unit to determine the faulty issue. We will issue a replacement or a refund once the unit(s) has been Inspected by our technical team. no power cord Buyer Agrees to use this product as it was originally intended No international Shipping US only. Sorry no FPO or APO. No Alaska or HI. Thanks. **Note** Items purchased on Saturday and Sunday will be shipped on the following Monday except for Holidays R2 READY FOR RESALE - TESTED FOR KEY FUNCTION

ViewSonic PX700HD 1080p Gaming Projector with 3500 Lumens DLP 3D Dual HDMI (CR)

End: 10.10. 2024 23:08:21 on Thursday
  • Condition: Vom Hersteller generell überholt
  • Price: 91.33 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 395391882326
  • Seller: viewsonic_corporation (1957|98.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Chino, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY

Viewsonic PX700HD 1080p DLP projector

End: 27.09. 2024 18:43:42 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 151.98 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166980024316
  • Seller: kingslandmedicalsystems (4108|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Brooklyn, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PICTURES SHOWN ARE OF THE AUCTUAL ITEM ** UNIT ONLY – NO POWER CORDS WITH ANY OF OUR ITEMS** 14 day DOA warranty on tested working product. If product fails within the time period or is damaged upon arrival, buyer is responsible to return the item(s) back to seller. Once the product is received, we will inspect the unit to determine the faulty issue. We will issue a replacement or a refund once the unit(s) has been Inspected by our technical team. no power cord Buyer Agrees to use this product as it was originally intended No international Shipping US only. Sorry no FPO or APO. No Alaska or HI. Thanks. **Note** Items purchased on Saturday and Sunday will be shipped on the following Monday except for Holidays R2 READY FOR RESALE - TESTED FOR KEY FUNCTION

ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Beamer FullHd 3400 lumen

End: 31.08. 2024 10:54:04 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 30.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166943027769
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: mathoeve (1025|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Koblenz Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 8,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Beamer FullHd 3400 lumenDer ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Beamer bietet mit seinen 3400 Lumen und FullHD-Auflösung ein beeindruckendes Heimkino-Erlebnis.Mit modernster Anzeigetechnologie sorgt er für klare und lebendige Bilder. Das Modell ist von der renommierten Marke ViewSonic, die für ihre hochwertigen Produkte bekannt ist. Ideal für Filmabende oder Präsentationen im eigenen Wohnzimmer, dieser Beamer ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für alle, die eine erstklassige Bildqualität und Zuverlässigkeit suchen.Der Beamer ist gebraucht und weist dementsprechende leichte Spuren auf. Er funktioniert tadelos -allerdings hat die Birne Ihre max. Brenndauer ereicht und muss getauscht werden.Inkl. Anschlusskabel und Fernbedienung!

Viewsonic PX700HD 1080p DLP projector

End: 25.08. 2024 00:28:29 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 160.33 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116298828861
  • Seller: lookatmyfeedback (3123|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hopatcong, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Projector is in great working condition and comes with original remote and power cord. Has 645 hours on the bulb, this is the 2nd bulb and I am including the original blown bulb housing. You can buy a bare bulb and put it in the original housing and save quite a bit. Will be double boxed with lots of bubble wrap to make sure it arrives safely.

ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Beamer FullHd 3400 lumen, kaum Laufzeit!!!

End: 18.07. 2024 12:17:41 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 39.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226236295865
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: mendoza12345 (166|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Überlingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Beamer FullHd 3400 lumen, kaum Laufzeit!!!Verkaufe meinen sehr selten benutzten Beamer von ViewSonic. Gerne kann der Beamer bei mir ausprobiert werden. Technisch und optisch in einwandfreiem Zustand.Full HD 1080p resolution3,500 lumen brightnessLong lamp life (5000Stunde)Powered USB portReduced input latency (Gaming)


End: 17.06. 2024 09:39:16 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 259.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296507933459
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: flanschmuffe (1154|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Backnang Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NEUGERÄT FULL-HD 1080P VIEWSONIC PX700HD BEAMER 3400 ANSI-LUMEN 12000:1 KONTRASTORIGINALVERPACKTES NEUGERÄT!Originalverpackung ist noch original zugeklebt vom Hersteller! Wurde 2021 als Reservegerät angeschafft und nie benötigt.Kaufrechnung liegt bei, Garantie ist aber natürlich inzwischen abgelaufen. Auflösung 1920 x 1080Full-HDHelligkeit 3400 ANSI LumenKonnektivität 2x HDMI / Mini-USB (Typ B) / VGALautsprecher 2 WattBesonderheit: 3X Fast Input für eine kürzere Reaktionszeit5 Bildmodi für die bestmögliche Bilddarstellung Weitere Daten: Privatverkauf, keine Garantie, Gewährleistung oder Rücknahme.

Original OSRAM OEM Projector Lamp Bulb for ViewSonic VS16909 PX700HD PG700WU

End: 06.06. 2024 11:48:27 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 29.79 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325838735377
  • Seller: tekswamp_vision (13126|97.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sarasota, Florida USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    bestdelas Save More Lamps Feedback Contact Us Original Osram Projector Lamp Bulb for ViewSonic VS16909 PX700HD PG700WU Brand: Original Osram Condition: Used Housing: NO Lamp Housing Warranty: 60-Day Warranty Manufactured especially for ViewSonic Projectors: VS16909, PX700HD, PG700WU, etc. This is an Original Projector Lamp, it has been used for under 400 OEM hours. It has been Professionally Refurbished and has no notable wear and tear. NO Housing. See photos for details. What is a Genuine/OEM/Original/Authentic Projector Lamp? Genuine Projector Lamp - is the lamp, which is produced by the original equipment manufacturer. When using an authentic projector lamp you can rest assured that this lamp will suit your projectors specifications just as it was intended by the manufacturer. Why Buy a Genuine/OEM/Original/Authentic Projector Lamp? Non-Original projector bulbs in most cases will not work smoothly. They usually die within the first year of usage and produce only 50 to 80% of brightness compared to the OEM ones. Non-Original projector lamps often emit toxic fumes and have a high potential of shutting your projector down. Tekswamp Offers Only OEM Lamps! There are four major manufacturers of lamps on the market: Philips, Osram, Ushio and Phoenix. We carry all 4 of these brands. OEM lamps are rare to find, especially for cheap prices. Tekswamp suggests the best OEM options for very affordable prices. Our goal is your 100% satisfaction, hence we are encouraging users to stay away from Non-Original lamps, that can often be described as: OEM Equivalent, Replacement lamps aim to fit…, or if there is no particular lamp manufacturer associated with this lamp. So, Why Buy from TeKswamp? Our technicians process around 1000 projectors each month. Some projectors do not meet necessary requirements to be sold as a whole unit, so we sell them for parts. We take bare OEM bulbs from such projectors, thoroughly test them, making sure they have all OEM specs, low to no usage of OEM lamp hours. Please do not hesitate to ask any question you may have. We offer helpful customer service and support for all our products from sale to installation. Bulk purchases are often possible, feel free to send us a needed quantity and your offer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us first and we will make EVERY effort to ensure you are pleased with the purchase! ABOUT US SHIPPING RETURNS WARRANTY With over 15 years of experience and thousands of satisfied buyers we have acquired a stable reputation on the market for great quality reconditioned electronics and no fuss customer support. To maintain high standards of service to our customers we pledge ALL of the following: ? Best Value-for-Money Honest Pricing; ? Reasonable shipping times and free shipping on most items; ? Quality inspection/testing and professional refurbishing of all of the items by experienced technicians only. Standard and economy shipping is available only for the lower 48 US states. You must purchase Expedited/Priority Shipping services if your shipment is going to other US territories and PO boxes. All orders that are placed before 3 o’clock (PST) will be shipped out the next business day. Majority of shipments in the USA are delivered within 2-4 business days. We provide a Free 30-Day Return Policy on all of our products unless indicated otherwise. Buyer must contact us within 30 days of receiving the product in order to return it. No return or exchange after 30 days from receiving the item. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us first and we will make EVERY effort needed to make sure you are pleased with the purchase! We provide a 30-Day Warranty on all of our product offerings unless indicated otherwise. If you have any questions or concerns pre or post buying items, please contact us first and we will make EVERY effort needed to make sure you are pleased with the purchase! © Copyright 2019 Tekswamp | All Rights Reserved

Original OSRAM Projector Lamp Bulb for VIEWSONIC RLC-108 RLC-116 PX700HD PG700WU

End: 06.06. 2024 11:25:14 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 28.64 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 325838722909
  • Seller: tekswamp_vision (13126|97.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sarasota, Florida USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    bestdelas Save More Lamps Feedback Contact Us Original Osram Projector Lamp Bulb for VIEWSONIC RLC-108 RLC-116 PX700HD PG700WU Brand: Original Osram Condition: Used Housing: NO Lamp Housing Warranty: 60-Day Warranty Manufactured for VIEWSONIC: RLC-108, RLC-116, PX700HD, PG700WU, etc. This is an Original Projector Lamp, it has been used for under 400 OEM hours. It has been Professionally Refurbished and has no notable wear and tear. NO Housing. See photos for details. What is a Genuine/OEM/Original/Authentic Projector Lamp? Genuine Projector Lamp - is the lamp, which is produced by the original equipment manufacturer. When using an authentic projector lamp you can rest assured that this lamp will suit your projectors specifications just as it was intended by the manufacturer. Why Buy a Genuine/OEM/Original/Authentic Projector Lamp? Non-Original projector bulbs in most cases will not work smoothly. They usually die within the first year of usage and produce only 50 to 80% of brightness compared to the OEM ones. Non-Original projector lamps often emit toxic fumes and have a high potential of shutting your projector down. Tekswamp Offers Only OEM Lamps! There are four major manufacturers of lamps on the market: Philips, Osram, Ushio and Phoenix. We carry all 4 of these brands. OEM lamps are rare to find, especially for cheap prices. Tekswamp suggests the best OEM options for very affordable prices. Our goal is your 100% satisfaction, hence we are encouraging users to stay away from Non-Original lamps, that can often be described as: OEM Equivalent, Replacement lamps aim to fit…, or if there is no particular lamp manufacturer associated with this lamp. So, Why Buy from TeKswamp? Our technicians process around 1000 projectors each month. Some projectors do not meet necessary requirements to be sold as a whole unit, so we sell them for parts. We take bare OEM bulbs from such projectors, thoroughly test them, making sure they have all OEM specs, low to no usage of OEM lamp hours. Please do not hesitate to ask any question you may have. We offer helpful customer service and support for all our products from sale to installation. Bulk purchases are often possible, feel free to send us a needed quantity and your offer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us first and we will make EVERY effort to ensure you are pleased with the purchase! ABOUT US SHIPPING RETURNS WARRANTY With over 15 years of experience and thousands of satisfied buyers we have acquired a stable reputation on the market for great quality reconditioned electronics and no fuss customer support. To maintain high standards of service to our customers we pledge ALL of the following: ? Best Value-for-Money Honest Pricing; ? Reasonable shipping times and free shipping on most items; ? Quality inspection/testing and professional refurbishing of all of the items by experienced technicians only. Standard and economy shipping is available only for the lower 48 US states. You must purchase Expedited/Priority Shipping services if your shipment is going to other US territories and PO boxes. All orders that are placed before 3 o’clock (PST) will be shipped out the next business day. Majority of shipments in the USA are delivered within 2-4 business days. We provide a Free 30-Day Return Policy on all of our products unless indicated otherwise. Buyer must contact us within 30 days of receiving the product in order to return it. No return or exchange after 30 days from receiving the item. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us first and we will make EVERY effort needed to make sure you are pleased with the purchase! We provide a 30-Day Warranty on all of our product offerings unless indicated otherwise. If you have any questions or concerns pre or post buying items, please contact us first and we will make EVERY effort needed to make sure you are pleased with the purchase! © Copyright 2019 Tekswamp | All Rights Reserved

ViewSonic PX700HD HD Desktop Projector - White

End: 12.05. 2024 02:35:13 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 155.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305549772999
  • Seller: sccomputere (145|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lemon Grove, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ViewSonic PX700HD HD Desktop Projector - White 1080P3,500 Lumens12000 : 1 Contrast Ratio Here are the full specs Lamp Time at 7463hrs.Everything in working order, works great for netflix, amazon, youtube, video games etc. Works best at night not during the day.

ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Digital Projector

End: 11.03. 2024 19:30:07 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 231.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404840319247
  • Seller: bramcg6964 (56|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Cumming, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This ViewSonic PX700HD 3D ready digital projector is in excellent shape. I am the original owner and bought it new about 3 or 4 years ago. See images for condition. Lamp Hours: 983 Looking for a high-quality digital projector? Look no further than the ViewSonic PX700HD. This top-of-the-line DLP projector boasts a maximum resolution of 1080p (FHD) and a brightness of 3500 ANSI Lumens, making it perfect for both home theater and professional settings. With multiple connectivity options, including VGA/SVGA D-Sub and HDMI Standard, this projector is incredibly versatile. It also features ceiling projection, built-in speakers, and a 16:9 aspect ratio. Whether youre looking to watch movies or give presentations, the ViewSonic PX700HD has got you covered.

ViewSonic PX700HD HD Desktop Projector - White

End: 20.12. 2023 02:30:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 96.71 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196130688939
  • Bids: 16
  • Seller: chiefilliniwek5 (34|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Greenwood, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Has been an excellent projector for our family. We simply wanted to upgrade to 4K (which honestly doesnt make much of a difference in my opinion after-the-fact). The current lamp has about 850 hours in ECO mode (lower power/brightness setting that extends the lamps life). The lamp is rated for 15,000 hours in ECO mode. Introducing the ViewSonic PX700HD Desktop Projector, capable of high-quality 1080p (FHD) resolution with 3500 ANSI lumens of brightness. This projector is designed with a DLP display technology, providing a contrast ratio of 12000:1 for stunning visuals. Its aspect ratio of 16:9 makes it perfect for home theater use, and its native resolution of 1920 x 1080 ensures crisp and clear images.Connectivity options include VGA/SVGA D-Sub and HDMI Standard, making it easy to connect to a variety of devices. This projector also features ceiling projection and built-in speakers for added convenience. With a medium/standard throw ratio, the ViewSonic PX700HD is a top-of-the-line choice for any home theater or office setting.

ViewSonic PX700HD DLP Full HD Projector

End: 10.11. 2023 02:21:35 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 350.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:45:18
  • Item number: 266448459360
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Decatur,IL,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Perfect condition. Has hardly been used. DETAILS: Perfect for home entertainment, the ViewSonic PX700HD projector features 3,500 lumens, Full HD 1920x1080 native resolution, and a sleek white chassis. Exclusive SuperColor technology offers a wide color gamut for beautiful image production in nearly any environment. An ultra-low input latency provides faster frame-by-frame action, while a Sports Mode feature delivers stunning detail. Full HD 3D compatibility lets you enjoy 3D movies and games. Extensive connectivity options include dual HDMI inputs and USB power.

ViewSonic PX700HD 3500 Lumens 1080p 3D Home Theater Projector

End: 17.08. 2023 13:38:10 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 238.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266305188571
  • Seller: itequipment (11235|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Santa Ana, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 88,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ViewSonic PX700HD 3500 Lumens 1080p 3D Home Theater Projector Tested for key functions Listing is for 1x projectorRemote control or any other accessories are not included (1) ViewSonic PX700HD 1080p DLP Projector We strive to be one of the best top sellers on eBay and our motto is to treat our customers how we would want to be treated. As you can see from our feedback rating, we go above and beyond to make our customers happy and are willing to take care of any issue you have in a speedy manner. If youd like to contact us, click contact seller link under seller information on the right side of this page. We greatly appreciate your business! Shipping: Shipping cost is dependent on sellers location. Insurance will be required on this item. FedEx Air/Ground and USPS shipping only. Please feel free to contact us via email for any further questions regarding this auction. Please include the item number in all correspondence. Warranty: 30-DAY NON-DOA WARRANTY Return/Refund Policy: Any item we sell that is delivered in damaged container should be refused, and we are to be contacted immediately. Items that are received intact in the shipping container and appears not to be working properly when received buy the winning bidder (Buyer) will be covered under the following terms: 1. Buyer must notify the seller within (7) days of receipt of the item of any problem that may require a return or refund. 2. The item will be returned to the seller at the Buyers expense. Shipping containers that have been compromised in any way during the shipping process will NOT be accepted and will be returned to the Sender. The sender would assume responsibility and need to pursue the issue with the shipping company. 3. The suspected DOA item will be tested to determine its functionality. If the item is not working and there are no obvious signs of physical damage the winning bid and ALL shipping will be refunded to the Buyer. Items returned that are determined to be in working order, the Buyer will be charged a 15% restocking fee and NO shipping will be refunded. We DO NOT cover the following conditions: A Buyers lack of knowledge, technical inexperience, or inability to configure, install and/or use the items purchased. A Buyers attempt to use the equipment purchased in a special configuration or application. Payment: Payment arrangements for this auction must be made within 3 days after the Auction closes. Acceptable forms of payment are: PayPal, Credit Card, or Payment Upon Pick Up.

ViewSonic PX700HD 1080P Home Theater Projector 3500 ANSI Lumens

End: 20.07. 2023 03:28:42 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 273.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145137537813
  • Seller: 134shop (2550|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Cartersville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ViewSonic PX700HD 1080P Home Theater Projector 3500 ANSI Lumens 062023 #336899

Viewsonic PX700HD Beamer weiss Heimkino Projektor Multimedia *B-Ware

End: 24.06. 2023 16:23:06 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 299.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364314596488
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dauerschnaeppchen (1032935|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Neuenstadt am Kocher Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Viewsonic PX700HD Beamer weiss Heimkino Projektor Multimedia *B-Ware

End: 21.06. 2023 16:10:08 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 299.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364308991376
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dauerschnaeppchen (1032694|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Neuenstadt am Kocher Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 7,0 EUR
  • on EBAY