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End: 22.11. 2024 01:00:01 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1214.76 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 226441786377
  • Bids: 42
  • Seller: agamevault (2809|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This unit has new Gold Lion tubes, all original packaging, remote, cables, and is in perfect working condition, very little use. I included a recent review. The Article Unico Due Amplifier From Unison Research 30th November 2018 Hifi NewsNews The Unico Due replaces the long-standing Unico Secondo in the line but brings new features to the range while also drawing inspiration from the Unico 90 design The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned from the ground-up. By working to the same brief as previous Unico models, Unison Research have introduced changes in the circuitry, the power supply method, the pre-amp stage, the power amp stage and with the variety of settings and inputs. All based on 105m tracks, the circuit board is fed by a power supply method that features a specially designed encapsulated transformer. The heart of the preamplifier stage is based around two ECC83 double triodes (one per channel). Configured as a gain stage followed by a cathode-follower, the circuits low output impedance drives the power stage.The power amplifier stage itself features MOSFET transistors resulting in 100W per-channel output (8 Ohms). Including a built-in USB DAC and phono stage, the USB input features an ESS Sabre DAC ES9018K2M with jitter eliminator circuit, offering support for audio files up-to 32bit/384kHz PCM and DSD256. The integrated phono stage module is pre-set to accept Moving Magnet cartridges but can be modified by a service engineer to cater for Moving Coil devices. Additionally, the Unico Due has settings for AV passthrough, subwoofer output, DAC output, a Tape loop and to adjust channel balance. Price is 2,500. Available in silver or black add 100 for this premium finish. more information [Dont forget to check out my Facebook Group, The Audiophile Man: Hi-Fi & Music exclusive postings, exclusive editorial and more!] Share this article: 0 Comments You may also like HiFi NEWS, ETC 10 AUGUST 2024 Read More10th August 2024 NEXUS, DISTRIBUTOR FOR VELODYNE IN THE UK Read More8th August 2024 Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published.Required fields are marked* Comment Name Email Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Want to stay updated? Join the mailing list... Email Address Subscribe 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Become a Patreon Privacy Policy Contact Designed & Built by

UNISON UNICO DUE Röhren Vollverstärker mit Biophotone Audio Tuning -45%!

End: 02.08. 2024 10:35:48 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2390.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135154977737
  • Seller: biophotonix (5776|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Haldenwang Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    UNISON UNICO DUE Röhren Vollverstärker mit Biophotone Audio Tuning -45%!JETZT ZUM AUSVERKAUFSPREIS AUS UNSEREM TEST-LABOR! -vom IMAGE HiFi AWARD GEWINNER 2016 (bestes Audio-Tuning Produkt)- 1 Stück UNISON UNICO DUE Vollverstärker in technischem wie optischen TOP-Zustand. Mit MM/MC Phono Modul und Fernbedienung. In OVP. Anstatt € 4.190,00 (UVP € 3.190,00 + Tuning € 1.000,00) jetzt zum Ausverkaufspreis von NUR € 2.390,00! Der Verstärker ist ein Testprodukt aus unserem Labor, technisch wie optisch in Top-Zustand. Nur geringste Gebrauchsspuren. Ein wunderbar klingender, edel verarbeiteter und hochdekorierter Amp zum Schnäppchenpreis. Beschreibung:Das Besondere an diesem Hybrid-Vollverstärker: Mit seinen 100 Watt Sinus lernten wir den Unison Unico Due als einen sehr kraftvollen und warm klingenden Verstärker kennen. Beim Hören des Unico Due spürt man die perfekte Symbiose aus der Klangwärme eines typischen Röhrenverstärkers und der Kraft eines Transistorverstärkers. Genau das ist es, was den Charme der Hybridtechnik ausmacht. Maße & Gewicht: 435 x 180 x 440 mm (BxHxT), 16 kgEingänge: 4 x Line-in, 1 x Phono MM/MC (ausschließlich Cinch); 1 x USB-BAusgänge: 2 x Paar Lautsprecherklemmen für Bi-Wiring, 1 x Monitor, 1 x Subwoofer, 1 x Hochpegel-Ausgang für das gewandelte Signal vom DAC (Cinch)Ausgangsleistung: 2 x 100 Watt an 8 Ohm TEST Fairaudio: Eine so gelungene Mischung aus Musikalität und Präzision, aus schlank und farbenfroh hört man selten. Dazu kommt eine beeindruckende Raumabbildung mit hervorragender Lokalisationsschärfe und Plastizität. Die Kehrseite ist, dass er an den Enden des Frequenzspektrums nicht ganz so breitbandig spielt, also weder mit aller Macht in die unterste Suboktave hinab- noch strahlend in die letzten der 6-gestrichenen Höhen hinaufsteigt. Doch hier gilt, was Lautsprecher-Pionier Paul W. Klipsch schreibt: „The midrange is where we live.“ Und das führt einem der Unico Due sehr klar vor Ohren. Mit seinem exzellenten Phonoeingang ist er auch eine klare Empfehlung für Schallplattenliebhaber.Der Unison Research Unico Due begeistert mich wie lange kein Vollverstärker mehr. Wenn ich mir eine Anlage für die einsame Insel zusammenstellen dürfte und ein Vollverstärker dabei sein sollte: der wär’s! Definitiv! Der Unico Due ist der neuste Verstärker aus dem Hause Unison Research. Seine Entwicklung profitiert von der jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung im Verstärkerbau sowie von der professionellen Fertigung. Alle Funktionen wurden bei dem Unico Due verbessert, die seinen Vorgänger zu einem Erfolgsmodell gemacht hatten.Die Technik des Unico Due wurde von Grund auf neu entwickelt. Unter Beibehaltung aller hervorragenden Eigenschaften, die die Unico Reihe zur Legende gemacht haben, konnten doch in einigen wichtigen Bereichen entscheidende Verbesserungen erreicht werden. So wurden die Leistungsdaten der Stromversorgung durch eine beträchtliche Erhöhung der Netzteilkapazität und durch einen neuen abgeschirmten und vergossenen Transformator optimiert. Die neue Gestaltung der Ausgangsstufe kombiniert ideale Platzausnutzung mit überlegener Schaltungstechnik.Eine Doppeltriode pro Kanal bildet das Herz der Vorstufe. Ihre Schaltung als Spannungsverstärker und Kathodenfolger mit niedriger Ausgangsimpedanz bildet einen idealen Antrieb für die folgende Leistungsstufe.Der Unico Due stellt mit folgenden Merkmalen auch die anspruchsvollsten Hörer zufriedenstellen:drei Hochpegeleingänge, einer davon mit universeller MM/MC Steckkarte als Phonoeingang konfigurierbarUSB Eingang für den eingebauten 128bit DSD D/A-Wandleranaloger Wandlerausgang für die Benutzung als separater D/A-Konverterniederohmiger Subwooferausgang mit einstellbarem Pegel zum Anschluß eines aktiven TieftönersAV-Eingang für Heimkinobetrieb mit voreingestelltem Pegel über Fernbedienung„Dynamic Class A“ Ruhestromregelung verhindert Übernahmeverzerrungen – ausgezeichnete Klangqualität auch bei niedrigen Pegeln Der Verstärker wurde von uns (Biophotone Audio) in unserem Hohlraumresonator mit der Schumann-Resonanz (7,82 HZ) versehen gegen Materialstress und elektromagnetische Störfelder, desweiteren wird ein Tuning-Paket mit Produkten aus unserer renommierten ESE-Serie (s.u) mitgeliefert zum Auflegen und Anbringen (jederzeit wieder abnehmbar). Wert des Tunings insgesamt Euro 1.000,00. Der Verstärker spielt jetzt nochmals in einer anderen Liga. Der AmpPlayer wurde nur zu Test-bzw. Vergleichszwecken verwendet. Wegen Einführung einer Nachfolge-Serie jetzt zum Ausverkaufs-Preis. Die renommierte Fachzeitschrift HÖRERLEBNIS hat die Biophotone ESE Audio-Produkte mehrfach überragend getestet (Ausgaben 72,76,77,79 sowie aktuell 92) und schreibt über die ESE-Serie:Die Musik strömt in den Raum, verteilt sich...habe ich etwa eine komplett neue Anlage vor mir? Die Steigerung in Prozent oder finanziellen Werten zu beurteilen, verkneife ich mir. Nur soviel: Ich spreche hier nicht von Nuancen! Hier holt jemand den großen Vorschlaghammer raus. So eine drastische Veränderung habe ich in meiner HiFi-Karriere noch nicht erlebt. Andreas Limbach in HÖRERLEBNIS Nr. 72 über Biophotone ESE Sound Enhancing System IMAGE Hifi (06-15) schreibt über Biophotone Audio: Ernst zu nehmendes High-End mit überragendem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis!Alle Tests, alle Informationen zu Biophotone-Audio Produkten (IMAGE HiFi Award 2016 für das beste Audio Tuning-Produkt) und jede Menge Kunden-Feedbacks nachzulesen auf unserer biophotone-audio homepage.Bei Rückfragen gerne kurze email an Biophotone-Audio.Versicherter Versand per Spedition € 60,00 oder Abholung nach Absprache. BEACHTEN SIE BITTE UNSERE WEITEREN EINGESTELLTEN ANGEBOTE!

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 12.04. 2024 06:28:05 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1799.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326083238637
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (69|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 09.04. 2024 06:27:50 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1899.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326079901682
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (68|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 05.04. 2024 22:00:35 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326071583345
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 26,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 29.03. 2024 21:59:54 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326068879953
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 24.03. 2024 18:38:30 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2299.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326062123697
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 21.03. 2024 18:38:17 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326058421274
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 18.03. 2024 18:37:56 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326054279332
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 15.03. 2024 18:37:41 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326050421019
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 26,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 12.03. 2024 18:37:28 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326041897166
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 26,98 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet...Gerne führe ich das Gerät per Video-Live-Verbindung oder persönlich hier in Berlin ernsthaft interessierten Käufern vor. —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBDHappy to demo the unit via live video-connection or in person here in Berlin to seriously interested buyers. --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 27.02. 2024 18:30:48 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326019414739
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (67|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 13.02. 2024 16:54:50 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2299.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325997647299
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (66|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 30.01. 2024 16:53:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2399.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325979456123
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (66|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 23.01. 2024 16:53:46 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2399.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325975976731
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (66|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 20.01. 2024 16:53:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2399.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325972451515
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (66|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- Lowest current new list price: €3.000 (Germany) —- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 17.01. 2024 16:52:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2399.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325968892766
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (66|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 14.01. 2024 16:52:21 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2499.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325965193687
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (66|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

End: 11.01. 2024 16:51:59 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2699.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325961385224
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: jhkg2118 (66|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Unison Research UNICO DUE Hybrid-Vollverstärker / Hybrid Integrated AmplifierEinzigartige Gelegenheit, einen praktisch unbenutzten Unison Research Unico Due zu kaufen. Ich habe es im December 2023 aus einer Distributor-Liquidation erworben und habe es nur getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es in neuwertigem Zustand ist. Natürlich kommt er in der Originalverpackung mit allem, was Unison Research mit ihren Geräten liefert (einschließlich einer neuen Fernbedienung). Diejenigen, die Unison Research und die Nastra Familien kennen, wissen um die unglaubliche Klangbühne, die es bietet... —- Unique opportunity to buy a virtually unused Unison Research Unico Due. I acquired it in December 2023 out of the Polish Distributor Liquidation and have only test-run it to verify it was in mint condition. Of course it comes in the original box with everything that Unison Research provides (including a new remote) with their devices. I can ship it worldwide - we just have to agree on the shipping cost and service. Those who know Unison Research and how much care the Nastra family put into designing these devices, know the incredible sound stage it provides. Insured delivery costs differ depending on region: - Insured delivery service within Germany ~€30 - Insured delivery service within the EU ~€60- Insured delivery service to other Continents TBD --- More info: Unico Due is the latest amplifier from Unison Research. Unico Due benefits from Unison Research’s decades of experience in design and production technology. It maintains all the best qualities that made its predecessor a runaway success and introduces new and enhanced features. The electronic circuitry of the Unico Due has been completely redesigned. While maintaining the qualities that made the Unico range such a legend in the audio industry, key improvements have been made that are nothing short of ground-breaking. Firstly, the power supply circuits have been enhanced thanks to a substantial increase in filter capacitance size and to a new high quality shielded and encapsulated power transformer. The new power distribution system of the audio power output stage combines space optimization and superior circuit solutions.

Unison Research Unico Due silber Röhren-Vollverstärker Rechnung + 2J GEWÄHR

End: 27.06. 2023 09:19:24 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2099.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204374061419
  • Seller: gospelgroove (4587|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Gundelfingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 16,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Kurzbeschreibung / Product Description Unison Research Unico Due silver Vollverstärker - neuwertiger Zustand - keine Gebrauchsspuren - Lieferung mit Fernbedienung, Netzkabel, Bedienungsanleitung in pdf-form, Rechnung mit 2 Jahren Gewährleistung. - Optically nearly brand new condition - without signs of wear. - Delivery includes Originalbox, Remote, power cord, pdf-manual, commercial invoice with 2 year warranty. All pics show the item on offer. Aus Erstbesitz - kam nur testweise zum Einsatz keine Gebrauchsspuren Kratzerfrei & Rauchfrei Technisch 100% einwandfrei Only tested for a few hours no usage markes Non smoking Works 100% perfectly without any issues With commercial INVOICE and 2 year WARRANTY Sie erhalten eine RECHNUNG mit 2 Jahren Gewährleistung. Gemäß Differenzbesteuerung (§ 25a UstG) ist eine Mehrwertsteuerausweisung nicht möglich (Gebrauchtgegenstände/Sonderregelung) Lieferumfang / Scope of Delivery Unison Research Unico Due silver Fernbedienung / Remote Netzkabel / power cord Bedienungsanleitung in pdf-form / user manual Versandkosten / Shipping costs bis 2 kg: 4,90 EUR / EU: 9,90 EUR bis 5 kg: 6,90 EUR / EU: 15,90 EUR bis 10 kg 9,90 EUR / EU: 23,90 EUR bis 20 kg 16,90 EUR / EU: 38,90 EUR Rest Europa auf Anfrage Unser Service / Our Service ? nur geprüfte, saubere und rauchfreie Ware ? schnelle Antwort auf Ihre Frage ? 30 Tage Rückgaberecht ? Rechnung mit 2 Jahren Gewährleistung ? Professionelle Verpackung für optimalen Transportschutz ? Schneller Versand innerhalb 24h Technische Daten / Technical Datas Features: Unison Unico Due Hybrid-Vollverstärker mit 2xECC83 (12AX7) Röhren. Der Unico Due ist der neuste Verstärker aus dem Hause Unison Research. Seine Entwicklung profitiert von der jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung im Verstärkerbau sowie von der professionellen Fertigung. Alle Funktionen wurden bei dem Unico Due verbessert, die seinen Vorgänger zu einem Erfolgsmodell gemacht hatten. Die Technik des Unico Due wurde von Grund auf neu entwickelt. Unter Beibehaltung aller hervorragenden Eigenschaften, die die Unico Reihe zur Legende gemacht haben, konnten doch in einigen wichtigen Bereichen entscheidende Verbesserungen erreicht werden. So wurden die Leistungsdaten der Stromversorgung durch eine beträchtliche Erhöhung der Netzteilkapazität und durch einen neuen abgeschirmten und vergossenen Transformator optimiert. Die neue Gestaltung der Ausgangsstufe kombiniert ideale Platzausnutzung mit überlegener Schaltungstechnik. Eine Doppeltriode pro Kanal bildet das Herz der Vorstufe. Ihre Schaltung als Spannungsverstärker und Kathodenfolger mit niedriger Ausgangsimpedanz bildet einen idealen Antrieb für die folgende Leistungsstufe. Der Unico Due stellt mit folgenden Merkmalen auch die anspruchsvollsten Hörer zufriedenstellen: drei Hochpegeleingänge, einer davon mit universeller MM/MC Steckkarte als Phonoeingang konfigurierbar USB Eingang für den eingebauten 128bit DSD D/A-Wandler analoger Wandlerausgang für die Benutzung als separater D/A-Konverter niederohmiger Subwooferausgang mit einstellbarem Pegel zum Anschluß eines aktiven Tieftöners AV-Eingang für Heimkinobetrieb mit voreingestelltem Pegel über Fernbedienung „Dynamic Class A“ Ruhestromregelung verhindert Übernahmeverzerrungen – ausgezeichnete Klangqualität auch bei niedrigen Pegeln Insgesamt stehen also mit dem USB Anschluß vier Signaleingänge zur Verfügung. Zur Umschaltung dienen hochwertige Miniatur-Relais während die Lautstärkeregelung mit einem Präzisions-Widerstandsnetzwerk und digital gesteuerten Analogschaltern vorgenommen wird. Hiermit ergibt sich wie in Referenzvorstufen ein Regelumfang von 120 dB in präzisen 0,5 dB Schritten. Die Ausgangsstufen des Unico Due sind in einer völlig eigenständigen Kombination aus bipolaren und Mosfet-Transistoren realisiert. Zudem gibt es eine ausgeklügelte symmetrische Bipolar-Transistor Treiberstufe mit angemessener Verstärkung und hoher innerer Linearität anstelle üblicher Differenzverstärker sowie mit getrennten Gegenkopplungspfaden für Gleich- und Wechselspannung. Wegen dieser günstigen Verzerrungseigenschaften wurde die Schaltung mit geringer Gegenkopplung ausgelegt. Zudem sorgt eine „Non Switching“ Stromregelung dafür, dass der Ruhestrom in den Endtransistoren niemals Null wird. Das verhindert Übernahmeverzerrungen bei niedrigen Pegeln und sorgt für höchste Durchsichtigkeit unter allen Hörbedingungen. Die Leistungshalbleiter arbeiten in der „Super-Symmetrie“ Schaltungsart, einer Kombination aus n- und p-leitenden Transistoren getrennt für beide Halbwellen des Signals.Man mag sich fragen, warum die Verzerrungseigenschaften der Halbleiterstufen optimiert werden, während die Röhrenvorstufen von sich aus einen gewissen Klirr hinzufügen. Der Grund dafür ist einfach, dass der klangliche Charakter eines Röhrengerätes auch bei diesem Hybridverstärker erhalten bleiben sollte, der genügend Leistung für jeden Lautsprecher bereitstellt. Als weitere Maßnahme zur Verbesserung der Qualität haben wir in der Versorgung Spannungsregler nicht nur dort eingesetzt, wo es unerläßlich ist, sondern auch an anderen Stellen, wo es im Vergleich zu einfacher Siebung klangliche Vorteile verspricht. So weist der Unico Due nicht weniger als zehn aktive Regelungen für Spannungen von 15V (für Operationsverstärker) bis 300V für die Röhrenstufen auf. Besonderes Augenmerk verdient die Versorgung der Leistungsstufe. Angesichts der hohen impulsförmigen in dieser Stufe zu verarbeitenden Ströme haben wir uns für einen starken Ansatz entschieden, eine Batterie hochwertiger Kondensatoren hoher Kapazität, die in nächster Nähe der Endtransistoren angebracht sind um Leitungsverluste zu vermindern. Die Kupferbahnen der Leiterplatte sind entsprechend großzügig ausgelegt und haben eine Stärke von 105 ?m, dreimal so viel wie üblich, und sind äußerst sorgfältig angeordnet. Es ist offensichtlich, dass ein solches Vorgehen besondere Anforderungen an die Entwickler stellt, denen sich manch einer nicht gewachsen sehen mag - wir bei Unison haben diese Herausforderung ohne Einschränkung der Qualität gemeistert. Ein Viertel der Leiterplattenfläche des Unico Due ist allein der Stromversorgung der Endtransistoren vorbehalten. Ausgangsleistung: 2x100W an 8Ohm, 2x180W an 4Ohm, 2x290W an 2Ohm Netzteilkapazität: 80.000?F Ausgangsstufe: doppelt-komplementäre Transistorstufe in „Super Symmetry“ Schaltung Ruhestromschaltung: „Dynamic Class A“ Röhren: 2xECC83 (12AX7) Eingänge: 3 analoge Eingänge und ein Monitor Eingang RCA (Cinch), 1 Digital-USB Eingang Analog-Ausgänge: 1x Band Aufnahme , 1x Subwoofer stereo, 1x D/A Wandlerausgang, alle RCA (Cinch) LS-Anschlüsse: 2x stereo für Biwiring Abmessungen: 435 x 130 x 430mm BHT. Gewicht: 19kg

Unison Research Unico CD Due - High End Röhren CD Player - Neu Aussteller

End: 31.08. 2021 16:25:23 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1989.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 154568761179
  • Counter: 245
  • Seller: wenwaudionl (1591|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Enschede Niederlande
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 44,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

UNISON RESEARCH UNICO DUE-CD-PLAYER mit Biophotone-Audio Tuning, -45%

End: 12.08. 2021 00:20:18 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2690.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 133818428048
  • Counter: 205
  • Seller: biophotonix (4955|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Haldenwang Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 13.07. 2021 19:06:50 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1650.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 402975813162
  • Counter: 45
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: dec-cor-kx7pfgao (76|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Campodolcino Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Unison Research Unico Due Vollverstärker NEUwertig + OVP + Rechn./2J. GEWÄHR!

End: 11.07. 2021 18:37:03 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1839.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 174776136460
  • Counter: 1052
  • Seller: black-audioline (4494|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: St. Ingbert Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 32,79 EUR
  • on EBAY