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Thule Audio Spirit TU100 High End RDS stereo Tuner

End: 01.02. 2025 08:56:08 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 189.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 205176972067
  • Seller: vintage-audio-store (19909|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Horst Niederlande
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 14,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thule Audio Spirit TU100 High End RDS stereo TunerFunktioniert einwandfrei,Gebrauchsspuren sind auf den bildern zu finden. kleine delle hinter auf die ecke(bilder) ohne fernbedienung / wird ohne weiteres Zubehör geliefert. GPSR INFORMATION No further information on product safety and compliance of this device, as it belongs to the excluded category 864 according to GPSR 2023/988 Art. 2. According to Article 51 of GPSR 2023/988, the product was also placed on the EU market for the first time before December 13, 2024 and complies with the General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC).

Thule Audio Spirit CD-150 B High-End - CD-Player XLR

End: 08.01. 2025 12:25:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 349.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 365298560960
  • Seller: vintage-audio-store (19858|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Horst Niederlande
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 14,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thule Audio  Spirit  CD-150 B High-End - CD-Player  XLRFunktioniert einwandfrei,Gebrauchsspuren sind auf den bildern zu finden. mit fernbedienung ( ist an 1 seite etwas locker und die tasten brauchen leider weit eingedruckt zu wirden vor es reagiert)/ wird ohne weiteres Zubehör geliefert. GPSR INFORMATION No further information on product safety and compliance of this device, as it belongs to the excluded category 864 according to GPSR 2023/988 Art. 2. According to Article 51 of GPSR 2023/988, the product was also placed on the EU market for the first time before December 13, 2024 and complies with the General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC).

Thule Audio PA120 end-amplifier vintage retro hi-fi audio amplifier

End: 09.09. 2024 14:24:55 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 429.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116265465087
  • Seller: sas-107 (939|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Vilnius, Lithuania Litauen
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thule Audio PA120 end-amplifier vintage retro hi-fi audio amplifierThule Audio PA120 end-amplifier vintage retro Hi-Fi audio amplifierFully functional: complete review and service were made Contact us to discuss the shipping price NO RETURNS AND EXCHANGES FOR USED/RESTORED AUDIO EQUIPMENT Feel free to ask any questions :)

THULE Audio SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Player mit Fernbedienung & BDA

End: 30.08. 2024 08:58:10 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 190.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375599052779
  • Seller: kurdt1967-1994 (952|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kall Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THULE Audio SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Player mit Fernbedienung & BDAThule AUDIO SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Playermit Fernbedienung & BDA Made in Denmark Dem Alter entsprechend in sehr schönem, neuwertigem Zustand. Es handelt sich um einen CD-Player aus einem tierfreien Nichtraucherhaushalt - Verarbeitung über jeden Zweifel erhaben Top-Qualität Made in Denmark. Das Gerät ist sauber und voll funktionstüchtig. Der DVA-100 ist ein wunderschön gestalteter, natürlicher Bestandteil jedes ausgewogenen Thule Audio-Systems. Mit seiner Ein-Tasten-Vorderseite verkörpert er in der Bedienung und im Aussehen die gleiche schlichte Philosophie wie alle anderen Thule Produkte. Der DVA-100 hat die gleiche geschwungene Front aus gebürstetem Aluminium wie alle anderen Thule-Produkte. Es ist ein harmonischer und integrierter Teil eines kompletten Systems der Spirit-Serie. Die Bedienung erfolgt über eine Taste auf der Vorderseite oder über die Fernbedienung. Der Audiobereich des DVA-100 verfügt über einen Zweikanal-Audioausgang mit einem Crystal-Delta-Sigma-D/A-Wandler. Dadurch ist DVA-100 eine perfekte Ergänzung für die Verstärker der Spirit-Serie, IA-60/-100 und PR-100 von Thule Audio. Zu den Kompatibilitäten der Disc-Formate gehören DVD-Video, DVD-Audio 2-Kanal, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3, HDCD, VCD, SVCD, Kodak Picture CD. Der DVA-100 eignet sich auch in einem Heimkinosystem: Schließen Sie einfach den digitalen Audioausgang an einen AV-Verstärker an. Der Videobereich des DVA-100 umfasst PAL/NTSC-Progressive-Scan-Videos mit erweitertem Filmmodus (Bild-für-Bild-Interpolation). Die Videoausgänge werden mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeits- und Hochstromverstärker gepuffert. Durch die Pufferung wird sichergestellt, dass die Qualität der Hochfrequenz-Progressive-Scan-Signale über die Videokabel erhalten bleibt. Der DVA-100 ist daher ein perfekter Begleiter für alle Projektoren, LCD- oder Plasmabildschirme mit Progressive-Scan-Videoeingängen. Technische Daten: Maximal verbrauchte Leistung: 20 WDynamische Skala, 24 Bit, 0 dB Lautstärke: 106 dBATHD, digitale Eingänge, 0 dB, 24 Bit/48 kHz: 0,002 %Abmessungen: 420 x 95 x 290 mm BEZAHLUNG/ VERSAND-Vorkasse über Ebay-Zahlungsabwicklung-Versand erfolgt spätestens am kommenden Werktag nach Zahlungseingang-Versandkosten innerhalb Deutschlands 6,75€-bei mehreren gekauften Artikeln werden einmalig Versandkosten berechnet-Barzahlung bei Abholung KLEINGEDRUCKTES ZUM THEMA PRIVATVERKAUFDa ich Privatverkäufer und kein gewerblicher Händler bin wird dieser Artikel von mir ohne Gewährleistung, Garantieanspruch, Rechnung und Rückgaberecht verkauft. Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus. Bieten Sie bitte nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind.

THULE Audio SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Player mit Fernbedienung & BDA

End: 11.08. 2024 15:00:02 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 150.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 375573549924
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kurdt1967-1994 (950|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kall Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THULE Audio SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Player mit Fernbedienung & BDAThule AUDIO SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Playermit Fernbedienung & BDA Made in Denmark Dem Alter entsprechend in sehr schönem, neuwertigem Zustand. Es handelt sich um einen CD-Player aus einem tierfreiem Nichtraucherhaushalt - Verarbeitung über jeden Zweifel erhaben Top-Qualität Made in Denmark. Das Gerät ist sauber und voll funktionstüchtig. Der DVA-100 ist ein wunderschön gestalteter, natürlicher Bestandteil jedes ausgewogenen Thule Audio-Systems. Mit seiner Ein-Tasten-Vorderseite verkörpert er in der Bedienung und im Aussehen die gleiche schlichte Philosophie wie alle anderen Thule Produkte. Der DVA-100 hat die gleiche geschwungene Front aus gebürstetem Aluminium wie alle anderen Thule-Produkte. Es ist ein harmonischer und integrierter Teil eines kompletten Systems der Spirit-Serie. Die Bedienung erfolgt über eine Taste auf der Vorderseite oder über die Fernbedienung. Der Audiobereich des DVA-100 verfügt über einen Zweikanal-Audioausgang mit einem Crystal-Delta-Sigma-D/A-Wandler. Dadurch ist DVA-100 eine perfekte Ergänzung für die Verstärker der Spirit-Serie, IA-60/-100 und PR-100 von Thule Audio. Zu den Kompatibilitäten der Disc-Formate gehören DVD-Video, DVD-Audio 2-Kanal, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3, HDCD, VCD, SVCD, Kodak Picture CD. Der DVA-100 eignet sich auch in einem Heimkinosystem: Schließen Sie einfach den digitalen Audioausgang an einen AV-Verstärker an. Der Videobereich des DVA-100 umfasst PAL/NTSC-Progressive-Scan-Videos mit erweitertem Filmmodus (Bild-für-Bild-Interpolation). Die Videoausgänge werden mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeits- und Hochstromverstärker gepuffert. Durch die Pufferung wird sichergestellt, dass die Qualität der Hochfrequenz-Progressive-Scan-Signale über die Videokabel erhalten bleibt. Der DVA-100 ist daher ein perfekter Begleiter für alle Projektoren, LCD- oder Plasmabildschirme mit Progressive-Scan-Videoeingängen. Technische Daten: Maximal verbrauchte Leistung: 20 WDynamische Skala, 24 Bit, 0 dB Lautstärke: 106 dBATHD, digitale Eingänge, 0 dB, 24 Bit/48 kHz: 0,002 %Abmessungen: 420 x 95 x 290 mm BEZAHLUNG/ VERSAND-Vorkasse über Ebay-Zahlungsabwicklung-Versand erfolgt spätestens am kommenden Werktag nach Zahlungseingang-Versandkosten innerhalb Deutschlands 6,75€-bei mehreren gekauften Artikeln werden einmalig Versandkosten berechnet-Barzahlung bei Abholung KLEINGEDRUCKTES ZUM THEMA PRIVATVERKAUFDa ich Privatverkäufer und kein gewerblicher Händler bin wird dieser Artikel von mir ohne Gewährleistung, Garantieanspruch, Rechnung und Rückgaberecht verkauft. Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus. Bieten Sie bitte nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind.

THULE Audio SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Player mit Fernbedienung & BDA

End: 04.08. 2024 14:45:02 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 190.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 375560907799
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kurdt1967-1994 (950|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kall Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THULE Audio SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Player mit Fernbedienung & BDAThule AUDIO SPIRIT DVA-100 High End CD-Playermit Fernbedienung & BDA Made in Denmark Dem Alter entsprechend in sehr schönem, neuwertigem Zustand. Es handelt sich um einen CD-Player aus einem tierfreiem Nichtraucherhaushalt - Verarbeitung über jeden Zweifel erhaben Top-Qualität Made in Denmark. Das Gerät ist sauber und voll funktionstüchtig. Der DVA-100 ist ein wunderschön gestalteter, natürlicher Bestandteil jedes ausgewogenen Thule Audio-Systems. Mit seiner Ein-Tasten-Vorderseite verkörpert er in der Bedienung und im Aussehen die gleiche schlichte Philosophie wie alle anderen Thule Produkte. Der DVA-100 hat die gleiche geschwungene Front aus gebürstetem Aluminium wie alle anderen Thule-Produkte. Es ist ein harmonischer und integrierter Teil eines kompletten Systems der Spirit-Serie. Die Bedienung erfolgt über eine Taste auf der Vorderseite oder über die Fernbedienung. Der Audiobereich des DVA-100 verfügt über einen Zweikanal-Audioausgang mit einem Crystal-Delta-Sigma-D/A-Wandler. Dadurch ist DVA-100 eine perfekte Ergänzung für die Verstärker der Spirit-Serie, IA-60/-100 und PR-100 von Thule Audio. Zu den Kompatibilitäten der Disc-Formate gehören DVD-Video, DVD-Audio 2-Kanal, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3, HDCD, VCD, SVCD, Kodak Picture CD. Der DVA-100 eignet sich auch in einem Heimkinosystem: Schließen Sie einfach den digitalen Audioausgang an einen AV-Verstärker an. Der Videobereich des DVA-100 umfasst PAL/NTSC-Progressive-Scan-Videos mit erweitertem Filmmodus (Bild-für-Bild-Interpolation). Die Videoausgänge werden mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeits- und Hochstromverstärker gepuffert. Durch die Pufferung wird sichergestellt, dass die Qualität der Hochfrequenz-Progressive-Scan-Signale über die Videokabel erhalten bleibt. Der DVA-100 ist daher ein perfekter Begleiter für alle Projektoren, LCD- oder Plasmabildschirme mit Progressive-Scan-Videoeingängen. Technische Daten: Maximal verbrauchte Leistung: 20 WDynamische Skala, 24 Bit, 0 dB Lautstärke: 106 dBATHD, digitale Eingänge, 0 dB, 24 Bit/48 kHz: 0,002 %Abmessungen: 420 x 95 x 290 mm BEZAHLUNG/ VERSAND-Vorkasse über Ebay-Zahlungsabwicklung-Versand erfolgt spätestens am kommenden Werktag nach Zahlungseingang-Versandkosten innerhalb Deutschlands 6,75€-bei mehreren gekauften Artikeln werden einmalig Versandkosten berechnet-Barzahlung bei Abholung KLEINGEDRUCKTES ZUM THEMA PRIVATVERKAUFDa ich Privatverkäufer und kein gewerblicher Händler bin wird dieser Artikel von mir ohne Gewährleistung, Garantieanspruch, Rechnung und Rückgaberecht verkauft. Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus. Bieten Sie bitte nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind.

Used Thule Audio DAB/FM Tuner Spirit TU150 Fully Working

End: 31.07. 2024 13:42:44 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 14.71 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 395553631280
  • Seller: supportive-service (8791|96.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Vilnius Litauen
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 12,52 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Has signs of use. Good condition. Without original box and power cable . Fully working. All items will usually be shipped within 2 business days of receiving cleared payment (excludes weekends and holidays). If you have some questions, feel free to ask and if you are not satisfied with your purchase before opening a case on Ebay, please contact us and we willtry to resolve your issues as quickly as possible. Multiple items on one of the listings?If you see that we have multiple quantities of the same item in a photo, please note that it is representative of what you will receive.There may be slight variations in condition between the pictured item and the one you receive. For example, the scratches and dents may differ. Return Notes:In case of not working item, or damaged in transit, please contact us with photo or video evidence right away for best possible way to help. In case you changed your mind after purchase, you will need to pay for the return costs yourself. If you have any concerns, please contact us first before opening a return case. We will find the best solution for you. If there was an issue with the item you received, please write to us by email with video evidence attached to it and your order number. This will help us to resolve the problem faster and more efficiently. For corporate or small business customers:If you require an invoice for your purchase, please specify this in the buyers notes section or reach out to us.

Thule Audio DAB/FM Tuner Spirit TU 150 (#1090)

End: 28.05. 2024 10:45:00 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 59.4 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 315381878105
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: kp-deals24 (1164|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schwarzenbek Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thule Audio DAB/FM Tuner Spirit TU 150 (#1090)Thule Audio DAB/FM Tuner Spirit TU 150 Zustand: gebraucht, lässt sich in Betrieb nehmen. auf genaue Funktion nicht weiter geprüft! kein weiteres Zubehör: ohne Stromkabel & Fernbedienung Gebrauchsspuren, wie abgebildet keine OVP Originalfotos Lieferung entspricht den Bildern Gewicht: 6kg Weitere Angaben finden Sie evtl. auf der Internetseite des Herstellers. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die von uns angebotenen Artikel hauptsächlich aus Lagerauflösungen/Restposten/Haushaltsauflösungen stammen oder Insolvenzwaren sind. Jedes unserer Angebote beinhaltet Originalfotos. Da teilweise Verpackungen oder Typenschilder fehlen oder diverse Schäden aufweisen, können wir oft keine Angaben über das Alter, die Serie oder die technischen Daten machen. Wir können leider keine Gewährleistung oder Garantie auf Funktion übernehmen, deshalb bieten wir unseren Kunden an den Artikel innerhalb der Frist gemäß der Rückgabebedingungen zurück zu senden, mit Ausnahme von als defekt bzw. Ersatzteilspender angebotenen Artikeln. Bitte bieten Sie nur wenn Sie mit der Artikelbeschreibung einverstanden sind! Wir geben stets unser Bestes, Ihnen die beste Qualität zu bieten und Zustandsbeschreibungen so exakt wie möglich anzugeben. Schauen Sie sich auch unsere anderen Angebote an und sparen Sie durch Kombiversand.

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B - Audiophile pre-amp Beautiful Sound! Great Shape 5.1

End: 26.05. 2024 19:07:36 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 268.36 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204793191134
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 55,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile Grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, without the limitations of typical electronics. This sold for around $2000 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! Expect more Impact more Intamacy more Music! On line Review: This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note: All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use. So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar! Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection

Thule Audio DAB/FM Tuner Spirit TU 150 (#1090)

End: 21.05. 2024 09:15:59 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 99.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315174009948
  • Seller: kp-deals24 (1151|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schwarzenbek Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thule Audio DAB/FM Tuner Spirit TU 150 (#1090)Thule Audio DAB/FM Tuner Spirit TU 150 Zustand: gebraucht, lässt sich in Betrieb nehmen. auf genaue Funktion nicht weiter geprüft! kein weiteres Zubehör: ohne Stromkabel & Fernbedienung Gebrauchsspuren, wie abgebildet keine OVP Originalfotos Lieferung entspricht den Bildern Gewicht: 6kg Weitere Angaben finden Sie evtl. auf der Internetseite des Herstellers. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die von uns angebotenen Artikel hauptsächlich aus Lagerauflösungen/Restposten/Haushaltsauflösungen stammen oder Insolvenzwaren sind. Jedes unserer Angebote beinhaltet Originalfotos. Da teilweise Verpackungen oder Typenschilder fehlen oder diverse Schäden aufweisen, können wir oft keine Angaben über das Alter, die Serie oder die technischen Daten machen. Wir können leider keine Gewährleistung oder Garantie auf Funktion übernehmen, deshalb bieten wir unseren Kunden an den Artikel innerhalb der Frist gemäß der Rückgabebedingungen zurück zu senden, mit Ausnahme von als defekt bzw. Ersatzteilspender angebotenen Artikeln. Bitte bieten Sie nur wenn Sie mit der Artikelbeschreibung einverstanden sind! Wir geben stets unser Bestes, Ihnen die beste Qualität zu bieten und Zustandsbeschreibungen so exakt wie möglich anzugeben. Schauen Sie sich auch unsere anderen Angebote an und sparen Sie durch Kombiversand.

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B - Audiophile pre-amp Beautiful Sound! Great Shape 5.1

End: 16.05. 2024 19:07:24 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 268.36 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204779738591
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 55,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile Grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, without the limitations of typical electronics. This sold for around $2000 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! Expect more Impact more Intamacy more Music! On line Review: This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note: All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use. So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar! Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B - Audiophile pre-amp Beautiful Sound! Great Shape 5.1

End: 06.05. 2024 19:06:55 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 268.36 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204766103592
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 55,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile Grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, without the limitations of typical electronics. This sold for around $2000 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! Expect more Impact more Intamacy more Music! On line Review: This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note: All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use. So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar! Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection


End: 27.04. 2024 09:39:56 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 67.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 355119756731
  • Seller: ik-elektro (666|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Gelsenkirchen Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THULE AUDIO STEREO FM TUNER MODEL: SPIRIT TU100 Gebraucht guter ZustandNormale Gebrauchsspuren sind vorhanden. Gerät geht noch an und macht guten Eindruck. Der Thule Audio Stereo FM Tuner Modell Spirit TU100 ist gebraucht, aber in gutem Zustand. Mit nur FM-Frequenzband bietet er eine klare Klangqualität und ist ideal für jeden HiFi-Liebhaber. Das kompakte Design und die einfache Bedienung machen ihn zu einer großartigen Ergänzung für jedes Heim-Audio-System. Kaufen Sie jetzt und erleben Sie ein unvergleichliches Hörerlebnis.

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B pre-amp/processor 5.1 channel Excellent Condition!

End: 26.04. 2024 19:06:36 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 280.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204747138887
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 55,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile Grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, without the limitations of typical electronics. This sold for around $2000 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! Expect more Impact more Intamacy more Music! On line Review: This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note: All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use. So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar! Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B pre-amp/processor 5.1 channel Excellent Condition!

End: 16.04. 2024 19:06:25 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 282.04 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204729712161
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 55,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of my music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, and not the limitations of the electronics. I believe this sold for around $1,400 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! I just need to move on to audition the other audiophile gear I own, so you get the advantage of my exploration with a wonderful Audio/Video pre-amp/Processor of your own. Look for my Class A Yamaha M40 power amp or my Hafler dh-220 power amp to match with this, or go 5.1 channel with great confidence! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! On line Review: Before we go any further, this processor does not support HD audio formats via HDMI or have 5.1 analogue bypass. Being a processor, it also does not include any power amplification. If you really need any of those, stop reading now. Now, onto the good stuff. This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is fully working and as can be seen, is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. Its best to think of it as three solutions all married rather well into a single box, i.e. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note that this amp completely eschews the usual high street manufacturers naff modes such as concert (for which read, in the concert hall bogs). All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use, and for anyone who collects, Ill walk them through the process (doesnt take long). So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar overall to the Majik. Being in mind that the Majik costs a cool 2k and you start to get a feel for how well I regard what is an AV processor. For films, Ive used the Thule on the backend of a DVD player, Samsung BD player (via coax digital) and more recently a PS3 (via optical). No the Thule cant process HDMI signals, but is still made all of those sound brilliant. To cover your question about so if its so good, whys its going?. As one of the statistics of the economy, Im in the process of simplifying a number of my areas of interest. Done my camera and watches. Time to do the stereo unfortunately. Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection

Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit

End: 14.04. 2024 05:00:24 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 282.21 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204730318521
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bigworm60 (202|96.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Pablo, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality sound with the Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit amplifier. This powerful, yet sleek device enhances your audio experience to new heights. With a focus on performance, it delivers crystal-clear audio that leaves you feeling immersed in your favourite tunes. As a well-known brand in audio equipment, Thule Audio has delivered yet another premium product. Whether youre listening to music or watching a movie, the PR150 B Spirit amplifier provides an exceptional audio experience. Get yours today and take your entertainment to the next level.

Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit

End: 07.04. 2024 01:16:56 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 277.32 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204719717137
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bigworm60 (197|96.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Pablo, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality sound with the Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit amplifier. This powerful, yet sleek device enhances your audio experience to new heights. With a focus on performance, it delivers crystal-clear audio that leaves you feeling immersed in your favourite tunes. As a well-known brand in audio equipment, Thule Audio has delivered yet another premium product. Whether youre listening to music or watching a movie, the PR150 B Spirit amplifier provides an exceptional audio experience. Get yours today and take your entertainment to the next level.

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B pre-amp/processor 5.1 channel Excellent Condition!

End: 06.04. 2024 19:05:58 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 277.31 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204715021670
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 55,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of my music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, and not the limitations of the electronics. I believe this sold for around $1,400 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! I just need to move on to audition the other audiophile gear I own, so you get the advantage of my exploration with a wonderful Audio/Video pre-amp/Processor of your own. Look for my Class A Yamaha M40 power amp or my Hafler dh-220 power amp to match with this, or go 5.1 channel with great confidence! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! On line Review: Before we go any further, this processor does not support HD audio formats via HDMI or have 5.1 analogue bypass. Being a processor, it also does not include any power amplification. If you really need any of those, stop reading now. Now, onto the good stuff. This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is fully working and as can be seen, is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. Its best to think of it as three solutions all married rather well into a single box, i.e. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note that this amp completely eschews the usual high street manufacturers naff modes such as concert (for which read, in the concert hall bogs). All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use, and for anyone who collects, Ill walk them through the process (doesnt take long). So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar overall to the Majik. Being in mind that the Majik costs a cool 2k and you start to get a feel for how well I regard what is an AV processor. For films, Ive used the Thule on the backend of a DVD player, Samsung BD player (via coax digital) and more recently a PS3 (via optical). No the Thule cant process HDMI signals, but is still made all of those sound brilliant. To cover your question about so if its so good, whys its going?. As one of the statistics of the economy, Im in the process of simplifying a number of my areas of interest. Done my camera and watches. Time to do the stereo unfortunately. Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection

Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit

End: 31.03. 2024 01:16:45 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 277.78 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204709181110
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bigworm60 (195|96.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Pablo, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality sound with the Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit amplifier. This powerful, yet sleek device enhances your audio experience to new heights. With a focus on performance, it delivers crystal-clear audio that leaves you feeling immersed in your favourite tunes. As a well-known brand in audio equipment, Thule Audio has delivered yet another premium product. Whether youre listening to music or watching a movie, the PR150 B Spirit amplifier provides an exceptional audio experience. Get yours today and take your entertainment to the next level.

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B pre-amp/processor 5.1 channel Excellent Condition!

End: 27.03. 2024 19:05:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 268.36 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204699262027
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (721|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 65,87 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of my music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, and not the limitations of the electronics. I believe this sold for around $1,400 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! I just need to move on to audition the other audiophile gear I own, so you get the advantage of my exploration with a wonderful Audio/Video pre-amp/Processor of your own. Look for my Class A Yamaha M40 power amp or my Hafler dh-220 power amp to match with this, or go 5.1 channel with great confidence! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! On line Review: Before we go any further, this processor does not support HD audio formats via HDMI or have 5.1 analogue bypass. Being a processor, it also does not include any power amplification. If you really need any of those, stop reading now. Now, onto the good stuff. This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is fully working and as can be seen, is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. Its best to think of it as three solutions all married rather well into a single box, i.e. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note that this amp completely eschews the usual high street manufacturers naff modes such as concert (for which read, in the concert hall bogs). All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use, and for anyone who collects, Ill walk them through the process (doesnt take long). So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar overall to the Majik. Being in mind that the Majik costs a cool 2k and you start to get a feel for how well I regard what is an AV processor. For films, Ive used the Thule on the backend of a DVD player, Samsung BD player (via coax digital) and more recently a PS3 (via optical). No the Thule cant process HDMI signals, but is still made all of those sound brilliant. To cover your question about so if its so good, whys its going?. As one of the statistics of the economy, Im in the process of simplifying a number of my areas of interest. Done my camera and watches. Time to do the stereo unfortunately. Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection

Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit

End: 24.03. 2024 01:16:36 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 277.37 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204698053207
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bigworm60 (189|96.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Pablo, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality sound with the Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit amplifier. This powerful, yet sleek device enhances your audio experience to new heights. With a focus on performance, it delivers crystal-clear audio that leaves you feeling immersed in your favourite tunes. As a well-known brand in audio equipment, Thule Audio has delivered yet another premium product. Whether youre listening to music or watching a movie, the PR150 B Spirit amplifier provides an exceptional audio experience. Get yours today and take your entertainment to the next level.

Thule Audio SPACE PR 250B pre-amp/processor 5.1 channel Excellent Condition!

End: 17.03. 2024 19:05:24 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 306.14 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204683961040
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: schweppenot (717|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Denver, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 65,87 EUR
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    I just took this baby out of my system! It sounds Astounding! Although is has 5.1 channels for video, I use it as an Audiophile grade Stereo pre-amp because of the startling intimacy of my music, natural, crystal clear, with a wide sound stage and pin-point localization of voices and instruments. You hear the music as the musicians heard it, and not the limitations of the electronics. I believe this sold for around $1,400 new. I have a third party remote that controls volume and inputs, but does not have Power on/off function. It has Toslink and Digital Audio inputs with XLR outputs along with analog RCA outputs. I have been Very Happy with this pre-amp. It sounds wonderful! I just need to move on to audition the other audiophile gear I own, so you get the advantage of my exploration with a wonderful Audio/Video pre-amp/Processor of your own. Look for my Class A Yamaha M40 power amp or my Hafler dh-220 power amp to match with this, or go 5.1 channel with great confidence! The Shipping cost reflects how Heavy and SOLID this unit is. I work hard to maintain my perfect 100% customer feedback. I will package your SPACE PR250B with Great Care so you can hear what I hear! On line Review: Before we go any further, this processor does not support HD audio formats via HDMI or have 5.1 analogue bypass. Being a processor, it also does not include any power amplification. If you really need any of those, stop reading now. Now, onto the good stuff. This is a high-end legacy processor from the now deceased Danish manufacturer Thule. When new, I believe that they retailed for going on for 1800. The unit is fully working and as can be seen, is a lot more classy looking that most of the stuff on the market. Im guessing that the closest equivalent competitor to this unit would be something like the Meridian 565. Its best to think of it as three solutions all married rather well into a single box, i.e. - brilliant two channel pre-amp utilising high quality PSUs (over 20 if I remember correctly), lovely volume control, and a set of RCA or fully balanced inputs and outputs that completely bypass all of the AV circuits - high quality stereo capable DAC (Ill come back to that shortly) - high quality AV processing on DPL, DD and DTS. Note that this amp completely eschews the usual high street manufacturers naff modes such as concert (for which read, in the concert hall bogs). All you get is DPL, DD and DTS, but its done very well. Connection wise, it has seven analogue stereo inputs (one of which is balanced), three toslink optical inputs and 5 coaxial SPDIF inputs. Outputs include balanced outputs for front stereo speakers, 6.2 channel RCA phono (2 fronts, 2 rears, 2 centres and 2 subs). It does also support video input and output via composite and s-vid, but in these days of HDMI, I assume that not many people will be actually using these. Personally I only used a video output to assist with the menu setup. As this amp doesnt have a whole bunch of pointless settings, the menu is actually very straightforward to use, and for anyone who collects, Ill walk them through the process (doesnt take long). So, onto what its like. For the money, bloody brilliant. I bought this to replace a Yamaha E800, which is well thought of on these forums. Frankly, the Thule walked all over the Yam and spat it out the other side. I was shocked at how much better the Thule was. Once Id settled in to using it, couldnt resist comparing my SB+ (SB+ via analogue into the Thule vs the Thule as a DAC being driven by the digital output on the SB+). I actually slightly preferred the Thule as a DAC. Wasnt much in it, more personal preference than anything, but IMO it was slightly more natural in its presentation style. More recently, I took along the Thule to get a feel for how good some of the Linn DS streamers were. IMO whilst the Akurate was definitely better (as it should be costing 4k). However the Thule was VERY similar overall to the Majik. Being in mind that the Majik costs a cool 2k and you start to get a feel for how well I regard what is an AV processor. For films, Ive used the Thule on the backend of a DVD player, Samsung BD player (via coax digital) and more recently a PS3 (via optical). No the Thule cant process HDMI signals, but is still made all of those sound brilliant. To cover your question about so if its so good, whys its going?. As one of the statistics of the economy, Im in the process of simplifying a number of my areas of interest. Done my camera and watches. Time to do the stereo unfortunately. Heres the official specs: - Precision volume control with 0.5dB adjustment step and 100dB range - Direct key access to channel trim adjustments with 0.5dB adjustment step - Delay adjustment for center, surround left and surround right channels - Direct key access to input selection - Most inputs can be assigned as analogue, electrical digital or optical - Sensitivity for analogue inputs to DSP can be adjusted for improved dynamic range - S-video and composite video switching with 70MHz bandwidth - Video encoder with On Screen Display (OSD), which is automatically bypassed when not used - Flexible speaker settings with extensive bass management - Adjustable crossover frequency (60 120Hz) for bass management - Dynamic range compression e.g. for improved performance in noisy environments - New 56362 Motorola DSP with 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) - Upgradable design for coming sound formats - 8 pcs. Burr Brown 24bit/96kHz D/A converters - True differential D/A conversion in Left and Right channels for optimal performance with 24bit/96kHz stereo sound from DVD audio discs. - Pure analogue input with true balanced pure analogue signal path - 32 96 kHz PCM stereo - Dolby Pro Logic decoding - Dolby Digital decoding with auto detection - DTS decoding with auto detection

Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit

End: 17.03. 2024 01:16:24 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 275.53 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204687217193
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bigworm60 (188|98.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Pablo, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality sound with the Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit amplifier. This powerful, yet sleek device enhances your audio experience to new heights. With a focus on performance, it delivers crystal-clear audio that leaves you feeling immersed in your favourite tunes. As a well-known brand in audio equipment, Thule Audio has delivered yet another premium product. Whether youre listening to music or watching a movie, the PR150 B Spirit amplifier provides an exceptional audio experience. Get yours today and take your entertainment to the next level.

Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit

End: 10.03. 2024 01:16:04 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 273.72 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204677393115
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bigworm60 (178|97.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Pablo, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 50,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality sound with the Thule Audio PR150 B Spirit amplifier. This powerful, yet sleek device enhances your audio experience to new heights. With a focus on performance, it delivers crystal-clear audio that leaves you feeling immersed in your favourite tunes. As a well-known brand in audio equipment, Thule Audio has delivered yet another premium product. Whether youre listening to music or watching a movie, the PR150 B Spirit amplifier provides an exceptional audio experience. Get yours today and take your entertainment to the next level.