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- Thorens TD320 mkII Plattenspieler / turntable - mahagoni -

End: 29.12. 2024 11:11:21 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 399.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 167199081662
  • Seller: stereoid! (3494|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schöntal Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    - Thorens TD320 mkII Plattenspieler / turntable - mahagoni -320... ...hochwertiger Plattendreher von Thorens. Der Dreher spielt einwandfrei und zieht souverän seine Runden. Optisch ist er in sehr gutem Zustand. Er kommt ohne Tonabnehmer und Haube, die Scharniere und das Netzteil sind dabei. ...valuable turntable by thorens. The player works well and turns smoothly. Its in a very good optical condition. It comes without cover and pickup, hinges and powersupply are included. fast forward hifi bietet Ihnen folgenden Service:100% funktionsfähige Geräte eine objektive Artikelbeschreibung bei Bedarf werden die Komponenten einer sanften Innenreinigung mit Druckluft unterzogen. Sie erhalten ein staubfreies Gerät alle Geräte werden außen aufwändig gereinigt, sind sofort einsatzbereit und voll wohnzimmertauglichjeder Artikel wird sachgerecht und bruchsicher verpackt diskussionsfreie Rücknahme der Geräte innerhalb von 14 Tagen - siehe hierzu meine AGBs Dies ist ein gewerblicher Verkauf, bitte beachten Sie die AGBs und Ihr Rückgaberecht!

Thorens Plattenspieler TD 320 MK II / VINTAGE Turntable

End: 22.12. 2024 15:00:27 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 334.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305976724366
  • Bids: 15
  • Seller: hansolo089 (367|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: München Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 23,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens Plattenspieler TD 320 MK II / VINTAGE Turntable Mit Wehmut trenne ich mich von meinem Thorens TD 320 MK II aus erster Hand.Das Gerät ist im Originalzustand mit einem Ortofon OMB 10 Tonabnehmer ausgestattet. Der Riemen kann und sollte auf Wunsch erneuert werden. Ein Netzteil kann ich leider nicht mitliefern. Kann ich aber auf Wunsch neu besorgen. Das Gerät ist ca. 500 Stunden gelaufen, vorwiegend mit Nassabspielung. Die Lencoclean Halterung ist noch montiert.Die Haube hat Kratzer ist aber in ordentlichem Zustand. Das Gerät kommt aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt. Ich gehe davon aus, auch aufgrund der trockenen Lagerung im Haus noch in einwandfreiem Zustand ist. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, nehme ich es innerhalb einer Woche zurück (Rückversand trägt Käufer) Bei Fragen gerne melden. Hier nun die Daten. Hersteller: ThorensModell: TD 320 MK IIBaujahre: 1988 - 1990Hergestellt in: DeutschlandFarbe: Esche schwarz, MahagoniLeistungsaufnahme: Steckernetzteil 17 V, 140 mAAbmessungen: 440 x 170 x 350 mm (B x H x T)Gewicht: ca. 11 kgNeupreis: ab ca. 900,- DM AnschlüsseAusgänge: 1x Kabel Phono (RCA/Cinch), 1x Kabel MasseEingänge: 1x Steckernetzteil Technische DatenAntrieb: RiemenantriebMotor: AC; 16-poliger Synchronmotor (Berger RSM 50) mit 2-Phasen-GeneratorDrehzahl: 33,33/min, 45/minGleichlaufschwankungen: 0,025 % (WRMS)Rumpelgeräuschabstand:-? dB (IEC, unbewertet)-? dB (IEC, bewertet)Plattenteller: 300 mm; Zamak GD-2 NAL; 3,1 kgBetriebsart: manuellPitch: ohneTonarm: Thorens TP 90Werkstoff:Gesamtlänge: 9Länge Drehpunkt - Spitze: 228 mmKröpfungswinkel: 24ºÜberhang Tonabnehmer: 18 mmÜberhang Gegengewicht:zulässige Tonabnehmergewichte:träge Masse des Arms: 17 gEinstellbereich für das Auflagegewicht:Höheneinstellbereich:Kabelkapazität:Tonabnehmer: OMB 10 Besondere AusstattungenSchwingchassis mit Blattfederungelektronische Drehzahlumschaltungberührungslose opto-elektronische Endabschaltung

Thorens Plattenspieler TD320 MK II in Mahagoni Yamaha MC 11 Tonabnehmer TP 90 95

End: 22.12. 2024 11:37:25 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 660.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 267082181669
  • Seller: yetifell (634|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dortmund Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens Plattenspieler TD320 MK II in Mahagoni Yamaha MC 11 Tonabnehmer TP 90 95Angeboten wird ein top gepflegter Thorens TD 320 MK II in Plattenspieler mit einem Metalinnenteller und dem legendären 10 mm Lager in Mahagoni Edelholz. Tonarm: Thorens TP 90 mit TP 95 Headshell. Das Holz ist in einem einwandfreien Zustand. Der Plattenspieler ist voll funktionstüchtig und läuft einwandfrei. Die Endabschaltung funktioniert!!! Bestückt ist der Thorens mit einem Yamaha MC Moving Coil Tonabnehmer, die Nadel ist top. Halbautomatischer Dreher mit Riemenantrieb und den Geschwindigkeiten 33 und 45. Mit dem originalen Thorens Netzteil und vergoldeten Chinch Steckern. Die Haube weist die üblichen minimalen Wischspuren auf, keine Sprünge und Risse. Originalzustand, nichts verbastelt oder getunt, und mit der Kopie der Bedienungsanleitung. Nichtraucherhaushalt, keine Haustiere. Es ist nur eine Abholung in Dortmund möglich. Ein Probehören ist ausdrücklich erwünscht. No Shipping. Barzahlung bei Abholung. Hinweis: Ich bin Privatverkäufer. Mit dem Kauf entbinden Sie mich von der Gewährleistungs- und Garantiepflicht nach EU-Recht, auch eine Rücknahme wird ausgeschlossen.

THORENS TD 320 MK III inkl. Empire EDR-9 Plattenspieler AC/AC-Adapter Typ A7-123

End: 19.12. 2024 19:40:53 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 680.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186719404836
  • Seller: granbahn (2018|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bornheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    THORENS TD 320 MK III inkl. Empire EDR-9 Plattenspieler AC/AC-Adapter Typ A7-123THORENS TD 320 MK III Inkl. Empire EDR-9 mit Bedienungsanleitung mit AC/AC-Adapter Typ A7-1231-1508 Prim: 220V, Sec.: 16V/160mA 2.6VA T40/E Bartec IP20 mit 680 EE Stereo StandardSeries Cartridge by STANTON High-End Topzustand Nur Abholung, kein Versand Ebay-Gebühren werden von mir übernommen. Keine Garantie, Rücknahme, Gewährleistung

Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII or MKIII turntable with Wenge veneer

End: 17.12. 2024 01:39:36 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2503.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116394617003
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6498|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 201,08 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII or MKIII turntable with Wenge veneer The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on eBay! This turntable is available in 220/230V or 110V/120V (for example USA and world wide) Restored 320 MKII with limit switchexclusive veneer design with high-gloss finishFloor tray black mattOur record players are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured using skilled craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. Item description:Please note! Mineral inclusions can be found in the wenge veneer. These can also be seen in the veneer image (Figure 7). This is a natural process and typical for wenge veneers.Pickup:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (not as pictured)Device feet: spikesLimit switch:      YesInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 440mm, depth: 340mm, height 180mm (without hood)Housing:The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding.Absorber plate:Specially designed absorber plate. The absorption of low frequencies and material vibrations in particular takes place on two levels.Level 1: On the top of the base there is an integrated vibration absorption by means of 5 felt absorbers. An absorber is centered under the base plate and eliminates the negative vibrations of the often criticized sheet metal tray. Another 4 absorbers are located under the feet of the turntable.Level 2: 4 height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel on the underside of the absorber plate.This double absorption results in a significantly improved sound.Cartridge Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Very good entry level. Full-fledged pickup that harmonizes with many tonearms. Convinces with temperament and a neutral basic character.Large power supply:A new power supply is included in delivery. This power supply has twice the power of the original power supply. Performance bottlenecks and overheating no longer occur.Audio cable:Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality.Turntable:Original Thorens turntable, matt black lacqueredSpikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:To decouple the record player from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record rests smoothly on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens subchassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.following Parts are as Accessoriesör receiveältlich and not ingredient this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Hood including hinges: 190Stainless steel feet 43mm x 17mm (Picture 2 and 3): 90 Cartridge MM system including installation:Audio-Technica VM740ML (microlinear): 339Audio-Technica VM750SH (Shibata): 439Audio-Technica VM760SLC (special line contact): 699 Cartridge MC System including installation:Audio-technica AT-OC9XEB (elliptical): 279Audio-technica AT-OC9XEN (elliptical, naked): 369Audio-technica AT33EV(elliptical, naked): 499Audio-technica ATPTG/II (microlinear): 599Audio-technica AT33SA (Shibata): 799Ortofon Quintet Red (elliptical): 330 Ortofon Quintet Blue (elliptical, naked): 470 Ortofon Quintet Bronze (Fineline): 660 Ortofon Quinted Black (Shibata): 940The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the recWe would be happy to restore your Thorens to this look.Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! See also this products: Your Choice! Restored Turntable Thorens Td 320 Mkiii Restored Turntable Thorens Td 320 Mkiii Bicolor Black - Gold Restored Thorens TD 318 Turntable Exclusive Veneer Also 320 Possible Restored & Modified Thorens TD 166 MKII Turntable Restored Thorens TD 147 Turntable Veneer High Gloss Restored Turntable Thorens TD 320 With Original Gehäuseteilen Restored Thorens TD 166 MKII Turntable Carbon Look Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Various Veneer Possible Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens Modell TD 320 MKII EAN Nicht zutreffend

Thorens Td320Mkii/Sme 3009 Series Maintained Player

End: 14.12. 2024 19:43:38 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2271.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 395995157183
  • Seller: camerajapan1 (32|94.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Item TitleThorens Td320Mkii/Sme 3009 Series Maintained Player Payment Supports managed payments Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. About Us We are located in Japan. Its our pleasure to make you happy by proposing our recommend item. If you have any questions or request about items please feel free to ask us. International Buyers - Please Note: -Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. -Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. -These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. -We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as - gifts - The US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Thank you for your understanding.

Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII Or Mkiii Turntable With Wenge Veneer Genuine

End: 11.12. 2024 01:14:24 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2511.2 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146182886984
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6491|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on eBay! This turntable is available in 220/230V or 110V/120V (for example USA and world wide) Restored 320 MKII with limit switchexclusive veneer design with high-gloss finishFloor tray black mattOur record players are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured using skilled craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. Item description:Please note! Mineral inclusions can be found in the wenge veneer. These can also be seen in the veneer image (Figure 7). This is a natural process and typical for wenge veneers.Pickup:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (not as pictured)Device feet: spikesLimit switch:      YesInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 440mm, depth: 340mm, height 180mm (without hood)Housing:The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding.Absorber plate:Specially designed absorber plate. The absorption of low frequencies and material vibrations in particular takes place on two levels.Level 1: On the top of the base there is an integrated vibration absorption by means of 5 felt absorbers. An absorber is centered under the base plate and eliminates the negative vibrations of the often criticized sheet metal tray. Another 4 absorbers are located under the feet of the turntable.Level 2: 4 height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel on the underside of the absorber plate.This double absorption results in a significantly improved sound.Cartridge Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Very good entry level. Full-fledged pickup that harmonizes with many tonearms. Convinces with temperament and a neutral basic character.Large power supply:A new power supply is included in delivery. This power supply has twice the power of the original power supply. Performance bottlenecks and overheating no longer occur.Audio cable:Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality.Turntable:Original Thorens turntable, matt black lacqueredSpikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:To decouple the record player from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record rests smoothly on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens subchassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.following Parts are as Accessoriesör receiveältlich and not ingredient this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Hood including hinges: 190Stainless steel feet 43mm x 17mm (Picture 2 and 3): 90 Cartridge MM system including installation:Audio-Technica VM740ML (microlinear): 339Audio-Technica VM750SH (Shibata): 439Audio-Technica VM760SLC (special line contact): 699 Cartridge MC System including installation:Audio-technica AT-OC9XEB (elliptical): 279Audio-technica AT-OC9XEN (elliptical, naked): 369Audio-technica AT33EV(elliptical, naked): 499Audio-technica ATPTG/II (microlinear): 599Audio-technica AT33SA (Shibata): 799Ortofon Quintet Red (elliptical): 330 Ortofon Quintet Blue (elliptical, naked): 470 Ortofon Quintet Bronze (Fineline): 660 Ortofon Quinted Black (Shibata): 940The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the recWe would be happy to restore your Thorens to this look.Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!

10mm Lager und Lagerflansch Thorens TD 320 MK III TD 2001 520 ... sehr gut

End: 06.12. 2024 14:43:58 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 82.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 387224909744
  • Seller: levi006 (9272|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Dresden Loschwitz Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 6,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    10mm Lager und Lagerflansch Thorens TD 320 MK  III   TD 2001   520 ...  sehr gutIch verkaufe einige Thorens Ersatzteile: I only ship within the EU. Not to USA UK Australia Russia India Asia... THORENS Plattenspieler 10mm Lager und Lagerflansch THORENS TD 320 III 2001 u.a Wie auf den Bildern zu sehen, ist das Lager sehr gut erhalten. ANFRAGEN NACH ANDEREN ERSATZTEILEN ODER PREISANGEBOTE PER MAIL oder telefonisch ab 20:00 Uhr Gewerbliches Angebot. Lieferung erfolgt gem. Fernabsatzgesetz. Siehe Widerrufsbelehrung. Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE

Berger Motor THORENS TD280 290 320 MK III...2001 sehr guter Zustand + Pulley 280

End: 03.12. 2024 18:10:29 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 68.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 387579165917
  • Seller: levi006 (9254|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Dresden Loschwitz Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Berger Motor THORENS TD280 290 320 MK III...2001 sehr guter Zustand + Pulley 280Ich verkaufe einige Thorens Ersatzteile: I only ship within the EU. Not to USA UK Australia Russia India Asia... Sehr guter Berger Original Motor für Thorens TD 280 290 2001 TD 3001 320 MK III 318 MK III guter Zustand - mit Pulley vom TD 280 (leider fehlt rückseitig das Typenschild) Wie abgebildet, komplett mit Kabel und Pulley. (Foto 1 bis 3) Ich verkaufe mehrere Motoren, so daß sich die Seriennummer unterscheiden kann, es sind aber alles gleiche Motoren (Foto 4 und 5 Beispielbilder) Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE Bei Fragen zum Artikel oder Preis, senden Sie mir eine Mail Gewerbliches Angebot. Lieferung erfolgt gem. Fernabsatzgesetz. Siehe Widerrufsbelehrung.

Restauré Thorens TD 320 MKII Ou Mkiii Tourne-Disque Avec Wenge Placage

End: 28.11. 2024 23:12:33 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2494.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116374271609
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6483|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 205,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fabrication individuelle ! Veuillez noter le délai de traitement indiqué sur Ebay ! Cette platine vinyle est disponible en 220/230V ou 110V/120V (par exemple aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier) 320 MKII restauré avec fin de coursedesign de placage exclusif avec finition brillantePlateau de sol noir matNos platines sont assemblées, modifiées et assemblées avec amour à la main. Chacun deux est unique et diffère par son modèle, sa couleur et son grain de placage. Les boîtiers de haute qualité sont restaurés ou nouvellement fabriqués selon un savoir-faire qualifié. Les composants électriques sont vérifiés, Pièces mobiles huilées et pièces dusure remplacées. Un dernier test dendurance complète le travail complexe. Description de larticle :Veuillez noter! Des inclusions minérales peuvent être trouvées dans le placage wengé. Ceux-ci sont également visibles sur la photo du placage (photo 7). Il s’agit d’un processus naturel et typique des placages wengé.Ramasser:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (pas comme illustré)Pieds de lappareil : pointesFin de course :      OuiPlaque intérieure : métalBroche:                    10mmDimensions de base :             Largeur : 440 mm, profondeur : 340 mm, hauteur 180 mm (sans capot)Logement:Le logement a été recouvert de placage wengé. Le placage a été découpé en différentes parties de placage et assemblées pour former une image de placage uniforme (miroir). Cette technique est très complexe et impressionne par son aspect unique. La surface est recouverte de plusieurs couches de vernis brillant scellé et poli avec un ponçage intermédiaire approprié.plaque absorbante:Plaque absorbante spécialement conçue. L’absorption des basses fréquences et des vibrations des matériaux s’effectue à deux niveaux.Niveau 1 : Sur le dessus de la base est intégré un système dabsorption des vibrations grâce à 5 absorbeurs en feutre. Un absorbeur est centré sous la plaque de base et élimine les vibrations négatives du plateau en tôle souvent décrié. 4 autres absorbeurs sont situés sous les pieds du tourne-disque.Niveau 2 : 4 pointes réglables en hauteur en acier inoxydable chromé sur la face inférieure de la plaque absorbante.Cette double absorption se traduit par un son nettement amélioré.Micro Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Très bon débutant. Micro à part entière qui sharmonise avec de nombreux bras de lecture. Impressionne par son tempérament et son caractère de base neutre.Grande alimentation :Un nouveau bloc dalimentation est inclus dans la livraison. Cette alimentation a deux fois la puissance de lalimentation dorigine. Les goulets détranglement et la surchauffe ne se produisent plus.Câble audio :Câble de marque. Câble Cinch audio analogique prêt à lemploi pour le câblage des platines ! Grâce au conducteur intérieur de qualité supérieure en cuivre sans oxygène (OFC), ce câble de qualité assure une transmission du signal fidèle à la réalité. La sécurité des contacts et la protection contre la corrosion sont garanties par les contacts enfichables plaqués or 24 carats. Le câble a un son neutre avec une bonne dynamique et un bon espace.Platine:Platine vinyle Thorens originale, peinte en noir matPointes en acier inoxydable chromé:Pour que le tourne-disque soit découplé des vibrations basses fréquences, Le châssis est équipé de pointes réglables en hauteur. Les résonances et les retours sont ainsi efficacement évités. Courroie dentraînement :Cette courroie de transmission est fabriquée selon les spécifications dorigine Thorens (même matériau et mêmes dimensions).Poids record en acier inoxydable :Avec un poids de 310 g, il garantit que le disque repose bien sur la plaque et fonctionne sans problème. Ce poids record se situe dans la catégorie de poids moyenne. Il accumule juste assez de poids pour amortir les vibrations de la plaque sans exercer de pression sur les coussinets. La suspension du sous-châssis Thorens a été réajustée en conséquence. En lutilisant, vous augmentez les performances sonores de votre système.suivant Parties sont comme Accessoiresör euhunliltique et pas ingrédient ce enchères:Le suivant parties sont disponible comme accessoires et pas compris dans ce enchères: Hotte avec charnières : 190Pieds dappareil en acier inoxydable 43 mm x 17 mm (Image 2 et 3) : 90 Système à cartouche MM comprenant linstallation :Audio-Technica VM740ML (microlinéaire) : 339Audio-Technica VM750SH (Shibata) : 439Audio-Technica VM760SLC (contact de ligne spécial) : 699 Système MC à cartouche comprenant linstallation :Audio-technica AT-OC9XEB (elliptique) : 279Audio-technica AT-OC9XEN (elliptique, nu) : 369Audio-technica AT33EV (elliptique, nu) : 499Audio-technica ATPTG/II (microlinéaire) : 599Audio-technica AT33SA (Shibata) : 799Ortofon Quintet Rouge (elliptique) : 330 Ortofon Quintet Blue (elliptique, nu) : 470 Ortofon Quintette Bronze (Fineline) : 660 Ortofon Quinted Noir (Shibata) : 940Câble de marque. Câble Cinch audio analogique prêt à lemploi pour le câblage des platines ! Grâce au conducteur intérieur de qualité supérieure en cuivre sans oxygène (OFC), ce câble de qualité assure une transmission du signal fidèle à la réalité. La sécurité des contacts et la protection contre la corrosion sont garanties par les contacts enfichables plaqués or 24 carats. Le câble a un son neutre avec une bonne dynamique et un bon espace. Avec un poids de 310 g, il garantit que le disque repose bien sur la plaque et fonctionne sans problème. Ce poids record se situe dans la catégorie de poids moyenne. Il accumule juste assez de poids pour amortir les vibrations de la plaque sans exercer de pression sur les coussinets. La suspension du sous-châssis Thorens a été réajustée en conséquence.Nous serions également heureux de redonner à votre Thorens ce look.Fabrication individuelle ! Veuillez noter le délai de traitement indiqué sur Ebay !

Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII or MKIII turntable with Wenge veneer

End: 17.11. 2024 02:29:54 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2527.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146105779570
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6473|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 207,16 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII or MKIII turntable with Wenge veneer The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on eBay! This turntable is available in 220/230V or 110V/120V (for example USA and world wide) Restored 320 MKII with limit switchexclusive veneer design with high-gloss finishFloor tray black mattOur record players are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured using skilled craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. Item description:Please note! Mineral inclusions can be found in the wenge veneer. These can also be seen in the veneer image (Figure 7). This is a natural process and typical for wenge veneers.Pickup:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (not as pictured)Device feet: spikesLimit switch:      YesInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 440mm, depth: 340mm, height 180mm (without hood)Housing:The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding.Absorber plate:Specially designed absorber plate. The absorption of low frequencies and material vibrations in particular takes place on two levels.Level 1: On the top of the base there is an integrated vibration absorption by means of 5 felt absorbers. An absorber is centered under the base plate and eliminates the negative vibrations of the often criticized sheet metal tray. Another 4 absorbers are located under the feet of the turntable.Level 2: 4 height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel on the underside of the absorber plate.This double absorption results in a significantly improved sound.Cartridge Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Very good entry level. Full-fledged pickup that harmonizes with many tonearms. Convinces with temperament and a neutral basic character.Large power supply:A new power supply is included in delivery. This power supply has twice the power of the original power supply. Performance bottlenecks and overheating no longer occur.Audio cable:Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality.Turntable:Original Thorens turntable, matt black lacqueredSpikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:To decouple the record player from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record rests smoothly on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens subchassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.following Parts are as Accessoriesör receiveältlich and not ingredient this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Hood including hinges: 190Stainless steel feet 43mm x 17mm (Picture 2 and 3): 90 Cartridge MM system including installation:Audio-Technica VM740ML (microlinear): 339Audio-Technica VM750SH (Shibata): 439Audio-Technica VM760SLC (special line contact): 699 Cartridge MC System including installation:Audio-technica AT-OC9XEB (elliptical): 279Audio-technica AT-OC9XEN (elliptical, naked): 369Audio-technica AT33EV(elliptical, naked): 499Audio-technica ATPTG/II (microlinear): 599Audio-technica AT33SA (Shibata): 799Ortofon Quintet Red (elliptical): 330 Ortofon Quintet Blue (elliptical, naked): 470 Ortofon Quintet Bronze (Fineline): 660 Ortofon Quinted Black (Shibata): 940The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the recWe would be happy to restore your Thorens to this look.Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! See also this products: Your Choice! Restored Turntable Thorens Td 320 Mkiii Restored Turntable Thorens Td 320 Mkiii Bicolor Black - Gold Restored Thorens TD 318 Turntable Exclusive Veneer Also 320 Possible Restored & Modified Thorens TD 166 MKII Turntable Restored Thorens TD 147 Turntable Veneer High Gloss Restored Turntable Thorens TD 320 With Original Gehäuseteilen Restored Thorens TD 166 MKII Turntable Carbon Look Revised Thorens TD 125 MKII Turntable Various Veneer Possible Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens Modell TD 320 MKII EAN Nicht zutreffend

Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII Or Mkiii Turntable With Wenge Veneer Genuine

End: 11.11. 2024 01:01:48 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2566.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116354822603
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6468|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on eBay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220/230V or 110V/120V (for example USA and world wide) We would be happy to restore your Thorens to this look. Restored 320 MKII with limit switchexclusive veneer design with high-gloss finishFloor tray black mattOur record players are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured using skilled craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. Item description:Please note! Mineral inclusions can be found in the wenge veneer. These can also be seen in the veneer image (Figure 7). This is a natural process and typical for wenge veneers.Pickup:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (not as pictured)Device feet: spikesLimit switch:      YesInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 440mm, depth: 340mm, height 180mm (without hood)Housing:The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding.Absorber plate:Specially designed absorber plate. The absorption of low frequencies and material vibrations in particular takes place on two levels.Level 1: On the top of the base there is an integrated vibration absorption by means of 5 felt absorbers. An absorber is centered under the base plate and eliminates the negative vibrations of the often criticized sheet metal tray. Another 4 absorbers are located under the feet of the turntable.Level 2: 4 height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel on the underside of the absorber plate.This double absorption results in a significantly improved sound.Cartridge Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Very good entry level. Full-fledged pickup that harmonizes with many tonearms. Convinces with temperament and a neutral basic character.Large power supply:A new power supply is included in delivery. This power supply has twice the power of the original power supply. Performance bottlenecks and overheating no longer occur.Audio cable:Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality.Turntable:Original Thorens turntable, matt black lacqueredSpikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:To decouple the record player from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record rests smoothly on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens subchassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.following Parts are as Accessoriesör receiveältlich and not ingredient this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Hood including hinges: 190Stainless steel feet 43mm x 17mm (Picture 2 and 3): 90 Cartridge MM system including installation:Audio-Technica VM740ML (microlinear): 339Audio-Technica VM750SH (Shibata): 439Audio-Technica VM760SLC (special line contact): 699 Cartridge MC System including installation:Audio-technica AT-OC9XEB (elliptical): 279Audio-technica AT-OC9XEN (elliptical, naked): 369Audio-technica AT33EV(elliptical, naked): 499Audio-technica ATPTG/II (microlinear): 599Audio-technica AT33SA (Shibata): 799Ortofon Quintet Red (elliptical): 330 Ortofon Quintet Blue (elliptical, naked): 470 Ortofon Quintet Bronze (Fineline): 660 Ortofon Quinted Black (Shibata): 940The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer pieces and then joined together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface is covered with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. Branded cables. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring record players! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact reliability and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24-carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the rec

Thorens TD-320 MK II Plattenteller für Thorens Plattenspieler Turntable - TOP!

End: 05.11. 2024 13:08:58 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335282530124
  • Seller: bigbangforthebuck (1329|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Fürstenwalde Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD-320 MK II Plattenteller für Thorens Plattenspieler Turntable - TOP!Big Bang For The BuckVintage, Hifi & more sehr guter Zustand gebrauchttechnisch einwandfrei und voll funktionstüchtigoptischer Zustand: siehe Fotos Lieferumfang: siehe Fotos Bitte beurteilen Sie den optischen Zustand vor allem anhand der Fotos. Sie sind ein wesentlicher Teil der Artikelbeschreibung. Vielen Dank! Ihr Artikel wird sorgfältig und gewissenhaft verpackt um einen sicheren Versand zu gewährleisten. „Dieser Artikel unterliegt nach § 25a UStG der Differenzbesteuerung. Die Mehrwertsteuer wird auf der Rechnung daher nicht separat ausgewiesen.

Thorens TD 105 MkII Plattenspieler mit Luxmann 320C mit OVP

End: 03.11. 2024 16:29:04 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 145.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 286130703778
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gandalf374 (186|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neumarkt Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 105  MkII Plattenspieler mit Luxmann 320C  mit OVPThorens TD 105 mkII HiFi Plattenspieler von 1982 mit Luxmann 320C MC Tonabnehmer aus 1984 Mechanik funktioniert Riemen ist alt Cinch Kabel verkürzt. Original Haube mit Gebrauchsspuren keine Sprünge (Reste vom Paketklebeband vom letzten Umzug nicht entfernt) Versand im Original Karton Privatverkauf Keine Gewährleistung

Lagerflansch für Lager Thorens TD 320 MK III TD 2001 520 ... sehr gut

End: 31.10. 2024 18:12:31 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 387224913360
  • Seller: levi006 (9194|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Dresden Loschwitz Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 6,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Lagerflansch für Lager Thorens TD 320 MK  III   TD 2001   520 ...  sehr gutIch verkaufe einige Thorens Ersatzteile: I only ship within the EU. Not to USA UK Australia Russia India Asia... THORENS Plattenspieler Lagerflansch für 10mm Lager THORENS TD 320 III 2001 u.a Wie auf Bild 1 + 2 zu sehen, ist der Lagerflansch sehr gut erhalten.NOS Foto 3 + 4 Beispielbilder ANFRAGEN NACH ANDEREN ERSATZTEILEN ODER PREISANGEBOTE PER MAIL oder telefonisch ab 20:00 Uhr Gewerbliches Angebot. Lieferung erfolgt gem. Fernabsatzgesetz. Siehe Widerrufsbelehrung. Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE

Restauré Thorens TD 320 MKII Ou Mkiii Tourne-Disque Avec Wenge Placage

End: 29.10. 2024 03:35:48 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2502.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116341558935
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6452|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 211,86 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fabrication individuelle ! Veuillez noter le délai de traitement indiqué sur Ebay ! Fabrication individuelle ! Veuillez noter le délai de traitement indiqué sur Ebay ! Cette platine vinyle est disponible en 220/230V ou 110V/120V (par exemple aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier) Nous serions également heureux de redonner à votre Thorens ce look. 320 MKII restauré avec fin de coursedesign de placage exclusif avec finition brillantePlateau de sol noir matNos platines sont assemblées, modifiées et assemblées avec amour à la main. Chacun deux est unique et diffère par son modèle, sa couleur et son grain de placage. Les boîtiers de haute qualité sont restaurés ou nouvellement fabriqués selon un savoir-faire qualifié. Les composants électriques sont vérifiés, Pièces mobiles huilées et pièces dusure remplacées. Un dernier test dendurance complète le travail complexe. Description de larticle :Veuillez noter! Des inclusions minérales peuvent être trouvées dans le placage wengé. Ceux-ci sont également visibles sur la photo du placage (photo 7). Il s’agit d’un processus naturel et typique des placages wengé.Ramasser:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (pas comme illustré)Pieds de lappareil : pointesFin de course :      OuiPlaque intérieure : métalBroche:                    10mmDimensions de base :             Largeur : 440 mm, profondeur : 340 mm, hauteur 180 mm (sans capot)Logement:Le logement a été recouvert de placage wengé. Le placage a été découpé en différentes parties de placage et assemblées pour former une image de placage uniforme (miroir). Cette technique est très complexe et impressionne par son aspect unique. La surface est recouverte de plusieurs couches de vernis brillant scellé et poli avec un ponçage intermédiaire approprié.plaque absorbante:Plaque absorbante spécialement conçue. L’absorption des basses fréquences et des vibrations des matériaux s’effectue à deux niveaux.Niveau 1 : Sur le dessus de la base est intégré un système dabsorption des vibrations grâce à 5 absorbeurs en feutre. Un absorbeur est centré sous la plaque de base et élimine les vibrations négatives du plateau en tôle souvent décrié. 4 autres absorbeurs sont situés sous les pieds du tourne-disque.Niveau 2 : 4 pointes réglables en hauteur en acier inoxydable chromé sur la face inférieure de la plaque absorbante.Cette double absorption se traduit par un son nettement amélioré.Micro Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Très bon débutant. Micro à part entière qui sharmonise avec de nombreux bras de lecture. Impressionne par son tempérament et son caractère de base neutre.Grande alimentation :Un nouveau bloc dalimentation est inclus dans la livraison. Cette alimentation a deux fois la puissance de lalimentation dorigine. Les goulets détranglement et la surchauffe ne se produisent plus.Câble audio :Câble de marque. Câble Cinch audio analogique prêt à lemploi pour le câblage des platines ! Grâce au conducteur intérieur de qualité supérieure en cuivre sans oxygène (OFC), ce câble de qualité assure une transmission du signal fidèle à la réalité. La sécurité des contacts et la protection contre la corrosion sont garanties par les contacts enfichables plaqués or 24 carats. Le câble a un son neutre avec une bonne dynamique et un bon espace.Platine:Platine vinyle Thorens originale, peinte en noir matPointes en acier inoxydable chromé:Pour que le tourne-disque soit découplé des vibrations basses fréquences, Le châssis est équipé de pointes réglables en hauteur. Les résonances et les retours sont ainsi efficacement évités. Courroie dentraînement :Cette courroie de transmission est fabriquée selon les spécifications dorigine Thorens (même matériau et mêmes dimensions).Poids record en acier inoxydable :Avec un poids de 310 g, il garantit que le disque repose bien sur la plaque et fonctionne sans problème. Ce poids record se situe dans la catégorie de poids moyenne. Il accumule juste assez de poids pour amortir les vibrations de la plaque sans exercer de pression sur les coussinets. La suspension du sous-châssis Thorens a été réajustée en conséquence. En lutilisant, vous augmentez les performances sonores de votre système.suivant Parties sont comme Accessoiresör euhunliltique et pas ingrédient ce enchères:Le suivant parties sont disponible comme accessoires et pas compris dans ce enchères: Hotte avec charnières : 190Pieds dappareil en acier inoxydable 43 mm x 17 mm (Image 2 et 3) : 90 Système à cartouche MM comprenant linstallation :Audio-Technica VM740ML (microlinéaire) : 339Audio-Technica VM750SH (Shibata) : 439Audio-Technica VM760SLC (contact de ligne spécial) : 699 Système MC à cartouche comprenant linstallation :Audio-technica AT-OC9XEB (elliptique) : 279Audio-technica AT-OC9XEN (elliptique, nu) : 369Audio-technica AT33EV (elliptique, nu) : 499Audio-technica ATPTG/II (microlinéaire) : 599Audio-technica AT33SA (Shibata) : 799Ortofon Quintet Rouge (elliptique) : 330 Ortofon Quintet Blue (elliptique, nu) : 470 Ortofon Quintette Bronze (Fineline) : 660 Ortofon Quinted Noir (Shibata) : 940Câble de marque. Câble Cinch audio analogique prêt à lemploi pour le câblage des platines ! Grâce au conducteur intérieur de qualité supérieure en cuivre sans oxygène (OFC), ce câble de qualité assure une transmission du signal fidèle à la réalité. La sécurité des contacts et la protection contre la corrosion sont garanties par les contacts enfichables plaqués or 24 carats. Le câble a un son neutre avec une bonne dynamique et un bon espace. Avec un poids de 310 g, il garantit que le disque repose bien sur la plaque et fonctionne sans problème. Ce poids record se situe dans la catégorie de poids moyenne. Il accumule juste assez de poids pour amortir les vibrations de la plaque sans exercer de pression sur les coussinets. La suspension du sous-châssis Thorens a été réajustée en conséquence.

Thorens TD 320 MKII Original Bedienungsanleitung

End: 27.10. 2024 17:30:48 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256441164613
  • Seller: flavius53 (1133|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Frankfurt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 320 MKII Original BedienungsanleitungZu verkaufen eine Thorens TD 320 MKII Original Bedienungsanleitung guter Erhaltungszustand Versand als versichertes Einschreiben.

Thorens turntable cover td 320 MKIII turntable cover dust cover

End: 27.10. 2024 17:06:29 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.37 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 286118517341
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: magdam98765 (5696|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: West Hempstead, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Thorens TD 320 MK II (2) mit TP 90/95, Neue Haube, Grado Platinum Ref. Gold (MM)

End: 26.10. 2024 18:19:59 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 785.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315810703544
  • Seller: schlabuckel (3022|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Krefeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 22,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 320 MK II (2) mit TP 90/95, Neue Haube, Grado Platinum Ref. Gold (MM)Hallo zusammen, zum Verkauf steht ein sehr gut erhaltener Thorens TD 320 Mk II, TP 90/95 Tonarm, mit 1/2 Befestigung für TA, Grado Platinum Reference Gold MM- System welches sehr gut zum Tonarm passtDie Technik ist gewartet, alle beweglichen Teile sind mit den nötigen Schmiermitteln versehen. Das Gerät wurde auch repariert. Neuteile: Riemen, Sichelscheibe zur Endabschaltung, Tonarm Arretierung.Der Tonabnehmer ist ein Grado, in der besten Selektionsstufe (Gold) , die Nadel ist elliptisch. Klanglich bestens, selbst Holz-Ohren werden die innere Geschlossenheit und die Echtheit der Klangfarben auffallen. Vom Druck und der Dynamik, Raum und Bassqualität mal ganz abgesehen. Ein paar Worte zum Rest des Gerätes. Es ist der Schwere Innen- und Außentellen mit 10mm Achse und das verpresste Lager verbaut. Das Lager arbeitet Geräuschfrei, ebenso der Motor. Die untere Blechwanne ist mittels Schwerfolie optimal bedämpft. Ein Klopftest bestätigt das. Es gibt Anbieter, die optimierte Bodenwannen anbieten. Die sind uneingeschränkt nutzbar, aber bei meinem Spieler entbehrlich. Klanglich ist es vor allem die Bass-Performance und die räumliche Darstellung, die von dieser Maßnahme profitieren. Der 320er ist und bleibt ein besonderes Gerät in der Thorens Hierarchie. Es ist mittels Blattfedern aufgehängt, das Schwingende Chassisteil ist aus dickem Material gefertigt und demnach erschütterungsfester als z.B. bei 2001 oder 3001. Der Antriebsmotor ist ein geregelter Gleichstrommotor von Berger. er läßt sich nach entfernen der Bodenwanne auch Fein-einstellen, was bei meinem Gerät bereits erfolgt ist. Der Motor ist mit einer Rutschkupplung ausgestattet, was das Anlaufen des schweren Plattentellers erleichtert, der Riemen leidet nicht so stark, wie bei dem Nachfolger MK III. Zustand: wie ober beschrieben, technisch in zuverlässigem Zustand. Das Gerät hat nur minimalste Spuren des Gebrauchs. Die Haube NEU Lieferumfang: das gezeigte Gerät, BDA , Zubehör-Steckernetzteil, NEUE Haube, NF-Kabel mit vergoldeten Steckern, Erdekabel. ABHOLUNG bevorzugt!!!Versand erfolgt mit DHLPrivatauktion, deshalb Ausschluss von Garantie/Rücknahme/Wandlung/Sachmangelhaftung. Mit der Abgabe Ihres Gebotes erklären Sie sich mit dieser Regelung einverstanden. Sollten Sie der Meinung sein, das Gerät entspräche nicht der Beschreibung, erwarte ich, das Sie zuerst mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen, bevor Sie einen Fall öffnen! Es gibt immer eine Möglichkeit.....Versand: am Folge-Tag des Geldeinganges, kostenfrei bei SofortkaufInternational Bidders please ask for shippingcostAbholung natürlich bevorzugt. Versand aber auch möglich.Es sind auch immer unterschiedliche Tonabnehmer vorrätig, Neu oder Gebraucht. Da wird sich schon was finden, obwohl nicht nötig....Fragen beantworte ich auch gerne Telefonisch (01722365660)Der Preis ist absolut gerechtfertigt, für ein Gerät in diesem Zustand, Punkt. Bei Sofortkauf: Versandkostenfrei!!!

Thorens TD 320 MKIII turntable counterweight

End: 26.10. 2024 11:24:12 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 140.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 286095569866
  • Seller: magdam98765 (5706|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: West Hempstead, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
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Original Operating Elements Lever Thorens Td 320 Mkii & Others Models

End: 25.10. 2024 21:39:35 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 37.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146026755910
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6441|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 25,38 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Operating Elements Lever Thorens Td 320 Mkii & Others ModelsThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Original controls for 320 MK IIand other TD models Original controls for 320 MK II and other TD models Marke Thorens EAN Nicht zutreffend Modifizierter Artikel Nein Markenkompatibilität Thorens Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Ausländisches Produkt Nein Angebotspaket Nein Produktart Schalter

Thorens turntable cover td 320 MKIII turntable cover dust cover

End: 16.10. 2024 11:25:19 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 189.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315820934906
  • Seller: magdam98765 (5706|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: West Hempstead, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
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Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII Or Mkiii Turntable With Wenge Veneer

End: 15.10. 2024 01:56:06 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2546.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146027207792
  • Seller: art-and-sound (6442|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Sasbach Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 210,54 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Restored Thorens TD 320 MKII Or Mkiii Turntable With Wenge VeneerThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220/230V or 110V/120V (for example USA and world wide) We would also be happy to restore your Thorens to this look. Restored 320 MKII with limit switchexclusive veneer design with high-gloss finishFloor tray matt blackOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand. Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain. The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship. Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced. A final endurance test rounds off the complex work. Item description:Please note! Mineral inclusions can be found in the wenge veneer. These can also be seen in the veneer picture (picture 7). This is a natural process and typical of wenge veneers.Pickup:         Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha (not as shown)Device feet: spikesLimit switch:      YesInner plate: metalSpindle:                    10mmBasic dimensions:             Width: 440mm, depth: 340mm, height 180mm (without hood)Housing:The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer parts and put together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface has several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding.absorber plate:Specially designed absorber plate. The absorption of low frequencies and material vibrations takes place on two levels.Level 1: On the top of the base there is integrated vibration absorption using 5 felt absorbers. An absorber is centered under the base plate and eliminates the negative vibrations of the often criticized sheet metal tray. Another 4 absorbers are located under the feet of the record player.Level 2: 4 height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel on the underside of the absorber plate.This double absorption results in a significantly improved sound.Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:Very good beginner. Full-fledged pickup that harmonizes with many tonearms. Impresses with temperament and a neutral basic character.Large power supply:A new power supply unit is included in delivery. This power supply has twice the power of the original power supply. Performance bottlenecks and overheating no longer occur.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:Original Thorens turntable, painted matt blackSpikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Hood including hinges: 190Device feet made of stainless steel 43mm x 17mm (Image 2 and 3): 90 Cartridge MM system including installation:Audio-Technica VM740ML (microlinear): 339Audio-Technica VM750SH (Shibata): 439Audio-Technica VM760SLC (special line contact): 699 Cartridge MC System including installation:Audio-technica AT-OC9XEB (elliptical): 279Audio-technica AT-OC9XEN (elliptical, naked): 369Audio-technica AT33EV(elliptical, naked): 499Audio-technica ATPTG/II (microlinear): 599Audio-technica AT33SA (Shibata): 799Ortofon Quintet Red (elliptical): 330 Ortofon Quintet Blue (elliptical, naked): 470 Ortofon Quintet Bronze (Fineline): 660 Ortofon Quinted Black (Shibata): 940The housing was coated with wenge veneer. The veneer was cut into different veneer parts and put together to form a uniform veneer image (mirrored). This technique is very complex and impresses with its unique appearance. The surface has several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the p Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 320 MKII

Thorens TD 320 321 MK II user Manual Bedienungsanleitung

End: 11.10. 2024 09:18:33 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 226318069012
  • Seller: infinity_md (4541|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Frankfurt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 2,7 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Thorens TD 320 321 MK II user Manual BedienungsanleitungThorens TD 320 321 MK IIBedienungsanleitung Zustand: Kleine Gebrauchsspuren. Beim Kauf mehrerer Artikel bekommen Sie zu viel bezahltes Porto zurückerstattet.Fragen bitte vor dem Kaufen stellen.Shipping worldwide. Differenzbesteuert nach §25 USTG - Versand weltweit