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thorens 521 sme 3012 (13) |
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Restaurierter Thorens TD 160 MKII Plattenspieler mit SME Series III Eichenholz
End: 21.01. 2024 10:06:10 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2070.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 116007211310
- Seller: art-and-sound (6357|99.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Sasbach
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 29,9 EUR
- on EBAY
This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan) Individuelle Anfertigung! Bitte beachten Sie, die bei Ebay angegebene Bearbeitungszeit! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! Die Zarge aus Eiche ist ein Naturprodukt und unterscheidet sich immer in der Maserung. Nach dem Kauf senden wir Ihnen Fotos von verschiedenen Varianten, aus denen Sie sich die gewünschte Eichenzarge aussuchen können.The frame made of oak is a natural product and always differs in the grain. After purchase, we will send you photos of different variants from which you can choose the oak frame you want. Bei Selbstabholung 70,00 € Rabatt! RESTAURIERT von ART-AND-SOUND THORENS TD 160 Super mit SME Series III Tonarm und 100-jährigen Eichenholz Unsere Plattenspieler werden in liebevoller Handarbeit zusammengestellt, modifiziert und montiert. Jeder von ihnen ist ein Unikat und unterscheidet sich in Modell, Farbe, Furnier-maserung.Die hochwertigen Gehäuse werden in qualifizierter Handwerksarbeit restauriert oder neu angefertigt.Elektrische Bauteile werden überpüft, beweglichen Teile geölt und Verschleißteile ausgetauscht.Einen abschließender Dauerlauftest runden die aufwendigen Arbeiten ab.Der Kunde erhält ein Gerät der Spitzenklasse. Artikelbeschreibung:Endabschaltung: NeinInnenteller: MetallLagerdorn: 7mm Grundmaße: Breite 45cm, Tiefe 36cm, Höhe 18cm Das Gehäuse: Das Gehäuse besteht aus 25mm starken Seitenteilen aus massivem Eichenholz (geölt) und einem 16 mm starken Boden aus MDF. Rückseitig befindet sich das Anschlusspanel für alle benötigten Kabelverbindungen. Faceplate: Deckplatte aus 1mm Aluminium mit Oberflächeneloxierung in Goldoptik Der Tonabnehmer Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff. Das VM Alpha ist der Einstieg in die Serie und ist ein Super Einstiegssystem für Plattenspieler der mittleren Preislage.Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden.Das Audiokabel: Markenkabel. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat vergoldeten Steckerkontakte garantiert. Das Kabel hat ein neutrales Klangbild mit guter Dynamik und Räumlichkeit. Der Plattenteller: In fünf aufwendigen und zeitintensiven Arbeitsschritten, wird der Plattenteller auf Hochglanz poliert. Die Hochglanzpolitur verleiht Ihrem Plattenspieler ein einzigartiges Aussehen. Mit Oberflächenversiegelung durch eine spezielle Schutzlackierung, gegen wiederholtes Anlaufen und für einen langanhaltenden Glanz.Spikes aus verchromten Edelstahl: Damit der Plattenspieler von niederfrequenten Schwingungen entkoppelt wird, ist das Chassis mit höhenverstellbaren Spikes ausgestattet. Resonanzen und Rückkopplungen werden somit effektiv verhindert. Der Antriebsriemen:Der Antriebsriemen ist neu. Er wird nach den ursprünglichen Thorens Spezifikationen (gleiches Material und gleiche Abmessungen) gefertigt. Folgende Teile sind als Zubehör erhältlich und nicht Bestandteil dieser Auktion:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Haube klein (zum Aufsetzen auf die Zarge): 160 Haube groß (zum Aufsetzen auf den Unterbau): 180 Cartridge MM System including installation: Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE Ortofon VinylMaster Red (nackter elliptischer Schliff): 190 Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (nude Fritz Gyger 70-Schliff): 460 Ortofon 2MRed (elliptisch): 99 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptisch, nackt): 220 Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390 Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata mit Bor-Nadelträger): 899 Cartridge MC System including installation: AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599 AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799
Original Thorens Ascenseur Mécanisme pour Td 160 et DAutres Modèles
End: 12.01. 2024 01:49:04 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 46.14 USD

- Status: 30T 20:40:25
- Item number: 145493611593
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 24,63 USD
- on EBAY
Mécanisme de levage Thorens dorigine adapté aux tourne-disques : TD 160 et autres modèlesVersion plus stable avec tige métalliquebonne conditionMécanisme de levage Thorens dorigine adapté aux tourne-disques : TD 160 et autres modèles Version plus stable avec tige métallique bonne condition
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Turquoise Blue With Sme Series III
End: 12.01. 2024 01:33:59 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2567.7 USD

- Status: 30T 20:25:10
- Item number: 116007712687
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 204,38 USD
- on EBAY
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Turquoise Blue With Sme Series IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan)Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND 160 MKII black - turquoise blue with SME Series III tonarmOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with turquoise blue surface paintOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:High-gloss black finishDevice feet:Height adjustable, made of stainless steel. The contact area with the base is reduced to a minimum by 3 rubber buffers.Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Total weight 2220g, diameter 54mm, height 34mm. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM system including installation: Ortofon VinylMaster Red (naked elliptical cut): 220Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 470 Ortofon 2MRed (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 190Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390 Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron needle carrier): 899Cartridge MC System including installation:AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weigh Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Restored Thorens TD160 B Mkii Sme 3009 Turntable Dark Ocean Blue Met
End: 12.01. 2024 01:33:56 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2448.9 USD

- Status: 30T 20:25:4
- Item number: 145493588996
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 236,61 USD
- on EBAY
Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz inside (for example UNITED STATES)!Revised by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 B MKII with SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallicWITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting dark ocean blue metallicThe Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small Hood large Cartridge MM system including installation: The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact se
Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009
End: 12.01. 2024 01:33:54 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2567.2 USD

- Status: 30T 20:25:2
- Item number: 116007712578
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 236,61 USD
- on EBAY
This turntable is available for 220V-240V (50/60Hz) or 100V-130V (50/60Hz) - for example USA and worldwideIndividual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Reconditioned THORENS TD160 orange-ice blue metallic with SME 3009 tonearmOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device. Item description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm Housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Cover plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting ice blue metallicOrtofon Vinyl Master Alpha pickup:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): 160Hood big (for placing on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 229Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Schwarz-Burgundy Sme Series III
End: 12.01. 2024 01:33:54 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2448.9 USD

- Status: 30T 20:25:2
- Item number: 116007712581
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 236,61 USD
- on EBAY
Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - burgundy metallic with SME Series IIIWITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting burgundy metallicThe Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha cartridge:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:High-gloss finish in black, turntable support in transparent acrylic glass, 7 single puck made of demagnetized stainless steelHeight-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions). --------The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small Hood large Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical) 99€Ortofon 2M Blue (diamond cut): €199Ortofon 2M Bronze (fineline diamond cut): €360Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (probably the worlds best MM cartridge): €975The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating
Restored Thorens TD 160 Turntable Sme 3009 Series III Tracking Arm
End: 12.01. 2024 01:33:53 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2448.9 USD

- Status: 30T 20:25:1
- Item number: 116007712558
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 236,61 USD
- on EBAY
The phonograph works with 220V/50Hz. For shipping to the USA the turntable is converted to 110V/60Hz.RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND 160 with SME tonearm Series IIIItem description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalSpindle: 10mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmNew housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is elaborate with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. The bottom of the case is equipped with three openings for horizontal alignment of the turntable.New faceplate:New cover plate made of 1mm brushed stainless steelNew Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha cartridge (included):With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.New audio cable:Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Turntable feet:Four height-adjustable spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel. New drive belt:This drive belt is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).New stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:Hood small (to be placed on the frame): eBay-item number 112409195158Hood big (for placing on the substructure): eBay-item number 112411582098The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): German eBay-article number is 112409195158Hood large (to put on the base): German eBay-article number is 112411582098Cartridge MM systems including installation:Branded cable from Oelbach. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black White Cream Sme Series III
End: 12.01. 2024 01:33:50 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2448.9 USD

- Status: 30T 20:24:58
- Item number: 145493588882
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 236,61 USD
- on EBAY
This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan)Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!The right switch is not available in this version; the lift is operated manually directly on the tonearm.The right switch is not available in this variant, the lift is operated manually directly on the tonearm.RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND 160 MKII black - white cream with SME Series III tonarmOur turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting white creamThe Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha cartridge:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:High-gloss finish in black, turntable support in transparent acrylic glass, 7 single puck made of demagnetized stainless steelHeight-adjustable spikes:Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the record player on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented.The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Height adjustable, made of stainless steel. The contact area with the base is reduced to a minimum by 3 rubber buffers.Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Total weight 2220g, diameter 54mm, height 34mm. Cartridge MM system including installation: Cartridge MC System including installation: The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. Black-chrome surface. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating
Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Black Burgundy Red Metallic & Sme 3009
End: 11.01. 2024 20:58:57 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2449.37 USD

- Status: 30T 23:27:53
- Item number: 116007426676
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 204,38 USD
- on EBAY
Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Black Burgundy Red Metallic & Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or world wide)Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored THORENS TD160 with SME 3009 black and burgundy red metallicOur record players are lovingly put together and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.Item description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface painting burgundy red metallicOrtofon VinylMaster Alpha cartridge:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness.Turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look. With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).Stainless steel record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system. The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood to be placed on the housing: 160Cartridge MM system including installation:Ortofon VM Red (naked elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 360Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality by using the next needle slot. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record sits smoothly on the plate and runs smoothly. This record weight is in the middle weight class. It builds up just enough weight to dampen the vibrations of the plate without putting any strain on the bearing bushes. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis was readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound perform Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD 160 Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009
End: 11.01. 2024 20:49:08 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2449.37 USD

- Status: 30T 23:16:43
- Item number: 116007421411
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 204,38 USD
- on EBAY
Restored Thorens TD160B Mkii Turntable IN Yellow Curry & Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time stated on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! RESTORED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160B MKII in curry yellowwith SME 3009WITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly put together, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality housings are restored or newly manufactured using qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, Moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test rounds off the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:Limit switch: NoInner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm Basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.Faceplate:original, mint conditionThe Ortofon OM 5E cartridge:With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables.The OM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with an OM 5E and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle insert by using the next needle insert.The audio cable:Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact security and corrosion protection are guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spaciousness. The turntable:The turntable is made in five complex and time-consuming steps polished to a high shine.The high-gloss polish gives your record player a unique look.With surface sealing using a special protective coating to prevent repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Spikes made of chrome-plated stainless steel:So that the record player is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, The chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonances and feedback are thus effectively prevented. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured according to the original Thorens specifications (same material and same dimensions).. --------The following Parts are as Accessoriesör erhäliltic and not component this auction:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Cartridge MM including installation:Ortofon Vinyl Master Silver (Fritz Gyger): €490The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss varnish sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate sanding. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the OM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM cartridge, the long production time and the characteristic needle body are well known all over the world. The OM 5E is the entry into the series and is a great entry-level system for mid-range turntables. Branded cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for cabling turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-life signal transmission. Contact secur Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160B MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Restaurierter Thorens TD160 B MKII SME 3009 Plattenspieler dark ocean blue met.
End: 11.01. 2024 16:17:29 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2070.0 EUR

- Status: 30T 23:43:10
- Item number: 116007200290
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Achern,Deutschland
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 29,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Individuelle Anfertigung! Bitte beachten Sie, die bei Ebay angegebene Bearbeitungszeit! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz inside (for example USA)! Bei Selbstabholung 70,00 € Rabatt! Revidiert von ART-AND-SOUND Restaurierter THORENS TD 160 B MKII mit SME 3009 II in dark ocean blue metallic MIT EINEM KAMPFGEWICHT VON ÜBER 10 KG !!! Unsere Plattenspieler werden in liebevoller Handarbeit zusammengestellt, modifiziert und montiert. Jeder von ihnen ist ein Unikat und unterscheidet sich in Modell, Farbe, Furnier-maserung. Die hochwertigen Gehäuse werden in qualifizierter Handwerksarbeit restauriert oder neu angefertigt.Elektrische Bauteile werden überpüft, beweglichen Teile geölt und Verschleißteile ausgetauscht.Einen abschließender Dauerlauftest runden die aufwendigen Arbeiten ab.Der Kunde erhält ein Gerät der Spitzenklasse. Artikelbeschreibung:Endabschaltung: NeinInnenteller: MetallLagerdorn: 7mm Grundmaße: Breite: 45cm, Tiefe: 36cm, Höhe ca.18cm Das Gehäuse: Das Gehäuse besteht aus 25mm-MDF-Seitenteilen und einem 16 mm starken Boden gleichen Materials. Es ist sehr aufwendig mit mehreren Lagen Hochglanzlack bei entsprechenden Zwischenschliffen versiegelt und poliert. An der Rückseite befindet sich das Anschlusspanel für alle benötigten Kabelverbindungen. Faceplate: Deckplatte aus 1mm Aluminium mit Oberflächenlackierung dark ocean blue metallic Der Tonabnehmer Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha:Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff. Das VM Alpha ist der Einstieg in die Serie und ist ein Super Einstiegssystem für Plattenspieler der mittleren Preislage.Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden. Audiokabel:Markenkabel. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat vergoldeten Steckerkontakte garantiert. Das Kabel hat ein neutrales Klangbild mit guter Dynamik und Räumlichkeit. Plattenteller: In fünf aufwendigen und zeitintensiven Arbeitsschritten, wird der Plattenteller auf Hochglanz poliert. Die Hochglanzpolitur verleit Ihrem Plattenspieler ein einzigartiges Aussehen. Mit Oberflächenversiegelung durch eine spezielle Schutzlackierung, gegen wiederholtes Anlaufen und für einen langanhaltenden Glanz. Spikes aus verchromten Edelstahl: Damit der Plattenspieler von niederfrequenten Schwingungen entkoppelt wird, ist das Chassis mit höhenverstellbaren Spikes ausgestattet. Resonanzen und Rückkopplungen werden somit effektiv verhindert. Antriebsriemen:Der Antriebsriemen ist neu. Er wird nach den ursprünglichen Thorens Spezifikationen (gleiches Material und gleiche Abmessungen) gefertigt. Folgende Teile sind als Zubehör erhältlich und nicht Bestandteil dieser Auktion:Haube klein (zum Aufsetzen auf die Zarge): 160 €Haube groß (zum Aufsetzen auf den Unterbau): 170 € The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): 160 €Hood large (to put on the base): 170 € Cartridge MM System including installation: Ortofon VM Red (nackter elliptischer Schliff): 199 €Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70-Schliff): 435 €
Restaurierter Thorens TD160 MKII Plattenspieler schwarz-burgundy SME Series III
End: 11.01. 2024 16:10:59 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2070.0 EUR

- Status: 30T 23:33:31
- Item number: 116007193791
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Achern,Deutschland
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 29,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Individuelle Anfertigung! Bitte beachten Sie, die bei Ebay angegebene Bearbeitungszeit! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example USA)! Bei Selbstabholung 70,00 € Rabatt! REVIDIERT von ART-AND-SOUND Restaurierter THORENS TD 160 MK II in schwarz - burgundy metallic mit SME Series III MIT EINEM KAMPFGEWICHT VON ÜBER 10 KG !!! Unsere Plattenspieler werden in liebevoller Handarbeit zusammengestellt, modifiziert und montiert. Jeder von ihnen ist ein Unikat und unterscheidet sich in Modell, Farbe, Furnier-maserung. Die hochwertigen Gehäuse werden in qualifizierter Handwerksarbeit restauriert oder neu angefertigt.Elektrische Bauteile werden überpüft, beweglichen Teile geölt und Verschleißteile ausgetauscht.Einen abschließender Dauerlauftest runden die aufwendigen Arbeiten ab.Der Kunde erhält ein Gerät der Spitzenklasse. Artikelbeschreibung:Endabschaltung: NeinInnenteller: MetallLagerdorn: 7 mm Grundmaße: Breite: 45cm, Tiefe: 36cm, Höhe ca.18cm Das Gehäuse: Das Gehäuse besteht aus 25mm-MDF-Seitenteilen und einem 16 mm starken Boden gleichen Materials. Es ist sehr aufwendig mit mehreren Lagen Hochglanzlack bei entsprechenden Zwischenschliffen versiegelt und poliert. An der Rückseite befindet sich das Anschlusspanel für alle benötigten Kabelverbindungen. Faceplate: Deckplatte aus 1mm Aluminium mit Oberflächenlackierung in burgundy metallic Der Tonabnehmer Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff. Das VM Alpha ist der Einstieg in die Serie für Plattenspieler der mittleren Preislage.Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden. Das Audiokabel:Markenkabel. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat vergoldeten Steckerkontakte garantiert. Das Kabel hat ein neutrales Klangbild mit guter Dynamik und Räumlichkeit. Der Plattenteller: Hochglanzlackierung in schwarz, Plattentellerauflage Acrylglas transparent, 7 Single-Puck aus entmagnetisierten Edelstahl Höhenverstellbare Spikes: Oberfläche schwarz-chrom. Durch den hohen Druckpunkt, der dadurch erreicht wird, dass auf einen minimalen Punkt (Spitze des Spikes) das maximale Gewicht des Plattenspielers konzentriert wird, werden die Schwingungen absorbiert. Resonanzen und Rückkopplungen werden somit effektiv verhindert. Der Antriebsriemen:Der Antriebsriemen ist neu. Er wird nach den ursprünglichen Thorens Spezifikationen (gleiches Material und gleiche Abmessungen) gefertigt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Folgende Teile sind als Zubehör erhältlich und nicht Bestandteil dieser Auktion: Haube klein (zum Aufsetzen auf die Zarge): 150 €Haube groß (zum Aufsetzen auf den Unterbau): 160 € The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): 150 €Hood large (to put on the base): 160 € Cartridge MM System including installation: Ortofon VM Red (nackter elliptischer Schliff): 199 €Ortofon VM Blue (Nude Fineline Schliff): 299 €Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70-Schliff): 435 € Ortofon 2M Red (elliptisch) 99 €Ortofon 2M Blue (Diamantschliff): 199 €Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline-Diamantschliff): 360 €Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata-Diamantschliff): 590 €Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (wahrscheinlich der weltbeste MM-Tonabnehmer): 975 €
Restaurierter Thorens TD 160 Plattenspieler turntable SME 3009 Series III Tonarm
End: 11.01. 2024 16:10:58 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2070.0 EUR

- Status: 30T 23:18:6
- Item number: 116007193781
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Sasbach,Deutschland
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 19,9 EUR
- on EBAY
The phonograph works with 220V/50Hz. For shipping to the USA the turntable is converted on 110V/60Hz . Bei Selbstabholung 70,00 € Rabatt!RESTAURIERT von ART-AND-SOUND THORENS TD 160 mit SME Tonarm Series III Artikelbeschreibung:Endabschaltung: Nein Innenteller: MetallSpindel: 10 mm Grundmaße: Breite: 45cm, Tiefe: 36cm, Höhe ca.18cm Neues Gehäuse: Das Gehäuse besteht aus 25mm-MDF-Seitenteilen und einem 16 mm starken Boden gleichen Materials. Es ist aufwendig mit mehreren Lagen Hochglanzlack bei entsprechenden Zwischenschliffen versiegelt und poliert. Auf der Rückseite befindet sich das Anschlußpanel für alle benötigten Kabelverbindungen. Der Gehäuseboden ist mit drei Öffnungen für die horizontale Ausrichtung des Plattentellers ausgestattet. New faceplate:Neue Deckplatte aus 1mm Edelstahl gebürstet Neuer Tonabnehmer Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha (inklusive):Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff.Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden. Neues Audiokabel: Markenkabel von Oelbach. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat vergoldeten Steckerkontakte garantiert. Das Kabel hat ein neutrales Klangbild mit guter Dynamik und Räumlichkeit. Der Plattenteller: In fünf aufwendigen und zeitintensiven Arbeitsschritten, wird der Plattenteller auf Hochglanz poliert. Die Hochglanzpolitur verleiht Ihrem Plattenspieler ein einzigartiges Aussehen.Mit Oberflächenversiegelung durch eine spezielle Schutzlackierung, gegen wiederholtes Anlaufen und für einen langanhaltenden Glanz. Plattenspielerfüße:Vier höhenverstellbare Spikes aus verchromten Edelstahl. Neuer Antriebsriemen:Dieser Antriebsriemen wird nach den ursprünglichen Thorens Spezifikationen (gleiches Material und gleiche Abmessungen) gefertigt. Neues Schallplattengewicht aus Edelstahl:Mit einem Gewicht von 310g sorgt es dafür, dass die Schallplatte glatt auf dem Teller aufliegt und ruhig durchläuft. Dieses Schallplattengewicht spielt in der mittleren Gewichtsklasse. Es baut gerade soviel Gewicht auf, die Schwingungen der Platte zu dämpfen ohne die Lagerbuchsen zu beanspruchen. Die Federung des Thorens-Subchassis wurde entsprechend neu eingestellt. Durch seinen Einsatz erhöhen Sie die Klangleistung Ihrer Anlage. Folgende Teile sind als Zubehör erhältlich und nicht Bestandteil dieser Auktion:Haube klein (zum Aufsetzen auf die Zarge): eBay-Artikelnummer 112409195158Haube groß (zum Aufsetzen auf den Unterbau): eBay-Artikelnummer 112411582098 The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): german eBay-article number is 112409195158Hood large (to put on the base): german eBay-article number is 112411582098 Cartridge MM systems including installation: Ortofon MM Super OM 10 (elliptisch): UVP 100 € Ortofon MM Super OM 20 (elliptisch): UVP 220 € Ortofon MM Super OM 30 (fine line): UVP 310 € Ortofon MM Super OM 40 (Fritz Gyger): UVP 390 € Ortofon MM Vinyl Master Red (elliptisch): UVP 225 €Ortofon MM Vinyl Master Blue (fine line): UVP 315 €Ortofon MM Vinyl Master Silver (Fritz Gyger): UVP 395 €
Restaurierter Thorens TD 160 MKII Plattenspieler & SME Series III Tonarm
End: 11.01. 2024 14:14:57 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2070.0 EUR

- Status: 30T 20:54:35
- Item number: 145492725074
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Sasbach,Deutschland
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 29,9 EUR
- on EBAY
This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan) Individuelle Anfertigung! Bitte beachten Sie, die bei Ebay angegebene Bearbeitungszeit! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! Information:Um eine optimale Grundeinstellung des Plattenspielers zu gewährleisten, wird auf das Plattengewicht verzichtet. Das Plattengewicht ist nicht Bestandteil des Angebotes.In order to ensure an optimal basic setting of the turntable, the record weight is omitted. The plate weight is not part of the offer. Bei Selbstabholung 70,00 € Rabatt! RESTAURIERT von ART-AND-SOUND THORENS TD 160 MKII mit SME Series III Tonarm Unsere Plattenspieler werden in liebevoller Handarbeit zusammengestellt, modifiziert und montiert. Jeder von ihnen ist ein Unikat und unterscheidet sich in Modell, Farbe, Furnier-maserung.Die hochwertigen Gehäuse werden in qualifizierter Handwerksarbeit restauriert oder neu angefertigt.Elektrische Bauteile werden überpüft, beweglichen Teile geölt und Verschleißteile ausgetauscht.Einen abschließender Dauerlauftest runden die aufwendigen Arbeiten ab.Der Kunde erhält ein Gerät der Spitzenklasse. Artikelbeschreibung:Endabschaltung: NeinInnenteller: MetallLagerdorn: 7mm Grundmaße: Breite 45cm, Tiefe 36cm, Höhe 18cm Das Gehäuse: Das Gehäuse besteht aus 25mm-MDF-Seitenteilen und einem 16 mm starken Boden gleichen Materials. Es ist sehr aufwendig mit mehreren Lagen Hochglanzlack bei entsprechenden Zwischenschliffen versiegelt und poliert. An der Rückseite befindet sich das Anschlusspanel für alle benötigten Kabelverbindungen. Faceplate: Deckplatte aus 1mm Aluminium mit Oberflächeneloxierung in Goldoptik Der Tonabnehmer Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff. Das VM Alpha ist der Einstieg in die Serie und ist ein Super Einstiegssystem für Plattenspieler der mittleren Preislage.Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden.Das Audiokabel: Markenkabel. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat vergoldeten Steckerkontakte garantiert. Das Kabel hat ein neutrales Klangbild mit guter Dynamik und Räumlichkeit. Der Plattenteller: In fünf aufwendigen und zeitintensiven Arbeitsschritten, wird der Plattenteller auf Hochglanz poliert. Die Hochglanzpolitur verleiht Ihrem Plattenspieler ein einzigartiges Aussehen. Mit Oberflächenversiegelung durch eine spezielle Schutzlackierung, gegen wiederholtes Anlaufen und für einen langanhaltenden Glanz.Spikes aus verchromten Edelstahl: Damit der Plattenspieler von niederfrequenten Schwingungen entkoppelt wird, ist das Chassis mit höhenverstellbaren Spikes ausgestattet. Resonanzen und Rückkopplungen werden somit effektiv verhindert. Der Antriebsriemen:Der Antriebsriemen ist neu. Er wird nach den ursprünglichen Thorens Spezifikationen (gleiches Material und gleiche Abmessungen) gefertigt. Folgende Teile sind als Zubehör erhältlich und nicht Bestandteil dieser Auktion:The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction: Haube klein (zum Aufsetzen auf die Zarge): 160 €Haube groß (zum Aufsetzen auf den Unterbau): 170 € Cartridge MM System including installation: Ortofon VinylMaster Red: 220 € Ortofon VinylMaster Blue: 330 € Ortofon VinylMaster Silver: 470 €Ortofon 2M Red (elliptisch) 99 € Ortofon 2M Blue (Diamantschliff): 220 € Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline-Diamantschliff): 390 € Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata-Diamantschliff): 599 € Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (wahrscheinlich der weltbeste MM-Tonabnehmer): 945 €
Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009
End: 05.01. 2024 06:03:28 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2594.2 USD

- Status: 30T 19:15:13
- Item number: 116000720159
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 206,49 USD
- on EBAY
Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Electric Orange Ice Blue With Sme 3009The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available for 220V-240V (50/60Hz) or 100V-130V (50/60Hz) - for example USA and worldwideIndividual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART AND SOUND Revised THORENS TD160 orange-ice blue metallic with SME 3009 tonearmOur turntables are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, colour, veneer grain.The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured in qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test completes the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device. Item description:limit switch: noinner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm Housing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.cover plate:Top plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface finish in ice blue metallicPickup Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. Turntable:The turntable is made in five laborious and time-consuming steps polished to a high gloss.The mirror finish gives your turntable a unique look. With surface sealing by a special protective coating against repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Chromed stainless steel spikes:So that the turntable is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, the chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonance and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Record weight made of stainless steel:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record lies flat on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight plays in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen plate vibration without stressing the bearing bushings. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis has been readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following parts are as accessoriesuhright riseetcdaily and not component this auction:the following parts are available like accessories other not included in this auction:hood small (to put on the frame): 160hood big (to be placed on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM System including installation:Ortofon VinylMaster Red (elliptical, nude): 199Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 229Ortofon 2M Bronze (fine line): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiWith the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiWith the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spati Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD 160 Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Restored Thorens Td 160 Mkii Turntable & Sme Series III Tracking Arm
End: 05.01. 2024 06:03:28 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2474.65 USD

- Status: 30T 19:15:13
- Item number: 145481200639
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 206,49 USD
- on EBAY
Restored Thorens Td 160 Mkii Turntable & Sme Series III Tracking ArmThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan)Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! Information:In order to ensure an optimal basic setting of the turntable, the record weight is omitted. The plate weight is not part of the offer.In order to ensure an optimal basic setting of the turntable, the record weight is omitted. The plate weight is not part of the offer.RESTORED by ART AND SOUND 160 MKII with SME Series III tonearmOur turntables are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured in qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test completes the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device. Item description:limit switch: noinner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm basic dimensions: Width 45cm, depth 36cm, height 18cm The case:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.face plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface anodization in gold lookThe cartridge Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:With the VM series, Ortofon has long since created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a super entry-level system for medium-priced turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot.The audio cable:brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality.The turntable:The turntable is made in five laborious and time-consuming steps polished to a high gloss.The mirror finish gives your turntable a unique look.With surface sealing by a special protective coating against repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Chromed stainless steel spikes:So that the turntable is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, the chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonance and feedback are thus effectively prevented. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).The following parts are as accessoriesuhright riseetcdaily and Not component this auction:the following parts are available like accessories other not included in this auction:Cartridge MM System including installation:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long since created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a super entry-level system for medium-priced turntables. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact securityThe housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long since created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a super entry-level system for medium-priced turntables. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Thorens - restauriert von art-and-sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Schwarz-Burgundy Sme Series III
End: 05.01. 2024 06:03:26 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2474.65 USD

- Status: 30T 21:13:24
- Item number: 116000720048
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 206,49 USD
- on EBAY
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Schwarz-Burgundy Sme Series IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - burgundy metallic with SME Series IIIWITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, color and veneer grain.The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured in qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test completes the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:limit switch: noinner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe case:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.face plate:Top plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface finish in burgundy metallicThe cartridge Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:With the VM series, Ortofon has long since created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for turntables in the middle price range.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot.The audio cable:brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. The turntable:High-gloss finish in black, turntable cover made of transparent acrylic glass, 7 single puck made of demagnetized stainless steelHeight adjustable spikes:Surface black-chrome. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the turntable on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonance and feedback are thus effectively prevented.The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions). --------The following parts are as accessoriesuhright riseetcdaily and Not component this auction:the following parts are available like accessories other not included in this auction:Hood small Hood large Cartridge MM System including installation:Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical) €99Ortofon 2M Blue (diamond cut): €199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline diamond cut): €360Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (probably the worlds best MM cartridge): €975The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long since created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for turntables in the middle price range. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection againsThe housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. With the VM series, Ortofon has long since created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for turntables in the middle price range. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection agains Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Farbe Schwarz Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Turquoise Blue With Sme Series III
End: 05.01. 2024 06:03:24 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2594.71 USD

- Status: 30T 21:13:8
- Item number: 116000719895
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Germany
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 239,14 USD
- on EBAY
This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan)Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART AND SOUND 160 MKII black - turquoise blue with SME Series III TonarmOur turntables are lovingly assembled and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, colour, veneer grain.The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured in qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:limit switch: Noinner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.face plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface finish turquoise bluePickup Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. Turntable:High gloss black finishdevice feet:Height adjustable, made of stainless steel. The contact surface to the base is reduced to a minimum by 3 rubber buffers.Resonance and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Total weight 2220g, diameter 54mm, height 34mm. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record lies flat on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight plays in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen plate vibration without stressing the bearing bushings. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis has been readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following parts are as accessoriesuhright riseetcdaily and not component this auction:the following parts are available like accessories other not included in this auction:hood small (to put on the frame): 160hood big (to be placed on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM System including installation: Ortofon VinylMaster Red (naked elliptical cut): 220Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 470 Ortofon 2MRed (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical,naked): 190Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390 Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899Cartridge MC System including installation:AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record lies flat on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight plays inThe housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record lies flat on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight plays in
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Turquoise Blue With Sme Series III
End: 15.12. 2023 12:48:36 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2478.79 EUR

- Status: 8T 11:9:14
- Item number: 115860405520
- Seller: art-and-sound (6070|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Achern
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 210,08 EUR
- on EBAY
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Turquoise Blue With Sme Series IIIThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or Japan)Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART AND SOUND 160 MKII black - turquoise blue with SME Series III TonarmOur turntables are lovingly assembled and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, colour, veneer grain.The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured in qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:limit switch: Noinner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmHousing:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.face plate:Cover plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface finish turquoise bluePickup Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables.The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. Turntable:High gloss black finishdevice feet:Height adjustable, made of stainless steel. The contact surface to the base is reduced to a minimum by 3 rubber buffers.Resonance and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Total weight 2220g, diameter 54mm, height 34mm. The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).record weight:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record lies flat on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight plays in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen plate vibration without stressing the bearing bushings. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis has been readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system.The following parts are as accessoriesuhright riseetcdaily and not component this auction:the following parts are available like accessories other not included in this auction:hood small (to put on the frame): 160hood big (to be placed on the substructure): 180Cartridge MM System including installation: Ortofon VinylMaster Red (naked elliptical cut): 220Ortofon VinylMaster Silver (nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 470 Ortofon 2MRed (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical,naked): 190Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390 Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899Cartridge MC System including installation:AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record lies flat on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight plays in Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Restored Thorens TD160 MKII Turntable Black Petrol & Sme 3009 S III
End: 06.12. 2023 13:38:56 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2353.54 EUR

- Status: 7T 7:40:6
- Item number: 145228965637
- Seller: art-and-sound (6061|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Achern
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 95,16 EUR
- on EBAY
Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example UNITED STATES)! REVISED by ART-AND-SOUND Restored 160 MK II in black - petrol metallic with SME 3009 Series IIIWITH A FIGHTING WEIGHT OF OVER 10 KG!!!Our turntables are lovingly assembled, modified and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, colour, veneer grain.The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured in qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test completes the complex work.The customer receives a top-class device.Item description:limit switch: Noinner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 7mm basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cmThe case:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.face plate:Top plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface finish in petrol metallicThe cartridge Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot.The audio cable:brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality. The turntable:High-gloss finish in black, turntable cover made of transparent acrylic glass, 7 single puck made of demagnetized stainless steelHeight adjustable spikes:Surface black-chrome. The vibrations are absorbed by the high pressure point, which is achieved by concentrating the maximum weight of the turntable on a minimum point (tip of the spike). Resonance and feedback are thus effectively prevented.The drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).the following parts are available like accessories other not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): 160Hood large (to put on the base): 180Cartridge MM System including installation:Ortofon VM Red (bare elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Blue (Nude fine line finish): 299Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron cantilever): 899Cartridge MC System including installation:AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Special Line Contact): 799With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series for mid-range turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures natural signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spati
Restaurato Thorens TD160 MKII Giradischi Schwarz-Petrol & Sme 3009 S III
End: 06.12. 2023 13:38:56 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2334.4 EUR

- Status: 7T 7:40:2
- Item number: 115881034505
- Seller: art-and-sound (6061|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Achern
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 95,16 EUR
- on EBAY
Restaurato Thorens TD160 MKII Giradischi Schwarz-Petrol & Sme 3009 S IIILa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci.Produzione individuale! Si prega di notare il tempo di elaborazione specificato su Ebay!Produzione individuale! Si prega di notare il tempo di elaborazione specificato su Ebay!Questo giradischi è disponibile in 220V/50Hz o 110V/60Hz (Per esempio STATI UNITI)! REVISIONATO da ART-AND-SOUND 160 restaurato MK II in nero - petrolio metallizzato con SME 3009 Serie IIICON UN PESO DA COMBATTIMENTO DI OLTRE 10 KG!!!I nostri giradischi sono accuratamente assemblati, modificati e assemblati a mano.Ognuno di essi è unico e si differenzia per modello, colore, venatura dellimpiallacciatura.Le custodie di alta qualità vengono restaurate o prodotte ex novo in maestria qualificata.I componenti elettrici vengono controllati, parti mobili oliate e parti soggette ad usura sostituite.Un ultimo test di resistenza completa il complesso lavoro.Il cliente riceve un dispositivo di prima classe.Descrizione dellarticolo:finecorsa: NOpiatto interno: metalloMandrino del cuscinetto: 7 mm dimensioni base: Larghezza: 45 cm, profondità: 36 cm, altezza circa 18 cmIl caso:Lalloggiamento è costituito da pannelli laterali in MDF da 25 mm e una base spessa 16 mm dello stesso materiale. È molto complesso con diversi strati di vernice lucida sigillato e lucidato con opportuni tagli intermedi. Il pannello di connessione per tutti i collegamenti dei cavi necessari si trova sul retro.piastra frontale:Piastra superiore in alluminio da 1 mm con finitura superficiale in benzina metallizzatoLa cartuccia Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Con la serie VM, Ortofon ha da tempo creato il pickup MM di riferimento, i lunghi tempi di produzione e il caratteristico corpo della puntina sono ben noti in tutto il mondo. Il VM Alpha è lingresso nella serie per giradischi di fascia media. La serie VM di Ortofon è compatibile tra loro. Quindi puoi iniziare con un VM Alpha e quindi migliorare la qualità con lo slot dellago appropriato utilizzando lo slot dellago successivo.Il cavo audio:cavo di marca. Cavo cinch audio analogico già pronto per il cablaggio dei giradischi! Grazie al conduttore interno particolarmente pregiato in rame privo di ossigeno (OFC), questo cavo di qualità garantisce una trasmissione naturale del segnale. La sicurezza dei contatti e la protezione dalla corrosione sono garantite dai contatti a spina placcati oro 24 carati. Il cavo ha un suono neutro con una buona dinamica e spazialità. Il giradischi:Finitura lucida in nero, coperchio del giradischi in vetro acrilico trasparente, disco singolo da 7 in acciaio inossidabile smagnetizzatoPunte regolabili in altezza:Superficie nero-cromo. Le vibrazioni vengono assorbite dal punto di alta pressione, che si ottiene concentrando il peso massimo del giradischi in un punto minimo (punta della punta). La risonanza e il feedback vengono così efficacemente prevenuti.La cinghia di trasmissione:La cinghia di trasmissione è nuova. È prodotto secondo le specifiche Thorens originali (stesso materiale e dimensioni).IL seguente parti Sono disponibile Piace Accessori altro non incluso In Questo asta:Cappuccio piccolo (da mettere sulla custodia): 160Cappuccio grande (da mettere sulla base): 180Cartuccia MM System inclusa linstallazione:Ortofon VM Rosso (taglio ellittico nudo): 199Ortofon VM Blu (Finitura linea sottile nuda): 299Ortofon VM argento (Nudo Fritz Gyger taglio 70): 435Ortofon 2M Rosso (ellittico): 99Ortofon 2M Blu (ellittico, nudo): 199Ortofon 2M Bronzo (fine linea): 390Ortofon 2M Nero (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata con boron cantilever): 899Cartuccia Sistema MC inclusa installazione:TECNICA AUDIO AT-OC9XML (Microlineare): 599TECNICA AUDIO AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699TECNICA AUDIO AT-OC9XSL (Contatto linea speciale): 799Con la serie VM, Ortofon ha da tempo creato il pickup MM di riferimento, i lunghi tempi di produzione e il caratteristico corpo della puntina sono ben noti in tutto il mondo. Il VM Alpha è lingresso nella serie per giradischi di fascia media. La serie VM di Ortofon è compatibile tra loro. Quindi puoi iniziare con un VM Alpha e quindi migliorare la qualità con lo slot dellago appropriato utilizzando lo slot dellago successivo. cavo di marca. Cavo cinch audio analogico già pronto per il cablaggio dei giradischi! Grazie al conduttore interno particolarmente pregiato in rame privo di ossigeno (OFC), questo cavo di qualità garantisce una trasmissione naturale del segnale. La sicurezza dei contatti e la protezione dalla corrosione sono garantite dai contatti a spina placcati oro 24 carati. Il Antriebstyp Riemenantrieb Marke Thorens - Restauriert von Art-and-Sound EAN Nicht zutreffend Modell TD160 MKII Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Restaurierter Thorens TD160 MKII Plattenspieler schwarz-petrol & SME 3009 S III
End: 06.12. 2023 11:18:57 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2070.0 EUR

- Status: 7T 5:31:54
- Item number: 115880937740
- Seller: art-and-sound (6061|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Achern
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 29,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Individuelle Anfertigung! Bitte beachten Sie, die bei Ebay angegebene Bearbeitungszeit! Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay! This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example USA)! Bei Selbstabholung 70,00 € Rabatt! REVIDIERT von ART-AND-SOUND Restaurierter THORENS TD 160 MK II in schwarz - petrol metallic mit SME 3009 Series III MIT EINEM KAMPFGEWICHT VON ÜBER 10 KG !!! Unsere Plattenspieler werden in liebevoller Handarbeit zusammengestellt, modifiziert und montiert. Jeder von ihnen ist ein Unikat und unterscheidet sich in Modell, Farbe, Furnier-maserung. Die hochwertigen Gehäuse werden in qualifizierter Handwerksarbeit restauriert oder neu angefertigt.Elektrische Bauteile werden überpüft, beweglichen Teile geölt und Verschleißteile ausgetauscht.Einen abschließender Dauerlauftest runden die aufwendigen Arbeiten ab.Der Kunde erhält ein Gerät der Spitzenklasse. Artikelbeschreibung:Endabschaltung: NeinInnenteller: MetallLagerdorn: 7 mm Grundmaße: Breite: 45cm, Tiefe: 36cm, Höhe ca.18cm Das Gehäuse: Das Gehäuse besteht aus 25mm-MDF-Seitenteilen und einem 16 mm starken Boden gleichen Materials. Es ist sehr aufwendig mit mehreren Lagen Hochglanzlack bei entsprechenden Zwischenschliffen versiegelt und poliert. An der Rückseite befindet sich das Anschlusspanel für alle benötigten Kabelverbindungen.Faceplate: Deckplatte aus 1mm Aluminium mit Oberflächenlackierung in petrol metallicDer Tonabnehmer Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff. Das VM Alpha ist der Einstieg in die Serie für Plattenspieler der mittleren Preislage. Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden.Das Audiokabel:Markenkabel. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat vergoldeten Steckerkontakte garantiert. Das Kabel hat ein neutrales Klangbild mit guter Dynamik und Räumlichkeit. Der Plattenteller: Hochglanzlackierung in schwarz, Plattentellerauflage Acrylglas transparent, 7 Single-Puck aus entmagnetisierten EdelstahlHöhenverstellbare Spikes: Oberfläche schwarz-chrom. Durch den hohen Druckpunkt, der dadurch erreicht wird, dass auf einen minimalen Punkt (Spitze des Spikes) das maximale Gewicht des Plattenspielers konzentriert wird, werden die Schwingungen absorbiert. Resonanzen und Rückkopplungen werden somit effektiv verhindert.Der Antriebsriemen:Der Antriebsriemen ist neu. Er wird nach den ursprünglichen Thorens Spezifikationen (gleiches Material und gleiche Abmessungen) gefertigt. The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): 160Hood large (to put on the base): 180 Cartridge MM System including installation: Ortofon VM Red (nackter elliptischer Schliff): 199 Ortofon VM Blue (Nude Fineline Schliff): 299 Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70-Schliff): 435 Ortofon 2M Red (elliptisch): 99 Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptisch, nackt): 199 Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390 Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata mit Bor-Nadelträger): 899Cartridge MC System including installation:AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599 AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699 AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Spezial Line Contact): 799
Restored Thorens TD160 Turntable Black Burgundy Red Metallic & Sme 3009
End: 05.12. 2023 21:03:45 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2353.54 EUR

- Status: 6T 15:53:43
- Item number: 115795712104
- Seller: art-and-sound (6061|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Achern
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 49,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This turntable is available in 220V/50Hz or 110V/50/60Hz inside (for example USA or world wide)Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!RESTORED by ART AND SOUND Restored THORENS TD160 with SME 3009 black and bordeaux red metallicOur turntables are lovingly assembled and assembled by hand.Each of them is unique and differs in model, colour, veneer grain.The high-quality cases are restored or newly manufactured in qualified craftsmanship.Electrical components are checked, moving parts oiled and wearing parts replaced.A final endurance test completes the complex work.Item description:limit switch: Noinner plate: metalBearing mandrel: 10mm basic dimensions: Width: 45cm, depth: 36cm, height approx. 18cm The case:The housing consists of 25mm MDF side panels and a 16mm thick base made of the same material. It is very complex with several layers of high-gloss paint sealed and polished with appropriate intermediate cuts. The connection panel for all required cable connections is located on the back.face plate:Top plate made of 1mm aluminum with surface finish in bordeaux red metallicPickup Ortofon VinylMaster Alpha:With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a super entry-level system for medium-priced turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot.Audio cable:brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-nature signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has a neutral sound with good dynamics and spatiality.Turntable:The turntable is made in five laborious and time-consuming steps polished to a high gloss.The mirror finish gives your turntable a unique look. With surface sealing by a special protective coating against repeated tarnishing and for a long-lasting shine.Chromed stainless steel spikes:So that the turntable is decoupled from low-frequency vibrations, the chassis is equipped with height-adjustable spikes. Resonance and feedback are thus effectively prevented. Drive belt:The drive belt is new. It is manufactured to the original Thorens specifications (same material and dimensions).Record weight made of stainless steel:With a weight of 310g, it ensures that the record lies flat on the platter and runs smoothly. This record weight plays in the middle weight class. It adds just enough weight to dampen plate vibration without stressing the bearing bushings. The suspension of the Thorens sub-chassis has been readjusted accordingly. By using it, you increase the sound performance of your system. The following parts are as accessoriesuhright riseetcdaily and not component this auction:the following parts are available like accessories other not included in this auction:Hood to put on the case: 160Cartridge MM System including installation:Ortofon VM Red (bare elliptical cut): 199Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70 cut): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptical): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptical, naked): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 360Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 599Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata with boron needle carrier): 899 With the VM series, Ortofon has long created the reference MM pickup, the long production time and the characteristic stylus body are well known all over the world. The VM Alpha is the entry into the series and is a super entry-level system for medium-priced turntables. The VM series from Ortofon is compatible with each other. So you can start with a VM Alpha and then improve the quality with the appropriate needle slot by using the next needle slot. brand cable. Ready-made analog audio cinch cable for wiring turntables! Thanks to the particularly high-quality inner conductor made of oxygen-free copper (OFC), this quality cable ensures true-to-nature signal transmission. Contact security and protection against corrosion is guaranteed by the 24 carat gold-plated plug contacts. The cable has
Restaurierter Thorens TD160 MKII Plattenspieler schwarz-petrol & SME 3009 s III
End: 25.11. 2023 17:10:37 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2296.13 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 115881034526
- Seller: art-and-sound (6061|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Achern
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 49,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Individuelle Anfertigung! Bitte beachten Sie, die bei Ebay angegebene Bearbeitungszeit!Individual production! Please note the processing time specified on Ebay!This turntable is available in 220V/ 50Hz or 110V/60Hz (for example USA)! REVIDIERT von ART-AND-SOUND Restaurierter 160 MK II in schwarz - petrol metallic mit SME 3009 Series IIIMIT EINEM KAMPFGEWICHT VON ÜBER 10 KG !!!Unsere Plattenspieler werden in liebevoller Handarbeit zusammengestellt, modifiziert und montiert.Jeder von ihnen ist ein Unikat und unterscheidet sich in Modell, Farbe, Furnier-maserung.Die hochwertigen Gehäuse werden in qualifizierter Handwerksarbeit restauriert oder neu angefertigt.Elektrische Bauteile werden überpüft, beweglichen Teile geölt und Verschleißteile ausgetauscht.Einen abschließender Dauerlauftest runden die aufwendigen Arbeiten ab.Der Kunde erhält ein Gerät der Spitzenklasse.Artikelbeschreibung:Endabschaltung: NeinInnenteller: MetallLagerdorn: 7 mm Grundmaße: Breite: 45cm, Tiefe: 36cm, Höhe ca.18cmDas Gehäuse:Das Gehäuse besteht aus 25mm-MDF-Seitenteilen und einem 16 mm starken Boden gleichen Materials. Es ist sehr aufwendig mit mehreren Lagen Hochglanzlack bei entsprechenden Zwischenschliffen versiegelt und poliert. An der Rückseite befindet sich das Anschlusspanel für alle benötigten Kabelverbindungen.Faceplate:Deckplatte aus 1mm Aluminium mit Oberflächenlackierung in petrol metallicDer Tonabnehmer Ortofon Vinyl Master Alpha:Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff. Das VM Alpha ist der Einstieg in die Serie für Plattenspieler der mittleren Preislage. Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden.Das Audiokabel:Markenkabel. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat vergoldeten Steckerkontakte garantiert. Das Kabel hat ein neutrales Klangbild mit guter Dynamik und Räumlichkeit. Der Plattenteller:Hochglanzlackierung in schwarz, Plattentellerauflage Acrylglas transparent, 7 Single-Puck aus entmagnetisierten EdelstahlHöhenverstellbare Spikes:Oberfläche schwarz-chrom. Durch den hohen Druckpunkt, der dadurch erreicht wird, dass auf einen minimalen Punkt (Spitze des Spikes) das maximale Gewicht des Plattenspielers konzentriert wird, werden die Schwingungen absorbiert. Resonanzen und Rückkopplungen werden somit effektiv verhindert.Der Antriebsriemen:Der Antriebsriemen ist neu. Er wird nach den ursprünglichen Thorens Spezifikationen (gleiches Material und gleiche Abmessungen) gefertigt.The following parts are available as accessories and not included in this auction:Hood small (to put on the housing): 160Hood large (to put on the base): 180Cartridge MM System including installation:Ortofon VM Red (nackter elliptischer Schliff): 199Ortofon VM Blue (Nude Fineline Schliff): 299Ortofon VM Silver (Nude Fritz Gyger 70-Schliff): 435Ortofon 2M Red (elliptisch): 99Ortofon 2M Blue (elliptisch, nackt): 199Ortofon 2M Bronze (Fineline): 390Ortofon 2M Black (Shibata): 590 Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 (Shibata mit Bor-Nadelträger): 899Cartridge MC System including installation:AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XML (Microlinear): 599AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSH (Shibata): 699AUDIO-TECHNICA AT-OC9XSL (Spezial Line Contact): 799Mit der VM-Serie hat Ortofon seit langem die Referenz MM-Tonabnehmer geschaffen, die lange Produktionszeit und der charakteristische Nadelkorpus sind auf der ganzen Welt ein Begriff. Das VM Alpha ist der Einstieg in die Serie für Plattenspieler der mittleren Preislage. Die VM Reihe von Ortofon ist untereinander kompatibel. Sie können also mit einem VM Alpha starten und dann mit dem passenden Nadeleinschub die Qualität verbessern, indem Sie den nächsthörern Nadeleischub verwenden. Markenkabel. Fertig konfektioniertes analoges Audio-Cinchkabel für die Verkabelung von Plattenspielern! Durch den besonders hochwertigen Innenleiter aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC) sorgt dieses Qualitätskabel für eine naturgetreue Signalübertragung. Kontaktsicherheit und Korrosionsschutz ist über die 24 Karat ve
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