technics amplifier su-v55a (226) |
technics amplifier su-v300 (672) |
TECHNICS SU-V45A ++ Class AA Stereo Verstärker Amplifier
End: 07.02. 2025 07:58:23 on Friday
Technics SU-V45A Stereo Integrated Amplifier
End: 27.12. 2024 21:02:59 on Friday
Technics Stereo Integrated Amplifier SU-V45A Class AA VC-4 HiFi Separates Used
End: 26.12. 2024 23:06:01 on Thursday
Technics Stereo Integrated Amplifier - Schwarz - (SU-V45A) Made in Japan
End: 24.12. 2024 17:55:17 on Tuesday
Technics Stereo Integrated Amplifier SU-V45A Class AA VC-4 HiFi Separates Used
End: 23.12. 2024 13:28:22 on Monday
Technics SU-V45A Stereo Amplifier / Verstärker + Technics Tuner
End: 19.12. 2024 15:33:16 on Thursday
Technics SU-V45A Amplifier Hi Fi Phono Turntable Input VC-4 Class AA Japan 1988
End: 14.12. 2024 23:08:43 on Saturday
End: 17.11. 2024 18:12:09 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 169.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 156512094289
- Seller: franzimatzel (713|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Klingenthal
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 9,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Sie bieten auf Technics Vollverstärker mit Class AA Schaltkreise für optimalen Klang. Der Verstärker hat 6 Audio Eingänge inkl. eines Phono Plattenspieler Anschlusses. Es sind 2 Boxenpaare anschließbar, die man auch einzeln zu und abschalten kann. Technics SU-V45A STEREO VOLLVERSTÄRKER PHONO INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER 1A ZUSTAND Zustand technisch einwandfreivoll funktionsfähig, sehr guter ZustandFarbe: schwarz Lieferumfang - Technics SU-V45A STEREO VOLLVERSTÄRKER- Netzkabel Technische Daten Hersteller: TechnicsModell: SU-V45ABaujahre: 1987 - 1989Hergestellt in: JapanFarben: Silber, SchwarzTyp: Analog StereoFernbedienung: neinLeistungsaufnahme: 420 WAbmessungen: 430 x 104 x 290 mm (BxHxT)Gewicht: 6,7 kgNeupreis ca.: 698 DM Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge:Phono (MM): 2,5 mV / 47 kOhmPhono (MC): 170 µV / 47 OhmTuner, CD, Aux, Tape 1/DA Tape, Tape 2/EXT: 150 mV / 22 kOhmAnzahl der Ausgänge:2x Tape2 LautsprecherpaareKopfhörer (6,5mm Klinke) Technische Daten Dauerton-Ausgangsleistung 20 Hz - 20 kHz8 Ohm:Dauerton-Ausgangsleistung 1 kHz4 Ohm: 2 x 85 WGesamtklirrfaktor:Nennleistung bei 20 Hz - 20 kHz: 0,009 % (8 Ohm)Nennleistung bei 1 kHz: 0,005 % (4 Ohm)Nennleistung bei 1 kHz: 0,008 % (8 Ohm)Dämpfungsfaktor: 30 (4 Ohm), 60 (8 Ohm)Frequenzgang:Phono: RIAA ±0,8 dB: 30 Hz - 15 kHzTuner, CD, Aux, Tape 1/DA Tape, Tape 2/EXT: 20 - 20.000 Hz (+0/-0,2 dB)Fremdspannungsabstand:Phono MM: 78 dBPhono MC: 72 dBTuner/Aux: 94 dBKlangregelung:Bass: ± 10 dB bei 50 HzHöhen: ± 10 dB bei 20 kHzLoudness: jaLow Filter (Subsonic):Mute:Direct/Line-Straight: CD Direct
Technics SU-V45A Integrierter HiFi Stereo Verstärker Amplifier Teildefekt #44
End: 19.06. 2024 14:13:40 on Wednesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 60.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 285680278751
- Seller: moreforyou24 (2721|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Schleswig-Holstein - Molfsee
- Ships to: Americas
- Shipping: 11,99 EUR
- on EBAY
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Technics SU-V45A Verstärker Amplifier
End: 20.05. 2024 18:23:37 on Monday
Technics SU-V45A Integrated Amplifier - Working - Good Condition
End: 19.05. 2024 12:44:34 on Sunday
Technics SU-V45A Integrierter HiFi Stereo Verstärker Amplifier
End: 27.04. 2024 10:54:51 on Saturday
TECHNICS Verstärker Amplifier Su-v45a
End: 20.04. 2024 18:14:30 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 95.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166126376581
- Seller: saej22 (24|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Braunschweig
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 9,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Der Verstärker funktioniert einwandfrei und ist in einem sehr guten Zustand.
TECHNICS SU-V45A ++ Class AA Stereo Verstärker Amplifier
End: 03.04. 2024 18:10:32 on Wednesday
End: 24.02. 2024 15:04:50 on Saturday
Technics SU-V45A Integrierter Stereo Verstärker - Amplifier 03-002
End: 21.02. 2024 18:10:46 on Wednesday
Technics SU-V45A Verstärker Amplifier Vintage
End: 16.02. 2024 21:34:23 on Friday
Technics SU-V45A Verstärker Amplifier Vintage
End: 04.02. 2024 18:46:29 on Sunday
Technics SU-V45A Verstärker Amplifier
End: 29.01. 2024 20:24:48 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 35.5 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 355409089880
- Bids: 6
- Seller: harding_1059 (510|98.6%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Kerpen
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Versteigert wird ein Verstärker der Marke Technics, der von 1987 bis 1989 gebaut wurde. Das Gerät wurde bis vor kurzem in Gebrauch und dokumentiert somit den Qualitätsanspruch der Marke Technics. Hinweis: Lautstärke- und Balanceregler führen beim Verstellen zum Kratzen in den Boxen. Ab einer bestimmten Einstellung hört dies dann allerdings auf. Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Kontakte einmal gereinigt werden müssten. Bei Fragen einfach eine Nachricht senden, ich werde schnellstmöglich antworten. Hinweis auf das EU-Recht: Dieser Artikel wird von privat verkauft, jegliche weitergehenden Ansprüche werden ausgeschlossen. Das neue EU-Recht schreibt vor, dass auch Privatleute eine Garantie von einem Jahr und Umtauschrecht auf Produkte geben müssen, es sei denn, dass sie diese ausschließen. Die Angaben zu diesem Artikel wurden von mir wahrheitsgemäß nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht, der Artikel befindet sich im oben genannten Zustand. Eine Gewährleistung, Garantie oder Rücknahme wird hiermit ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen, es sei denn, dass in der Artikelbeschreibung explizit eines dieser Rechte eingeräumt wird. Laut EU-Recht muss dieser Zusatz unter jeder Online-Auktion stehen, ansonsten haftet der Verkäufer auch als Privatperson ein ganzes Jahr für die verkaufte Ware. Bieten/kaufen Sie nicht, wenn Sie damit nicht einverstanden sind, ansonsten erklärt sich der Bieter mit Abgabe seines Gebotes/Kaufs einverstanden.
Technics SU-V45A Verstärker Amplifier Vintage
End: 28.01. 2024 18:46:18 on Sunday
Technics SU-V45A Class Aa Stereo Amplifier/Serviced 1 Year Warranty [3]
End: 20.10. 2023 23:34:00 on Friday
- Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
- Price: 123.0 EUR

- Status: 5T 22:59:47
- Item number: 256116581123
- Seller: positron-e (20152|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Moosburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 10,0 EUR
- on EBAY
@copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Electrical specialist for audio and video technology Current page categories CD players tape deck DVD recorder DVD-VHS combo VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ beta Blu Ray recorders Other About Us reviews Add to favorites Contact Professionally tested and serviced in our specialist workshop 12 month guarantee* Optical condition: Acceptable (Product images are example images)** Scope of delivery: Technics SU-V45A Hifi Amplifier power cord Equipment / technical data: Tone Control: Bass (50Hz ± 10dB); Treble (20kHz ± 10dB) headphone output loudness function Tone Control RMS power: 2 x 85 W (4 ohms) Frequency Response: 30Hz - 15kHz (±0.8dB) THD: 0.009% (8 ohms) Damping factor: 60 (8 ohms/1 kHz) and much more Connections: Inputs: 1 x Analog RCA Phono (MM) 5 x Analog RCA (Tuner / CD / AUX / Tape2 / EXT / Tape1 / DA Tape) Outputs: 1 x 6.3mm jack 2 x analog cinch (Tape1 / Tape2) Loudspeaker terminals for 2 pairs of loudspeakers Dimensions: Width x height x depth: 430 x 104 x 290 [mm] Maintenance information Magnetic tape storage devices (audio cassettes, VHS, Hi8, MiniDV, etc.) By maintenance we understand the thorough cleaning and assessment of all belt-guiding parts incl. tape head/head drum and the replacement of wearing parts. Particular attention is paid to the pinch roller, belts and certain plastic parts. The mechanics and the sintered bearings are checked for ease of movement and serviced accordingly. The track is checked and a comparison is made with high-quality test cassettes. Depending on the device model, we consider other aspects so that we are able to offer you a long-lasting device. Devices for optical storage media (DVD, CD, BD, LD, MiniDisc, etc.) The removal of dust, cleaning of the laser unit, greasing the mechanics, checking the RF Eye-Pattern up to the replacement of the laser unit/laser mechanics are activities that are carried out as part of the maintenance. In the case of devices for optical storage media, the laser unit is of course treated with the greatest care. Laser units with a cloudy/matt lens are sorted out. electronics The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. --> *Warranty conditions You can find our guarantee conditions here **Information on the optical condition The items are usually offered with sample images to make our processes more efficient. We can pass this advantage on to our customers in pricing. When assigning the optical condition, we pay very close attention to the following criteria: Very good [1]: In any case, the devices are suitable for living rooms. There may be a few insignificant blemishes on the front and/or the housing cover. These are hardly perceptible from a maximum distance of one meter. Good [2]: The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. from approx. At a distance of 2 meters, these marks are hardly noticeable. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Acceptable [3]: There may be a few clearer blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Significant signs of wear [4]: The signs of use are clearly visible. There may be signs of wear on the front and/or some scratches (also longer than 5cm) on the top. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. All rights reserved. reviews Add to favorites Contact By maintenance we understand the thorough cleaning and assessment of all belt-guiding parts incl. tape head/head drum and the replacement of wearing parts. Particular attention is paid to the pinch roller, belts and certain plastic parts. The mechanics and the sintered bearings are checked for ease of movement and serviced accordingly. The track is checked and a comparison is made with high-quality test cassettes. Depending on the device model, we consider other aspects so that we are able to offer you a long-lasting device. The removal of dust, cleaning of the laser unit, greasing the mechanics, checking the RF Eye-Pattern up to the replacement of the laser unit/laser mechanics are activities that are carried out as part of the maintenance. In the case of devices for optical storage med
Technics SU-V45A Class Aa Stereo Amplifier/Serviced 1 Year Warranty [3]
End: 20.10. 2023 23:33:59 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 102.92 EUR

- Status: 5T 22:59:45
- Item number: 266306534327
- Seller: positron-e (20152|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Moosburg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,57 EUR
- on EBAY
Technics SU-V45A Class Aa Stereo Amplifier/Serviced 1 Year Warranty [3]The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Electrical specialist for audio and video technology Current page categories CD players tape deck DVD recorder DVD-VHS combo VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ beta Blu Ray recorders Other About Us reviews Add to favorites Contact Professionally tested and serviced in our specialist workshop 12 month guarantee* Optical condition: Acceptable (Product images are example images)** Scope of delivery: Technics SU-V45A Hifi Amplifier power cord Equipment / technical data: Tone Control: Bass (50Hz ± 10dB); Treble (20kHz ± 10dB) headphone output loudness function Tone Control RMS power: 2 x 85 W (4 ohms) Frequency Response: 30Hz - 15kHz (±0.8dB) THD: 0.009% (8 ohms) Damping factor: 60 (8 ohms/1 kHz) and much more Connections: Inputs: 1 x Analog RCA Phono (MM) 5 x Analog RCA (Tuner / CD / AUX / Tape2 / EXT / Tape1 / DA Tape) Outputs: 1 x 6.3mm jack 2 x analog cinch (Tape1 / Tape2) Loudspeaker terminals for 2 pairs of loudspeakers Dimensions: Width x height x depth: 430 x 104 x 290 [mm] Maintenance information Magnetic tape storage devices (audio cassettes, VHS, Hi8, MiniDV, etc.) By maintenance we understand the thorough cleaning and assessment of all belt-guiding parts incl. tape head/head drum and the replacement of wearing parts. Particular attention is paid to the pinch roller, belts and certain plastic parts. The mechanics and the sintered bearings are checked for ease of movement and serviced accordingly. The track is checked and a comparison is made with high-quality test cassettes. Depending on the device model, we consider other aspects so that we are able to offer you a long-lasting device. Devices for optical storage media (DVD, CD, BD, LD, MiniDisc, etc.) The removal of dust, cleaning of the laser unit, greasing the mechanics, checking the RF Eye-Pattern up to the replacement of the laser unit/laser mechanics are activities that are carried out as part of the maintenance. In the case of devices for optical storage media, the laser unit is of course treated with the greatest care. Laser units with a cloudy/matt lens are sorted out. electronics The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. --> *Warranty conditions You can find our guarantee conditions here **Information on the optical condition The items are usually offered with sample images to make our processes more efficient. We can pass this advantage on to our customers in pricing. When assigning the optical condition, we pay very close attention to the following criteria: Very good [1]: In any case, the devices are suitable for living rooms. There may be a few insignificant blemishes on the front and/or the housing cover. These are hardly perceptible from a maximum distance of one meter. Good [2]: The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. from approx. At a distance of 2 meters, these marks are hardly noticeable. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Acceptable [3]: There may be a few clearer blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Significant signs of wear [4]: The signs of use are clearly visible. There may be signs of wear on the front and/or some scratches (also longer than 5cm) on the top. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. All rights reserved. reviews Add to favorites Contact By maintenance we understand the thorough cleaning and assessment of all belt-guiding parts incl. tape head/head drum and the replacement of wearing parts. Particular attention is paid to the pinch roller, belts and certain plastic parts. The mechanics and the sintered bearings are checked for ease of movement and serviced accordingly. The track is checked and a comparison is made with high-quality test cassettes. Depending on the device model, we consider other aspects so that we are able to offer you a long-lasting device. The removal of dust, cleaning of the laser unit, greasing the mechanics, checking the RF Eye-Pattern up to the replacement of the laser unit/laser mechanics are activities that are carried out as part of the maintenance. In the case of devices for optical storage med Marke Technics Anzahl der Kanäle 2 Farbe Braun EAN Nicht zutreffend Audioausgänge Rohkabel-Lautsprecherbuchsen Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Besonderheiten Hi-Fi Besonderheiten Kopfhörerbuchse Modell SU-V45A Herstellernummer SU-V45A_3 Audioeingänge Stereo L/R RCA Produktart Hifi Verstärker
Technics SU-V45A Verstärker Amplifier
End: 14.09. 2023 12:31:07 on Thursday
Technics Stereo Integrated Amplifier SU-V45A Separate VC4 Class AA
End: 30.07. 2023 07:42:59 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 93.21 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 256114789852
- Seller: ro_scriv (665|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Heybridge
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 9,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Technics Stereo Integrated Amplifier SU-V45A Separate. Class AA VC4 amplifier system. In good condition and good working order, great sound. Comes complete with AC lead and original manual. All the source buttons work but a couple dont illuminate. Please view pictures to assess condition for yourself as they form description. Will be sent well packaged.
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