Technics SE-A500-A / SU-C5000-AHigh End Vintage Vorverstärker und Endverstärker ( 100 Volt Geräte) Originalverpackung nicht vorhanden Technisch, Einwandfrei!!! Optisch , siehe Fotos --------------------------------------------------------DescriptionSE-A5000-A This is a stereo power amplifier that integrates Technics circuit technologies such as the classAA amplifier with VC-4 amplifier configuration. The circuit configuration is based on the classAA method. A voltage control amplifier and a current drive amplifier are mounted on the left and right channels. The VC-4 amplifier is composed of a total of four amplifiers.The voltage control, which determines audio characteristics, is a Darlington A-class amplifier with a differential amplifier input stage using one chip dual FET and a Pc150Wx2ch output transistor, realizing low distortion close to the limit of measuring instruments.The current drive amplifier consists of a high-speed amplitude amplifier stage with a feed-forward bootstrap power supply and a Pc450Wx2ch 4-stage Darlington output stage using 3-parallel output transistors, with FET differential inputs. This amplifier supplies the current required for powerful power at a high speed of 50A / us. The power supply section is equipped with three transformers : two power transformers for the current drive amplifier for the left and right channels, and one transformer for the voltage control amplifier for the left and right channels. The power supply section is fully symmetrical with no interference between the left and right channels, and is equipped with a large-capacity electrolytic capacitor with a total capacity of 89,400 uF.All power transformers use oxygen-free copper wires and are highly regulated by applying high-density and high-efficiency technology through the perfectly aligned winding method. In addition, this power transformer is sealed with special resin in a total of three layers of magnetic shield case. Coupled with the use of an attached power block, this power transformer enables regeneration with extremely low mechanical vibration and electrical noise. It employs a unique concentrated power block that integrates the output stage and power supply with a ingenious structure, eliminating high-frequency distortion caused by electromagnetic induction. It uses a 3 mm thick and 2.3 kg top plate, a 2 mm thick highly rigid chassis, and a 2 mm thick insulator rubber on the bottom of the transformer to suppress magnetic radiation and mechanical vibration. In addition, a punching net with a high opening ratio is used for the top plate and bottom plate, and along with a unique high-efficiency radiator and a 20 mm high and 60 mm large insulator, a high heat radiation effect is obtained. Oxygen-free copper bus bars of 2 mm thick and 10 mm wide are used for the earth line, and low-frequency resolution is enhanced together with LC-OFC and OCC codes used for wiring materials. Uses an electronic speaker selector.The switching relay uses gold-clad contacts for quick operation and high reliability. The power supply after turning off also has the last one memory function to retain the selector contents. Equipped with a large power meter that can read directly from 0.0001W to 300W.The front is made of 10 mm thick bronze glass. Equipped with a VC-4 indicator to check the operation of the voltage control amplifier and current drive amplifier. Gold-plated DC / normal input terminal is used. A 37-core OCC power cord is used for the power cable. SU-C5000-A Control amplifier equipped with class AA system and active servo power supply. The phono equalizer amplifier uses the classAA method.By installing a SEPP output stage current drive amplifier with a large current supply capability, voltage amplification in A-class state is realized without the output current being affected by the impedance fluctuation of the RIAA element.In addition to dual low-noise FET differential amplification and the first stage high-rate circuit configuration with cascode, a high S/N ratio of MM92dB (2.5 mV output) and low distortion of 0.0008% (20 Hz to 20 kHz) are achieved. The classAA method is also used for the power amplifier section.The load condition of the power amplifier section of the control amplifier varies depending on the input impedance and connection code of the power amplifier, causing distortion. By adopting the classAA method, the power amplifier can be driven with A-class low-distortion, high-quality reproduction without being affected by these fluctuations. The volume uses 4-row configuration wide D range volume.This volume achieves low distortion and low noise by using a resistor with a smooth mirror surface and a gold-plated wire brush. In addition, two of the four volume series are operated as gain control of the output amplifier, improving the S/N ratio in actual use and at low power reproduction. The power supply section uses an active servo power supply.The active servo power supply combines a constant-voltage IC dedicated to the power supply with excellent temperature stability and a wide-band IC with excellent high-frequency characteristics to achieve regulation superior to that of car batteries and low noise over a wide frequency range from low to high.In addition, a line filter for electromagnetic interference has been adopted as a countermeasure against power supply noise that may flow in from the primary power supply line. In addition, the power supply for audio and video signals is an independent power supply using separate windings, and the ground line is completely separated. Thus, thorough consideration is given to signal contamination from the power supply. In addition to eight audio input systems, it is equipped with an AV input Route 3 + VTR input / output system that can select video signals simultaneously.There are two audio outputs (front / rear) and one video monitor output. Equipped with CD direct function.With this function, the input signal can start only the gold contact relay and can be directly connected to the volume using the gold plated wire brush. Input / Rec / BGV uses an independent electronic selector to reduce signal degradation Specificaties / SpecificationsSE-A5000-A Rated output 240W + 240W (4 Ohm, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.002%)200W + 200W (6 ohm, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.001%)Total harmonic distortion factor 0.0007% or Less (20 Hz to 20 kHz, -3dB, 8 Ohm)Output bandwidth 5 Hz to 100 kHz (cpo-3dB, 0.01%, 8 Ohm)Frequency characteristic 0.8 Hz - 150 kHz + 0 -3dB20 Hz to 20 kHz + 0 dB -0.1 dBS/N ratio (IFF66) 120dBDamping factor 120 (8 Ohm)Input Sensitivity / Impedance 1.2V/47k OhmMeter indication accuracy +/- 3 dB (-40dB or more)+/- 5 dB (less than -40dB)Pwer 100 VAC, 50Hz/60HzPower consumption 400WExternal dimensions Width 484x Height 207x Depth 475 mmWeight 34.0kg SU-C5000-A Total harmonic distortion factor(20 Hz to 20 kHz) Phono1, 2 mm : 0.0008% (EIAJ)Phono1, 2 mc : 0.0009% (EIAJ)Tuner, CD, aux, AV1/TV, AV2, digital processor, tape1, tape2/VCR, DAT : 0.0007%Direct-CD, digital processor : 0.0006%Signal-to-noise ratio Phono1, 2 mm : 92 dB (IHF66) 87dB(EIAJ)Phono1, 2 mc : 76 dB (IHF66, 250 V) 81dB(EIAJ)Tuner, CDs, aux, AV1/TV, AV2, digital processortape1, tape2/VCR, DAT : 109 dB (IHF66) 100dB(EIAJ)Direct-CD, digital processor : 110 dB (IHF66) 100dB(EIAJ)Maximum allowable input MM:160mV MC:6.4mVPwer 100 VAC, 50Hz/60HzPower consumption 15WExternal dimensions Width 484x Height 131x Depth 360 mmWeight 11.0kg -----------------Fragen zum Klang werden werden von uns grundsätzlich nicht beantwortet da solche Aussagen immer subjektiv sind. ---------------------------------- Please, it is not fair to ask what is the lowest price. 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