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TEAC X-1000R Tonbandgerät DBX Autoreverse & Anleitung - Gewartet & Gereinigt

End: 17.02. 2025 19:22:06 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1149.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186915298540
  • Seller: allesbrennt (3414|99.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Salzgitter Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TEAC X-1000R Tonbandgerät DBX Autoreverse & Anleitung - Gewartet & GereinigtHallo liebe TEAC-Freunde, eine total schöne Bandmaschine, die TEAC X-1000R mit Autoreverse, DBX und digitalem Echtzeit-Bandzählwerk im traumhaften Zustand, technisch wie optisch. So nur noch selten zu bekommen, vor allem in diesem Zustand. Die Maschine besitzt die notwendigen 2 Bandgeschwindigkeiten - 9,5 und 19 cm / Sek. Zustandsfeststellung: Abspielen - einwandfrei in beiden Geschwindigkeiten Aufnehmen - kraftvoll und einwandfrei in beiden Geschwindigkeiten Vor- und Zurückspulen - einwandfrei bis zum Ende und wieder zurück, kraftvoll Bandabschaltung - einwandfrei Autoreverse - einwandfrei VU - zeigen einwandfrei an Beleuchtung - einwandfrei Klang - sehr gut über Chinch an Verstärker ausgegeben und mit Ton geprüft Lauf - Spulenteller laufen sauber. Zählwerk - zählt in alle Richtungen Wartung Es wurden Mechanik, Lagerstellen und alle beweglichen Teile vom verharzten Fett befreit und gereinigt. Das Tonbandgerät wurde wenig genutzt und so ist es noch immer gut eingestellt. Ich konnte absolut keine Fehler feststellen. An einer Seite sind im Seitenholz zwei Kratzer. Siehe Foto. Es spielt einfach alles einwandfrei und schön laufruhig. Das TEAC X-1000R befindet sich ebenso optisch, wie auch technisch in einem für das Alter wirklich schönen Zustand. Siehe Fotos. Betriebsvideo HiFi Wiki sagt dazu Features der Maschine EE-Band tauglich Echtzeit-Zählwerk Elektronische Bandzugregelung - Tension Servo Rauschunterdrückung: DBX I Dupli Sync Anschluss - Steuerung einer zweiten X-2000/1000 über ein Verbindungskabel Dual-Capstan Antrieb Logiksteuerung Fernsteuermöglichkeit anderer TEAC Bandmaschinen zum Überspielen Auto Spacer für Aufnahme und Überspielen Timerbetrieb Bezüglich der Einstellungen zur Programmwahl… Ich habe diesen Versuch hinter mir. Sicherlich auch Mangels Wissen dazu, aber unglücklich. Man kann es nutzen und er spult dann auch und findet die Stellen. Ich bin dabei aber durcheinander gekommen, dass ich irgendwann wohl zu viele Stellen auf dem Band markiert hatte. Fazit - ich verkaufe die Maschine ohne diese Funktion mangels echter Erkenntnis. Den Versuch dieser Funktionen lasse ich nur mit Ihrem eigenen Band zu. Die Bedienungsanleitung wird mitgeliefert. Alle abgebildeten Spulen und NAB Adapter sind nicht dabei. Siehe separate Angebote. Die Original TEAC TZ-612 NAB-Adapter (Paar) können Sie nach dem Kauf für 79 Euro bei Interesse dazu kaufen. Ich weise daraufhin, dass ich dabei bin meine Sammlung, sowie vererbte Sammlungen meiner Familie aufzulösen und deshalb mit mehreren Kaufangeboten zu finden bin. Dieser Zustand ist vorübergehend, ich handele Privat. Nichtraucherhaushalt, aus meiner Sammlung. Zu Ihrer Information und Kenntnisnahme Mit einem Kauf verpflichten Sie sich unwiderruflich die ausgewählte Ware zu dem ausgewiesenen Preis abzunehmen! Die Rückgabe, Wandlung oder Umtausch gekaufter Artikel ist ausgeschlossen. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung/Garantie auch bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Die Konsequenz aus dieser Bestimmung stehen indes oftmals in keiner vernünftigen Relation zum erzielten Kaufpreis. Beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Verkaufsbedingungen: Bitte stellen Sie ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes!!! Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft, das bedeutet: Mit der Abgabe eines Kaufangebots von Ihnen, erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach neuem EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten. Dieser Artikel werden unter Ausschluss jeglicher Haftung und Gewährleistung angeboten. Dies gilt auch für ungetestete Ware. Bieten Sie nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind. Keine Garantie oder Rücknahme! Dies ist ein Privatverkauf nach §13BGB. Verkauf erfolgt ohne Gewährleistung ,Garantie und Rücknahme. Gemäss § 447BGB geht mit Übergabe an den Versand die Gefahr auf dem Käufer über. Ich weise daraufhin, dass ich dabei bin meine Sammlung, sowie vererbte Sammlungen meiner Familie aufzulösen und deshalb mit mehreren Kaufangeboten zu finden bin. Dieser Zustand ist vorübergehend, ich handele Privat.

Teac X-1000 Tonbandgerät Reel to Reel I DBX Noise Reduction System I Silber I

End: 10.02. 2025 09:54:35 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 999.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 146355258070
  • Seller: gf-retro (1099|98.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Ranstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teac X-1000 Tonbandgerät Reel to Reel I DBX Noise Reduction System I Silber IDas Gerät ist technisch voll funktionsfähig allerdings sind auf der Rückseite zwei kleinere Schäden vorhanden welche allerdings keinen einfluss auf die Funktion haben. Geliefert wird das Gerät mit zwei NAB Adaptern und zwei Originalen Teac Leerspulen! Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Ware unter der Differenzbesteuerung gemäß § 25a UStG fällt. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Umsatzsteuer nicht gesondert auf der Rechnung ausgewiesen.

TEAC X-1000R Tape Tonbandgerät mit DBX Noise Reduction X 1000 R & Anleitung

End: 26.01. 2025 15:06:43 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1349.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186837991796
  • Seller: allesbrennt (3393|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Salzgitter Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TEAC X-1000R Tape Tonbandgerät mit DBX Noise Reduction X 1000 R & AnleitungHallo liebe TEAC-Freunde, eine total schöne Bandmaschine, die TEAC X-1000R mit Autoreverse, DBX und digitalem Echtzeit-Bandzählwerk im traumhaften Zustand, technisch wie optisch. Mit rund 2.900 DM, also 1.450 Euro eine Maschine in der Premiumliga. So kaum noch zu bekommen, vor allem in diesem Zustand. Die Maschine besitzt die notwendigen 2 Bandgeschwindigkeiten - 9,5 und 19 cm / Sek. Zustandsfeststellung: Abspielen - einwandfrei in beiden Geschwindigkeiten Aufnehmen - kraftvoll und einwandfrei in beiden Geschwindigkeiten Vor- und Zurückspulen - einwandfrei bis zum Ende und wieder zurück, kraftvoll Bandabschaltung - einwandfrei Autoreverse - einwandfrei VU - zeigen einwandfrei an Beleuchtung - einwandfrei Klang - sehr gut über Chinch an Verstärker ausgegeben und mit Ton geprüft Lauf - Spulenteller laufen sauber. Zählwerk - zählt in alle Richtungen Wartung Es wurden Mechanik, Lagerstellen und alle beweglichen Teile vom verharzten Fett befreit und gereinigt. Das Tonbandgerät wurde wenig genutzt und so ist es noch immer gut eingestellt. Ich konnte absolut keine Fehler feststellen. An einer Seite sind im Seitenholz zwei Kratzer. Siehe Foto. Es spielt einfach alles einwandfrei und schön laufruhig. Das TEAC X-1000R befindet sich ebenso optisch, wie auch technisch in einem für das Alter wirklich schönen Zustand. Siehe Fotos. Betriebsvideo HiFi Wiki sagt dazu Features der Maschine EE-Band tauglich Echtzeit-Zählwerk Elektronische Bandzugregelung - Tension Servo Rauschunterdrückung: DBX I Dupli Sync Anschluss - Steuerung einer zweiten X-2000/1000 über ein Verbindungskabel Dual-Capstan Antrieb Logiksteuerung Fernsteuermöglichkeit anderer TEAC Bandmaschinen zum Überspielen Auto Spacer für Aufnahme und Überspielen Timerbetrieb Die Bedienungsanleitung wird mitgeliefert. Alle abgebildeten Spulen und NAB Adapter sind nicht dabei. Siehe separate Angebote. Die Original TEAC TZ-612 NAB-Adapter (Paar) können Sie nach dem Kauf für 99 Euro bei Interesse dazu kaufen. Siehe letztes Bild. Ich weise daraufhin, dass ich dabei bin meine Sammlung, sowie vererbte Sammlungen meiner Familie aufzulösen und deshalb mit mehreren Kaufangeboten zu finden bin. Dieser Zustand ist vorübergehend, ich handele Privat. Nichtraucherhaushalt, aus meiner Sammlung. Ein Versand ist generell möglich, Abholung wird eher bevorzugt, da kann man sich auch ein Bild vom schönen Zustand machen. Bei Abholung erstatte ich Ihnen zusätzlich zu dem nicht vorhandenen Versandkosten nochmals 50€ zurück! Kaffee und Vorführung inkl. Eine Auslieferung kann nach Abstimmung auch vereinbart werden. Fragen Sie einfach an. Bei Versand: Verpackung erfolgt massiv gepolstert. Im Fall des Versands ändere ich den Status Gebraucht auf Defekt Es kann eben bei so einem alten Gerät immer passieren, dass sich durch die Erschütterungen beim Transport Brüche in den Bauteilen der Elektronik ergeben. So etwas lässt sich schwer nachweisen und DHL wird solch einen Schaden wohl kaum übernehmen. Deshalb erklären Sie sich beim Kauf mit Versand damit einverstanden, dass Sie nun ein Kauf mit dem Status „Defekt“ statt „Gebraucht“ gemacht haben. Diese Regel ist Bestandteil des Verkaufs und bezieht sich auf den eBay Status zu diesem Verkauf. Zu Ihrer Information und Kenntnisnahme Mit einem Kauf verpflichten Sie sich unwiderruflich die ausgewählte Ware zu dem ausgewiesenen Preis abzunehmen! Die Rückgabe, Wandlung oder Umtausch gekaufter Artikel ist ausgeschlossen. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung/Garantie auch bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Die Konsequenz aus dieser Bestimmung stehen indes oftmals in keiner vernünftigen Relation zum erzielten Kaufpreis. Beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Verkaufsbedingungen: Bitte stellen Sie ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes!!! Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft, das bedeutet: Mit der Abgabe eines Kaufangebots von Ihnen, erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach neuem EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten. Dieser Artikel werden unter Ausschluss jeglicher Haftung und Gewährleistung angeboten. Dies gilt auch für ungetestete Ware. Bieten Sie nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind. Keine Garantie oder Rücknahme! Dies ist ein Privatverkauf nach §13BGB. Verkauf erfolgt ohne Gewährleistung ,Garantie und Rücknahme. Gemäss § 447BGB geht mit Übergabe an den Versand die Gefahr auf dem Käufer über. Ich weise daraufhin, dass ich dabei bin meine Sammlung, sowie vererbte Sammlungen meiner Familie aufzulösen und deshalb mit mehreren Kaufangeboten zu finden bin. Dieser Zustand ist vorübergehend, ich handele Privat.

TEAC X-1000R Parts DBX PCB nicht geprüft not checked

End: 13.11. 2024 23:24:39 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 45.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 405350986215
  • Seller: hifirecy (712|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Marburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 5,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TEAC X-1000R Parts DBX PCB nicht geprüft not checkedTEAC X-1000R DBX PCB nicht geprüft not checked Suchen Sie weitere Ersatzteile für TEAC X1000R? Schauen Sie sich bitte in unseren anderen Angeboten nach oder einfach fragen. Are you looking for more parts for TEAC X1000R? Please check our other offers or just ask. Shipping worldwide with DHL German Post.

Teac X-1000R BL DBX Tonbandmaschine / mit neuen Riemen / + TZ-612 NAB + RE-1003B

End: 08.06. 2024 10:45:59 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1299.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256469964233
  • Seller: schoenklinger (19394|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Gelsenkirchen Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 20,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Teac X-1000R BL DBX Tonbandmaschine / mit neuen Riemen / + TZ-612 NAB + RE-1003BHeute biete ich Ihnen folgendes an: Teac X-1000R BL DBX Tonbandmaschine / mit neuen Riemen / + TZ-612 NAB + RE-1003B Spule aus Metal Der Riemen von der Capstanwelle wurde frisch erneuert technischer Zustand: guter Zustand optischer Zustand: guter Zustand / geringe optische Gebrauchsspuren Falls Sie den oben aufgeführten Artikel ersteigern und diesen persönlich bei mir abholen, so können wir diesen sehr gerne gemeinsam auf den von mir angegebenen Zustand hin überprüfen. Kein Versand an Packstationen oder Paketshops !!! No shipping to USA

TEAC open reel deck X-1000R 4 reverse dbx EE Maintenance

End: 10.09. 2023 21:07:18 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1632.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225760423182
  • Seller: uptail-shop (156|97.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: yoshikawa-shi Japan
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TEAC open reel deck X-1000R 4 reverse dbx EE MaintenanceDescriptionRunning system overhaul head mirror finish Tape tension mechanism adjustment Reel rotation speed adjustment Replace consumables such as capstan belts and washers. The belt is a genuine specification, not an adhesive rubber belt that is on the market, so it will work for a long time. Ordered oil for flywheels and motor shafts After cleaning the board, replace the deteriorated parts of the amplifier, etc. Audio calibration adjustment using reference tape The dbx calibration is also performed accurately, so the sound quality is high! Recording and playback test (approximately 10 hours) No electrical or mechanical problems There is almost no stepped wear on the recording/playback head, so it can be used for the time being. No big scratches Aluminum panels are relatively clean. * Please check the details in the image. * Please give me the present condition delivery with good operation. *Electrical characteristics have been adjusted using a measuring instrument on hand. The frequency response, wow and flutter, harmonic distortion, S/N, etc. are not particularly problematic, and the tape sound of yesteryear is played. * There is almost no difference between the input sound and the output sound, so it can be used as a master deck. ?I will list the maintenance data. ?Frequency characteristics: (Sweep tone self-recording/playback) 30Hz-17KHz ±1B or less /20KHz-3dB/23KHz-6dB (-10dB recording/on XL?) ?Harmonic distortion rate: 0,7% (reference level) ?Wow and flutter: 0.04% (19cm/sec) ?Left and right level deviation: 0.3dB ?Channel Separation: 48dB (1KHz/0VU) ?S/N ratio: 58dB (About 35dB improvement when dbx is ON) As mentioned above, the characteristics are extremely good. ShippingI use a Japanese post office.&FedexStandard Shipping : 5-20 daysExpedited shipping:3-10 days International Buyers - Please be careful??Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the product price or shipping costs.These charges are the buyers responsibility.Check with customs in your country to see what these additional costs might be before bidding or buying.?If the cancellation is by the buyer, we will charge a fee.?If there is a remote charge for your address, we will charge you for shipping separately.?For used items: We cant guarantee long term operation or discoloration. Thank you and best regards,

READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 21.07. 2023 00:04:52 on Friday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1191.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325733172341
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (695|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 269,56 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND SEE PICS!!For sale is a TEAC X-1000R 4 track 2-channel Auto Reverse 10.5 inch Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and nicks as shown. Wooden cabinet is in fairly good condition . Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. A new drive belt was installed as well. The caps were checked and they’re good. The bottom feet are included as well, although not pictured. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. Any customer may purchase the metal reels separately. If purchased at FULL BUY IT NOW price, I will include the pictured hub adapters an empty 10.5 inch metal reel and 2 maxell UD metal reels with 3600 ft of tape.Here are the specifications:Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motor Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.04% (7 1/2 IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 30kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 63 dB (128DB with DBX ON) Crosstalk: 35dB IMPORTANT NOTE: Lately, there has been an army of watchers and windowshoppers, seemingly indecisive, hesitant, or expecting a ridiculous price reduction so I need to put this out there: I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for nearly 20 years. They are priced accordingly based on the amount of time and money rigorously testing them, repairing them, and hunting down and finding the needed parts to restore them, the cosmetics, and ensuring they arrive to their new buyer working like theyre supposed to, so they ARE NOT CHEAP! The starting bid is $1299.99 AND IS THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST I AM WILLING TO ACCEPT FOR THIS DECK!! In addition to the hard work put into testing and repairing these units, I spend at least 15-30 minutes filming a pre-shipment video tutorial so the customer has proof the deck left my place in working order and 30-45 minutes or more packing these decks for safe shipment. Furthermore, I take pictures of my packing so the customer has proof the deck was packed properly when it left here (not something many sellers). As you can see, I am NOT some Dollar General or Walmart tech, I have nearly 20 years of experience in this field I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity, please visit both of my profiles under DJZ Vintage Audio! I do sincerely apologize in advance for sounding blunt about this and the novel-like explanation, but even though I have plenty of great customers, unfortunately, there are still a good amount out there who dont get it when it comes to the challenges of repairing and testing these units in addition to pricing them accordingly so I needed to get this out there. Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $125 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. Yes, I actually have to buy all the material (boxes, bubblewrap, insulated dense foam blocks, etc..) Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer! Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final. OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I WILL NO LONGER ANSWER SUCH INQUIRIES! I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.Out of necessity, I DO NOT ALLOW eBay Return Requests to be opened. They create an unnecessary disruption for other shipments awaiting my attention when it comes to printing out shipping labels and should only be used as a last resort when sellers are unresponsive or unwilling to work with the customer (which in this case, I am more than willing to work with a customer). If a customer suspects a problem with their deck or it may have been damaged, they MUST SEND AN EBAY MEMBER TO MEMBER MESSAGE and I will resolve the issue in any way that I can! Documentation and/or repair estimates (which I will be more than happy to cover the cost for, if necessary) may be requested as well. About 90% of these returns end up being No Fault Found returns due to user error or very minor issues that could have easily been quickly resolved by simple communication, and such returns are a waste of my time. Any customer who opens an eBay Return Request without first messaging me and allowing me a chance to try to rectify the problem WILL BE CONSIDERED A RISK TO MY BUSINESS IN THE FUTURE! My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free trading environment for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to, then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END

READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 14.07. 2023 01:11:19 on Friday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1289.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325730184850
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (700|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 272,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND SEE PICS!!For sale is a TEAC X-1000R 4 track 2-channel Auto Reverse 10.5 inch Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and nicks as shown. Wooden cabinet is in fair condition with a chunk of wood missing as shown but it will most likely be included anyways for that extra layer of protection . Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. A new drive belt was installed as well. The caps were checked and they’re good. The bottom feet are included as well, although not pictured. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. Any customer may purchase the metal reels separately. If purchased at FULL BUY IT NOW price, I will include the pictured hub adapters.Here are the specifications:Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motor Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.04% (7 1/2 IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 30kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 63 dB (128DB with DBX ON) Crosstalk: 35dB IMPORTANT NOTE: Lately, there has been an army of watchers and windowshoppers, seemingly indecisive, hesitant, or expecting a ridiculous price reduction so I need to put this out there: I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for nearly 20 years. They are priced accordingly based on the amount of time and money rigorously testing them, repairing them, and hunting down and finding the needed parts to restore them, the cosmetics, and ensuring they arrive to their new buyer working like theyre supposed to, so they ARE NOT CHEAP! As for the price, I am willing to listen to reasonable offers and negotiate to a degree, but I am NOT looking to give this deck away for cheap! If that is what youre hoping for, your best option is to RESPECTFULLY PASS on this one! In addition to the hard work put into testing and repairing these units, I spend at least 15-30 minutes filming a pre-shipment video tutorial so the customer has proof the deck left my place in working order and 30-45 minutes or more packing these decks for safe shipment. Furthermore, I take pictures of my packing so the customer has proof the deck was packed properly when it left here (not something many sellers). As you can see, I am NOT some Dollar General or Walmart tech, I have nearly 20 years of experience in this field I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity, please visit both of my profiles under DJZ Vintage Audio! I do sincerely apologize in advance for sounding blunt about this and the novel-like explanation, but even though I have plenty of great customers, unfortunately, there are still a good amount out there who dont get it when it comes to the challenges of repairing and testing these units in addition to pricing them accordingly so I needed to get this out there. Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $125 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. Yes, I actually have to buy all the material (boxes, bubblewrap, insulated dense foam blocks, etc..) Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer! Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final. OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I WILL NO LONGER ANSWER SUCH INQUIRIES! I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.Out of necessity, I DO NOT ALLOW eBay Return Requests to be opened. They create an unnecessary disruption for other shipments awaiting my attention when it comes to printing out shipping labels and should only be used as a last resort when sellers are unresponsive or unwilling to work with the customer (which in this case, I am more than willing to work with a customer). If a customer suspects a problem with their deck or it may have been damaged, they MUST SEND AN EBAY MEMBER TO MEMBER MESSAGE and I will resolve the issue in any way that I can! Documentation and/or repair estimates (which I will be more than happy to cover the cost for, if necessary) may be requested as well. About 90% of these returns end up being No Fault Found returns due to user error or very minor issues that could have easily been quickly resolved by simple communication, and such returns are a waste of my time. Any customer who opens an eBay Return Request without first messaging me and allowing me a chance to try to rectify the problem WILL BE CONSIDERED A RISK TO MY BUSINESS IN THE FUTURE! My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free trading environment for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to, then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END

READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 29.06. 2023 22:48:04 on Thursday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1133.73 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 325707281570
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (685|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 274,52 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND SEE PICSFor sale is a TEAC X-1000R 4 track 2-channel Auto Reverse 10.5 inch Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and nicks as shown. Wooden cabinet is in fair condition with a chunk of wood missing as shown but it will most likely be included anyways for that extra layer of protection . Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. A new drive belt was installed as well. The caps were checked and they’re good. The bottom feet are included as well, although not pictured. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels and hubs , are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. Any customer may purchase the metal reels separately. If purchased at full price, I will include the hub adapters and waive the shipping charge (IN THE LOWER 48 states ONLY). I will refund the difference.NOTE That adding this to your watch, list or your shopping cart, (which I receive notifications for) in hopes of getting significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK!!! Lately, there has been an army of watchers, seemingly expecting a significant discount on the price, so I’m putting that to rest right now. The starting bid of this deck will be $1249.99 and is the LOWEST I AM WILLING TO ACCEPT! I’m honestly not trying to be rude in anyway shape or form, but I need to get this out there. I realized the cosmetics are not that great, so I have it priced accordingly for this very reason. However, if you feel this is too expensive or you don’t agree with the price, RESPECTFULLY PASS!All decks are priced accordingly based on how much I’ve sold them for in the past, cosmetics, and how much similar model have sold for as well as the amount of time and money invested into testing and restoring these decks. Any customer may purchase a cheaper deck elsewhere if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range.Here are the specifications:Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motor Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.04% (7 1/2 IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 30kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 63 dB (128DB with DBX ON) Crosstalk: 35dB PLEASE NOTE: As many of you are aware, all of my tape deck listings have moved to Reverb under DJZ Vintage Audio due to the increase in seller fees here on eBay (hence the reason for my prices being higher on here than on Reverb), so you have not seen many on here fpr several months. This is also due to several buyers who were not willing to go along with my necessary terms and conditions (which they agreed to when they made the purchase) including sending a message through eBay Member to Member messaging system and allowing me to try to rectify the problem instead of opening an eBay Return Request and consequently disrupting my workflow. I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for 18 years, I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity please check both feedback records under DJZ Vintage Audio! This is my livelihood and I am very much in this for the long haul!Please keep in mind that each deck is priced accordingly due to the quality and the amount of time and money invested in cleaning, refurbishing and testing it to ensure it arrives to its new buyer working like its supposed to. The price also includes packing, shipping and insurance costs as well! Please take into consideration that very similar or other comparable model decks are SKYROCKETING in price, including those listed in for parts or not working condition or are untested or partially tested and may or may not even be in working condition. Any customer may purchase a different deck if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range. I do sincerely apologize for this, but although I do have plenty of great buyers who are understanding about the challenges of restoring these tape decks, rigorously testing them; and the amount of time and money that is invested as well into restoring them, there are still several out there who just do not know any better. If youre on a budget or you do not agree with the price , then you should purchase a different deck that is more suited to your price range! But if youre looking for one that works and gets the job done whether it’s recording or tape transfers, then you’ve come to the right place! Thank you for your understanding! Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $125 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. This is a HEAVY ONE! Most boxes these decks originally come in are not suitable for reshipment and are therefore immediately discarded. This deck will be packed with large bubble wrap, dense insulated foam blocks on all sides and a new box so it arrives in one piece. In some cases, these decks are Double boxed. I make NO money whatsoever off the shipping costs (in fact, in some cases I SPEND MORE on shipping costs depending on the weight and the location of where the deck is going)! Pictures of each packing job will be taken as well and may be sent to the buyer as proof that the deck was packed properly when it left here. A LOT of money is invested in this packing material and unlike some sellers who don’t seem to care that an improperly packed deck results in a broken knob, spindle, or other damages, I spend at least a 1/2 hour packing each of these decks! Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer!A Pre shipment video of each deck operating properly will be filmed the day it ships out and it may be sent to the buyer at anytime. The buyer agrees to accept this as proof that the deck left my place in working condition (VERY few sellers actually do this for their buyers). Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final.If in any case the buyer chooses to return the deck for a refund, the buyer agrees that I require up to 3 calendar days after the returned deck is received to issue that refund. Refunds will be MINUS the shipping costs. A 15% restocking fee will apply on returns for the following reasons:Buyer changes their mind Buyer can’t afford the deck The deck was working as described but did not meet the buyer’s expectations No fault is found with the deck after testing it out (in this case, a new video will be filmed showing the deck functioning properly)Any other general reason not related to non functionality IMPORTANT: If a buyer suspects a problem with their deck after getting it, THEY MUST Send me a member to member message through eBay and allow me to chance to try to rectify the problem. DO NOT OPEN A RETURN REQUEST! Doing so creates a disruption to my shipping labels for other shipments awaiting my attention and I consider it an act of hostility, as most issues are resolved just by communicating. Documentation of the issues may be requested such as a video or written repair estimates so I know how to proceed from there: Any buyer who opens an eBay Return Request without first contacting me and allowing me to try to resolve the issue will be considered a risk to my business in the future!OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free experience for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to ,then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END

TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 27.06. 2023 15:57:23 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 733.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155620633249
  • Seller: panoramavintagestore (465|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Flushing, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 282,76 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder. This item powers on! However, all the features were not tested. This item has cosmetic damage thought out and a dried glue spot where the cover clips on to. The power cord works well but it does have damage on the cable. Please view all pictures for cosmetic damage. Due to being untested, this item is sold as-is in for parts repair condition. Local pickup is preferred.

TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder #2

End: 27.06. 2023 14:59:58 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 733.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155620624494
  • Seller: panoramavintagestore (465|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Flushing, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 292,35 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder #2 THIS ITEM POWERS ON! However, all the features were not tested. This item has cosmetic damage through out. The power cord plugs in however the power cord is damaged. Please view all pictures for cosmetic damage. Due to being untested, this item is sold as-is in for parts repair condition. Local pickup is preferred.

TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 21.06. 2023 03:03:19 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 731.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155618071452
  • Seller: panoramavintagestore (464|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Flushing, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 282,73 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder. This item powers on! However, all the features were not tested. This item has cosmetic damage thought out and a dried glue spot where the cover clips on to. The power cord works well but it does have damage on the cable. Please view all pictures for cosmetic damage. Due to being untested, this item is sold as-is in for parts repair condition. Local pickup is preferred.

READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 04.06. 2023 23:50:56 on Sunday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1283.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325670282196
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (681|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND SEE PICSFor sale is a TEAC X-1000R 4 track 2-channel Auto Reverse 10.5 inch Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and nicks as shown. Wooden cabinet is in fair condition with a chunk of wood missing as shown but it will most likely be included anyways for that extra layer of protection . Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. A new drive belt was installed as well. The caps were checked and they’re good. The bottom feet are included as well, although not pictured. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels and hubs , are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. Any customer may purchase the hub adapters and metal reels separately.NOTE That adding this to your watch, list or your shopping cart, (which I receive notifications for) in hopes of getting significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK!!! All decks are priced accordingly based on how much I’ve sold them for in the past, and how much similar model have sold for as well as the amount of time and money invested into testing and restoring these decks. Any customer may purchase a cheaper deck elsewhere if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range. Here are the specifications:Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motor Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.04% (7 1/2 IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 30kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 63 dB (128DB with DBX ON) Crosstalk: 35dB PLEASE NOTE: As many of you are aware, all of my tape deck listings have moved to Reverb under DJZ Vintage Audio due to the increase in seller fees here on eBay (hence the reason for my prices being higher on here than on Reverb), so you have not seen many on here fpr several months. This is also due to several buyers who were not willing to go along with my necessary terms and conditions (which they agreed to when they made the purchase) including sending a message through eBay Member to Member messaging system and allowing me to try to rectify the problem instead of opening an eBay Return Request and consequently disrupting my workflow. I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for 18 years, I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity please check both feedback records under DJZ Vintage Audio! This is my livelihood and I am very much in this for the long haul!Please keep in mind that each deck is priced accordingly due to the quality and the amount of time and money invested in cleaning, refurbishing and testing it to ensure it arrives to its new buyer working like its supposed to. The price also includes packing, shipping and insurance costs as well! Please take into consideration that very similar or other comparable model decks are SKYROCKETING in price, including those listed in for parts or not working condition or are untested or partially tested and may or may not even be in working condition. Any customer may purchase a different deck if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range. I do sincerely apologize for this, but although I do have plenty of great buyers who are understanding about the challenges of restoring these tape decks, rigorously testing them; and the amount of time and money that is invested as well into restoring them, there are still several out there who just do not know any better. If youre on a budget or you do not agree with the price , then you should purchase a different deck that is more suited to your price range! But if youre looking for one that works and gets the job done whether it’s recording or tape transfers, then you’ve come to the right place! Thank you for your understanding! Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $125 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. This is a HEAVY ONE! Most boxes these decks originally come in are not suitable for reshipment and are therefore immediately discarded. This deck will be packed with large bubble wrap, dense insulated foam blocks on all sides and a new box so it arrives in one piece. In some cases, these decks are Double boxed. I make NO money whatsoever off the shipping costs (in fact, in some cases I SPEND MORE on shipping costs depending on the weight and the location of where the deck is going)! Pictures of each packing job will be taken as well and may be sent to the buyer as proof that the deck was packed properly when it left here. A LOT of money is invested in this packing material and unlike some sellers who don’t seem to care that an improperly packed deck results in a broken knob, spindle, or other damages, I spend at least a 1/2 hour packing each of these decks! Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer!A Pre shipment video of each deck operating properly will be filmed the day it ships out and it may be sent to the buyer at anytime. The buyer agrees to accept this as proof that the deck left my place in working condition (VERY few sellers actually do this for their buyers). Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final.If in any case the buyer chooses to return the deck for a refund, the buyer agrees that I require up to 3 calendar days after the returned deck is received to issue that refund. Refunds will be MINUS the shipping costs. A 15% restocking fee will apply on returns for the following reasons:Buyer changes their mind Buyer can’t afford the deck The deck was working as described but did not meet the buyer’s expectations No fault is found with the deck after testing it out (in this case, a new video will be filmed showing the deck functioning properly)Any other general reason not related to non functionality IMPORTANT: If a buyer suspects a problem with their deck after getting it, THEY MUST Send me a member to member message through eBay and allow me to chance to try to rectify the problem. DO NOT OPEN A RETURN REQUEST! Doing so creates a disruption to my shipping labels for other shipments awaiting my attention and I consider it an act of hostility, as most issues are resolved just by communicating. Documentation of the issues may be requested such as a video or written repair estimates so I know how to proceed from there: Any buyer who opens an eBay Return Request without first contacting me and allowing me to try to resolve the issue will be considered a risk to my business in the future!OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free experience for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to ,then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END

READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 24.05. 2023 14:34:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1281.51 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325662935690
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (678|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 280,52 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND SEE PICSFor sale is a TEAC X-1000R 4 track 2-channel Auto Reverse 10.5 inch Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and nicks as shown. Wooden cabinet is in fair condition with a chunk of wood missing as shown but it will most likely be included anyways for that extra layer of protection . Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. A new drive belt was installed as well. The caps were checked and they’re good. All the functions work and the VU Meters light up with the exception of one and jump like they are supposed to. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels and hubs , are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. Any customer may purchase the hub adapters and metal reels separately.NOTE That adding this to your watch, list or your shopping cart, (which I receive notifications for) in hopes of getting significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK!!! All decks are priced accordingly based on how much I’ve sold them for in the past, and how much similar model have sold for as well as the amount of time and money invested into testing and restoring these decks. Any customer may purchase a cheaper deck elsewhere if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range.Here are the specifications:Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motor Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.04% (7 1/2 IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 30kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 63 dB (128DB with DBX ON) Crosstalk: 35dB PLEASE NOTE: As many of you are aware, all of my tape deck listings have moved to Reverb under DJZ Vintage Audio due to the increase in seller fees here on eBay (hence the reason for my prices being higher on here than on Reverb), so you have not seen many on here fpr several months. This is also due to several buyers who were not willing to go along with my necessary terms and conditions (which they agreed to when they made the purchase) including sending a message through eBay Member to Member messaging system and allowing me to try to rectify the problem instead of opening an eBay Return Request and consequently disrupting my workflow. I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for 18 years, I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity please check both feedback records under DJZ Vintage Audio! This is my livelihood and I am very much in this for the long haul!Please keep in mind that each deck is priced accordingly due to the quality and the amount of time and money invested in cleaning, refurbishing and testing it to ensure it arrives to its new buyer working like its supposed to. The price also includes packing, shipping and insurance costs as well! Please take into consideration that very similar or other comparable model decks are SKYROCKETING in price, including those listed in for parts or not working condition or are untested or partially tested and may or may not even be in working condition. Any customer may purchase a different deck if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range. I do sincerely apologize for this, but although I do have plenty of great buyers who are understanding about the challenges of restoring these tape decks, rigorously testing them; and the amount of time and money that is invested as well into restoring them, there are still several out there who just do not know any better. If youre on a budget or you do not agree with the price , then you should purchase a different deck that is more suited to your price range! But if youre looking for one that works and gets the job done whether it’s recording or tape transfers, then you’ve come to the right place! Thank you for your understanding! Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $125 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. This is a HEAVY ONE! Most boxes these decks originally come in are not suitable for reshipment and are therefore immediately discarded. This deck will be packed with large bubble wrap, dense insulated foam blocks on all sides and a new box so it arrives in one piece. In some cases, these decks are Double boxed. I make NO money whatsoever off the shipping costs (in fact, in some cases I SPEND MORE on shipping costs depending on the weight and the location of where the deck is going)! Pictures of each packing job will be taken as well and may be sent to the buyer as proof that the deck was packed properly when it left here. A LOT of money is invested in this packing material and unlike some sellers who don’t seem to care that an improperly packed deck results in a broken knob, spindle, or other damages, I spend at least a 1/2 hour packing each of these decks! Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer!A Pre shipment video of each deck operating properly will be filmed the day it ships out and it may be sent to the buyer at anytime. The buyer agrees to accept this as proof that the deck left my place in working condition (VERY few sellers actually do this for their buyers). Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final.If in any case the buyer chooses to return the deck for a refund, the buyer agrees that I require up to 3 calendar days after the returned deck is received to issue that refund. Refunds will be MINUS the shipping costs. A 15% restocking fee will apply on returns for the following reasons:Buyer changes their mind Buyer can’t afford the deck The deck was working as described but did not meet the buyer’s expectations No fault is found with the deck after testing it out (in this case, a new video will be filmed showing the deck functioning properly)Any other general reason not related to non functionality IMPORTANT: If a buyer suspects a problem with their deck after getting it, THEY MUST Send me a member to member message through eBay and allow me to chance to try to rectify the problem. DO NOT OPEN A RETURN REQUEST! Doing so creates a disruption to my shipping labels for other shipments awaiting my attention and I consider it an act of hostility, as most issues are resolved just by communicating. Documentation of the issues may be requested such as a video or written repair estimates so I know how to proceed from there: Any buyer who opens an eBay Return Request without first contacting me and allowing me to try to resolve the issue will be considered a risk to my business in the future!OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free experience for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to ,then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END

READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 20.05. 2023 16:52:19 on Saturday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1372.93 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325657862959
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (678|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 278,91 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND SEE PICSFor sale is a TEAC X-1000R 4 track 2-channel Auto Reverse 10.5 inch Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and nicks as shown. Wooden cabinet is in fair condition with a chunk of wood missing as shown but it will most likely be included anyways for that extra layer of protection . Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. A new drive belt was installed as well. The caps were checked and they’re good. All the functions work and the VU Meters light up with the exception of one and jump like they are supposed to. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels and hubs , are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. Any customer may purchase the hub adapters and metal reels separately.NOTE That adding this to your watch, list or your shopping cart, which I receive notifications for in hopes of getting significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK!!! All decks are priced accordingly based on how much I’ve sold them for in the past, and how much similar model have sold for as well as the amount of time and money invested into testing and restoring these decks. Any customer may purchase a cheaper deck elsewhere if they feel this one is too expensive.Here are the specifications:Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motor Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.04% (7 1/2 IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 30kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 63 dB (128DB with DBX ON) Crosstalk: 35dB PLEASE NOTE: As many of you are aware, all of my tape deck listings have moved to Reverb under DJZ Vintage Audio due to the increase in seller fees here on eBay (hence the reason for my prices being higher on here than on Reverb), so you have not seen many on here fpr several months. This is also due to several buyers who were not willing to go along with my necessary terms and conditions (which they agreed to when they made the purchase) including sending a message through eBay Member to Member messaging system and allowing me to try to rectify the problem instead of opening an eBay Return Request and consequently disrupting my workflow. I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for 18 years, I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity please check both feedback records under DJZ Vintage Audio! This is my livelihood and I am very much in this for the long haul!Please keep in mind that each deck is priced accordingly due to the quality and the amount of time and money invested in cleaning, refurbishing and testing it to ensure it arrives to its new buyer working like its supposed to. The price also includes packing, shipping and insurance costs as well! Please take into consideration that very similar or other comparable model decks are SKYROCKETING in price, including those listed in for parts or not working condition or are untested or partially tested and may or may not even be in working condition. Any customer may purchase a different deck if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range. I do sincerely apologize for this, but although I do have plenty of great buyers who are understanding about the challenges of restoring these tape decks, rigorously testing them; and the amount of time and money that is invested as well into restoring them, there are still several out there who just do not know any better. If youre on a budget or you do not agree with the price , then you should purchase a different deck that is more suited to your price range! But if youre looking for one that works and gets the job done whether it’s recording or tape transfers, then you’ve come to the right place! Thank you for your understanding! Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $125 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. This is a HEAVY ONE! Most boxes these decks originally come in are not suitable for reshipment and are therefore immediately discarded. This deck will be packed with large bubble wrap, dense insulated foam blocks on all sides and a new box so it arrives in one piece. In some cases, these decks are Double boxed. I make NO money whatsoever off the shipping costs (in fact, in some cases I SPEND MORE on shipping costs depending on the weight and the location of where the deck is going)! Pictures of each packing job will be taken as well and may be sent to the buyer as proof that the deck was packed properly when it left here. A LOT of money is invested in this packing material and unlike some sellers who don’t seem to care that an improperly packed deck results in a broken knob, spindle, or other damages, I spend at least a 1/2 hour packing each of these decks! Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer!A Pre shipment video of each deck operating properly will be filmed the day it ships out and it may be sent to the buyer at anytime. The buyer agrees to accept this as proof that the deck left my place in working condition (VERY few sellers actually do this for their buyers). Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final.If in any case the buyer chooses to return the deck for a refund, the buyer agrees that I require up to 3 calendar days after the returned deck is received to issue that refund. Refunds will be MINUS the shipping costs. A 15% restocking fee will apply on returns for the following reasons:Buyer changes their mind Buyer can’t afford the deck The deck was working as described but did not meet the buyer’s expectations No fault is found with the deck after testing it out (in this case, a new video will be filmed showing the deck functioning properly)Any other general reason not related to non functionality IMPORTANT: If a buyer suspects a problem with their deck after getting it, THEY MUST Send me a member to member message through eBay and allow me to chance to try to rectify the problem. DO NOT OPEN A RETURN REQUEST! Doing so creates a disruption to my shipping labels for other shipments awaiting my attention and I consider it an act of hostility, as most issues are resolved just by communicating. Documentation of the issues may be requested such as a video or written repair estimates so I know how to proceed from there: Any buyer who opens an eBay Return Request without first contacting me and allowing me to try to resolve the issue will be considered a risk to my business in the future!OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free experience for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to ,then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END

READ!! TEAC X-1000R DBX 10.5 Inch Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck Recorder

End: 08.05. 2023 15:16:28 on Monday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 1380.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325644489715
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: djzvintageaudio (666|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Asheboro, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 277,53 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION AND SEE PICSFor sale is a TEAC X-1000R 4 track 2-channel Auto Reverse 10.5 inch Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and nicks as shown. Wooden cabinet is in fair condition with a chunk of wood missing as shown but it will most likely be included anyways for that extra layer of protection . Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. A new drive belt was installed as well. The caps were checked and they’re good. All the functions work and the VU Meters light up with the exception of one and jump like they are supposed to. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels , are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. I can include the pictured pair of hubs and an empty metal 10.5 reel and one with tape if purchased at FULL PRICE! Price is $1499.99 starting bid.NOTE That adding this to your watch, list or your shopping cart, which I receive notifications for in hopes of getting significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK! Price of $1499.99 is the LOWEST I AM WILLING TO ACCEPT FOR THIS DECK!! If you do not agree with the price, your best option is to respectfully pass this one by!Here are the specifications:Track system: 4-track ,2-channel, stereo system Heads: 2 x record, 2 x playback, 2 x erase Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motor Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel Tape speeds: 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips Wow and flutter: 0.04% (7 1/2 IPS) Frequency response: 40Hz to 30kHz (7 1/2 IPS ) Signal to Noise Ratio: 63 dB (128DB with DBX ON) Crosstalk: 35dB PLEASE NOTE: As many of you are aware, all of my tape deck listings have moved to Reverb under DJZ Vintage Audio due to the increase in seller fees here on eBay (hence the reason for my prices being higher on here than on Reverb), so you have not seen many on here fpr several months. This is also due to several buyers who were not willing to go along with my necessary terms and conditions (which they agreed to when they made the purchase) including sending a message through eBay Member to Member messaging system and allowing me to try to rectify the problem instead of opening an eBay Return Request and consequently disrupting my workflow. I have been repairing and selling Reel to reel tape Decks for 18 years, I’ve gotten business from all over the world, have plenty of happy customers including those who worked with me anytime issues came up, and my stellar selling record on eBay And Reverb speaks for itself, So if there’s any doubt whatsoever about my honesty and integrity please check both feedback records under DJZ Vintage Audio! This is my livelihood and I am very much in this for the long haul!Please keep in mind that each deck is priced accordingly due to the quality and the amount of time and money invested in cleaning, refurbishing and testing it to ensure it arrives to its new buyer working like its supposed to. The price also includes packing, shipping and insurance costs as well! Please take into consideration that very similar or other comparable model decks are SKYROCKETING in price, including those listed in for parts or not working condition or are untested or partially tested and may or may not even be in working condition. Any customer may purchase a different deck if they feel this one is too expensive or not in their price range. I do sincerely apologize for this, but although I do have plenty of great buyers who are understanding about the challenges of restoring these tape decks, rigorously testing them; and the amount of time and money that is invested as well into restoring them, there are still several out there who just do not know any better. If youre on a budget or you do not agree with the price , then you should purchase a different deck that is more suited to your price range! But if youre looking for one that works and gets the job done whether it’s recording or tape transfers, then you’ve come to the right place! Thank you for your understanding! Local pickup is strongly recommended for those who are not very far from Central NC to save on shipping costs! Please note all local pickups are cash only! TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPDATED JAN 2023 (PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING): SHIPPING AND WARRANTY: The shipping is $125 in the lower 48 states which ALSO includes secure packing. This is a HEAVY ONE! Most boxes these decks originally come in are not suitable for reshipment and are therefore immediately discarded. This deck will be packed with large bubble wrap, dense insulated foam blocks on all sides and a new box so it arrives in one piece. In some cases, these decks are Double boxed. I make NO money whatsoever off the shipping costs (in fact, in some cases I SPEND MORE on shipping costs depending on the weight and the location of where the deck is going)! Pictures of each packing job will be taken as well and may be sent to the buyer as proof that the deck was packed properly when it left here. A LOT of money is invested in this packing material and unlike some sellers who don’t seem to care that an improperly packed deck results in a broken knob, spindle, or other damages, I spend at least a 1/2 hour packing each of these decks! Shipping insurance is also added to cover both myself and the buyer in the event something should happen during shipment rendering the deck inoperable. In the event an insurance claim needs to be filed, DO NOT discard the packing material and box! Most decks are shipped out within 24 to 48 hours when the payment clears. Please keep in mind, in some cases they may take up to 72 hours to ship out during my busy times. Also note once the deck leaves here, I have no control over how fast it gets to the buyer!A Pre shipment video of each deck operating properly will be filmed the day it ships out and it may be sent to the buyer at anytime. The buyer agrees to accept this as proof that the deck left my place in working condition (VERY few sellers actually do this for their buyers). Due to the age and vintage nature of these decks, there is no further warranty or guarantee implied, nor expressed other than the 7 day promise given as a courtesy it will arrive working as described in the listing (which begins the day the item is delivered). After the time period expires, the sale becomes final.If in any case the buyer chooses to return the deck for a refund, the buyer agrees that I require up to 3 calendar days after the returned deck is received to issue that refund. Refunds will be MINUS the shipping costs. A 15% restocking fee will apply on returns for the following reasons:Buyer changes their mind Buyer can’t afford the deck The deck was working as described but did not meet the buyer’s expectations No fault is found with the deck after testing it out (in this case, a new video will be filmed showing the deck functioning properly)Any other general reason not related to non functionality IMPORTANT: If a buyer suspects a problem with their deck after getting it, THEY MUST Send me a member to member message through eBay and allow me to chance to try to rectify the problem. DO NOT OPEN A RETURN REQUEST! Doing so creates a disruption to my shipping labels for other shipments awaiting my attention and I consider it an act of hostility, as most issues are resolved just by communicating. Documentation of the issues may be requested such as a video or written repair estimates so I know how to proceed from there: Any buyer who opens an eBay Return Request without first contacting me and allowing me to try to resolve the issue will be considered a risk to my business in the future!OTHER POLICIES:I DO NOT offer repair services to the public due to my heavy workload and because I am not set up to take in other peoples units for repair, aside from the fact not every unit is guaranteed to be fixable. I also DO NOT accept trades at this time.My terms and conditions are necessary to ensure a smooth and trouble free experience for both myself and the buyer. However, if they cannot be readily agreed to ,then you should purchase a different tape deck elsewhere and save both of us future hassles.All decks are cleaned, adjusted, serviced, and rigorously tested before they are listed to ensure they work properly. I have attempted to describe, as accurately as possible the description of every tape deck, including the cosmetic issues and any other issues that I may find and take plenty of clear pictures so you see exactly what you get. DJZ Vintage Audio is a “one and done“ shop! Any last minute adjustments or repairs may be made after final testing and before shipment to ensure maximum performance of the deck when the buyer gets it! Please keep in mind that most of these decks are 40+ years old and therefore may contain cosmetic flaws including, scuffs, marks, nicks, scratches and dings from age, handling, servicing, and past use. END


End: 18.06. 2021 21:30:29 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 510.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 203490737264
  • Counter: 326
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: fulvi_righ (76|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rolo Italien
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 43,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 31.05. 2021 21:59:19 on Monday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 456.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 203461547215
  • Counter: 665
  • Bids: 28
  • Seller: fulvi_righ (74|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rolo Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 43,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Teac X-1000R Auto-Reverse Tonbandgerät mit DBX in gutem Zustand.

End: 16.05. 2021 19:00:55 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1190.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 114797075596
  • Counter: 411
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: aldobreit (196|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Breitenberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 60,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 21.04. 2021 09:52:10 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 58.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 265052133308
  • Counter: 212
  • Seller: waymon24 (3178|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: New Hope, Alabama USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 23,31 EUR
  • on EBAY

TEAC X1000R Auto Reverse DBX RtR Deck. AS-IS With Rabbit Ears Flat $50 Shipping

End: 14.03. 2021 01:37:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 671.72 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 184627475717
  • Counter: 1303
  • Seller: lipman_r (1008|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 182,53 EUR
  • on EBAY

Teac X-1000R Auto Reverse Reel to Reel Tape Deck w DBX. Serviced. Watch Video.

End: 06.03. 2021 20:53:33 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1079.08 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 294045718044
  • Counter: 485
  • Seller: hperullo13 (1368|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 319,57 EUR
  • on EBAY

Teac x 1000 , EE-Band, DBX, 4 Spur Neu Riemen, Tonbandgerät, Bandmaschine

End: 19.02. 2021 00:04:27 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 780.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 114688395381
  • Counter: 187
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: e.miro0815 (215|97.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 95,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Teac x 1000.EE-Band, DBX, 4 Spur Neu Riemen, Tonbandgerät, Bandmaschine

End: 14.02. 2021 22:31:42 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 790.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 114675292939
  • Counter: 291
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e.miro0815 (212|97.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 95,0 EUR
  • on EBAY