tannoy dtm8 (10) |
tannoy dtm-8 (20) |
twen tone 6 (24) |
tannoy dtm 8 (33) |
tannoy dtm (35) |
tintin (54) |
Stereo 7/99 B & W DM 603, Mission 773E, Marantz CD17, Manley Stingray, Tannoy R2
End: 09.01. 2025 10:46:04 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 6.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 286242385423
- Seller: pftpft200 (1448|98.3%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Heidelberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 2,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Stereo Juli 1999. Im Heft sind unter anderem folgende Gerätebesprechungen bzw. sonstige Themen zu finden: CD-Player: Meridian 508.24 Marantz CD 17 II D/A-Wandler: Musical X 24K Cayin DA 2/96 Vollverstärker: Manley Stingray Digitalvorverstärker: Z Systems RDQ 1 Service: NF-Kabel selbst konfektionieren. Die Kabelfrage Service: Recording: CD-R gegen MD, MP3 gegen ATRAC. DT, DVD. Die Systeme im Vergleich Tuning: Am Beispiel von TEAC VRDS-25X Lautsprecher. Thiel CS .5 Tannoy R 2 Progressive Audio Elise Naim NBL passiv Mission 773 E Infinity Delta 30 Elac ELT 10 Cameleon L B & W DM 603 S2 ASW Cantius IV Accoustic Research S 50 Tonabnehmer: Clearaudio Victory Clearaudio Accurate Musik: Disney-Sound Phil Collins STEREO Testspiegel und Bestenliste: neue und frühere Geräte im Klang- und Preisvergleich Viele ausführliche CD- bzw. Plattenbesprechungen Anzeigen aus der damaligen Zeit und vieles mehr Falls nicht ausdrücklich erwähnt, sind die Hefte immer ohne CD und sonstige Beilagen. Die Hefte sind auch alle mehr oder weniger gebraucht. Es können evtl. Markierungen bei der Announcen vorhanden sein. Auch ist vereinzelt der Adressaufkleber noch ganz bzw. teilweise vorhanden, es können auch noch Reste am Heft sein. Preisausschrauben wurden in der Regel ausgefüllt bzw. auch ausgeschnitten und sonstige Vorlagen zum Herausschneiden sind in der Regel entfernt. Ab und zu ist auch eine Plattenkritik ausgeschnitten. Abholung möglich oder Versand auf Kosten des Käufers. Versand erfolgt nach Zahlungseingang. Bankdaten sind bei EBAY hinterlegt. Bezahlung muss innerhalb einer Woche erfolgen oder nach Vereinbarung mit mir. Abholung bevorzugt, ansonsten Versand & Verpackungskosten: Deutschland: 2,00 Euro. Sonst: 5 Euro. Erfüllunsort ist 69115 Heidelberg. Nach der allgemeinen Regelung des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches (BGB) trägt grundsätzlich der Käufer das Risiko des Verlusts und der Beschädigung der Ware auf dem Transportweg (§ 447 Abs.1 BGB). Der Versand der Ware geschieht also auf Risiko des Käufers. Versicherter Versand optional möglich, dann: 3,00 Euro extra. Dieses Angebot ist privater, nicht gewerblicher Natur. „Verkauf gebrauchter Ware von Privat“. Keine Haftung für Tippfehler. Bei Abholung 2 Monate Funktionsgarantie, sonst: Verkauf abweichend vom geltenden Recht. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes verzichten Sie auf die gesetzlichen Garantie- und Gewährleistungsansprüche sowie auf Ihr Rückgaberecht (ausser bei Abholung). Mehrere Hefte können zusammen verschickt werden. Porto richtet sich dann nach der aktuellen Postpreisliste. z. Bspl. innerhalb Deutschlands gilt dann: Bis 500 gr. kostet ein Brief 2 Euro, bis 1 kg kostet der Brief 2,60 (das sind in der Regel 2 Hefte). Darüber entweder 2 Sendungen für 4 Euro (falls Gewicht unter 2 kg, aber über 1 kg), darüber 5,0 Euro mit Hermesversand (damit können ca. 25 Hefte verschickt werden) ================================================================================= ** Paypal possible - please ask / then shipping via registered mail which is 3,00 Euro extra ** ** Paypal ist möglich - bitte anfragen, ich sende dann eine Paypalrechnung. Das kostet 3 Euro mehr, ** ** da ich dann die Sendung als Einschreiben versenden muss ** =================================================================================
Stereo 7/99 B & W DM 603, Mission 773E, Marantz CD17, Manley Stingray, Tannoy R2
End: 25.11. 2024 12:10:48 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 6.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 285930185202
- Seller: pftpft200 (1440|98.6%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Heidelberg
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 2,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Stereo Juli 1999. Im Heft sind unter anderem folgende Gerätebesprechungen bzw. sonstige Themen zu finden: CD-Player: Meridian 508.24 Marantz CD 17 II D/A-Wandler: Musical X 24K Cayin DA 2/96 Vollverstärker: Manley Stingray Digitalvorverstärker: Z Systems RDQ 1 Service: NF-Kabel selbst konfektionieren. Die Kabelfrage Service: Recording: CD-R gegen MD, MP3 gegen ATRAC. DT, DVD. Die Systeme im Vergleich Tuning: Am Beispiel von TEAC VRDS-25X Lautsprecher. Thiel CS .5 Tannoy R 2 Progressive Audio Elise Naim NBL passiv Mission 773 E Infinity Delta 30 Elac ELT 10 Cameleon L B & W DM 603 S2 ASW Cantius IV Accoustic Research S 50 Tonabnehmer: Clearaudio Victory Clearaudio Accurate Musik: Disney-Sound Phil Collins STEREO Testspiegel und Bestenliste: neue und frühere Geräte im Klang- und Preisvergleich Viele ausführliche CD- bzw. Plattenbesprechungen Anzeigen aus der damaligen Zeit und vieles mehr Falls nicht ausdrücklich erwähnt, sind die Hefte immer ohne CD und sonstige Beilagen. Die Hefte sind auch alle mehr oder weniger gebraucht. Es können evtl. Markierungen bei der Announcen vorhanden sein. Auch ist vereinzelt der Adressaufkleber noch ganz bzw. teilweise vorhanden, es können auch noch Reste am Heft sein. Preisausschrauben wurden in der Regel ausgefüllt bzw. auch ausgeschnitten und sonstige Vorlagen zum Herausschneiden sind in der Regel entfernt. Ab und zu ist auch eine Plattenkritik ausgeschnitten. Abholung möglich oder Versand auf Kosten des Käufers. Versand erfolgt nach Zahlungseingang. Bankdaten sind bei EBAY hinterlegt. Bezahlung muss innerhalb einer Woche erfolgen oder nach Vereinbarung mit mir. Abholung bevorzugt, ansonsten Versand & Verpackungskosten: Deutschland: 2,00 Euro. Sonst: 5 Euro. Erfüllunsort ist 69115 Heidelberg. Nach der allgemeinen Regelung des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches (BGB) trägt grundsätzlich der Käufer das Risiko des Verlusts und der Beschädigung der Ware auf dem Transportweg (§ 447 Abs.1 BGB). Der Versand der Ware geschieht also auf Risiko des Käufers. Versicherter Versand optional möglich, dann: 3,00 Euro extra. Dieses Angebot ist privater, nicht gewerblicher Natur. „Verkauf gebrauchter Ware von Privat“. Keine Haftung für Tippfehler. Bei Abholung 2 Monate Funktionsgarantie, sonst: Verkauf abweichend vom geltenden Recht. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes verzichten Sie auf die gesetzlichen Garantie- und Gewährleistungsansprüche sowie auf Ihr Rückgaberecht (ausser bei Abholung). Mehrere Hefte können zusammen verschickt werden. Porto richtet sich dann nach der aktuellen Postpreisliste. z. Bspl. innerhalb Deutschlands gilt dann: Bis 500 gr. kostet ein Brief 2 Euro, bis 1 kg kostet der Brief 2,60 (das sind in der Regel 2 Hefte). Darüber entweder 2 Sendungen für 4 Euro (falls Gewicht unter 2 kg, aber über 1 kg), darüber 5,0 Euro mit Hermesversand (damit können ca. 25 Hefte verschickt werden) ================================================================================= ** Paypal possible - please ask / then shipping via registered mail which is 3,00 Euro extra ** ** Paypal ist möglich - bitte anfragen, ich sende dann eine Paypalrechnung. Das kostet 3 Euro mehr, ** ** da ich dann die Sendung als Einschreiben versenden muss ** =================================================================================
1 Paar Tannoy Reveal 402, Aktiver Studio Nahfeldmonitor
End: 23.05. 2024 08:29:23 on Thursday
TANNOY Aktiver 2-Wege Nahfeldmonitor Reveal 5A, 240636
End: 03.04. 2024 17:44:54 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 49.9 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 386837532812
- Seller: con-shop-com (13234|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: München, Bayern
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 9,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Besuchen Sie auch unseren neuen Internet Shop unter: TANNOY Aktiver 2-Wege Nahfeldmonitor Reveal 5A Hersteller, Typ & Einstellnummer: TANNOY Aktiver 2-Wege Nahfeldmonitor Reveal 5A, 240636 Serien Nummer: 80013325080822811804 Boxen-Typ: Kompaktboxen [ ] Regalboxen [ X ] Standboxen [ ] VDE 0701/0702 Prüfnummer: A240297 Zustand: gebraucht second hand geprüft checked funktioniert is working Kondition, Fehler und Mängel: Voll funktionstüchtig. Keine technischen Mängel feststellbar. Magnetisch abgeschirmt. 5 Woofer, 1 Softdome Neodynium Tweeter Biamping: Endstufen: LF: 40 W, HF: 20 W Technische Daten: Leistung 40 + 20 Watt Frequenzbereich 65 Hz - 30 kHz Eingebaute Lautsprecher 2 Impedanz / ? Anschluss [ X ] Klemmen [ X ] Stecker XLR / Klinke [ ] Kabel [ ] Bi-Wiring [ ] [ ] Besonderheiten: Leistungsjustierung an der Front Gewicht ohne Verpackung (Netto): 7,2 kg Maße (Länge x Höhe x Tiefe): 180 x 300 x 310 mm Versand: Der Versand erfolgt mit DHL Farbe: Schwarzes Gehäuse, blaue Front Zubehör: Netzkabel / -teil [ nicht Vorhanden ] Fernbedienung [ nicht Vorhanden ] Bedienungsanleitung [ nicht Vorhanden ] Originalverpackung [ nicht Vorhanden ] Lieferumfang: Wie beschrieben. Zur Information Sollten Sie technische Probleme mit der gelieferten Ware haben, dann schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail unter der im Widerrufsrecht hinterlegten E-Mail Adresse. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung EINGESTELLT MIT
TANNOY Aktiver 2-Wege Nahfeldmonitor Reveal 5A, 240637
End: 03.04. 2024 17:44:32 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 49.9 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 355519653402
- Seller: con-shop-com (13234|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: München, Bayern
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 9,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Besuchen Sie auch unseren neuen Internet Shop unter: TANNOY Aktiver 2-Wege Nahfeldmonitor Reveal 5A Hersteller, Typ & Einstellnummer: TANNOY Aktiver 2-Wege Nahfeldmonitor Reveal 5A, 240637 Serien Nummer: 80013325080822811805 Boxen-Typ: Kompaktboxen [ ] Regalboxen [ X ] Standboxen [ ] VDE 0701/0702 Prüfnummer: A240297 Zustand: gebraucht second hand geprüft checked funktioniert is working Kondition, Fehler und Mängel: Voll funktionstüchtig. Keine technischen Mängel feststellbar. Magnetisch abgeschirmt. 5 Woofer, 1 Softdome Neodynium Tweeter Biamping: Endstufen: LF: 40 W, HF: 20 W Technische Daten: Leistung 40 + 20 Watt Frequenzbereich 65 Hz - 30 kHz Eingebaute Lautsprecher 2 Impedanz / ? Anschluss [ X ] Klemmen [ X ] Stecker XLR / Klinke [ ] Kabel [ ] Bi-Wiring [ ] [ ] Besonderheiten: Leistungsjustierung an der Front Gewicht ohne Verpackung (Netto): 7,2 kg Maße (Länge x Höhe x Tiefe): 180 x 300 x 310 mm Versand: Der Versand erfolgt mit DHL Farbe: Schwarzes Gehäuse, blaue Front Zubehör: Netzkabel / -teil [ nicht Vorhanden ] Fernbedienung [ nicht Vorhanden ] Bedienungsanleitung [ nicht Vorhanden ] Originalverpackung [ nicht Vorhanden ] Lieferumfang: Wie beschrieben. Zur Information Sollten Sie technische Probleme mit der gelieferten Ware haben, dann schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail unter der im Widerrufsrecht hinterlegten E-Mail Adresse. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung EINGESTELLT MIT
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 03.11. 2023 02:13:01 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 551.52 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204517669497
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (592|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 27.10. 2023 02:12:49 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 555.32 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204508186439
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (592|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 20.10. 2023 02:12:25 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 545.95 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204498484609
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (569|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 13.10. 2023 02:11:54 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 553.74 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204487628154
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (567|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 06.10. 2023 02:11:35 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 548.8 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204479896743
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (566|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 27.09. 2023 20:41:45 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 660.15 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204470240758
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (560|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 18.09. 2023 17:49:35 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 709.58 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204458265558
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (559|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 11.09. 2023 17:49:07 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 711.27 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204450802566
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (557|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 04.09. 2023 17:48:48 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 712.55 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204443082527
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (554|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy Goodmans 4" ICT Dual Concentric Speaker Driver 628
End: 09.08. 2023 19:58:09 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 13.83 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 125965987292
- Seller: rosenkrux (1885|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Burntisland
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 3,84 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy Goodmans 4 ICT Dual Concentric Speaker Driver 628. Excellent used condition. Some black paint around outer edges of metal fronts.
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 31.07. 2023 17:46:49 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 742.77 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204407017706
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (549|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
Tannoy System 12 DMT II STUDIO monitor pair,Good Working condition No Reserve
End: 30.07. 2023 16:25:05 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 927.53 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 285400731556
- Bids: 0
- Seller: sawyersauctions (395|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Lynchburg, South Carolina
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II STUDIO monitor pair,Good Working condition No Reserve. Selling for my friend who owns a recording studio. These are great working condition with the cabinets showing wear. They weigh 75 lbs each boxed . No grill covers. Ill be glad to answer any questions please look at the pictures as they are part of the description. This is a no reserve auction so good luck bidders. I will ship for actual cost plus 20 dollar handling cost. 1 monitor is 18x18x27@75lbs shipping from 29080 i will not relist these
Tannoy System 12 DMT II STUDIO monitor pair,Good Working condition No Reserve
End: 25.07. 2023 06:43:24 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 917.57 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 285388106314
- Bids: 1
- Seller: sawyersauctions (392|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: North Baltimore, Ohio
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II STUDIO monitor pair,Good Working condition No Reserve. Selling for my friend who owns a recording studio. These are great working condition with the cabinets showing wear. They weigh 75 lbs each boxed . No grill covers. Ill be glad to answer any questions please look at the pictures as they are part of the description. This is a no reserve auction so good luck bidders. I will ship for actual cost plus 20 dollar handling cost. 1 monitor is 18x18x27@75lbs shipping from 29080
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.
End: 24.07. 2023 17:45:22 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 735.73 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 204399787261
- Bids: 0
- Seller: ken4a37 (548|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Morton, Illinois
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy System 12 DMT II (a Single) Professional Studio Monitor Slightly used.This has been professionally reconed by an authorized Tannoy service center.There are a few cosmetic imperfections (shown in the photos) nothing serious.Tested and sounds great! Here are Tannoys specs: Designed for midfield use in major studios or as a main monitor for smaller control rooms and mobile studios, the System 12 DMT II offers the more critical engineer accurate, reference sound quality for music or broadcast monitoring. State-of-the-art design and material technology have advanced the System 12 DMT II a long way from its predecessor, the industry standard Tannoy Little Red. With the latest enclosure and crossover construction these new phase coherent 12 inch Dual Concentric systems offer exceptional transparency and pin point stereo accuracy making them fatigue free and consistently reliable for short or long sessions.12 inch full-range point source Dual Concentric DMT driverHigh sensitivity, high power designHF waveguide for ideal spherical high frequency wavefrontCompression moulded Nitrile HF surroundUser replaceable self-centring HF diaphragm assemblyHF coil wound with rectangular section copper-clad alumminium wireMagnetic fluid cooled coil using latest high performance fluidStrip leadouts for improved reliabilityFelt damping plug behind HF dome to reduce cavity resonancesInjection moulded LF coneAnti diffraction ring reduces HF diffraction due to LF roll surroundLF coil wound with rectangular section copper wirePolypropylene DMT HF Mega capacitorFilm capacitors throughoutBi-Wired gold-plated terminalsBraced cabinet/driver energy damping systemRugged cabinet styling comprising high pressure twin laminatedMDF walls within a grey soft-texture space-frameVented, die-cast drive unit chassis increases heat dissipation and power handlingResistive port design using twin laminar flow tubesSplit crossover, with inductor remotely mountedCustom manufactured woven internal wiringFive year warrantyTechnical SpecificationsRECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER POWER 50 to 300 wattsDISPERSION 90 degrees conicalPEAK POWER HANDLING 450 wattsCROSSOVER FREQUENCY 1.4 kHzNOMINAL IMPEDANCE 8 ohmsCROSSOVER TYPE Second-order, overdamped low frequency; first order high frequency. Positive acoustic polaritySENSITIVITY (2.83 volts @ 1m) 96dBFREQUENCY RESPONSE (±3 dB) 40Hz - 25kHzDISTORTION Less than 0.5% 40Hz - 25kHzDRIVE UNIT TYPE 12 inch 3136GG Dual ConcentricPHASE RESPONSE System behaves substantially as a frequency-independent time delayCROSSOVER CONTROLS Treble energy range 2 kHz - 25 kHz +1.5 dB, level, -1.5 dBCabinet SpecificationsCABINET INTERNAL VOLUME 70 litresCABINET WEIGHT 32 kg (70.5 lbs)CABINET MATERIAL MDF (30mm - front and back; 20.6mm - top, bottom and sides) with energy absorbing bracing matrix and TF-2 acoustic wadding.SHIPPING DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) Approximately 745 x 495 x 485mm (29.3 x 19.5 x 19.1 inch)CABINET FINISH Velti shadow grey soft-texture finish. High pressure twin laminate in shadow grey with metallic speckled finish on top, bottom and sides.SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 37 kg (81.6 lbs)GRILLE Single piece, black acoustically transparent material over a rigid frameCABINET DIMENSIONS (H x W x D) 645 x 420 x 390mm (25.4 x 16.5 x 15.4 inch)
2 X tannoy NFM8DMT crossover speaker
End: 21.07. 2023 13:04:47 on Friday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 29.26 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 155669528771
- Bids: 0
- Seller: illyrian-1 (37|97.4%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 34,66 EUR
- on EBAY
tannoy NFM8DMT crossover speaker. Untested see photos
2 X tannoy NFM8DMT crossover speaker
End: 16.07. 2023 13:04:15 on Sunday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 28.97 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 155660509654
- Bids: 0
- Seller: illyrian-1 (37|97.4%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 34,68 EUR
- on EBAY
tannoy NFM8DMT crossover speaker. Untested see photos
2 X tannoy NFM8DMT crossover speaker
End: 06.07. 2023 13:03:11 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 29.02 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 155640322912
- Bids: 0
- Seller: illyrian-1 (36|97.4%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 34,61 EUR
- on EBAY
tannoy NFM8DMT crossover speaker. Untested see photos
Tannoy Speakers SYSTEM 12 DMT MK2 Dual Concentric Professional Monitors
End: 03.07. 2023 18:12:23 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1631.13 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266304007371
- Seller: retro-tech66 (75|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Walsall
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Tannoy Speakers - DMT12 - SYSTEM 12 Dual Concentric Professional Monitors These where the monitors of choice in the 90s now people have moved on to ATCwhich gives the HI-Fi enthusiast a chance to own professional quality at affordable prices. These sound great easily as good as the golds and reds and In a professional quality enclosure rather than a flappy wooden box like most of the older Tannoys. These are the more desirable mk2s which are deeper and have a better bottom end. They sound absolutely great on rock music, the handle the high volume without getting flustered. These sound great and are not in bad cosmetic condition but have some marks. Theres a slight mark on one of the rubber surrounds but its not a split and has no effect on the sound. Pickup (as they are very heavy) from Walsall or High Wycombe or could meet up along the M40
Ricone Kid und Tweeter für Tannoy System10 DMTII (paarweise) 7900 0312 Typ 3507
End: 27.05. 2023 21:09:02 on Saturday
- Condition: New
- Price: 300.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 325663711006
- Seller: trautfreital (87|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Freital, Mozartstrasse 9
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 5,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Ricone Kid und Tweeter für Tannoy System10 DMTII (paarweise),also je zwei Hochtöner und je zwei Recone kids. Ich wende mich vorzugsweise an Lautsprechermanufakturen oder Reparaturbetriebe. Der Einbau der hier angebotenen Artikel erfordert Fachkenntnis.Die Artikel sind original verpackt. Zu Kontrollzwecken habe ich die Verpackungen einmal geöffnet. Vorsicht beim Handeln, um die Schwingspule nicht zu beschädigen. ACHTUNG! Das Recone Kit besteht nur aus Tief/Mitteltonmembran.Korb und Magnet sind NICHT dabei! .Der Verpackung liegt eine Übersetzung aus dem englischen zur Vorgehensweise bei. Dies ist ein Privatverkauf. Keine Rücknahme! Ich bitte deshalb die Hinweise zu beachten.
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