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SONY TC-153SD portable Cassette Deck

End: 30.11. 2024 11:16:13 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 129.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 356285353914
  • Seller: te_mumte_tvijicx (242|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ljubljana Slowenien
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY TC-153SD portable Cassette DeckHere we have a refurbished Sony TC-153SD portable cassette player. Its similar to the TC-D5, however much larger and cheaper. It has F&F heads, which are known to have a long life and unique sound quality. The belts have been replaced and the Wow and Flutter are within spec. Playback and Recording are both great. Included with the player is the strap for portability, Sony RCA cables, Din to Rca cable, DIN microphone and the cables to run the player from an outlet. The player is in okay condition with clear signs of wear, with scratches and dents. I will also include five cassettes, Type 1 and 2 casettes. Feel free to ask any questions

Kassettendeck Sony TC-153SD

End: 01.10. 2024 19:35:12 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135271214649
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: alfa26-3 (226|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Korntal-Münchingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Kassettendeck Sony  TC-153SDAus Sammlungsauflsung.Nicht geprft.

Kassettendeck Sony TC-153SD

End: 26.09. 2024 19:35:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135261450060
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: alfa26-3 (226|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Korntal-Münchingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Kassettendeck Sony  TC-153SDAus Sammlungsauflsung.Nicht geprft.

Kassettendeck Sony TC-153SD

End: 21.09. 2024 19:32:50 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135251965895
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: alfa26-3 (225|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Korntal-Münchingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Kassettendeck Sony  TC-153SDAus Sammlungsauflsung.Nicht geprft.

Kassettendeck Sony TC-153SD

End: 01.09. 2024 19:30:45 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135215133490
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: alfa26-3 (225|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Korntal-Münchingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Kassettendeck Sony  TC-153SDAus Sammlungsauflsung.Nicht geprft.

SONY TC-153SD Registratore stereo cassette portatile Reporter Vintage Anni 80

End: 27.05. 2024 10:48:42 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 118.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 226154306580
  • Bids: 12
  • Seller: 45-giri (264|98.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: cascina, PI Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY TC-153SD Registratore stereo cassette portatile Reporter Vintage Anni 80Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Corder. Vintage Anni 80 Testato con il cavo elettrico .....funzionante.....non testato con le batterie !Condizioni estetiche molto buone; unico difetto mancante tappino su cintura ( perfettamente utilizzabile anche senza....solo estetico)Spedizione 13 euro ( oggetto molto pesante)Foreigners are welcome, before bidding, please ask for a correct shipping cost! X INFO PREGO CONTATTARE

Sony TC-153SD Cassettenrecorder RAR bitte lesen

End: 16.03. 2024 17:42:36 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326044444381
  • Seller: audiomobil2001 (1640|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony TC-153SD Cassettenrecorder RAR bitte lesenVerkaufe aus meiner Sammlung einen seltenen Sony Cassettenrecorder.Eben nochmal getestetSpulen in beide Richtungen okAbspielen ok VU Meter ok (siehe Foto)Abhören über internen Lautsprecher ohne Kratzen ok Zustand siehe Bilder Siehe meine anderen Auktionen – see my other auctions For international bidders - please ask before bidding - postage costs may vary by country Sales from private, no guarantee, no returnSee pictures – if questions please ask before the auction has ended. Bitte vor dem Bieten lesen. Allgemein:In den kommenden Monaten werde ich einen Nachlass, einen Teil meiner Sammlungen und diverse andere Artikel verkaufen – wenn ich durchhalte, sind es viele hundert Produkte.Alles wurde in den letzten 30 Jahren gesammelt und sorgsam trockenen, beheizten Räumen aufbewahrt. Wir sind ein Nichtraucherhaushalt. Wir hatten und haben keine Haustiere. Jeder einzelne Gegenstand wurde gereinigt und bestmöglich erhalten. Den Zustand entnehmen Sie bitte den Bildern. Siehe meine Bewertungen in den vergangenen 22 Jahren – nie neutral oder negativ.Sollten trotz allem Fragen bleiben, bitte ich Sie diese vor der Auktion an mich zu richten. Trotz der Anzahl der Bewertungen und der Dauer meiner Ebayzugehörigkeit habe ich es immer als Hobby betrieben und bis auf ganz wenige Ausnahmen mit Betrugsverkäufern verlief es in 99% der Fälle ok. Ich bin kein Shop und auch nicht Amazon, dies bitte ich im Hinterkopf zu behalten. Nur wer freundlich und respektvoll mit mir kommuniziert wird eine Antwort erhalten! Versand:Grundsätzlich versende ich nur im versicherten Paket der DHL zum Selbstkostenpreis, was bei einem 2KG Paket 1,50 Mehrkosten gegenüber einem unversicherten Päckchen ausmacht. Wer dies nicht möchte, den bitte ich hier nicht zu bieten. Davon mache ich auch auf Nachfrage keine Ausnahme.Aufgrund von negativen Erfahrungen mit EBAY gelten außerdem folgende ergänzende Bedingungen. Kommt die Sendung zuru?ck, weil nicht zustellbar oder die Sendung wurde nicht beim DHL Shop abgeholt, werde ich eine 2. Zustellung vornehmen, sobald das Versandentgelt unaufgefordert (!) ein zweites Mal bezahlt wurde. Nach 14 Tagen erlöschen Ansprüche auf eine 2te Zusendung, wenn nicht vorher anders mit mir abgestimmt.Dazu ergänzend – fast alles was aus dem Nachlass verkauft wird ist 20 oder mehr Jahre alt. Selbst wenn Produkte hier tadellos funktioniert haben, ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass der Transport Schäden aufgrund Materialermüdung o.ä. hervorruft. Dieses Risiko ist vom Käufer zu tragen oder er muß die Ware abholen. Ich werde bestmöglich verpacken und es gab diesbezüglich noch nie Kritik oder beschädigte Ware. Trotzdem hat der Käufer bei Entgegennahme der Ware darauf zu achten, dass der Karton unbeschädigt angekommen ist. Ist dies nicht der Fall muß dies vor Ort reklamiert werden, denn nur dann greift der Versicherungsanspruch gegenüber der DHL. Bezahlung:Es sollte heute selbstverständlich sein, dass man gekaufte Ware sofort bezahlt.Ist die Ware nicht innerhalb von 7 Tagen bezahlt - Paypal oder Überweisung – werde ich weitere Kommunikation dazu an das Ebay Mahnverfahren übergeben. Privatauktion: Bei dieser Auktion handelt es sich um einen Kaufvertrag von Privat an Privat nach § 13 BGB. Die Auktion erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung, Garantie und Rücknahme. Gemäß § 447 BGB gilt, dass mit Übergabe an den Versand die Gefahr auf den Käufer übergeht -> deshalb immer versicherter Versand. Laut dem neuen EU-Recht muss dieser Zusatz unter jeder Online-Auktion stehen, ansonsten haftet der Verkäufer ein ganzes Jahr für die verkaufte Ware. Dies steht aber oft in keinem Verhältnis zum Wert der Ware. Bieten Sie bitte nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind.

sony tc-153sd

End: 23.02. 2024 14:58:06 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 150.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 14:35:15
  • Item number: 404758958386
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Keego Harbor,MI,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Sony TC-153SD cassette tape deck has a rugged design that enhances your recording experience. With this tape deck, you can record music in high-quality, edit and dub cassettes to other tapes or even to other sources. The Sony TC-153SD has a recording level indicator that will always show you when the recording is in progress. The deck also comes with a variety of functions that make it easy to use for recording and playback. With the Sony TC-153SD, you can easily get high-quality sound output, thanks to its innovative design.

Sony TC 153SD - portable Cassette Recorder - ok - bitte lesen

End: 04.02. 2024 20:25:20 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 89.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325958258509
  • Seller: audiomobil2001 (1617|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hamburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony TC 153SD - portable Cassette Recorder - ok - bitte lesenHabe ihn eben ausprobiert (Netzkabel)Laufwerksfunktionen okMusik wird abgespieltAufnahme nicht getestetVU Meter ok Aufgrund der Standzeit ist es aber sicher ratsam, wenn es nicht wie bei mir nur in einer Sammlung stehen soll, es zu revidieren. Zustand siehe Bilder Siehe meine anderen Auktionen – see my other auctions For international bidders - please ask before bidding - postage costs may vary by country Sales from private, no guarantee, no returnSee pictures – if questions please ask before the auction has ended. Bitte vor dem Bieten lesen. Allgemein:In den kommenden Monaten werde ich einen Nachlass, einen Teil meiner Sammlungen und diverse andere Artikel verkaufen – wenn ich durchhalte, sind es viele hundert Produkte.Alles wurde in den letzten 30 Jahren gesammelt und sorgsam trockenen, beheizten Räumen aufbewahrt. Wir sind ein Nichtraucherhaushalt. Wir hatten und haben keine Haustiere. Jeder einzelne Gegenstand wurde gereinigt und bestmöglich erhalten. Den Zustand entnehmen Sie bitte den Bildern. Siehe meine Bewertungen in den vergangenen 22 Jahren – nie neutral oder negativ.Sollten trotz allem Fragen bleiben, bitte ich Sie diese vor der Auktion an mich zu richten. Trotz der Anzahl der Bewertungen und der Dauer meiner Ebayzugehörigkeit habe ich es immer als Hobby betrieben und bis auf ganz wenige Ausnahmen mit Betrugsverkäufern verlief es in 99% der Fälle ok. Ich bin kein Shop und auch nicht Amazon, dies bitte ich im Hinterkopf zu behalten. Nur wer freundlich und respektvoll mit mir kommuniziert wird eine Antwort erhalten! Versand:Grundsätzlich versende ich nur im versicherten Paket der DHL zum Selbstkostenpreis, was bei einem 2KG Paket 1,50 Mehrkosten gegenüber einem unversicherten Päckchen ausmacht. Wer dies nicht möchte, den bitte ich hier nicht zu bieten. Davon mache ich auch auf Nachfrage keine Ausnahme.Aufgrund von negativen Erfahrungen mit EBAY gelten außerdem folgende ergänzende Bedingungen. Kommt die Sendung zuru?ck, weil nicht zustellbar oder die Sendung wurde nicht beim DHL Shop abgeholt, werde ich eine 2. Zustellung vornehmen, sobald das Versandentgelt unaufgefordert (!) ein zweites Mal bezahlt wurde. Nach 14 Tagen erlöschen Ansprüche auf eine 2te Zusendung, wenn nicht vorher anders mit mir abgestimmt.Dazu ergänzend – fast alles was aus dem Nachlass verkauft wird ist 20 oder mehr Jahre alt. Selbst wenn Produkte hier tadellos funktioniert haben, ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass der Transport Schäden aufgrund Materialermüdung o.ä. hervorruft. Dieses Risiko ist vom Käufer zu tragen oder er muß die Ware abholen. Ich werde bestmöglich verpacken und es gab diesbezüglich noch nie Kritik oder beschädigte Ware. Trotzdem hat der Käufer bei Entgegennahme der Ware darauf zu achten, dass der Karton unbeschädigt angekommen ist. Ist dies nicht der Fall muß dies vor Ort reklamiert werden, denn nur dann greift der Versicherungsanspruch gegenüber der DHL. Bezahlung:Es sollte heute selbstverständlich sein, dass man gekaufte Ware sofort bezahlt.Ist die Ware nicht innerhalb von 7 Tagen bezahlt - Paypal oder Überweisung – werde ich weitere Kommunikation dazu an das Ebay Mahnverfahren übergeben. Privatauktion: Bei dieser Auktion handelt es sich um einen Kaufvertrag von Privat an Privat nach § 13 BGB. Die Auktion erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung, Garantie und Rücknahme. Gemäß § 447 BGB gilt, dass mit Übergabe an den Versand die Gefahr auf den Käufer übergeht -> deshalb immer versicherter Versand. Laut dem neuen EU-Recht muss dieser Zusatz unter jeder Online-Auktion stehen, ansonsten haftet der Verkäufer ein ganzes Jahr für die verkaufte Ware. Dies steht aber oft in keinem Verhältnis zum Wert der Ware. Bieten Sie bitte nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind.

sony tc-153sd

End: 19.01. 2024 12:34:21 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 136.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 404682028778
  • Seller: pathwaymarketkeego (25|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Keego Harbor, Michigan USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The Sony TC-153SD cassette tape deck has a rugged design that enhances your recording experience. With this tape deck, you can record music in high-quality, edit and dub cassettes to other tapes or even to other sources. The Sony TC-153SD has a recording level indicator that will always show you when the recording is in progress. The deck also comes with a variety of functions that make it easy to use for recording and playback. With the Sony TC-153SD, you can easily get high-quality sound output, thanks to its innovative design.


End: 16.01. 2024 04:05:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 69.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:34:40
  • Item number: 296111398600
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Berlin,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 9,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY TC-153SD REPORTER KASSETTENRECORDER TRAGBAR 80er JAHRE in DEFEKTZustand / Condition: Funktioniert, aber der linke Level Zeiger zittert sehr stark und die Musik wird scheppernd und nicht korrekt abgespielt. Also zum basteln. Schaut auch nach meinen anderen Auktionen.

SONY TC-153SD Portable Reporters Cassette Tape Machine Working but Slow FF & RW

End: 01.01. 2024 18:51:54 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 110.22 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:15:41
  • Item number: 196110481909
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Großbritannien Großbritannien
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 33,39 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY TC-153SD Portable Reporters Cassette  Tape Machine Working but Slow FF & RWWe use a 24 hour courier service but please allow up to 3 days handling time as a lot of our items are large and timeconsuming to package. Many thanks :) We reply to emails between 9am - 5pm (Monday - Saturday) Here we have a working Sony TC-153SD portable tape machine. It sounds great and plays very well, but is quite slow to rewind and fast forward, so will need a new set of belts. due to this is is sold as Repairs, with no return policy. Superb condition, with very little in the way of cosmetic imperfections. the battery compartment it very clean with no battery leakage. NO mains lead. Please inspect the pictures (please also use the zoom function on the photos) and be sure of what you are buying, please don’t buy this if you are at all unsure, I will answer any questions you have, just email BEFORE PURCHASING. This is a used item and has been fairly described to the best of our ability. If you are not happy with any item, we can arrange collection from you for a full refund (even if you are outside the UK) We will not provide any partial refunds and will not cover any restoration, detailed or internal cleaning, repairs or modification costs. Any questions regarding out of eBay deals will be ignored Any items suspected missing in transit, must be reported to us within 10 days. Shipping We ship using a 24 hour courier. Please allow up to 3 days handling time as a lot of our items are large and take time to package well. Collections Collections from our unit in Bordon are available on Wednesdays and Fridays. Visit our storeHi-Fi Hangar Vintage hifi specialists Other PROJECTS, SPARES & REPAIRS HI-FI & AUDIO EQUIPMENT AMPLIFIERS DISK PLAYERS (CD/DVD/MD/SACD) TUNERS CASSETTE/TAPE DECKS SPEAKERS STUDIO EQUIPMENT TURNTABLES/RECORD PLAYERS CARTRIDGES TONEARMS MERCHANDISE T-SHIRTS ACCESSORIES Payment We take payment through the ebay managed payment system, Shipping We ship using a 24 hour courier. Please allow up to 3 days handling time as a lot of our items are large and take time to package well. _gsrx_vers_1608 (GS 9.5 (1608))


End: 15.09. 2023 23:14:42 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 57.44 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 314805276022
  • Seller: realcollectfour (611|97.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sutton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 9,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY TC153SD VINTAGE CASSETTE PLAYER/RECORDER,TC-153SD.. Lovely machine thats in superb condition. Cant test it as I dont have the power cable for it. Tried to test with batteries but it didnt work but not sure if thats down to the usual issues of old battery connections wearing out. Priced low so if it is working then you have a bargain and if not it can be repaired or used for spares. Will be sent well packaged to ensure it reaches you safely.

Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED

End: 13.08. 2023 13:23:32 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 13.82 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204420411243
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: overlord500 (1897|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wallingford, Vermont USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 64,42 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTEDVintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED. So, my dad just brought this to me as hes cleaning the house I grew up in. I BELIEVE that my brother or I bought this at a tag sale in the mid 1990s and gave it to my dad as he was always recording us (his kids) at concerts, etc. Not video, just audio. We figured this was an upgrade from the tiny Radio Shack recorder he used. I BELIEVE it worked fully when we gave it to him. I removed four rusty/corroded dry cell D batteries from it. One of the springs appears to have rusted off. However, you can power this device with either a wall cord (not included) or a 6 volt AC Adapter (also not included). I have NOT tested this. However, I might try to hunt down an AC Adapter to try it in the next few days. I will update the listing if I discover anything. As far as condition: I have not cleaned it. Everything is there as it should be and everything (switches, eject, etc) appear to work as they should. No missing dials, etc. The strap is there, too, as pictured. The one visible issue is that the aluminum strip that is on the top front has come unglued and is peeling up. It could easily be glued down, but its slightly bent in places, so it would never look perfect. Rather than list ton of details, Ill defer to vintage audio sites that can tell you more about this device (from the late 1970s). Check out here: And... I have enough vintage electronics to play with, so this one is up for sale. Hopefully someone can use it or fix it or can use parts of it for another... Just would hate to see it pitched into the electronics bin at the transfer station. Arent cassettes having a renaissance moment anyway? :)


End: 12.08. 2023 18:12:31 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 65.42 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166265522848
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: goombahmoney (370|97.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Valdosta, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 69,94 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description


Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED

End: 30.07. 2023 13:21:20 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 23.06 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204405831401
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: overlord500 (1892|99.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wallingford, Vermont USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 63,85 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED. So, my dad just brought this to me as hes cleaning the house I grew up in. I BELIEVE that my brother or I bought this at a tag sale in the mid 1990s and gave it to my dad as he was always recording us (his kids) at concerts, etc. Not video, just audio. We figured this was an upgrade from the tiny Radio Shack recorder he used. I BELIEVE it worked fully when we gave it to him. I removed four rusty/corroded dry cell D batteries from it. One of the springs appears to have rusted off. However, you can power this device with either a wall cord (not included) or a 6 volt AC Adapter (also not included). I have NOT tested this. However, I might try to hunt down an AC Adapter to try it in the next few days. I will update the listing if I discover anything. As far as condition: I have not cleaned it. Everything is there as it should be and everything (switches, eject, etc) appear to work as they should. No missing dials, etc. The strap is there, too, as pictured. The one visible issue is that the aluminum strip that is on the top front has come unglued and is peeling up. It could easily be glued down, but its slightly bent in places, so it would never look perfect. Rather than list ton of details, Ill defer to vintage audio sites that can tell you more about this device (from the late 1970s). Check out here: And... I have enough vintage electronics to play with, so this one is up for sale. Hopefully someone can use it or fix it or can use parts of it for another... Just would hate to see it pitched into the electronics bin at the transfer station. Arent cassettes having a renaissance moment anyway? :)

Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED

End: 23.07. 2023 13:20:56 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 22.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204398467333
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: overlord500 (1889|99.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wallingford, Vermont USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 63,22 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED. So, my dad just brought this to me as hes cleaning the house I grew up in. I BELIEVE that my brother or I bought this at a tag sale in the mid 1990s and gave it to my dad as he was always recording us (his kids) at concerts, etc. Not video, just audio. We figured this was an upgrade from the tiny Radio Shack recorder he used. I BELIEVE it worked fully when we gave it to him. I removed four rusty/corroded dry cell D batteries from it. One of the springs appears to have rusted off. However, you can power this device with either a wall cord (not included) or a 6 volt AC Adapter (also not included). I have NOT tested this. However, I might try to hunt down an AC Adapter to try it in the next few days. I will update the listing if I discover anything. As far as condition: I have not cleaned it. Everything is there as it should be and everything (switches, eject, etc) appear to work as they should. No missing dials, etc. The strap is there, too, as pictured. The one visible issue is that the aluminum strip that is on the top front has come unglued and is peeling up. It could easily be glued down, but its slightly bent in places, so it would never look perfect. Rather than list ton of details, Ill defer to vintage audio sites that can tell you more about this device (from the late 1970s). Check out here: And... I have enough vintage electronics to play with, so this one is up for sale. Hopefully someone can use it or fix it or can use parts of it for another... Just would hate to see it pitched into the electronics bin at the transfer station. Arent cassettes having a renaissance moment anyway? :)

Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED

End: 16.07. 2023 13:20:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 27.34 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204391234286
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: overlord500 (1883|99.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wallingford, Vermont USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 65,01 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED. So, my dad just brought this to me as hes cleaning the house I grew up in. I BELIEVE that my brother or I bought this at a tag sale in the mid 1990s and gave it to my dad as he was always recording us (his kids) at concerts, etc. Not video, just audio. We figured this was an upgrade from the tiny Radio Shack recorder he used. I BELIEVE it worked fully when we gave it to him. I removed four rusty/corroded dry cell D batteries from it. One of the springs appears to have rusted off. However, you can power this device with either a wall cord (not included) or a 6 volt AC Adapter (also not included). I have NOT tested this. However, I might try to hunt down an AC Adapter to try it in the next few days. I will update the listing if I discover anything. As far as condition: I have not cleaned it. Everything is there as it should be and everything (switches, eject, etc) appear to work as they should. No missing dials, etc. The strap is there, too, as pictured. The one visible issue is that the aluminum strip that is on the top front has come unglued and is peeling up. It could easily be glued down, but its slightly bent in places, so it would never look perfect. Rather than list ton of details, Ill defer to vintage audio sites that can tell you more about this device (from the late 1970s). Check out here: And... I have enough vintage electronics to play with, so this one is up for sale. Hopefully someone can use it or fix it or can use parts of it for another... Just would hate to see it pitched into the electronics bin at the transfer station. Arent cassettes having a renaissance moment anyway? :)

Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED

End: 02.07. 2023 13:18:45 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 40.82 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204377381931
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: overlord500 (1879|99.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wallingford, Vermont USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 52,18 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED. So, my dad just brought this to me as hes cleaning the house I grew up in. I BELIEVE that my brother or I bought this at a tag sale in the mid 1990s and gave it to my dad as he was always recording us (his kids) at concerts, etc. Not video, just audio. We figured this was an upgrade from the tiny Radio Shack recorder he used. I BELIEVE it worked fully when we gave it to him. I removed four rusty/corroded dry cell D batteries from it. One of the springs appears to have rusted off. However, you can power this device with either a wall cord (not included) or a 6 volt AC Adapter (also not included). I have NOT tested this. However, I might try to hunt down an AC Adapter to try it in the next few days. I will update the listing if I discover anything. As far as condition: I have not cleaned it. Everything is there as it should be and everything (switches, eject, etc) appear to work as they should. No missing dials, etc. The strap is there, too, as pictured. The one visible issue is that the aluminum strip that is on the top front has come unglued and is peeling up. It could easily be glued down, but its slightly bent in places, so it would never look perfect. Rather than list ton of details, Ill defer to vintage audio sites that can tell you more about this device (from the late 1970s). Check out here: And... I have enough vintage electronics to play with, so this one is up for sale. Hopefully someone can use it or fix it or can use parts of it for another... Just would hate to see it pitched into the electronics bin at the transfer station. Arent cassettes having a renaissance moment anyway? :)

Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED

End: 25.06. 2023 13:17:13 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 49.84 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204370986469
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: overlord500 (1873|99.3%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wallingford, Vermont USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 42,58 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Sony TC-153SD Stereo Cassette Deck Recorder w/Strap UNTESTED. So, my dad just brought this to me as hes cleaning the house I grew up in. I BELIEVE that my brother or I bought this at a tag sale in the mid 1990s and gave it to my dad as he was always recording us (his kids) at concerts, etc. Not video, just audio. We figured this was an upgrade from the tiny Radio Shack recorder he used. I BELIEVE it worked fully when we gave it to him. I removed four rusty/corroded dry cell D batteries from it. One of the springs appears to have rusted off. However, you can power this device with either a wall cord (not included) or a 6 volt AC Adapter (also not included). I have NOT tested this. However, I might try to hunt down an AC Adapter to try it in the next few days. I will update the listing if I discover anything. As far as condition: I have not cleaned it. Everything is there as it should be and everything (switches, eject, etc) appear to work as they should. No missing dials, etc. The strap is there, too, as pictured. The one visible issue is that the aluminum strip that is on the top front has come unglued and is peeling up. It could easily be glued down, but its slightly bent in places, so it would never look perfect. Rather than list ton of details, Ill defer to vintage audio sites that can tell you more about this device (from the late 1970s). Check out here: And... I have enough vintage electronics to play with, so this one is up for sale. Hopefully someone can use it or fix it or can use parts of it for another... Just would hate to see it pitched into the electronics bin at the transfer station. Arent cassettes having a renaissance moment anyway? :)


End: 21.06. 2023 02:37:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 49.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175773549481
  • Seller: crustyboots (2348|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Fort Collins, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 35,41 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    VINTAGE HIGH-END SONY TC-153SD PORTABLE CASSETTE RECORDER PLAYER. Scuffs and scratches. Not tested. missing one small toggle cap (see pic). Battery compartment looks clean. Sold AS-IS, for parts or repair. FAST SHIPPING!

Sony TC-153SD Cassette Recorder vintage

End: 20.06. 2023 20:56:12 on Tuesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 41.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 275910357507
  • Seller: cassettemund (1026|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Buckeye, Arizona USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 45,87 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sony TC-153SD Cassette Recorder vintage. Selling as parts only Comes with original manual and cord. Volume knob’s missing one is slightly bent


End: 03.06. 2023 15:33:41 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 55.86 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235027906328
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: 1600sport (2980|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lancashire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    SONY TC153SD VINTAGE CASSETTE PLAYER/RECORDER,TC-153SD.. when I bought this it was apparently working but missing the 240volt input socket.see pictures. I just didn’t get around to splicing in a kettle type I could use a domestic plug and lead. Although I have seen a 6volt socket linked from the battery terminals so it can be powered from an external transformer.! On other machines. Needs a clean too. So selling for restoration or spare parts? Battery terminals are clean. What you see is what you get,no returns. This recorder has a mic attenuation switch,up to 30db. For very loud concerts.! The BBC used these for field recording and are of a Hi-Fi quality. Getting rare now. Have a look at the Peter Vis site for service manual.


End: 31.05. 2023 16:19:50 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 19.68 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404303803542
  • Bids: 7
  • Seller: j10e5f6f6 (3417|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Reading Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 7,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This works but has no sound...unknown why.Hopefully someone can repair it or can be used for spares and repairs for another unit.