SONY CDP-797 CD-Player
- Condition: Used
- Price: 18.77 EUR
- Status: sold
- Item number: 156729484270
- Bids: 3
- Seller: astramapone (508|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Frankfurt
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 7,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Angeboten wird ein schöner CD-Player von Sony, voll funktionsfähig mit Fernbedienung. Das Gerät wurde vom Fachmann überprüft und auf Funktion getestet. Zustand und Lieferumfang siehe Bilder. Shipping worldwide. For international shipping please ask the price. Daten Allgemein Hersteller: SonyModell: CDP-797Baujahre: 1992 - 1994Hergestellt in: Japan / FranceFarbe: SchwarzFernbedienung: jaLeistungsaufnahme: 12 WAbmessungen: 430 x 110 x 295 mm (BxHxT)Gewicht: 4,2 kgNeupreis ca. 498,- DM (UVP) Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge: –Anzahl der Ausgänge: 2 × analog (Cinch, 1 × fixed, 1 × variable)1 × digital (optisch)1 × Kopfhörer (6,3-mm-Klinke, regelbar über Fernbedienung) Technische Daten Wandler: Sony CXD2561AMFrequenzgang: 2–20.000 HzDynamikbereich: >98 dBSignalrauschabstand: >110 dBKlirrfaktor: <0,0027 %Kanaltrennung: >105 dBCD-Text: neinMP3-Unterstützung: neinPitch-Kontrolle: neinAnspielautomatik: jaShuffle: jaTitel-Programmierung: 30 TitelRepeat: jaFade IN / Fade OUT: jaSpielt CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD: ja/nein/nein Besondere Ausstattungen 20er-TastenfeldSpitzenpegelsuche (Peak-Search)Auto SpaceAluminium-Frontplatte
Der CD Player wurde in einem tierfreien nichtraucher-Haushalt verwendet und sehr pfleglich behandelt - daher finden sich keinerlei Gebrauchsspuren am Gerät. Der Besitzer ist aufgrund einer Augenerkrankung leider nicht mehr in der Lage, das Gerät sicher zu bedienen, weswegen er mich mit dem Verkauf beauftragt hat. Es wurden alle Funktionen erfolgreich getestet. Anschlüsse 2 × analog (Cinch, 1 × fixed, 1 × variable)1 × digital (optisch)1 × Kopfhörer (6,3-mm-Klinke, regelbar über Drehknopf) Technische DatenWandler: Sony CXD2561AMFrequenzgang: 2–20.000 HzDynamikbereich: >98 dBSignalrauschabstand: >110 dBKlirrfaktor: <0,0027 %Kanaltrennung: >105 dBCD-Text: neinMP3-Unterstützung: neinPitch-Kontrolle: neinAnspielautomatik: jaShuffle: jaTitel-Programmierung: 30 TitelRepeat: jaFade IN / Fade OUT: jaSpielt CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD: ja/nein/nein Besondere Ausstattungen20er-TastenfeldSpitzenpegelsuche (Peak-Search)Auto SpaceAluminium-Frontplatte LieferumfangSony CDP-797 (ohne Fernbedienung)
SONY CDP-797 CD Spieler CD Player Der CD-Player ist in einem guten Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren.Bitte schauen Sie sich die Fotos anDer CD-Player hat einen sehr guten Klang Das Gerät ist geprüft und voll funktionsfähigDie Fernbedienung und die Bedienungsanleitung gingen beim Umzug verloren. bitte erfragen Sie den Preis für den Versand außerhalb Deutschlands Hersteller: SonyModell: CDP-797Baujahre: 1992 - 1994Hergestellt in: Japan / FranceFarbe: SchwarzFernbedienung: jaLeistungsaufnahme: 12 WAbmessungen: 430 x 110 x 295 mm (BxHxT)Gewicht: 4,2 kgNeupreis ca. 498,- DM (UVP) Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge: –Anzahl der Ausgänge: 2 × analog (Cinch, 1 × fixed, 1 × variable)1 × digital (optisch)1 × Kopfhörer (6,3-mm-Klinke, regelbar über Fernbedienung) Technische Daten Wandler: Sony CXD2561AMFrequenzgang: 2–20.000 HzDynamikbereich: >98 dBSignalrauschabstand: >110 dBKlirrfaktor: <0,0027 %Kanaltrennung: >105 dBCD-Text: neinMP3-Unterstützung: neinPitch-Kontrolle: neinAnspielautomatik: jaShuffle: jaTitel-Programmierung: 30 TitelRepeat: jaFade IN / Fade OUT: jaSpielt CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD: ja/nein/nein Besondere Ausstattungen 20er-TastenfeldSpitzenpegelsuche (Peak-Search)Auto SpaceAluminium-FrontplatteEs handelt sich ausschließlich um eine private Auktion ohne Garantie und Rückgaberecht.
Biete hier an: Sony CDP-797 - Compact Disc PlayerSehr schönes Mittelklasse Modell. Alter ca. um 1990er herum.Ohne Fernbedienung, ohne Zubehör.Tadelloser technischer Zustand. Geringe Gebrauchsspuren, 2-3 kl. Kratzer auf der Oberseite. Versandkosten 10,50 Euro - Privatverkauf etc.
HalloBiete Sony CDP-797 CD-Player.Dabei ist die original Fernbedienungund ein neues Stereocinchkabel.Läuft gut, optisch auch OK.
Beschreibung:wertiger CD Player wie im Titel benannt und original fotografiert. Läuft gut. Mit optischem Digitalausgang und 20er Tastatur für direkte Titelanwahl. Kommt ohne Fernbedienung. Der abgebildete ist exakt der angebotene CD Spieler. Bilder zeigen den kompletten Auktionsumfang.Zustand: funktionsfähig. Äusserlich schön erhalten, geringere Kratzer an Rückwand, vgl. Bilder.Kein Versand ausserhalb Deutschland. Versand nur an die bei eBay fest hinterlegte Versandadresse! Nur DPD-Versand, Keine Packstation. No shipping outside Germany - were sorry! Sofort-Kaufen Anfragen zwecklos!English: item is running. No remote. Abholung ist nicht möglich! etope 8
Sony CD-PLayer CDP-797 Verkaufe ihn als DEFEKT, da er immer die CD Schublade auf macht beim Einschalten. Legt man dann eine CD ein und schliesst die Schublade, dauert es ein paar Sekunden und dann öffnet er die Schublade wieder. Kenn mich damit nicht aus. Sicher für Bastler kein Problem ... tierfreier nichtraucher Haushalt Besichtigung & Abholung in 91058 Erlangen Dies ist ein Privatverkauf, daher keine Garantie, Gewährleistung, Rücknahme oder Umtausch möglich.
SONY CDP-797 CD-Player Biete einen SONY CDP-797 CD-Player in technisch voll funktionstüchtigem und optisch gutem Zustand mit nur leichten altersgemäßen Gebrauchsspuren. CDs werden zuverlässig eingelesen und abgespielt. Eine Fernbedienung ist nicht dabei. Haftungsausschluß Privatverkauf: Letztendlich kann jedoch bei einem älteren Elektrogerät nicht vollständig ausgeschlossen werden, daß in Zukunft noch Fehler auftreten können. Ich sichere dem Käufer jedoch die Richtigkeit meiner Angaben zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt zu. Der Versand innerhalb Deutschlands beträgt 8,00 Euro Fragen sind natürlich jederzeit willkommen! Viel Glück! Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung / Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren auch bei Privatleuten vor, soweit dies nicht ausdrücklich bei Verkauf/Versteigerung ausgeschlossen wird. Ich weise deshalb hier ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass der von mir angebotene Artikel privat verkauft wird und daher ohne Gewährleistung / Garantie und vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen ist. Der Käufer / Interessent erkennt dies mit der Abgabe seines Gebotes an. Vielen Dank für Euer Verständnis
Sony CD player CDP 797 mit Fernbedienung gebraucht, wie in den Bildern zu sehen, voll funktionsfhig. Der Deckel von der Fernbedienung fehlt.
Verkaufe hier einen gut erhaltenen CD-Player.
@copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Electrical specialist for audio and video technology Current page categories CD players tape deck DVD recorder DVD-VHS combo VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ beta Blu Ray recorders Other About Us reviews Add to favorites Contact Professionally tested and serviced in our specialist workshop 12 month guarantee* Optical condition: Very good (Product images are example images)** Technical condition: Fully functional Laser mechanics completely serviced tested with special test CDs no dropouts even with demanding read and search processes Stable tracking of the laser and good error correction - problem-free playback, even with slight shaking and normal vibrations of the surface Scope of delivery: sony CDP-797 CD player Replacement remote control (pre-programmed, uncomplicated operation, button labeling as on the original remote control) Furnishing: Shuffle and repeat function adjustable headphone output CD-R playback fade function Frequency Response: 2Hz - 20kHz Signal to Noise Ratio: >110dB Channel separation: > 105 dB Dynamic range: 98 dB Harmonic Distortion: 0.0027% and much more Connections: 1 x 6.3mm jack 1 x analog (RCA) fixed 1 x analog (RCA) variable 1 x digital audio (optical) Dimensions: Height x width x depth: 110 x 430 x 295 [mm] Maintenance information CD players As part of the maintenance of CD players, the complete laser mechanics incl. Laser unit cleaned and specific components lubricated with application specific grease or oil treated. To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. Other activities include setting the focus and tracking. The laser unit is always treated with the utmost care. electronics The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. --> *Warranty conditions You can find our guarantee conditions here **Information on the optical condition The items are usually offered with sample images to make our processes more efficient. We can pass this advantage on to our customers in pricing. When assigning the optical condition, we pay very close attention to the following criteria: Very good [1]: In any case, the devices are suitable for living rooms. There may be a few insignificant blemishes on the front and/or the housing cover. These are hardly perceptible from a maximum distance of one meter. Good [2]: The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. from approx. At a distance of 2 meters, these marks are hardly noticeable. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Acceptable [3]: There may be a few clearer blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Significant signs of wear [4]: The signs of use are clearly visible. There may be signs of wear on the front and/or some scratches (also longer than 5cm) on the top. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. All rights reserved. reviews Add to favorites Contact To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present.
Sie bieten hiermit auf einen funktionsfähigen Sony CDP-797 Cd Player. Kommt mit Fernbedienung. Bitte sehen Sie sich unsere Bilder an.
Beschreibung:wertiger CD Player wie im Titel benannt und original fotografiert. Läuft. Mit optischem Digitalausgang und 20er Tastatur für direkte Titelanwahl. Kommt ohne Fernbedienung. Der abgebildete ist exakt der angebotene CD Spieler. Bilder zeigen den kompletten Auktionsumfang. Zustand: funktionsfähig. Äusserlich Front recht schön erhalten, Kratzer im Deckelblech, vgl. Bilder.Kein Versand ausserhalb Deutschland. Versand nur an die bei eBay fest hinterlegte Versandadresse! Nur DPD-Versand, Keine Packstation. No shipping outside Germany - were sorry! Sofort-Kaufen Anfragen zwecklos!English: item is OK. No remote. Abholung ist nicht möglich! etope 8
Spezifikationen Modell: CDP-797 Typ: CD-Player Hergestellt in: Frankreich Farbe: schwarz Fernbedienung: nein Leistungsaufnahme: 12 W Abmessungen: 430 x 110 x 295 mm (BxHxT) Gewicht: 4,2 kg Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge: – Anzahl der Ausgänge: 4 2 × Line Out (fixed/variabel – Cinch) Digital Out (optisch – TOSLINK) Kopfhörer (6,3-mm-Klinke): regelbar Technische Daten Frequenzgang: 2–20.000 Hz (±0,5 dB) Dynamikbereich: >98 dB Signalrauschabstand: >110 dB Klirrfaktor: <0,0027 % Kanaltrennung: >105 dB CD-Text: nein MP3-Unterstützung: nein Pitch-Kontrolle: nein Anspielautomatik: ja Shuffle: ja Titel-Programmierung: 30 Titel Repeat: jaFade IN /Fade OUT: ja spielt CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD: ja/nein/nein Sony CDP-797 CD-Player - Schwarz Das Gerät funktioniert einwandfrei und ist in einem guten Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren auf der Oberfläche. Lieferumfang:Sony CDP-797 CD-PlayerCinch KabelDie Fernbedienung ist nicht dabei, jedoch kann man das Gerät ohne Fernbedienung mit den Knöpfen am Gerät bedienen.
Sony CDP-797 CD Player/Tosllink/Fade Function / Serviced 1 Year Warranty [1]The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Electrical specialist for audio and video technology Current page categories CD players tape deck DVD recorder DVD-VHS combo VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ beta Blu Ray recorders Other About Us reviews Add to favorites Contact Professionally tested and serviced in our specialist workshop 12 month guarantee* Optical condition: Very good (Product images are example images)** Technical condition: Fully functional Laser mechanics completely serviced tested with special test CDs no dropouts even with demanding read and search processes Stable tracking of the laser and good error correction - problem-free playback, even with slight shaking and normal vibrations of the surface Scope of delivery: sony CDP-797 CD player Replacement remote control (pre-programmed, uncomplicated operation, button labeling as on the original remote control) Furnishing: Shuffle and repeat function adjustable headphone output CD-R playback fade function Frequency Response: 2Hz - 20kHz Signal to Noise Ratio: >110dB Channel separation: > 105 dB Dynamic range: 98 dB Harmonic Distortion: 0.0027% and much more Connections: 1 x 6.3mm jack 1 x analog (RCA) fixed 1 x analog (RCA) variable 1 x digital audio (optical) Dimensions: Height x width x depth: 110 x 430 x 295 [mm] Maintenance information CD players As part of the maintenance of CD players, the complete laser mechanics incl. Laser unit cleaned and specific components lubricated with application specific grease or oil treated. To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. Other activities include setting the focus and tracking. The laser unit is always treated with the utmost care. electronics The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. --> *Warranty conditions You can find our guarantee conditions here **Information on the optical condition The items are usually offered with sample images to make our processes more efficient. We can pass this advantage on to our customers in pricing. When assigning the optical condition, we pay very close attention to the following criteria: Very good [1]: In any case, the devices are suitable for living rooms. There may be a few insignificant blemishes on the front and/or the housing cover. These are hardly perceptible from a maximum distance of one meter. Good [2]: The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. from approx. At a distance of 2 meters, these marks are hardly noticeable. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Acceptable [3]: There may be a few clearer blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Significant signs of wear [4]: The signs of use are clearly visible. There may be signs of wear on the front and/or some scratches (also longer than 5cm) on the top. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. All rights reserved. reviews Add to favorites Contact To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Abspielbares Medienformat CD Marke Sony Farbe Schwarz EAN Nicht zutreffend Audioausgänge Digital optisch Toslink Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Modell CDP-797 Herstellernummer CDP-797_1 Produktart CD-Player
@copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Electrical specialist for audio and video technology Current page categories CD players tape deck DVD recorder DVD-VHS combo VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ beta Blu Ray recorders Other About Us reviews Add to favorites Contact Professionally tested and serviced in our specialist workshop 12 month guarantee* Optical condition: Good (Product images are example images)** Technical condition: Fully functional Laser mechanics completely serviced tested with special test CDs no dropouts even with demanding read and search processes Stable tracking of the laser and good error correction - problem-free playback, even with slight shaking and normal vibrations of the surface Scope of delivery: sony CDP-797 CD player Replacement remote control (pre-programmed, uncomplicated operation, button labeling as on the original remote control) Furnishing: Shuffle and repeat function adjustable headphone output CD-R playback fade function Frequency Response: 2Hz - 20kHz Signal to Noise Ratio: >110dB Channel separation: > 105 dB Dynamic range: 98 dB Harmonic Distortion: 0.0027% and much more Connections: 1 x 6.3mm jack 1 x analog (RCA) fixed 1 x analog (RCA) variable 1 x digital audio (optical) Dimensions: Height x width x depth: 110 x 430 x 295 [mm] Maintenance information CD players As part of the maintenance of CD players, the complete laser mechanics incl. Laser unit cleaned and specific components lubricated with application specific grease or oil treated. To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. Other activities include setting the focus and tracking. The laser unit is always treated with the utmost care. electronics The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. --> *Warranty conditions You can find our guarantee conditions here **Information on the optical condition The items are usually offered with sample images to make our processes more efficient. We can pass this advantage on to our customers in pricing. When assigning the optical condition, we pay very close attention to the following criteria: Very good [1]: In any case, the devices are suitable for living rooms. There may be a few insignificant blemishes on the front and/or the housing cover. These are hardly perceptible from a maximum distance of one meter. Good [2]: The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. from approx. At a distance of 2 meters, these marks are hardly noticeable. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Acceptable [3]: There may be a few clearer blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Significant signs of wear [4]: The signs of use are clearly visible. There may be signs of wear on the front and/or some scratches (also longer than 5cm) on the top. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. All rights reserved. reviews Add to favorites Contact To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present.
Sony CDP-797 CD Player/Tosllink/Fade Function / Serviced 1 Year Warranty [2]The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Positron-e, Martin Held @license GNU/GPLv2 only @version v2.0.0.5 --> | Electrical specialist for audio and video technology Current page categories CD players tape deck DVD recorder DVD-VHS combo VHS/Hi8/MiniDV/ beta Blu Ray recorders Other About Us reviews Add to favorites Contact Professionally tested and serviced in our specialist workshop 12 month guarantee* Optical condition: Good (Product images are example images)** Technical condition: Fully functional Laser mechanics completely serviced tested with special test CDs no dropouts even with demanding read and search processes Stable tracking of the laser and good error correction - problem-free playback, even with slight shaking and normal vibrations of the surface Scope of delivery: sony CDP-797 CD player Replacement remote control (pre-programmed, uncomplicated operation, button labeling as on the original remote control) Furnishing: Shuffle and repeat function adjustable headphone output CD-R playback fade function Frequency Response: 2Hz - 20kHz Signal to Noise Ratio: >110dB Channel separation: > 105 dB Dynamic range: 98 dB Harmonic Distortion: 0.0027% and much more Connections: 1 x 6.3mm jack 1 x analog (RCA) fixed 1 x analog (RCA) variable 1 x digital audio (optical) Dimensions: Height x width x depth: 110 x 430 x 295 [mm] Maintenance information CD players As part of the maintenance of CD players, the complete laser mechanics incl. Laser unit cleaned and specific components lubricated with application specific grease or oil treated. To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. Other activities include setting the focus and tracking. The laser unit is always treated with the utmost care. electronics The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. --> *Warranty conditions You can find our guarantee conditions here **Information on the optical condition The items are usually offered with sample images to make our processes more efficient. We can pass this advantage on to our customers in pricing. When assigning the optical condition, we pay very close attention to the following criteria: Very good [1]: In any case, the devices are suitable for living rooms. There may be a few insignificant blemishes on the front and/or the housing cover. These are hardly perceptible from a maximum distance of one meter. Good [2]: The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. from approx. At a distance of 2 meters, these marks are hardly noticeable. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Acceptable [3]: There may be a few clearer blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Fine superficial signs of wear on the cover are possible. Significant signs of wear [4]: The signs of use are clearly visible. There may be signs of wear on the front and/or some scratches (also longer than 5cm) on the top. --> Wichtige Informationen Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a UStG. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mwst. in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. --> Copyrights © Positron-e. All rights reserved. reviews Add to favorites Contact To ensure reliable function, we test the devices with special test CDs. Using the so-called Eye Pattern, which is measured with an oscilloscope, we can determine how well the laser reads the information on the CD. Based on this data, we decide, among other things, whether devices are still suitable for sale or whether they should be sold. whether the laser unit needs to be replaced. The electronics of the electrical devices are examined in detail. Thanks to many years of experience, we can Fix type-specific vulnerabilities before they cause an error. With certain devices, the service life can be increased enormously. The devices are presentable . There may be a few small blemishes on the front and/or a few small scratches on the paintwork (no longer than approx. 5cm) must be present. Abspielbares Medienformat CD Marke Sony Farbe Schwarz EAN Nicht zutreffend Audioausgänge Digital optisch Toslink Audioausgänge Stereo L/R RCA Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Modell CDP-797 Herstellernummer CDP-797_2 Produktart CD-Player
SONY CDP-797 Spitzen CD-Player aus dem Hause SonyFeine Verarbeitung und typisch audiophiler Klangwie von Sony gewohntMit üppiger Ausstattung Top Zustand !!Nur minimale Gebrauchsspuren !! Technisch einwandfrei ! Details: Anschlüsse Anzahl der Eingänge: –Anzahl der Ausgänge:2 × analog (Cinch, 1 × fixed, 1 × variable)1 × digital (optisch)1 × Kopfhörer (6,3-mm-Klinke, regelbar über Fernbedienung) Technische Daten Wandler: Sony CXD2561AMFrequenzgang: 2–20.000 HzDynamikbereich: >98 dBSignalrauschabstand: >110 dBKlirrfaktor: <0,0027 %Kanaltrennung: >105 dBCD-Text: neinMP3-Unterstützung: neinPitch-Kontrolle: neinAnspielautomatik: jaShuffle: jaTitel-Programmierung: 30 TitelRepeat: jaFade IN / Fade OUT: jaSpielt CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD: ja/nein/nein Besondere Ausstattungen 20er-TastenfeldSpitzenpegelsuche (Peak-Search)Auto SpaceAluminium-Frontplatte Hergestellt in: Japan / FranceFarbe: SchwarzFernbedienung: jaLeistungsaufnahme: 12 WAbmessungen: 430 x 110 x 295 mm (BxHxT)Gewicht: 4,2 kg Zubehör: Fernbedienung Lieferumfang: 1 x CDP-7971 x Fernbedienung1 x Bedienungsanleitungen1 x Audiokabel neu1 x Neue Transportsichere Verpackung Differenzbesteuert nach §25 Ustg Mwst nicht ausweisbar SONY CDP-797 Top CD player from SonyFine processing and typical audiophile soundas usual from SonyWith lavish equipment Top condition !!Only minimal signs of use !! Technically flawless ! Details: connections Number of inputs: –Number of exits:2 × analogue (Cinch, 1 × fixed, 1 × variable)1 × digital (optical)1 × headphones (6.3 mm jack, adjustable via remote control) Technical data Converter: Sony CXD2561AMFrequency Response: 2-20,000HzDynamic range: >98dBSignal-to-Noise Ratio: >110dBHarmonic Distortion: <0.0027%Channel Separation: >105dBCD text: noMP3 support: noPitch control: noAutomatic play: yesShuffle: yesTitle Programming: 30 titlesRepeat: yesFade IN / Fade OUT: yesPlays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD: yes/no/no Special equipment 20 key padPeak Level Search (Peak Search)AutoSpaceAluminum front panel Manufactured in: Japan / FranceColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower Consumption: 12WDimensions: 430 x 110 x 295 mm (WxHxD)Weight: 4.2kg Accessories: remote control Scope of delivery: 1x CDP-7971 x remote control1 x Instruction Manual1 x audio cable new1 x new safe transport packaging
SONY CDP-797 Compact Disc Player - CD Player. Gebrauchtware-Siehe Bilder *** FUNKTIONIERT EINWANDFREI *** Lieferumfang: Wie abgebildet !!! Ohne Zubehör Privatverkauf
Verkaufe hier ein Sony CD-Player CDP-797 gebraucht aber funktioniert bei Fragen gerne melden
SONY CD PLAYER CDP-797 mit Neue Lasereinheit. Hallo Hier steht zum Verkaufen: Sehr seltener, wunderschner CD-Player aus dem Hause Sony , technisch und optisch einwandfrei, mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, mit neue Lasereinheit ,wunderbarer Klang, den Zustand bitte den Fotos entnehmen.
Zum Verkauf steht dieser Sony CDP-797 CD Player inkl. Fernbedienung. Wie auf den Bildern zu erkennen, hat er mehrere Kratzer. Bevor Sie nur beobachten, senden Sie mir doch lieber einen Preisvorschlag. DA PRIVATVERKAUF OHNE GARANTIE, RCKNAHME ODER GEWHRLEISTUNG.
SONY CD PLAYER CDP-797 mit Neue Lasereinheit. Hallo Hier steht zum Verkaufen: Sehr seltener, wunderschner CD-Player aus dem Hause Sony , technisch und optisch einwandfrei, mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, mit neue Lasereinheit ,wunderbarer Klang, den Zustand bitte den Fotos entnehmen.
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