Silbatone Acoustics make audio equipment that represents, to well-informed audiophiles familiar with this well-considered (by the experts) Marque, equipment at one extreme of the audio market! What else can one say about a Company that produces one product, a 300B power amp priced at $100k+? PRICE just REDUCED to £4,500that shows what this company is capable of in terms of quality and this integrated amplifier for sale is an excellent example of the quality of products this Korean Company is capable of making, & likes to play around with, at the uber end of the audio spectrum.Of course, not all of their equipment carries such extreme price tags - they do need to live in the real world! But they also like to show just what they are capable of!The brand is owned by a Korean billionaire, who happens to be a dyed in the wool audio enthusiast! He is inclined to adopt, at times, a no-compromise commitment to quality, It is a real pity that this marque is so much under the radar in the UK.I am using this preamble to provide a background to the marque, since there is so little about it in the public domain; hopefully this will assist readers to view this listing, with a clearer perspective than they might otherwise have of this particular marque. You need to know that this integrated power amplifier is of the very finest quality, the JL107, with output quality to match. I’ve had this amp from new, for a few years & bought it when it was retailing at around over £15k. My view of it is that it was easily worth what I paid for it. During this time, approximately 5yrs., it has behaved impeccably. Without any reliability issues at all. A product utterly faithful to its distinguished pedigree! Its performance in reliability matches its outstanding sonic performance - truly wondrous, a delight to listen to. One reason for that, I suppose, is because of the amount of silver used by Silbatone Acoustics in their products. Anyway, that’s the story. The only reason I’m selling is that I’m having to dispose of much of my equipment. I need to downsize; I’ve just sold my Esoteric K-01 CD player.Originally I listed this at a very reasonable price considering their list price of £6,900 & considering the quality of sound & the reliability it gives, with no takers at that price, it is now available at this reduced price of just £4,500!This itegrated amp is a real gem! To get comparable quality sound from better-known brands youd be paying far more! The bottom line is this: You’ll have a smile on your face, every time you turn it on! Manufacturers Blurb:The Silbatone JI-107 integrated Amplifier is entirely direct coupled, using an input transformer, a WE 310A triode voltage amplifier, and a unique I/V converter topology that sidesteps the soul-crushing issues usually encountered when trying to drive solid state output stages with vacuum tubes. The eliminations of coupling capacitors is achieved via sophisticated and stable servo level shifting methods that we perfected in earlier top-line designs. Basically, we reset the dialogue on high-power hybrid amplifiers by opening a completely new chapter in the history of the field.The result of our efforts is big power with natural tube character. The JI-107 amplifier exhibits the grip and control of the best solid state amps yet it plays music with the heart of an artist. We anticipate that this genre-busting effort will convince even the most die-hard skeptic that there is promise in high-power hybrid approaches and open the door of Silbatone to a new category of high end audiophiles who prefer relatively power-thirsty modern loudspeakers. Big power without compromise, the Silbatone way! Electronics design; JC Morrison Specification. Output Power : 130W at 8? / 200W at 4? . Frequency Response : 10Hz – 50KHz (±1dB) , Input Impedance : 47K? . Sensitivity : 2V . Tube : WE310 x 2 . Dimension : 440(D) x 420(D) x 120(H) . Weight : 23Kg£15,000.00 - New retail priceSilbatone Acoustics inc. £4,500 reduced price! take advantage of this NEW LOW PRICE, before someone else!
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