Made in Germany Acoustic Signature TA-500 Tonearm This arm is in such incredible condition that it is hardly possible to tell it from new. It comes with every accessory as it did when new. Also all packing and double boxes. The mounting is for the Rega cutout. Buy with confidence from one of the USAs longest existing, most knowledgeable audio dealers: Gene Rubin Audio Established way back in 1979! Go ahead and google Gene Rubin Audio, read the forums, read the reviews, read my ebay feedback, you are dealing with the best customer service in the audio businessFranchised dealer for: LFD, Rega, Heed, Palmer, Pure Fidelity, Sutherland, Graham Speakers, Fyne Audio, Belles, Exposure, Aurender, Hana, Koetsu, Ortofon, Croft, Harbeth, Spendor, Clearaudio, Dynavector, Quadraspire, Chord Company, Audience, Audio Desk Systeme, Creek, Milty, KAB, Q-UP, Furutech, Musical Surroundings, and more.
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