Beschreibung Ein Quartett edle Karbowid Kohleschicht Widerstände aus den Kellern eines alten Radioladens, hergestellt von Siemens in den frühen 1950er Jahren, 500 Ohm bei 2 Watt, Länge ca. 47 mm, halbradiale Anschlüsse. Unentbehrlich insbesondere zur originalgetreuen Restaurierung historischer Röhren-Verstärker (Klangfilm, Maihak, Telefunken, etc.) und hochwertiger alter Meßgeräte (Wandel & Goltermann, Rohde & Schwarz, usw.). Weitere schwer beschaffbare, historische Original-Bauteile (Ölpapier MPs von Bosch, Mullard Mustard Kondensatoren, Kohlemasse-Widerstände von Allen Bradley, Radio- und HiFi Röhren, Marquardt-Schalter) in meinem eBay Shop. Lieferumfang 4x Widerstand, historisch - aber noch unbenutzt International 4 pieces of Siemens Karbowid made for scientific and military equipment in the early 1950s, value 500 ohms at 2 watts, length approx 47 mm, new old stock found in the dungeons of a closed radio shop - hidden under decades of dust, patiently waiting there for 70 years to come to use. This type of resistors was used in many popular tube amplifiers made by Telefunken, Klangfilm, Maihak (and others), as well as most test equipment by AEG, Rohde & Schwarz. Indispensable for restoring german MIL and studio equipment of that era! Also perfect as termination resistor for moving coil phono cartridges or dynamic microphones in retro tube preamplifier concepts. All samples we measured were still amazingly precise (within tolerance!). Please also see my other items for more sought-after vintage resistors (Rosenthal, Draloric, Allen Bradley and more Karbowid to be listed soon), capacitors (Erofol, Eroid, Mullard Mustard, Siemens MKT, etc.), as well as other audio related parts and tubes.
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