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Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115 900MHz Sound Experience

End: 15.02. 2025 13:37:07 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 26.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326434487741
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: speedsingle (134|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Waldkirch Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115  900MHz Sound ExperienceNeu und noch nie gebraucht Wurde beim aufräumen im elterlichen Haus gefunden. Leider kann ich nicht sagen, wann der Kopfhörer gekauft wurde.

Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115 900MHz Sound Experience

End: 07.01. 2025 11:20:07 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 73.89 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375370792448
  • Seller: retro-panther-shop (361|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Velbert Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115  900MHz Sound ExperienceBitte lesen sie sich die Artikelbeschreibung vollständig durch um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden Sie erhalten nach Kauf folgenden Artikel von mir: Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115 900MHz Sound Experience Merkmale & Beschreibung: Sehr guter Zustand und voll funktionsfähig Lieferumfang: Der Lieferumfang ist EXAKT WIE AUF DEM FOTO Sennheiser Kopfhörer Set 2000 Kabelloses Hörsystem für TV und Musik Anleitung Versand: Ich versende Deutschland weit und innerhalb der EU Internationale Bieter sind willkommen. Da die Versandkosten zwischen Staat zum Staat unterschiedlich sind, scheuen Sie sich nicht mir zu schreiben. Ich kann gerne auch in Ihr Land Liefern. Ich versende auch weltweit Shipment: I ship throughout Germany and within the EU International bidders are welcome. Since shipping costs vary from country to country, dont be afraid to write to me. I would be happy to go to your country too Delivery. I also ship worldwide Habe Noch Jede Menge Weiterer Sehr Interessante Artikel Im TOP ANGEBOT Und Immer Kommen Neue Dazu. Für Alle Ist Bestimmt Ein SUPER SCHNÄPCHEN Mit Dabei. Zum Intensiven Stöbern Und Entdecken In Meinen Shop Sind Alle Herzlich Eingeladen. Beantworte gerne Eure Fragen Viel Spaß Beim Shoppen EUER RETRO-PANTHER

Sennheiser - RS 115 - Wireless Sound Experience - Kopfhörer

End: 02.09. 2024 18:01:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 186654398894
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: kaufhausdesboesser (2175|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Horst Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser - RS 115 - Wireless Sound Experience - KopfhörerNur wenige Gebrauchsspurensiehe Bilder Verkauft wird der Artikel wie auf den Bildern zu sehen ist!Es erfolgt keine GarantieNachträglich auftretende Mängel bei gebrauchter Ware stellt keinen Rückgabegrund dar! Beachten Sie das vor Abgabe eines Gebots!Stellen Sie Fragen bevor die Auktion abläuft! Wenn Sie Kombiversand wünschen, warten Sie bitte mit der Bezahlung, bis wir Ihnen eine korrigierte Rechnung gesendet haben! Achtung:Die Umsatzsteuer ist aufgrund Anwendung der Differenzbesteuerung gem. § 25a UStG nicht gesondert ausweisbar!

Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115 900MHz Sound Experience in OVP F

End: 06.08. 2024 20:24:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145920742475
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: pfennigfuchsonlinehandel (304|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Recklinghausen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115  900MHz Sound Experience in OVP FVoll funktionsfähig. Optisch, akzeptabler Zustand. Abnutzungen sind sichtbar auf den Fotos zu erkennen. Privat Verkauf, daher keine Garantie oder Rücknahme.

Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115 900MHz Sound Experience in OVP F

End: 30.07. 2024 20:23:50 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145915058315
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: pfennigfuchsonlinehandel (288|97.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Recklinghausen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser RF Wireless Funkkopfhörer RS 115  900MHz Sound Experience in OVP FVoll funktionsfähig. Optisch, akzeptabler Zustand. Abnutzungen sind sichtbar auf den Fotos zu erkennen. Privat Verkauf, daher keine Garantie oder Rücknahme.

Sennheiser - Kopfhörer - RS 115 - sehr gut

End: 24.05. 2024 13:24:20 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 60.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126483171224
  • Seller: rosmarin_und_thymian (388|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hannover Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser - Kopfhörer - RS 115 - sehr gutSennheiser - Kopfhörer - RS 115 - sehr gutVerschickter Inhalt so wie auf den Fotos zu sehen. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewähr­leistung. Eventuell anfallende Zollkosten müssen vom Käufer übernommen werden. - Privatverkauf - Sennheiser - headphones - RS 115 - very good Content sent as shown in the photos. The sale takes place under exclusion of any warranty.Any customs costs that may arise must be borne by the buyer. - Private sale -

Wireless Kopfhörer Sennheiser RS115 Funkkopfhörer

End: 01.04. 2024 15:20:11 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 29.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305413759903
  • Seller: mzmgroup (873|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Neu-Isenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Wireless Kopfhörer Sennheiser RS115 FunkkopfhörerDie Sennheiser RS115 Funkkopfhörer bieten kabellosen Hörgenuss in höchster Qualität. Mit ihrem 3,5 mm Anschluss sind sie vielseitig einsetzbar und durch ihre Ohraufliegende Passform besonders bequem zu tragen. Die Kopfhörer sind in den Farben Blau und Schwarz erhältlich und eignen sich perfekt für den Einsatz beim TV, Musik hören oder Gaming. Die gebrauchten Kopfhörer Diese Kopfhörer sind von Smoker und es riecht nach Zigarettenrauch

Sennheiser treeSound Set RS2400 (TR2400) Funk Kopfhörer (_1157)

End: 14.01. 2024 15:32:32 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 39.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166549212340
  • Seller: tanzenschmidha (2632|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Birkenfeld Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser treeSound Set RS2400 (TR2400) Funk Kopfhörer (_1157)Sennheiser treeSound Set RS2400 (TR2400) Funk Kopfhörer (_1157) Ich verkaufe ein Set Sennheiser treeSound RS2400 (TR2400+RR2400) Funk Kopfhörer OHNE Originalverpackung (OVP). Dieser Artikel stammt aus einem tierlosen Nichtraucherhaushalt. Die Artikel haben geringe Gebrauchsspuren, sind also gebraucht, sind getestet u.a. auf Vollständigkeit und sind desinfiziert mit Sakrotan. Produktkennzeichnungen: • Marke: Sennheiser • Herstellernummer: 05278 • GTIN: 4012418052782 • UPC: 4012418052782 Produkt Hauptmerkmale: • Sennheiser treeSound Set RS2400 (TR2400+RR2400) Funk Kopfhörer • Betrieb des Empfängers mit umweltfreundlichem Akku (Nickel-Metall-Hydrid) • Individuelle Einstellung der Lautstärke am Empfänger RR2400 (Kopfhörer) • Eingelegter Akku und Zusatzakku können gleichzeitig im Sender TR2400 geladen werden • Netzteil Sennheiser NT92 für ACin= 230VAC/50Hz auf DCout= 12VDC/01A/1.2VA • Drei umschaltbare Sendekanäle am Sender TR2400 • Unempfindlich gegen Störungen durch einen speziellen NF-Eingangsfilter im Sender • Anzahl der Ohrhörer: Doppelt (2-fach) • Besonderheiten: Eingebauter Ein-/Ausschalter (RR2400), Austauschbare Ohrpolster, Stereo • Frequenzband: HF (FM - 863 MHz) • Farbe: Blau, Mehrfarbig, Schwarz Im Lieferumfang sind: 1x Sennheiser Sender TR2400, 1x Audio-IN -Kabel mit Kinkenstecker 3,5 mm, L= ca.120 cm, 1x Sennheiser Empfänger RR2400 (Kopfhörer) mit Ohrpolstern, 1x Sennheiser Netzteil NT92 (EU-Stecker) für ACin= 230VAC/50Hz auf DCout= 12VDC/01A/1.2VA, L= ca.120 cm, 2x Akku blumax BA-150/151/152 (gebraucht), 2x Akku blumax BA-150/151/152 (NEU), 1x Ersatz Ohrpolster (neu), 1x Scart Audio In/Out -Adapter mit Umschalter In/Out, 1x Audio-IN -Kabel rot/weiss Chinch-Stecker, L= 15 cm, auf Kinken-Buchse 3,5 mm, 1x Original Bedienungsanleitung RS2400 Deutsch und mehrsprachig (siehe Foto), 1x CD mit Bedienungsanleitung (PDF-Files) u.a. in Deutsch. Hinweise zu EU-Recht: Als Privatperson schließe ich sämtliche Garantie, Sachmängelhaftung und Gewährleistung aus. Sämtliche Angebote sind privater, nicht gewerblicher Natur. Das Ausstellen einer Rechnung ist daher nicht möglich. Sämtliche Angaben, Bilder und Hinweise zur Ware sind nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht. Ich übernehme keine Haftung für die Übereinstimmung dieser Ware nach Alter, Güte und Beschaffenheit mit der subjektiven Wahrnehmung des Betrachters, bzw. ich hafte nicht dafür, dass die eingestellte Ware nicht Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht. Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von privat verkauft bzw.versteigert, dies bedeutet: Mit der Abgabe eines Kaufs bzw. Gebotes erklärt der Käufer/Bieter sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihm nach neuem EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie und Sachmängelhaftung bei Gebrauchtwaren zu verzichten. Weitere Gewährleistung, Rückgaberecht oder Umtausch wird somit ausgeschlossen. Das Originalfoto zeigt jeweils den genauen Umfang der Lieferung. Die Beschreibung gilt allerdings nicht als zugesicherte Eigenschaft, sondern erfolgt nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen. Alle angebotenen Artikel stammen aus meinem Privatbesitz. Daher verkaufe/versteigere ich diese unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung nur von privat an privat und schließe hiermit jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus. Gern beantworte ich Ihre Fragen, die Sie über eBay bei „meine Nachrichten“ generieren. Die Kontodaten für die Überweisung/Zahlung sind bei eBay hinterlegt. Der Versand erfolgt in der angegebenen Versandart nach Geldeingang. Die Erwähnung geschützter Markennamen dient lediglich einer genauen Beschreibung. Hermes ist für Pakete und Päckchen die Standardversandart, während DHL nur für die Briefpost verwendet wird. Achtung: Die Versandkosten außerhalb Deutschland müssen erfragt werden! Bitte kaufen/bieten Sie nur, wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind! Die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft, die Rücknahme und die Haftung auf dem Transportweg (Sendung geht verloren!) sind ausgeschlossen.

Sennheiser Wireless Kopfhörer RS115 RS 115 - ok & gut

End: 14.12. 2023 18:23:57 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 7T 18:21:25
  • Item number: 175902328379
  • Seller: traktorist99 (19069|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Osnabrück Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser Wireless Kopfhörer RS115 RS 115 - ok & gutmit neuen Akkus (international shipping without it) komplett funnktionsfähig guter Zustand, nur Schaumstoff-Ohrpolster müssten wg.Alter ersetzt werden siehe Foto Bitte schauen Sie sich das Foto genau für den Zustand des Artikels und den Umfang des Angebots an. Wenn Sie mehr Artikel bei uns kaufen, warten Sie bitte vor Bezahlung die Rechnung mit den kombinierten Versandkosten ab. Für den Zustand bitte auch das Foto betrachten. gebrauchter Gegenstand. Für Fragen: Bitte melden!

Sennheiser RS 115 Cuffie Con Stazione Blu-Nero - Condizioni Bene - Rinnovato

End: 31.07. 2023 13:34:58 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 64.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134559581497
  • Seller: rhecommerce (1476|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rhede Deutschland
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser RS 115 Cuffie Con Stazione Blu-Nero - Condizioni Bene - RinnovatoLa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. navigazione Negozio profilo del venditore recensioni Contatto Audio e HiFi Foto e video nerf Altro Varie Cuffie Sennheiser RS ??115 con stazione blu-nere - buone condizioni - ricondizionate Le Sennheiser RS ??115 sono cuffie wireless appositamente progettate per luso domestico. Il design blu e nero delle cuffie conferisce loro un aspetto fresco che può essere facilmente integrato in qualsiasi salotto. Grazie alla tecnologia wireless, puoi muoverti liberamente nella stanza mentre ti godi la musica o i film. Le cuffie offrono uneccellente qualità del suono e sono facili da usare. Con la stazione di ricarica inclusa, puoi caricare comodamente le cuffie e conservarle in modo sicuro. Fornitura: cuffie, stazione trasmittente, cavo di alimentazione, cavo Aux, 2 batterie Condizione: Buono - Ristrutturato incl. IVA incl. Spedizione Spedizione gratuita in Germania immediatamente disponibile Compralo Subito Questo articolo è soggetto a § 25a UStG della tassazione differenziale, lIVA non è indicata sulla fattura. guarda larticolo Fai una domanda INFORMAZIONE stati delloggetto SMALTIMENTO DELLA BATTERIA Approfitta dei vantaggi del programma rinnovato! Lacquisto di articoli ricondizionati offre molti vantaggi. Oltre alla conservazione delle risorse naturali, il risparmio sui costi rispetto ai nuovi beni è un importante criterio decisionale. Il nostro obiettivo è offrire prodotti usati ricondizionati e testati a prezzi equi, senza che tu debba rinunciare ai vantaggi di acquistare da un rivenditore. Pertanto, controlliamo attentamente ogni articolo e lo assegniamo alla categoria di condizione appropriata. I criteri di prova (se applicabili allarticolo) includono, ad esempio: prova sonora tutte le opzioni di connessione pertinenti tutti i pulsanti sul dispositivo e il controllo remoto condizione ottica funzione di visualizzazione funzione di ricarica pulizia meticolosa Ripristino delle impostazioni di fabbrica A seconda dellarticolo, altri criteri pertinenti Se ci sono limitazioni tecniche o menomazioni visive oltre ai soliti segni di utilizzo, questo sarà esplicitamente menzionato nella descrizione dellarticolo. Gli accessori originali potrebbero essere stati sostituito con accessori equivalenti di terze parti. Il tempo di evasione è di un giorno lavorativo dallordine e la spedizione avviene esclusivamente tramite DHL. In caso di domande o problemi, saremo felici di aiutarti dopo lacquisto. E se dopo lacquisto decidi che larticolo non è quello giusto, hai fino a 30 giorni per restituircelo gratuitamente. stati delloggetto A seconda delle condizioni ottiche e tecniche, gli articoli sono suddivisi in categorie di condizioni appropriate: Nuovo: larticolo è nuovo, mai usato e nella confezione originale. Eventuali danni allimballo oltre ai consueti segni di conservazione verranno segnalati separatamente. Eccellente - Ricondizionato: larticolo è in condizioni pari al nuovo. È perfettamente funzionante ed è stato ampiamente controllato, pulito e testato. Larticolo non mostra minimi segni di utilizzo. Molto buono - Ricondizionato: larticolo è in ottime condizioni. È perfettamente funzionante ed è stato ampiamente controllato, pulito e testato. Larticolo può presentare lievi segni di usura. Buono - Ricondizionato: larticolo è in buone condizioni. È perfettamente funzionante ed è stato ampiamente controllato, pulito e testato. Larticolo può presentare segni di usura da moderati a significativi. Accettabile: larticolo è perfettamente funzionante se non diversamente specificato nella descrizione. Larticolo può presentare evidenti segni di usura (ad es. evidente usura della vernice, graffi o usura del tessuto) Difetto: Larticolo non è più perfettamente funzionante e viene espressamente inviato ad hobbisti o venduto per pezzi di ricambio. Nota: le immagini sono solitamente immagini standard, la condizione ottica può essere trovata nella descrizione della categoria di condizione assegnata. Note sullo smaltimento della batteria: Come utente finale, sei legalmente obbligato a restituire le batterie usate. Puoi restituire gratuitamente le vecchie batterie che abbiamo o abbiamo avuto nella nostra gamma come batterie nuove al nostro magazzino di spedizione (RheCommerce GbR, Peterskamp 10, 46414 Rhede). I simboli riportati sulle batterie hanno il seguente significato: Il simbolo del bidone della spazzatura barrato indica che la batteria non deve essere smaltita insieme ai rifiuti domestici. Pb = la batteria contiene più dello 0,004% di piombo in massa Cd = la batteria contiene più dello 0,002 percento in massa Cadmio Hg = La batteria contiene più dello 0,0005 percento in massa di mercurio. Si prega di notare le istruzioni di cui sopra.           Scopri subito altri prodotti di seconda mano testati:   Le Sennheiser RS ??115 sono cuffie wireless appositamente progettate per luso domestico. Il design blu e nero delle cuffie conferisce loro un aspetto fresco che può essere facilmente integrato in qualsiasi salotto. Grazie alla tecnologia wireless, puoi muoverti liberamente nella stanza mentre ti godi la musica o i film. Le cuffie offrono uneccellente qualità del suono e sono facili da usare. Con la stazione di ricarica inclusa, puoi caricare comodamente le cuffie e conservarle in modo sicuro. Se ci sono limitazioni tecniche o menomazioni visive oltre ai soliti segni di utilizzo, questo sarà esplicitamente menzionato nella descrizione dellarticolo. Gli accessori originali potrebbero essere stati sostituito con accessori equivalenti di terze parti. Il tempo di evasione è di un giorno lavo Marke Sennheiser Formfaktor Kopfbügel EAN 4044156004914 Farbe Schwarz Farbe Blau Besonderheiten Kabellos Modell Sennheiser RS 115 Konnektivität 3,5 mm Anschluss Konnektivität Kabellos Produktart Ohraufliegende Kopfhörer

Sennheiser RS 115 Cuffie-Wireless Con Stazione Nero - Molto Buono - Rinnovato

End: 29.07. 2023 09:06:41 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 69.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134669055519
  • Seller: rhecommerce (1494|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rhede Deutschland
  • Ships to: IT
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sennheiser RS 115 Cuffie-Wireless Con Stazione Nero - Molto Buono - RinnovatoLa descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande, ti invitiamo a contattarci. navigazione Negozio profilo del venditore recensioni Contatto Audio e HiFi Foto e video nerf Altro Varie Cuffie wireless Sennheiser RS ??115 con stazione nere - Ottime - Ricondizionate Le Sennheiser RS ??115 sono cuffie wireless appositamente progettate per luso domestico. Il design blu e nero delle cuffie conferisce loro un aspetto fresco che può essere facilmente integrato in qualsiasi salotto. Grazie alla tecnologia wireless, puoi muoverti liberamente nella stanza mentre ti godi la musica o i film. Le cuffie offrono uneccellente qualità del suono e sono facili da usare. Con la stazione di ricarica inclusa, puoi caricare comodamente le cuffie e conservarle in modo sicuro. Fornitura: cuffie, stazione trasmittente, cavo di alimentazione, cavo Aux, 2 batterie Condizione: Molto buono - Ristrutturato incl. IVA incl. Spedizione Spedizione gratuita in Germania immediatamente disponibile Compralo Subito Questo articolo è soggetto a § 25a UStG della tassazione differenziale, lIVA non è indicata sulla fattura. guarda larticolo Fai una domanda INFORMAZIONE stati delloggetto SMALTIMENTO DELLA BATTERIA Approfitta dei vantaggi del programma rinnovato! Lacquisto di articoli ricondizionati offre molti vantaggi. Oltre alla conservazione delle risorse naturali, il risparmio sui costi rispetto ai nuovi beni è un importante criterio decisionale. Il nostro obiettivo è offrire prodotti usati ricondizionati e testati a prezzi equi, senza che tu debba rinunciare ai vantaggi di acquistare da un rivenditore. Pertanto, controlliamo attentamente ogni articolo e lo assegniamo alla categoria di condizione appropriata. I criteri di prova (se applicabili allarticolo) includono, ad esempio: prova sonora tutte le opzioni di connessione pertinenti tutti i pulsanti sul dispositivo e il controllo remoto condizione ottica funzione di visualizzazione funzione di ricarica pulizia meticolosa Ripristino delle impostazioni di fabbrica A seconda dellarticolo, altri criteri pertinenti Se ci sono limitazioni tecniche o menomazioni visive oltre ai soliti segni di utilizzo, questo sarà esplicitamente menzionato nella descrizione dellarticolo. Gli accessori originali potrebbero essere stati sostituito con accessori equivalenti di terze parti. Il tempo di evasione è di un giorno lavorativo dallordine e la spedizione avviene esclusivamente tramite DHL. In caso di domande o problemi, saremo felici di aiutarti dopo lacquisto. E se dopo lacquisto decidi che larticolo non è quello giusto, hai fino a 30 giorni per restituircelo gratuitamente. stati delloggetto A seconda delle condizioni ottiche e tecniche, gli articoli sono suddivisi in categorie di condizioni appropriate: Nuovo: larticolo è nuovo, mai usato e nella confezione originale. Eventuali danni allimballo oltre ai consueti segni di conservazione verranno segnalati separatamente. Eccellente - Ricondizionato: larticolo è in condizioni pari al nuovo. È perfettamente funzionante ed è stato ampiamente controllato, pulito e testato. Larticolo non mostra minimi segni di utilizzo. Molto buono - Ricondizionato: larticolo è in ottime condizioni. È perfettamente funzionante ed è stato ampiamente controllato, pulito e testato. Larticolo può presentare lievi segni di usura. Buono - Ricondizionato: larticolo è in buone condizioni. È perfettamente funzionante ed è stato ampiamente controllato, pulito e testato. Larticolo può presentare segni di usura da moderati a significativi. Accettabile: larticolo è perfettamente funzionante se non diversamente specificato nella descrizione. Larticolo può presentare evidenti segni di usura (ad es. evidente usura della vernice, graffi o usura del tessuto) Difetto: Larticolo non è più perfettamente funzionante e viene espressamente inviato ad hobbisti o venduto per pezzi di ricambio. Nota: le immagini sono solitamente immagini standard, la condizione ottica può essere trovata nella descrizione della categoria di condizione assegnata. Note sullo smaltimento della batteria: Come utente finale, sei legalmente obbligato a restituire le batterie usate. Puoi restituire gratuitamente le vecchie batterie che abbiamo o abbiamo avuto nella nostra gamma come batterie nuove al nostro magazzino di spedizione (RheCommerce GbR, Peterskamp 10, 46414 Rhede). I simboli riportati sulle batterie hanno il seguente significato: Il simbolo del bidone della spazzatura barrato indica che la batteria non deve essere smaltita insieme ai rifiuti domestici. Pb = la batteria contiene più dello 0,004% di piombo in massa Cd = la batteria contiene più dello 0,002 percento in massa Cadmio Hg = La batteria contiene più dello 0,0005 percento in massa di mercurio. Si prega di notare le istruzioni di cui sopra.           Scopri subito altri prodotti di seconda mano testati:   Le Sennheiser RS ??115 sono cuffie wireless appositamente progettate per luso domestico. Il design blu e nero delle cuffie conferisce loro un aspetto fresco che può essere facilmente integrato in qualsiasi salotto. Grazie alla tecnologia wireless, puoi muoverti liberamente nella stanza mentre ti godi la musica o i film. Le cuffie offrono uneccellente qualità del suono e sono facili da usare. Con la stazione di ricarica inclusa, puoi caricare comodamente le cuffie e conservarle in modo sicuro. Se ci sono limitazioni tecniche o menomazioni visive oltre ai soliti segni di utilizzo, questo sarà esplicitamente menzionato nella descrizione dellarticolo. Gli accessori originali potrebbero essere stati sostituito con accessori equivalenti di terze parti. Il tempo di evasione è di un giorno lavo Marke Sennheiser Formfaktor Kopfbügel EAN 4044156004914 Farbe Blau Farbe Schwarz Besonderheiten Kabellos Modell Sennheiser RS 115 Konnektivität 3,5 mm Anschluss Konnektivität Kabellos Produktart Ohraufliegende Kopfhörer

Replacement Ear Pads For Sennheiser RS100/110/110-II/115/117 HDR120 Earmuffs

End: 28.07. 2023 06:17:01 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 5.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266269512524
  • Seller: coolgobuy18 (6219|97.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shenzhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,85 EUR
  • on EBAY

Black Replacement Earpads Earmuff For Sennheiser RS100/110/110-II/115/117 HDR120

End: 28.07. 2023 06:16:55 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266269512493
  • Seller: coolgobuy18 (6219|97.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 2,77 EUR
  • on EBAY

Replacement Earpads Cover For Sennheiser RS100/110/110-II/115/117 HDR120 Earmuff

End: 19.07. 2023 10:01:43 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 6.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394653445335
  • Seller: coolcogo (1699|96.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: ShenZhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,48 EUR
  • on EBAY

Ear Pads Cushion For Sennheiser RS120/HDR120/RS100/RS110/RS115/RS117/RS119

End: 22.06. 2023 17:53:34 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 6.08 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166174687018
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: easysuk (366|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shenzhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Condition: Brand NewColor: black Product Dimensions: Standard size Compatible with:Sennheiser RS120, HDR120, RS100, RS110, RS115, RS117, RS119 Headphones Package including: 1 Pair of Ear padsOn 15-Jun-2023 at 18:58:17 BST, seller added the following information:

1 Pair Protein Leather Foam Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones

End: 08.06. 2023 08:51:06 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166140833046
  • Seller: w2dshop (16484|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Delivery time: UK(Royal Mail Servuce) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Buyers are responsible for additional COD charges, VAT, Customs fees, and Duty for importation (if any). We ONLY handle the shipping to you. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item Replacement For VW Mk4 Golf Bora Brake Pipe Clips X6 Tdi Gti V5 V6 R32 6Pcs GBP 6.79 50x Aluminium Blank Tags Flat Round Padent for Jewellery Making Silver GBP 10.29 Jigsaw Blades T101BR Pk of 5 Reverse Cut for Wood, Laminate & Work Tops GBP 6.79 10x RFI Clip-on Filter Ferrite Ring Core Clip Cable Noise Suppressor 5 Sizes GBP 6.99 2x Drive Belt for Elektra Beckum BAS 315 / 316 / 317 Bandsaw 4PJ 610 9.36mm GBP 9.59 PictureNew List Item Hollow Lantern Cutting Die Scrapbooking Embossing Stencil Carbon Steel Template GBP 6.09 6 Pairs Ear Tips Plug Earbuds for Anker Soundcore Life P2 Earphones Black/White GBP 6.69 4PCS Birds & 2PCS Feather Cutting Dies Album Embossing Stencils Carbon Steel GBP 5.89 100x 1:100 White People Unpainted Figures Miniature Character Models for DIY GBP 5.89 6 Pairs Soft Ear Tips Plug Earbuds for Anker Soundcore Life P2 Earphones Black GBP 6.69 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us

1 Pair Replacement Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones Black

End: 08.06. 2023 07:46:35 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 10.4 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385652247523
  • Seller: memstall2020 (14706|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- for International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Different Countries Approx Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Tracked Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item 50x Side Door Moulding Trim Panel Clips W714231S300 Fit for Ford Transit Connect GBP 9.66 10pcs Orange Replacement A4 Paper Cutter Blades with Safe Pressing Design GBP 13.06 2Pcs Double End Threaded Screw Studs Bolts M6 to M8/M8 to M10/M10 to M12 GBP 8.46 2pcs Mini Shoe Stretchers Shapers Width Extenders Adjustable 7-12cm Mens Womens GBP 7.96 20pcs 2 Rows DB9 D-Sub 9pin Male Female Solder Serial Port Connector for PC Use GBP 16.16 PictureNew List Item 6 Pairs Silicone Ear Tips for Anker Soundcore Life P2 Earphones Black/White GBP 8.06 Hollow Lantern Cutting Die Card Making Embossing Stencil Carbon Steel Template GBP 7.26 100Pcs 1:100 White People Unpainted Figures Exquisite Miniature Character Models GBP 7.06 6 Pairs Silicone Earbuds Ear Tips for Anker Soundcore Life P2 Earphones Black GBP 8.06 4PCS Birds & 2PCS Feather Cutting Dies Card Making Embossing Stencils Template GBP 7.06 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us

1 Pair Replacement Soft Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones

End: 08.06. 2023 04:38:49 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195796481401
  • Seller: rossinversraud (8308|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 4,52 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Terms Terms About Copyright / Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Shipping Shipping Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days Payment Payment We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty & Return Policies Warranty & Return Policies Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us Contact us Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours!

1 Pair Replacement Soft Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones

End: 01.06. 2023 09:51:02 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195791485529
  • Seller: rossinversraud (7987|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Terms Terms About Copyright / Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Shipping Shipping Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days Payment Payment We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty & Return Policies Warranty & Return Policies Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us Contact us Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours!

1 Pair Protein Leather Foam Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones

End: 01.06. 2023 09:39:53 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166133021733
  • Seller: w2dshop (16212|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Delivery time: UK(Royal Mail Servuce) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Buyers are responsible for additional COD charges, VAT, Customs fees, and Duty for importation (if any). We ONLY handle the shipping to you. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item 2x Drive Belt for Elektra Beckum BAS 315 / 316 / 317 Bandsaw 4PJ 610 9.36mm GBP 9.59 Jigsaw Blades T101BR Pk of 5 Reverse Cut for Wood, Laminate & Work Tops GBP 6.79 10x RFI Clip-on Filter Ferrite Ring Core Clip Cable Noise Suppressor 5 Sizes GBP 5.69 50x Aluminium Blank Tags Flat Round Padent for Jewellery Making Silver GBP 10.29 Replacement For VW Mk4 Golf Bora Brake Pipe Clips X6 Tdi Gti V5 V6 R32 6Pcs GBP 6.79 PictureNew List Item Aluminium Silver MTB Road Bike Bicycle saddle Seat post Seatpost 27.2mm 350mm GBP 13.89 Front Windscreen Wiper Washer Jets Jet Nozzle Spray for Citroen Berlingo MK2 GBP 4.09 3x Guitar Effects Pedals 9V Battery Clip Converter Power Cable Connector Plug GBP 7.29 2x Water Hose Reel Holder Water Pipe Wall Mounting Bracket Garden Tools GBP 10.69 2x Rear Side Wheel Cover Reflective Strip for Xiaomi M365 Essential 1S Pro Pro 2 GBP 6.99 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us

1 Pair Replacement Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones Black

End: 01.06. 2023 08:56:20 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 10.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385645905325
  • Seller: memstall2020 (14182|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- for International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Different Countries Approx Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Tracked Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item 2Pcs Double End Threaded Screw Studs Bolts M6 to M8/M8 to M10/M10 to M12 GBP 8.46 10pcs Orange Replacement A4 Paper Cutter Blades with Safe Pressing Design GBP 13.06 2pcs Mini Shoe Stretchers Shapers Width Extenders Adjustable 7-12cm Mens Womens GBP 7.96 50x Side Door Moulding Trim Panel Clips W714231S300 Fit for Ford Transit Connect GBP 9.66 20pcs 2 Rows DB9 D-Sub 9pin Male Female Solder Serial Port Connector for PC Use GBP 16.16 PictureNew List Item 5 Pairs Male Jack & Female Socket Panel Mount Barrel Jack Plug for Recorders GBP 6.96 Pick-up Truck Tailgate Handle Compatible with Ford Ranger 2.5TD 3688720 GBP 19.46 10PCS 8mm Jack Oil Filler Rubber Plug Jack Oil Reservoir Filler Hole Bung GBP 7.86 25Pcs Kayak D Ring Screw Elastic Cord Kit for Canoe Boat Fishing Accessories GBP 14.96 100x Heat Shrink Butt Connectors Crimp Electrical Terminals Heatshrink Blue GBP 7.56 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us

Ear Pads Cushion For Sennheiser RS120/HDR120/RS100/RS110/RS115/RS117/RS119

End: 29.05. 2023 17:30:59 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 5.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166115149759
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: easysuk (280|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shenzhen China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 2,29 EUR
  • on EBAY

1 Pair Replacement Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones Black

End: 29.05. 2023 11:11:20 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 10.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385636851969
  • Seller: memstall2020 (13746|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
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  • Description

    About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- for International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Different Countries Approx Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Tracked Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item 2Pcs Double End Threaded Screw Studs Bolts M6 to M8/M8 to M10/M10 to M12 GBP 8.46 20pcs 2 Rows DB9 D-Sub 9pin Male Female Solder Serial Port Connector for PC Use GBP 16.16 10pcs Orange Replacement A4 Paper Cutter Blades with Safe Pressing Design GBP 13.06 Single Colour Strip LED DC 12V 12A Remote Controller Mini In-line Dimmer Switch GBP 8.66 50x Side Door Moulding Trim Panel Clips W714231S300 Fit for Ford Transit Connect GBP 9.66 PictureNew List Item 7Pcs 2U Stabilizers & 1Pcs 6.25U Stabilizer Mechanical Keyboard Stabilizers GBP 6.76 3PCS USB C to Mini USB Adapter Charge Data Sync Connector for Mobile Phone GBP 7.66 15 Pairs 5.5x2.5mm DC Male Plug and Female Jack Connector for Media Players GBP 7.96 2pcs Dual SD/TF Card to MS Memory Card Holder CR5400 512GB GBP 8.76 3PCS USB C to Mini USB Adapter Charge Data Sync Connector for Mobile Phone Black GBP 7.66 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us

1 Pair Protein Leather Foam Earpads for Sennheiser RS110 RS115 RS120 Headphones

End: 29.05. 2023 10:32:29 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.67 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166122796134
  • Seller: w2dshop (15958|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
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  • Description

    About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Delivery time: UK(Royal Mail Servuce) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Buyers are responsible for additional COD charges, VAT, Customs fees, and Duty for importation (if any). We ONLY handle the shipping to you. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item Jigsaw Blades T101BR Pk of 5 Reverse Cut for Wood, Laminate & Work Tops GBP 6.79 2x Drive Belt for Elektra Beckum BAS 315 / 316 / 317 Bandsaw 4PJ 610 9.36mm GBP 9.59 50x Aluminium Blank Tags Flat Round Padent for Jewellery Making Silver GBP 10.29 Replacement For VW Mk4 Golf Bora Brake Pipe Clips X6 Tdi Gti V5 V6 R32 6Pcs GBP 6.79 10x RFI Clip-on Filter Ferrite Ring Core Clip Cable Noise Suppressor 5 Sizes GBP 5.69 PictureNew List Item 15 Pairs 5.5x2.5mm DC Male Power Plug and Female Jack Connector Adapter GBP 6.69 7x 2U Stabilizers & 1Pcs 6.25U Stabilizer Mechanical Keyboard Stabilizer Black GBP 5.69 2x Dual SD/TF Card to MS Memory Card Holder CR5400 512GB PSP Dual Slot Adapter GBP 7.29 3x Type C Female to Mini USB 2.0 Male Adapter Charge Data Sync Connector Black GBP 6.39 3x Type C Female to Mini USB 2.0 Male Adapter Charge Data Sync Connector GBP 6.39 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us