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Sennheiser Kopfhörer HD 265 Linear
End: 18.02. 2025 20:36:18 on Tuesday
Sennheiser Kopfhörer HD265 Linear
End: 26.01. 2025 19:35:38 on Sunday
Sennheiser Kopfhörer HD265
End: 15.01. 2025 12:53:17 on Wednesday
Sennheiser HD265 Linear Closed-back Studio Headphone | Excellent +1y warranty!
End: 04.08. 2024 16:36:16 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 79.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 395553826824
- Seller: spectral_headphones (67|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Wernigerode
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 5,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Spectral Headphones Second hand, modified and refurbished headphones in excellent condition! About Spectral Headphones Welcome to my online shop! Here you will find mostly analog headphones from all ages and manufacturers clean and in their best possible condition! Also as an officially registered business based in Germany, all my items come with a 14-day return period and a 1-year warranty! If you have any question, feel free to look into the FAQ at the end of the description or send me a message otherwise. Product description: For sale is a Sennheiser HD265 Linear vintage studio headphone in excellent condition! This is one of the very few closed back models Sennheiser made in the past and also one of my favourites. It sounds somewhat balanced with a solid amount of bass. Overall I would say its an enjoyable headphone well worth its price. It has gotten brand new high quality and very comfortable velour ear pads and foam insets. The headband cushion is also brand new. Specifications: Impedance: 150 ohm Construction: over ear / closed back Driver type: dynamic What has been renewed?: - ear pads (velour) - head cushion - 3,5 to 6,3mm adapter Modifications: ... Additional info and things to note: ... FAQ 1. How, when and to what locations do I ship? All orders will be shipped well packaged with DHL to all countries in the EU after ~1-2 days. Shipping to places outside of the EU is currently not possible for me. 2. Why would you buy something at Spectral Headphones? In terms of used headphones, especially when it comes to older models, the chance of undeclared defects by private, but also a lot of business sellers is sadly rather high. Damaged drivers, loose contacts, missing parts, unusable mechanisms (especially with AKG), smoke stench and completely disastrous hygienic conditions are very common in reality. With no exaggeration, at least 25-35% of all used headphones I purchase for refurbish possess one or more undeclared technical defects that are only possible to fix with specific knowledge and / or specialized spare parts. I want to offer products that can be ordered with no worries and arrive clean, fully working and ready to use at your home! 3. What are the criteria for choosing correct ear pads? For the selection of ear pads, the wearing comfort as well as a minimum (negative) impact on the sound quality / characteristics are the most important aspects. The selection of matching ear pads for a wide variety of different models is a very time- and cost intensive task and should absolutely not be underestimated when it comes to restoring headphones. The correct set of ear pads is responsible for half of the entire acoustic performance. 4. In which cases will I use original parts? Depending on the type of issue / replacement, availability and economic sustainability I will decide for or against the use of original parts. Often their cost is completely unreasonable compared to the total selling price of the headphone and I would need to ask for double the price for some products. Most of the time I will use high quality third-party parts or custom manufactured spare parts for repair and restoration, which also results in a high quality final product. If something doesnt meet my quality standards, it will not be offered for sale. 5. Who is responsible for the return shipping cost? In case of technical problems or transport damage the seller (me) is responsible for the shipping cost. A lot of issues can possibly also be fixed without the need to return it for repair. In this case I am of course ready to help you! In case of a return with no warranty background in the 14-day window after arrival, the buyer is responsible for the shipping costs back, including a tracking number. ------ Since I am a small business seller under German law, my items currently do not inherit any VAT (but are of course still all import-fee-free in EU-countries). Gemäß Abschnitt 19 Abs. 1 UStG ist im Rechnungsbetrag keine Umsatzsteuer enthalten (Kleinunternehmerregelung). Spectral Headphones
Sennheiser Kopfhörer HD 265 linear
End: 21.07. 2024 16:08:29 on Sunday
Sennheiser HD265 - Geschl. Studiokopfhörer der pre-HD600 Reihe | Top + 1J Gewähr
End: 22.04. 2024 15:59:24 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 79.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 395182768097
- Seller: spectral_headphones (24|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Wernigerode
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 5,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Spectral Headphones Gebrauchte, erneuerte und modifizierte Kopfhörer in Topzustand! Über Spectral Headphones Willkommen in meinem neuen Onlineshop! Hier finden Sie hauptsächlich analoge Kopfhörer aller Alter und Preisklassen stets gereinigt im Bestzustand. Ich bin bereits seit mehreren Jahren im Kopfhörerbereich, auch auf Ebay, zu finden und habe nun den gewerblichen Betrieb unter der Unternehmensbezeichnung Spectral Headphones begonnen! Hier brauchen Sie keine Sorgen vor versteckten Defekten, starken Gebrauchsspuren und fehlenden Teilen zu haben. Alle Kopfhörer werden genau überprüft, bevor diese zum Verkauf angeboten werden! Und sollte doch etwas mal nicht stimmen oder der Artikel wird auf dem Transportweg beschädigt? Als gewerblicher Anbieter verfügen alle meine Artikel über ein 14-tägiges Rückgaberecht und ein Jahr Gewährleistung. Bei Fragen aller Art schauen Sie in die FAQ am Ende der Beschreibung oder senden Sie mir anderenfalls eine Nachricht. Gemäß Abschnitt 19 Abs. 1 UStG ist im Rechnungsbetrag keine Umsatzsteuer enthalten (Kleinunternehmerregelung). Produktbeschreibung Zum Verkauf stehen zwei Sennheiser HD265 Linear Studiokopfhörer. Dieser stammt aus der pre-HD580 / HD600 Reihe und ist nach meiner Erfahrung einer der besten geschlossenen Kopfhörer, welche jemals von Sennheiser produziert wurden. Er klingt in der Praxis tatsächlich doch recht neutral und eher wie ein offener Kopfhörer - mit dem Vorteil der geschlosenen Bauweise. Für die hier angegebenen 79€ kann man absolut nichts falsch machen. Technische Informationen: Impedanz: 150 ohm Bauweise: Over-ear / geschlossen Systemtyp:dynamisch Was wurde erneuert: - Ohrpolster - Kopfpolster - Schaumstoffeinlagen Modifikationen: Anmerkungen / Auffälligkeiten: FAQ / Häufige Fragen 1. Wie und wohin erfolgt der Versand? Alle Pakete werden gut verpackt in der Regel innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen mit DHL verschickt. Ich versende sowohl nach Deutschland, als auch in die EU. Ein Versand außerhalb der EU ist nach Absprache eventuell ebenfalls möglich. Achten Sie darauf, dass dabei hohe Versandkosten bis zu 50€, sowie Importgebühren anfallen können. Zusätzlich kann für nicht-EU-Länder keine Gewährleistung auf Artikel gewährt werden. 2. Nach welchen Kriterien werden passende Ohrpolster ausgewählt? Im Bereich der Ohrpolster werden solche Exemplare verwendet, welche einen bestmöglichen Tragekomfort ermöglichen und gleichzeitig die Akustik für das spezifische Modell nicht oder nicht negativ beeinflussen. Die Auswahl geeigneter Ohrpolster für eine Vielzahl verschiedener Kopfhörermodelle stellt ein nicht zu unterschätzendes Teilgebiet bei der Restauration von Kopfhörern dar und ist mit vergleichsweise hohen Kosten und Zeitaufwand verbunden. 3. In welchen Fällen werden Originalteile verwendet? Je nach Art der Aufgabe, Verfügbarkeit und wirtschaftlicher Tragbarkeit wird sich für oder gegen die Verwendung von Originalteilen entschieden. Oft stehen die Kosten für diese nicht im Verhältnis zum Endpreis des Produktes und ich müsste für einige Angebote den doppelten Preis verlangen. Meist werden qualitativ vergleichbare Drittanbieterteile, oder selbst maschinell produzierte Bauteile verwendet, wodurch sich insgesamt weiterhin ein hervorragendes Endprodukt ergibt. Was nicht überzeugt, wird nicht zum Verkauf angeboten. 4. Wie sieht es mit dem Rückversand aus? Bei technischen Problemen oder Transportschäden übernimmt der Verkäufer die Rücksendekosten. Eventuell sind mögliche Probleme auch ohne Rücksendung identifizier- und behebbar, dabei helfe ich Ihnen gerne weiter. Bei Rückgaben ohne Gewährleistungshintergrund trägt der Käufer die Rücksendekosten. Für eine schnellere Rückabwicklung wird filialenbedingt der Versand mit DHL empfohlen. 5. Warum lohnt sich ein Kopfhörerkauf bei Spectral Headphones? Im Bereich gebrauchter Kopfhörer, insbesondere bei älteren Exemplaren, ist die Chance auf nicht deklarierte Defekte durch Privatpersonen, aber auch viele gewerbliche Anbieter hoch. Treiberprobleme, Wackelkontakte, fehlende funktionale Teile, abgenutzte Mechanismen (insbesondere bei Modellen von AKG), Rauchspuren und unzumutbare hygienische Zustände sind in der Praxis allgegenwärtig. Mindestens 25-35% meiner für die Erneuerung erworbenen Kopfhörer weisen einen oder mehr undeklarierte technische Defekte auf, welche nicht oder nur mit spezifischem Wissen und Ersatzteilen behebbar sind. Ich möchte ein Angebot bieten, bei welchem kein Käufer Sorge vor der eigenen Bestellung haben muss und einen einwandfreien und sauberen Artikel betriebsbereit erhält. Spectral Headphones
Sennheiser Hd265 linear Headphones Kopfhörer, Top Sound. RAR!
End: 19.04. 2024 15:16:27 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 42.49 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 204739996231
- Bids: 5
- Seller: oki34 (1204|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: NRW
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 5,95 EUR
- on EBAY
Sennheiser Hd265 linear Headphones Kopfhörer, Top Sound. RAR! Der Kopfhörer komm mit neuen Ohrpads in gebrauchten, sehr guten, sauberen und voll funktionierenden Zustand. Beachten Sie bitte folgende Verkaufsbedingungen:Dieser Disclaimer bedeutet aber nicht, dass an der Funktionsfähigkeit (Wenn es nicht Defekt deklariert ist) des/der beschriebenen Artikel(s) oder Komponenten irgend ein Zweifel besteht, er dient nur zur rechtlichen Absicherung.Der Ist-Zustand wird von mir benutz, beschrieben, fotografiert und nochmal getestet. Den Artikelzustand entnehmen Sie bitte den Fotos, sie sind ein Teil der Beschreibung!Ich verkaufe unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmängelhaftung! Für den gebrauchten Kopfhörer kann ich keine Garantie übernehmen. Auch nicht für irgendwelche Kratzer, Mängel, oder Probleme die nach dem Verkauf auftauchen.Bitte stellen Sie alle Ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes. Die Beschreibung und die Fotos des angebotenen Artikels wurden von mir nach bestem Wissen, eigener Einschätzung und Wahrnehmung erstellt. Der Artikel wird sowie er ist von Privat verkauft; dies bedeutet: mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach dem neuem EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten. Das Versandrisiko und die Versandkosten, die sich in der Regel aus Porto und Verpackungskosten zusammensetzen, gehen zu Lasten des Käufers.Zusammenfassend: Privatverkauf, Artikel ohne Garantie ! Keine Gewährleistung! Keine Rücknahme ! Kein Umtausch ! Keine Nachverhandlungen!Verwendete Markennamen, Logos und Warenzeichen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dienen ausschließlich zur Produktbeschreibung.Auch biete ich nur den jeweiligen Gegenstand an und bewerbe ihn nicht!Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangel Haftung aus.Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzungen von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und / oder vorsätzlicher Verletzungen meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleibt uneingeschränkt.Meine Bewertung gebe ich ab, sobald ich eine vom Käufer erhalten habe. Als Privatperson kann ich keine Rechnung ausstellen und keine Mehrwertsteuer ausweisen.Mit Abgabe eines Gebots geht der Bieter eine Kaufverpflichtung ein und nimmt den Haftungsausschluss und die AGB von Ebay an. Bieten Sie bitte nur, wenn Sie o.g. Artikelbeschreibung aufmerksam gelesen haben und die Zahlungs- sowie Lieferbedingungen akzeptieren. Artikel wird zügig nach Geldeingang sicher verpackt , versichert mit Hermes oder DHL, ausschließlich an die von Ebay übermittelte Adresse versendet!Für Beschädigung oder Verlust der Ware beim Versand (Z.B Hausflurabstellung , Nachbarabgabe o.ä.) haftet der Käufer gem. § 447 BGB (Gefahrenübergang). Der Käufer hat sich in dem Fall an das Versandunternehmen zu halten. Meine Haftung endet mit der VersandaufgabeAngegebene Versandkosten verstehen sich für Inland!Internationale Versandkosten bitte vorher mit Verkäufer abklären! Versand nur in die EU!!Bitte die Bezahlung vorab innerhalb von 2 Tagen!Viel Spaß und Erfolg beim bieten. Bitte beachten Sie auch meine anderen Auktionen!! Wenn sie fragen haben, stehe ich ihnen gern zur Verfügung.
Konvolut Kopfhörer SENNHEISER gemischt gebraucht 5x HD 265 linear 1x HD 457+201
End: 21.01. 2024 17:27:38 on Sunday
Sennheiser HD 265 Linear Studio Professional Kopfhörer 6,3 mm Stecker
End: 05.01. 2024 20:42:14 on Friday
Sennheiser HD 265 Linear Studio Professional Kopfhörer 6,3 mm Stecker
End: 14.12. 2023 16:54:37 on Thursday
Kopfhörer Sennheiser HD 265 linear Studio Professional #
End: 02.12. 2023 20:40:46 on Saturday
Sennheiser Kopfhörer HD265 linear Headphone
End: 25.11. 2023 15:51:58 on Saturday
Sennheiser HD 265 Linear Studio Professional Kopfhörer
End: 06.11. 2023 19:23:03 on Monday
Sennheiser HD 265 Linear Studio Professional Kopfhörer 6,3 mm Stecker
End: 04.11. 2023 16:53:19 on Saturday
Kopfhörer Sennheiser HD 265 linear
End: 29.10. 2023 04:58:32 on Sunday
Sennheiser Kopfhörer HD 265 linear
End: 23.10. 2023 12:01:52 on Monday
Kopfhörer Sennheiser HD 265 Linear, mit zusätzliche Ohrpolster und Zubehör
End: 28.07. 2023 09:20:08 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 10.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 195904968245
- Bids: 0
- Seller: blattias (132|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Berlin
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Sennheiser HD 265 Linear. Funktioniert einwandfrei. Lieferung wie abgebildet. Mit Original-Kabel welche defekt ist und Stecker zum löten. Und eine richtig funktionierende Ersatzkabel (mit Mikrofon!) Ersatz-Ohrpolster einbegriffen.
Kopfhörer Sennheiser HD 265 Linear, mit zusätzliche Ohrpolster und Zubehör
End: 25.07. 2023 17:03:11 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 50.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 195895643509
- Bids: 0
- Seller: blattias (132|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Berlin
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 5,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Kopfhörer Sennheiser HD 265 Linear, mit zusätzliche Ohrpolster und Zubehör. Fukntioniert einwandfrei.
1 Pair Velour Ear Pads for Sennheiser HD545 HD565 HD580 HD600 HD650 HD265
End: 08.06. 2023 08:26:53 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 13.65 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 385652159532
- Seller: memstall2020 (14706|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- for International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Different Countries Approx Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Tracked Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item 2Pcs Double End Threaded Screw Studs Bolts M6 to M8/M8 to M10/M10 to M12 GBP 8.46 50x Side Door Moulding Trim Panel Clips W714231S300 Fit for Ford Transit Connect GBP 9.66 2pcs Mini Shoe Stretchers Shapers Width Extenders Adjustable 7-12cm Mens Womens GBP 7.96 20pcs 2 Rows DB9 D-Sub 9pin Male Female Solder Serial Port Connector for PC Use GBP 16.16 10pcs Orange Replacement A4 Paper Cutter Blades with Safe Pressing Design GBP 13.06 PictureNew List Item 100Pcs 1:100 White People Unpainted Figures Exquisite Miniature Character Models GBP 7.06 6 Pairs Silicone Ear Tips for Anker Soundcore Life P2 Earphones Black/White GBP 8.06 Hollow Lantern Cutting Die Card Making Embossing Stencil Carbon Steel Template GBP 7.26 6 Pairs Silicone Earbuds Ear Tips for Anker Soundcore Life P2 Earphones Black GBP 8.06 4PCS Birds & 2PCS Feather Cutting Dies Card Making Embossing Stencils Template GBP 7.06 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us
1 Pair Comfort Ear Pads for Sennheiser HD545 HD565 HD580 HD600 HD650 HD265
End: 08.06. 2023 05:20:28 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 11.4 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 195796382652
- Seller: rossinversraud (8296|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Terms Terms About Copyright / Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Shipping Shipping Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days Payment Payment We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty & Return Policies Warranty & Return Policies Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us Contact us Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours!
Connectors for Sennheiser HD600/650 and HD265, 525, 545, 565, 580.
End: 01.06. 2023 13:09:14 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 5.75 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 155572879928
- Bids: 0
- Seller: arfhour (213|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Eastbourne
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Connectors for Sennheiser HD600/650 and HD265, 525, 545, 565, 580.. Used. Removed from Stefan Audioart Equinox headphone cable on re termination. Approximately 1cm pigtail left on each to make it a simple solder job directly cable to cable to terminate your own cable.
1 Pair Comfort Ear Pads for Sennheiser HD545 HD565 HD580 HD600 HD650 HD265
End: 01.06. 2023 08:13:13 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 11.5 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 195791583150
- Seller: rossinversraud (7987|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Terms Terms About Copyright / Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Shipping Shipping Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days Payment Payment We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty & Return Policies Warranty & Return Policies Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us Contact us Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours!
1 Pair Velour Ear Pads for Sennheiser HD545 HD565 HD580 HD600 HD650 HD265
End: 01.06. 2023 08:02:30 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 13.77 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 385646034506
- Seller: memstall2020 (14182|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- for International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Different Countries Approx Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Tracked Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item 2pcs Mini Shoe Stretchers Shapers Width Extenders Adjustable 7-12cm Mens Womens GBP 7.96 20pcs 2 Rows DB9 D-Sub 9pin Male Female Solder Serial Port Connector for PC Use GBP 16.16 2Pcs Double End Threaded Screw Studs Bolts M6 to M8/M8 to M10/M10 to M12 GBP 8.46 10pcs Orange Replacement A4 Paper Cutter Blades with Safe Pressing Design GBP 13.06 50x Side Door Moulding Trim Panel Clips W714231S300 Fit for Ford Transit Connect GBP 9.66 PictureNew List Item Metal O-ring Chain Waist Belts Adjustable Waist Chain Women Belts 115cm Gold GBP 9.26 Car Bonnet Hood Lock Latch Catch Block for Ford C-Max Mondeo MK4 2007-2011 GBP 23.16 4Pcs Micro to USB 3.0 Female OTG Adapter Compatible with Huawei 3.1x1.5cm Silver GBP 4.76 Sharpener Trimmer Head Lawn Mower Replacement Blade 24CM Grass Trimmer Head GBP 11.86 2Pcs USB C to 3.5mm Headphone Jack Adaptor Compatible with Huawei P40/P30 Black GBP 4.96 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us
1 Pair Velour Ear Pads for Sennheiser HD545 HD565 HD580 HD600 HD650 HD265
End: 29.05. 2023 12:13:37 on Monday
- Condition: New
- Price: 13.61 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 385636747755
- Seller: memstall2020 (13744|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: London
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
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About Copyright/Patent issue –As a responsible seller, we will do our best to solve every problem. If you have any problem about violating of your right owners interest, please contact us directly and we are pleased to show cooperative attitude. Item will be sent out within 24 business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) after payment received. Delivery time -- for International orders is about 14 days in most cases, and in rare cases could be up to 4 weeks. Some international orders are subject to search by local customs authorities which can delay delivery by several weeks. We dont provide local pick-up service and we dont offer combine shipping discount. We will not be responsible for any shipping or customs delay since this is outside our control. Items will ship to buyer eBay Address. Please understand that shipping and handling rates charged for your items are not just the postal fees, but handling, processing, and packaging of your items as well. If you do not receive your item in the normal period, please contact us first and we will be glad to check it for you. You can also contact us via eBay message or send us email directly. Different Countries Approx Delivery time: UK (Royal Mail Tracked Service) 2-5 working days Other Europe Countries 7-14 working days We accept PayPal only. eCheque will be held until cleared. eBay item number, your full name and shipping address MUST be included in the PayPal payment. You are highly recommended to leave your contact number in the PayPal payment to secure your item. Payment is expected within 3 days once the auction ended, an unpaid item dispute will be filed if payment is not received in 1 week. Sales Tax All the prices stated are finalized. Warranty: 30 days warranty from the dispatched date. Please contact us through email before returning the defective item. Buyers are responsible for the returning shipping costs under any circumstances. We do quality check before sending out items. If buyers receive defective products, please return within 7 days from the date you receive the items and we will replace for you. Please notify us before sending back items. Return items should include the original packaging and accessories. Units returned and found not be defective will be returned at buyers expense. Contact us, simply click Ask Seller a Question at the upper right corner of the listing. If any problem comes out, please contact us first, we will do our best to resolve it. Please email us. We will reply your email within 24 hours during business days. If you dont get our reply, please kindly check the junk and spam mail. Feedback We appreciate your business, and your satisfaction is our No.1 priority. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time via eBay message. We will reply to you within 24 business hours! Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved. Shop Category Store Home OtherHot Item 2Pcs Double End Threaded Screw Studs Bolts M6 to M8/M8 to M10/M10 to M12 GBP 8.46 10pcs Orange Replacement A4 Paper Cutter Blades with Safe Pressing Design GBP 13.06 50x Side Door Moulding Trim Panel Clips W714231S300 Fit for Ford Transit Connect GBP 9.66 20pcs 2 Rows DB9 D-Sub 9pin Male Female Solder Serial Port Connector for PC Use GBP 16.16 Single Colour Strip LED DC 12V 12A Remote Controller Mini In-line Dimmer Switch GBP 8.66 PictureNew List Item 3PCS USB C to Mini USB Adapter Charge Data Sync Connector for Mobile Phone Black GBP 7.66 3PCS USB C to Mini USB Adapter Charge Data Sync Connector for Mobile Phone GBP 7.66 7Pcs 2U Stabilizers & 1Pcs 6.25U Stabilizer Mechanical Keyboard Stabilizers GBP 6.76 2pcs Dual SD/TF Card to MS Memory Card Holder CR5400 512GB GBP 8.76 15 Pairs 5.5x2.5mm DC Male Plug and Female Jack Connector for Media Players GBP 7.96 Help & InfoPayment PolicyShipping PolicyReturn PolicyFAQAbout Us
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