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Technics SB-G90 3-Wege Bass-Reflex Standlautsprecher

End: 24.02. 2025 20:03:00 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1510.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 405555461637
  • Bids: 46
  • Seller: projekt-akustik (12736|99.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bad Schwartau Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 100,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SB-G90 3-Wege Bass-Reflex StandlautsprecherWillkommen bei einer Auktion von Projekt-Akustik ZUR VERSTEIGERUNG KOMMT HIERTechnics SB-G90 3-Wege Standlautsprecher AUSFÜHRUNGSchwarzZUSTANDInzahlungnahme, technisch einwandfrei und optisch im gutem Zustand (siehe Fotos) (Differenzbesteuert gemäß §25a UStG. MwSt. nicht ausweisbar) LIEFERUMFANG- Technics SB-G90- Frontabdeckungen- Lautsprecherfüße- Spikes mit Disks- Dokumente Auch wenn im serienmäßigem Lieferumfang evtl. mehr Zubehör enthalten sein sollte, erhalten Sie ausschließlich den oben aufgeführten Lieferumfang. VERSANDWir versenden per Spedition oder DHL. Wir versenden nach Deutschland. Der Versand erfolgt innerhalb Deutschlands, in der Regel innerhalb von 1 - 4 Werktagen nach Zahlungseingang zu den angegebenen Versandkosten. ZAHLUNGSie haben die Möglichkeit, den Artikel in bar bei Abholung, per Überweisung oder per PayPal zu bezahlen. Einen Versand per Nachnahme bieten wir nicht! an. Bei Rückfragen oder Vereinbarung für einen Hörtermin erreichen Sie uns von Di. – Fr. von 10.00 – 19.00 Uhr und Sa. von 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr unter 0451-20 33 300. Und nun wünschen wir Ihnen viel Erfolg bei der Auktion! Ihr Projekt Akustik Team Projekt Akustik Schönberg GmbHTremskamp 51 - 51aD-23611 Bad Schwartau Geschäftsführer: Birger Schönberg, Tobias Schönberg und Torge Schönberg Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 858 BS USt-ID-Nr.: DE 135123958 ZSVR-Nummer: DE4122505792345A.Nr.: 208746 _gsrx_vers_1680 (GS 9.8.3 (1680))

TECHNICS Stereoanlage SU-G90 SH-8017 RS-TR210 ST-K50 SL-PS620A SB-EX3

End: 13.10. 2024 03:44:45 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 450.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326251408590
  • Seller: boka01 (2383|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blomberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    TECHNICS Stereoanlage SU-G90 SH-8017 RS-TR210 ST-K50 SL-PS620A SB-EX3 Hallo Zusammen, hier bieten Sie auf eine sehr seltene Stereoanlage von TECHNICS. Die Anlage ist in einem sehr gutem Zustand, alles funktioniert tadellos. Die Boxen haben einen tollen Klang und Dank des starken Verstrkers so richtig Power. Zur Anlage gehren selbstverstndlich smtliche Anschluss, - und Verbindungskabel, eine Fernbedienung und diverse Bedienungsanleitungen. Verkauf erfolgt nur an Selbstabholer! Ein Versand ist zwar theoretisch mglich, macht aber aufgrund der Gre und des Gewichtes der Lautsprecher keinen Sinn. Falls ich was vergessen habe, einfach ne Mail an mich schreiben. Bei Fragen bitte mailen! Privatverkauf: keine Rcknahme, keine Nachverhandlungen, keine Garantie / Sachmngelhaftung Bieten Sie bitte nur, wenn Sie das akzeptieren!

Technics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 Euro

End: 12.09. 2024 09:32:43 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1490.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116313720786
  • Seller: k.lud (2332|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 EuroTechnics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 Euro Ich denke, über diese Referenz Lautsprecher brauche ich nicht viel zu schreiben. Features siehe auf der Technics Webseite: Lautsprecher habe ich wenig genutzt, da ich mehr Musik über meinen Onkyo DAP höre. Der Neupreis betrug 4.000 Euro. Die Lautsprecher funktionieren natürlich einwandfrei.Da die LS aufgrund des Klavierlacks nicht gut zu fotografieren sind, habe ich ein (Gesamt-)Produktfoto von der Technics Webseite eingefügt. Da die Lautsprecher schon einmal innerhalb der Räumlichkeiten umgezogen sind, sind kleinere Kratzer vorhanden (siehe angehängte Fotos). Auch ist auf den Fotos zu sehen, das zwei Kalotten an einem Lautsprecher eingedrückt sind. Grundsätzlich wird sich eine eingedrückte Kalotte nicht auf den Klang auswirken, da diese lediglich als Staubschutzabdeckung dient und keine akustische Funktion hat (diese Information stammt von der Teufel Webseite). Ich selbst kann das bestätigen und habe keine klanglichen Unterschiede oder Einschränkungen feststellen können. Die Lausprecher klingen wunderbar und wenn die Schutzbespannung angebracht ist, dann sieht man die Kalotten nicht. I ship worldwide. Please ask for shipping fee.Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf aus einem tierfreien Nichtraucherhaushalt. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung.Ein Transport ist möglich, wenn sich die Käuferin bzw. der Käufer um ein Transportunternehmen kümmert. Die OVP für einen Transport ist nicht mehr vorhanden. Für Transportschäden und Verluste während eines möglichen Transports übernehme ich keine Haftung.Eine Abholung in Köln ist natürlich möglich und auch aufgrund des Gewichtes erwünscht.

Technics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 Euro

End: 03.09. 2024 14:23:08 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1490.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116238478001
  • Seller: k.lud (2329|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 EuroTechnics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 Euro Ich denke, über diese Referenz Lautsprecher brauche ich nicht viel zu schreiben. Features siehe auf der Technics Webseite: Lautsprecher habe ich wenig genutzt, da ich mehr Musik über meinen Onkyo DAP höre. Der Neupreis betrug 4.000 Euro. Die Lautsprecher funktionieren natürlich einwandfrei.Da die LS aufgrund des Klavierlacks nicht gut zu fotografieren sind, habe ich ein (Gesamt-)Produktfoto von der Technics Webseite eingefügt. Da die Lautsprecher schon einmal innerhalb der Räumlichkeiten umgezogen sind, sind kleinere Kratzer vorhanden (siehe angehängte Fotos). Auch ist auf den Fotos zu sehen, das zwei Kalotten an einem Lautsprecher eingedrückt sind. Grundsätzlich wird sich eine eingedrückte Kalotte nicht auf den Klang auswirken, da diese lediglich als Staubschutzabdeckung dient und keine akustische Funktion hat (diese Information stammt von der Teufel Webseite). Ich selbst kann das bestätigen und habe keine klanglichen Unterschiede oder Einschränkungen feststellen können. Die Lausprecher klingen wunderbar und wenn die Schutzbespannung angebracht ist, dann sieht man die Kalotten nicht. I ship worldwide. Please ask for shipping fee.Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf aus einem tierfreien Nichtraucherhaushalt. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung.Ein Transport ist möglich, wenn sich die Käuferin bzw. der Käufer um ein Transportunternehmen kümmert. Die OVP für einen Transport ist nicht mehr vorhanden. Für Transportschäden und Verluste während eines möglichen Transports übernehme ich keine Haftung.Eine Abholung in Köln ist natürlich möglich und auch aufgrund des Gewichtes erwünscht.

Technics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 Euro

End: 01.07. 2024 05:06:38 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1690.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116219162541
  • Seller: k.lud (2328|99.1%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Köln Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 EuroTechnics SB-G90 Standlautsprecher | Neupreis 4.000 Euro Ich denke, über diese Referenz Lautsprecher brauche ich nicht viel zu schreiben. Features siehe auf der Technics Webseite: habe diese Anfang 2022 gekauft und die Lausprecher wurden seitdem kaum genutzt, da ich mehr Musik über meinen Onkyo DAP höre. Der Neupreis betrug 4000 Euro. Die Lautsprecher funktionieren natürlich einwandfrei.Aktuell habe ich nur ein Produktfoto von der Technics Webseite, da ich die LS noch im Betrieb habe. Da die Lautsprecher schon einmal innerhalb der Räumlichkeiten umgezogen sind, kann der ein oder andere kleinere Kratzer vorhanden sein. In den nächsten Tagen werde ich mir die Lausprecher noch einmal ganz genau anschauen und ggf. den Text hier erweitern. Fotos werde ich noch nachreichen.Parallel verkaufe ich noch den Technics SL-G700 Referenz CD/SACD Netzwerk Player.I ship worldwide. Please ask for shipping fee.Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf aus einem tierfreien Nichtraucherhaushalt. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung.Ein Transport ist möglich, wenn sich die Käuferin bzw. der Käufer um ein Transportunternehmen kümmert. Die OVP für einen Transport ist nicht mehr vorhanden. Für Transportschäden und Verluste während eiens möglichen Transports übernehme ich keine Haftung.Eine Abholung in Köln ist natürlich möglich und auch aufgrund des Gewichtes erwünscht.

Yamaha NS-G90 Hifi Lautsprecher 80/120W 4 Ohm Speaker Nußbaum 2-way Boxen Q-1644

End: 28.08. 2023 12:59:14 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 99.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 126064652109
  • Seller: zeitreiseoldenburg2013 (56369|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldenburg Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 18,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Yamaha NS-G90 Hifi Lautsprecher 80/120W 4 Ohm Speaker Nußbaum 2-way Boxen Q-1644Das sind wertige Lautsprecherboxen:Yamaha NS-G90 2 Weg Bassreflex System.Knackiger Sound.Schöne Nußbaumgehäusematched Pair...fortlaufende ProduktionsnummernTolle Regalboxen.Belastbar mit bis zu 120 Watt an 4 Ohm.Gecheckt und alles geht und alles dreht.Und nachstehend noch Infos.Versandgewicht 2 Pakete a 10 KgAllgemein Hersteller: YamahaModell: NS-G 90Baujahre: 1990 Farbe: NußbaumAbmessungen: 225,5 x 340 x 240 mm (B x H x T)Gewicht: 6,5 kgNeupreis ca.: 996,- DM (UVP Paar) Technische Daten Bauart: 2-Wege Baßreflex KompaktlautsprecherChassis:Tiefton: 170 mmHochton: 25 mm MetallkalotteBelastbarkeit (Nenn-/Musikb.): 80/120 WattWirkungsgrad: 88 dBFrequenzgang: 50 - 20.000 HzÜbergangsbereiche: 3.000 HzImpedanz: 4 Ohm

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface USB control Cable} B5E3

End: 26.07. 2023 21:02:02 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 19.04 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295730101748
  • Seller: twentyfoursevenzing (131149|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface CAT USB contr D4Z9

End: 15.07. 2023 09:15:19 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 17.75 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374700355834
  • Seller: jingchuanan (2670|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface USB contr CAT D5L3

End: 13.07. 2023 09:20:36 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 17.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354794304759
  • Seller: camilaye (8|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface GX Cable CAT USB Y0O5

End: 11.07. 2023 07:15:12 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.43 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235008984695
  • Seller: englishhardd (2424|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

Technics stereo SU-G90 ST-K50 RS-TR210 SH-8017 SL-PC503 sl-qd33k sb-s15 sh-ks32

End: 09.07. 2023 04:10:14 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 719.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225585372253
  • Seller: 2743edwards (1282|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lawrenceville, Georgia USA
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Technics stereo SU-G90 ST-K50 RS-TR210 SH-8017 SL-PC503 sl-qd33k sb-s15 sh-ks32. This come from an estate sale . Turntable cover has marks like scratches. Items has some minor wear but in good condition. Local pickup. The shipping would be very high. Thank you

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface control USB Cable} J9N1

End: 29.06. 2023 01:53:26 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.41 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166113885762
  • Seller: topwardrobe2014 (184228|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface CAT contr USB V2R7

End: 21.06. 2023 02:41:53 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.57 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 155551751163
  • Seller: priestlyy (6525|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface USB GX control CAT S2B7

End: 20.06. 2023 08:15:45 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364261797703
  • Seller: yongyindww (21915|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface control USB CAT GX A8D2

End: 20.06. 2023 06:10:12 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125948420070
  • Seller: smithsonshelia92 (79862|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface USB contr CAT P3N1

End: 17.06. 2023 23:12:51 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 14.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314610276698
  • Seller: chedunchaoyang (740|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface CAT contr USB V8M0

End: 17.06. 2023 19:46:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 195768408666
  • Seller: lucky.shop_7 (6689|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface USB CAT Cable control Z6F8

End: 17.06. 2023 16:52:55 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374711534721
  • Seller: mizoseong (1970|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface CAT contr USB W3C1

End: 17.06. 2023 14:00:40 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 16.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334878570485
  • Seller: fangdancc (507|98.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface CAT · control USB J0I9

End: 17.06. 2023 13:47:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 16.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354786782597
  • Seller: xxzhaoyi5 (1083|99.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 1,83 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface control USB Cable CAT W1X7

End: 17.06. 2023 13:26:56 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 404271921229
  • Seller: xiaoicecream (9594|97.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface USB CAT contr D3F2

End: 15.06. 2023 12:10:37 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 14.66 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314595101192
  • Seller: chedunchaoyang (675|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface CAT contr USB W1M7

End: 12.06. 2023 05:09:42 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364260632546
  • Seller: celinlkeoder (3052|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.

for XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M HF Transceiver COMM Interface USB CAT contr S6K8

End: 12.06. 2023 05:09:42 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 18.91 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364260632229
  • Seller: celinlkeoder (3052|97.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Description Description&Previewshipping&policyDescription:Feature: 1.Its special made for xiegu G90,X5105,G1M. 2.Use to upgrade firmware and control radio by PC desktop and laptop computers 3.Length: 1 meter Item include XIEGU G90 X5105 G1M COMM Interface CAT USB control Cable × 1 Preview: Thank you for your purchaseProblems? You can follow below process to contact us. There is a time zone difference,but we will do our best to quickly response to your questions: Shipping ? We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays. ? We always send the item to the address you give us on Payoneer to ensure the security of the item. If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address when you pay us with Payoneer, otherwise we will not be responsible if the package is lost. Payments We accepts Payoneer only If you have any questions about the payment,please contact us through eBay message. Import Duties In case some duty is due Upon delivery, it is your responsibility to meet that expense and this may cause delays to delivery schedule and you may have to pickup goods at the customs office.Terms & Conditions By bidding on this item,the Buyer agrees to all of the terms and conditions as outlined in this listing .please ensure to read and agree to All eBay terms and Conditions before bidding. All pictures are for illustration purpose only and Colours may vary slightly. Our store obeys all eBay Rules and Policies.Returns Policy To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it. Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging. All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. Within 7 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 7 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.