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Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer BASTLER

End: 31.01. 2025 12:56:45 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 49.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326413632887
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: thomas_kromik (56|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bad Honnef Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 23,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer BASTLERVerkaufe meinen treuen und begeisternden 2K Full-HD Beamer wegen Umstieg auf 4K Ultra-HD. Der Beamer kann bei Bedarf vor Ort begutachtete werden. Er wurde als Zweitgerät genutzt da HDMI eingang defekt. Mein Hauptgerät verkaufe ich parallel OVP auf eBay. Gerne schicken ich den Beamer innerhalb der EU. Da Privatverkauf, wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft. Details zum Prachtstück gemäß eines Heimkino Testberichtes: „SANYO krönte damals mit dem PLV-Z3000 seine High Definition Heimkino-Palette. Die 120 Hz-Technologie des High End Full HD-Projektors ermöglicht eine extrem klare und detailgetreue Bilddarstellung besonders bei schnellen und bewegten Szenen. Mit einem Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1 können Heimkino-Fans jetzt auch dunkle Sequenzen in noch besserer Qualität verfolgen - und das bei einem extrem niedrigen Lüftergeräusch von nur 19 Dezibel. Der PLV-Z3000 besticht durch eine neuartige Technologie, die unerwünschte Bildbeeinträchtigungen wie Artefakte bei Szenen mit schnellen Bewegungen reduziert. Die Dynamic Predictive Frame Interpolation-Technologie errechnet dabei Zwischenbilder aus den Originalbildern und erreicht somit 120 Bilder pro Sekunde statt der eigentlichen 60 Bilder. Durch diesen 5:5 Pulldown-Modus erscheinen Action-Szenen in Filmen oder Sportübertragungen auf der Projektionsfläche wesentlich natürlicher und klarer. Der Full HD-Projektor von SANYO überzeugt auch durch ein extrem hohes Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1. Die grundlegend verbesserte Kontrast-Technologie reduziert dabei den Einfall des polarisierten Lichts und erhöht somit den Schwarzwert. Zudem passt die variable und geräuscharme Lichtblende des PLV-Z3000 die Lampenleistung jede 1/60-Sekunde an und sorgt somit für eine dynamischere Darstellung von Schwarz- und dunklen Farbtönen. Die schnelle Reaktionszeit der Linse kommt besonders Action-, Sport- und Gaming-Fans zugute. Der Heimkino-Freund kann zudem unter sieben voreingestellten Video-Modi (Brilliant Cinema/ Creative Cinema/ Pure Cinema/ Natural/ Living/ Dynamic/ x.v. Color) wählen.“ Bewertung gesamt : 1,6 (Gut +) Ausstattung 1,6 (Gut +) Bedienung 1,9 (Gut +) Technik 1,5 (Gut +) Bild 1,8 (Gut +) Preis / Leistung 1,0 (Sehr Gut) Quelle: ArtUndVoice

Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVP

End: 31.01. 2025 12:53:34 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326413631654
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: thomas_kromik (56|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bad Honnef Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 23,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVPVerkaufe meinen treuen und begeisternden 2K Full-HD Beamer wegen Umstieg auf 4K Ultra-HD. Der Beamer kann bei Bedarf vor Ort montiert (schonende Deckenmontage!) begutachtete werden. Er wurde 1547 Lampenstunden genutzt. Pixelfehler oder Staubflecken habe ich keine erkennen können (siehe Bilder). Gerne schicken ich den Beamer Originalverpackt innerhalb der EU. Da Privatverkauf, wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft. Details zum Prachtstück gemäß eines Heimkino Testberichtes: „SANYO krönte damals mit dem PLV-Z3000 seine High Definition Heimkino-Palette. Die 120 Hz-Technologie des High End Full HD-Projektors ermöglicht eine extrem klare und detailgetreue Bilddarstellung besonders bei schnellen und bewegten Szenen. Mit einem Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1 können Heimkino-Fans jetzt auch dunkle Sequenzen in noch besserer Qualität verfolgen - und das bei einem extrem niedrigen Lüftergeräusch von nur 19 Dezibel. Der PLV-Z3000 besticht durch eine neuartige Technologie, die unerwünschte Bildbeeinträchtigungen wie Artefakte bei Szenen mit schnellen Bewegungen reduziert. Die Dynamic Predictive Frame Interpolation-Technologie errechnet dabei Zwischenbilder aus den Originalbildern und erreicht somit 120 Bilder pro Sekunde statt der eigentlichen 60 Bilder. Durch diesen 5:5 Pulldown-Modus erscheinen Action-Szenen in Filmen oder Sportübertragungen auf der Projektionsfläche wesentlich natürlicher und klarer. Der Full HD-Projektor von SANYO überzeugt auch durch ein extrem hohes Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1. Die grundlegend verbesserte Kontrast-Technologie reduziert dabei den Einfall des polarisierten Lichts und erhöht somit den Schwarzwert. Zudem passt die variable und geräuscharme Lichtblende des PLV-Z3000 die Lampenleistung jede 1/60-Sekunde an und sorgt somit für eine dynamischere Darstellung von Schwarz- und dunklen Farbtönen. Die schnelle Reaktionszeit der Linse kommt besonders Action-, Sport- und Gaming-Fans zugute. Der Heimkino-Freund kann zudem unter sieben voreingestellten Video-Modi (Brilliant Cinema/ Creative Cinema/ Pure Cinema/ Natural/ Living/ Dynamic/ x.v. Color) wählen.“ Bewertung gesamt : 1,6 (Gut +) Ausstattung 1,6 (Gut +) Bedienung 1,9 (Gut +) Technik 1,5 (Gut +) Bild 1,8 (Gut +) Preis / Leistung 1,0 (Sehr Gut) Quelle: ArtUndVoice

Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVP

End: 18.01. 2025 14:16:10 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326401890636
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: thomas_kromik (56|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bad Honnef Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 23,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVPVerkaufe meinen treuen und begeisternden 2K Full-HD Beamer wegen Umstieg auf 4K Ultra-HD. Der Beamer kann bei Bedarf vor Ort montiert (schonende Deckenmontage!) begutachtete werden. Er wurde 1547 Lampenstunden genutzt. Pixelfehler oder Staubflecken habe ich keine erkennen können (siehe Bilder). Gerne schicken ich den Beamer Originalverpackt innerhalb der EU. Da Privatverkauf, wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft. Details zum Prachtstück gemäß eines Heimkino Testberichtes: „SANYO krönte damals mit dem PLV-Z3000 seine High Definition Heimkino-Palette. Die 120 Hz-Technologie des High End Full HD-Projektors ermöglicht eine extrem klare und detailgetreue Bilddarstellung besonders bei schnellen und bewegten Szenen. Mit einem Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1 können Heimkino-Fans jetzt auch dunkle Sequenzen in noch besserer Qualität verfolgen - und das bei einem extrem niedrigen Lüftergeräusch von nur 19 Dezibel. Der PLV-Z3000 besticht durch eine neuartige Technologie, die unerwünschte Bildbeeinträchtigungen wie Artefakte bei Szenen mit schnellen Bewegungen reduziert. Die Dynamic Predictive Frame Interpolation-Technologie errechnet dabei Zwischenbilder aus den Originalbildern und erreicht somit 120 Bilder pro Sekunde statt der eigentlichen 60 Bilder. Durch diesen 5:5 Pulldown-Modus erscheinen Action-Szenen in Filmen oder Sportübertragungen auf der Projektionsfläche wesentlich natürlicher und klarer. Der Full HD-Projektor von SANYO überzeugt auch durch ein extrem hohes Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1. Die grundlegend verbesserte Kontrast-Technologie reduziert dabei den Einfall des polarisierten Lichts und erhöht somit den Schwarzwert. Zudem passt die variable und geräuscharme Lichtblende des PLV-Z3000 die Lampenleistung jede 1/60-Sekunde an und sorgt somit für eine dynamischere Darstellung von Schwarz- und dunklen Farbtönen. Die schnelle Reaktionszeit der Linse kommt besonders Action-, Sport- und Gaming-Fans zugute. Der Heimkino-Freund kann zudem unter sieben voreingestellten Video-Modi (Brilliant Cinema/ Creative Cinema/ Pure Cinema/ Natural/ Living/ Dynamic/ x.v. Color) wählen.“ Bewertung gesamt : 1,6 (Gut +) Ausstattung 1,6 (Gut +) Bedienung 1,9 (Gut +) Technik 1,5 (Gut +) Bild 1,8 (Gut +) Preis / Leistung 1,0 (Sehr Gut) Siehe:

Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVP

End: 11.01. 2025 14:15:52 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326393967409
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: thomas_kromik (56|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bad Honnef Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 23,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVPVerkaufe meinen treuen und begeisternden 2K Full-HD Beamer wegen Umstieg auf 4K Ultra-HD. Der Beamer kann bei Bedarf vor Ort montiert (schonende Deckenmontage!) begutachtete werden. Er wurde 1547 Lampenstunden genutzt. Pixelfehler oder Staubflecken habe ich keine erkennen können (siehe Bilder). Gerne schicken ich den Beamer Originalverpackt innerhalb der EU. Da Privatverkauf, wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft. Details zum Prachtstück gemäß eines Heimkino Testberichtes: „SANYO krönte damals mit dem PLV-Z3000 seine High Definition Heimkino-Palette. Die 120 Hz-Technologie des High End Full HD-Projektors ermöglicht eine extrem klare und detailgetreue Bilddarstellung besonders bei schnellen und bewegten Szenen. Mit einem Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1 können Heimkino-Fans jetzt auch dunkle Sequenzen in noch besserer Qualität verfolgen - und das bei einem extrem niedrigen Lüftergeräusch von nur 19 Dezibel. Der PLV-Z3000 besticht durch eine neuartige Technologie, die unerwünschte Bildbeeinträchtigungen wie Artefakte bei Szenen mit schnellen Bewegungen reduziert. Die Dynamic Predictive Frame Interpolation-Technologie errechnet dabei Zwischenbilder aus den Originalbildern und erreicht somit 120 Bilder pro Sekunde statt der eigentlichen 60 Bilder. Durch diesen 5:5 Pulldown-Modus erscheinen Action-Szenen in Filmen oder Sportübertragungen auf der Projektionsfläche wesentlich natürlicher und klarer. Der Full HD-Projektor von SANYO überzeugt auch durch ein extrem hohes Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1. Die grundlegend verbesserte Kontrast-Technologie reduziert dabei den Einfall des polarisierten Lichts und erhöht somit den Schwarzwert. Zudem passt die variable und geräuscharme Lichtblende des PLV-Z3000 die Lampenleistung jede 1/60-Sekunde an und sorgt somit für eine dynamischere Darstellung von Schwarz- und dunklen Farbtönen. Die schnelle Reaktionszeit der Linse kommt besonders Action-, Sport- und Gaming-Fans zugute. Der Heimkino-Freund kann zudem unter sieben voreingestellten Video-Modi (Brilliant Cinema/ Creative Cinema/ Pure Cinema/ Natural/ Living/ Dynamic/ x.v. Color) wählen.“ Bewertung gesamt : 1,6 (Gut +) Ausstattung 1,6 (Gut +) Bedienung 1,9 (Gut +) Technik 1,5 (Gut +) Bild 1,8 (Gut +) Preis / Leistung 1,0 (Sehr Gut) Siehe:

Sanyo CXHS Projector Remote Control for PLV-60 PLC-XP35 PLC-XP30 PLC-XP40 3LCD

End: 07.01. 2025 10:33:18 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 4.8 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146066215548
  • Seller: gpporth (5006|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Davenport, Iowa USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo CXHS Projector Remote Control for PLV-60 PLC-XP35 PLC-XP30 PLC-XP40 3LCD

Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVP

End: 04.01. 2025 14:15:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 149.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326386464671
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: thomas_kromik (56|0.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bad Honnef Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 23,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV-Z3000 120Hz High End Full HD 1080p Heimkino Beamer OVPVerkaufe meinen treuen und begeisternden 2K Full-HD Beamer wegen Umstieg auf 4K Ultra-HD. Der Beamer kann bei Bedarf vor Ort montiert (schonende Deckenmontage!) begutachtete werden. Er wurde 1547 Lampenstunden genutzt. Pixelfehler oder Staubflecken habe ich keine erkennen können (siehe Bilder). Gerne schicken ich den Beamer Originalverpackt innerhalb der EU. Da Privatverkauf, wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft. Details zum Prachtstück gemäß eines Heimkino Testberichtes: „SANYO krönte damals mit dem PLV-Z3000 seine High Definition Heimkino-Palette. Die 120 Hz-Technologie des High End Full HD-Projektors ermöglicht eine extrem klare und detailgetreue Bilddarstellung besonders bei schnellen und bewegten Szenen. Mit einem Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1 können Heimkino-Fans jetzt auch dunkle Sequenzen in noch besserer Qualität verfolgen - und das bei einem extrem niedrigen Lüftergeräusch von nur 19 Dezibel. Der PLV-Z3000 besticht durch eine neuartige Technologie, die unerwünschte Bildbeeinträchtigungen wie Artefakte bei Szenen mit schnellen Bewegungen reduziert. Die Dynamic Predictive Frame Interpolation-Technologie errechnet dabei Zwischenbilder aus den Originalbildern und erreicht somit 120 Bilder pro Sekunde statt der eigentlichen 60 Bilder. Durch diesen 5:5 Pulldown-Modus erscheinen Action-Szenen in Filmen oder Sportübertragungen auf der Projektionsfläche wesentlich natürlicher und klarer. Der Full HD-Projektor von SANYO überzeugt auch durch ein extrem hohes Kontrastverhältnis von 65.000 : 1. Die grundlegend verbesserte Kontrast-Technologie reduziert dabei den Einfall des polarisierten Lichts und erhöht somit den Schwarzwert. Zudem passt die variable und geräuscharme Lichtblende des PLV-Z3000 die Lampenleistung jede 1/60-Sekunde an und sorgt somit für eine dynamischere Darstellung von Schwarz- und dunklen Farbtönen. Die schnelle Reaktionszeit der Linse kommt besonders Action-, Sport- und Gaming-Fans zugute. Der Heimkino-Freund kann zudem unter sieben voreingestellten Video-Modi (Brilliant Cinema/ Creative Cinema/ Pure Cinema/ Natural/ Living/ Dynamic/ x.v. Color) wählen.“ Bewertung gesamt : 1,6 (Gut +) Ausstattung 1,6 (Gut +) Bedienung 1,9 (Gut +) Technik 1,5 (Gut +) Bild 1,8 (Gut +) Preis / Leistung 1,0 (Sehr Gut) Siehe:

Orig. Fernbedienung Sanyo CXWY PLV-Z700,PLV-Z800,PLV-Z2000,PLV-Z3000,PLV-Z4000

End: 20.09. 2024 14:17:18 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326270553399
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: schoencast (684|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Münster Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 2,55 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Orig. Fernbedienung Sanyo CXWY PLV-Z700,PLV-Z800,PLV-Z2000,PLV-Z3000,PLV-Z4000Sehr gut erhaltene Fernbedienung für meinen Beamer.

Sanyo PLV Z 3000 HDTV Beamer / die Projektorlampe ist NEU / komplettes Zubehör

End: 14.09. 2024 20:30:23 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 99.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266791780117
  • Seller: rmds-shop (16612|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Meckenheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 19,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV Z 3000 HDTV Beamer / die Projektorlampe ist NEU / komplettes ZubehörSanyo PLV Z 3000 HDTV Beamer / die Projektorlampe ist NEU / komplettes Zubehör BB183 Gerät schaltet ein Die Projektorlampe schaltet sich nach ca 3 Sekunden automatisch ab Die Projektorlampe ist praktisch NEU ( 3 Stunden alt ) eine weitere Funktionsprüfung wurde nicht vorgenommen. daher als defekt an Bastler Zustand siehe Bilder

HDTV Beamer Sanyo PLV Z 3000

End: 07.05. 2024 11:33:09 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 120.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326108045694
  • Seller: xmanbln (373|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Neuenhagen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    HDTV Beamer Sanyo PLV Z 3000Der Sanyo PLV Z 3000 ist ein hochwertiger HDTV-Beamer, der fr ein beeindruckendes Heimkinoerlebnis sorgt. Mit einer Auflsung von 1920 x 1080 Pixeln und einer Helligkeit von 1200 ANSI-Lumen liefert er gestochen scharfe Bilder in lebendigen Farben. Das Modell eignet sich fr den Einsatz in mittelgroen Rumen und verfgt ber zahlreiche Anschlsse wie HDMI, VGA und Component. Mit seinem attraktiven Design und der einfachen Bedienung ist der Sanyo PLV Z 3000 eine ausgezeichnete Wahl fr Filmfans und Heimkino-Enthusiasten. Verkaufe unseren wenig benutzten Kinobeamer, gekauft im Dezember 2008. Die aktuelle Lampe wurde 2019 neu beschafft (Rechnung liegt vor) und lief nur 19 Beamerstunden. Das Gert ist gut erhalten, das Bild ist scharf und fehlerfrei. Einziger Mangel, ein ausziehbarer Sttzfuss, hlt nicht von selbst bei Schrgstellung, escmsste eine Feststellmutter o. verwendet werden . Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf, keine Gewhrleistung oder Rcknahme.

Sanyo Projector Plv Z3000

End: 27.02. 2024 12:58:27 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 922.98 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296230316946
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kontro-97 (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Langhorne, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality home theater projection with the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector. This top-of-the-line model boasts impressive brightness and contrast for stunning picture quality. Perfect for movie nights, sports events, and gaming, this projector is easy to set up and use. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 is sure to impress even the most discerning home theater enthusiasts.

Sanyo Projector Plv Z3000

End: 17.02. 2024 12:58:06 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 928.38 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296211168886
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kontro-97 (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Langhorne, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality home theater projection with the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector. This top-of-the-line model boasts impressive brightness and contrast for stunning picture quality. Perfect for movie nights, sports events, and gaming, this projector is easy to set up and use. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 is sure to impress even the most discerning home theater enthusiasts.

Sanyo Projector Plv Z3000

End: 07.02. 2024 12:57:57 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 930.75 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296191774097
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kontro-97 (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Langhorne, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality home theater projection with the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector. This top-of-the-line model boasts impressive brightness and contrast for stunning picture quality. Perfect for movie nights, sports events, and gaming, this projector is easy to set up and use. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 is sure to impress even the most discerning home theater enthusiasts.

Sanyo PLV Z3000 Beamer nativer 1080p FULL HD Projektor inkl. FB + Ersatzlampe

End: 30.01. 2024 23:06:24 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 225.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266631857017
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: 2009*jf (30|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gera Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV Z3000 Beamer nativer 1080p FULL HD Projektor inkl. FB + ErsatzlampeBeamer wegen Neuanschaffung zu verkaufen. Sehr guter Zustand, war als Deckenmontage im Einsatz.Inclusive beleuchtete FB, Kugelgelenkhalterung für Deckenmontage und neuer Ersatzlampe.

Sanyo Projector Plv Z3000

End: 18.01. 2024 12:57:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 920.6 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296153445184
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: kontro-97 (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Langhorne, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality home theater projection with the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector. This top-of-the-line model boasts impressive brightness and contrast for stunning picture quality. Perfect for movie nights, sports events, and gaming, this projector is easy to set up and use. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 is sure to impress even the most discerning home theater enthusiasts.

Sanyo Projector Plv Z3000

End: 08.01. 2024 12:56:32 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1000.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 9T 19:29:39
  • Item number: 296134419048
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Langhorne,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality home theater projection with the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector. This top-of-the-line model boasts impressive brightness and contrast for stunning picture quality. Perfect for movie nights, sports events, and gaming, this projector is easy to set up and use. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 is sure to impress even the most discerning home theater enthusiasts.

Sanyo Projector Plv Z3000

End: 29.12. 2023 12:55:59 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1000.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 9T 19:23:22
  • Item number: 296117190596
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Langhorne,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality home theater projection with the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector. This top-of-the-line model boasts impressive brightness and contrast for stunning picture quality. Perfect for movie nights, sports events, and gaming, this projector is easy to set up and use. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 is sure to impress even the most discerning home theater enthusiasts.

Sanyo PLV Z3000 Beamer nativer 1080p FULL HD Projektor inkl. FB + Ersatzlampe

End: 21.12. 2023 19:20:44 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 350.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266566598454
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: 2009*jf (30|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gera Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV Z3000 Beamer nativer 1080p FULL HD Projektor inkl. FB + ErsatzlampeBeamer wegen Neuanschaffung zu verkaufen. Sehr guter Zustand, war als Deckenmontage im Einsatz.Inclusive beleuchtete FB, Kugelgelenkhalterung für Deckenmontage und neuer Ersatzlampe.

Sanyo Projector Plv Z3000

End: 19.12. 2023 12:55:01 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1000.0 USD Auktion
  • Status: 9T 19:38:24
  • Item number: 296099145144
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Langhorne,PA,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience high-quality home theater projection with the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 projector. This top-of-the-line model boasts impressive brightness and contrast for stunning picture quality. Perfect for movie nights, sports events, and gaming, this projector is easy to set up and use. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the Sanyo PLV-Z3000 is sure to impress even the most discerning home theater enthusiasts.

Sanyo PLV Z3000 Beamer nativer 1080p FULL HD Projektor inkl. Fernbedienung, OVP

End: 05.11. 2023 07:46:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 649.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:12:55
  • Item number: 186108014333
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Mönchengladbach,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Sanyo PLV Z3000 Beamer nativer  1080p FULL HD Projektor inkl. Fernbedienung, OVP

PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 Replacement For Sanyo Lamp (Compatible Bulb)

End: 21.07. 2023 04:32:05 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 24.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394638651311
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70616|97.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 32,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:ET-SLMP135,POA-LMP114,PLC-XWU30,PLV-Z2000,PLV-Z3000,PLV-Z700,POA-LMP135 PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 Replacement For Sanyo Lamp (Compatible Bulb) Description: Economy Front Projection lamp for Sanyo PLV-Z3000 / PLVZ3000. For a better and brighter picture look for the Lutema Professional Series replacement lamp for your Device. This is the economic solution which provides 70% of the brightness of the Lutema Professional series replacement lamps. Compatible Models: Panasonic ET-SLMP135Panasonic POA-LMP114Panasonic POA-LMP135Panasonic PLC-XWU30Panasonic PLV-Z2000Panasonic PLV-Z3000Panasonic PLV-Z700 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 Replacement For Sanyo Lamp (Philips Bulb)

End: 19.07. 2023 16:35:55 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 69.76 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 394636262148
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70615|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: CA USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 18,04 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:78-6969-9790-3,78-6969-9861-2,78-6969-9875-2,21 102,AJ-LAF1,BHL-5010-S,SP-LAMP-017,POA-LMP107,CP324I-930,CP325M-930,LV-LP30,LV-LP31,456-232,456-8100,456-8101H,456-8755D,456-8755E,456-8758,456-8776,POA-LMP106,POA-LMP107,POA-LMP127,POA-LMP90,DT00731,60-270119,60-270594,60-272804,DT00671,DT00731,DT00751,DT00757,DT00841,DT00891,DT00893,SP-LAMP-017,BHL5010-S,PK-L2210UP,PK-L2312U,PK-L2312UP,PK-L2313U,SP-LAMP-017,AJ-LAF1,ZU0218-04-4010,ZU1208-04-4010,VLT-SE1LP,NP05LP,NP07LP,ET-LAB30,ET-SLMP102,ET-SLMP106,ET-SLMP107,ET-SLMP113,ET-SLMP115,ET-SLMP127,ET-SLMP135,ET-SLMP93,ET-SLMP94,9281 360 05390,PRM20-LAMP,BP47-00047B,BP47-00051A,POA-LMP102,POA-LMP107,POA-LMP113,POA-LMP114,POA-LMP115,POA-LMP126,POA-LMP127,POA-LMP90,POA-LMP93,POA-LMP94,LMP-C150,LMP-C190,LMP-C200,LMP-E190,TLP-LV3,SP-LAMP-017,RLC-013,RLC-015,RLC-017,456-8063,456-8776-RJ,8065,8755D,8755D-RJ,AstroBeam X155,AstroBeam X240,AstroBeam X250,BiFrost,BiFrost,BiFrost,BiFrost,C160,C160,C160,C160,C180,C180,C180,C180,compact 237+,Compact 212,compact 237,compact 692+,CP-324i,CP-325M,CP-A100,CP-A200,CP-A52,CP-HS2050,CP-HX1085,CP-HX2060,CP-HX2075,CP-HX2075,CP-HX3180,CP-HX3188,CP-S240,CP-S240,CP-S245,CP-S245,CP-S335,CP-WX410,CP-X200,CP-X201,CP-X205,CP-X206,CP-X240,CP-X240,CP-X245,CP-X245,CP-X251,CP-X255,CP-X255,CP-X256,CP-X260,CP-X265,CP-X267,CP-X268,CP-X300,CP-X301,CP-X305,CP-X306,CP-X308,CP-X32,CP-X335,CP-X340,CP-X345,CP-X400,CP-X401,CP-X417,CP-X450,CP-X8225,CP-X8225,CP-X8250,CP-X8250,DLA-20U,DLA-F110,DLA-HD250,DLA-HD350,DLA-HD550,DLA-HD750,DLA-HD950,DLA-HD990,DLA-RS10,DLA-RS15,DLA-RS20,DLA-RS25,DLA-RS30,DLA-RS35,DLA-RS40,DLA-RS45,DLA-RS50,DLA-RS55,DLA-RS60,DLA-RS65,DLA-VS2100U,DLA-X3,DLA-X30,DLA-X7,DLA-X70,DLA-X9,DLA-X90,DP-5400X,DP-5400X,DP-5400X,DP-5400X,DP-6400X,DP-6400X,DP-6400X,DP-6400X,DPL3291P,DT00911,dv445,dv465,E-500,E-500,E-500,E-500,ED-A101,ED-A111,EDP-X350,EDP-X350,ED-S3350,ED-S8240,ED-S8240,ED-X10,ED-X1092,ED-X12,ED-X15,ED-X20,ED-X30,ED-X31,ED-X32,ED-X33,ED-X3400,ED-X3450,ED-X8250,ED-X8250,ED-X8255,ED-X8255,HCP-800X,HCP-880X,HCP-900X,HCP-960X,HD225,HD225,HD225,HD225,ImagePro 8063,ImagePro 8100,ImagePro 8101H,ImagePro 8755E,ImagePro 8758,ImagePro 8762,ImagePro 8772,ImagePro 8776,LC-SB22,LC-SB22,LC-XA20,LC-XA20,LC-XA20,LC-XB23,LC-XB24,LC-XB27,LC-XB29,LC-XB31,LC-XB33,LC-XS25,LC-XS25,LC-XS30,LC-XS30,LC-XS31,LC-XS31,LC-XS525,LC-XS525,LP540,LP540,LP540,LP540,LP640,LP640,LP640,LP640,LP-XC55,LP-XC55,LTX 300V,LTX 500V,LV-7365,MP-J1EF,NP901,NP905,PJ502,PJ552,PJ562,PJ656,PJ658,PLC-SU70,PLC-SU70,PLC-WXE45,PLC-WXE45,PLC-XC50,PLC-XC50,PLC-XC55,PLC-XC55,PLC-XC56,PLC-XC56,PLC-XE30,PLC-XE31,PLC-XE32,PLC-XE32,PLC-XE32,PLC-XE40,PLC-XE45,PLC-XL40,PLC-XL45,PLC-XU2010,PLC-XU61,PLC-XU70,PLC-XU73,PLC-XU74,PLC-XU75,PLC-XU78,PLC-XU83,PLC-XU84,PLC-XU86,PLC-XU87,PLC-XU88,PLC-XW50,PLC-XW50,PLC-XW50,PLC-XW55,PLC-XW55,PLC-XW55,PLC-XW56,PLC-XW56,PLC-XW56,PLC-XWU30,PLV-Z2000,PLV-Z3000,PLV-Z700,POA-LMP135,PRJ-RLC-015,PRM10,PRM20,Promethean Aactive Board +2,Promethean PRM20,RBB-003,RBB-003,RBB-003,RLC-007,S55,S55i,SE1,SP5000,SP5000,SP5000,SP5000,SP-L300,SP-L330,TLP-S10,VPL-BW5,VPL-CS5,VPL-CS6,VPL-CW125,VPL-CX100,VPL-CX120,VPL-CX125,VPL-CX150,VPL-CX155,VPL-CX5,VPL-CX6,VPL-CX61,VPL-CX63,VPL-CX80,VPL-CX85,VPL-CX86,VPL-ES5,VPL-EW5,VPL-EX1,VPL-EX5,VPL-EX50,VT700,VT800,X4200,X4200,X4200,X45,X55,X55i,X62 PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 Replacement For Sanyo Lamp (Philips Bulb) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for Sanyo PLV-Z3000 / PLVZ3000. Lutema Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Lutema housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Lutema Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: 3M Promethean Aactive Board +23M Promethean PRM203M 78-6969-9790-33M 78-6969-9861-23M 78-6969-9875-23M ZU0218-04-40103M ZU1208-04-40103M 9281 360 053903M AstroBeam X1553M AstroBeam X2403M AstroBeam X2503M ImagePro 8101H3M ImagePro 8755E3M ImagePro 87583M ImagePro 87623M ImagePro 87723M ImagePro 87763M ImagePro 80633M ImagePro 81003M compact 237+3M compact 692+3M Compact 2123M compact 2373M 456-8776-RJ3M SP-LAMP-0173M SP-LAMP-0173M BP47-00047B3M BP47-00051A3M SP-LAMP-0173M SP-LAMP-0173M DLA-VS2100U3M PRJ-RLC-0153M POA-LMP1353M PLC-XU20103M BHL-5010-S3M PK-L2210UP3M PK-L2312UP3M POA-LMP1073M CP324I-9303M CP325M-9303M POA-LMP1063M POA-LMP1073M POA-LMP1273M POA-LMP1023M POA-LMP1073M POA-LMP1133M POA-LMP1143M POA-LMP1153M POA-LMP1263M POA-LMP1273M ET-SLMP1023M ET-SLMP1063M ET-SLMP1073M ET-SLMP1133M ET-SLMP1153M ET-SLMP1273M ET-SLMP1353M PRM20-LAMP3M CP-HS20503M CP-HX10853M CP-HX20603M CP-HX20753M CP-HX20753M CP-HX31803M CP-HX31883M DLA-HD2503M DLA-HD3503M DLA-HD5503M DLA-HD7503M DLA-HD9503M DLA-HD9903M ET-SLMP933M ET-SLMP943M VLT-SE1LP3M POA-LMP903M POA-LMP933M POA-LMP943M POA-LMP903M 456-8101H3M 456-8755D3M 456-8755E3M PK-L2313U3M PK-L2312U3M BHL5010-S3M 60-2701193M 60-2705943M 60-2728043M PLC-XWU303M PLV-Z20003M PLV-Z30003M PLC-WXE453M PLC-WXE453M VPL-CW1253M VPL-CX1003M VPL-CX1203M VPL-CX1253M VPL-CX1503M VPL-CX1553M VPL-CX613M VPL-CX633M VPL-CX803M VPL-CX853M VPL-CX863M VPL-EX503M PLC-XC503M PLC-XC503M PLC-XC553M PLC-XC553M PLC-XC563M PLC-XC563M PLC-XE303M PLC-XE313M PLC-XE323M PLC-XE323M PLC-XE323M PLC-XE403M PLC-XE453M PLC-XL403M PLC-XL453M EDP-X3503M EDP-X3503M ED-S33503M ED-S82403M ED-S82403M LC-XS5253M LC-XS5253M PLV-Z7003M PLC-SU703M PLC-SU703M LTX 300V3M LTX 500V3M PLC-XU613M PLC-XU703M PLC-XU733M PLC-XU743M PLC-XU753M PLC-XU783M PLC-XU833M PLC-XU843M PLC-XU863M PLC-XU873M PLC-XU883M PLC-XW503M PLC-XW503M PLC-XW503M PLC-XW553M PLC-XW553M PLC-XW553M PLC-XW563M PLC-XW563M PLC-XW563M 8755D-RJ3M DLA-F1103M CP-X82253M CP-X82253M CP-X82503M CP-X82503M DP-5400X3M DP-5400X3M DP-5400X3M DP-5400X3M DP-6400X3M DP-6400X3M DP-6400X3M DP-6400X3M DPL3291P3M ED-X10923M ED-X34003M ED-X34503M ED-X82503M ED-X82503M ED-X82553M ED-X82553M HCP-800X3M HCP-880X3M HCP-900X3M HCP-960X3M 456-87583M 456-87763M LMP-C1503M LMP-C1903M LMP-C2003M LMP-E1903M 456-81003M ET-LAB303M DLA-RS103M DLA-RS153M DLA-RS203M DLA-RS253M DLA-RS303M DLA-RS353M DLA-RS403M DLA-RS453M DLA-RS503M DLA-RS553M DLA-RS603M DLA-RS653M CP-WX4103M 456-80633M CP-324i3M CP-325M3M CP-A1003M CP-A2003M CP-S2403M CP-S2403M CP-S2453M CP-S2453M CP-S3353M RLC-0133M RLC-0153M RLC-0173M BiFrost3M BiFrost3M BiFrost3M BiFrost3M CP-X2003M CP-X2013M CP-X2053M CP-X2063M CP-X2403M CP-X2403M CP-X2453M CP-X2453M CP-X2513M CP-X2553M CP-X2553M CP-X2563M CP-X2603M CP-X2653M CP-X2673M CP-X2683M CP-X3003M CP-X3013M CP-X3053M CP-X3063M CP-X3083M AJ-LAF13M TLP-LV33M DT007313M LV-LP303M LV-LP313M 456-2323M DT006713M DT007313M DT007513M DT007573M DT008413M DT008913M DT008933M AJ-LAF13M LC-SB223M LC-SB223M LC-XA203M LC-XA203M LC-XA203M LC-XB233M LC-XB243M LC-XB273M LC-XB293M LC-XB313M LC-XB333M LC-XS253M LC-XS253M LC-XS303M LC-XS303M LC-XS313M LC-XS313M DT009113M DLA-20U3M CP-X3353M CP-X3403M CP-X3453M CP-X4003M CP-X4013M CP-X4173M CP-X4503M DLA-X303M DLA-X703M LV-73653M MP-J1EF3M LP-XC553M LP-XC553M ED-A1013M ED-A1113M VPL-ES53M VPL-EW53M VPL-EX13M VPL-EX53M VPL-CX53M VPL-CX63M DLA-X903M RBB-0033M RBB-0033M RBB-0033M RLC-0073M SP-L3003M SP-L3303M TLP-S103M VPL-BW53M VPL-CS53M VPL-CS63M SP50003M SP50003M SP50003M SP50003M ED-X103M DLA-X93M DLA-X73M DLA-X33M ED-X123M ED-X153M ED-X203M ED-X303M ED-X313M ED-X323M ED-X333M 21 1023M NP05LP3M NP07LP3M CP-X323M CP-A523M 8755D3M HD2253M HD2253M HD2253M HD2253M dv4453M dv4653M E-5003M E-5003M E-5003M E-5003M LP5403M LP5403M LP5403M LP5403M LP6403M LP6403M LP6403M LP6403M NP9013M NP9053M PJ5023M PJ5523M PJ5623M PJ6563M PJ6583M PRM103M PRM203M VT7003M VT8003M X42003M X42003M X42003M S55i3M X55i3M C1603M C1603M C1603M C1603M C1803M C1803M C1803M C1803M 80653M X623M SE13M X453M X553M S55 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 Replacement For Sanyo Lamp (Philips Bulb)

End: 11.07. 2023 16:34:26 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 73.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334871602166
  • Seller: discounttvlamps (70611|97.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 32,06 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:ET-SLMP135,POA-LMP114,PLC-XWU30,PLV-Z2000,PLV-Z3000,PLV-Z700,POA-LMP135 PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 Replacement For Sanyo Lamp (Philips Bulb) Description: Professional Front Projection lamp for Sanyo PLV-Z3000 / PLVZ3000. Lutema Professional Series replacement lamps are equiped with OEM Replacement lamps inside of the Lutema housing which guarantee a bighter and more vibrant picture than our Economy series lamps. The Factory Original replacement bulbs used in the Lutema Professional series replacement modules have an extended life of up to 3X the generic replacement lamps found online. Compatible Models: Panasonic ET-SLMP135Panasonic POA-LMP114Panasonic POA-LMP135Panasonic PLC-XWU30Panasonic PLV-Z2000Panasonic PLV-Z3000Panasonic PLV-Z700 This product comes with a warranty of: About Us Shipping Return Policy Feedback Payment In DTVL we believe in great customer service, this is why our customers’ needs are priority and because of them we have become an e-commerce leader. Due to the current circumstances of the world, we know that people needs have broaden because of this we are collaborating daily with multiple global brands such as LYTIO, Lutema & partnership with Philips Lighting, with these collaborations we are proud to be able to provide you with services like; UHP Projection Lamps We are at the forefront of projector lamp distribution and manufacturing. Consumer Electronics Through our supply chain and stakeholders, we give you and distribute a vast array of consumer electronics for markets around the globe. Personal Protective Equipment • Within two months of the 2020 pandemic, we were capable of developing automated machines, and begin production of PPE in the United States—assisting in the nation-wide effort to give our consumers the products they need to face the current obstacles. This gave us the opportunity to offer our clients the best and most competitive prices that our clients heavily desire & deserve. Items ordered before 2pm Pacific Time (PST) on Monday-Friday will be shipped the same business day*. UPS does not deliver on weekends or holidays. Standard free shipping will be shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx at our discretion (2-7 Day Estimated Delivery Time). If your shipping address is a PO Box, your order will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or First Class Mail (2-4 Day Estimated Delivery Time). Expedited Shipping: For orders placed on Thursday using 2-Day Air shipping method, your package will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). For orders placed on Friday using One-Day shipping method, your packages will arrive the following Monday (provided Monday is not a holiday). Shipping Surcharge: There will be a small surcharge for all orders being shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Please refer to the Shipping and Payments section for more information. Additional US Proctorate States: US Virgin Island and Guam will be shipped via UPS Priority Mail International. Shipping to Canada: Orders will be shipped via UPS Ground Canada based on the selected shipping method. Estimated delivery time for Canadian all destinations is 4-8 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Please note that customers are responsible for any and all taxes, tariffs, and/or import fees. Shipping to Other International Destinations: Orders will be shipped via UPS Worldwide. Estimated delivery time for other International destinations is 5-10 business days and is subject to customs clearance. Tracking Information will be provided once the shipment has departed our facility. For any other questions or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or toll free number. We are here to accommodate any special request that you may have. *In most cases. Contact us before purchasing to confirm. Federal holidays are an exception. 30 Days from date of purchase on almost all lamps and TV parts. Please see the details mentioned on refund section. You may return your product for a full refund less shipping and 25% restocking fees if product is found to be in good working order. Refunds must meet these simple requirements: Item must be in the same condition that you received it. Item must be returned within specified period of time of delivery. Return must be authorized by a Returns and Warranty Agent. Please call for an RMA number and we will promptly handle your request for return. Return Policy: Returns made in the event of a manufacturers defect will not incur restocking or shipping fees, but must be returned within specified number of days. Products will be tested! Exchange requests must be made within specified number of days. Shipping Damages: Damages caused by shipping must be reported within 5 business days of delivery. After 5 days, we cannot guarantee a replacement. Defective Merchandise: Defective merchandise must be reported immediately. In many cases of defective merchandise claims, the lamp is not the problem. When your product is returned to our facility, we fully test it for damages and defects. Feedback: We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. . We have always tried to provide best possible service and information to all customers. Your feedback is valuable to us in serving you better, and for our DSR rating. Please contact us FIRST if you experience any problem or difiiculty before leaving neutral or negative feedback. We will take care of every problem you might have. We will leave feedback for you once the purchase is completed and youve left us feedback. All payments are accepted through

Replacement For Sanyo PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 By Spark

End: 11.07. 2023 04:33:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 24.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115802892329
  • Seller: lamptycoons (23579|93.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: CA USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 27,47 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Compatibility:ET-SLMP135,POA-LMP114,PLC-XWU30,PLV-Z2000,PLV-Z3000,PLV-Z700,POA-LMP135 Best quality best priceBest quality best priceABOUTLAMPSTVS & MONITORSFACE MASKHOMEOTHER30 Days Return PolicySee our return policy100% Buyer SatisfactionCheckout safely with peace of mindReplacement For Sanyo PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 By SparkPriceFOLLOW USHAVE A QUESTION?PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONEconomy Front Projection lamp for Sanyo PLV-Z3000 / PLVZ3000. For a better and brighter picture look for the Spark Professional Series replacement lamp for your Device. This is the economic solution which provides 70% of the brightness of the Spark Professional series replacement lamps.Specifications BRAND Spark MODEL PLV-Z3000 PLVZ3000 Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Lamp Tycoons is a US based store proud to provide the best quality and prices to the general public. Member since: Dec 02, 2003.PAYMENT Feel confident when paying for your item as we take extreme care in all our transactionsSHIPPING Most orders are shipped the next business day for your convenienceRETURNS Most items have a 30-day return policy and even after the 30 days elapsed our customer service team is happy to provide reasonable solutions to our customersCONTACT US Feel free to reach out to us, most messages between Monday to Friday are replied in a few hours at mostWHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYINGFast delivery! Replacement For Mitsubishi WD-73642 WD73642 By Sparkthedennislau (1098 )Great item hope to do business again Replacement For Mitsubishi WD-82740 WD82740 By Spark1992son (228 )Good price. M95c Disposable Children Face Mask 5 Layered Protection - Made in USA geraldr221 (291 )shipped quickly Replacement For JVC HD-56G787 HD56G787 By Sparkberzerker76 (912 )thanks works great just what I needed Replacement 915B455012 Bulb Cartridge for Mitsubishi WD-73642 WD73642 TV Lampmopar360keith (1357 )CATEGORIESFace MasksOtherProjector Replacement BulbsRemotesReplacement PartsTV Replacement BulbsTVs & WallmountsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsStay Updated!Add my shop to your favourites & receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SUBSCRIBERELATED PRODUCTSReplacement For InFocus HD292 By SparkUSD 62.74Replacement For Sony LMP-600 LMP600 By SparkUSD 24.99Replacement For Epson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9100 By SparkUSD 126.27Replacement LMP-P200 Bulb Cartridge for Sony VPLS50M Projector Lamp ProjectionUSD 68.00Replacement For 3M 78-6969-9935-4 78696999354 By SparkUSD 75.53ELPLP50 Projector Lamp For EPSON EB-85h / EMP-D290 / EB-D290 / EB-824H /EB-826WHUSD 33.27Replacement For Hitachi HCP-Q61 HCPQ61 By SparkUSD 39.10Replacement For Optoma VE2ST By SparkUSD 99.96ABOUTLAMPSTVS & MONITORSFACE MASKHOMEOTHER

Just Lamps Diamond Lamp for SANYO PLV-Z2000:PLV-Z700:PLV-Z3000:PLV-Z800:PLV-Z400

End: 07.06. 2023 08:14:32 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 143.59 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314609393384
  • Seller: morefrom (40278|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Sheffield Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    --> Laptops Desktop Pcs LCD TVs Monitors Digital Cameras Video Camcorders Multifunction Printers Inkjet and Photo Printers Laser Printers Dot Matrix Printers Scanners External Hard Drives Projectors Mobile Phones iPods Wireless Networking DVD & Home Cinema Drives and Storage USB/Pen/Key/Flash Drives CD & DVD Drives Hard Drive Caddies Tape and DAT Drives Other Drives and Storage Security Equipment Software GPS Devices --> Just Lamps Diamond Lamp for SANYO PLV-Z2000:PLV-Z700:PLV-Z3000:PLV-Z800:PLV-Z4000:PLV-1080HD Projector :: 610-344-5120-DL (Projectors > Projector Lamps) Images for illustration purposes only RRP £[rr-p]--> Save £[sa-ve]--> £[pr-ice]--> OverviewDiamond Lamps 610-344-5120-DL. Bulb power: 165 W, Service life of lamp: 2000 h, Brand compatibility: Sanyo, Compatibility: PLV-Z2000/PLV-Z700/PLV-Z3000/PLV-Z800/PLV-Z4000/PLV-1080HD Specification FeaturesBulb power:The power of the lamp, usually measured in watts (W).165 WService life of lamp:The length of time (usually measured in hours) which the lamp can be used for.2000 hCompatibility:The other products, software and hardware this product can be used with.PLV-Z2000/PLV-Z700/PLV-Z3000/PLV-Z800/PLV-Z4000/PLV-1080HDBrand compatibility:What other brands this brand can be used with.SanyoPackaging dataPackage type:The type of product package e.g. box.BoxQuantity per pack:The amount in each pack.1 pc(s)