samsung ue65ru7459 (6) |
samsung gq65q65r (6) |
samsung sir 9000 (6) |
samsung ue50ru7459 (6) |
sangean sr 25 (6) |
samsung hg32ea475rw (6) |
Mainboard BN94-14007B SAMSUNG GQ55Q60RGT QE55Q67RAT QE55Q60RAT
End: 21.02. 2025 09:42:14 on Friday
KIT LED (20PCS) - V9Q7-550SM0-R0 - Pour TV SAMSUNG QE55Q60RAT
End: 24.09. 2024 16:34:45 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 109.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 126025347827
- Seller: auritv (303|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Stains
- Ships to: Europe
- Shipping: 14,5 EUR
- on EBAY
KIT LED (20PCS) - V9Q7-550SM0-R0 - Pour TV SAMSUNG QE55Q60RAT. KIT LED retiré de téléviseur fonctionnel dont l’écran était cassé. Pour tout renseignement, nos équipes se tiennent à disposition. BACKLIGHT removed from working TV with broken screen. For any information, our teams are at your disposal.
Samsung QE55Q60RAT Netzteilplatine
End: 01.07. 2024 17:27:53 on Monday
Samsung QE55Q60RATXXU Power Button PCB BN64-04042E
End: 30.06. 2024 21:14:20 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 13.54 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 166709568712
- Seller: calipipeline (596|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Ventura, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Samsung QE55Q60RATXXU Power Button PCB BN64-04042E Pulled From a working Television
End: 22.05. 2024 15:10:18 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 19.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 195780461075
- Seller: guglielmobeo (304|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Salerno
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 7,99 EUR
- on EBAY
SUPPORTO TAVOLO ASSY STAND PIEDE PIEDISTALLO BASE BN63-18040X002 Per tv Samsung QE55Q60RAT Il prodotto è usato, presenta normali segni di usura e qualche graffio sulla superficie..Per qualsiasi altra informazione non esitate a contattarmi. Il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato entro e non oltre 3 giorni dalla fine dellasta . COME PREVISTO DAL REGOLAMENTO DI eBay IL VENDITORE NON E RESPONSABILE DEI DISGUIDI POSTALI QUESTA E UNA VENDITA DA PARTE DI UN SOGGETTO PRIVATO CON FORMULA DI ESCLUSIONE DELLA GARANZIA La legislazione vigente nellUnione Europea prevede che anche i privati siano tenuti a dare garanzia sugli oggetti venduti tramite asta on-line o compravendita privata a meno che tale garanzia non sia ESPLICITAMENTE ESCLUSA al momento della vendita. In conseguenza di ciò, anche se loggetto proposto è quello che viene rappresentato in foto, esso è venduto AS-IS (così comè, visto e piaciuto), con esclusione esplicita di qualsiasi forma di garanzia, per cui chi dovesse fare offerte per loggetto proposto, con la sua offerta accetta incondizionatamente, lesclusione di qualsiasi garanzia per loggetto stesso. Chi non fosse daccordo con i termini esposti è pregato di non fare offerte. Questo non significa che loggetto non sia funzionante o presenti dei difetti a meno che non siano espressamente citati nella descrizione.
Samsung Mainboard/ Netzteil QE55Q60RAT
End: 21.05. 2024 17:16:04 on Tuesday
Samsung QE55Q60RAT Netzteilplatine
End: 01.05. 2024 16:28:55 on Wednesday
Samsung QE55Q60RAT Mainboard
End: 17.04. 2024 15:20:49 on Wednesday
BN44-00932H L55E8_RDY BN4400932H REV 1.1 Power Supply PSU / Samsung QE55Q60RAT
End: 09.03. 2024 17:00:46 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 37.06 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 285593478457
- Seller: qiiwexc (875|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Riga
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BN44-00932H L55E8_RDY BN4400932H REV 1.1 Power Supply Board PSU for Samsung QE55Q60RAT LED TV Please read below before making a purchase BEFORE MAKING THE PURCHASE DiagnosisPlease make sure you have correctly diagnosed the problem with your TV - this item wont fix the issue if your original item is not faulty. Compatibility- Please make sure that model of your item matches the one in the listing.- For main boards and T-Con boards please also compare model number of your TVs panel to the model number of the panel in the listing (panel model number can usually be found on a sticker on the metal plate inside the TV), ideally TV models should also match. It is possible, that the board with the same model number may have different firmware on it depending on the panel/TV model number.- For main boards and power supply units (PSU) please also compare all connector positions with the photos in the listing. It is possible for the boards with the same model number to have some connectors missing, or be different, or be located in a slightly different place.- For power supplies the size of the TV should also match. PSUs for bigger sized TVs often output higher voltage, so connecting an incorrect PSU to your TV may cause permanent damage either to the PSU or to your TV. The item may or may not be compatible with another TV/panel models - we cannot test all possible combinations, so we cannot guarantee, that it will operate correctly if your TV and/or its panel are different from the donor TV. ConditionThe item is a genuine OEM part. It has been used previously. It may have some signs of cosmetic wear but is fully operational and functions as intended. Removed from a working TV with a shattered screen. Please see the photos. LiabilityWe do not accept any liability for any potential damage caused by manipulations inside of your TV. If you are not comfortable handling electrical components of the TV - please bring it to an electronics repair service. Shipping addressPlease make sure your shipping address is written with Latin (English) letters. SHIPPING, TRACKING AND RETURNS ShippingItem is located in Riga, Latvia. We ship on working days (sometimes also on Saturdays), usually within 24 hours after the purchase was made. Shipping timeAfter the item has been shipped, eBay shows an estimated arrival date window. Please keep in mind, that it is just an estimate and that it is provided by eBay - sellers do not control what is written there. TrackingOnce the item has been shipped, a tracking code will become available in the order details (it may not become active for up to 24 hours after shipping). You can follow the package at or ReturnsBuyer has 30 days to return the item. When the item is received back, it gets tested.If the item is claimed to be defective, the buyer may be asked to provide a photo of their original item (the one they are replacing) and a photo of the model number of their TV (in case of main boards and T-Con boards - also a photo of the TVs panel). Mismatch of the models would mean, that the information from items description about how to make sure the item is compatible, was ignored. Refunds- If item turned out to be damaged or defective, return may be arranged, or a refund will be issued with no return required (depending on the case). Either way, it will be a full refund: item cost + shipping one way + return shipping, if any.- In case the item was ordered by mistake (for example, compatibility was not properly checked before making a purchase), refund will cover just the cost of the item itself, no shipping costs will be refunded. COMMUNICATION Dont hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. We speak Russian, English and Latvian. You can send us a message in any other language, but well have to use Google Translate to read it and to reply. WHEN THE ITEM ARRIVES Please dont forget to leave us positive feedback and 5-star rating!
Button Ignition And Receiver Of Signal Samsung Qe55q60rat
End: 12.02. 2024 03:35:10 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 24.92 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 126270683245
- Seller: ricambitvstore (4642|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Cafaggio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
samsung qe55q60rat power button and signal receiver The condition Used. Perfectly working removed from TV with broken panelsamsung qe55q60rat power button and signal receiver The condition Used. Perfectly working removed from TV with broken panelsamsung qe55q60rat power button and signal receiver The condition Used. Perfectly working removed from TV with broken panelsamsung qe55q60rat power button and signal receiver The condition Used. Perfectly working removed from TV with broken panel
Schaltfläche Zündung Und Empfänger Von Signal Samsung Qe55q60rat
End: 05.01. 2024 09:39:00 on Friday
BN41-02695A BN94-14136K Main Board / Samsung QE55Q60RAT LED TV / CY-RR055FGLV1H
End: 21.12. 2023 22:01:33 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 70.42 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 285593473782
- Seller: qiiwexc (875|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Riga
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
BN41-02695A BN94-14136K Main Board for Samsung QE55Q60RAT LED TV / Panel: CY-RR055FGLV1H Please read below before making a purchase BEFORE MAKING THE PURCHASE DiagnosisPlease make sure you have correctly diagnosed the problem with your TV - this item wont fix the issue if your original item is not faulty. Compatibility- Please make sure that model of your item matches the one in the listing.- For main boards and T-Con boards please also compare model number of your TVs panel to the model number of the panel in the listing (panel model number can usually be found on a sticker on the metal plate inside the TV), ideally TV models should also match. It is possible, that the board with the same model number may have different firmware on it depending on the panel/TV model number.- For main boards and power supply units (PSU) please also compare all connector positions with the photos in the listing. It is possible for the boards with the same model number to have some connectors missing, or be different, or be located in a slightly different place.- For power supplies the size of the TV should also match. PSUs for bigger sized TVs often output higher voltage, so connecting an incorrect PSU to your TV may cause permanent damage either to the PSU or to your TV. The item may or may not be compatible with another TV/panel models - we cannot test all possible combinations, so we cannot guarantee, that it will operate correctly if your TV and/or its panel are different from the donor TV. ConditionThe item is a genuine OEM part. It has been used previously. It may have some signs of cosmetic wear but is fully operational and functions as intended. Removed from a working TV with a shattered screen. Please see the photos. LiabilityWe do not accept any liability for any potential damage caused by manipulations inside of your TV. If you are not comfortable handling electrical components of the TV - please bring it to an electronics repair service. Shipping addressPlease make sure your shipping address is written with Latin (English) letters. SHIPPING, TRACKING AND RETURNS ShippingItem is located in Riga, Latvia. We ship on working days (sometimes also on Saturdays), usually within 24 hours after the purchase was made. Shipping timeAfter the item has been shipped, eBay shows an estimated arrival date window. Please keep in mind, that it is just an estimate and that it is provided by eBay - sellers do not control what is written there. TrackingOnce the item has been shipped, a tracking code will become available in the order details (it may not become active for up to 24 hours after shipping). You can follow the package at or ReturnsBuyer has 30 days to return the item. When the item is received back, it gets tested.If the item is claimed to be defective, the buyer may be asked to provide a photo of their original item (the one they are replacing) and a photo of the model number of their TV (in case of main boards and T-Con boards - also a photo of the TVs panel). Mismatch of the models would mean, that the information from items description about how to make sure the item is compatible, was ignored. Refunds- If item turned out to be damaged or defective, return may be arranged, or a refund will be issued with no return required (depending on the case). Either way, it will be a full refund: item cost + shipping one way + return shipping, if any.- In case the item was ordered by mistake (for example, compatibility was not properly checked before making a purchase), refund will cover just the cost of the item itself, no shipping costs will be refunded. COMMUNICATION Dont hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. We speak Russian, English and Latvian. You can send us a message in any other language, but well have to use Google Translate to read it and to reply. WHEN THE ITEM ARRIVES Please dont forget to leave us positive feedback and 5-star rating!
End: 09.12. 2023 12:01:33 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 37.89 EUR

- Status: 8T 11:18:54
- Item number: 266291746746
- Seller: express_tv_parts (36398|96.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Ellesmere
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 8,93 EUR
- on EBAY
Description All TV parts have come out of a unit with a smashed screen unless otherwise stated. All our TV parts are tested by our experienced engineers to ensure you get a working part. All of our parts are used unless otherwise stated. Parts may have signs of use including rust/dust and dirt however nothing that will affect their performance.With over 10 years of experience in the TV trade you can trust Express TV Parts to get your TV working again. Please note all of our parts are security marked as to be identified by us. Note When ordering any TV part, you need to check what parts are inside your TV. Ordering from the TV model number alone is not enough to ensure the parts advertised are compatible. When ordering Main AV boards, it is vital that both the part number and the TV model number match that which it is replacing. Payment We accept Paypal and card payments. Returns If you have ordered in error or you no longer require the item then you are responsible for paying all return costs. Once the board is received we aim to give you a full refund within 5 working days.Sometimes mistakes happen, if we have sent you a faulty board please contact us before returning the board or opening a case. Contacting us is the quickest and most efficient way of getting a replacement board or refund. If a board is found to be faulty we will cover the return postage. Please note if board is damaged by user error then no refund will be given. Disclaimer With basic electrical knowledge anybody can fix a TV. TVs can be dangerous and should only ever be opened when the TV has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes. We are always happy to advise you on what may be wrong with your TV however this is only advice. We will not be held responsible for any damage you may cause to yourself or the TV. If you are unsure then please take it to a qualified technician. Express TV Parts is the trading name of Tomorrows Future Spares And Recycling LTD
Samsung QE55Q60RATXXU Power Supply PCB BN44-00932H L55E8_RDY REV:1.1
End: 30.11. 2023 11:07:46 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 46.59 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 235059533427
- Seller: telly1305 (1526|97.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Ware, Hertfordshire
- Ships to: Americas
- Shipping: 12,62 EUR
- on EBAY
Samsung QE55Q60RATXXU Power Supply PCB BN44-00932H L55E8_RDY REV:1.1 This Genuine Samsung Power Supply PCB was removed from a Working TV with a Faulty Screen. It has been fully inspected and tested. (Please inspect the above Photos which show its condition) The TV it was removed from was a Samsung QE55Q60RATXXU 55 4K Smart QLED TV using a CY-RR055FGAV1H Screen (BN95-05630A) but it is also used in some other Models. Please DO NOT ORDER this item from the MODEL NUMBER ALONE! Check that the PCB in your TV is the same as in the above pictures. PLEASE CHECK THAT THIS IS THE EXACT BOARD THAT YOU REQUIRE BY MATCHING THE NUMBERS SHOWN ON THE BOARD WITH THOSE LISTED BELOW! BN44-00932H / L55E8_RDY / REV:1.1 I RECOMMEND THAT THIS BOARD IS FITTED BY A FULLY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL AS DANGEROUS VOLTAGES EXIST WITHIN A TV SET THE ITEM IS SUPPLIED WITH A 1 MONTH GUARANTEE AND CAN BE RETURNED TO ME AT THE BUYERS EXPENSE IF FAULTY IT HAS BEEN SECURITY MARKED TO PREVENT FRAUD BY SWAPPING ETC. Please Note: I can Ship this Item Worldwide which would incur Additional Shipping Costs, Kindly Message me for Details if Required. Shipping Internationally can Involve Further Customs/Import Fees and Duties over which I have NO Control and would be the Buyers Responsibility to Pay! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES ABOUT THIS ITEM PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME A QUESTION AND I WILL TRY TO HELP YOU.
End: 18.11. 2023 11:29:08 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 16.75 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 266262430052
- Seller: express_tv_parts (36446|95.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Ellesmere
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 8,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Description All TV parts have come out of a unit with a smashed screen unless otherwise stated. All our TV parts are tested by our experienced engineers to ensure you get a working part. All of our parts are used unless otherwise stated. Parts may have signs of use including rust/dust and dirt however nothing that will affect their performance.With over 10 years of experience in the TV trade you can trust Express TV Parts to get your TV working again. Please note all of our parts are security marked as to be identified by us. Note When ordering any TV part, you need to check what parts are inside your TV. Ordering from the TV model number alone is not enough to ensure the parts advertised are compatible. When ordering Main AV boards, it is vital that both the part number and the TV model number match that which it is replacing. You also need to match the EBT... number with LG Main boards and also check the LVDS connections as some can have 3 variants of boards, plus also check the BN94-... number on Samsung Boards and the eight digit 23.... number on Vestel Main boards. Payment We accept Paypal and card payments. Returns If you have ordered in error or you no longer require the item then you are responsible for paying all return costs. Once the board is received we aim to give you a full refund within 5 working days.Sometimes mistakes happen, if we have sent you a faulty board please contact us before returning the board or opening a case. Contacting us is the quickest and most efficient way of getting a replacement board or refund. If a board is found to be faulty we will cover the return postage. Please note if board is damaged by user error then no refund will be given. Disclaimer With basic electrical knowledge anybody can fix a TV. TVs can be dangerous and should only ever be opened when the TV has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes. We are always happy to advise you on what may be wrong with your TV however this is only advice. We will not be held responsible for any damage you may cause to yourself or the TV. If you are unsure then please take it to a qualified technician. Express TV Parts is the trading name of Tomorrows Future Spares And Recycling LTD
End: 05.11. 2023 08:00:06 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 16.59 EUR

- Status: 3T 7:39:58
- Item number: 266286157677
- Seller: express_tv_parts (36285|96.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Ellesmere
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 12,25 EUR
- on EBAY
Description All TV parts have come out of a unit with a smashed screen unless otherwise stated. All our TV parts are tested by our experienced engineers to ensure you get a working part. All of our parts are used unless otherwise stated. Parts may have signs of use including rust/dust and dirt however nothing that will affect their performance.With over 10 years of experience in the TV trade you can trust Express TV Parts to get your TV working again. Please note all of our parts are security marked as to be identified by us. Note When ordering any TV part, you need to check what parts are inside your TV. Ordering from the TV model number alone is not enough to ensure the parts advertised are compatible. When ordering Main AV boards, it is vital that both the part number and the TV model number match that which it is replacing. Payment We accept Paypal and card payments. Returns If you have ordered in error or you no longer require the item then you are responsible for paying all return costs. Once the board is received we aim to give you a full refund within 5 working days.Sometimes mistakes happen, if we have sent you a faulty board please contact us before returning the board or opening a case. Contacting us is the quickest and most efficient way of getting a replacement board or refund. If a board is found to be faulty we will cover the return postage. Please note if board is damaged by user error then no refund will be given. Disclaimer With basic electrical knowledge anybody can fix a TV. TVs can be dangerous and should only ever be opened when the TV has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes. We are always happy to advise you on what may be wrong with your TV however this is only advice. We will not be held responsible for any damage you may cause to yourself or the TV. If you are unsure then please take it to a qualified technician. Express TV Parts is the trading name of Tomorrows Future Spares And Recycling LTD
End: 30.10. 2023 14:33:12 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 16.6 EUR

- Status: 4T 13:21:42
- Item number: 266318362030
- Seller: express_tv_parts (36252|96.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Ellesmere
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 8,55 EUR
- on EBAY
Description All TV parts have come out of a unit with a smashed screen unless otherwise stated. All our TV parts are tested by our experienced engineers to ensure you get a working part. All of our parts are used unless otherwise stated. Parts may have signs of use including rust/dust and dirt however nothing that will affect their performance.With over 10 years of experience in the TV trade you can trust Express TV Parts to get your TV working again. Please note all of our parts are security marked as to be identified by us. Note When ordering any TV part, you need to check what parts are inside your TV. Ordering from the TV model number alone is not enough to ensure the parts advertised are compatible. When ordering Main AV boards, it is vital that both the part number and the TV model number match that which it is replacing. You also need to match the EBT... number with LG Main boards and also check the LVDS connections as some can have 3 variants of boards, plus also check the BN94-... number on Samsung Boards and the eight digit 23.... number on Vestel Main boards. Payment We accept Paypal and card payments. Returns If you have ordered in error or you no longer require the item then you are responsible for paying all return costs. Once the board is received we aim to give you a full refund within 5 working days.Sometimes mistakes happen, if we have sent you a faulty board please contact us before returning the board or opening a case. Contacting us is the quickest and most efficient way of getting a replacement board or refund. If a board is found to be faulty we will cover the return postage. Please note if board is damaged by user error then no refund will be given. Disclaimer With basic electrical knowledge anybody can fix a TV. TVs can be dangerous and should only ever be opened when the TV has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes. We are always happy to advise you on what may be wrong with your TV however this is only advice. We will not be held responsible for any damage you may cause to yourself or the TV. If you are unsure then please take it to a qualified technician. Express TV Parts is the trading name of Tomorrows Future Spares And Recycling LTD
MAIN AV BOARD BN41-02695A (BN94-14007B) - SAMSUNG QE55Q60RAT
End: 30.10. 2023 13:33:02 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 37.63 EUR

- Status: 4T 12:29:14
- Item number: 266318316469
- Seller: express_tv_parts (36252|96.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Ellesmere
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 8,89 EUR
- on EBAY
Description All TV parts have come out of a unit with a smashed screen unless otherwise stated. All our TV parts are tested by our experienced engineers to ensure you get a working part. All of our parts are used unless otherwise stated. Parts may have signs of use including rust/dust and dirt however nothing that will affect their performance.With over 10 years of experience in the TV trade you can trust Express TV Parts to get your TV working again. Please note all of our parts are security marked as to be identified by us. Note When ordering any TV part, you need to check what parts are inside your TV. Ordering from the TV model number alone is not enough to ensure the parts advertised are compatible. When ordering Main AV boards, it is vital that both the part number and the TV model number match that which it is replacing. You also need to match the EBT... number with LG Main boards and also check the LVDS connections as some can have 3 variants of boards, plus also check the BN94-... number on Samsung Boards and the eight digit 23.... number on Vestel Main boards. Payment We accept Paypal and card payments. Returns If you have ordered in error or you no longer require the item then you are responsible for paying all return costs. Once the board is received we aim to give you a full refund within 5 working days.Sometimes mistakes happen, if we have sent you a faulty board please contact us before returning the board or opening a case. Contacting us is the quickest and most efficient way of getting a replacement board or refund. If a board is found to be faulty we will cover the return postage. Please note if board is damaged by user error then no refund will be given. Disclaimer With basic electrical knowledge anybody can fix a TV. TVs can be dangerous and should only ever be opened when the TV has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes. We are always happy to advise you on what may be wrong with your TV however this is only advice. We will not be held responsible for any damage you may cause to yourself or the TV. If you are unsure then please take it to a qualified technician. Express TV Parts is the trading name of Tomorrows Future Spares And Recycling LTD
Samsung QE55Q60RAT 55" Ultra HD 4K HDR Smart QLED Television
End: 29.10. 2023 21:53:13 on Sunday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 114.9 EUR

- Status: 3T 21:36:38
- Item number: 235164430918
- Seller: pawlo_9 (9|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Bromley
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
TV turns on and than turns off after a while, good for parts.
scheda madre bn41-02695a Bn94-14007a samsung Qe55q60rat
End: 25.10. 2023 12:53:32 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 80.0 EUR

- Status: 6T 12:7:6
- Item number: 125949171646
- Seller: ricambitvstore (4264|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Prato
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 10,0 EUR
- on EBAY
scheda madre bn41-02695a Bn94-14007b samsung Qe55q60rat perfettamente funzionante tolta da tv con pannello rotto
End: 23.09. 2023 15:38:25 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 115.07 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 256095896179
- Seller: nonstoptv (4688|97.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: BOLTON, Lancashire
- Ships to: Europe
- Shipping: 15,11 EUR
- on EBAY
30 DAYS RETURN TO BASE WARRANTY *PLEASE READ FULL ITEM DESCRIPTION BEFORE BID OR BUY*Type of Item:MAIN AV BOARDS Part numbers:BN94-14136K BN41-02695A Item Ref: MB -869W Compatibility: This board will work with all makes/models mentioned in the titles. Please check all the labels and numbers on the board match the numbers in the title and all connection points are identical to ensure the item is suitable for your TV. If you need any assistance please contact us. This part is tested and fully working in above specified model please check the compatibility with your TV model Any questions please feel free to contact us through eBay message service and we aim to reply you within 24 hours. Please read term & conditions before bid or buy We are selling this items as used so please accept if any sign of use or wear & tears. All items are fully tested and only suitable for the model of TVs stated above. Please check compatibility with your TV model before purchase as the part may not work on other TV models. All goods will be dispatched within 2 working days of receiving full payment. Please notify us within 2 days any issues/problems on receipt of your item. The buyer is always welcome to collect this item with cash on collection. It is always customer’s responsibility to pay the returning cost for any reason. Please note all our items are security marked due to fraudulent claims When returning the item please ensure it is returned in it’s original packaging & please include your Name & eBay item number in order to refund your payment immediately. If item is returned damaged we will not be able to refund cost of item or postage costThe item must be returned within 10 days and we will refund your money fullyIf the item is returned after 10 days we will refund your money minus postage costAll postage charges are calculated according to weight of item & packaging material. Customer satisfaction is our main goal and if you have any problems please contact us to re-solve any problems.ShopsBe sure to add me to your favourites list!
Genuine Samsung BN59-01268D Smart TV Remote Control UE55NU7400 QE55Q60R
End: 10.09. 2023 09:25:34 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 7.46 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 386057965401
- Seller: s.7412 (62|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Alfreton
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 3,35 EUR
- on EBAY
Used Genuine Samsung BN59-01268D Smart TV Remote Control
Samsung smart 55 inch 4K UHD HDR QLED TV QE55Q60RAT with Freesat HD
End: 09.09. 2023 06:50:40 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 401.6 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 325791384872
- Seller: marekk1980 (2210|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Chesham, Buckinghamshire
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Up for sale is lovely 55 inch Samsung smart QLED TV Model number is QE55Q60RAT It has got built in wifi, freesat HD as well as freeview HD, 4 HDMI inputs and more TV is only 2 years old, fully working and in very good condition It comes with base stand or legs, remote control and a power lead Any questions please do ask
FAULTY 55" Samsung QE55Q60RAT 4K HDR Freeview HD Smart QLED TV Boot Loop Issue
End: 03.09. 2023 07:22:40 on Sunday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 1150.55 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175874503071
- Seller: collectemall87 (2450|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Chelmsford, Essex
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
FAULTY 55 Samsung QE55Q60RAT 4K HDR Freeview HD Smart QLED TV Boot Loop Issue. Screen fine as it’s been on the wall but stuck in boot loop. Controller works but a bit of a rattle. No stand
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