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Samsung LED TV HDready 32" Top Zustand LE32B460B2W

End: 20.02. 2025 19:16:23 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 5.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 176836650597
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: edithjercher (803|97.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Igensdorf Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 30,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung LED TV HDready 32Verkaufe den Samsung TV LE32B460B2W - 32 Ein eleganter Fernseher - leider für die neue Technik angeblich nicht geeignet. Bin kein Profi - kenn mich auch nicht aus. Der TV lief bei meinem Papa im Seniorenheim bis zuletzt angeblich einwandfrei. Er hatte ein aussergewöhnlich schönes Bild, seit Januar sind leider keine Programme empfangbar. Der TV befindet sich äusserlich in einem sehr guten Zustand, allein an der Unterseite des Plexi-Rahmens habe ich Abschürfungen - siehe Fotos - gefunden. Keine Fernbedienung - Kein Netzkabel VERSAND: 30€ € Hermes Paket - versende ausschliesslich versichert! Alternative Versandbedingungen bitte anfragen. Europa und Weltweiter Versand: Bei Kauf/Zuschlag werden zusätzlich 5% des Verkaufspreises fällig. Europa and Worldwide shipping : after buy it is to pay 5% plus from the Price for Ebay -Taxes Privatverkauf - keine Garantie- keine Rücknahme Bitte beachten Sie auch meine anderen Angebote - habe viele interessante namhafte Sachen eingestellt… :)

Main AV BOARD für Samsung LE32B460B2W BN40-00154A (BN94-02895R)

End: 06.02. 2025 17:52:19 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 31.68 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326125671088
  • Seller: samagi (1138|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gersten Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Main AV BOARD für Samsung LE32B460B2W BN40-00154A (BN94-02895R)Das Main AV BOARD fr den Samsung LE32B460B2W BN40-00154A (BN94-02895R) ist die perfekte Lsung fr den Austausch defektes oder beschdigtes Mainboards. Das Mainboard ist kompatibel mit der Produktlinie und dem Modellkompatibilitt siehe Titel. Es ist speziell fr Samsung TVs konzipiert und bietet eine Markenkompatibilitt. Das Main AV BOARD ist ein hochwertiges Produkt, das eine schnelle und einfache Installation bietet. Es ist ideal fr den Einsatz in Wohnzimmern, Essbereichen oder Unterhaltungszimmern. Mit diesem Mainboard knnen Sie Ihre Samsung TVs wieder zum Leben erwecken und genieen. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, entfllt die Gewhrleistung und die Rcknahme.

Carte T-CON 320AP03C2LV0.2 pour télé SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W

End: 28.01. 2025 22:47:40 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354798115395
  • Seller: central-electroparts (211|95.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Jarry Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AVANT DACHETER : il est courant pour les néophytes de se tromper de diagnostic. Les pannes de carte TCON produisent soit une absence dimage / soit des couleurs non conformes / soit un voile blanchâtre sur TOUTE limage. Il est possible de se tromper dans le cas dune absence dimage, car ce défaut peut également être causé par un problème sur les nappes vidéo ou sur la carte principale ou sur la dalle. Dans les cas suivants, par exemple, CE NEST PAS votre carte TCON : télé affiche sombre dun côté (cest votre kit LED) / image affectée de stries ou bandes bien droites verticales ou horizontales (cest votre dalle), image qui fluctue (cest votre dalle ou votre nappe LVDS), image dédoublée par endroit (cest votre dalle). Le remplacement dune carte T-CON demande du temps car une bonne partie de la télé doit être démontée. Ne vous lancez pas dans cette opération si vous nêtes pas sûr dy parvenir. En cas de doute, nhésitez pas à nous écrire AVANT LACHAT pour nous parler de votre panne et de votre modèle de télé. Toutes les cartes proposées sont fonctionnelles, merci de bien diagnostiquer la panne, bien vérifier la référence de la carte et celle de la télé (ne pas commander pour une autre marque ou modèle), assurez-vous que, les connectiques et les branchements sont identiques. Carte T-CON susceptible de convenir également à dautres marques ou modèles non-listés _________________________________________________________________________ Questo prodotto è una scheda TCON [ SAMSUNG 320AP03C2LV0.2 ] per televisore SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W / testata e funzionante / Te lo invieremo con piacere dalla Francia allItalia. Se hai una domanda, puoi inviarci un messaggio in italiano. _________________________________________________________________________ Este producto es una tarjeta T-CON [ SAMSUNG 320AP03C2LV0.2 ] para televisor SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W / probada y funcionanda / Con gusto se lo enviaremos de Francia a España. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede enviarnos un mensaje en español. _________________________________________________________________________ Het product is een TCON-kaart [ SAMSUNG 320AP03C2LV0.2 ] voor SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W televisies / werkend & getest / we verzenden het graag voor u van Frankrijk naar Nederland of België. Als je vragen hebt, stuur ons dan een bericht in het Nederlands. _________________________________________________________________________ Das Produkt ist ein TCON Board [ SAMSUNG 320AP03C2LV0.2 ] für SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W Fernseher / funktionsfähig & getestet /Wir versenden es aus Frankreich gerne für Sie nach Deutschland oder Österreich. Bei Fragen senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht auf Deutsch. _________________________________________________________________________ This product is a T-CON board [ SAMSUNG 320AP03C2LV0.2 ] for SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W television / tested & working / We will gladly send it from France to your country (for Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, France, Italy and Spain). If you have any question, you can message us in English


End: 31.12. 2024 14:12:10 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.73 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266686485143
  • Seller: skystore99 (1438|97.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: BOLTON, Lancashire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 14,01 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    POWER BUTTON FOR SAMSUNG  LE32B450C4W LE32B460B2W 3230 DAYS RETURN TO BASE WARRANTY *PLEASE READ FULL ITEM DESCRIPTION 30 DAYS RETURN TO BASE WARRANTY Type of Item:IR SENSORPart numbers: BN41-0989A Item Ref: MS-297S Compatibility: This board will work with all makes/models mentioned in the titles. Please check all the labels and numbers on the board match the numbers in the title and all connection points are identical to ensure the item is suitable for your TV. If you need any assistance please contact us.*PLEASE READ FULL ITEM DESCRIPTION BEFORE BID OR BUY* * Information provided for the customer’s guidance only, please check the compatibility before bid or buy. * * You will get what you see in the picture, no other cable or accessories included.* This item is compatible in above specified model please check the compatibility with your TV model Any questions please feel free to contact us through eBay message service and we aim to reply you within 24 hours. Please read term & conditions before bid or buyWe are selling this items as used so please accept if any sign of use or wear & tears.All items are fully tested and only suitable for the model of TVs stated above.Please check compatibility with your TV model before purchase as the part may not work on other TV models.All goods will be dispatched within 2 working days of receiving full payment. Please notify us within 2 days any issues/problems on receipt of your item.The buyer is always welcome to collect this item with cash on collection.It is always customer’s responsibility to pay the returning cost for any reason.Please note all our items are security marked due to fraudulent claimsWhen returning the item please ensure it is returned in it’s original packaging & please include your Name & eBay item number in order to refund your payment immediately. If item is returned damaged we will not be able to refund cost of item or postage costThe item must be returned within 10 days and we will refund your money fullyIf the item is returned after 10 days we will refund your money minus postage costAll postage charges are calculated according to weight of item & packaging material.Customer satisfaction is our main goal and if you have any problems please contact us to re-solve any problems.ShopsBe sure to add me to your favourites list!

Standfuß Ständer für Samsung TV LE32B460B2W BN40-00154A (BN94-028) Mit Schrauben

End: 22.06. 2024 12:03:43 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 29.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326153746109
  • Seller: samagi (1068|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gersten Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Standfuß Ständer für Samsung TV LE32B460B2W BN40-00154A (BN94-028) Mit SchraubenDieser Standfu ist speziell fr den Samsung TV LE32B460B2W BN40-00154A (BN94-02895R) konzipiert und wird mit Schrauben geliefert. Er ist eine ideale Lsung, um Ihren Fernseher sicher und stabil aufzustellen. Der Standfu ist einfach zu montieren und bietet eine gute Alternative zur Wandmontage. Er ist aus hochwertigem Material gefertigt und hat eine elegante Optik, die gut zu Ihrem Samsung TV passt. Der Standfu sorgt fr eine optimale Positionierung des Fernsehers und ermglicht es Ihnen, das volle Potenzial Ihres Samsung TVs auszuschpfen. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, entfllt die Gewhrleistung und die Rcknahme.

Power Board BN44-00260C für Samsung LE32B460B2W

End: 02.06. 2024 16:57:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 30.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326125664839
  • Seller: samagi (1027|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Gersten Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Power Board BN44-00260C für Samsung LE32B460B2WDas Power Board BN44-00260C ist das perfekte Ersatzteil fr Samsung LE32B460B2W Fernseher. Es ist kompatibel mit der Marke Samsung und dem modischen Modell LE32B460B2W. Das Netzteilplatine ist einfach zu installieren und sorgt fr eine zuverlssige Stromversorgung. Das Power Board ist unmarkiert und bietet eine hohe Qualitt. Es ist kompatibel mit verschiedenen Samsung-Modellen, die Sie vor Ort mehrfach zu ergnzen. Das Produkt ist einfach zu handhaben und bietet eine lange Lebensdauer. Kaufen Sie jetzt das Power Board BN44-00260C fr Samsung LE32B460B2W und genieen Sie wieder voller Stunden an Ihrem Lieblings-Fernseher. Keine Garantie, ich wei nicht, ob es noch funktioniert. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, entfllt die Gewhrleistung und die Rcknahme.


End: 17.05. 2024 13:27:05 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.78 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256331723923
  • Seller: akcelestial (38427|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Ellesmere, Hordley, Shropshire Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 8,15 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    T-CON BOARD 320AP03C2LV0.2 - SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W  Description All TV parts have come out of a unit with a smashed screen unless otherwise stated. All our TV parts are tested by our experienced engineers to ensure you get a working part. All of our parts are used unless otherwise stated. Parts may have signs of use including rust/dust and dirt however nothing that will affect their performance.With over 10 years of experience in the TV trade you can trust Express TV Parts to get your TV working again.  Please note all of our parts are security marked as to be identified by us.  Note When ordering any TV part, you need to check what parts are inside your TV. Ordering from the TV model number alone is not enough to ensure the parts advertised are compatible. When ordering Main AV boards, it is vital that both the part number and the TV model number match that which it is replacing. Payment  We accept Paypal and card payments.   Returns If you have ordered in error or you no longer require the item then you are responsible for paying all return costs. Once the board is received we aim to give you a full refund within 5 working days.Sometimes mistakes happen, if we have sent you a faulty board please contact us before returning the board or opening a case. Contacting us is the quickest and most efficient way of getting a replacement board or refund. If a board is found to be faulty we will cover the return postage. Please note if board is damaged by user error then no refund will be given.   Disclaimer  With basic electrical knowledge anybody can fix a TV. TVs can be dangerous and should only ever be opened when the TV has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes. We are always happy to advise you on what may be wrong with your TV however this is only advice. We will not be held responsible for any damage you may cause to yourself or the TV. If you are unsure then please take it to a qualified technician. Express TV Parts is the trading name of Tomorrows Future Spares And Recycling LTD Listing and template services provided by inkFrog


End: 07.05. 2024 17:23:32 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334873934287
  • Seller: albieyourdog (18234|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Chesterfield Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 8am - 5pm Home Our Listings Newsletter Signup Contact Us LJ94-03077A TCON BOARD FOR SAMSUNG LE32B460B2WXXU Product Showing as unavailable? Click here to check availabilityWorking And Tested TV PartsBuy with confidence!We Offer up to 20% discount and 0% restocking fees for trade customers please contact us for further details on how to get this discount. EMOS TVs have over 20 Years experience in the Tv trade working on all types of equipment old and new. We aim to offer the best service possible to people in the trade or who are competent enough to repair their own products.If you need advice on your faulty product please feel free to ask, we will be more than happy to advise you.Parts all carry a 28 day return to us guarantee, we will do all we can to help if the part does not cure your fault.Please do not purchase any parts if you are unsure it will cure your fault, Please message our technical help team via eBay using the Ask a question link below, One of our advisors will be happy to help. Please check all part numbers on the PCB you require as the same model of TV can have different parts fitted. Please do not order by model number alone. We do what we can to help when this happens but you will have to cover the additional shipping costs. EMOS are a professional service company and our opening times are Mon-Fri 9am-5pmThank youEMOS TVs Harvested parts information 90 day Warranty * Buy with confidence! EMOS Are the UKs leading supplier of harvested TV parts. Technical support available The UKs largest stock holding Trade Discount Available No quibble returns policy Quantity discounts available Worldwide shipping Next day delivery available About Emos TV Parts EMOS are the UKs leading supplier of harvested Television spare parts, we work with the leading Extended Warranty and Insurance companies to provide the highest quality lowest cost parts in the industry. Help before you buy Unsure this product will cure your fault? Please message our technical help team via eBay using the Ask a question link below. Terms & Conditions All repairs are carried out at you own risk. EMOS accept no liability for loss, damage or injury caused whilst fitting our replacement spare parts. *90 day warranty is a return to us warranty, all products need to be returned to us for repair or replacement*


End: 07.05. 2024 16:52:17 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 17.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334873885200
  • Seller: albieyourdog (18234|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Chesterfield Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 8am - 5pm Home Our Listings Newsletter Signup Contact Us 320AP03C2LV0.2 LJ94-03077A SAMSUNG LE32B460B2W TCON BOARD Product Showing as unavailable? Click here to check availabilityWorking And Tested TV PartsBuy with confidence!We Offer up to 20% discount and 0% restocking fees for trade customers please contact us for further details on how to get this discount. EMOS TVs have over 20 Years experience in the Tv trade working on all types of equipment old and new. We aim to offer the best service possible to people in the trade or who are competent enough to repair their own products.If you need advice on your faulty product please feel free to ask, we will be more than happy to advise you.Parts all carry a 28 day return to us guarantee, we will do all we can to help if the part does not cure your fault.Please do not purchase any parts if you are unsure it will cure your fault, Please message our technical help team via eBay using the Ask a question link below, One of our advisors will be happy to help. Please check all part numbers on the PCB you require as the same model of TV can have different parts fitted. Please do not order by model number alone. We do what we can to help when this happens but you will have to cover the additional shipping costs. EMOS are a professional service company and our opening times are Mon-Fri 9am-5pmThank youEMOS TVs Harvested parts information 90 day Warranty * Buy with confidence! EMOS Are the UKs leading supplier of harvested TV parts. Technical support available The UKs largest stock holding Trade Discount Available No quibble returns policy Quantity discounts available Worldwide shipping Next day delivery available About Emos TV Parts EMOS are the UKs leading supplier of harvested Television spare parts, we work with the leading Extended Warranty and Insurance companies to provide the highest quality lowest cost parts in the industry. Help before you buy Unsure this product will cure your fault? Please message our technical help team via eBay using the Ask a question link below. Terms & Conditions All repairs are carried out at you own risk. EMOS accept no liability for loss, damage or injury caused whilst fitting our replacement spare parts. *90 day warranty is a return to us warranty, all products need to be returned to us for repair or replacement*

Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television (USED)

End: 11.03. 2024 16:32:57 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 91.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386620228863
  • Seller: globaltradenetwork (18905|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPEOriginal TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 TelevisionPRICE199.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONSPECIFICATIONS BRAND Samsung MODEL BN59-01175N-LE32B460-USED Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99

Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television (USED)

End: 11.03. 2024 04:38:13 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386616576376
  • Seller: globaltradenetwork (18898|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPEOriginal TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 TelevisionPRICE21.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONSPECIFICATIONS BRAND Samsung MODEL BN59-01199F-LE32B460-USED Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99

(No Cover) Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television (USED)

End: 29.02. 2024 16:32:05 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 7.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 386541252531
  • Seller: globaltradenetwork (19095|98.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television. This listing is for a USED item and may have minor cosmetic blemishes and imperfections. IMPORTANT NOTE: This product is missing the battery cover! Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPE(No Cover) Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 TelevisionPRICE21.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONOriginal TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television. This listing is for a USED item and may have minor cosmetic blemishes and imperfections. IMPORTANT NOTE: This product is missing the battery cover!SPECIFICATIONS BRAND Samsung MODEL BN59-01199F-LE32B460-NC Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99


End: 02.12. 2023 00:27:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 40.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166185009610
  • Seller: monic_chukwu (1717|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: TORINO Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Untitled DocumentBN41-01165A BN94-02896D SCHEDA MADRE PER TV SAMSUNG LE32B460B2WXXC (ALTRI CODICI DIDENTIFICAZIONE SONO RIPORTATI IN FOTO) Parte dei ricambi perfettamente funzionante, smontato da TV per rottura pannello cristalli liquido.Glioggetti sono testate e garantito funzionante sui modello di tv indicato. Per evitare le controversia e le restituzione per loggetto difettoso / non funzionante, non accettiamo lacquisti dei nostri prodotti per montaggio su unaltro modello di tv. ATTENZIONE: CONTROLLARE I CODICI DEL PRODOTTO PRIMA DI ACQUISTARE NON SI ACCETTANO RESI PER ACQUISTI ERRATI!!SE HAI DUBBI CONTTATACI Si prega di verificare con attenzione il modello , la compatibilità prima di procedere allacquisto. I ricambi che vendiamo sono venduti sotto intendendoil possesso delle conoscenza tecniche necessarie ad una corretta diagnosi di riparazione. Non sei soddisfatto per lacquisti? Contattaci prima di aprire la controversia. Saremo in grado di risolvere i problemi.PAGAMENTI / PAYMENTS Accettiamo maggiormente PAYPAL. Può chiedere se possiamo offrire altro metodo di pagamento. We accept mostly PAYPAL paymentsSPEDIZIONE / SHIPPING CONSEGNA ENTRO 22 GIORNI LAVORATIVI Spedizione ioinvio tracciabile. Saremo a disposizione per la richiesta di spedizione espresso.INTERNATIONAL BUYERS We accept basically PAYPAL payments. We ship worldwide. Shipping costs may vary depending on your location and weight of item. If shipping cost exceeds the presumed price, we can request buyer to pay the difference. Have you any doubt? you can contact us with any question before you make purchase.RESTITUZIONE / RETURNS Restituzione 30 giorni accettata..CONTATTACI / CONTACT USHai qualche dubbio?Servizio cliente: Telefono / sms / whatsapp +39 340 5313 651Free eBay Template from eCommercepreneurs


End: 02.12. 2023 00:27:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 16.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166185030991
  • Seller: monic_chukwu (1717|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: TORINO Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,8 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Untitled Document320AP03C2LV0.2 SCHEDA T-CON PER TV SAMSUNG LE32B460B2WXXC (ALTRI CODICI DIDENTIFICAZIONE SONO RIPORTATI IN FOTO) Parte dei ricambi perfettamente funzionante, smontato da TV per rottura pannello cristalli liquido.Glioggetti sono testate e garantito funzionante sui modello di tv indicato. Per evitare le controversia e le restituzione per loggetto difettoso / non funzionante, non accettiamo lacquisti dei nostri prodotti per montaggio su unaltro modello di tv. ATTENZIONE: CONTROLLARE I CODICI DEL PRODOTTO PRIMA DI ACQUISTARE NON SI ACCETTANO RESI PER ACQUISTI ERRATI!!SE HAI DUBBI CONTTATACI Si prega di verificare con attenzione il modello , la compatibilità prima di procedere allacquisto. I ricambi che vendiamo sono venduti sotto intendendoil possesso delle conoscenza tecniche necessarie ad una corretta diagnosi di riparazione. Non sei soddisfatto per lacquisti? Contattaci prima di aprire la controversia. Saremo in grado di risolvere i problemi.PAGAMENTI / PAYMENTS Accettiamo maggiormente PAYPAL. Può chiedere se possiamo offrire altro metodo di pagamento. We accept mostly PAYPAL paymentsSPEDIZIONE / SHIPPING CONSEGNA ENTRO 22 GIORNI LAVORATIVI Spedizione ioinvio tracciabile. Saremo a disposizione per la richiesta di spedizione espresso.INTERNATIONAL BUYERS We accept basically PAYPAL payments. We ship worldwide. Shipping costs may vary depending on your location and weight of item. If shipping cost exceeds the presumed price, we can request buyer to pay the difference. Have you any doubt? you can contact us with any question before you make purchase.RESTITUZIONE / RETURNS Restituzione 30 giorni accettata..CONTATTACI / CONTACT USHai qualche dubbio?Servizio cliente: Telefono / sms / whatsapp +39 340 5313 651Free eBay Template from eCommercepreneurs


End: 02.12. 2023 00:27:29 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 12.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166185044639
  • Seller: monic_chukwu (1717|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: TORINO Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,8 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Untitled DocumentBN96-09463A ALTOPARLANTI COPPIA SPEAKERS PER TV SAMSUNG LE32B460B2WXXC (ALTRI CODICI DIDENTIFICAZIONE SONO RIPORTATI IN FOTO) Parte dei ricambi perfettamente funzionante, smontato da TV per rottura pannello cristalli liquido.Glioggetti sono testate e garantito funzionante sui modello di tv indicato. Per evitare le controversia e le restituzione per loggetto difettoso / non funzionante, non accettiamo lacquisti dei nostri prodotti per montaggio su unaltro modello di tv. ATTENZIONE: CONTROLLARE I CODICI DEL PRODOTTO PRIMA DI ACQUISTARE NON SI ACCETTANO RESI PER ACQUISTI ERRATI!!SE HAI DUBBI CONTTATACI Si prega di verificare con attenzione il modello , la compatibilità prima di procedere allacquisto. I ricambi che vendiamo sono venduti sotto intendendoil possesso delle conoscenza tecniche necessarie ad una corretta diagnosi di riparazione. Non sei soddisfatto per lacquisti? Contattaci prima di aprire la controversia. Saremo in grado di risolvere i problemi.PAGAMENTI / PAYMENTS Accettiamo maggiormente PAYPAL. Può chiedere se possiamo offrire altro metodo di pagamento. We accept mostly PAYPAL paymentsSPEDIZIONE / SHIPPING CONSEGNA ENTRO 22 GIORNI LAVORATIVI Spedizione ioinvio tracciabile. Saremo a disposizione per la richiesta di spedizione espresso.INTERNATIONAL BUYERS We accept basically PAYPAL payments. We ship worldwide. Shipping costs may vary depending on your location and weight of item. If shipping cost exceeds the presumed price, we can request buyer to pay the difference. Have you any doubt? you can contact us with any question before you make purchase.RESTITUZIONE / RETURNS Restituzione 30 giorni accettata..CONTATTACI / CONTACT USHai qualche dubbio?Servizio cliente: Telefono / sms / whatsapp +39 340 5313 651Free eBay Template from eCommercepreneurs


End: 02.12. 2023 00:27:29 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 20.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166185050828
  • Seller: monic_chukwu (1717|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: TORINO Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Untitled DocumentBN41-01227A SCHEDA IR INFRAROSSI PER TV SAMSUNG LE32B460B2WXXC (ALTRI CODICI DIDENTIFICAZIONE SONO RIPORTATI IN FOTO) Parte dei ricambi perfettamente funzionante, smontato da TV per rottura pannello cristalli liquido.Glioggetti sono testate e garantito funzionante sui modello di tv indicato. Per evitare le controversia e le restituzione per loggetto difettoso / non funzionante, non accettiamo lacquisti dei nostri prodotti per montaggio su unaltro modello di tv. ATTENZIONE: CONTROLLARE I CODICI DEL PRODOTTO PRIMA DI ACQUISTARE NON SI ACCETTANO RESI PER ACQUISTI ERRATI!!SE HAI DUBBI CONTTATACI Si prega di verificare con attenzione il modello , la compatibilità prima di procedere allacquisto. I ricambi che vendiamo sono venduti sotto intendendoil possesso delle conoscenza tecniche necessarie ad una corretta diagnosi di riparazione. Non sei soddisfatto per lacquisti? Contattaci prima di aprire la controversia. Saremo in grado di risolvere i problemi.PAGAMENTI / PAYMENTS Accettiamo maggiormente PAYPAL. Può chiedere se possiamo offrire altro metodo di pagamento. We accept mostly PAYPAL paymentsSPEDIZIONE / SHIPPING CONSEGNA ENTRO 22 GIORNI LAVORATIVI Spedizione ioinvio tracciabile. Saremo a disposizione per la richiesta di spedizione espresso.INTERNATIONAL BUYERS We accept basically PAYPAL payments. We ship worldwide. Shipping costs may vary depending on your location and weight of item. If shipping cost exceeds the presumed price, we can request buyer to pay the difference. Have you any doubt? you can contact us with any question before you make purchase.RESTITUZIONE / RETURNS Restituzione 30 giorni accettata..CONTATTACI / CONTACT USHai qualche dubbio?Servizio cliente: Telefono / sms / whatsapp +39 340 5313 651Free eBay Template from eCommercepreneurs


End: 02.12. 2023 00:27:28 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11.92 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166185041782
  • Seller: monic_chukwu (1717|97.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: TORINO Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,8 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Untitled DocumentBN96-07611U CAVO FLAT LVDS PER TV SAMSUNG LE32B460B2WXXC (ALTRI CODICI DIDENTIFICAZIONE SONO RIPORTATI IN FOTO) Parte dei ricambi perfettamente funzionante, smontato da TV per rottura pannello cristalli liquido.Glioggetti sono testate e garantito funzionante sui modello di tv indicato. Per evitare le controversia e le restituzione per loggetto difettoso / non funzionante, non accettiamo lacquisti dei nostri prodotti per montaggio su unaltro modello di tv. ATTENZIONE: CONTROLLARE I CODICI DEL PRODOTTO PRIMA DI ACQUISTARE NON SI ACCETTANO RESI PER ACQUISTI ERRATI!!SE HAI DUBBI CONTTATACI Si prega di verificare con attenzione il modello , la compatibilità prima di procedere allacquisto. I ricambi che vendiamo sono venduti sotto intendendoil possesso delle conoscenza tecniche necessarie ad una corretta diagnosi di riparazione. Non sei soddisfatto per lacquisti? Contattaci prima di aprire la controversia. Saremo in grado di risolvere i problemi.PAGAMENTI / PAYMENTS Accettiamo maggiormente PAYPAL. Può chiedere se possiamo offrire altro metodo di pagamento. We accept mostly PAYPAL paymentsSPEDIZIONE / SHIPPING CONSEGNA ENTRO 22 GIORNI LAVORATIVI Spedizione ioinvio tracciabile. Saremo a disposizione per la richiesta di spedizione espresso.INTERNATIONAL BUYERS We accept basically PAYPAL payments. We ship worldwide. Shipping costs may vary depending on your location and weight of item. If shipping cost exceeds the presumed price, we can request buyer to pay the difference. Have you any doubt? you can contact us with any question before you make purchase.RESTITUZIONE / RETURNS Restituzione 30 giorni accettata..CONTATTACI / CONTACT USHai qualche dubbio?Servizio cliente: Telefono / sms / whatsapp +39 340 5313 651Free eBay Template from eCommercepreneurs

Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television (USED)

End: 13.11. 2023 16:39:16 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 92.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175902853773
  • Seller: globaltradenetwork (18189|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPEOriginal TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 TelevisionPRICE199.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONSPECIFICATIONS BRAND Samsung MODEL BN59-01175N-LE32B460-USED Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99

Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television (USED)

End: 13.11. 2023 04:31:51 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 10.17 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175902598239
  • Seller: globaltradenetwork (18189|98.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPEOriginal TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 TelevisionPRICE21.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONSPECIFICATIONS BRAND Samsung MODEL BN59-01199F-LE32B460-USED Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99

PSU FOR SAMSUNG LE32B450C4W LE32B530P7W LE32B460B2W TV BN44-00260A H32HD_9SS

End: 21.10. 2023 22:43:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 27.72 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 21:15:43
  • Item number: 364365782406
  • Seller: tatral-ka (14593|95.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bolton, Farnworth, Greater Manchester Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 14,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    We offer 45 Days Return to Base Warranty for Your Peace of Mind Buy with Confidence, Great Bargain, Fast Delivery Details - Description Type of Item POWER SUPPLY BOARD Item Part No. BN44-00260A Other Part No. H32HD_9SS Related Information This information is provided as mentioned on the item for sale. But please open the back cover of your TV to check the part number of the original board in your TV and the number on the sticker of the board then match these numbers with those provided in our listing. If you are unsure about the part or sticker number please contact us before purchasing the item. Other Information - Our Reference HTOB/EVOL/I-WT500-P-10500 ** Buyer is responsible to read the full item description and our terms & conditions before buying ** PLEASE NOTE Ø This item is compatible with the above-specified model. However please check the compatibility with your TV model. Ø The item used and may have some wear & tear, scratches, or some rust in the metal area but it is fully tested & working. Ø Information Provided for Customers Guidance only, Please check the compatibility before bidding or buying. Ø Buyer is welcome to collect the winning item but please contact us through eBay to arrange collections. RETURNS POLICY: Ø We are happy to replace any item that is found to be faulty on arrival or is not according to the listing. Ø Item must be notified within 14 days and should reach us within 28 days of the date of receipt. Ø Item must be returned with its original packaging and with all accessories. Ø The buyer is responsible for any postage cost they incur in returning the item to us for any reason. Ø When returning the item please ensure you include the item number and description of the fault with the parcel. Ø We will issue a full refund including postage cost if we cannot offer the same replacement. Ø It is the customers responsibility to check the item on arrival, please contact us as soon as possible if the item received damage in transit.


End: 17.10. 2023 15:30:29 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 15.57 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175954563347
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bridgemarinko0 (95|90.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Deltona, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This BUTTON UNIT is a great addition for Samsung TV models LE32B450C4W, LE32B460B2W, LE26B450C4W, and LE26B460B2W. The unit comes with 1 piece and is compatible with Samsung brand. It is designed to function as a reliable button unit for your TV. The item belongs to the categories of Consumer Electronics, TV, Video & Home Audio, TV, Video & Audio Parts, and TV Boards, Parts & Components. The product title is BN41-00989A. Get your hands on this BUTTON UNIT to enhance your TV watching experience.


End: 02.10. 2023 00:00:18 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 16.12 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175920510415
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: bridgemarinko0 (85|89.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Deltona, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This BUTTON UNIT is a great addition for Samsung TV models LE32B450C4W, LE32B460B2W, LE26B450C4W, and LE26B460B2W. The unit comes with 1 piece and is compatible with Samsung brand. It is designed to function as a reliable button unit for your TV. The item belongs to the categories of Consumer Electronics, TV, Video & Home Audio, TV, Video & Audio Parts, and TV Boards, Parts & Components. The product title is BN41-00989A. Get your hands on this BUTTON UNIT to enhance your TV watching experience.

Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television (USED)

End: 15.09. 2023 04:48:09 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 94.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175821438188
  • Seller: globaltradenetwork (17773|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPEOriginal TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 TelevisionPRICE199.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONSPECIFICATIONS BRAND Samsung MODEL BN59-01175N-LE32B460-USED Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99

Original TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 Television (USED)

End: 24.08. 2023 16:31:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 15.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 385710726216
  • Seller: globaltradenetwork (17599|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
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    Welcome of Global Trade Network Store.RemoteTV StandsCablesAccessoriesPPEOriginal TV Remote Control for Samsung LE32B460 TelevisionPRICE31.99FREE SHIPPINGMost orders ship out next business day30 DAYS RETURN POLICYSee our return policy100% SECURE CHECKOUTCheckout safely with peace of mindONLINE SUPPORTHave a query? Just contact our support team through eBayHAVE A QUESTION?FOLLOW USCATEGORIES3D GlassesAutomotiveAV - AmplifierAV - HeadphoneAV - MicrophoneAV - OtherAV - SpeakerCables - Audio VideoCables - One ConnectCables - OtherCables - PowerCables - SpecialtyLightingMedia Boxes - One ConnectMicrowave PlatesMiscellaneousOtherParts - AC FiltersParts - AC TubeParts - NinjaParts - Tool BatteryParts - Vacuum BatteryParts - WheelsPinataPower Adapter - AppliancePower Adapter - Cell PhonePower Adapter - LaptopPower Adapter - MonitorPower Adapter - OtherPower Adapter - TabletPower Adapter - TVRemote Control - Air ConditionRemote Control - Audio ReceiveRemote Control - BluRayRemote Control - CDRemote Control - DVDRemote Control - Home TheaterRemote Control - OtherRemote Control - Sound BarRemote Control - TVTV StandsVinyl - DecalsHELPFUL LINKSAdd to Favorite SellerAsk Seller a QuestionView FeedbackVisit Our StoreAbout UsContact UsNewsletterAdd my shop to your favorites and receive my email newsletter about new Items and special promotions!SIGN UPTECHNICAL INFORMATIONSPECIFICATIONS BRAND Samsung MODEL BN59-01303A-LE32B460-USED Custom Block HeadingCustom Block Content.ABOUT US Global Trade Network specializes in OEM and replacement accessories for all consumer electronic goods. We are committed to providing you with top quality products from trusted brands such as Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Hisense, Panasonic and many others. We also offer high quality third-party replacement products. If you need any assistance with your product, or are trying to find the correct part, our staff is here to help, just send us a message.SHIPPING We ship via UPS, FedEx, and USPS based on the destination. Order tracking information will be provided once the item has shipped. Delivery estimate is typically 2-4 days for domestic only. RETURNS All items must be returned in the same condition it was received. Returns are processed within 1-2 business days upon return delivery date. Refunds are less the cost of the originally purchased shipping. Any item that is returned after 45 days will have a 20% restocking fee applied.CONTACT US Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you supporting our business. Were always happy to help should any issue arise, so please feel free to reach us through eBay messages if you have any questions or concerns.WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT USCommentBuyerGreat to do business with linkin47 (283 )Thank you!jasmallwood74 (992 )Fast Shippertowman77471 (1609 )Thank you invader4.3 (699 )A++++pkkcremmi (124 )VIEW ALLRELATED PRODUCTSASTM Level 3 Made in USA Disposable Face Mask 3 Layers 20pcs Black Nose BridgeUSD 9.99ASTM Level 3 Disposable Face Mask 3-Ply 50Pk Medical Surgical Dental Mouth CoverUSD 24.99Black M95i 5 Layer Protection Adult Disposable Face Mask MADE IN USA(20 Pack)USD 35.99ASTM Level 3 Breathable 3-ply Protection Colored Disposable Face Mask 50 PackUSD 24.99Slim Face Adult Size M95c Face Mask Adjustable Nose Bridge Made in USA 5 Pk WhitUSD 16.99Reusable Washable Face Mask Cover Multi Layer Breathable Black Cloth 10 PackUSD 34.99