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Original Samsung Galaxy Buds SM-R170 NUR Kopfhörer RECHTS Schwarz v. Händler

End: 01.02. 2025 09:37:20 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 24.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196765519404
  • Seller: secondwerk-24 (187|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Wuppertal Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Samsung Galaxy Buds SM-R170 NUR Kopfhörer RECHTS Schwarz v. HändlerOriginal Samsung Galaxy Buds SM-R170NUR Kopfhörer RECHTS Schwarz v. Händler Zustand: Gebraucht, guter Zustand Der Artikel wurde gereinigt und desinfiziert. Hinweis: Bilder dienen zur Veranschaulichung des Artikels,Gebrauchs- sowie Abnutzungspuren können leicht variieren. Dieser Artikel unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung.Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mehrwertsteuerin der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. KOSTENLOSER DHL VERSAND INNERHALB DEUTSCHLAND! Alle genannten Markennamen sind geschützt und werden nur verwendet,um den Artikel zu beschreiben und die Qualität hervorzuheben!Die Benennung der Marken für das Zubehör -und Ersatzteilgeschäft erfolgt auf Grund § 23 MarkenG und bezeichnen nicht den Hersteller der angebotenen Ware. Die Nutzung eingetragener, geschützter Warenzeichen dient der Beschreibung der zum Verkauf angebotenen Artikel.Dies soll keine Verletzung der Schutzrechte darstellen. Hinweis nach dem Batteriegesetz BattG(Gesetz über die Rücknahme und Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien und Akkus)Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse siehe Impressum) zurückgeben.Rückgabeort ist die im Impressum aufgeführte Adresse.Eine Rücksendung der Altbatterie per Post ist aufgrund der Gefahrgutverordnung nicht zulässig.Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise.Das Symbol durchgekreuzte Mülltonne bedeutet, die Batterie darf nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent BleiCd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent CadmiumHg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber.

Original Samsung Galaxy Buds SM-R170 NUR Kopfhörer RECHTS Weiß v. Händler

End: 19.12. 2024 13:53:51 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 24.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196765520603
  • Seller: secondwerk-24 (81|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Wuppertal Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Samsung Galaxy Buds SM-R170 NUR Kopfhörer RECHTS Weiß v. HändlerOriginal Samsung Galaxy Buds SM-R170NUR Kopfhörer RECHTS Weiß v. Händler Zustand: Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand Der Artikel wurde gereinigt und desinfiziert. Hinweis: Bilder dienen zur Veranschaulichung des Artikels,Gebrauchs- sowie Abnutzungspuren können leicht variieren. Dieser Artikel unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung.Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mehrwertsteuerin der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. KOSTENLOSER DHL VERSAND INNERHALB DEUTSCHLAND! Alle genannten Markennamen sind geschützt und werden nur verwendet,um den Artikel zu beschreiben und die Qualität hervorzuheben!Die Benennung der Marken für das Zubehör -und Ersatzteilgeschäft erfolgt auf Grund § 23 MarkenG und bezeichnen nicht den Hersteller der angebotenen Ware. Die Nutzung eingetragener, geschützter Warenzeichen dient der Beschreibung der zum Verkauf angebotenen Artikel.Dies soll keine Verletzung der Schutzrechte darstellen. Hinweis nach dem Batteriegesetz BattG(Gesetz über die Rücknahme und Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien und Akkus)Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse siehe Impressum) zurückgeben.Rückgabeort ist die im Impressum aufgeführte Adresse.Eine Rücksendung der Altbatterie per Post ist aufgrund der Gefahrgutverordnung nicht zulässig.Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise.Das Symbol durchgekreuzte Mülltonne bedeutet, die Batterie darf nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent BleiCd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent CadmiumHg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber.

Samsung SM-R170 Galaxy Buds Schwarz NUR Rechts (ORIGINAL) Gebraucht vom Händler

End: 16.07. 2024 13:41:35 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 19.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116209753809
  • Seller: bastec14 (6597|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wuppertal Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Samsung SM-R170 Galaxy Buds Schwarz NUR Rechts (ORIGINAL) Gebraucht vom HändlerKompetente Beratung Bequeme Bezahlung Schneller Versand eBay Shop Heimwerker Kleidung & Accessoires Computer & Zubehör Garten & Terrasse Samsung SM-R170 Galaxy Buds Schwarz NUR Rechts (ORIGINAL) Gebraucht vom Händler 19,99 EUR kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschland Beschreibung Kaufabwicklung Über uns Samsung SM-R170 Galaxy Buds Schwarz Nur Rechts      Zustand: Der Kopfhörer ist in einem sehr gutem Zustand,  Gebrauchspuren vorhanden VOLL FUNKTIONSFÄHIG   es wird ausdrücklich nur der rechte Kopfhörer verkauft   Lieferumfang:   1x Samsung SM-R170 Galaxy Buds Schwarz NUR Rechts (ORIGINAL)   Diese Ware unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung. Daher wird die im Kaufpreis enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer in der Rechnung nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. Kaufabwicklung Sie haben die Möglichkeit der Bezahlung über die Ihnen von eBay angezeigten Zahlungsmöglichkeiten. Versand DHL Versand, Wir versenden innerhalb von zwei Werktagen nach Zahlungseingang, in der Regel früher Einer der besten eBay-Verkäufer Bietet stets einen hervorragenden Kundenservice Seit 2014 stets mit Markenprodukten auf der Ebay Platform Über uns Text... Ihre Vorteile Kompetente BeratungZu unseren Produkten und Ihren Fragen. Gern können Sie uns per eBay Kontaktformular Ihre Fragen stellen, die wir zeitnah beantworten werden RückgabeBestellungen können bis zu 2 Wochen nach Kaufdatum zurückgegeben werden.Jedes Produkt, das Sie zurücksenden, muss sich in dem original Zustand befinden.Originalverpackung darf nicht als Versandverpackung benutzt werden. Blitz VersandWir bieten KOSTENLOSEN Versand für Bestellungen innerhalb Deutschland. Wir versenden innerhalb von zwei Werktagen nach Zahlungseingang, in der Regel früher Feedback Kundenzufriedenheit ist uns sehr wichtig. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme mit Ihrer Bestellung haben,kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. eBay Shopkategorien Spielzeug Schuhe Heimwerker Haushaltsgeräte Folgen Sie uns auf eBay für weitere Angebote Folgen Sie uns Zahlung & Versand Anfragen & Kontakt Gern beantworten wir Ihre Fragen zu unseren Produkten zeitnah per eBay Kontaktformular Unsere Servicezeiten: Mo - Fr: 9 - 18 Uhr Links eBay Shop Verkäuferprofil Bewertungen Kontakt Neueste Artikel Endende Artikel © Bastec powered by plentymarkets E-Commerce wie ich es will.

Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU700D Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle

End: 03.01. 2024 23:38:32 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 79.29 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 18:40:4
  • Item number: 256329018386
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Burnsville,MN,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY

Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU8000 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle

End: 03.01. 2024 23:38:30 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 73.79 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 18:40:2
  • Item number: 276208451546
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Burnsville,MN,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY

Samsung Main/Power Supply Board/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55TU7000F

End: 02.01. 2024 11:37:56 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 78.27 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364512738497
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (70621|97.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung Main/Power Supply Board/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55TU7000F UN55TU700DF PLEASE NOTE: There are several different versions of these models. Please match the main board shown to the original in your TV before ordering. Includes replacement main/power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Samsung UN55TU700 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Part Number: BN96-51851A-COMBO Part Type: Main Board / Power Supply Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN96-51851A Board Number: BN9651851A / ML41A050594A / 50315A / 50316A / LM41-00872A/908A / LM41-00871A/907A / SVC550F53/78 L / SVC550F53/78 R Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-50315A / Samsung BN96-50316A Known ModelsBrandModelsVersionsSamsungUN55TU7000FXZAXA03,XA10,XF21,WA22UN55TU700DFXZAXA03 Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55KU700DF UN55KU7500F

End: 30.12. 2023 23:38:27 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 90.74 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 18:39:50
  • Item number: 364608240811
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Burnsville,MN,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY

Samsung QN75Q70TAFXZA Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle

End: 13.11. 2023 15:08:25 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 117.99 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 22:9:54
  • Item number: 276098225931
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Burnsville,MN,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY

Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU8000 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle

End: 05.11. 2023 12:44:15 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 69.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 3T 12:9:44
  • Item number: 256208088113
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (66772|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU8000 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Includes replacement power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Compatible with model numbers listed. Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU8000 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Part Number: BN96-51849A-COMBO Part Type: Main Board / Power Supply Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN96-51849A Board Number: BN9651849A / DY82N8CD1GT / ML41A050594A / T50O6UNF21 / 50317A / 50318A / LM41-00870A/906A / LM41-00869A/905A Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-50317A / Samsung BN96-50318A Known ModelsBrandModelsVersionsSamsungUN50TU700DFXZAGB04UN50TU8000FXZALA21UN50TU7000BXZAGB04,DI05UN50TU7000FXZAGB04,DI05,YA13 Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU700D Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle

End: 05.11. 2023 12:38:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 75.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 3T 12:4:6
  • Item number: 364461889753
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (66772|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU700D Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Includes replacement power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Compatible with model numbers listed. Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU700D Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Part Number: BN96-51826A-COMBO Part Type: Main Board / Power Supply Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN96-51826A Board Number: BN9651826A / DY82N4PD2CJ / VT50UH160 / ML41A050594A / 50317A / 50318A / LM41-00870A/906A / LM41-00869A/905A Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-50317A / Samsung BN96-50318A Known ModelsBrandModelsVersionsSamsungUN50TU700DFXZAXC02UN50TU7000BXZAXC02UN50TU7000FXZAXC02,DB01 Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN58TU7000 UN58TU700D

End: 04.11. 2023 11:39:27 on Saturday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 79.29 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 18:45:28
  • Item number: 276081907822
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Burnsville,MN,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY

Samsung UN55TU7000FXZA Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle

End: 02.11. 2023 16:38:28 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 74.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 3T 16:41:28
  • Item number: 276027598984
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (66747|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung UN55TU7000FXZA Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Includes replacement power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Compatible with model numbers listed. Samsung UN55TU7000FXZA Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Part Number: BN96-52604D-COMBO Part Type: Main Board Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN96-52604D Board Number: BN96-52604D / KANT_SU2E_AU7000 / BA55FA160 / 50315A / 50316A / LM41-00872A/908A / LM41-00871A/907A / SVC550F53/78 L / SVC550F53/78 R Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-50315A / Samsung BN96-50316A Known ModelsBrandModelsVersionsSamsungUN55TU7000FXZAFN18 Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55KU700DF UN55KU7500F

End: 02.11. 2023 16:38:21 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 85.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 3T 16:41:21
  • Item number: 276027598863
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (66747|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55KU700DF UN55KU7500F UN55MU7000F Includes replacement power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Compatible with model numbers listed. You will receive either sj-BN96-39595A/BN96-39596A, sj-BN96-39601A/BN96-39602A, sj-BN96-49195A/BN96-49196A, or sj-BN96-39881A/BN96-39883A LED strips they are interchangeable. Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55KU700DF UN55KU7500F UN55MU7000F Part Number: BN44-00876A-COMBO Board Number: L55E6_KHS / BN44-00876A / BN44-00876C / 39595A / 39596A / 49196A / 49195A / 39601A / 39602A / 39881A / 39883A / V6ER 550SMB LED66 R2 / V6ER 550SMA LED66 R2 Part Type: LIPS Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN44-00876A / Samsung BN44-00876C Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-39595A / Samsung BN96-39596A Known 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,FB03UN55MU7000FXZAAA02,FA01 Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Samsung Main/Power Supply Board/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55TU7000F

End: 04.10. 2023 11:33:01 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 78.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364337740121
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (67036|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 31,72 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung Main/Power Supply Board/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN55TU7000F UN55TU700DF PLEASE NOTE: There are several different versions of these models. Please match the main board shown to the original in your TV before ordering. Includes replacement main/power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Samsung UN55TU700 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Part Number: BN96-51851A-COMBO Part Type: Main Board / Power Supply Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN96-51851A Board Number: BN9651851A / ML41A050594A / 50315A / 50316A / LM41-00872A/908A / LM41-00871A/907A / SVC550F53/78 L / SVC550F53/78 R Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-50315A / Samsung BN96-50316A Known ModelsBrandModelsVersionsSamsungUN55TU7000FXZAXA03,XA10,XF21,WA22UN55TU700DFXZAXA03 Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN58TU7000 UN58TU700D

End: 04.10. 2023 11:32:59 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 72.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364337582168
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (67036|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN58TU7000 UN58TU700D Includes replacement power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Compatible with model numbers listed. Samsung Power Supply/LED Backlight Strips Bundle UN58TU7000 UN58TU700D Part Number: BN44-01054A-COMBO Part Type: LIPS Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN44-01054A Board Number: BN44-01054A / L55S6_TDY / SVC580A23 R / SVC580A23 L Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-50458A / Samsung BN96-50459A Known ModelsBrandModelsVersionsSamsungUN58TU7000FXZAYG10GU58AU7179UXZGGU58TU7199UXZGUA58AU7000SXNZUA58TU7000KXXDUA58TU7000KXXMUA58TU7000KXXSUA58TU7000KXXTUA58TU7000SXNZUE58AU7100UXCEUE58AU7100UXUAUE58AU7110KXXUUE58AU7160UXRUUE58AU7172UXXHUE58AU7175UXXCUE58AU7500UXCEUE58AU7570UXRUUE58TU7100KXXUUE58TU7100UXMIUE58TU7100UXSQUE58TU7100UXTKUE58TU7100UXUAUE58TU7100WXXNUE58TU7102KXXHUE58TU7105KXXCUE58TU7110KXXUUE58TU7160UXRUUE58TU7170SXXNUE58TU7170UXZGUE58TU7172UXXHUE58TU7175UXXCUE58TU7190UXZGUE58TU7570UXRUUN58AU7000GXZSUN58CU7700GXZDUN58TU7000FXZCUN58TU7000FXZXUN58TU7000GXPEUN58TU7000GXZBUN58TU7000GXZDUN58TU7000KXZLUN58TU7000PXPAUN58TU700DFXZA Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU8000 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle

End: 05.09. 2023 11:37:21 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 69.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275891613163
  • Seller: shopjimmy! (66502|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Burnsville, Minnesota USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 27,01 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ShopJimmy | TV & Appliance Repair Made Easy If youre looking to repair a TV or appliance, youve come to the right place. We are the industry leader in replacement TV and appliance parts, and we cant wait to help you on your repair journey. Its easier than you think! If youre repairing your TV, after diagnosing its symptoms, the first step is finding the correct TV part. We highly suggest searching by the part number located on your TV part. If you need help locating this number, please reach out to us through eBay. Were happy to help! Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU8000 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Includes replacement power supply board and brand new set of LED backlight strips. Compatible with model numbers listed. Samsung UN50TU7000/UN50TU8000 Power Supply / LED Backlight Strips Bundle Part Number: BN96-51849A-COMBO Part Type: Main Board / Power Supply Manufacturer Part Number 1: Samsung BN96-51849A Board Number: BN9651849A / DY82N8CD1GT / ML41A050594A / T50O6UNF21 / 50317A / 50318A / LM41-00870A/906A / LM41-00869A/905A Manufacturer Part Number 2: Samsung BN96-50317A / Samsung BN96-50318A Known ModelsBrandModelsVersionsSamsungUN50TU700DFXZAGB04UN50TU8000FXZALA21SAMSUNGUN50TU7000BXZAGB04,DI05UN50TU7000FXZAGB04,DI05,YA13 Were TV Part Smart You could say were mildly obsessed with TV parts. We demand quality. We seek compatibilities. We want to make TV repair easier. And we acquire TV parts from a variety of sources and channels, which allow us to offer the most comprehensive inventory in the industry. Harvesting: We recover all of the working parts from new TVs damaged during manufacturer-to-retailer shipping (2,000+ per week), breaking down every TV in-house and inspecting every part three times. Sourcing: We also source TV parts, lamps, and components directly from manufacturers to meet the fluctuating repair demands for certain TV models. Partnerships: We developed innovative partnerships to both expand our inventory offerings and manufacturer our very own products. A Mission To Make You Happy Our goal is to make you -- the customer -- completely happy. This mission impacts every aspect of our business, especially our customer service. We have over a dozen Customer Service Reps who know their TV parts, actually enjoy small talk, and want to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us. So, please reach out to us through eBay with any questions related to finding part numbers, TV model compatibilities, the weather... whatever you want! However, please note that were not providing technical support at this time. Lets fix your TV together! About ShopJimmy Jimmy Vosika, founder and Director of Partology, started buying and selling reclaimed TVs on eBay in 2007. Hes a pretty smart guy (dont tell him we actually admitted that) and soon discovered that harvesting the undamaged TV parts within reclaimed TVs is a better business model and more eco-friendly. ShopJimmy was born. Five buildings, 14 years, and hundreds of thousands of TV and appliance parts later, we now offer TV parts and lamps, TV stands, component kits, board repair services, tech tools, appliance parts, vacuum parts, and electronics accessories to thousands of customers across the globe!

Player DVD Home Theater System HT-DL70D Samsung - 1995 für Sammler

End: 04.09. 2021 12:51:05 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 284428069227
  • Counter: 28
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: banzi2009 (753|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Karlsruhe Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,95 EUR
  • on EBAY

Player DVD Home Theater System HT-DL70D Samsung - 1995 für Sammler

End: 28.08. 2021 12:50:15 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 284418377435
  • Counter: 16
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: banzi2009 (750|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Karlsruhe Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,95 EUR
  • on EBAY

Samsung HT-WX70 5 disc changer surround sound reciever bundle

End: 27.02. 2021 02:50:50 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 65.91 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 303892393495
  • Counter: 52
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: johnnygibby (197|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Media, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 244,43 EUR
  • on EBAY

Samsung HT-WX70 5 disc changer surround sound reciever bundle

End: 20.02. 2021 02:50:41 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 82.46 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 303884094348
  • Counter: 40
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: johnnygibby (193|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Media, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY

Samsung HT-WX70 5 disc changer surround sound reciever bundle

End: 13.02. 2021 00:50:15 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 115.53 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 303874483162
  • Counter: 35
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: johnnygibby (189|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Media, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 247,25 EUR
  • on EBAY

Samsung BP63-00670A / BP6300670A Philips UltraBright TV Lamp Housing DLP LCD

End: 01.01. 2020 08:34:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 66.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 113874890496
  • Counter: 196
  • Seller: discount-merchant-dlp-lamps (40121|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 24,84 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 16.03. 2019 19:17:52 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11.56 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 123685930895
  • Counter: 9
  • Seller: the_repair_man (16538|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Margate Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 3,4 EUR
  • on EBAY

Samsung HT-DL70D 5.1 Heimkinosystehm

End: 18.01. 2019 01:36:09 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 38.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 233091428010
  • Counter: 56
  • Seller: riesenbabyauto (2026|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Halle Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY