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Ruark Audio R5 mk1 Nussbaum High Fidelity Music System OPV NEUw + 2J GEWÄHR

End: 18.01. 2025 09:53:55 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 819.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375882275876
  • Seller: go-music (4977|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Gundelfingen Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 22,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark Audio R5 mk1 Nussbaum High Fidelity Music System OPV NEUw + 2J GEWÄHRKontakt Shop Sonstige Synthesizer Keyboard Soundmodul Drumcomputer Groovebox Mikrofon Monitor Effektgerät DAW-Controller Interface Signalprozessor Verstärker Koffer & Case Zubehör Sampler Zubehör für E-Gitarre Receiver CD-Player DVD-BluRay-Player Vorverstärker Kopfhörer Streamer Beamer Camcorder Kompaktanlage Lautsprecher & Boxen Plattenspieler DJ-Turntable DJ-Mixer DJ-Controller Gitarrenverstärker Bewertungen Weitere Angebote Newsletter Sicherer Kauf vom Händler Ordentliche Rechnung 2 Jahre GEWÄHRLEISTUNG Versand mit DHL Ruark Audio R5 mk1 Nussbaum High Fidelity Music System Neuwertiger Zustand - mit Originalverpackung Sofort-Kaufen Frage stellenAlle Fotos sind original und zeigen den angbotenen Artikel. All images are original and shows to the item offered. Zustand / Optical condition Aus ErstbesitzNeuwertiger ZustandNur minimal benutzt - Wohnzimmereinsatz (Nichtraucher) Keine sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren Neuestes Update - Geprüft - Technisch 100% einwandfreiFernbedienung im Lieferumfang nicht enthalten (kostet ca 100,-)Auch steuerbar über die HandyApp 2 Jahre GEWÄHRLEISTUNG Only one preownerGreat optical conditionHardly used No usage markes Inicialized - Tested - Technically 100% perfect With commercial INVOICE2 year WARRANTY Lieferumfang/ Scope of delivery Ruark Audio R5 mk1 Nussbaum Originalkarton / Original boxNetzkabel / Power cordAnleitung / ManualAus Erstbesitz Neuwertiger Zustand Nur minimal benutzt - Wohnzimmereinsatz (Nichtraucher) Keine sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren Neuestes Update - Geprüft - Technisch 100% einwandfrei 2 Jahre GEWÄHRLEISTUNG Lieferumfang: Ruark Audio R5 mk1 Nussbaum Originalkarton Netzkabel Anleitung Originalkarton + OriginalzubehörTechnische Daten Zahlung / PaymentVersand / ShippingUnser ServiceKontaktMit großer Freude kündigt Ruark die Veröffentlichung seines R5 High Fidelity Music Systems an. Es ist gelungen, die Erfahrung des Unternehmens mit seiner Zukunftsvision zu verbinden. Das R5 ist ein perfektes All-in-One-System für Musik- und Designbegeisterte. Ruarks Leidenschaft für Ergonomie bedeutet, dass die Marke ständig die Form, Funktion und Haptik ihrer Produkte verbessern will. Streichen Sie mit Ihren Händen über das neue R5, und Sie können die enorme Qualität des handgefertigten Gehäuses erkennen! Die eleganten Glas und Metallkomponenten kombiniert mit dem warmen Spannstoff des Frontgitters treffen den Stil in jedem Wohnumfeld. Das Ruark R5 setzt somit einen eindrucksvollen Akzent in Ihrem Zuhause. Der Maßstab für die Entwicklung des R5 war das eigene Top-Modell R7 von Ruark Audio. Aus vielen Rückmeldungen von Kunden weiß Ruark, dass das Design und die Funktionen des R7 begeistern. Mit dem neuen R5 hat Ruark sein Flaggschiff nur in den Ausmaßen verkleinert. Es ist gelungen, ein System zu schaffen, das mit seinem beeindruckendem Sound Pionierarbeit leistet. Das R5 ist auch Multiroom-fähig, es kann drahtlos mit den MRx-, R2Mk3- und R7Mk3-Modellen von Ruark verbunden werden und bietet somit die Möglichkeit von synchronem Sound, überall in Ihrem Zuhause. Das R5 verwendet neu entwickelte Class-A-B-Verstärker in einer 2.1 Konfiguration mit aktiver Elektronik zur genauen Ansteuerung der Lautsprechereinheiten, die einen Klang mit unübertroffener Qualität liefern. Die Stereolautsprecher bieten einen wunderschön natürlichen Frequenzgang mit Hilfe leichter Lautsprecher Chassis und antriebsstarken Neodym-Magneten. Gekoppelt mit seinem Langhub-Subwoofer erzielt es mühelos einen Bass für ein lebensechtes Hörerlebnis. Features: CD-Player mit Fronteinschub für Audio-, MP3- und WMA-Musik-CDsEmpfänger für DAB, DAB+ und UKW mit RDSInternetradio und Musik über Netzwerk (LAN/WLAN)Bluetooth mit aptX für direktes Streamen in CD-QualitätBereit für Spotify ConnectMultiroom-fähigUSB-Anschluss für Wiedergabe und zum ladenSchaltbare Digital und Analog Eingänge90 Watt Hi-Fidelity Verstärker System2 x 75 mm Full-Range und 1 x 130 mmSubwoofer AntriebseinheitRotoDial Steuerung für intuitive BedienungKontrastreiches OLED-DisplayHöhen- und TiefenregelungLoudness-Funktion für besten Klang auch bei geringer LautstärkeStereo-KopfhörerausgangEinfach programmierbarer Wecker mit zweiWeckzeiten und vielen FunktionenAbmessung: H142 x B520 x T300 mmGewicht: 9,5 kg PayPal Kreditkarte SEPA Versand: ? Professionelle Verpackung für optimalen Transportschutz Der Versand erfolgt nach Möglichkeitim Originalkarton mit den Styroporstützteilen oder einer gleichwertigen Alternative. ? Schneller & Sicherer Versand mit DHL innerhalb 48 Stunden Mit DHL als unserem festen Vertragspartner ist eine sichere Abholung vor Ort und eine sorgfältige Handhabung der Pakete gewährleistet. Lieferung auch an Packstation oder Postfiliale. Ihre Sendungsdaten werden automatisch an ebay übermittelt. Ihre Vorteile: ? Nur geprüfte, saubere und rauchfreie Ware ? Schnelle Antwort auf Ihre Frage ? 30 Tage Rückgaberecht ? Rechnung mit 2 Jahren Gewährleistung ? Professionelle Verpackung für optimalen Transportschutz ? Schneller & Sicherer Versand mit DHL innerhalb 48 Stunden Sie erhalten von uns eine ordentliche Rechnung in Papierform.Gemäß Differenzbesteuerung (§ 25a UstG) ist eine Mehrwertsteuerausweisung nicht möglich (Gebrauchtgegenstände/Sonderregelung) Kontakt: Haben Sie Fragen zu unseren Angeboten? Kontaktieren Sie uns doch hier auf eBay.Unsere Telefonnummer und emailadresse finden Sie im Impressum. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage! 5000 Bewertungen - 100 % positiv - sind kein Zufall “Ware wurde exakt wie beschrieben geliefert. Lieferung erfolgte sehr schnell und professionell verpackt. Bin sehr zufrieden mit Artikel und Kaufabwicklung.” l***k (48) “Quick delivery,perfect packaging, item seems really new and unused.” u***l (126) “Ware wie beschrieben in sehr gutem Zustand. Alles am Gerät funktioniert. Sehr freundlicher und kompetenter Verkäufer.” x***i (146) “Excellent contact, prompt shipping, item as described, 100% recommendation ” l***o (39) “Sehr schnelle Bearbeitung, sehr guter Mailkontakt mit ausführlichen Informationen. Gerne wieder.” m***u (87) Design & Development by Easy-Template

RUARK AUDIO R5 HiFi-Musiksystem Wallnussbraun

End: 18.12. 2024 05:09:33 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 700.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 267095512532
  • Seller: casimier99 (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rostock Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RUARK AUDIO R5 HiFi-Musiksystem Wallnussbraun Absolut neuwertig.Gekauft in 01.2024 für 1.245 €.Originalverpackung nicht mehr vorhanden. CD-Player mit Fronteinschub für Audio-, MP3- und WMA-Musik-CDsEmpfänger für DAB, DAB+ und UKW mit RDSInternetradio und Musik über Netzwerk (LAN/WLAN)Bluetooth mit aptX für direktes Streamen in CD-QualitätBereit für Spotify ConnectMultiroom-fähigUSB-Anschluss für Wiedergabe und zum ladenSchaltbare Digital und Analog Eingänge90 Watt Hi-Fidelity Verstärker System2 x 75 mm Full-Range und 1 x 130 mmSubwoofer AntriebseinheitRotoDial Steuerung für intuitive BedienungKontrastreiches OLED-DisplayHöhen- und TiefenregelungLoudness-Funktion für besten Klang auch bei geringer LautstärkeStereo-KopfhörerausgangEinfach programmierbarer Wecker mit zweiWeckzeiten und vielen FunktionenAbmessung: H142 x B520 x T300 mmGewicht: 9,5 kg

Ruark R5 Audio CD Bluetooth HIFI-Musiksystem - Wallnussbraun

End: 17.12. 2024 17:00:01 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 556.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116413798591
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: joaccino2 (746|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stuttgart Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RUARK AUDIO R5 HiFi-Musiksystem, in Wallnussbraun gebraucht in sehr guten Zustand ohne Fernbedienung. Das Ruark R5 vereint das Wissen ihrer Vergangenheit mit ihrer Zukunftsvision und ist das perfekte All-in-One-System für alle Musik- und Design-Enthusiasten. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören umfassendes WLAN-Streaming, ein CD-Player mit mehreren Formaten, aptX HD Bluetooth-Empfänger, DAB/FM und Internet-Tuner, USB-Wiedergabe-/Ladeanschluss, analoge und digitale Eingänge einschließlich eines dedizierten RIAA-Plattenspieler-Eingangs. Mit dem R5 hat Ruark R7 in allem außer Sound miniaturisiert, um ein System zu schaffen, das einfach bahnbrechend ist. Wie bei R7 verwendet R5 neu entwickelte Verstärker der Klasse A-B in einer 2.1 Konfiguration mit aktiver Elektronik zur präzisen Steuerung der Lautsprechereinheiten und liefert Klang mit unvergleichlicher Qualität. Die Stereo-Lautsprecher wurden entwickelt, um einen wunderschön natürlichen Frequenzgang durch ein leistungsstarkes Neodym-Magnetsystem in Verbindung mit einer leichten Kegel-/Spulenmontage zu bieten und der Weitwurf-Subwoofer sorgt für mühelosen erweiterten Bass für lebensechte Klangdrama. Viel Spaß beim Bieten

RUARK AUDIO R5 HiFi-Musiksystem Wallnussbraun

End: 10.12. 2024 09:05:58 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 700.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 267090005406
  • Seller: casimier99 (12|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rostock Deutschland
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RUARK AUDIO R5 HiFi-Musiksystem Wallnussbraun Absolut neuwertig.Gekauft in 01.2024 für 1.245 €. CD-Player mit Fronteinschub für Audio-, MP3- und WMA-Musik-CDsEmpfänger für DAB, DAB+ und UKW mit RDSInternetradio und Musik über Netzwerk (LAN/WLAN)Bluetooth mit aptX für direktes Streamen in CD-QualitätBereit für Spotify ConnectMultiroom-fähigUSB-Anschluss für Wiedergabe und zum ladenSchaltbare Digital und Analog Eingänge90 Watt Hi-Fidelity Verstärker System2 x 75 mm Full-Range und 1 x 130 mmSubwoofer AntriebseinheitRotoDial Steuerung für intuitive BedienungKontrastreiches OLED-DisplayHöhen- und TiefenregelungLoudness-Funktion für besten Klang auch bei geringer LautstärkeStereo-KopfhörerausgangEinfach programmierbarer Wecker mit zweiWeckzeiten und vielen FunktionenAbmessung: H142 x B520 x T300 mmGewicht: 9,5 kg

Ruark Audio R5 mk1 grau matt Bluetooth aptX WiFi Music System UVP 1399 €

End: 29.04. 2024 12:15:46 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1199.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266457963859
  • Seller: gerhard-hartmann-gmbh (2837|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Bad Windsheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark Audio R5 mk1 grau matt    Bluetooth aptX   WiFi Music System    UVP 1399 €Technische Daten: CD-Player mit Fronteinschub für Audio-, MP3- und WMA-Musik-CDsEmpfänger für DAB, DAB+ und UKW mit RDSInternetradio und Musik über Netzwerk (LAN/WLAN)Bluetooth mit aptX für direktes Streamen in CD-QualitätBereit für Spotify ConnectMultiroom-fähigUSB-Anschluss für Wiedergabe und zum ladenSchaltbare Digital und Analog Eingänge90 Watt Hi-Fidelity Verstärker System2 x 75 mm Full-Range und 1 x 130 mmSubwoofer AntriebseinheitRotoDial Steuerung für intuitive BedienungKontrastreiches OLED-DisplayHöhen- und TiefenregelungLoudness-Funktion für besten Klang auch bei geringer LautstärkeStereo-KopfhörerausgangEinfach programmierbarer Wecker mit zweiWeckzeiten und vielen FunktionenAbmessung: H142 x B520 x T300 mmGewicht: 9,5 kg

ruark r5

End: 01.11. 2023 13:24:07 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 755.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145391099627
  • Bids: 30
  • Seller: blauoszi (259|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Darmstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ruark r5Die Ruark Audio R5 ist eine fast Neuwertige gebrauchte Kompakt-Stereoanlage. Der R5 wurde im April 2022 gekauft und kommt aus einem Nicbtraucherhaushalt. Mit ihrem ansprechenden Design und dem hervorragenden Klang ist sie ideal für jeden Musikliebhaber. Das Modell ist besonders für seine einfache Bedienung und vielfältigen Anschlussmöglichkeiten bekannt. Die Marke Ruark Audio steht für höchste Qualität und Leistung und die R5 ist keine Ausnahme. Mit dieser Stereoanlage können Sie Ihre Lieblingsmusik in exzellenter Klangqualität genießen. Wenn Sie nach einer hochwertigen Kompakt-Stereoanlage suchen, ist die Ruark Audio R5 eine ausgezeichnete Wahl.

Ruark R5 High Fidelity Music System | Walnut | Ex-Display

End: 06.09. 2023 20:37:19 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 915.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305118033726
  • Seller: oranges_clearance (252|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 High Fidelity Music System in WalnutEx-Display unit with box and all accessories Full Manufacturers WarrantyOranges & Lemons HiFi Authorised dealer for Linn, Naim, Rega, B & W, Dynaudio, Neat, PMC, Project, Arcam, Marantz, Roksan, Rel, Ruark, Chord, Quadraspire, HiFi Racks and moreCollection available from our Battersea store For more info, please call 020 7924 2040.


End: 28.08. 2023 15:55:54 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 171.83 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204442803144
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ejs17_91 (280|96.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Cambridge Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RUARK AUDIO R5 HIGH FIDELITY MULTI ROOM MUSIC SYSTEM - WALNUT, barely used. Bought in 2022 (despite the date the system thinks it is in the photos!), a few months before the death of its owner from a short illness. Instruction manual and remote control included, as well as alternative plug fitting for use in EU, should that be of interest. Excellent sound quality and easy to use, but surplus to our requirements. Further details and technical specifications here: Collection from greater Cambridge area, please. I wouldnt want to risk sending this by post or courier. However, Id be happy for a buyer to select and arrange a courier or delivery service they are happy with.

Ruark R5 | walnuss | All-in-One-System | CD, Internetradio, DAB+, Streamer

End: 22.07. 2023 20:24:07 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 750.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 204334652749
  • Seller: alles_was_man_braucht (149|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Sohland Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 | walnuss | All-in-One-System | CD, Internetradio, DAB+, Streamer. Kleines Klangwunder Mit dem Musiksystem R7 hat Ruark Audio Maßstäbe gesetzt hinsichtlich Design, Ausstattung und klanglicher Performance. Mit der R5 folgt nun eine Anlage für all jene, die ein kompakteres Gerät ohne Standfüße bevorzugen. Sie lässt sich auch in weniger große Wohnräume perfekt integrieren. Für ihren überzeugenden Klang, der selbst anspruchsvolle Hörer zufriedenstellt, sorgt eine wohlabgestimmte Lautsprecherkombination: zwei von Ruark Audio entwickelte 75-mm-Breitbandlautsprecher in Verbindung mit einem linearen 80-Watt-Verstärker und einem eingebauten, erneut verbesserten 125-mm-Subwoofer. Hoch- und Mitteltonbereich sind dabei gut ausgeprägt, das Klangbild ist trotz der eng beieinander liegenden Lautsprecher hörbar räumlich, der überraschend kräftige Tieftöner vollendet den Klanggenuss. Für das Feintuning sorgen Höhen- und Tiefenregler, die Loudness-Funktion liefert guten Klang schon bei geringer Lautstärke. Guter Ton aus vielen Quellen Bemerkenswert ist die Vielfalt der möglichen Klangquellen. Das beginnt beim terrestrischen Radioempfang, der wahlweise über einen trennungsscharfen UKW-RDS-Analogtuner oder über einen hochwertigen Digitaltuner für DAB und DAB+ erfolgt. Ihre Lieblingssender können Sie auf zehn Speicherplätzen ablegen und mit einem Tastendruck aufrufen. Die mitgelieferte Teleskopantenne ist abnehmbar, so kann auch eine externe Antenne angeschlossen werden. Das nach den anspruchsvollen Standards der Automobilindustrie gefertigte CD-Laufwerk mit automatischem Einzug spielt Musik von CDs, CD-Rs und CD-RWs ab und unterstützt gängige Formate wie MP3, WMA oder AAC. Via Bluetooth 3.0 lässt sich Musik von externen Geräten wie Smartphone oder Tablet streamen – dank aptX-Codec in CD-Qualität. (Eine USB-Ladebuchse sorgt dafür, dass der Akku der Geräte dabei nicht in die Knie geht.) Per WLAN und LAN lässt sich die R5 an bestehende Netzwerke anschließen. Über einen optischen Digitaleingang kann sie R5 mit dem Fernseher und über analoge Cinch-Buchsen (Ein- und Ausgänge) mit weiteren Geräten verbunden werden – auch ein Phono-Eingang ist darunter. Nicht zuletzt sind die Streamingdienste Spotify Connect, Amazon Music, Deezer und Tidal in die R5 integriert. Intuitive Bedienung Optisch kommt die R5 Ruark-typisch klar und aufgeräumt daher. Auf dem Gehäuse sitzt die Regeleinheit, die an die Wählscheibe eines Telefons erinnert – Ruark Audio nennt sie RotoDial. Ihre wenigen Tasten lassen sich intuitiv bedienen. Alternativ können Sie das System auch über eine mitgelieferte Funk-Fernbedienung steuern, die identisch aufgebaut ist und gut in der Hand liegt. Wer eine weitere Alternative wünscht, der findet mit „Ruark Link“ eine App des Herstellers, die kostenfrei für iOS und Android zur Verfügung steht. Vorn sitzt neben der Öffnung des CD-Laufwerks das gestochen scharfe, aus jedem Winkel ablesbare OLED-Display, das die Uhrzeit und Informationen zu Programmen und Einstellungen anzeigt. Seine Helligkeit kann sowohl im aktiven als auch im Stand-by-Betrieb eingestellt werden. Daneben liegt ein 3,5-mm-Stereokopfhörer-Ausgang. Schließlich kann die R5 auch als Wecker fungieren. Dank zweier Weckzeiten und einstellbarer Weckerlautstärke erfolgt die Rückkehr in den Tag, wann und wie Sie es wünschen. Eine Schlummerfunktion ist ebenfalls vorhanden. Ruark Audio. Guter Klang aus Großbritannien Guter Klang sollte jedem Musikliebhaber zugänglich sein, nicht nur HiFi-Enthusiasten. Nach diesem Grundsatz arbeitet Alan O’Rourke, Gründer und Geschäftsführer des britischen Familienunternehmens Ruark Audio, seit über 30 Jahren. Lautsprecher von Weltruf baute er von Anfang an, hinzugekommen sind Ende 2006 Radios und Musikanlagen, die nach den gleichen Prinzipien konstruiert sind und überall eine gute Figur machen, sei es im Wohnzimmer, im Schlafzimmer oder im Büro. Doch nicht nur der Klang der Ruark-Geräte ist überragend. Dank ihrer eleganten Erscheinung galten sie auch schnell als Designklassiker. Man muss ja nicht gleich so weit gehen wie der Hersteller, demzufolge seine Produkte „für die Ewigkeit gebaut“ sind. Sicher ist jedoch, dass sie sowohl im Hinblick auf den Klang als auch unter Designaspekten viele Jahre lang Freude bereiten.

Ruark Audio R5 Wireless Music System DAB/DAB+/Internet Radio/CD In Soft Grey

End: 17.07. 2023 16:26:08 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1047.42 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225625458505
  • Seller: 2atorrim (1074|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: oxford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 13,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ex display in excellent like nes condition.everithing is included with original box.

RUARK R5 Multi Media High Fidelity Music System Network Streamer

End: 04.07. 2023 17:38:28 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 808.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 115850724794
  • Seller: robben_91 (991|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Brighton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 227,23 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RUARK R5 Multi Media High Fidelity Music System Network Streamer Looks Great And Sounds Excellent Owned From New And Very Well Looked After The Listening Experience Is Balanced, Warm and Detailed With Plenty Of Power All In One High Quality Music System With Many Features Including Network Streamer, Blu-tooth, CD Player, USB, DAB, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, Amazon Music, Phono Input, Aux In, Optical & Ethernet With A Powerful 90 Watts Amplifier + 3D Sound & Built In Sub Woofer The Sound Quality Is Excellent Finished In Walnut The Case And Controls Are In Unmarked Condition Will Come With The Original Box Which Includes The Remote Control, Power Lead, Manuals, Aerial Etc Please Look at The Photos Carefully For Condition The Unit Will Be Very Well Packed And You Will Receive It Exactly As Seen In The Photos Overall An Excellent High Quality Music System From Ruark Which Looks And Sounds Superb International Buyers Please Contact Us For An Accurate Shipping Quote Specifications : SOUND2 × Ruark Audio 75mm full-range driver with neodymium magnet systemIntegrated active subwoofer with 125mm long throw driverLinear Class A-B Amplifier, 90 watts nominal outputAdjustable treble and bass settingsEnhanced 3D sound processingAudio grade components throughoutLoudness function provides enhanced sound at low volume levels CD PLAYERSlot loading CD player plays CD-Audio, MP3, AAC and WMA music disksText support for CD and USB playback when available WIRELESSWireless DLNA audio streaming from network attached storage devices and PCs MULTI-ROOM READYMulti-Room mode allows R5 to be wirelessly connected and synchronised with up to seven other Ruark connected models. These include MRx, R2 Mk3 and R7 Mk3 TUNERDAB, DAB+ and FM Tuner with RDS for local and national receptionInternet Receiver for world-wide radio reception30 station pre-sets (10 DAB, 10 FM, 10 Internet) BLUETOOTHBuilt in aptX HD Bluetooth receiver provides 24-bit high resolution playback from compatible devices SPOTIFY CONNECTSpotify Connect provides seamless integration with Spotify App and access to 20+ million tracks OTHER MUSIC SERVICESR5 also supports music services from Amazon Music, Deezer and Tidal DISPLAYHigh contrast OLED display with large format clockAdjustable brightness to suit requirements CONNECTIVITY1 × RIAA gain stage input for turntable (RCA connectors)1 × stereo analogue inputs (RCA connectors)1 × digital optical TOSLINK input1 × stereo analogue output (RCA connectors)USB charge (5V 1.0A) and playback port. Codec’s supported include WAV, WMA, AAC, FLAC and MP3Ethernet port for direct connection to networkFront mounted stereo headphone output ALARMEasy-to-use programable dual alarm with once, daily, weekday and weekend settingsAdjustable alarm volumeAdjustable snooze and sleep timers CONTROLSIntuitive ‘click to select’ RotoDial control system and matching RotoDial radio remoteRuark Link app provides full control of R5 from iOS and Android devices MAINS POWER REQUIREMENT100-120/200-240VAC, 50-60Hz DIMENSIONSH142 × W520 × D300mm WEIGHT9.5kg

Ruark R5 Signature

End: 30.06. 2023 11:56:47 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1361.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285334643930
  • Seller: gsmi2298 (46|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dover Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 Signature. Very rare limited edition model. 16 months old. In immaculate condition. Comes with all original packaging. UK Buyers only please. Willing to accept posting if buyer arranges collection.

Ruark R5 hi-fi CD/Radio Music System

End: 26.06. 2023 11:57:39 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 622.48 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145145682541
  • Bids: 25
  • Seller: break-3 (574|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Eastbourne Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 16,94 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 hi-fi CD/Radio Music System in excellent working condition. With original box and all accessories. Only slight mark is a little surface scratch on the top panel, which you can see in the pics - its almost unnoticeable in most lights. RRP for these is 1099 and it sounds amazing.

Ruark Audio R5 Wireless Music System DAB/DAB+/Internet Radio/CD In Walnut

End: 24.06. 2023 09:11:46 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1065.14 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115807238547
  • Seller: rango1309 (139|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Highgate Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 13,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark Audio R5 Wireless Music System DAB/DAB+/Internet Radio/CD in freshly polished and varnished walnut. This is the up to date and current model of this system, and it is a fantastic one at that. With an output of 90W it’s more than loud and clear enough! Perfect working order with remote and manufacturers manual. Bought for our wine shop so light use only for a year. Can be viewed and tested in Highgate London N6. Collection preferred. RRP £1100 so grab yourself a deal

Ruark R5 Signature

End: 16.06. 2023 13:27:10 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1770.86 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285312663189
  • Seller: gsmi2298 (46|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dover Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 Signature. Very rare limited edition model. 16 months old. In immaculate condition. Comes with all original packaging. UK Buyers only please. Willing to accept posting if buyer arranges collection.

Ruark R5 hi-fi CD/Radio Music System

End: 09.06. 2023 12:34:07 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 802.29 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145116561600
  • Bids: 23
  • Seller: break-3 (567|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Eastbourne Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 16,94 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 hi-fi CD/Radio Music System in excellent working condition. With original box and all accessories. Only slight mark is a little surface scratch on the top panel, which you can see in the pics - its almost unnoticeable in most lights. RRP for these is 1099 and it sounds amazing.

Ruark R5 Signature

End: 02.06. 2023 11:37:15 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2345.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285292640902
  • Seller: gsmi2298 (45|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dover Großbritannien
  • Ships to: None
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 Signature. Very rare limited edition model. 16 months old. In immaculate condition. Comes with all original packaging. UK Buyers only please. Willing to accept posting if buyer arranges collection.

Ruark R5 Stereo DAB+ CD Bluetooth WLAN USB-C Internetradio grau - Stereo (9044)

End: 01.06. 2023 09:06:02 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1777.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364269717483
  • Seller: digi-techx (16447|98.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wedemark Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 6,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark R5 Stereo DAB+ CD Bluetooth WLAN USB-C Internetradio grau - Stereo (9044) Product details MPN: 9044 EAN: 0090659101661 Product specifications Allgemeines TypAudio Analoge Audio-FormateStereo Diverses ZubehörFernbedienung Universelle SchnittstellenBluetooth; USB Typ C FarbeGrau Zur Verfügung stehende Vertragssprachen: Die Vertragssprache ist Deutsch.

Ruark Audio R5 Wireless Music System DAB/DAB+/Internet Radio/CD In Soft Grey

End: 28.05. 2023 12:09:38 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 722.29 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394636716380
  • Bids: 5
  • Seller: lumic-31 (8|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 2,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ruark Audio R5 Wireless Music System DAB/DAB+/Internet Radio/CD In Soft Grey.

Ruark R5 DAB/DAB+ FM Internet & CD Bluetooth Wi-Fi Wireless Radio C Grade

End: 19.05. 2023 03:09:30 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 721.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235016379303
  • Seller: (12902|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Supreme streaming Built-in Wi-Fi Complete connections Multi-format CD player With a full complement of wireless and wired connections, Ruark’s R5 is an exemplary ‘all-in-one’ system for both music and design enthusiasts. Stream music from your device over high-quality Bluetooth, or access popular streaming services with built-in Wi-Fi. Play CDs, or tune into radio stations from all over the world. It’s multi-room ready, and boasts the beautiful design and high fidelity audio that Ruark are renowned for. Supreme streaming Built-in Wi-Fi means you can easily access your favourite music streaming services like Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer and Tidal (charges apply for subscription services). Or stream straight from Bluetooth devices with aptX HD technology for high definition listening that’s indistinguishable from a wired connection. Complete connections Easily connect a turntable, smart speaker or other audio device via its suite of inputs. An Ethernet port means you can connect to your network by cable if preferred, and an optical in port makes the R5 a high quality sound system for your TV. You can also play music files from a USB memory stick, via its USB port (which can also serve to keep your USB devices charged). Multi-format CD player You can enjoy your CD collection too. The slot loading multi-format player plays CDs and MP3s, AAC and WMA music discs. Adjustable EQ also lets you tune your listening to perfection. A world of radio With connection to Wi-Fi, the world is your oyster for radio; choose from a huge and ever-increasing list of specialist stations from around the globe. DAB provides digital quality radio from local and national stations, while DAB+ makes it future-proof for the next generation of digital radio. FM means you can still pick up any stations yet to go digital. High fidelity sound Utilising the kind of tech only usually found in specialist audio equipment, Ruark pride themselves on a blend of high fidelity performance and elegant design. The R5 uses a high capacity linear power supply with Class A-B amplifiers and active electronics and equalisation to precisely control the loudspeaker units. Its stereo speakers provide natural frequency response with powerful neodymium magnets and lightweight cone assembly. And its active subwoofer provides effortless extended bass for depth, warmth and power. Multi-room ready The R5’s multi-room capabilities make it easy to link it with other Ruark models like the MRx, R2 Mk3 and R7 Mk3 to provide synced sound throughout the home. Precision crafted With a hand-crafted cabinet and Camira Lead grey grille, the R5 exudes premium style. Its high contrast OLED display can be brightness adjusted to suit its environment, and the intuitive ‘click to select’ RotoDial makes control slick, easy, and satisfying to operate. A matching RotoDial remote is supplied too, and as it works by RF communication, it doesn’t need to be aimed either. App control The Ruark Link App allows for full control of your R5 from your tablet or smartphone. Free to download from the iOS and Android App stores, it lets you browse internet radio and DAB stations with ease, navigate your music stored on your network devices and stream all of your favourite playlists from streaming services. Specifications Brand: Ruark Colour: Brown Dimensions: W x H x D in mm Type: DAB Radio Warranty At The Outlet Hub we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore this refurbished item comes with a 12 Month Return To Base Warranty. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange or Repair efficiently please follow these steps: Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel: You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 30 Working days of the date you received the item. please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address, we reserve the right to ask you to return the item at your own cost for non-faulty items. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - Within 60 Days: If your item develops a fault within 60 days of the date you received it we will offer a full refund or replacement (if the item you ordered is out of stock we will offer an equivalent model) Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund or a replacement and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be securely packaged in the original packaging and complete with all accessories supplied. If you have elected to receive a replacement, then a swap out will be arranged at any UK mainland address of your choice. If you have elected to return the item for a refund, then this will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - After 60 Days (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault after 60 days of the date you received it, but within the 12 Month warranty period we will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item. You are responsible (including costs) for returning the item to us via a trackable method. Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a unique Returns reference number. Return the item to us at, Servicecare Support Services (Clipper), Saxon Avenue, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 5EZ. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. - We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur whilst in transit. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair we will provide a like for like replacement. When we have repaired your item we will return it to your choice of any UK Mainland address FOC and contact you beforehand. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide an estimate for repair or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. Delivery All of our orders are shipped via DPD or Royal Mail 1st Class/1st Class Recorded (except TVs over 43 which are shipped via a specialist courier). Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number, preferably a mobile telephone number, on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). We aim to ship orders within 2 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis. You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 08:00am-20:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address, it will NOT be left in safe places or with neighbours. For orders delivered via DPD, deliveries will be attempted twice, with a calling card left each time. If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A Fee of £10.00 may be charged for any further delivery attempts. We can only ship to Mainland UK & Northern Ireland; we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands or the Republic of Ireland (Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. DPD deliveries Only If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send a text message on the day of delivery advising of an approximate time slot for the delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send an email on the day of delivery to the supplied email address advising of the approximate time slot for delivery. Please note any quoted time slot is approximate and does not guarantee delivery between those times. Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Returns We will happily accept the return of your purchase under the following circumstances. 1. We offer a full refund or exchange (subject to stock availability) for Buy It Now units purchased in our eBay store, providing they are returned complete with packaging/accessories and returned in the same condition within 14 days of purchase. We will only issue refunds to the original Paypal account. 1a. The cost of the return delivery charge under these circumstances is to be paid directly by the customer. 1b. The item must be returned via a trackable method i.e. Royal Mail special delivery etc. 1c. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee for any returned item which does not comply with the above conditions. 2. Should any unit arrive faulty or damaged in transit; we will happily exchange this for a replacement unit or issue you with a full refund or credit as soon as possible. 3. Items which develop a fault within 30 Days of Delivery will be collected for a full refund or exchanged free of charge (subject to stock availability). 4. Items which develop a fault after 30 days will be collected, repaired and returned free of charge for the remainder of the 12 month warranty. All items (excluding wearable parts) are guaranteed for a full 12 months for domestic use. We do not guarantee against misuse/accidental damage (i.e. coffee spilt inside, damaged screens etc.), excessive wear and tear (i.e. commercial use),loss of data stored on any form of writeable/ rewriteable media/ hard drive devices, dead pixels of an amount not covered by the manufacturers specifications or normal wear and tear. Please note that if repairs are done other than by ourselves or authorised agents our guarantee cant apply. This guarantee is naturally in addition to your statutory rights. After the guarantee has expired we will still endeavour to help with any servicing your equipment may require however this may incur an additional cost. Should you wish to use the service mentioned above please contact our after sales department via the eBay message centre. You May Also Like... View these items & similar Powered by

Ruark R5 DAB/DAB+ FM Internet & CD Bluetooth Wi-Fi Wireless Radio C Grade

End: 18.05. 2023 13:17:20 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 721.15 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235015106463
  • Seller: (12898|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Supreme streaming Built-in Wi-Fi Complete connections Multi-format CD player With a full complement of wireless and wired connections, Ruark’s R5 is an exemplary ‘all-in-one’ system for both music and design enthusiasts. Stream music from your device over high-quality Bluetooth, or access popular streaming services with built-in Wi-Fi. Play CDs, or tune into radio stations from all over the world. It’s multi-room ready, and boasts the beautiful design and high fidelity audio that Ruark are renowned for. Supreme streaming Built-in Wi-Fi means you can easily access your favourite music streaming services like Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer and Tidal (charges apply for subscription services). Or stream straight from Bluetooth devices with aptX HD technology for high definition listening that’s indistinguishable from a wired connection. Complete connections Easily connect a turntable, smart speaker or other audio device via its suite of inputs. An Ethernet port means you can connect to your network by cable if preferred, and an optical in port makes the R5 a high quality sound system for your TV. You can also play music files from a USB memory stick, via its USB port (which can also serve to keep your USB devices charged). Multi-format CD player You can enjoy your CD collection too. The slot loading multi-format player plays CDs and MP3s, AAC and WMA music discs. Adjustable EQ also lets you tune your listening to perfection. A world of radio With connection to Wi-Fi, the world is your oyster for radio; choose from a huge and ever-increasing list of specialist stations from around the globe. DAB provides digital quality radio from local and national stations, while DAB+ makes it future-proof for the next generation of digital radio. FM means you can still pick up any stations yet to go digital. High fidelity sound Utilising the kind of tech only usually found in specialist audio equipment, Ruark pride themselves on a blend of high fidelity performance and elegant design. The R5 uses a high capacity linear power supply with Class A-B amplifiers and active electronics and equalisation to precisely control the loudspeaker units. Its stereo speakers provide natural frequency response with powerful neodymium magnets and lightweight cone assembly. And its active subwoofer provides effortless extended bass for depth, warmth and power. Multi-room ready The R5’s multi-room capabilities make it easy to link it with other Ruark models like the MRx, R2 Mk3 and R7 Mk3 to provide synced sound throughout the home. Precision crafted With a hand-crafted cabinet and Camira Lead grey grille, the R5 exudes premium style. Its high contrast OLED display can be brightness adjusted to suit its environment, and the intuitive ‘click to select’ RotoDial makes control slick, easy, and satisfying to operate. A matching RotoDial remote is supplied too, and as it works by RF communication, it doesn’t need to be aimed either. App control The Ruark Link App allows for full control of your R5 from your tablet or smartphone. Free to download from the iOS and Android App stores, it lets you browse internet radio and DAB stations with ease, navigate your music stored on your network devices and stream all of your favourite playlists from streaming services. Specifications Brand: Ruark Colour: Brown Dimensions: W x H x D in mm Type: DAB Radio Warranty At The Outlet Hub we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore this refurbished item comes with a 12 Month Return To Base Warranty. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange or Repair efficiently please follow these steps: Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel: You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 30 Working days of the date you received the item. please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address, we reserve the right to ask you to return the item at your own cost for non-faulty items. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - Within 60 Days: If your item develops a fault within 60 days of the date you received it we will offer a full refund or replacement (if the item you ordered is out of stock we will offer an equivalent model) Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund or a replacement and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be securely packaged in the original packaging and complete with all accessories supplied. If you have elected to receive a replacement, then a swap out will be arranged at any UK mainland address of your choice. If you have elected to return the item for a refund, then this will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - After 60 Days (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault after 60 days of the date you received it, but within the 12 Month warranty period we will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item. You are responsible (including costs) for returning the item to us via a trackable method. Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a unique Returns reference number. Return the item to us at, Servicecare Support Services (Clipper), Saxon Avenue, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 5EZ. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. - We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur whilst in transit. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair we will provide a like for like replacement. When we have repaired your item we will return it to your choice of any UK Mainland address FOC and contact you beforehand. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide an estimate for repair or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. Delivery All of our orders are shipped via DPD or Royal Mail 1st Class/1st Class Recorded (except TVs over 43 which are shipped via a specialist courier). Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number, preferably a mobile telephone number, on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). We aim to ship orders within 2 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis. You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 08:00am-20:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address, it will NOT be left in safe places or with neighbours. For orders delivered via DPD, deliveries will be attempted twice, with a calling card left each time. If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A Fee of £10.00 may be charged for any further delivery attempts. We can only ship to Mainland UK & Northern Ireland; we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands or the Republic of Ireland (Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. DPD deliveries Only If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send a text message on the day of delivery advising of an approximate time slot for the delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send an email on the day of delivery to the supplied email address advising of the approximate time slot for delivery. Please note any quoted time slot is approximate and does not guarantee delivery between those times. Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Returns We will happily accept the return of your purchase under the following circumstances. 1. We offer a full refund or exchange (subject to stock availability) for Buy It Now units purchased in our eBay store, providing they are returned complete with packaging/accessories and returned in the same condition within 14 days of purchase. We will only issue refunds to the original Paypal account. 1a. The cost of the return delivery charge under these circumstances is to be paid directly by the customer. 1b. The item must be returned via a trackable method i.e. Royal Mail special delivery etc. 1c. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee for any returned item which does not comply with the above conditions. 2. Should any unit arrive faulty or damaged in transit; we will happily exchange this for a replacement unit or issue you with a full refund or credit as soon as possible. 3. Items which develop a fault within 30 Days of Delivery will be collected for a full refund or exchanged free of charge (subject to stock availability). 4. Items which develop a fault after 30 days will be collected, repaired and returned free of charge for the remainder of the 12 month warranty. All items (excluding wearable parts) are guaranteed for a full 12 months for domestic use. We do not guarantee against misuse/accidental damage (i.e. coffee spilt inside, damaged screens etc.), excessive wear and tear (i.e. commercial use),loss of data stored on any form of writeable/ rewriteable media/ hard drive devices, dead pixels of an amount not covered by the manufacturers specifications or normal wear and tear. Please note that if repairs are done other than by ourselves or authorised agents our guarantee cant apply. This guarantee is naturally in addition to your statutory rights. After the guarantee has expired we will still endeavour to help with any servicing your equipment may require however this may incur an additional cost. Should you wish to use the service mentioned above please contact our after sales department via the eBay message centre. You May Also Like... View these items & similar Powered by

Ruark R5 High Fidelity Music System Immaculate Boxed

End: 12.09. 2021 19:12:44 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 875.62 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 324766028928
  • Counter: 416
  • Seller: crag_hopper1 (684|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Magheralin, Co Armagh Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 15,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Ruark Audio R5 Remote Control

End: 23.08. 2021 20:45:35 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 128.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 154562421072
  • Counter: 48
  • Seller: paul0s01 (1628|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Colchester, Essex Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Ruark R5/R7 Remote Control

End: 23.08. 2021 00:05:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 169.77 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 154553987665
  • Counter: 196
  • Seller: paul0s01 (1625|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Colchester, Essex Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY