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Roberts Radio Revival RD70 DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEU

End: 10.02. 2025 20:29:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 155.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 146367172843
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: ellebanna*2010 (1053|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Radio Revival RD70  DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEUSie kaufen hier tragbares DAB Radio von Roberts in schwarz kaum benutzt siehe Foto Kann in Berlin Wilmersdorf abgeholt werden. Versand wären 4,95.-€ versichert als Hermes Paket. Da es sich hier um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gebe ich keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung. Ich schliesse jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus. Ein Umtausch ist ausgeschlossen. Mit dem Kauf erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zu stehende Garantie, bei dem hier angebotenen Artikel völlig zu verzichten. Alle technischen Angaben im Text sind ohne Gewähr. Wegen der neuen Gesetzesbestimmungen der EU bei Gebrauchtwaren der obligatorische Nachsatz: Mit dem Kauf eines meiner Artikel erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende Garantie bzw. Gewährleistung, Umtausch, Reklamation oder Rückgabe zu verzichten. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung / Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer!?? Sofern Sie Fragen haben sollten, stellen Sie diese bitte vor dem Kauf! Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluß jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzung von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleiben davon unberührt. Die Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen getätigt. Sollte mir ein Fehler unterlaufen sein so ist dies keine böse Absicht sondern schlichtweg menschliches Versagen. Der Name Roberts wird nur verwendet um das Produkt näher zu Beschreiben. Tierloser Nichtraucherhaushalt !!!

Roberts Radio Revival RD70 DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEU

End: 11.01. 2025 17:38:12 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 155.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146315180462
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ellebanna*2010 (1052|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Radio Revival RD70  DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEUSie kaufen hier tragbares DAB Radio von Roberts in schwarz kaum benutzt siehe Foto Kann in Berlin Wilmersdorf abgeholt werden. Versand wären 4,95.-€ versichert als Hermes Paket. Da es sich hier um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gebe ich keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung. Ich schliesse jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus. Ein Umtausch ist ausgeschlossen. Mit dem Kauf erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zu stehende Garantie, bei dem hier angebotenen Artikel völlig zu verzichten. Alle technischen Angaben im Text sind ohne Gewähr. Wegen der neuen Gesetzesbestimmungen der EU bei Gebrauchtwaren der obligatorische Nachsatz: Mit dem Kauf eines meiner Artikel erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende Garantie bzw. Gewährleistung, Umtausch, Reklamation oder Rückgabe zu verzichten. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung / Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer!?? Sofern Sie Fragen haben sollten, stellen Sie diese bitte vor dem Kauf! Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluß jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzung von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleiben davon unberührt. Die Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen getätigt. Sollte mir ein Fehler unterlaufen sein so ist dies keine böse Absicht sondern schlichtweg menschliches Versagen. Der Name Roberts wird nur verwendet um das Produkt näher zu Beschreiben. Tierloser Nichtraucherhaushalt !!!

Roberts Radio Revival RD70 DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEU

End: 04.01. 2025 17:37:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 155.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146300874786
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ellebanna*2010 (1050|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Radio Revival RD70  DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEUSie kaufen hier tragbares DAB Radio von Roberts in schwarz kaum benutzt siehe Foto Kann in Berlin Wilmersdorf abgeholt werden. Versand wären 4,95.-€ versichert als Hermes Paket. Da es sich hier um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gebe ich keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung. Ich schliesse jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus. Ein Umtausch ist ausgeschlossen. Mit dem Kauf erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zu stehende Garantie, bei dem hier angebotenen Artikel völlig zu verzichten. Alle technischen Angaben im Text sind ohne Gewähr. Wegen der neuen Gesetzesbestimmungen der EU bei Gebrauchtwaren der obligatorische Nachsatz: Mit dem Kauf eines meiner Artikel erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende Garantie bzw. Gewährleistung, Umtausch, Reklamation oder Rückgabe zu verzichten. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung / Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer!?? Sofern Sie Fragen haben sollten, stellen Sie diese bitte vor dem Kauf! Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluß jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzung von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleiben davon unberührt. Die Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen getätigt. Sollte mir ein Fehler unterlaufen sein so ist dies keine böse Absicht sondern schlichtweg menschliches Versagen. Der Name Roberts wird nur verwendet um das Produkt näher zu Beschreiben. Tierloser Nichtraucherhaushalt !!!

Roberts Radio Revival RD70 DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEU

End: 28.12. 2024 17:37:24 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 155.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146286193380
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ellebanna*2010 (1050|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Radio Revival RD70  DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEUSie kaufen hier tragbares DAB Radio von Roberts in schwarz kaum benutzt siehe Foto Kann in Berlin Wilmersdorf abgeholt werden. Versand wären 4,95.-€ versichert als Hermes Paket. Da es sich hier um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gebe ich keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung. Ich schliesse jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus. Ein Umtausch ist ausgeschlossen. Mit dem Kauf erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zu stehende Garantie, bei dem hier angebotenen Artikel völlig zu verzichten. Alle technischen Angaben im Text sind ohne Gewähr. Wegen der neuen Gesetzesbestimmungen der EU bei Gebrauchtwaren der obligatorische Nachsatz: Mit dem Kauf eines meiner Artikel erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende Garantie bzw. Gewährleistung, Umtausch, Reklamation oder Rückgabe zu verzichten. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung / Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer!?? Sofern Sie Fragen haben sollten, stellen Sie diese bitte vor dem Kauf! Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluß jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzung von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleiben davon unberührt. Die Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen getätigt. Sollte mir ein Fehler unterlaufen sein so ist dies keine böse Absicht sondern schlichtweg menschliches Versagen. Der Name Roberts wird nur verwendet um das Produkt näher zu Beschreiben. Tierloser Nichtraucherhaushalt !!!

Roberts Radio Revival RD70 DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEU

End: 21.12. 2024 17:37:09 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 155.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146268265694
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ellebanna*2010 (1050|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Radio Revival RD70  DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEUSie kaufen hier tragbares DAB Radio von Roberts in schwarz kaum benutzt siehe Foto Kann in Berlin Wilmersdorf abgeholt werden. Versand wären 4,95.-€ versichert als Hermes Paket. Da es sich hier um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gebe ich keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung. Ich schliesse jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus. Ein Umtausch ist ausgeschlossen. Mit dem Kauf erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zu stehende Garantie, bei dem hier angebotenen Artikel völlig zu verzichten. Alle technischen Angaben im Text sind ohne Gewähr. Wegen der neuen Gesetzesbestimmungen der EU bei Gebrauchtwaren der obligatorische Nachsatz: Mit dem Kauf eines meiner Artikel erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende Garantie bzw. Gewährleistung, Umtausch, Reklamation oder Rückgabe zu verzichten. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung / Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer!?? Sofern Sie Fragen haben sollten, stellen Sie diese bitte vor dem Kauf! Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluß jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzung von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleiben davon unberührt. Die Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen getätigt. Sollte mir ein Fehler unterlaufen sein so ist dies keine böse Absicht sondern schlichtweg menschliches Versagen. Der Name Roberts wird nur verwendet um das Produkt näher zu Beschreiben. Tierloser Nichtraucherhaushalt !!!

Roberts Radio Revival RD70 DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEU

End: 23.11. 2024 15:13:30 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 155.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 146190017038
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: ellebanna*2010 (1047|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Radio Revival RD70  DAB+ / Digital + FM | Retro | BLACK | wie NEUSie kaufen hier tragbares DAB Radio von Roberts in schwarz kaum benutzt siehe Foto Kann in Berlin Wilmersdorf abgeholt werden. Versand wären 4,95.-€ versichert als Hermes Paket. Da es sich hier um einen Privatverkauf handelt, gebe ich keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung. Ich schliesse jegliche Sachmängelhaftung aus. Ein Umtausch ist ausgeschlossen. Mit dem Kauf erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zu stehende Garantie, bei dem hier angebotenen Artikel völlig zu verzichten. Alle technischen Angaben im Text sind ohne Gewähr. Wegen der neuen Gesetzesbestimmungen der EU bei Gebrauchtwaren der obligatorische Nachsatz: Mit dem Kauf eines meiner Artikel erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende Garantie bzw. Gewährleistung, Umtausch, Reklamation oder Rückgabe zu verzichten. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung / Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer!?? Sofern Sie Fragen haben sollten, stellen Sie diese bitte vor dem Kauf! Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluß jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Die Haftung auf Schadenersatz wegen Verletzung von Gesundheit, Körper oder Leben und grob fahrlässiger und/oder vorsätzlicher Verletzung meiner Pflichten als Verkäufer bleiben davon unberührt. Die Angaben wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen getätigt. Sollte mir ein Fehler unterlaufen sein so ist dies keine böse Absicht sondern schlichtweg menschliches Versagen. Der Name Roberts wird nur verwendet um das Produkt näher zu Beschreiben. Tierloser Nichtraucherhaushalt !!!

Roberts Revival RD70 DAB+ DAB FM Radio with Bluetooth in Classic Red RRP £180

End: 20.03. 2024 13:59:32 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 190.49 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285364803240
  • Seller: femoo-8182 (350|97.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kent Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 36,37 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Revival RD70 DAB+ DAB FM Radio with Bluetooth in Classic Red. Choice of EU and UK plugs Package box is a bit tatty RobertsRevival RD70 DAB+ DAB FM Radio with Bluetooth in Classic Red Roberts Revival RD70 DAB/DAB+/FM Radio with Bluetooth and Alarm Feature, built with the classic 1950s styling and hand crafted wooden cabinet. This Revival looks and sounds better than ever before, with the added additional of Bluetooth, you can stream music from your smartphone to your radio with this stylish speaker. Bring in new and intuitive full colour display which makes these radio features easier to navigate. With the RD70 featuring two new alarms and the sleep and snooze timers, you can wake up and drift off to your favourite radio station. Built-in DAB/DAB+/FM Radio With the additional of presets for your favourite music stations at the touch of a few buttons. You can save up to 10 DAB and 10 FM Stations that you have discovered, meaning you can come back to them whenever you choose. Bluetooth Streaming Have a favourite playlist on your smart device, then why not stream it to your radio RD70 and make it act like a stylish speaker. Choose to pause, play or skip songs using only a few buttons on your radio. You dont even need to touch your phone. The Reverse is also true for this device. Custom Display Choose to style your RD70 Revival to your taste, customise the colour of your display. Or Choose from six different display themes including Ruby, Pearl or Sapphire. You can even display your clock by either having Analogue clock faces or go digital with displays in standby. The Snooze Button With the inclusion of two alarms, you can choose to wake up to a buzzer or choose to wake up to Radio with DAB or FM Radio. The sleep timer allows you to choose a customised duration, up to 90 minutes and the radio will play for that time and turn itself off when that time is over. Bringing it to the Outdoors Choose to use batteries instead and make your radio into one that allows you to carry your favourite music around with you, indoors and out. Specifications Source DAB+/DAB/FM Built in: Yes Bluetooth Connectivity: Yes Connectivity Headphone Socket: Yes (3.5mm Stereo) Auxiliary input socket for playback via smartphones: Yes (3.5mm Stereo) Design Alarm Function: Yes (2 alarms; buzzer, DAB or FM) Sleep & snooze timers: Yes Station presets: 20 Full Colour Screen: Yes Night Mode: Yes On-device Control: Yes Carrying Handle: Yes Mains Powered: Yes Battery Powered: Yes Supplied Accessories: Mains Adaptor Dimensions 10.6cm (L) x 25cm (W) x 16cm (H) Weight 1.71 Kg

Roberts Revival RD70 DAB/DAB+/FM Bluetooth Digital Radio - (Duck Egg) B+

End: 06.12. 2023 19:12:25 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 138.13 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 7T 12:49:44
  • Item number: 354832902098
  • Seller: cheapest_electrical (301635|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wellingborough Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Crystal Clear DAB Experience the crystal clear reception of DAB digital radio. FM frequency accounts for any stations that havent yet gone digital or are not available in your area. 20 presets (10 DAB, 10 FM) allow you to store a large number of your favourite stations for instant, easy access. A hand-crafted acoustically–tuned wooden cabinet enhances the speakers for the audio quality that ROBERTS are renowned for. Brilliant Bluetooth Pair your smart phone or tablet with the ROBERTS Revival to play top tracks from your smart phone, tablet or other Bluetooth device. Listen to your own digital collection or music from online streaming services. You can play, pause and skip tracks with buttons on the radio for extra convenience. It turns your radio into a stylish and great-sounding personal speaker. Glorious Colour Display A beautiful full colour display keeps you up to date with station info, track info and radio settings. You can even customise it with six display themes and choose whether the clock is displayed in digital or analogue clock-face format. Wake Up in Style With full dual alarm functionality the Revival RD70 makes the ideal stylish bedside radio. Choose to wake up to DAB or FM radio, or a buzzer, and engage the snooze function to get an extra forty winks. And you can set a sleep timer to power off after a set period (up to 90 minutes) so you can listen to late night radio and drift off happily. Portable Style With the attached handle and a battery compartment, you have the option to take this sophisticated and beautifully styled icon of radio with you. Grade This item is Refurbished Grade B+ Item may have been purchased and returned as unwanted and as a result may have a very slight mark on the casing and possible box damage or replaced box. Item is otherwise complete with all accessories. 12 months warranty supplied. Mobile & Smart Phones Shop Now Home, Furniture, DIY Shop Now Sound & Vision Shop Now About Us Cheapest Electrical is an internet trading name for T.L.X. Electrical Limited. Cheapest Electrical have been selling to the public via the internet since July 2001 and since then have had well over 500,000 happy customers. We buy top brand manufacturer returns and refurbish them where necessary to graded standard for sale to the public or retailers. The reasons for these returns are usually because they are unwanted presents, delivered to the wrong address, packaging damaged, minor cosmetic blemishes, missing accessories or because of minor faults. All products sold carry a 60 day ‘no quibble’ money back guarantee and a 12 months warranty provided by ourselves. Contact Us Feel free to contact us any time through the eBay messaging system. We are always here! Unit A, 1-3 Crane Close Denington Industrial Estate Wellingborough NN8 2QG Shipping We aim to dispatch all orders within 24 hours (excluding weekends and bank holidays) and will send you an email to let you know when your delivery is on its way. However, if you have paid using a PayPal E-Cheque we can only dispatch the item/s once payment is confirmed as cleared by PayPal. This can take PayPal 7 - 10 Days. Please note, we can only ship the item to your PayPal address, we cannot ship to any address sent to us in PayPal notes. Please ensure any address changes are updated prior to ordering. Items sent by next day courier are sent via DPD, large screen televisions are via Action Express. A notification email will be sent to you with the tracking info when the item is dispatched. If the customer is not available to sign for the package, the item will be taken back to the local depot and a card will be left for you to arrange redelivery/collection. Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver to properties up any flights of stairs, we are unable to deliver to any UK islands or Scottish Highlands free of charge and reserve the right to charge additional fees for this service. Delivery to Highlands and Islands starts at £7. Monday – Friday 8.00am - 7.00pm (excluding public holidays) Saturday delivery starts at £7 please contact our customer support team for further information on this. DPD Delivery Times DPD Delivery time for UK mainland: 24-hour service (does not include weekends/public holidays) Total estimated time to your door: 2 working days DPD Delivery time for Northern Ireland: 48-hour service (does not include weekends/public holidays) Total estimated time to your door: 3 working days Tracking your parcel: With items sent via DPD courier we are unable to specify an estimated time before the day of delivery, however DPD does email our customers the tracking information by the morning of the delivery date, so you can get an estimated delivery time. Action Express Delivery Times We use Action Express courier for delivery of all 32” – 60” TV’s sent within the UK mainland. We cannot ship any televisions over 22” to Islands, which includes Northern Ireland and Channel Islands. Delivery time for UK mainland: 48-hour service (does not include weekends/public holidays) Total estimated time to your door: 3 working days Delivery times: Monday – Saturday 8.00am - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays) Action Express can deliver at any time between 8 - 5 so it is best to be in on the day of delivery. Tracking your parcel: Tracking information is available on request. Royal Mail 1st Class & Royal Mail 1st Class Recorded Delivery Times Royal Mail 1st Class + Royal Mail 1st Class Recorded deliveries within the UK mainland: Despatch time 1 working day Total time to your door: 2 - 4 working days (estimate) Delivery times: Monday – Saturday 8.00am - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays) With Royal mail items we are unable to provide an estimated delivery time slot. Royal Mail 1st Class + Royal Mail 1st Class Recorded deliveries to Highland & Islands: Despatch time 1 working day Total time to your door: 2 - 5 working days (estimate) Delivery times: Monday – Saturday 8.00am - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays) With Royal mail items we are unable to provide an estimated delivery time slot. Tracking your parcel: Tracking information is available on request. Delayed & Missing Deliveries Please allow time for an item to be delivered (as per the delivery times stated). If an item is taking longer than estimated please contact our customer service team and we will assist with this. Please understand that it is very important to provide the correct address prior to sending payment. Please double check the address as we cannot be held responsible for items that are delivered to an incorrect address or lost due to an incorrect address being provided. In the event where delivery fails a number of times, the courier will return the parcel to us. We will contact you to re-arrange delivery. Please understand that extreme weather conditions can sometimes delay deliveries. Returns Often problems can be resolved without the need to return your order, our experienced team can often help to resolve the problem via email, saving you the inconvenience of having to return the item. We hope you enjoy your purchase, however, if you do change your mind and wish to return the product for any reason, please Contact Us. All items sold come with a 60-day grace period. If the fault develops after 60-days but within the 12 month warranty period please Contact Us and we will either repair, exchange or refund the item Please contact us prior to sending back to we can set up a return, and forward you your unique RMA return number and the return address. If a product is returned and the fault is found to be due to misuse, no product or postage costs will be refunded. Returned items may take 48 hours to be delivered back to us for assessment. Please note that it can take 3-5 days for any refund given to be shown in your account. Your statutory rights remain unaffected. Warranty For added re-assurance all items sold include a 12-month warranty. If your item develops a fault after the 60-day grace period, please Contact Us to organise a replacement item (stock permitting). If your item is older than 60 days we will offer our repair service. The 12 months warranty starts from the date of purchase Returns Data We ask all customers to factory-reset electronic devices before returning them to us. If we find this has not happened, we will immediately remove all data using the device’s in-built software. We will never access, or attempt to access, this data. Where we are required to repair electronic devices, we ask all customers to remove the device’s password before returning it to us. If we find this has not happened, we will contact the customer to request the password. We recommend customers use an encrypted email system to send this information to us and the email will be immediately deleted once the device has been accessed. If the device cannot be repaired, we will remove the data before securely destroying it. View All Products Get In Touch Add To Favourites View Feedback Visit Shop!

ROBERTS Revival RD70 DAB+ Radio (Smart, DAB+, Bluetooth), leaf (grün)

End: 01.11. 2023 03:40:49 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 122.88 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 155849125017
  • Bids: 31
  • Seller: angelmikebravo (265|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Weissach Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ROBERTS Revival RD70  DAB+ Radio (Smart, DAB+, Bluetooth), leaf (grün)Produktinformation des Herstellers: Produktinformationen Revival RD70 Seit 1932 baut die Firma Roberts tragbare Radiogeräte. Im Jahre 2000 stellte Roberts als erster Hersteller weltweit ein tragbares DAB-Radio vor. Das Roberts Revival RD70 ist ein weiteres Schmuckstück in der langen Reihe herausragender Produkte. Liebevolle Handarbeit, das hochwertige Holzgehäuse und der strapazierfähige Kunstlederbezug im authentischen 50ger Jahre Styling machen es zu einem stylischen und funktionalen Begleiter für alle Lebenslagen. Auf dem Display sind die beiden Wappen der Royals abgebildet. Roberts ist stolz darauf, ein akkreditierter Lieferant des Englischen Hofes zu sein. Ein Beleg für traditionell gute Qualität und technischen Fortschritt. Trotz seiner 50er Jahre Optik, die an ein ehemaligem Erfolgsmodell der Firma Roberts erinnert, wurde das Revival RD70 für die Zukunft konzeptioneirt. Neben DAB+, dem Standard des digitalen Radios und UKW verfügt das Retroradio über den neuesten Sendestandard Digitalradio, DAB+ und ist damit für ein langes Radioleben gut gerüstet. Zudem hat das Revival RD70 nun auch Bluetooth und ein Farbdisplay, was den charmanten Klassiker auch für die heutige Zeit zu einem modernen, aussergewöhnlichen und optisch ansprechenden Alltagsgegenstand machen.

Roberts Revival RD70 DAB/DAB+/FM Bluetooth Digital Radio with Alarm, Red

End: 27.09. 2023 10:28:30 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 80.3 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285461097260
  • Seller: rebxshop (35457|99.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wokingham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    New & Refurbished Items Free UK Standard Delivery 30 Day Returns Policy Excellent Customer Service Your browser does not support the video tag. Roberts Revival RD70 DAB/DAB+/FM Bluetooth Digital Radio with Alarm, Red This item is: REBX refurbished With Marks This Item is refurbished by REBX with Marks In good condition Comprehensively tested and fully working Has cosmetic imperfections / signs of use Supplied in original or replacement plain packaging. Box may be a little tatty 6 month seller’s warranty Read more REBX Refurbished with Marks This item is refurbished. It has been examined, tested and graded and is in good cosmetic condition. Will show signs of previous use such as cosmetic imperfections. The item has been tested and is in full working order. On occasions, the retail packaging may have sings of wear and tear or may have been replaced, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts ????). This Item is refurbished by REBX with Marks In very good condition Comprehensively tested and fully working Has minor cosmetic imperfections / signs of use Supplied in original or replacement plain packaging. Box may be a little tatty 6 month seller’s warranty Please note - Batteries are a consumable item and may need to be replaced within the lifetime of the product. Batteries that have been tested to ensure they hold a charge however we cannot guarantee that the manufacturers advertised maximum battery life can be achieved. £69.95 RRP: £179.99 Free uk delivery 3-5 Working Days Customer Support Message us Description Gradings Explained Delivery Returns About Us Description Roberts Revival RD70 DAB/DAB+/FM Bluetooth Digital Radio with Alarm, Red **Missing Power Supply & Cant use FM radio as no antenna** This item is used and graded as Acceptable Condition, in full working order. Product will show heavy signs of use such as marks/scratches. Will contain all essential accessories for use but might be missing non-vital parts or consumables. May not have instructions or instructions will have been reprinted. On occasions, the retail or replacement packaging may have signs of wear and tear or been replaced. Roberts classic icon of retro-styled DAB digital radio, the Revival, has had a sparkling upgrade. With the same elegant fifties looks, the RD70 features Bluetooth connectivity for simple wireless music streaming, and a bright and vivid full colour display. Tune into crystal clear digital radio, keep on track with full alarm functionality, and take it out with you thanks to the option of battery power. Crystal Clear DAB Experience the crystal clear reception of DAB digital radio. FM frequency accounts for any stations that havent yet gone digital or are not available in your area. 20 presets (10 DAB, 10 FM) allow you to store a large number of your favourite stations for instant, easy access. A hand-crafted acoustically–tuned wooden cabinet enhances the speakers for the audio quality that Roberts are renowned for. Brilliant Bluetooth Pair your smart phone or tablet with the Roberts Revival to play top tracks from your smart phone, tablet or other Bluetooth device. Listen to your own digital collection or music from online streaming services. You can play, pause and skip tracks with buttons on the radio for extra convenience. It turns your radio into a stylish and great-sounding personal speaker. Glorious Colour Display A beautiful full colour display keeps you up to date with station info, track info and radio settings. You can even customise it with six display themes and choose whether the clock is displayed in digital or analogue clock-face format. Wake Up in Style With full dual alarm functionality the Revival RD70 makes the ideal stylish bedside radio. Choose to wake up to DAB or FM radio, or a buzzer, and engage the snooze function to get an extra forty winks. And you can set a sleep timer to power off after a set period (up to 90 minutes) so you can listen to late night radio and drift off happily. Portable Style With the attached handle and a battery compartment, you have the option to take this sophisticated and beautifully styled icon of radio with you. Key features: Designed and engineered in the UK Fifties styling FM/DAB/DAB+ wavebands 20 presets Bluetooth Customisable full colour display Rotary tuning and volume controls Dual alarm function with sleep and snooze function AlarmDual BrandRoberts Care instructionsIncluded in packaging Connections1 x Headphones, 1 x Aux In DimensionsH16 x W25.2 x D10.4cm DisplayFull Colour Screen Model name / numberRD70 Multi-room soundNo Nfc payment enabledNo NFC Payment method Power supplyNon-Rechargable Battery, Mains Preset stations20 (10 DAB, 10 FM) Radio tunerDAB, DAB+, FM RangeRevival Weight1.65kg Gradings Explained The following conditions reflect the minimum standards we uphold through our comprehensive refurbishment process. For more detailed information about the product, kindly consult any additional notes provided within the specific listing. New Supplied in original packaging 12-month manufacturer’s warranty This Item is ‘Brand New’. Retail boxed and unopened. New Open Box / Opened – Never Used This Item is Brand New Packaging has been opened or may have been replaced Supplied with all accessories 12-month seller’s warranty This item is brand new, and on occasion, it may have been opened for quality assurance purposes, accessory replacement or upgrades, or in certain situations, the packaging may have been replaced. However, rest assured, you can make your purchase with confidence as we provide a 12-month seller warranty. New Other Supplied in original or replacement plain packaging. Box may have scuffs and markings 12-month manufacturer or seller’s warranty Complete with all accessories unless specified in the listing Our New Other products are in an as new condition which means the product will look and perform as new. On occasions retail packaging may be replaced or the packaging may show signs of wear and tear, this will not affect the product. Certified Refurbished As a Certified Refurbished provider, the manufacturer has trusted us as their partner to rigorously refurbish their products. All units have been examined, tested and graded in line with manufacturer’s standards. You will receive a like-new product in original packaging with all accessories, free returns and 12-month seller warranty. Excellent – Refurbished This Item is refurbished and in excellent condition None to minimal signs of use Supplied in original or replacement packaging 12-month seller’s warranty Our ‘Excellent – Refurbished’ products are in an as-new condition which means the product should look and perform as new. On occasions, the retail or replacement packaging may have signs of wear and tear, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). Buy with confidence with 12-month seller warranty. Very Good – Refurbished This Item is refurbished and in very good condition May have some signs of use such as light body scratches May have very minor dents, very light wear Supplied in original or replacement packaging 12-month seller warranty This item is refurbished. It has been examined and graded as very good cosmetic condition. Will show some signs of previous use such as minor cosmetic imperfections. The item has been tested and is in full working order. On occasions, the retail packaging may have signs of wear and tear or may have been replaced, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). Buy with confidence with 12-month seller warranty. Good – Refurbished This Item is?refurbished and in good condition May have some signs of use such as body scratches Minor dents, light wear Supplied in original or replacement packaging 12-month seller warranty This item is refurbished. It has been examined and graded as good cosmetic condition. Will show signs of previous use such as cosmetic imperfections. The item has been tested and is in full working order. Will contain all essential accessories for use but might be missing non-vital parts or consumables. On occasions, the retail packaging may have signs of wear and tear or may have been replaced, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). 12-month seller warranty included. Used - Excellent Condition This Item is used, in excellent condition None to minimal signs of use Supplied in original or replacement packaging 6-month seller warranty Our ‘Used – Excellent’ products are in an as new condition which means the product should look and perform as new. On occasions, the retail or replacement packaging may have signs of wear and tear or be replaced, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). Buy with confidence with 6-months seller warranty. Used - Very Good Condition This Item is Used and in very good condition May have some signs of use such as light body scratches May have very minor dents / very light wear Supplied in original or replacement packaging 6-month seller warranty This item is Used. It has been examined and graded as very good cosmetic condition. Will show some signs of previous use such as minor cosmetic imperfections. The item has been tested and is in full working order. On occasions, the retail packaging may have signs of wear and tear or may have been replaced, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). Buy with confidence with 6-month seller warranty. Used - Good Condition This Item is?used and in good condition May have some signs of use such as body scratches Minor dents, light wear Supplied in original or replacement packaging 6-month seller warranty This item is used. It has been examined and graded as good cosmetic condition. Will show signs of previous use such as cosmetic imperfections. The item has been tested and is in full working order. Will contain all essential accessories for use but might be missing non-vital parts or consumables. On occasions, the retail packaging may have signs of wear and tear or may have been replaced, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). 6-month seller warranty included. Used - Acceptable Condition This Item is?used and in Acceptable condition Heavy signs of use such as marks / scratches Instructions may be missing or reprinted May be missing non-vital parts / consumables Supplied in original or replacement packaging 3-month seller warranty This item is used and graded as Acceptable Condition, in full working order. Product will show heavy signs of use such as marks/scratches. Will contain all essential accessories for use but might be missing non-vital parts or consumables. May not have instructions or instructions will have been reprinted. On occasions, the retail or replacement packaging may have signs of wear and tear or been replaced. For Parts or Not Working This Item is for parts or not working Item is non-functional Most likely will not include accessories Power cables or original packaging may not be included Sold as seen This item is sold as untested/ not working and for parts only. The item is non-functional and most likely will not include accessories. Power cables or original packaging may not be included. Sold as-is. Delivery Where do you deliver? We are able to deliver to most UK addresses. For addresses in Northern Ireland and Northern Scotland please allow an additional day for delivery. There are some addresses we are unable to deliver to. Please see individual listings for more information. Certain postcodes may carry a surcharge as per the listing. Please ensure you check the postage charges on the listing before you purchase. When will my order be dispatched? We will aim to dispatch any purchases within 1 working day. Our working days include Monday to Friday but exclude Bank Holidays. Bulk orders or Specialist deliveries may require palletising. If this is the case, you may receive separate correspondence regarding delivery. Can I change, or cancel, my order? Once your order has been labelled for dispatch it can no longer be cancelled. Due to the efficiency of our pick, pack and dispatch process, orders can be ready for dispatch as quickly as 30 minutes after order confirmation. Items are often dispatched before we are able to action any relating emails or messages. Please ensure the products ordered, and the delivery address, are correct before completing your purchase as we are unable to take any action once the item has been sent. How do I know when my parcel will be delivered? Once we have dispatched your parcel we will send a your order has been dispatched email to your registered email address. Included in the email will be the name of the courier used and a tracking number (if available) for you to monitor the progress of your parcel. PLEASE NOTE: eBays delivery dates are estimated only and not guaranteed. Although infrequent, delays to deliveries can occur. This is usually due to factors out of our control such as weather conditions, however, if you are concerned about your delivery please let us or the courier know. What if my item is damaged? We do our utmost to ensure our items are carefully packed and protected, however, sometimes damage can occur in transit. Once you have received your item, please ensure you check it for any damage straight away. If you are unhappy in any way with the condition of your purchase please let our Customer Services Team know within 2 days of receipt. 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Please wait for us to accept your Return Request BEFORE returning your product. My item has been damaged in transit We do our utmost to ensure our items are carefully packed and protected, however, sometimes damage can occur in transit. Once you have received your item, please ensure you check it for any damage straight away. If you are unhappy in any way with the condition of your purchase, please let our Customer Services Team know within 2 days of receipt. You can do this by contacting us through My eBay. Any damage reported after this period will not be considered as transit damage. My item has developed a fault within 30 days of delivery. Within 30 days of receipt of the goods (or for perishable goods within their use by date, if sooner) you will be offered the choice of a replacement or full refund. If your item develops a fault, please notify us via My eBay. If we agree an item is to be returned as faulty, we will send you a pre-paid postage label or arrange a collection at our expense. Please do not return the product and request a refund for the postage costs, as this is not possible. We will offer either a refund, fix, or replacement (stock permitting). The refund or replacement will be actioned within 2 working days of receipt back to us. Terms of the RebxShop Warranty – New items All of our Brand New items come with a 12-month warranty. In the first instance, please check the manufacturer’s warranty which came with your item. If you are not able to solve this with the manufacturer, please contact us through My eBay and we would be happy to help. Please note: This will cover parts and labour but will not extend to accidental damage, user misuse, general wear and tear or malicious damage. The warranty is not transferable and will not apply to any goods bought or appears to have been bought for trade purposes or business use. What to send : When returning your item for repair please include any accessories you received with the item. EG remote control, cables, charger. Where applicable, please also remove any password/passcode or supply the information needed for the technicians to access your item. If a repair is possible, we will carry this out and return the item to you. If your item is deemed beyond economical repair, we will offer a replacement (stock permitting). Only in the event of a replacement not being available will a refund be offered. The 12-month warranty starts from the date of the original purchase. Items returned to us via collection or pre-paid label can take up to 14 days to be delivered back to us for assessment. Please note that it can take 3-5 days for any refund given to be shown in your PayPal account. Terms of the RebxShop Warranty – Refurbished items We are so confident in our in-house refurbishments team, all our Refurbished items come with a 12-month seller’s warranty. 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The 12-month warranty starts from the date of the original purchase. Items returned to us via collection or pre-paid label can take up to 14 days to be delivered back to us for assessment. Please note that it can take 3-5 days for any refund given to be shown in your PayPal account. Terms of the RebxShop Warranty – Used items Our Used items come with a 6-month seller’s warranty. For any issues with your product within 6 months of receipt, please contact us through My eBay and we would be happy to get this sorted for you. Please note: This will cover parts and labour but will not extend to accidental damage, user misuse, general wear and tear or malicious damage. The warranty is not transferable and will not apply to any goods bought or appears to have been bought for trade purposes or business use. What to send: When returning your item for repair please include any accessories you received with the item. EG remote control, cables, charger. Where applicable, please also remove any password/passcode or supply the information needed for the technicians to access your item. If a repair is possible, we will carry this out and return the item to you. If your item is deemed beyond economical repair, we will offer a replacement (stock permitting). Only in the event of a replacement not being available will a refund be offered. The 6-month warranty starts from the date of the original purchase. Items returned to us via collection or pre-paid label can take up to 14 days to be delivered back to us for assessment. Please note that it can take 3-5 days for any refund given to be shown in your PayPal account. Items Sold as ‘For Parts / Not Working’ Items that are sold as ‘For Parts / Not Working’ do not come with a warranty. These items can be returned within 30 days as a ‘Change of Mind’ return. In this instance, return costs would not be paid / reimbursed. 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Our team of expert technicians follow a multipoint verification and repair process to ensure every refurbished product we sell is fantastic value for money. We go to great lengths to ensure all products offer a great out-of-box experience, and a full description to identify the product condition is shown on all our listings - new or refurbished - to ensure you know exactly what you are purchasing. We want you to buy from us with confidence! We process many different types of products - please check out our range below. These product listings will detail exactly what you can expect to receive – please check the condition notes for further information on each of our products. Shop related products Shop now Shop now Shop now Shop now Join our mailing list Join

Roberts Revival RD70DE Digital Radio - Duck Egg Blue Good Working Condition

End: 10.09. 2023 12:28:28 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 31.18 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325797848338
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bingbong013 (181|90.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bristol Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 4,69 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Revival RD70DE Digital Radio - Duck Egg Blue Good Working Condition. Faux leather peeling a lot

Roberts Revival RD70 DAB+ DAB FM Radio with Bluetooth in Classic Black

End: 08.09. 2023 19:01:47 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 145.48 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285456344076
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: femoo-8182 (242|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kent Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,85 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Box34 Enhance your listening experience with the Roberts Revival RD70 DAB+ DAB FM Radio in Classic Black. This unit boasts wireless Bluetooth connectivity, USB 2.0 and a headphone jack for uninterrupted music listening. The radio features a variety of connectivity options and audio outputs, including banana speaker jacks, making it a versatile piece of technology. The DAB, DAB+ and AM/FM bands ensure that you have access to a wide range of channels. The sleek black colour and DIGITRADIO product line make this Roberts radio a stylish addition to your home. Get your hands on the RD70-RE model and discover the ultimate listening experience. Roberts Revival RD70 DAB+ DAB FM Radio with Bluetooth in Classic Black Item is new opened and never used The box has some wear and tear but item is intact and in pristine condition Roberts Revival RD70 DAB/DAB+/FM Radio with Bluetooth and Alarm Feature, built with the classic 1950s styling and hand crafted wooden cabinet. This Revival looks and sounds better than ever before, with the added additional of Bluetooth, you can stream music from your smartphone to your radio with this stylish speaker. Bring in new and intuitive full colour display which makes these radio features easier to navigate. With the RD70 featuring two new alarms and the sleep and snooze timers, you can wake up and drift off to your favourite radio station. Built-in DAB/DAB+/FM Radio With the additional of presets for your favourite music stations at the touch of a few buttons. You can save up to 10 DAB and 10 FM Stations that you have discovered, meaning you can come back to them whenever you choose. Bluetooth Streaming Have a favourite playlist on your smart device, then why not stream it to your radio RD70 and make it act like a stylish speaker. Choose to pause, play or skip songs using only a few buttons on your radio. You dont even need to touch your phone. The Reverse is also true for this device. Custom Display Choose to style your RD70 Revival to your taste, customise the colour of your display. You can even display your clock by either having Analogue clock faces or go digital with displays in standby. The Snooze Button With the inclusion of two alarms, you can choose to wake up to a buzzer or choose to wake up to Radio with DAB or FM Radio. The sleep timer allows you to choose a customised duration, up to 90 minutes and the radio will play for that time and turn itself off when that time is over. Bringing it to the Outdoors Choose to use batteries instead and make your radio into one that allows you to carry your favourite music around with you, indoors and out. Specifications DAB+/DAB/FM Built in: Yes Bluetooth Connectivity: Yes Connectivity Headphone Socket Yes (3.5mm Stereo) Auxiliary input socket for playback via smartphones Yes (3.5mm Stereo) Design Alarm Function: Yes (2 alarms; buzzer, DAB or FM) Sleep & snooze timers: Yes Station presets: 20 Full Colour Screen: Yes Night Mode: Yes On-device Control: Yes Carrying Handle: Yes Mains Powered; Yes Battery Powered: Yes Supplied Accessories: Mains 2 Pin Adaptor Dimensions: 10.6cm (L) x 25cm (W) x 16cm (H) Weight: 1.71 Kg

Roberts Radio Control Knob iStream 3 RD70 RD60 RD50 RD10 Revival iStream 2

End: 08.09. 2023 11:59:57 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 3.45 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 225747799370
  • Seller: kernerd (157|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hereford Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 13,62 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Radios Control Button Knob (cream) Compatible with: iStream 3iStream 2RD70RD60RD50RD10Revival R250New RevivalRevival MiniRevival Uno

Roberts Revival RD70 Retro Portable DAB Radio with Bluetooth - Leaf green

End: 06.09. 2023 20:39:22 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 109.12 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 134716033791
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: greg123uk (503|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Nuneaton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 8,5 EUR
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  • Description


Roberts Revival RD70 Black radio, excellent hardly used condition

End: 29.08. 2023 16:00:02 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 114.74 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266389752314
  • Seller: tubbyrom (1230|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: St. Neots Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Revival RD70 Black radio. Purchased just over a year ago from Roberts, this has had very little use.In excellent hardly used condition and in good working order. Comes with all original packaging. See pictures. Will send well packaged using a sturdy outer box.UK post only. Thanks for looking.

price is for 1 - roberts revival rd70 istream 3 uno rubber foot feet crafts

End: 29.08. 2023 08:53:12 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295718890985
  • Seller: flatcapjohn (3022|99.5%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bridlington Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 14,26 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    good, as photos please zoom in, sent tracked, (price is for ONE foot)

Roberts Revival RD70 FM/DAB/DAB+/BT Digitalradio - Duck Egg NEU GARANTIE

End: 27.08. 2023 17:39:18 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 149.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266383249269
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: franzlinter (1276|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wiesbaden Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Roberts Revival RD70 FM/DAB/DAB+/BT Digitalradio - Duck Egg    NEU     GARANTIEDas Radio ist absolut neu und unbenutzt, in Originalverpackung, nur zum Foto machen und kurzer Funktionsprüfung geöffnet.Kaufdatum war der 12.05.2023 bei Amazon. Mit Deutscher Anleitung und Netzteil , auch verpacke ich nochmals um,so bleibt die Originalverpackung heile! Mit Original Kaufbeleg zur 24 Monatigen Garantie gesamt!Ich bin Privatmann, keine Rücknahme und Garantie durch mich, aber garantie wie beschriben via Amazon/Rodberts SpezifikationenEgal wie Ihr Zimmer aussieht, das klassische 1950er Design wird es perfekt ergänzen - BluetoothAux-Eingang (3,5mm)Netz und Batteriebetrieb 4x AA (Batterien nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)2x Alarme, Snooze und TimerVollfarb-Display mit DAB Slideshow Wiedergabe (Senderabhängig)Kofhörerausgang (3,5mm Strereo) ArtikelmerkmaleArtikelzustandNeu: Ein brandneuer, unbenutzter, ungeöffneter und unbeschädigter Artikel in Originalverpackung ... Mehr zum ThemaÜber den ZustandArtikelzustandNeu HerstellernummerRD70FarbeGrauMarkeRobertsProduktartDABModellRoberts Revival RD70BesonderheitenAlarmAudioausgängeKopfhöreranschlussKonnektivitätBluetoothFrequenzbandDAB, FM, DAB+ProduktlinieRoberts RevivalBatterie und Netzbetrieb möglichÜber dieses ProduktProduktkennzeichnungenMarkeRobertsHerstellernummerRD70DGEEAN5038301306717ModellRoberts Revival RD70 Produkt HauptmerkmaleProduktartDABBesonderheitenAlarmAudioausgängeKopfhöreranschlussFrequenzbandDAB, FM, DAB+ProduktlinieRoberts RevivalFarbeDuck EggKonnektivitätBluetoothZusätzliche ProdukteigenschaftenAudioeingängeAUXHerstellerfarbe Duck Egg

last one - roberts revival rd70 bottom battery cover

End: 26.08. 2023 16:00:15 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11.29 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295738819886
  • Seller: flatcapjohn (3023|99.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bridlington Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 14,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    as photos, sent tracked

ROBERTS RADIO - Revival RD70 - FM(RDS) / Dab/Dab+ Radio/Bluetooth - Colour Scree

End: 16.08. 2023 21:27:12 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 163.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 325721826657
  • Seller: breezy_returns (45394|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wijchen Niederlande
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Électroménager Enceintes portables, écouteurs Téléphones mobiles Portables, netbooks Bébé, puériculture Breezy Shop Fermer la fenêtre Fermer la fenêtre Fermer la fenêtre Fermer la fenêtre ROBERTS RADIO - Revival RD70 - FM(RDS) / Dab/Dab+ Radio/Bluetooth - Colour Screen green Ce produit de retour a été vérifié et entièrement testé. Le produit est comme neuf, mais présente de légères traces dutilisation. Lemballage est endommagé. Rendez le monde un peu plus durable en donnant une seconde vie à ce produit de retour. Vous bénéficiez dune garantie de 12 mois de notre part. Caractéristiques de lobjet À propos de Breezy Nous donnons une seconde vie aux retours : le produit na souvent quitté son emballage que depuis peu, présente de légères traces dutilisation ou nest plus tout à fait neuf pour une autre raison. Nous vérifions et testons ces produits de manière approfondie. De cette façon, nous garantissons toujours la meilleure qualité possible. Létat de chaque article est précisé afin que vous sachiez exactement où vous en êtes. Si elle ne répond toujours pas à vos attentes, nous vous proposerons une bonne solution. Toujours a smile in return. Pour vous, et pour lenvironnement. Conditions générales Politique de confidentialité

ROBERTS RADIO - Revival RD70 - UKW (RDS) / Tupfer / Tupfer + Radio / Bluetooth -

End: 16.08. 2023 21:00:44 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 163.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 325721826679
  • Seller: breezy_returns (45394|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wijchen Niederlande
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 5,0 EUR
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  • Description

    Haushaltsgeräte Kopfhörer Handys & Smartphones Notebooks & Netbooks Baby Breezy Shop Fenster schließen Fenster schließen Fenster schließen Fenster schließen ROBERTS RADIO - Revival RD70 - UKW (RDS) / Tupfer / Tupfer + Radio / Bluetooth - Farbbildschirm grn Dieses Rücksendeprodukt wurde geprüft und vollständig getestet. Das Produkt ist wie neu, hat aber leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Die Verpackung ist beschädigt. Machen Sie die Welt ein bisschen nachhaltiger, indem Sie diesem Rücknahmeprodukt ein zweites Leben geben. Sie erhalten von uns 12 Monate Gewährleistung. ROBERTS RADIO - Revival RD70 - UKW (RDS) / Tupfer / Tupfer + Radio / Bluetooth - Farbbildschirm grn Artikelmerkmale Andere Binding Elektronik Brand Roberts Radio Color Blatt IsAdultProduct false Label Roberts Radio Language {Name=>french, Type=>Handbuch} - {Name=>german, Type=>Handbuch} - {Name=>english, Type=>Handbuch} Manufacturer Roberts Radio MaterialType Kunstleder Model RD70LEE NumberOfItems 1 Height 6.9291338512_inches Length 13.3070866006_inches Width 9.2913385732_inches Weight 5.5997414548_pounds PackageQuantity 1 PartNumber RD70LEE ProductGroup Home Theater ProductTypeName RADIO Publisher Roberts Radio ReleaseDate 2020-02-01 Size Deux_places Studio Roberts Radio Title Roberts Revival RD70 DAB+ Retro Digitalradio mit Bluetooth Leaf Hersteller Roberts Radio Farbe Grün WLAN fähig Nein EAN 5038301306755 Herstellernummer RD70LE Rücknahmen: Verbraucher können den Artikel zu den unten angegebenen Bedingungen zurückgeben | Weitere Details Zahlungen:        Barzahlung bei Abholung Marke Roberts Herstellernummer RD70LE EAN 5038301306755 Modell Roberts Revival RD70 eBay Product ID (ePID) 25050190450 Produktart DAB Besonderheiten Alarm Audioausgänge Kopfhöreranschluss Frequenzband DAB, FM, DAB+ Audioeingänge AUX Produktlinie Roberts Revival Farbe Grün Konnektivität Bluetooth Herstellerfarbe Leaf Abholung: Kostenlose Abholung in Berlin, Deutschland. | Weitere Detailsfür Abholung Versand: Gratis 2-Tage-LieferungLieferung bis Do, 2 Jun nach 60323 bei heutigem Zahlungseingang | Weitere Detailsfür VersandStandort: Berlin, Deutschland Artikelstandort: Berlin, Deutschland Versand nach:  Europäische Union Ausgeschlossen:  Afrika, Andorra, Asien, Belarus, Großbritannien, Guernsey, Jersey, Mittelamerika und Karibik, Moldawien, Naher Osten, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Russische Föderation, Schweiz, Serbien, Svalbard und Jan Mayen, Südamerika, Südostasien, Ukraine Artikelstandort Berlin, Deutschland Über Breezy Wir geben Retouren ein zweites Leben: Oft war das Produkt nur kurz aus der Verpackung, hat leichte Gebrauchsspuren oder ist aus einem anderen Grund nicht mehr ganz neu. Wir prüfen und testen diese Produkte gründlich. Auf diese Weise garantieren wir stets die höchstmögliche Qualität. Der Zustand jedes Artikels wird angegeben, damit Sie genau wissen, woran Sie sind. Sollte es widererwartend nicht Ihren Erwartungen entsprechen, werden wir eine gute Lösung finden. Breezy, always a smile in return. Für Sie und für die Umwelt. Impressum Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Datenschutz

Roberts Revival RD70 DAB DAB+ FM Bluetooth Digital Radio Alarm Duck Egg

End: 28.07. 2023 09:40:18 on Friday
  • Condition: Vom Verkäufer generell überholt
  • Price: 139.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235047876646
  • Seller: (13422|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Oldham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DAB, DAB+ & FM tuner 20 presets Dual alarm function ROBERTS classic icon of retro-styled DAB digital radio, the Revival, has had a sparkling upgrade. With the same elegant fifties looks, the RD70 features Bluetooth connectivity for simple wireless music streaming, and a bright and vivid full colour display. Tune into crystal clear digital radio, keep on track with full alarm functionality, and take it out with you thanks to the option of battery power. Crystal Clear DAB Experience the crystal clear reception of DAB digital radio. FM frequency accounts for any stations that havent yet gone digital or are not available in your area. 20 presets (10 DAB, 10 FM) allow you to store a large number of your favourite stations for instant, easy access. A hand-crafted acoustically–tuned wooden cabinet enhances the speakers for the audio quality that ROBERTS are renowned for. Brilliant Bluetooth Pair your smart phone or tablet with the ROBERTS Revival to play top tracks from your smart phone, tablet or other Bluetooth device. Listen to your own digital collection or music from online streaming services. You can play, pause and skip tracks with buttons on the radio for extra convenience. It turns your radio into a stylish and great-sounding personal speaker. Glorious Colour Display A beautiful full colour display keeps you up to date with station info, track info and radio settings. You can even customise it with six display themes and choose whether the clock is displayed in digital or analogue clock-face format. Wake Up in Style With full dual alarm functionality the Revival RD70 makes the ideal stylish bedside radio. Choose to wake up to DAB or FM radio, or a buzzer, and engage the snooze function to get an extra forty winks. And you can set a sleep timer to power off after a set period (up to 90 minutes) so you can listen to late night radio and drift off happily. Portable Style With the attached handle and a battery compartment, you have the option to take this sophisticated and beautifully styled icon of radio with you. Key features: Fifties styling FM/DAB/DAB+ wavebands 20 presets Bluetooth Customisable full colour display Rotary tuning and volume controls Dual alarm function with sleep and snooze function Specifications Brand: Roberts Colour: Blue Dimensions: 252 x 160 x 104 (W x H x D in mm) Type: DAB Radio Warranty At The Outlet Hub we are committed to providing high quality products which we hope you will enjoy, but we know from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged, therefore this refurbished item comes with a 12 Month Return To Base Warranty. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange or Repair efficiently please follow these steps: Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel: You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 30 Working days of the date you received the item. please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address, we reserve the right to ask you to return the item at your own cost for non-faulty items. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be in their original and unused condition, complete with all accessories supplied and original packaging. A full refund (including original carriage charge) of the order will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - Within 60 Days: If your item develops a fault within 60 days of the date you received it we will offer a full refund or replacement (if the item you ordered is out of stock we will offer an equivalent model) Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a refund or a replacement and to obtain a unique Return reference number. If the item was originally delivered by DPD / Specialist courier, The Outlet Hub will arrange a FOC collection at your choice of UK Mainland address. If the item was delivered by Royal Mail or if you collected the item yourself then you will be required to return it at your expense via the same method. All return items must be securely packaged in the original packaging and complete with all accessories supplied. If you have elected to receive a replacement, then a swap out will be arranged at any UK mainland address of your choice. If you have elected to return the item for a refund, then this will be processed upon the items arrival at The Outlet Hub. Faulty Products - After 60 Days (Excluding cosmetic/accidental damage or customer misuse) If your item develops a fault after 60 days of the date you received it, but within the 12 Month warranty period we will offer a FOC repair upon receipt of the item. You are responsible (including costs) for returning the item to us via a trackable method. Please contact us via the eBay messaging service to request a unique Returns reference number. Return the item to us at, Servicecare Support Services (Clipper), Saxon Avenue, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 5EZ. The item must be securely packaged, preferably in the original packaging using the inserts supplied. - We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur whilst in transit. Upon receipt of your item we will provide a FOC repair including any mechanical parts, if in the unlikely event the unit is beyond economical repair we will provide a like for like replacement. When we have repaired your item we will return it to your choice of any UK Mainland address FOC and contact you beforehand. Our FOC repair service excludes cosmetic/accidental damage and customer misuse. In the event of an item being returned to us for these reasons we will contact you and provide an estimate for repair or ask you to collect the item from us at your expense. The above policies do not affect your statutory rights. Delivery All of our orders are shipped via DPD or Royal Mail 1st Class/1st Class Recorded (except TVs over 43 which are shipped via a specialist courier). Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Please ensure you have an up to date daytime contact telephone number, preferably a mobile telephone number, on your account should we need to contact you about your delivery (see below). We aim to ship orders within 2 Working days; most orders are shipped on a next day basis. You will receive a despatch notification email containing your tracking number when your item is despatched. Delivery of your item will take place between Monday-Friday and between the hours of 08:00am-20:00pm and must be signed for at the registered Paypal address, it will NOT be left in safe places or with neighbours. For orders delivered via DPD, deliveries will be attempted twice, with a calling card left each time. If the item is returned to us as a failed delivery after 2 attempts, the order will be cancelled and refunded once we receive the item back. A Fee of £10.00 may be charged for any further delivery attempts. We can only ship to Mainland UK & Northern Ireland; we regret that we cannot deliver to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands or the Republic of Ireland (Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. DPD deliveries Only If you have provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send a text message on the day of delivery advising of an approximate time slot for the delivery. If you have not provided us with a mobile telephone number, DPD couriers will send an email on the day of delivery to the supplied email address advising of the approximate time slot for delivery. Please note any quoted time slot is approximate and does not guarantee delivery between those times. Unfortunately our Next Working Day Delivery policy excludes some remote rural areas and countries. Please confirm with our customer service team first before placing the order. Returns We will happily accept the return of your purchase under the following circumstances. 1. We offer a full refund or exchange (subject to stock availability) for Buy It Now units purchased in our eBay store, providing they are returned complete with packaging/accessories and returned in the same condition within 14 days of purchase. We will only issue refunds to the original Paypal account. 1a. The cost of the return delivery charge under these circumstances is to be paid directly by the customer. 1b. The item must be returned via a trackable method i.e. Royal Mail special delivery etc. 1c. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee for any returned item which does not comply with the above conditions. 2. Should any unit arrive faulty or damaged in transit; we will happily exchange this for a replacement unit or issue you with a full refund or credit as soon as possible. 3. Items which develop a fault within 30 Days of Delivery will be collected for a full refund or exchanged free of charge (subject to stock availability). 4. Items which develop a fault after 30 days will be collected, repaired and returned free of charge for the remainder of the 12 month warranty. All items (excluding wearable parts) are guaranteed for a full 12 months for domestic use. We do not guarantee against misuse/accidental damage (i.e. coffee spilt inside, damaged screens etc.), excessive wear and tear (i.e. commercial use),loss of data stored on any form of writeable/ rewriteable media/ hard drive devices, dead pixels of an amount not covered by the manufacturers specifications or normal wear and tear. Please note that if repairs are done other than by ourselves or authorised agents our guarantee cant apply. This guarantee is naturally in addition to your statutory rights. After the guarantee has expired we will still endeavour to help with any servicing your equipment may require however this may incur an additional cost. Should you wish to use the service mentioned above please contact our after sales department via the eBay message centre. You May Also Like... View these items & similar Powered by

last one - roberts revival rd70 handle grey colour, with clip fasteners

End: 14.07. 2023 11:36:17 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295718906385
  • Seller: flatcapjohn (3002|99.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bridlington Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 15,33 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    good, as photos please zoom in, sent tracked

last one - roberts revival rd70 antenna aerial

End: 14.07. 2023 11:36:17 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 23.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295718900401
  • Seller: flatcapjohn (3002|99.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bridlington Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 14,17 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    good, just bottom part as photos please zoom in, sent tracked

last one - roberts revival rd70 handle cream colour, with clip fasteners

End: 14.07. 2023 11:36:16 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 22.88 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295738837045
  • Seller: flatcapjohn (2993|99.4%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bridlington Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 18,02 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    good, as photos please zoom in, sent tracked