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Revox B215 Kassettendeck Cassette Player

End: 18.05. 2024 08:39:16 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1050.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235565542957
  • Seller: dinosaund28 (41|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lucca Italien
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 55,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 Kassettendeck Cassette PlayerZu Verkaufen Revox B215 Kassttendeck. Das Gerät funktioniert. Es hat einige Gebrauchspuren wie auf den Bildern zu sehen ist. Der Bildschirm hat einen Defekt. Ich würde res als Auktion anbieten, aber in letzter Zeit habe ich viele schlechte Erfahrungen gesammelt: Die Gewinner zahlen nicht, deshalb wird es als Sofort-Kaufen angeboten. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Gebote! Die Käufer sind aus Deutschland bevorzugt. Kein Rücknahme. Keine Garantie. Privatverkauf. For sale Revox B215 Cassette-Player. The device is working. The condition is okay, only damage on the display, still has some signs of use that you can see on the pictures. I would offer it as an auction but last times the winners haven't paid and because of this experience it's offered as Buy-it Now. Feel free to make Your offers! The buyers from Germany are in priority. No return. No guarantee. Private sale.

Revox B215 Kassetten Tapedeck der Spitzenklasse

End: 02.05. 2024 09:36:09 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 642.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166731415717
  • Bids: 45
  • Seller: rasmussen-carl (634|98.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lemwerder Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 Kassetten Tapedeck der SpitzenklasseDas Revox B215 Kassetten Tapedeck der Spitzenklasse ist als Ersatzteil oder defekt erhältlich. Die Marke Revox steht für höchste Qualität und das Gerät ist ein wahrer Klassiker unter den Kassettenspielern. Für Sammler und Liebhaber ein absolutes Must-Have. Das Tapedeck ist gebraucht und weist einige Mängel auf. Dennoch ist es für Bastler und Kenner ein interessantes Projekt. Das Gerät wird ohne Garantie oder Rückgabe angeboten.

Revox B215S Kassette Deck Betrieb Artikel

End: 30.04. 2024 05:36:13 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3889.21 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 116161159171
  • Seller: dr_nine (1430|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Japan Japan
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 74,67 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215S Kassette Deck Betrieb ArtikelRevox B215S Kassette Deck Betrieb ArtikelDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) erhoben oder wenn Sie den Artikel abholen – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der ausliefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) erhoben oder wenn Sie den Artikel abholen – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten Unit Type NA MPN NA Country Japan Brand No Brand UPC NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Model NA Unit Quantity NA

Revox B215 Tapedeck / need service / defekt für Bastler

End: 27.04. 2024 05:00:52 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 899.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 375397732738
  • Seller: schoenklinger (19179|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Gelsenkirchen Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 13,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 Tapedeck / need service / defekt für BastlerHeute biete ich Ihnen folgendes an: Revox B215 Tapedeck / need service / defekt für Bastler technischer Zustand: Gerät geht an, Kassette wird nicht abgespielt und nicht gespult, Beleuchtung vom Display geht nicht optischer Zustand: guter Zustand Falls Sie den oben aufgeführten Artikel ersteigern und diesen persönlich bei mir abholen, so können wir diesen sehr gerne gemeinsam auf den von mir angegebenen Zustand hin überprüfen. Kein Versand an Packstationen oder Paketshops !!! No shipping to USA

Bedienungsanleitung Revox Tape Deck B215/B215-S

End: 22.04. 2024 16:28:05 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 11.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 296367690436
  • Bids: 2
  • Seller: horsebadortie (82|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pforzheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 2,7 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bedienungsanleitung Revox Tape Deck B215/B215-SOriginal Bedienungsanleitung Revox Tape Deck B215/B215-S

High-End Kassettendeck Revox B215 , Studer 215

End: 21.04. 2024 19:50:53 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1310.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145719809937
  • Bids: 38
  • Seller: myjataxas (869|98.9%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oberhaag Österreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    High-End Kassettendeck Revox B215 , Studer 215Versteigere sehr seltene Kassettendeck Revox B215. Funktioniert einwandfrei, Optisch noch in einem guten Zustand. Paket kann auch in der Schweiz oder Deutschland zur Post gebracht werden.Hersteller: RevoxModell: B 215Typ: Stereo KassettendeckFarbe: Silber / GrauAbmessungen (BxHxT): 450 x 153 x 332 mm Technische Daten: Besondere Ausstattungen: Einmesscomputer 6 Speicherplätze Studer AG, a privately owned Swiss manufacturer of professional audio equipment, began development of high fidelity cassette recorders in late 1970s. Willi Studer was reluctant to diversify into the highly competitive cassette deck market; for most of the decade, the companys experience in cassette technology was limited to reliable but low-fidelity classroom equipment.[1][2] However, the decline of reel-to-reel recorder sales, the commercial success of Nakamichi and designer models by Bang & Olufsen, coupled with pressure from within the company, persuaded Studer to invest in the cassette format.[2] Marino Ludwig, designer of the Revox B77 reel-to-reel recorder,[3] examined the best cassette decks on the market and advised Studer on a course of action.[2] Studer agreed with the proposal and appointed Ludwig chief of the cassette project, on the condition that the reputation of Studer and Revox brands would not be compromised in any way.[2] Studer A721 in Kol Yisrael studio In September 1980, Studer AG presented its first cassette deck, the Revox B710; in 1981 it was supplanted by the nearly identical Revox B710 MKII, which added Dolby C noise reduction. In 1982, the company introduced a professional version, the Studer A710, equipped with balanced inputs and outputs.[4] In the United States, the B710 MKII was priced at $1995,[5] more than the rival Nakamichi ZX7 ($1250) but below the flagship Nakamichi 1000ZXL ($3800 for the base version,[6] or $6000 for the limited edition.[7]) The three-head B710 was designed and built to the standards of professional reel-to-reel decks; even its faceplate and controls were borrowed from the B77 recorder.[2] The B710 stood apart from the competition in having a true, four-motor direct-drive tape transport: each of the two capstans and the two reels were driven by their own electric motor without any intermediate belts, gears or idlers.[2] There were no brake pads, belts, pulleys or cogwheels in the whole transport; even the tape counter was driven by an optoelectronic encoder on the reel motors. Mechanically separate recording and replay heads were each adjustable, however there was no user-accessible azimuth control. The B710 was mechanically sound but lacked functionality; most importantly, the deck lacked user-accessible tape calibration controls. Overall, the design was highly conservative.[1] Marino Ludwig wrote that the development coincided with a flood of new features (German: der Flut von Neuheiten) introduced by the Japanese, and only a few, like automatic tape type recognition, could be implemented within the deadline.[1] Untested novelties that could compromise the product, like dynamic biasing, were rejected from the start.[1] In 1984 Ludwig and Meinrad Liebert designed a successor to B710, the B215.[2] The first pre-production batch was assembled at the end of 1984; the first production decks were shipped to dealers in the beginning of 1985.[8] A professional derivative, the Studer A721, was very similar to the B215 but was equipped with balanced inputs and outputs, and traditional rotary volume controls in place of up-down buttons. The press placed the B215 on a par with the best competing decks, rating its sound quality as high, or almost as high as that of the new reference deck—the Nakamichi Dragon. In the United States, the B215 was initially priced at only $1390,[9] lower than either the B710, or the Dragon. Affordable pricing and rugged transport made the B215 the deck of choice for real-time[a] cassette duplicators; for example, by April 1986 Vermont-based Revolution Audio operated a fleet of 200 B215s, 24 hours a day, five days a week, and planned to purchase another 200.[10] German Audio magazine used a stack of ten B215s to duplicate its own test cassettes.[11] Ludwig wrote that the price decrease reflected cost savings achieved through the use of larger printed circuit boards and automated assembly.[12] The introduction of the B215 also coincided with a record low Swiss franc exchange rate with the U.S. dollar, which hit an all-time low in February and March 1985.[13] Subsequently, the Swiss currency exchange rate increased consistently,[13] and so did Revox prices in North America. In 1989, the B215 was priced at $2400,[14] and in 1991, $2600.[15] The improved, cosmetically redesigned B215S, introduced in 1989, was priced at $2800–$2900[14][15]—more than the Dragon, and three to four times more than contemporary flagship decks by Onkyo, Pioneer or Sony.[15] By this time Willy Studer had retired; in 1990 he sold the company and in 1994 it became a subsidiary of Harman International.[16] New Revox-branded cassette decks sold under Harman management, the consumer H11 and the professional C115,[17] were in fact rebadged Philips FC-60 / Marantz SD-60 models, and had nothing in common with the Revoxes of the past.[18] Classic flagship decks of the 1980s like the B215, the Dragon or the Tandberg 3014 were discontinued without replacement.[19] Further improvements in cassette sound, if possible at all, required substantial investment in research, but corporate resources were already committed to digital.[19] Design and operationAppearance and ergonomics Rear view of tape transport. Two bronze flywheels in the bottom are capstan motor rotors. Above them is the solenoid that lifts the head subchassis (center) and its dashpot damper (left, black) The B215, like all B-series Revoxes, is larger than the typical hi-fi component of the period.[20] The enclosure measures 45 by 15 by 33 centimetres (17.7 in × 5.9 in × 13.0 in)[20] and is a standard Studer pressed steel box with two internal stiffener rails that carry the tape transport.[21][22] The front panel design follows the B200-series styling, introduced in 1984 with the release of the B225 CD player.[23] Tape transport and recording mode controls, placed on the upper aluminum strip, are visually set aside from secondary buttons.[23] Loading the cassette into an open transport is performed in two moves: the upper edge of a cassette is inserted first, then the bottom of the cassette is pressed until it locks in place.[21] This presents no problem in everyday use.[21] Open tape transport is less prone to azimuth skew than typical closed-lid transports, and simplifies routine cleaning and demagnetization.[21][24] Recording levels, recording balance and headphone volume are set electronically, with pairs of up/down buttons.[25][26] There are no microphone inputs; designers deemed those unnecessary for a consumer product.[22] The panel marking, according to Audio (USA) magazine reviewers, is exemplary: black letters on brushed aluminum and white letters on dark-grey plastic are large enough and easily readable at any angle of view.[27] The main backlit liquid-crystal display, on the contrary, is too small, too dim and too hard to read.[28][24] Another usability failure is the absence of front-panel control lights, even the critical Record On red light is missing (it was later added to the Studer A721, but not the B215).[28] These quirks make it difficult to use the Revox in a darkened room.[28] Reviewers also noted the overall inconvenience of using digital control buttons instead of rotary potentiometers[24] (the latter, again, returned on the Studer A721 but not the Revox decks). Tape transport Typical double-capstan tape transport of the 1980s employed direct drive only for the leading (pulling) capstan;[29] the trailing (braking) capstan would be belt-driven at a slightly slower speed to provide tape tensioning inside the closed loop,[29] ensuring tight contact between all three heads and the tape (the cassettes pressure pad can only accommodate one head), and mechanically decoupling the tape from the cassettes shell.[29] A Revox deck works differently, directly driving each capstan with its own motor, equipped with a massive flywheel and a 150-pole speed sensor.[30] The speed of each motor is governed by a phase-locked loop; both loops are synchronized with a common crystal oscillator. According to Studer, each capstan was machined to a precision of 1 ?m (0.001 mm or 0.000039 inch), to ensure very low wow and flutter.[31][c] In 1985, the only other deck with a similar direct-drive arrangement was the five-motor Nakamichi Dragon (the nearest contender, the four-motor Tandberg 3014, used a single capstan motor).[32] Two other motors of the B215, buried deep inside the mechanism, directly drive the cassettes reels. Motors, capstans and reel spindles are mounted on two diecast chassis plates, tightly bolted together; heads and pinch rollers are mounted on a moving die-cast subchassis.[31][33][c] All four motors are braked electromagnetically; there are no mechanical brake pads or friction wheels.[33][c] Autostop is triggered with an optoisolator which senses the presence of transparent leader tape.[27] Winding a 90-minute tape takes no more than 75 seconds,[20][28] at constant linear tape speed.[34] If, for any reason, the microcontroller detects abnormally high tape tension, it instantly reduces winding speed. At the end of the reel, tape speed is smoothly decreased to avoid end-of-tape impact.[34][22] According to Howard Roberson of Audio magazine (USA), operation of a new B215 transport ...was very quiet, even in play mode - perhaps the quietest of any deck ... tested to date... very well constructed, with a definite look of long-term reliability.[21] The B215 uses sendust-and-ferrite heads made by Canon (the B710 used Sony heads, the Revox reel-to-reel heads were manufactured by Studer in-house).[35] Replay head has narrow magnetic gap, recording head has wide gap, but the exact widths of gaps were not disclosed.[2][22] Unlike the B710, the B215s recording and replay heads, and an isolation wedge between them, are tightly sandwiched together and may not be adjusted individually.[22] Reviewers of Audio and Modern Electronics noted exemplary low phase difference between left and right channels (interchannel time error, ICTE), which was a sign of very good alignment of recording and replay gaps and vanishingly low relative azimuth error.[36][37] Audio path Audio path takes up three PCBs, each spanning the whole depth of the enclosure. Top to bottom: recording board, playback and control motherboard, Dolby board The B215 signal path was designed, from the ground up, for operation with Dolby C noise reduction.[12] The owners manual advised that selecting noise reduction for new records is simple: use [only] Dolby C.[38] The deck uses four Hitachi HA12058 Dolby B/C ICs in double Dolby configuration with independent encoding and decoding channels.[39] Tape type is detected automatically, but the user can override and select the tape type manually. This includes an option of recording Type II (but not Type IV) tapes with 120 ?s equalization,[40] which may be preferable for recording signals with strong treble content, at the cost of increased noise.[d] The B215 replay head amplifier used discrete JFET input and bipolar second stage; it drives the equalization stage—an active filter built around an operational amplifier in inverting configuration.[41] Subtle phase control networks in the active filter were tuned to best possible step response; Ludwig wrote that they enabled square-wave reproduction off the tape of truly professional quality.[12] The signal then passes through a CMOS switch into the Dolby decoder, and then through another CMOS switch to output buffer stage.[41] A third set of CMOS switches engages to select 70 ?s time constant instead of default 120 ?s; as a result, during replay the signal passes through two or three CMOS switches, plus the switches inside the Dolby decoder.[41] The switches inevitably inject their own distortion products into the signal; their performance may be improved by replacement of stock 14000-series switches for newer pin-compatible low-impedance ICs. Line output level is fixed and is unusually hot for consumer audio: 775 mV RMS for nominal magnetization level of 250 nWb/m.[42] Headphone output has eight selectable volume settings, which is sufficient for practical use.[20] Recording audio path, which occupies its own printed board, is far more complex. There are three electronic level controls, wired in series. Continuously variable fade-in and fade-out is performed by an analogue transconductance amplifier.[43] Signal levels at the input of Dolby encoder (recording level) and at its output (tape sensitivity) are controlled by 8-bit multiplying DACs.[43] Finally, a CMOS multiplexer, coupled to a low-Q bandpass filter centered on 4 kHz, selects the desired mid-range equalization setting.[43] Yet another set of 8-bit multiplying DACs, coupled to a non-defeatable Dolby HX Pro circuit, sets the desired bias current.[43] Dolby dynamic biasing, according to Stereo Review, improves treble saturation levels by about 6 dB.[44] Microcontrollers and embedded software Three Philips MAB8440 microcontrollers and EEPROM (right, with paper tag) The decks control functions are spread between three identical Philips MAB8440 microcontrollers,[12] clocked with a common 6 Mhz crystal.[45] Each microcontroller carries 4 kB of program memory and 128 bytes of random-access memory.[45] The first microcontroller polls the faceplate keyboard, infrared remote control port, and an optically decoupled RS-232 port; the second one controls the motors and calculates real-time tape counter values. The third microcontroller manages the digital-to-analog converters, CMOS switches, multiplexers and recording level meter; it executes the tape calibration program and stores current settings in non-volatile memory.[12] The EEPROM is updated at every transition to standby mode, or when the user presses a dedicated store button.[46][47] The microcontrollers, display and DAC drivers are connected with the I²C serial bus,[45] which was introduced by Philips in the early 1980s; according to Ludwig, a standardized bus was a prerequisite for a project of such size.[12] The B215 is equipped with a unique real-time tape counter.[48] After the user loads a cassette (rewound or not) and presses the play button, embedded software estimates the current tape position by comparing the angular speeds of cassette reels.[48] Initial estimation takes 5–8 seconds. The deck also estimates the complete playing time of a cassette, albeit with uncertainty; to decrease the margin of error, the user can set playing time manually to 46, 60, 90 or 120 minutes.[48] With this prompt, according to Audio magazine reviewers, absolute error does not exceed one minute for a C90 cassette.[20] The B215s transport control software has a peculiar quirk that precludes complete rewinding of tape. After the deck completes rewinding, or after the user inserts an already rewound cassette, the B215 checks for the presence of opaque magnetic tape in the tape channel. If the optoelectronic sensor detects transparent leader tape, the deck slowly winds the tape forward until the sensor encounters opaque tape; this feature cannot be manually overridden. The deck is then ready for replay or recording, although performing auto-calibration at the very start of magnetic tape is undesirable; the operator should manually fast forward the tape to a random mid-reel point, perform calibration there and manually rewind back.[49][20] Tape calibration By 1985 tape calibration, absent in the Revox B710, became the de facto industry standard feature for top-of-the-line decks.[50][51] Reel-to-reel recorders did not need it because quarter-inch tape technology developed slowly, tapes on the market had very close magnetic and electroacoustical properties, and because high-speed recording was by design less sensitive to variations of tape properties.[50] Cassette tape technology, on the contrary, developed rapidly and newly designed premium formulations consistently differed from IEC references or the older, cheaper tapes.[50] The problem was already present in 1983: the B710, aligned at the factory to TDK SA-X ferricobalt Type II tape, had a pronounced treble droop when recording on pure chrome IEC Type II reference.[52] Meinrad Liebert criticized the IEC for failing to impose strict standards: the organization simply followed the market, periodically adapting its set of reference tapes to arbitrarily chosen industry averages.[50] Unchecked spread of incompatible cassettes made traditional fixed-bias decks almost unusable for recording; this, according to Liebert, explained sudden demand for calibration features that did not exist in the 1970s.[50] The Revox design team opted for automated calibration, although then-prevailing manual calibration was not only cheaper, but more robust as well. A human operator has an inherent advantage in handling inevitable dropouts, transients and slow fluctuations of the tapes sensitivity;[53][51] fully automatic calibration often failed to handle random irregularities and could generate different optimum points for the same tape.[53] Of three or four calibration strategies available, Liebert chose the most flexible and robust constant treble equalization approach - adjusting bias and recording level while keeping recording channel equalization unchanged, with an additional frequency response adjustment at around 4 kHz.[53] Thus, unlike more common two-tone arrangement, the Revox used three test tones[12] (the exclusive Nakamichi 1000ZXL used four[7]). Although Studer preferred to name this function alignment, it only affects recording path electronics, and does not perform any mechanical alignment.[47] In spring of 1985, the calibration sequence was reverse-engineered by Audio magazine testers,[21] and two years later Liebert published first-hand description of the algorithm: Coarse adjustment of bias (17 kHz test tone);Sensitivity (level) adjustment (400 Hz test tone);Fine adjustment of bias (17 kHz test tone);Midrange equalization adjustment (4 kHz test tone).[53] The B215 adjusts bias and sensitivity separately in each channel, and midrange equalization is performed simultaneously in both channels.[54] Bias and sensitivity are set with 8-bit DACs using a binary search algorithm, so each of six adjustments takes up only eight elementary measurements.[53] At 400 Hz each measurement takes around 0.4 s: 0.1 s to advance the tape from recording head gap to replay head, and around 0.3 s to settle down the detector.[53] At 17 kHz, measurement takes even longer, because the test tone is recorded in short 120 ms bursts (to suppress unwanted crosstalk from the recording head to the replay head).[53] The complete test sequence, according to Liebert, takes around 25 s;[53] independent reviewers quoted even lower times of around 20 s. This was still much longer than the typical 4–8 seconds achieved by other auto-calibration decks of the same generation,[51] and close to the 30 s Liebert said would strain the users patience.[e]

Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck

End: 17.04. 2024 14:30:31 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1499.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145325612096
  • Seller: beeing_happy (5070|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Sinsheim Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 9,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck Gut erhaltener Zustand mit normalen Gebrauchsspuren in Form von Kratzern. Getestet in den Grundfunktionen. Bitte beachten Sie das hier nur das Kassettendeck zum Verkauf steht, der Verstärker wird in eine andere Auktion verkauft. Bei Fragen bitte schreiben. Abholung ist in 74889 Sinsheim möglich.

Revox B215-S Tape Deck aus 1. Hand

End: 05.04. 2024 20:27:42 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2850.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266753606919
  • Seller: movi1955 (102|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Remseck Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215-S Tape Deck aus 1. HandVerkaufe Revox Cassetten-Tape B215-S. Aus 1. Hand, mit Bedienungsanleitung,absolut exzellenter Zustand und ohne Kratzer. Die Aufführung aller Technischer Details erspare ich mir, da jedem Interessenten sicherlich bekannt.Das Tape-Deck kann Vorort ausgiebig getestet und begutachtet werden, es funktioniert einwandfrei.

Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck - Referenzklasse

End: 10.03. 2024 19:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1210.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256433392213
  • Bids: 26
  • Seller: technikstore-1 (222|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Waldshut-Tiengen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck - ReferenzklasseDas Revox B215 Kassettendeck war der Nachfolger vom legendären Revox B710 und genau wie dieses Gerät seiner Zeit weit voraus. Das B215 zählt bei HiFi Enthusiasten zu den absoluten Referenzgeräten im Bereich Kassettenrekorder. Die Besonderheit und Qualität dieses Gerätes wurde durch etliche technischen Raffinessen und Innovationen erreicht, und durch die lange Erfahrung von Revox mit Bandmaschinen. Stabile und präzise Bandführung runden die Wiedergabe des B215 Kassettendecks ab. Das Revox B215 verfügt über den damals hochmodernen Einmesscomputer mit einem integrierten Tongenerator mit drei Frequenzen. 500 Hz für den Pegel (Level), 4 kHz für die Entzerrung (EQ) und 17 kHz für den Bias oder die Vormagnetisierung, die mit 105kHz erfolgt. Beide Kanäle werden getrennt gemessen und eingestellt. Innerhalb von 20 Sekunden werden durch sechs verschiedene Messungen die Einstellungen fürAufnahmelautstärke, Entzerrung und Vormagnetisierung ermittelt und die Daten auf eines der 6 Speicherplätze ablegt. Neben einer manuellen, war auch die vollautomatische Aussteuerung und Aufnahme durch eine Spitzenpegelmessung- und Haltung möglich. Dieses Konzept steht für Studio Sound Qualität. Technischer Zustand : Das Kassettendeck befindet sich technisch in einem einwandfreien Zustand. Das Gerät stammt von einem Sammler und wurde in der Vergangenheit immer in einem Tier- und- rauchfreien Haushalt betrieben.Es gibt vermutlich sehr wenige Geräte die sich noch in solch einem einwandfreien Zustand befinden. Optischer Zustand : Der optische Zustand lässt sich sehr gut anhand der Fotos erkennen. Ich habe das Kassettendeck von allen Seiten her fotografiert.Meines Erachtens befindet sich das Gerät in einem optisch sehr guten Zustand.

High-End Kassettendeck Revox B215-S , Studer 215 black

End: 03.03. 2024 20:13:14 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1500.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145632360204
  • Bids: 48
  • Seller: myjataxas (857|99.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oberhaag Österreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    High-End Kassettendeck Revox B215-S , Studer 215 blackVersteigere sehr seltene Kassettendeck Revox B215-S. Funktioniert einwandfrei, Optisch noch in einem guten Zustand, Display hat ein Fleck und leuchtet schwach. Peak Indicator einwandfrei. Paket kann auch in der Schweiz oder Deutschland zur Post gebracht werden.Hersteller: RevoxModell: B 215Typ: Stereo KassettendeckFarbe: Schwarz Abmessungen (BxHxT): 450 x 153 x 332 mm Technische Daten: Besondere Ausstattungen: Einmesscomputer 6 Speicherplätze Studer AG, a privately owned Swiss manufacturer of professional audio equipment, began development of high fidelity cassette recorders in late 1970s. Willi Studer was reluctant to diversify into the highly competitive cassette deck market; for most of the decade, the companys experience in cassette technology was limited to reliable but low-fidelity classroom equipment.[1][2] However, the decline of reel-to-reel recorder sales, the commercial success of Nakamichi and designer models by Bang & Olufsen, coupled with pressure from within the company, persuaded Studer to invest in the cassette format.[2] Marino Ludwig, designer of the Revox B77 reel-to-reel recorder,[3] examined the best cassette decks on the market and advised Studer on a course of action.[2] Studer agreed with the proposal and appointed Ludwig chief of the cassette project, on the condition that the reputation of Studer and Revox brands would not be compromised in any way.[2] Studer A721 in Kol Yisrael studio In September 1980, Studer AG presented its first cassette deck, the Revox B710; in 1981 it was supplanted by the nearly identical Revox B710 MKII, which added Dolby C noise reduction. In 1982, the company introduced a professional version, the Studer A710, equipped with balanced inputs and outputs.[4] In the United States, the B710 MKII was priced at $1995,[5] more than the rival Nakamichi ZX7 ($1250) but below the flagship Nakamichi 1000ZXL ($3800 for the base version,[6] or $6000 for the limited edition.[7]) The three-head B710 was designed and built to the standards of professional reel-to-reel decks; even its faceplate and controls were borrowed from the B77 recorder.[2] The B710 stood apart from the competition in having a true, four-motor direct-drive tape transport: each of the two capstans and the two reels were driven by their own electric motor without any intermediate belts, gears or idlers.[2] There were no brake pads, belts, pulleys or cogwheels in the whole transport; even the tape counter was driven by an optoelectronic encoder on the reel motors. Mechanically separate recording and replay heads were each adjustable, however there was no user-accessible azimuth control. The B710 was mechanically sound but lacked functionality; most importantly, the deck lacked user-accessible tape calibration controls. Overall, the design was highly conservative.[1] Marino Ludwig wrote that the development coincided with a flood of new features (German: der Flut von Neuheiten) introduced by the Japanese, and only a few, like automatic tape type recognition, could be implemented within the deadline.[1] Untested novelties that could compromise the product, like dynamic biasing, were rejected from the start.[1] In 1984 Ludwig and Meinrad Liebert designed a successor to B710, the B215.[2] The first pre-production batch was assembled at the end of 1984; the first production decks were shipped to dealers in the beginning of 1985.[8] A professional derivative, the Studer A721, was very similar to the B215 but was equipped with balanced inputs and outputs, and traditional rotary volume controls in place of up-down buttons. The press placed the B215 on a par with the best competing decks, rating its sound quality as high, or almost as high as that of the new reference deck—the Nakamichi Dragon. In the United States, the B215 was initially priced at only $1390,[9] lower than either the B710, or the Dragon. Affordable pricing and rugged transport made the B215 the deck of choice for real-time[a] cassette duplicators; for example, by April 1986 Vermont-based Revolution Audio operated a fleet of 200 B215s, 24 hours a day, five days a week, and planned to purchase another 200.[10] German Audio magazine used a stack of ten B215s to duplicate its own test cassettes.[11] Ludwig wrote that the price decrease reflected cost savings achieved through the use of larger printed circuit boards and automated assembly.[12] The introduction of the B215 also coincided with a record low Swiss franc exchange rate with the U.S. dollar, which hit an all-time low in February and March 1985.[13] Subsequently, the Swiss currency exchange rate increased consistently,[13] and so did Revox prices in North America. In 1989, the B215 was priced at $2400,[14] and in 1991, $2600.[15] The improved, cosmetically redesigned B215S, introduced in 1989, was priced at $2800–$2900[14][15]—more than the Dragon, and three to four times more than contemporary flagship decks by Onkyo, Pioneer or Sony.[15] By this time Willy Studer had retired; in 1990 he sold the company and in 1994 it became a subsidiary of Harman International.[16] New Revox-branded cassette decks sold under Harman management, the consumer H11 and the professional C115,[17] were in fact rebadged Philips FC-60 / Marantz SD-60 models, and had nothing in common with the Revoxes of the past.[18] Classic flagship decks of the 1980s like the B215, the Dragon or the Tandberg 3014 were discontinued without replacement.[19] Further improvements in cassette sound, if possible at all, required substantial investment in research, but corporate resources were already committed to digital.[19] Design and operationAppearance and ergonomics Rear view of tape transport. Two bronze flywheels in the bottom are capstan motor rotors. Above them is the solenoid that lifts the head subchassis (center) and its dashpot damper (left, black) The B215, like all B-series Revoxes, is larger than the typical hi-fi component of the period.[20] The enclosure measures 45 by 15 by 33 centimetres (17.7 in × 5.9 in × 13.0 in)[20] and is a standard Studer pressed steel box with two internal stiffener rails that carry the tape transport.[21][22] The front panel design follows the B200-series styling, introduced in 1984 with the release of the B225 CD player.[23] Tape transport and recording mode controls, placed on the upper aluminum strip, are visually set aside from secondary buttons.[23] Loading the cassette into an open transport is performed in two moves: the upper edge of a cassette is inserted first, then the bottom of the cassette is pressed until it locks in place.[21] This presents no problem in everyday use.[21] Open tape transport is less prone to azimuth skew than typical closed-lid transports, and simplifies routine cleaning and demagnetization.[21][24] Recording levels, recording balance and headphone volume are set electronically, with pairs of up/down buttons.[25][26] There are no microphone inputs; designers deemed those unnecessary for a consumer product.[22] The panel marking, according to Audio (USA) magazine reviewers, is exemplary: black letters on brushed aluminum and white letters on dark-grey plastic are large enough and easily readable at any angle of view.[27] The main backlit liquid-crystal display, on the contrary, is too small, too dim and too hard to read.[28][24] Another usability failure is the absence of front-panel control lights, even the critical Record On red light is missing (it was later added to the Studer A721, but not the B215).[28] These quirks make it difficult to use the Revox in a darkened room.[28] Reviewers also noted the overall inconvenience of using digital control buttons instead of rotary potentiometers[24] (the latter, again, returned on the Studer A721 but not the Revox decks). Tape transport Typical double-capstan tape transport of the 1980s employed direct drive only for the leading (pulling) capstan;[29] the trailing (braking) capstan would be belt-driven at a slightly slower speed to provide tape tensioning inside the closed loop,[29] ensuring tight contact between all three heads and the tape (the cassettes pressure pad can only accommodate one head), and mechanically decoupling the tape from the cassettes shell.[29] A Revox deck works differently, directly driving each capstan with its own motor, equipped with a massive flywheel and a 150-pole speed sensor.[30] The speed of each motor is governed by a phase-locked loop; both loops are synchronized with a common crystal oscillator. According to Studer, each capstan was machined to a precision of 1 ?m (0.001 mm or 0.000039 inch), to ensure very low wow and flutter.[31][c] In 1985, the only other deck with a similar direct-drive arrangement was the five-motor Nakamichi Dragon (the nearest contender, the four-motor Tandberg 3014, used a single capstan motor).[32] Two other motors of the B215, buried deep inside the mechanism, directly drive the cassettes reels. Motors, capstans and reel spindles are mounted on two diecast chassis plates, tightly bolted together; heads and pinch rollers are mounted on a moving die-cast subchassis.[31][33][c] All four motors are braked electromagnetically; there are no mechanical brake pads or friction wheels.[33][c] Autostop is triggered with an optoisolator which senses the presence of transparent leader tape.[27] Winding a 90-minute tape takes no more than 75 seconds,[20][28] at constant linear tape speed.[34] If, for any reason, the microcontroller detects abnormally high tape tension, it instantly reduces winding speed. At the end of the reel, tape speed is smoothly decreased to avoid end-of-tape impact.[34][22] According to Howard Roberson of Audio magazine (USA), operation of a new B215 transport ...was very quiet, even in play mode - perhaps the quietest of any deck ... tested to date... very well constructed, with a definite look of long-term reliability.[21] The B215 uses sendust-and-ferrite heads made by Canon (the B710 used Sony heads, the Revox reel-to-reel heads were manufactured by Studer in-house).[35] Replay head has narrow magnetic gap, recording head has wide gap, but the exact widths of gaps were not disclosed.[2][22] Unlike the B710, the B215s recording and replay heads, and an isolation wedge between them, are tightly sandwiched together and may not be adjusted individually.[22] Reviewers of Audio and Modern Electronics noted exemplary low phase difference between left and right channels (interchannel time error, ICTE), which was a sign of very good alignment of recording and replay gaps and vanishingly low relative azimuth error.[36][37] Audio path Audio path takes up three PCBs, each spanning the whole depth of the enclosure. Top to bottom: recording board, playback and control motherboard, Dolby board The B215 signal path was designed, from the ground up, for operation with Dolby C noise reduction.[12] The owners manual advised that selecting noise reduction for new records is simple: use [only] Dolby C.[38] The deck uses four Hitachi HA12058 Dolby B/C ICs in double Dolby configuration with independent encoding and decoding channels.[39] Tape type is detected automatically, but the user can override and select the tape type manually. This includes an option of recording Type II (but not Type IV) tapes with 120 ?s equalization,[40] which may be preferable for recording signals with strong treble content, at the cost of increased noise.[d] The B215 replay head amplifier used discrete JFET input and bipolar second stage; it drives the equalization stage—an active filter built around an operational amplifier in inverting configuration.[41] Subtle phase control networks in the active filter were tuned to best possible step response; Ludwig wrote that they enabled square-wave reproduction off the tape of truly professional quality.[12] The signal then passes through a CMOS switch into the Dolby decoder, and then through another CMOS switch to output buffer stage.[41] A third set of CMOS switches engages to select 70 ?s time constant instead of default 120 ?s; as a result, during replay the signal passes through two or three CMOS switches, plus the switches inside the Dolby decoder.[41] The switches inevitably inject their own distortion products into the signal; their performance may be improved by replacement of stock 14000-series switches for newer pin-compatible low-impedance ICs. Line output level is fixed and is unusually hot for consumer audio: 775 mV RMS for nominal magnetization level of 250 nWb/m.[42] Headphone output has eight selectable volume settings, which is sufficient for practical use.[20] Recording audio path, which occupies its own printed board, is far more complex. There are three electronic level controls, wired in series. Continuously variable fade-in and fade-out is performed by an analogue transconductance amplifier.[43] Signal levels at the input of Dolby encoder (recording level) and at its output (tape sensitivity) are controlled by 8-bit multiplying DACs.[43] Finally, a CMOS multiplexer, coupled to a low-Q bandpass filter centered on 4 kHz, selects the desired mid-range equalization setting.[43] Yet another set of 8-bit multiplying DACs, coupled to a non-defeatable Dolby HX Pro circuit, sets the desired bias current.[43] Dolby dynamic biasing, according to Stereo Review, improves treble saturation levels by about 6 dB.[44] Microcontrollers and embedded software Three Philips MAB8440 microcontrollers and EEPROM (right, with paper tag) The decks control functions are spread between three identical Philips MAB8440 microcontrollers,[12] clocked with a common 6 Mhz crystal.[45] Each microcontroller carries 4 kB of program memory and 128 bytes of random-access memory.[45] The first microcontroller polls the faceplate keyboard, infrared remote control port, and an optically decoupled RS-232 port; the second one controls the motors and calculates real-time tape counter values. The third microcontroller manages the digital-to-analog converters, CMOS switches, multiplexers and recording level meter; it executes the tape calibration program and stores current settings in non-volatile memory.[12] The EEPROM is updated at every transition to standby mode, or when the user presses a dedicated store button.[46][47] The microcontrollers, display and DAC drivers are connected with the I²C serial bus,[45] which was introduced by Philips in the early 1980s; according to Ludwig, a standardized bus was a prerequisite for a project of such size.[12] The B215 is equipped with a unique real-time tape counter.[48] After the user loads a cassette (rewound or not) and presses the play button, embedded software estimates the current tape position by comparing the angular speeds of cassette reels.[48] Initial estimation takes 5–8 seconds. The deck also estimates the complete playing time of a cassette, albeit with uncertainty; to decrease the margin of error, the user can set playing time manually to 46, 60, 90 or 120 minutes.[48] With this prompt, according to Audio magazine reviewers, absolute error does not exceed one minute for a C90 cassette.[20] The B215s transport control software has a peculiar quirk that precludes complete rewinding of tape. After the deck completes rewinding, or after the user inserts an already rewound cassette, the B215 checks for the presence of opaque magnetic tape in the tape channel. If the optoelectronic sensor detects transparent leader tape, the deck slowly winds the tape forward until the sensor encounters opaque tape; this feature cannot be manually overridden. The deck is then ready for replay or recording, although performing auto-calibration at the very start of magnetic tape is undesirable; the operator should manually fast forward the tape to a random mid-reel point, perform calibration there and manually rewind back.[49][20] Tape calibration By 1985 tape calibration, absent in the Revox B710, became the de facto industry standard feature for top-of-the-line decks.[50][51] Reel-to-reel recorders did not need it because quarter-inch tape technology developed slowly, tapes on the market had very close magnetic and electroacoustical properties, and because high-speed recording was by design less sensitive to variations of tape properties.[50] Cassette tape technology, on the contrary, developed rapidly and newly designed premium formulations consistently differed from IEC references or the older, cheaper tapes.[50] The problem was already present in 1983: the B710, aligned at the factory to TDK SA-X ferricobalt Type II tape, had a pronounced treble droop when recording on pure chrome IEC Type II reference.[52] Meinrad Liebert criticized the IEC for failing to impose strict standards: the organization simply followed the market, periodically adapting its set of reference tapes to arbitrarily chosen industry averages.[50] Unchecked spread of incompatible cassettes made traditional fixed-bias decks almost unusable for recording; this, according to Liebert, explained sudden demand for calibration features that did not exist in the 1970s.[50] The Revox design team opted for automated calibration, although then-prevailing manual calibration was not only cheaper, but more robust as well. A human operator has an inherent advantage in handling inevitable dropouts, transients and slow fluctuations of the tapes sensitivity;[53][51] fully automatic calibration often failed to handle random irregularities and could generate different optimum points for the same tape.[53] Of three or four calibration strategies available, Liebert chose the most flexible and robust constant treble equalization approach - adjusting bias and recording level while keeping recording channel equalization unchanged, with an additional frequency response adjustment at around 4 kHz.[53] Thus, unlike more common two-tone arrangement, the Revox used three test tones[12] (the exclusive Nakamichi 1000ZXL used four[7]). Although Studer preferred to name this function alignment, it only affects recording path electronics, and does not perform any mechanical alignment.[47] In spring of 1985, the calibration sequence was reverse-engineered by Audio magazine testers,[21] and two years later Liebert published first-hand description of the algorithm: Coarse adjustment of bias (17 kHz test tone);Sensitivity (level) adjustment (400 Hz test tone);Fine adjustment of bias (17 kHz test tone);Midrange equalization adjustment (4 kHz test tone).[53] The B215 adjusts bias and sensitivity separately in each channel, and midrange equalization is performed simultaneously in both channels.[54] Bias and sensitivity are set with 8-bit DACs using a binary search algorithm, so each of six adjustments takes up only eight elementary measurements.[53] At 400 Hz each measurement takes around 0.4 s: 0.1 s to advance the tape from recording head gap to replay head, and around 0.3 s to settle down the detector.[53] At 17 kHz, measurement takes even longer, because the test tone is recorded in short 120 ms bursts (to suppress unwanted crosstalk from the recording head to the replay head).[53] The complete test sequence, according to Liebert, takes around 25 s;[53] independent reviewers quoted even lower times of around 20 s. This was still much longer than the typical 4–8 seconds achieved by other auto-calibration decks of the same generation,[51] and close to the 30 s Liebert said would strain the users patience.[e]

Revox B215 Tape Deck

End: 20.02. 2024 14:43:52 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1050.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305403206995
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: fuchs20030_1 (310|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 Tape DeckPlayback und Aufnahme hervorragend. Siehe Bnder. Mit 6 hochwertigen Cassetten. Vor-und Rckspullung mu man etwas lnger auf die Tasten drcken. (Ist schon etwas lter das Gert). Nichtraucher-Haushalt. Sollte vielleicht geprft werden! Klang berragend. Spielt sonst einwandfrei (kein Bandsalat). 3Kopf Capstan. 3 Motoren! Auszug kl. Bedienungsanleitung und Netzkabel. Keine Fernbedienung...

Revox B215 Tape Deck

End: 18.02. 2024 10:52:55 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1150.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305393829748
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: fuchs20030_1 (310|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
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    Revox B215 Tape DeckPlayback und Aufnahme hervorragend. Siehe Bnder. Mit 6 hochwertigen Cassetten. Vor-und Rckspullung mu man etwas lnger auf die Tasten drcken. (Ist schon etwas lter das Gert). Nichtraucher-Haushalt. Sollte vielleicht geprft werden! Klang berragend. Spielt sonst einwandfrei (kein Bandsalat). 3Kopf Capstan. 3 Motoren! Auszug kl. Bedienungsanleitung und Netzkabel. Keine Fernbedienung...

Revox B215 Tape Deck

End: 11.02. 2024 10:52:33 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1200.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 305384050250
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: fuchs20030_1 (310|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 Tape DeckPlayback und Aufnahme hervorragend. Siehe Bnder. Mit 6 hochwertigen Cassetten. Vor-und Rckspullung mu man etwas lnger auf die Tasten drcken. (Ist schon etwas lter das Gert). Nichtraucher-Haushalt. Sollte vielleicht geprft werden! Klang berragend... Auszug kl. Bedienungsanleitung und Netzkabel. Keine Fernbedienung...

Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck

End: 03.02. 2024 16:44:07 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1050.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 21:59:33
  • Item number: 355344494191
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  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Ottobrunn,Deutschland Deutschland
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  • Shipping: 22,0 EUR
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    Revox B215 High-End KassettendeckREVOX B215 Tapedeck - Mit Loop Reinigungsfunktion - Mit blauer LCD Anzeige (Hintergrundbeleuchtet) - Mit gelber Hintergrundbeleuchtung für die Kassette Zum Zustand: Erbstück, einiges ist mit Sicherheit nicht „Original“. Ein gepflegtes Tapedeck, was bis zuletzt benutzt wurde. Aufnahme und Wiedergabe sind einwandfrei. Bandstraffung ist ok, Spulen vor/zurück ist ok; Play ist ok. Ansonsten gerne fragen bzw. siehe Bilder. Transport: Wird gut geschützt mit DHL versendet, versichert bis 500€ Gegen Aufpreis kann auch bis zum Kaufpreis versichert werden! (+7€) Da diese Geräte sehr empfindlich sind, ist eine Abholung mit Probelauf der sichere Weg! Bei einem Versand trägt der Käufer das Versandrisiko! Im Paket dabei: Tapedeck Abdeckung Netzkabel Porto: - innerhalb Deutschland (ohne Inseln): 22 Euro versichert - innerhalb der EU (Länder, die DHL beliefert): 38 Euro versichert Bezahlung: - Abholung - Ebay Bezahlsystem Versand: nur innerhalb der EU! Es handelt sich um einen privaten Verkauf- eine Garantie oder Gewährleistung nach dem neuen Sachmangelrecht schließe ich für meine Artikel vollkommen aus. versende ausschließlich „versichert“- deshalb hafte ich in keinem Fall für einen Schaden jeglicher Art auf dem Transportweg. Dies gilt auch für evtl. Nachfolgeschäden. Zu bezahlen ist der Artikel innerhalb von 5 auf das Auktionsende folgenden Werktagen. Danach besteht meinerseits keine Verkaufsverpflichtung mehr! Da es immer häufiger vorkommt: ich beende keine Auktion vorab, verkaufe nicht „außerhalb“, trete nicht vom Verkauf zurück und akzeptiere keinen Abbruch NACH Ersteigerung. Jeder hat genug Zeit zum Lesen, Fragen stellen und sich Gedanken über seine Finanzen zu machen! Wer bietet erkennt sowohl die Regel in Ebay wie auch die genannten Bedingungen an.

Revox B215 3 High End Vintage Tapedeck

End: 02.02. 2024 12:17:37 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1199.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386647741822
  • Seller: a.k.19.22 (262|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Werneuchen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
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    Revox B215 3 High End Vintage TapedeckHallo. Ic bitte hier Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck an. Zustand: bei dem Artikel handelt es sich um eine Gebrauchtware. Die Ware hat keine Beschädigungen und befindet sich in einem guten bis sehr guten Zustand. Funktioniert einwandfrei. Aus einem Nichtraucherhaushalt . Lieferumfang: wie abgebildet. Versand: Versand ist nur innerhalb Deutschlands. Kein Versand ins Ausland. shipping only within germany. no shipping to abroad. Der Rechnungsbetrag enthält Umsatzsteuer, die nicht gesondert ausgewiesen ist. Der Artikel unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung gemäß § 25a UStG.

Revox B215 Cassette Tape Deck

End: 08.01. 2024 16:00:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1215.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:24:42
  • Item number: 296097039220
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Gerstungen,Deutschland Deutschland
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  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 Cassette Tape DeckHallo liebe Revox-Freunde, angeboten wird hier ein sehr gut erhaltenes Revox 215 Cassette Tape Deck. Das Gerät stammt aus erster Hand und wurde vererbt.Der Artikel hat die Serien-Nr.: 15136 von 17200. Da ich dafür keine Verwendung habe, möchte ich es in liebevolle Hände abgeben.Das Gerät wurde auf Funktion überprüft, kann bei Abholung aber nochmal gerne zusammen überprüft werden.Es wurden keine Fehlfunktionen festgestellt, lediglich die rechte Beleuchtung des LCD-Displays ist defekt, das Display selber hat keine Einschlüsse oder übliche Flecken. Die Abdeckung des Cassettenfach war gebrochen und wurde vom Besitzer notdürftig repariert (siehe Bilder) Lieferumfang:- Revox B215 Cassette Tape Deck- Original Bedienungsanleitung- Original Netzkabel- Disco Rack (falls gewünscht)- Staubschutzabdeckung (Beschädigt)- 2 Cinch Kabel (falls gewünscht) Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Privatauktion, keine Gewährleistung, Garantie oder Rücknahme. Gekauft wie gesehen. Preisvorschläge sind willkommen sollten sich aber in einem realistischen Rahmen bewegen. Da ich von einem Revoxfachmann beraten werde, weiss ich auch was die Geräte wert sind.

ReVox B215 Cassette Tape Deck top Zustand

End: 19.12. 2023 16:14:01 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 408.62 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:40:35
  • Item number: 176098450514
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Sauerlach,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 10,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ReVox B215 Cassette Tape Deck top ZustandIch verkaufe ein ReVox B215 Tape Deck aus erster Hand in einem top ZustandDas ReVox B215 Cassette Tape Deck ist ein absolutes Highlight für jeden Audio-Enthusiasten. Hergestellt in Deutschland, besticht es nicht nur durch seine erstklassige Verarbeitung, sondern auch durch seinen hervorragenden Zustand - mit einer Bewertung von 3000. Das Modell ist in einem eleganten Silber gehalten und trägt stolz den Namen Revox.Die Marke Revox steht seit Jahrzehnten für herausragende Qualität und dieses Tape Deck ist keine Ausnahme. Mit dem B215 können Sie Ihre alten Kassetten-Sammlungen wieder zum Leben erwecken und den unvergleichlichen Klang eines Revox erleben. Ein Muss für jeden Musikliebhaber.

High-End Kassettendeck Revox B215 , Studer 215

End: 17.12. 2023 20:14:00 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1048.99 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 145486341977
  • Bids: 24
  • Seller: myjataxas (890|98.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oberhaag Österreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    High-End Kassettendeck Revox B215 , Studer 215Versteigere sehr seltene Kassettendeck Revox B215. Funktioniert einwandfrei, Optisch noch in einem guten Zustand. Paket kann auch in der Schweiz oder Deutschland zur Post gebracht werden.Hersteller: RevoxModell: B 215Typ: Stereo KassettendeckFarbe: Silber / GrauAbmessungen (BxHxT): 450 x 153 x 332 mm Technische Daten: Besondere Ausstattungen: Einmesscomputer 6 Speicherplätze Studer AG, a privately owned Swiss manufacturer of professional audio equipment, began development of high fidelity cassette recorders in late 1970s. Willi Studer was reluctant to diversify into the highly competitive cassette deck market; for most of the decade, the companys experience in cassette technology was limited to reliable but low-fidelity classroom equipment.[1][2] However, the decline of reel-to-reel recorder sales, the commercial success of Nakamichi and designer models by Bang & Olufsen, coupled with pressure from within the company, persuaded Studer to invest in the cassette format.[2] Marino Ludwig, designer of the Revox B77 reel-to-reel recorder,[3] examined the best cassette decks on the market and advised Studer on a course of action.[2] Studer agreed with the proposal and appointed Ludwig chief of the cassette project, on the condition that the reputation of Studer and Revox brands would not be compromised in any way.[2] Studer A721 in Kol Yisrael studio In September 1980, Studer AG presented its first cassette deck, the Revox B710; in 1981 it was supplanted by the nearly identical Revox B710 MKII, which added Dolby C noise reduction. In 1982, the company introduced a professional version, the Studer A710, equipped with balanced inputs and outputs.[4] In the United States, the B710 MKII was priced at $1995,[5] more than the rival Nakamichi ZX7 ($1250) but below the flagship Nakamichi 1000ZXL ($3800 for the base version,[6] or $6000 for the limited edition.[7]) The three-head B710 was designed and built to the standards of professional reel-to-reel decks; even its faceplate and controls were borrowed from the B77 recorder.[2] The B710 stood apart from the competition in having a true, four-motor direct-drive tape transport: each of the two capstans and the two reels were driven by their own electric motor without any intermediate belts, gears or idlers.[2] There were no brake pads, belts, pulleys or cogwheels in the whole transport; even the tape counter was driven by an optoelectronic encoder on the reel motors. Mechanically separate recording and replay heads were each adjustable, however there was no user-accessible azimuth control. The B710 was mechanically sound but lacked functionality; most importantly, the deck lacked user-accessible tape calibration controls. Overall, the design was highly conservative.[1] Marino Ludwig wrote that the development coincided with a flood of new features (German: der Flut von Neuheiten) introduced by the Japanese, and only a few, like automatic tape type recognition, could be implemented within the deadline.[1] Untested novelties that could compromise the product, like dynamic biasing, were rejected from the start.[1] In 1984 Ludwig and Meinrad Liebert designed a successor to B710, the B215.[2] The first pre-production batch was assembled at the end of 1984; the first production decks were shipped to dealers in the beginning of 1985.[8] A professional derivative, the Studer A721, was very similar to the B215 but was equipped with balanced inputs and outputs, and traditional rotary volume controls in place of up-down buttons. The press placed the B215 on a par with the best competing decks, rating its sound quality as high, or almost as high as that of the new reference deck—the Nakamichi Dragon. In the United States, the B215 was initially priced at only $1390,[9] lower than either the B710, or the Dragon. Affordable pricing and rugged transport made the B215 the deck of choice for real-time[a] cassette duplicators; for example, by April 1986 Vermont-based Revolution Audio operated a fleet of 200 B215s, 24 hours a day, five days a week, and planned to purchase another 200.[10] German Audio magazine used a stack of ten B215s to duplicate its own test cassettes.[11] Ludwig wrote that the price decrease reflected cost savings achieved through the use of larger printed circuit boards and automated assembly.[12] The introduction of the B215 also coincided with a record low Swiss franc exchange rate with the U.S. dollar, which hit an all-time low in February and March 1985.[13] Subsequently, the Swiss currency exchange rate increased consistently,[13] and so did Revox prices in North America. In 1989, the B215 was priced at $2400,[14] and in 1991, $2600.[15] The improved, cosmetically redesigned B215S, introduced in 1989, was priced at $2800–$2900[14][15]—more than the Dragon, and three to four times more than contemporary flagship decks by Onkyo, Pioneer or Sony.[15] By this time Willy Studer had retired; in 1990 he sold the company and in 1994 it became a subsidiary of Harman International.[16] New Revox-branded cassette decks sold under Harman management, the consumer H11 and the professional C115,[17] were in fact rebadged Philips FC-60 / Marantz SD-60 models, and had nothing in common with the Revoxes of the past.[18] Classic flagship decks of the 1980s like the B215, the Dragon or the Tandberg 3014 were discontinued without replacement.[19] Further improvements in cassette sound, if possible at all, required substantial investment in research, but corporate resources were already committed to digital.[19] Design and operationAppearance and ergonomics Rear view of tape transport. Two bronze flywheels in the bottom are capstan motor rotors. Above them is the solenoid that lifts the head subchassis (center) and its dashpot damper (left, black) The B215, like all B-series Revoxes, is larger than the typical hi-fi component of the period.[20] The enclosure measures 45 by 15 by 33 centimetres (17.7 in × 5.9 in × 13.0 in)[20] and is a standard Studer pressed steel box with two internal stiffener rails that carry the tape transport.[21][22] The front panel design follows the B200-series styling, introduced in 1984 with the release of the B225 CD player.[23] Tape transport and recording mode controls, placed on the upper aluminum strip, are visually set aside from secondary buttons.[23] Loading the cassette into an open transport is performed in two moves: the upper edge of a cassette is inserted first, then the bottom of the cassette is pressed until it locks in place.[21] This presents no problem in everyday use.[21] Open tape transport is less prone to azimuth skew than typical closed-lid transports, and simplifies routine cleaning and demagnetization.[21][24] Recording levels, recording balance and headphone volume are set electronically, with pairs of up/down buttons.[25][26] There are no microphone inputs; designers deemed those unnecessary for a consumer product.[22] The panel marking, according to Audio (USA) magazine reviewers, is exemplary: black letters on brushed aluminum and white letters on dark-grey plastic are large enough and easily readable at any angle of view.[27] The main backlit liquid-crystal display, on the contrary, is too small, too dim and too hard to read.[28][24] Another usability failure is the absence of front-panel control lights, even the critical Record On red light is missing (it was later added to the Studer A721, but not the B215).[28] These quirks make it difficult to use the Revox in a darkened room.[28] Reviewers also noted the overall inconvenience of using digital control buttons instead of rotary potentiometers[24] (the latter, again, returned on the Studer A721 but not the Revox decks). Tape transport Typical double-capstan tape transport of the 1980s employed direct drive only for the leading (pulling) capstan;[29] the trailing (braking) capstan would be belt-driven at a slightly slower speed to provide tape tensioning inside the closed loop,[29] ensuring tight contact between all three heads and the tape (the cassettes pressure pad can only accommodate one head), and mechanically decoupling the tape from the cassettes shell.[29] A Revox deck works differently, directly driving each capstan with its own motor, equipped with a massive flywheel and a 150-pole speed sensor.[30] The speed of each motor is governed by a phase-locked loop; both loops are synchronized with a common crystal oscillator. According to Studer, each capstan was machined to a precision of 1 ?m (0.001 mm or 0.000039 inch), to ensure very low wow and flutter.[31][c] In 1985, the only other deck with a similar direct-drive arrangement was the five-motor Nakamichi Dragon (the nearest contender, the four-motor Tandberg 3014, used a single capstan motor).[32] Two other motors of the B215, buried deep inside the mechanism, directly drive the cassettes reels. Motors, capstans and reel spindles are mounted on two diecast chassis plates, tightly bolted together; heads and pinch rollers are mounted on a moving die-cast subchassis.[31][33][c] All four motors are braked electromagnetically; there are no mechanical brake pads or friction wheels.[33][c] Autostop is triggered with an optoisolator which senses the presence of transparent leader tape.[27] Winding a 90-minute tape takes no more than 75 seconds,[20][28] at constant linear tape speed.[34] If, for any reason, the microcontroller detects abnormally high tape tension, it instantly reduces winding speed. At the end of the reel, tape speed is smoothly decreased to avoid end-of-tape impact.[34][22] According to Howard Roberson of Audio magazine (USA), operation of a new B215 transport ...was very quiet, even in play mode - perhaps the quietest of any deck ... tested to date... very well constructed, with a definite look of long-term reliability.[21] The B215 uses sendust-and-ferrite heads made by Canon (the B710 used Sony heads, the Revox reel-to-reel heads were manufactured by Studer in-house).[35] Replay head has narrow magnetic gap, recording head has wide gap, but the exact widths of gaps were not disclosed.[2][22] Unlike the B710, the B215s recording and replay heads, and an isolation wedge between them, are tightly sandwiched together and may not be adjusted individually.[22] Reviewers of Audio and Modern Electronics noted exemplary low phase difference between left and right channels (interchannel time error, ICTE), which was a sign of very good alignment of recording and replay gaps and vanishingly low relative azimuth error.[36][37] Audio path Audio path takes up three PCBs, each spanning the whole depth of the enclosure. Top to bottom: recording board, playback and control motherboard, Dolby board The B215 signal path was designed, from the ground up, for operation with Dolby C noise reduction.[12] The owners manual advised that selecting noise reduction for new records is simple: use [only] Dolby C.[38] The deck uses four Hitachi HA12058 Dolby B/C ICs in double Dolby configuration with independent encoding and decoding channels.[39] Tape type is detected automatically, but the user can override and select the tape type manually. This includes an option of recording Type II (but not Type IV) tapes with 120 ?s equalization,[40] which may be preferable for recording signals with strong treble content, at the cost of increased noise.[d] The B215 replay head amplifier used discrete JFET input and bipolar second stage; it drives the equalization stage—an active filter built around an operational amplifier in inverting configuration.[41] Subtle phase control networks in the active filter were tuned to best possible step response; Ludwig wrote that they enabled square-wave reproduction off the tape of truly professional quality.[12] The signal then passes through a CMOS switch into the Dolby decoder, and then through another CMOS switch to output buffer stage.[41] A third set of CMOS switches engages to select 70 ?s time constant instead of default 120 ?s; as a result, during replay the signal passes through two or three CMOS switches, plus the switches inside the Dolby decoder.[41] The switches inevitably inject their own distortion products into the signal; their performance may be improved by replacement of stock 14000-series switches for newer pin-compatible low-impedance ICs. Line output level is fixed and is unusually hot for consumer audio: 775 mV RMS for nominal magnetization level of 250 nWb/m.[42] Headphone output has eight selectable volume settings, which is sufficient for practical use.[20] Recording audio path, which occupies its own printed board, is far more complex. There are three electronic level controls, wired in series. Continuously variable fade-in and fade-out is performed by an analogue transconductance amplifier.[43] Signal levels at the input of Dolby encoder (recording level) and at its output (tape sensitivity) are controlled by 8-bit multiplying DACs.[43] Finally, a CMOS multiplexer, coupled to a low-Q bandpass filter centered on 4 kHz, selects the desired mid-range equalization setting.[43] Yet another set of 8-bit multiplying DACs, coupled to a non-defeatable Dolby HX Pro circuit, sets the desired bias current.[43] Dolby dynamic biasing, according to Stereo Review, improves treble saturation levels by about 6 dB.[44] Microcontrollers and embedded software Three Philips MAB8440 microcontrollers and EEPROM (right, with paper tag) The decks control functions are spread between three identical Philips MAB8440 microcontrollers,[12] clocked with a common 6 Mhz crystal.[45] Each microcontroller carries 4 kB of program memory and 128 bytes of random-access memory.[45] The first microcontroller polls the faceplate keyboard, infrared remote control port, and an optically decoupled RS-232 port; the second one controls the motors and calculates real-time tape counter values. The third microcontroller manages the digital-to-analog converters, CMOS switches, multiplexers and recording level meter; it executes the tape calibration program and stores current settings in non-volatile memory.[12] The EEPROM is updated at every transition to standby mode, or when the user presses a dedicated store button.[46][47] The microcontrollers, display and DAC drivers are connected with the I²C serial bus,[45] which was introduced by Philips in the early 1980s; according to Ludwig, a standardized bus was a prerequisite for a project of such size.[12] The B215 is equipped with a unique real-time tape counter.[48] After the user loads a cassette (rewound or not) and presses the play button, embedded software estimates the current tape position by comparing the angular speeds of cassette reels.[48] Initial estimation takes 5–8 seconds. The deck also estimates the complete playing time of a cassette, albeit with uncertainty; to decrease the margin of error, the user can set playing time manually to 46, 60, 90 or 120 minutes.[48] With this prompt, according to Audio magazine reviewers, absolute error does not exceed one minute for a C90 cassette.[20] The B215s transport control software has a peculiar quirk that precludes complete rewinding of tape. After the deck completes rewinding, or after the user inserts an already rewound cassette, the B215 checks for the presence of opaque magnetic tape in the tape channel. If the optoelectronic sensor detects transparent leader tape, the deck slowly winds the tape forward until the sensor encounters opaque tape; this feature cannot be manually overridden. The deck is then ready for replay or recording, although performing auto-calibration at the very start of magnetic tape is undesirable; the operator should manually fast forward the tape to a random mid-reel point, perform calibration there and manually rewind back.[49][20] Tape calibration By 1985 tape calibration, absent in the Revox B710, became the de facto industry standard feature for top-of-the-line decks.[50][51] Reel-to-reel recorders did not need it because quarter-inch tape technology developed slowly, tapes on the market had very close magnetic and electroacoustical properties, and because high-speed recording was by design less sensitive to variations of tape properties.[50] Cassette tape technology, on the contrary, developed rapidly and newly designed premium formulations consistently differed from IEC references or the older, cheaper tapes.[50] The problem was already present in 1983: the B710, aligned at the factory to TDK SA-X ferricobalt Type II tape, had a pronounced treble droop when recording on pure chrome IEC Type II reference.[52] Meinrad Liebert criticized the IEC for failing to impose strict standards: the organization simply followed the market, periodically adapting its set of reference tapes to arbitrarily chosen industry averages.[50] Unchecked spread of incompatible cassettes made traditional fixed-bias decks almost unusable for recording; this, according to Liebert, explained sudden demand for calibration features that did not exist in the 1970s.[50] The Revox design team opted for automated calibration, although then-prevailing manual calibration was not only cheaper, but more robust as well. A human operator has an inherent advantage in handling inevitable dropouts, transients and slow fluctuations of the tapes sensitivity;[53][51] fully automatic calibration often failed to handle random irregularities and could generate different optimum points for the same tape.[53] Of three or four calibration strategies available, Liebert chose the most flexible and robust constant treble equalization approach - adjusting bias and recording level while keeping recording channel equalization unchanged, with an additional frequency response adjustment at around 4 kHz.[53] Thus, unlike more common two-tone arrangement, the Revox used three test tones[12] (the exclusive Nakamichi 1000ZXL used four[7]). Although Studer preferred to name this function alignment, it only affects recording path electronics, and does not perform any mechanical alignment.[47] In spring of 1985, the calibration sequence was reverse-engineered by Audio magazine testers,[21] and two years later Liebert published first-hand description of the algorithm: Coarse adjustment of bias (17 kHz test tone);Sensitivity (level) adjustment (400 Hz test tone);Fine adjustment of bias (17 kHz test tone);Midrange equalization adjustment (4 kHz test tone).[53] The B215 adjusts bias and sensitivity separately in each channel, and midrange equalization is performed simultaneously in both channels.[54] Bias and sensitivity are set with 8-bit DACs using a binary search algorithm, so each of six adjustments takes up only eight elementary measurements.[53] At 400 Hz each measurement takes around 0.4 s: 0.1 s to advance the tape from recording head gap to replay head, and around 0.3 s to settle down the detector.[53] At 17 kHz, measurement takes even longer, because the test tone is recorded in short 120 ms bursts (to suppress unwanted crosstalk from the recording head to the replay head).[53] The complete test sequence, according to Liebert, takes around 25 s;[53] independent reviewers quoted even lower times of around 20 s. This was still much longer than the typical 4–8 seconds achieved by other auto-calibration decks of the same generation,[51] and close to the 30 s Liebert said would strain the users patience.[e]

Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck

End: 16.12. 2023 18:35:35 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 885.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305310336670
  • Bids: 37
  • Seller: antikhaus-fink (1477|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Klettgau Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 9,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 High-End Kassettendeck Revox B 215 ungeprüft, das Netzkabel fehlt. Fernbedienung auch nicht vorhanden. Optisch schöner Zustand. Also Katze im Sack. Differenzbesteuert nach Par. 25a, Sonderregelung/Gebrauchtwaren

ReVox B215 Cassette Tape Deck aus erster Hand

End: 12.12. 2023 19:25:01 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 300.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:54:57
  • Item number: 325915346369
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Steinhöring,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 16,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ReVox B215 Cassette Tape Deck aus erster HandEs wird ein sehr gut erhaltenes ReVox B215 Cassette Tape Deck aus erster Hand angeboten - auf Wunsch auch mit dem Rack, in dem es steht (siehe Bild 2 - gelbe Umrandung). Es ist nur einmal umgezogen und wurde sehr gut behandelt.Ich habe Einmess-, Abspiel- und Aufnahme-Funktion getestet. Es funktioniert einwandfrei. In der Pegelanzeige ist links oben ein Fleck, vermutlich von einer ausgelaufenen LCD-Zelle. Dieser Fleck ist ein Schönheitsfehler und beeinträchtigt die Funktion des Displays nicht. Der Fleck ist schon viele Jahre vorhanden und hat sich nicht vergrößert. Lieferumfang:- B215 Cassette Tape Deck- Netzkabel- Original-Bedienungsanleitung- 2 Cinchkabel- Staubschutzabdeckung- Optional: Rack aus Holz (siehe Fotos) Versendet wird nur innerhalb von Deutschland mit versichertem Versand. Gerne auch Abholung möglich. Das Viermotoren-Laufwerk ReVox B215 war der Nachfolger vom ReVox B710 und genau wie dieses Gerät seiner Zeit deutlich voraus. Es zählte lange Zeit zu den absoluten Referenz-Geräten im Bereich Kassettenrecorder. Die Qualitäten dieses Gerätes wurden durch etliche technische Raffinessen und Neuheiten erreicht. Es verfügt über einen damals einzigartigen Einmesscomputer, der mit Hilfe eines integrierten Tongenerators innerhalb von 20 Sekunden durch sechs verschiedene Messungen die Einstellungen für Aufnahmelautstärke, Entzerrung und Vormagnetisierung der Compact-Cassette ermittelt.Diese Kassettendaten können zusätzlich auf sechs Speicherplätzen festgehalten werden. Neben einer manuellen ist auch die vollautomatische Aussteuerung und Aufnahme durch eine Spitzenpegelmessung möglich. Hervorzuheben ist das Bandzählwerk, das die Echtzeit anzeigt! Legt man eine Kassette mit beliebiger Bandposition ein, ermittelt das Gerät nach wenigen Sekunden die genaue Spielzeit. Alleine dafür sind im B215 drei miteinander kommunizierende Mikroprozessoren verbaut.Immer wieder beeindruckend ist auch die Spulgeschwindigkeit des ReVox B215! Für eine C90 Kassette, benötigt das Gerät gerade mal ca. 65 Sekunden!Durch die eingebaute Lichtschranke (auffällig rot leuchtende Diode), erkennt das Laufwerk das Ende des Bandes, bremst dieses ab sobald das Vorspannband der Kassette erscheint, und transportiert das Band danach exakt auf Bandanfang um an dieser Stelle automatisch stehen zu bleiben. Als Rauschunterdrückung können Dolby-B oder Dolby-C gewählt werden. Zusätzlich ist ein MPX Filter integriert. Des weiteren ist es möglich zwei Bandstellen als Locator-Positionen zu bestimmen, um das Gerät zwischen diesen Stellen endlos laufen lassen zu können. Technische Daten des ReVox B215 Tonhöhenschwankungen (DIN 45507) 0,1 % für C60 und C90Umspulzeiten C60: ca. 45 Sek.C90: ca. 65 Sek.Klirrfaktor, Bandtyp IEC I: besser als 0,8 %IEC II: besser als 1,5 %IEC IV: besser als 1%Frequenzgang nach automatischer Einmessung IEC I: 30 Hz - 18 kHz, +2/ -3dBIEC II + IV: 30 Hz - 20 kHz, +2/ -3 dBGeräuschspannungsabstand bezogen auf 3 % Klirrfaktor, Dolby C aktiv IEC I: besser als 70 dB (A)IEC II + IV: besser als 72 db (A)Eingänge pro Kanal MIC, LINE, DINAusgänge pro Kanal LINE, DIN, PHONES Gewicht 10,5 Kg Produktionszeitraum 1985 - 1990 Dies ist ein Privatverkauf ohne Garantie oder Gewährleistung. Das Gerät wurde einem grundlegenden Funktionstest unterzogen, aber es wurden nicht sämtliche Funktionen getestet.Die Rücknahme ist ausgeschlossen.

Original Revox B215 - Studer A721 Dust Cover / Staubschutz Abdeckung #2

End: 10.12. 2023 11:27:31 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 119.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 9T 9:46:20
  • Item number: 125970978967
  • Seller: audiothek24 (2135|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Nordhorn Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Revox B215 / Studer A721 Dust Cover Bitte beachten Sie die Bilder, diese sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Artikelbeschreibung. Please take a look to all of the pictures, they are an important part of the description. Versand / Shipping: Der Versand erfolgt gut gesichert und wenn möglich via DHL. Wolrdwide shipping, please send us a request for International shipping cost and details. Dieser Artikel unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach § 25a, die Mehrwertsteuer wird in meinen Rechnungen nicht gesondert ausgewiesen. _gsrx_vers_1436 (GS 9.0.5 (1436))

Revox B215 Tapedeck - Frisch Revidiert - Guter Zustand

End: 08.12. 2023 16:05:29 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: 6T 23:29:43
  • Item number: 296083606919
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Willingen,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215 Tapedeck - Frisch Revidiert - Guter ZustandZu Verkaufen ist ein Revox Tapedeck B215. Das Gerät war im Oktober 2023 in einer Fachwerkstatt.Folgendes wurde gemacht: Wiedergabeverstärker geprüftKurzschluß beseitigtNetzteil geprüftProzessor-Stufe geprüftAufnahmeverstärker geprüftWiedergabeverstärker geprüftKlein-Elektrolytkondensatoren ausgebaut und erneuertBedienteil ausgebautKontaktmatte ausgebaut und erneuertPrintkontakte gereinigtBeleuchtung instandgesetztLampe/n erneuertLaufwerk ausgebaut und zerlegtKontaktschalter gereinigt,Andruckrolle ausgebaut und erneuertTonköpfe und Bandführungen gereinigtCapstanwelle und Andruckrolle gereinigtTonköpfe und Bandführung entmagnetisiertGeschwindigkeit überprüft/eingestelltGleichlaufschwankung nach DIN geprüftWiedergabepegel/EE-Pegel überprüft/eingestelltAufnahmepegel überprüft/eingestelltVormagnetisierung überprüft/eingestelltService-Arbeiten durchgeführt,Funktionskontrolle und Probelauf durchgeführt Sicherheitstest nach VDE 0701 durchgeführt- Messung Isolationswiderstand & Ersatzableitstrom- Messprotokoll erstellt Die einzelnen Ersatzteile die erneuert wurden sind auf der Rechnung aufgelistetund die ausgebauten liegen dem Gerät separat bei. Das Gerät hat also 12 Monate Gewährleistung (ab 18.10.2023) Für weitere Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

Revox B215 High-End Vintage Tapedeck Top Zustand

End: 04.12. 2023 21:47:49 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1050.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 395032461692
  • Seller: kriskov-96 (49|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oetz Österreich
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Revox B215  High-End Vintage Tapedeck Top ZustandVoll funktionsfähig und vor einem Monat komplett renoviert. - complete mechanics disassembled and assembled- complete mechanics cleaning and lubricating- rollers torque fine settings- Capstain axis cleaning and rubricating- change: power supply capacitor, Tantals and standby relay- After the finish audio controll and fine tuning Hier und da ein paar Kratzer, aber kein großer SchadenVersand nur EU, 2-3 Tage.

REVOX B215 High End Kassettendeck Seriennummer:011984 Leicht Defekt

End: 27.11. 2023 10:18:41 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 899.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 23:48:21
  • Item number: 355141190789
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Berlin,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 6,95 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    REVOX B215 High End Kassettendeck Seriennummer:011984 Leicht DefektREVOX B215 High End Kassettendeck Seriennummer:011984 Leicht Defekt Optisch in sehr guter Zustand Technisch Fehlerhaft Artikelbeschreibung: ..rare Tonbandgerät .Original STUDER REVOX B215 Vintage Kassettendeck Sie bieten hier nuf auf ReVox B215 Kassettendeck Allgemein Hersteller: Revox Modell: B 215 Typ: Kassetten Deck Baujahre: 1979 - 1984 Hergestellt in: Schweiz Farbe: Grau/Aluminium Leistungsaufnahme: max. 30 W Abmessungen: 449 x 142 x 395 mm (BxHxT, Haube geschlossen) Gewicht: 9,1 kg Tehnichedaten: Zustand: Die Maschine ist optisch bis auf kleine Balken im linken, dem Display in einem guten Zustand wie auf den Bildern zu sehen und technisch funktioniert aber nicht einwandfrei, beim Einlegen der Kassette muss richtig gedruckt werden, dann funktioniert.Deshalb wird als leicht defekt verkauf Lieferumfanfg: REVOX B215 kassettendeck Original Stromkabel International Bidders Worldwide Welcome. Buyer pays actual postage-costs. For international bidders: Shipping costs with registered letter to Netherlands,Belgium,France, Austria, Danmark,Sweden,UK are EUR 14 Other countries please ask for shipping costs. Communication is possible in German, English or Dutch! Please ask before bidding about Payment . Viel Spaß beim Kaufen