rel g1 (9) |
ralic (9) |
rl 922 k (14) |
rel g2 (18) |
rel q400e (27) |
rel s3 sho (27) |
End: 10.09. 2023 19:52:30 on Sunday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 96.25 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175890271500
- Seller: tubesradios (4831|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 14,98 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 05.09. 2023 18:43:37 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 74.31 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175888852416
- Seller: tubesradios (4805|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 14,92 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
Relco Audio Mantis - Highend Lautsprecher - Magnetostaten
End: 26.08. 2023 15:32:59 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1499.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 275912877345
- Seller: bonulli (3549|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Dortmund
- Ships to: None
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Im Kundenauftrag bieten wir ein Paar erstklassige Highend Magnetostaten aus der italienischen Lautsprechermanufaktur Relco Audio. Diese phantastisch klingenden Schallwandler mit der Modellbezeichnung Mantis sind exzellent verarbeitet und optisch echte Hingucker in ihrem schwarzen Hochglanzanzug. Das 2-Wege Hybrid-System hat eine Impedanz von 4 Ohm und einen Wirkungsgrad von 86dB. Die Maße betragen: 160 x 30 x 25 (gemessen am Unterteil). Gewicht 35kg Im Gegensatz zu den meisten unserer Angebote bieten wir dieses Paar Lautsprecher im Kundenauftrag zum Verkauf. D.h. unter Ausschluss der Gewährleistung. Die Boxen sind selbstverständlich funktionsfähig und befinden sich auch optisch in gutem Gebrauchtzustand. Der Käufer hat selbstverständlich ein 14-tagiges Rückgaberecht. Bei sofortigem Nichtgefallen im Geschäft müssen sie natürlich gar nicht erst mitgenommen und natürlich auch nicht bezahlt werden! Angebotsumfang: Nur die Lautsprecher ohne weiteres Zubehör Fragen beantworten wir gern. Wir nehmen übrigens auch Geräte in Zahlung. Auf Anfrage machen wir Ihnen gerne ein entsprechendes Angebot. Bitte schauen Sie auch einmal in unseren Ebay-Shop Hifi-Dortmund. Dort finden Sie in der Regel zahlreiche interessante Angebote aus den Bereichen Hifi und High End Hifi. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass wir diesen Artikel keinesfalls versenden werden. Das Gerät eignet sich aufgrund der Beschaffenheit und/oder des Gewichts nicht zum Versand. Das heißt, er muß in unserem Geschäft in Dortmund abgeholt werden. Bitte bedenken Sie das auch bei etwaigen Rückgaben. Wenn Sie das nicht können oder wollen, bitten wir Sie, vom Kauf abstand zu nehmen. Daher eher etwas für Interessenten aus der Region. Vorbesichtigung und Probehören gerne vorab möglich. KEIN VERSAND! NO SHIPPING!! Grundsätzlicher Hinweis zu unseren Angeboten! Wir sind niemals Erstbesitzer und können daher praktisch kaum eine lückenlose Historie garantieren. Auch können wir nicht garantieren, ob sich die Geräte noch im Originalzustand befinden. Wir sind da auch meistens auf die Angaben der Vorbesitzer angewiesen, die wir dann unsererseits, wenn keine Anhaltspunkte zum Zweifel erkennbar sind, unverändert weitergeben. Die Zustandsbeschreibung ist stets eine subjektive, die unsere Einschätzung wiedergibt. Das es zu unterschiedlichen Einschätzungen kommen kann ist natürlich möglich. Fast immer handelt es sich um Gebrauchtgeräte und nicht um unberührte Neuware. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass wir nachträglich nicht in Preisverhandlungen eintreten werden, weil dem Käufer der Artikel nicht zusagt. Wenn das Gerät nicht den Erwartungen entsprechen sollte, kann der Käufer das Gerät im Rahmen des Rückgaberechts wieder retournieren. Auch bitten wir zu beachten, dass bei älteren Geräten die 10, 20 oder mehr Jahre alt sind stets altersbedingt Bauteile ausfallen können. Zudem können wir nie garantieren, dass die Geräte wie am ersten Tag spielen. Auch hier kann es die ein oder andere Alterserscheinung von Bauteilen geben. Weiter können bereits Bauteile in der Vergangenheit gewechselt worden sein. Wenn nicht ausdrücklich anders erwähnt, werden alle unsere Verkäufe gem §25a UStG vorgenommen, so dass keine MwSt ausgewiesen werden kann. Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr: 14:30 - 18:30 Uhr und Sa: 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr
End: 02.08. 2023 10:08:05 on Wednesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 89.43 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 186005679030
- Seller: tubesradios (4736|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 35,42 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 18.07. 2023 11:18:03 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 91.29 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 185975259800
- Seller: tubesradios (4703|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 24,37 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 30.06. 2023 09:05:05 on Friday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 94.69 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 185959588981
- Seller: tubesradios (4681|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 24,35 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 26.06. 2023 13:13:56 on Monday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 110.32 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 185958505413
- Seller: tubesradios (4681|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 24,35 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 25.06. 2023 22:03:22 on Sunday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 103.09 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 185945671158
- Seller: tubesradios (4664|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 20,22 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 17.06. 2023 10:12:24 on Saturday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 112.48 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 185937775259
- Seller: tubesradios (4662|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 23,91 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 12.06. 2023 09:07:35 on Monday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 102.92 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175757190613
- Seller: tubesradios (4653|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 20,75 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 04.06. 2023 10:55:59 on Sunday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 158.32 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175750525767
- Seller: tubesradios (4648|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 23,96 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 30.05. 2023 12:30:33 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 151.4 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175741398018
- Seller: tubesradios (4563|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 22,83 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 23.05. 2023 13:13:34 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 150.4 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 185908024408
- Seller: tubesradios (4552|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 24,57 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
End: 21.05. 2023 21:38:30 on Sunday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 150.8 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 175733266734
- Seller: tubesradios (4546|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Morriston, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 20,78 EUR
- on EBAY
** PERFECT BALANCED PLATES!! *** *SUPER* Rare MULLARD ENGLAND MADE (RELCO Labeled) 5692 6SN7 6SN7GT Tube Tested very well Audio Tube AMP Amplifier TV-7/u Tested STRONG!! Priced to sell! Good MEASUREMENTS across all 6 Tv-7/u Tube testers!!!! Tested to be in guaranteed working conditionI tested these on a High Quality Professonal Military Calibrated Hickok TV-7/U Testers: TUBEs TEST RESULTs: TUBE: 100/98 - {Minimum Rating of 50/50 for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.} *** I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COSTs ON MY ITEMS FOR SALE - SAVE BIG $$ !!! If you have Questions or Comments contact me on eBay Check out the photos! TESTED WITH a (TV-7/U) FOR GAS, SHORTS, AND MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE AND ARE MOSTLY STRONG TUBES! I Combine ShippingBefore You Pay. I accept PayPal and Postal M O.Please see click to enlarge photos for condition and quality.Check out My Other Items For Sale!WILL BE SHIPPED OUT FAST! Before bidding please read my shipping and return policy. I WILL COMBINE SHIPPING COST ON MY ITEMS!!! NOTE: International buyers - THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SHIPPING FEES. INTERNATIONAL BIDS WELCOME. I WONT CHANGE DECLARED VALUE ON CUSTOM FORMS AND INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES, CUSTOM FEES, and additional shipping fees. ANY RETURN WILL BE ACCEPTED BUT BUYER WILL PAY SHIPPING FEES AND I WILL NOT REFUND ANY SHIPPING FEES.*TESTED ON Calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U*{Minimum Ratings for TV-7 Testers are equal to 65% of average new ratings.}ALL tubes will be ran through a Daniel Nelson calibrated HICKOK TV-7 B/U for a full mutual conductance test. This is a world class tester that is calibrated by the Hickok doctor. Its test results are dead on and you can buy with confidence. If you want to know what the exact Gm rating of the tube is please message me. My Return Policy: Will not accept returns for reasons such as ordered the wrong item, change mind, not what I thought It was, wrong color ordered, item ordered.
Travel Carrying Bag for Phi-lips No-relco One-Blade Hybrid Electric Trimmer
End: 03.09. 2021 12:53:34 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 6.9 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 402992143419
- Counter: 15
- Seller: xiaozh_2210 (1545|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Shen Zhen
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,07 EUR
- on EBAY
Hard Case for Phi-lips No-relco One-Blade Travel Carrying Storage Protective Bag
End: 30.08. 2021 11:31:42 on Monday
- Condition: New
- Price: 6.7 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 402978713148
- Counter: 17
- Seller: jhwx5143 (1065|97.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Shen Zhen
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,07 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 09.08. 2021 07:37:15 on Monday
- Condition: New
- Price: 13.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 183477453494
- Counter: 666
- Seller: naturi1 (7058|99.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: corato
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 12,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Vacuum Tube RELCO 322A - UNTESTED
End: 03.06. 2021 14:51:46 on Thursday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 2.38 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 233922238617
- Counter: 162
- Seller: mbpa1 (804|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Cape Coral, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 23,72 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 26.05. 2021 00:16:17 on Wednesday
- Condition: New
- Price: 20.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 124730826798
- Counter: 6
- Bids: 0
- Seller: montefior5 (85|85.7%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Grottaglie
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 20,0 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 14.05. 2021 23:42:20 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 20.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 124714432200
- Counter: 16
- Bids: 0
- Seller: montefior5 (85|85.7%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Grottaglie
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 4,9 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 14.05. 2021 11:55:50 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 39.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 111797157356
- Counter: 5420
- Seller: elettrohome (4202|98.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Este, PD
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 01.04. 2021 15:25:58 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 4.56 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 323873758777
- Counter: 526
- Seller: rfelettricasrl (1991|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Aprilia (LT)
- Ships to: Europe
- Shipping: 12,9 EUR
- on EBAY
Vacuum Tube RELCO 322A - UNTESTED
End: 07.03. 2021 06:28:12 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 2.51 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 233907739629
- Counter: 33
- Bids: 0
- Seller: mbpa1 (702|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Cape Coral, Florida
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 23,3 EUR
- on EBAY
Relco Dimmer regolatore luce Bticino Living International e Light art. RT34DSL
End: 05.03. 2021 23:02:44 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 25.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 393159683607
- Counter: 12
- Bids: 1
- Seller: lucu-9655 (35|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Suello
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
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