pro.2 v-30 (14) |
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pro pa1000 (30) |
prp 5 (68) |
pure bp 55 (80) |
Purifi Audio 1ET400A + Hypex Hypex SMPS1200A400 Power Amp HiFi Verstärker DIY
End: 15.02. 2025 19:05:19 on Saturday
NAD C298 HybridDigital™ Purifi Eigentakt™ End-Verstärker
End: 13.02. 2025 13:55:02 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1599.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 146302618236
- Seller: kibbuznik (53|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Chemnitz
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 18,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Kaufdatum: 13.01.23. Kaufpreis 2.199 €. Optisch und technisch einwandfreier Zustand, OVP.Technische Features: HybridDigital™ Purifi Eigentakt™ Verstärker: Die neue Generation NAD blickt auf eine beeindruckende Geschichte innovativer Verstärkertechnologien zurück. Der Durchbruch kam 2020 mit dem NAD M33, einem High-End Streaming-Vollverstärker mit der revolutionären Purifi Eigentakt™-Technologie. Diese Innovation wurde prompt mit dem EISA-Award 2020/21 ausgezeichnet. Mit der Stereo-Endstufe C 298 macht NAD diese Spitzentechnologie nun erschwinglich. In Kombination mit dem BluOS-Streaming-Vorverstärker C 658 entsteht ein leistungsstarkes System für höchste Klangansprüche. Das dänische Unternehmen Purifi, gegründet von führenden HiFi-Entwicklern, hat die digitale Verstärkertechnik neu gedacht. Ihre Eigentakt™-Technologie wird exklusiv von NAD lizenziert und wurde erstmals im M33 eingesetzt. Die technischen Daten sprechen für sich: minimale Verzerrungen, ein außergewöhnlich niedriger Klirrfaktor von 0,005% und kaum messbares Eigenrauschen. Ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg war die Lösung des Hysterese-Problems in den Ausgangsfiltern. Durch innovative Schaltungstechnik und intelligente Algorithmen wurde dieser Memory-Effekt praktisch eliminiert. Die Endstufen zeigen sich dabei unempfindlich gegenüber verschiedenen Lautsprecherlasten und liefern dank niedriger Ausgangsimpedanz einen präzisen, kontrollierten Bass.Kraftvolle Performance NAD setzt konsequent auf moderne Schaltnetzteile und Class-D-Technologie statt auf konventionelle Class-AB-Verstärker. Dies ermöglicht eine deutlich effizientere und linearere Leistungsabgabe. Die C 298 beeindruckt mit 2 x 340 Watt Dauerleistung (4 Ohm) und Spitzenleistungen bis zu 2 x 570 Watt (2 Ohm). Die Power-Drive-Technologie nutzt das volle Potential für maximale Dynamik bei minimalen Verzerrungen. Das hochwertige Netzteil garantiert dabei eine stabile, störungsfreie Stromversorgung. NAD setzt in seinen aktuellen Verstärkern auf moderne Schaltnetzteile und Class-D-Endstufen, die deutlich effizienter arbeiten als herkömmliche lineare Netzteile und Class-AB-Verstärker. Diese innovative Technologie gewährleistet eine lineare Leistungsabgabe über ein breites Frequenzspektrum und passt sich optimal an verschiedene Lautsprecherlasten an - ein bedeutender technologischer Fortschritt. Die C 298 glänzt mit beeindruckenden Leistungswerten: Eine Dauerleistung von 2 x 340 Watt (4 ?) und Spitzenleistungen bis zu 2 x 570 Watt (2 ?) stehen zur Verfügung. Dank der ausgeklügelten Power-Drive-Technologie wird jedes Watt optimal für maximale Dynamik genutzt, ohne dabei Kompromisse bei der Klangqualität einzugehen. Das leistungsfähige Netzteil sorgt durchgehend für eine stabile und störungsfreie Energieversorgung der Verstärkerstufen.HAUPTMERKMALELeistung & TechnologieHybridDigital Purifi Eigentakt VerstärkerTMTMDauerausgangsleistung: 2 x 185 W an 8 ?, 2 x 340 W an 4 ?Impulsleistung: 2 x 260 W / 2 x 490 W / 2 x 570 W (an 8/4/2 ?)Impulsleistung in Brückenschaltung: 1.000 W an 8 ?, 1.100 W an 4 ?Anschlüssesymmetrische XLR-Eingängevergoldete Cinch-EingängeHochpegelausgang zum Durchschleifen des Audiosignals an weitere EndstufenEin- und Ausgänge für 12 V-Trigger-SignaleEin- und Ausgänge für IRErdungsklemmeSeparates NetzkabelEinstellungen einstellbarer Eingangspegel justierbare Empfindlichkeit für automatische Einschaltung Separates NetzkabelFlexible Einsatzmöglichkeiten Die C 298 ist als vielseitige Stereo-Endstufe konzipiert. Mit symmetrischen Eingängen eignet sie sich für Studio- und High-End-Anwendungen. Die variable Eingangsempfindlichkeit und der Hochpegel-Vorverstärkerausgang ermöglichen die Integration mit weiteren Verstärkern und Aktivlautsprechern. Eine regelbare Einschaltautomatik und Erdungsklemme optimieren den Betrieb in komplexen Systemen. Im Brückenbetrieb wird die C 298 zum leistungsstarken Monoblock-Verstärker, ideal für spätere Systemerweiterungen.Grundlegende Voraussetzungen NAD legt besonderen Wert auf die technischen Grundlagen: rauscharme Schaltungen, präzise Kanalbalance, optimale Impedanz-Charakteristika und stabile Verstärkung bei allen Lasten - Aspekte, die viele moderne Produkte vermissen lassen. Die Hochpegel-Eingänge (XLR und Cinch) bieten dank idealer Eingangsimpedanz und rauscharmer Pufferverstärker beste Voraussetzungen für alle analogen Audioquellen.
2x Purifi PTT4.0X04-NAC-04 & 4x Passiv Radiator
End: 31.01. 2025 23:14:05 on Friday
Buckeye Audio - PURIFI 1ET7040SA Monoblocks, v2 (PAIR) - 500 WPC@4ohms (950@2)
End: 16.01. 2025 17:10:59 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1141.93 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 205226625693
- Seller: jlopes89 (542|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Willington, Connecticut
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Eight month old 1ET7040SA monoblock offering. INCLUDES the upgraded Micro Audio SMPS1k-PFCR2 power supply (which allows the 7040SA monoblock to reach full rated output power). This orffering is for the pair.Competitors like Apollon offers a monoblock at 1100 Euros, VTV $1090, March Audio $1538. Double those prices for a pair.The 1ET7040SA shines for those with sub 4 ohm speaker loads (40A peak current capability vs. 25A peak of the 1ET400A). The Purifi 1ET7040SA is capable of up to 950w of power while maintaining extremely low distortion and noise floor levels.With its completely flat frequency response and ultra high-power output, a pair of our Purifi 1ET7040SAs are a top tier choice for those with critical 2ch listening setups that utilize extremely hard to drive speakers, allowing for users to hear the source material as it should be without any added distortion or coloring of the sound.Power950 watts @ 2 ohm500 watts @ 4 ohm250 watts @ 8 ohm(per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD) FidelityS/N: 129dBFR: 0 - 60KHzTHD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz)Custom I/O Board:Neutrik XLR connectorsGold plated 5-way speaker binding postsLow, Med, High Gain settingsTI OPA1612 OP AmpTI TPS7A30/49 Voltage RegulatorsAuto Sensing On/Off12v trigger On/OffMuted soft-start/shutdown (minimizes speaker “pop” when turning on and off)Clipping Indication (via front power LED)Error Indication (via front power LED)Gain Settings4 ohm - 25.5dB/2.4Vrms (High), 20.5dB/4.2Vrms (Medium), 15.5dB/7.5Vrms (Low)8 ohm - 25.5dB/2.4Vrms (High), 20.5dB/4.2Vrms (Medium), 15.5dB/7.5Vrms (Low)High input gain setting matches up with the input gain of the Hypex amplifiers, perfect for those wanting to mix Purifi amplifiers with Hypex amplifiers (such as for a home theater setup).RCA vs. XLRWhile our amplifiers use XLR inputs, it is perfectly fine (and fully supported by Purifi) for customers to use RCA to XLR cables to connect the amplifier to a source that only has RCA outputs.Please see our FAQ section for more information if necessary.Specifications:(1) Purifi 1ET7040SA module(1) Micro Audio SMPS1K-PFCR2High Input Impedance: 51KUltra High Damping FactorUltra High 40A Output CurrentPower Efficiency = 94%All aluminum case w/black powder coat finish10 wide x 13.5 deep x 3.5 high, 8lbsIncludes:generic power cord
Purifi PTT 6.5M 08-NFA-01
End: 03.01. 2025 05:01:43 on Friday
Buckeye Audio - PURIFI 1ET7040SA Monoblocks, v2 (PAIR) - 500 WPC@4ohms (950@2)
End: 20.12. 2024 18:26:07 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1164.94 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 205174719912
- Seller: jlopes89 (541|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Willington, Connecticut
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Eight month old 1ET7040SA monoblock offering. INCLUDES the upgraded Micro Audio SMPS1k-PFCR2 power supply (which allows the 7040SA monoblock to reach full rated output power). This orffering is for the pair.Competitors like Apollon offers a monoblock at 1100 Euros, VTV $1090, March Audio $1538. Double those prices for a pair.The 1ET7040SA shines for those with sub 4 ohm speaker loads (40A peak current capability vs. 25A peak of the 1ET400A). The Purifi 1ET7040SA is capable of up to 950w of power while maintaining extremely low distortion and noise floor levels.With its completely flat frequency response and ultra high-power output, a pair of our Purifi 1ET7040SAs are a top tier choice for those with critical 2ch listening setups that utilize extremely hard to drive speakers, allowing for users to hear the source material as it should be without any added distortion or coloring of the sound.Power950 watts @ 2 ohm500 watts @ 4 ohm250 watts @ 8 ohm(per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD) FidelityS/N: 129dBFR: 0 - 60KHzTHD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz)Custom I/O Board:Neutrik XLR connectorsGold plated 5-way speaker binding postsLow, Med, High Gain settingsTI OPA1612 OP AmpTI TPS7A30/49 Voltage RegulatorsAuto Sensing On/Off12v trigger On/OffMuted soft-start/shutdown (minimizes speaker “pop” when turning on and off)Clipping Indication (via front power LED)Error Indication (via front power LED)Gain Settings4 ohm - 25.5dB/2.4Vrms (High), 20.5dB/4.2Vrms (Medium), 15.5dB/7.5Vrms (Low)8 ohm - 25.5dB/2.4Vrms (High), 20.5dB/4.2Vrms (Medium), 15.5dB/7.5Vrms (Low)High input gain setting matches up with the input gain of the Hypex amplifiers, perfect for those wanting to mix Purifi amplifiers with Hypex amplifiers (such as for a home theater setup).RCA vs. XLRWhile our amplifiers use XLR inputs, it is perfectly fine (and fully supported by Purifi) for customers to use RCA to XLR cables to connect the amplifier to a source that only has RCA outputs.Please see our FAQ section for more information if necessary.Specifications:(1) Purifi 1ET7040SA module(1) Micro Audio SMPS1K-PFCR2High Input Impedance: 51KUltra High Damping FactorUltra High 40A Output CurrentPower Efficiency = 94%All aluminum case w/black powder coat finish10 wide x 13.5 deep x 3.5 high, 8lbsIncludes:generic power cord
Audiophonics Purifi Amplifier HPA S400ET Stereo 1ET400A 2x400W 4 Ohm
End: 22.11. 2024 04:30:12 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1193.43 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 135368911017
- Seller: 8273george (131|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Forest Hills, New York
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This is manufactured in France but runs on either 110 volts of 230v using a toggle switch. Please read the reviews (audio science review) which are quite amazing. One of the best implementations of the purifi engeltakt modules delivering extremely low noise and clarity. The audiophonics buffer adds a touch of warmth to the powerful and rich sound of the amplifier. You have options of setting the gain and defeating the buffer. Comes with original box and I am the first owner.
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono
End: 17.11. 2024 19:13:44 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1617.97 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176687203677
- Seller: denosaur_22 (158|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Billings, Montana
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono MSRP: $2,569.00 VTV AMPLIFIER-HIGH POWER MODULE: Purifi 1ET-7040SA-Dual Mono-TWO POWER SUPPLIES: Hypex SMPS1200A400 (this is the power supply used by Purifi to demo their modules)-CUSTOM INPUT BUFFER: PR Weiss OP2-BA Opamp-BINDING POSTS: SPEAKON-CASE: Custom Design, Aluminum with Blue LED Pilot (LED may be dimmed or shut-off by switch)-Fully Balanced Design-EMI/RFI Filtered AC Inlet-MOGAMI Input Wiring Standard-Silver-Coated Speaker Output Wiring with TFE Jacket-DIMENSIONS – Width: 19? x Depth: 20? x Height: 3.75” (dimensions do not including speaker posts), Weight: 32 lbs POWER RATING (per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD)-950 watts @ 2 ohm-500 watts @ 4 ohm-250 watts @ 8 ohm FIDELITY-Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 129dB-Frequency Response: 0 - 60KHz-THD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz) ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOriginal purchase is from VTV Amplifier on August 22, 2021 as a dual monoblock with the 1ET-400A modules. I sent this unit back to VTV Amplifier on May 7, 2022 to upgrade to the 1ET-7040SA modules. With instruction from VTV Amplifier, I did install a standard PC jumper onto JP1 that is located on the input buffer board to increase the gain to 14db as our speakers are extremely sensitive and require the gain. If you do not need this additional gain, you can remove the jumpers. At your request, I can provide the original proof of purchase and receipts to include the upgrade.
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono
End: 17.11. 2024 02:54:23 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1609.32 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176664612964
- Seller: denosaur_22 (158|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Billings, Montana
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono MSRP: $2,569.00 VTV AMPLIFIER-HIGH POWER MODULE: Purifi 1ET-7040SA-Dual Mono-TWO POWER SUPPLIES: Hypex SMPS1200A400 (this is the power supply used by Purifi to demo their modules)-CUSTOM INPUT BUFFER: PR Weiss OP2-BA Opamp-BINDING POSTS: SPEAKON-CASE: Custom Design, Aluminum with Blue LED Pilot (LED may be dimmed or shut-off by switch)-Fully Balanced Design-EMI/RFI Filtered AC Inlet-MOGAMI Input Wiring Standard-Silver-Coated Speaker Output Wiring with TFE Jacket-DIMENSIONS – Width: 19? x Depth: 20? x Height: 3.75” (dimensions do not including speaker posts), Weight: 32 lbs POWER RATING (per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD)-950 watts @ 2 ohm-500 watts @ 4 ohm-250 watts @ 8 ohm FIDELITY-Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 129dB-Frequency Response: 0 - 60KHz-THD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz) ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOriginal purchase is from VTV Amplifier on August 22, 2021 as a dual monoblock with the 1ET-400A modules. I sent this unit back to VTV Amplifier on May 7, 2022 to upgrade to the 1ET-7040SA modules. With instruction from VTV Amplifier, I did install a standard PC jumper onto JP1 that is located on the input buffer board to increase the gain to 14db as our speakers are extremely sensitive and require the gain. If you do not need this additional gain, you can remove the jumpers. At your request, I can provide the original proof of purchase and receipts to include the upgrade.
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono
End: 05.11. 2024 04:41:01 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1511.36 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176653904832
- Bids: 0
- Seller: denosaur_22 (158|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Billings, Montana
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono MSRP: $2,569.00 VTV AMPLIFIER-HIGH POWER MODULE: Purifi 1ET-7040SA-Dual Mono-TWO POWER SUPPLIES: Hypex SMPS1200A400 (this is the power supply used by Purifi to demo their modules)-CUSTOM INPUT BUFFER: PR Weiss OP2-BA Opamp-BINDING POSTS: SPEAKON-CASE: Custom Design, Aluminum with Blue LED Pilot (LED may be dimmed or shut-off by switch)-Fully Balanced Design-EMI/RFI Filtered AC Inlet-MOGAMI Input Wiring Standard-Silver-Coated Speaker Output Wiring with TFE Jacket-DIMENSIONS – Width: 19? x Depth: 20? x Height: 3.75” (dimensions do not including speaker posts), Weight: 32 lbs POWER RATING (per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD)-950 watts @ 2 ohm-500 watts @ 4 ohm-250 watts @ 8 ohm FIDELITY-Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 129dB-Frequency Response: 0 - 60KHz-THD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz) ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOriginal purchase is from VTV Amplifier on August 22, 2021 as a dual monoblock with the 1ET-400A modules. I sent this unit back to VTV Amplifier on May 7, 2022 to upgrade to the 1ET-7040SA modules. With instruction from VTV Amplifier, I did install a standard PC jumper onto JP1 that is located on the input buffer board to increase the gain to 14db as our speakers are extremely sensitive and require the gain. If you do not need this additional gain, you can remove the jumpers. At your request, I can provide the original proof of purchase and receipts to include the upgrade.
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono
End: 30.10. 2024 00:00:29 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1488.51 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176637840348
- Bids: 0
- Seller: denosaur_22 (158|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Billings, Montana
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono MSRP: $2,569.00 VTV AMPLIFIER-HIGH POWER MODULE: Purifi 1ET-7040SA-Dual Mono-TWO POWER SUPPLIES: Hypex SMPS1200A400 (this is the power supply used by Purifi to demo their modules)-CUSTOM INPUT BUFFER: PR Weiss OP2-BA Opamp-BINDING POSTS: SPEAKON-CASE: Custom Design, Aluminum with Blue LED Pilot (LED may be dimmed or shut-off by switch)-Fully Balanced Design-EMI/RFI Filtered AC Inlet-MOGAMI Input Wiring Standard-Silver-Coated Speaker Output Wiring with TFE Jacket-DIMENSIONS – Width: 19? x Depth: 20? x Height: 3.75” (dimensions do not including speaker posts), Weight: 32 lbs POWER RATING (per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD)-950 watts @ 2 ohm-500 watts @ 4 ohm-250 watts @ 8 ohm FIDELITY-Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 129dB-Frequency Response: 0 - 60KHz-THD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz) ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOriginal purchase is from VTV Amplifier on August 22, 2021 as a dual monoblock with the 1ET-400A modules. I sent this unit back to VTV Amplifier on May 7, 2022 to upgrade to the 1ET-7040SA modules. With instruction from VTV Amplifier, I did install a standard PC jumper onto JP1 that is located on the input buffer board to increase the gain to 14db as our speakers are extremely sensitive and require the gain. If you do not need this additional gain, you can remove the jumpers. At your request, I can provide the original proof of purchase and receipts to include the upgrade.
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono
End: 20.10. 2024 00:00:01 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1474.79 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176598036133
- Bids: 0
- Seller: denosaur_22 (158|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Billings, Montana
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono MSRP: $2,569.00 VTV AMPLIFIER-HIGH POWER MODULE: Purifi 1ET-7040SA-Dual Mono-TWO POWER SUPPLIES: Hypex SMPS1200A400 (this is the power supply used by Purifi to demo their modules)-CUSTOM INPUT BUFFER: PR Weiss OP2-BA Opamp-BINDING POSTS: SPEAKON-CASE: Custom Design, Aluminum with Blue LED Pilot (LED may be dimmed or shut-off by switch)-Fully Balanced Design-EMI/RFI Filtered AC Inlet-MOGAMI Input Wiring Standard-Silver-Coated Speaker Output Wiring with TFE Jacket-DIMENSIONS – Width: 19? x Depth: 20? x Height: 3.75” (dimensions do not including speaker posts), Weight: 32 lbs POWER RATING (per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD)-950 watts @ 2 ohm-500 watts @ 4 ohm-250 watts @ 8 ohm FIDELITY-Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 129dB-Frequency Response: 0 - 60KHz-THD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz) ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOriginal purchase is from VTV Amplifier on August 22, 2021 as a dual monoblock with the 1ET-400A modules. I sent this unit back to VTV Amplifier on May 7, 2022 to upgrade to the 1ET-7040SA modules. With instruction from VTV Amplifier, I did install a standard PC jumper onto JP1 that is located on the input buffer board to increase the gain to 14db as our speakers are extremely sensitive and require the gain. If you do not need this additional gain, you can remove the jumpers. At your request, I can provide the original proof of purchase and receipts to include the upgrade.
NAD Electronics C 298 Stereo Amplifier (Purifi Technology)
End: 11.10. 2024 20:20:09 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1084.8 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 126709549868
- Bids: 4
- Seller: tkbuffalo1969 (73|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Ashburn, Virginia
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This amplifier with Purifi technology is in perfect condition. It has lived in my theater room, in my smoke free house since I purchased it new about 7 months ago. Only selling, because Im giving their Masters series a try. Not sure its worth it, but this hobby is an endless pit of $$$ :-). It will ship with any accessories that it came with and in its original packaging.
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono
End: 26.09. 2024 21:35:41 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1707.43 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176587503883
- Bids: 0
- Seller: denosaur_22 (158|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Billings, Montana
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
VTV Amplifier - Purifi 1ET-7040SA Dual Mono MSRP: $2,569.00 VTV AMPLIFIER-HIGH POWER MODULE: Purifi 1ET-7040SA-Dual Mono-TWO POWER SUPPLIES: Hypex SMPS1200A400 (this is the power supply used by Purifi to demo their modules)-CUSTOM INPUT BUFFER: PR Weiss OP2-BA Opamp-BINDING POSTS: SPEAKON-CASE: Custom Design, Aluminum with Blue LED Pilot (LED may be dimmed or shut-off by switch)-Fully Balanced Design-EMI/RFI Filtered AC Inlet-MOGAMI Input Wiring Standard-Silver-Coated Speaker Output Wiring with TFE Jacket-DIMENSIONS – Width: 19? x Depth: 20? x Height: 3.75” (dimensions do not including speaker posts), Weight: 32 lbs POWER RATING (per channel, 1kHz, 1% THD)-950 watts @ 2 ohm-500 watts @ 4 ohm-250 watts @ 8 ohm FIDELITY-Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 129dB-Frequency Response: 0 - 60KHz-THD: 0.0008% (200W, 4?, 20Hz-20kHz) ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOriginal purchase is from VTV Amplifier on August 22, 2021 as a dual monoblock with the 1ET-400A modules. I sent this unit back to VTV Amplifier on May 7, 2022 to upgrade to the 1ET-7040SA modules. With instruction from VTV Amplifier, I did install a standard PC jumper onto JP1 that is located on the input buffer board to increase the gain to 14db as our speakers are extremely sensitive and require the gain. If you do not need this additional gain, you can remove the jumpers. At your request, I can provide the original proof of purchase and receipts to include the upgrade.
End: 19.08. 2024 21:33:27 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 451.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 156335501565
- Seller: rbreakal (336|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Chester, Virginia
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Purifi PTT6.5 WO4-01B Woofer Pair 4 Ohm Guaranteed to perform flawlessly, never used solder on these. They were used in a four-way system in a limited range from 125 hz to 600 Hertz. Comes with original boxes. Read the reviews, these are the best 6 1/2 woofers currently available with a frequency response up to 4,000 Hz. The drivers are used inhigh-end active speakers like Buchardt and the Lyngdorf Cue 100s. Retail price is $439 each. Asking $500.00 for the pair. Description This 6.5 is a member of theultra low distortion woofer familyfrom PURIFI. Compared to the renowned PTT6.5X family, the W-version has higher sensitivity and is well suited for applications that doesnt require extended excursion. The driver incorporates theeasily recognizable PURIFI NeutralSurround suspension and ultra-linear motor system PURIFI PureDrive technology working in concert to elevate performance to a whole new level despite of its compact size. The PTT6.5W04-NFA-01features: Vibroacoustic optimized cone and dust cap inproprietary paper fiber mix Negligible Force Factor Modulation (FFM) and Surround Radiation Distortion (SRD) Ultra Low Magnetic Hysteresis Distortion (MHD) Best mix of volume displacement and midrange efficiency Uncompromised midrange performance Designed and manufactured in Denmark
Apollon Audio PET950 2x950Watt Amplifier Purifi 1ET7040SA Weiss OP2BP UVP 5340€
End: 19.07. 2024 06:53:03 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 4990.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276020601657
- Seller: md-sound_de (52217|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Karsbach – Weyersfeld
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
eBay Shop Bewertungsprofil Weitere Auktionen MichSeite Apollon Audio PET950 Dual Mono Amplifier Piano-Black Stereo-Verstärker | Auspackware, sehr gut Artikelnummer: 23866-N1V EAN: nicht zutreffend Hersteller: Apollon Herstellernummer: Nicht zutreffend Marke: Apollon Produktart: Endstufe Modell: PET950 Anzahl der Kanäle: 2 Beschreibung Auspackware, in sehr gutem Zustand Apollon Audio PET950 Premium Dual Mono Amplifier Purifi 1ET7040SA based amplifier Powerful • Musical • Detailed Leistung: 950Watt an 2 Ohm 500 Watt an 4 Ohm 250 Watt an 8 Ohm Dieser Artikel befindet sich in folgender Konfiguration am Lager. Hypex SMPS1200A400 (2 pcs.) Apollon Audio PET Input Buffer Board with Weiss OP2-BP op amps Linear Power supply Purifi 1ET7040SA Eigentakt amplifier (2 pcs.) Apollon Control Board für die Standby-Steuerung Neutrik versilberte XLR Line-Eingangsbuchse (2 Stk.) Vergoldeter RCA-Eingang mit Wahlschalter WBT 0703 CU Anschlussklemmen (4 Stück) Neotech UP-OCC 12AWG Solid Copper und 12V Trigger zum Aufwecken aus dem Standby Hochwertige Furutech FI-06 Netzeingangsbuchse Aluminium-Gehäuse mit silbernen vibrationsdämpfenden Aluminium-Füßen Dimmbare Front LED Vorteile: Crystal-Clear Sound: Discover breathtaking clarity and precision in your audio, revealing every detail of your favorite tracks and movies. Dual Mono Design: The Apollon Audio PET950 Premium dual mono configuration ensures independent power supplies for left and right channels, minimising crosstalk for a wider soundstage High Power Output: With 500 watts per channel, the Apollon PET950 Premium amplifier delivers a potent punch that effortlessly drives even the most demanding speakers. Energy Efficient: Enjoy powerful performance without sacrificing energy efficiency, reducing your carbon footprint and energy bills. Studio-Grade Performance: Experience the same audio fidelity used by professionals in recording studios and concert halls. POWERFUL AND PRECISE Apollon Audio PET950 Dual Mono Amplifiers are built around the award winning PURIFI 1ET7040SA Eigentakt amplifier module. Delivering plenty of power and amazing detail for the most demanding studio or audiophile speakers with amazing clarity and brutaly honest linear sound. SPACIOUS, AIRY SOUND, ABUNDANT IN VIVID DETAIL WITH OUR CUSTOM INPUT BUFFER BOARD WITH WEISS OP2-BP The Apollon Audio PET950 Dual Mono Amplifier is exceptionally fast, uncommonly clean, and exceedingly musical with articulated, deep, tight, and powerful bass. This is how the amplifier can be described in one sentence and we have accomplished that with using a linear power supply to power the highly acclaimed Weiss OP2-BP Op Amp that is incorporated on our custom input buffer board. Benefits of the Purifi 1ET7040SA based Apollon Audio PET950 Premium Dual Mono Amplifier: Ultra Low Distortion The Apollon Audio PET950 Premium dual mono amplifier delivers exceptional performance with its ultra low distortion (THD+N – 0.0005 %) as a result of the Purifi 1ET7040SA amplifier module combined with our custom input buffer boards. Weiss OP2-BP Combined with a Linear Power Supply Linear Power Supply Custom designed linear power supply that provides power to the Op amp and modulator stage. Providing low ripple and ultra low noise power to the Weiss OP2-BP Op Amps is possible with our custom designed linear power supply with large Nichicon capacitors and Discrete Voltage Regulators that play a key role for ultra low noise and fast transient responses on our custom input buffer boards for the Purifi 1ET7040SA based amplifier. They are responsible for improved low level listening ability, far superior 3D soundstage and high frequency details. The difference is mostly noticeable at higher volumes, where the clarity remains on higher levels and with ample details and dynamics even at low listening levels. Exceptional Chassis Design The chassis is custom machined from solid aluminium. 10mm thick walls and 8mm thick lid and bottom. For improved aesthetics we have designed the chassis in such a way that there are no screws visible when you look at the amplifier as they are only on the bottom plate. The aluminium feet provide isolation and absorption from the ground plane. The chassis is executed in a very tasteful piano black color (available in pearl white, silver metallic and custom colours). It is spray painted rather than anodised since paint is a softer, more absorbent material. We also offer it in anodised finish if the client wishes. A very special feature is the backlit glass plate with the engraved Apollon mark and the large heatsink that absorbs the heat from the Purifi 1ET7040SA module and helps with keeping the amplifier module running on normal operating temperature even under high loads. Leistung: 950Watt an 2 Ohm 500 Watt an 4 Ohm 250 Watt an 8 Ohm Technische Daten Frequenzgang: 0 - 50k Hz +0/-3dB Geringe Verzerrung: THD+N - - 0,00035 % 20Hz-20kHz Hohe Eingangsimpedanz 100K Signal-Rauschabstand: 129dB Verstärkung (dB) 12,8/20,5/27,5/29 Ultrahoher Dämpfungsfaktor Hochstromausgang Max 40A Nennleistung: 450W @ 2ohm | 425W @ 4ohm | 227W @ 8ohm Gehäuse Abmessungen: 350mm Tiefe x 156mm Höhe (mit Füßen) x 450 mm Breite Gewicht: 19kg Kategorien AIV SONDERPOSTEN % Aktiv-Subwoofer Autoradios Autoradios Doppel DIN Autoradios mit Navigation Beamer / Projektoren Blu-Ray Player CD Player CD/MP3-Wechsler Centerlautsprecher DVB-T CarHifi DVD-Player und Recorder Einzelstücke Endstufen Kabel Kassettendecks Lautsprecher CarHifi Mini/-Micro Anlagen Mobile Navigation Moniceiver Moniceiver Doppel-DIN Monitore CarHifi Navigationsrechner PA-Beschallung Plasma & LCD TV Receiver HomeHifi Regallautsprecher Restposten SACD Player Sat Receiver Sonstige Standlautsprecher Subwoofer CarHifi Surroundanlagen Surround-Receiver Tuner (Radioteil) Verstärker CarHifi Vollverstärker Vorstufen Zubehör CarHifi Powered by MD Sound GmbH & Co. KG
Buckeye Amps Purifi 1ET400A 2-Channel Class D Power Amplifier
End: 14.07. 2024 01:49:43 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 782.72 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 326198454777
- Seller: dmel_189 (644|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Selling my two channel Purifi 1ET400A power amplifier from Buckeye Amps. It’s in excellent condition and works flawlessly. Letting it go because I’m making room for some new gear I have coming in. It’ll come with the original packaging and a power cord. The power specs are as follows: 225 W into 8 ohms 425 W into 4 ohms 450 W into 2 ohms
Audiophonics HPA S400-ET Purifi
End: 11.07. 2024 10:14:12 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 900.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 126570451394
- Bids: 0
- Seller: bodypowersteel (161|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Schönwalde-Glien
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
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Der Audiophonics HPA S400-ET Purifi ist ein hochwertiger HiFi-Verstärker mit einer Leistung von 2x 400 W an 4 Ohm und einer Verstärkerklasse D. Mit seinen zwei Eingängen und Kanälen bietet er eine vielseitige Nutzungsmöglichkeit. Das Modell wurde im Februar 2024 gekauft und verfügt über eine Herstellergarantie von 2 Jahren. Das Gerät kommt in Original Verpackung mit Umkarton. Rechnung sowie die Fernbedienung liegt ebenfalls mit bei. Neupreis betrug 1390€ Dieser Verstärker ist in elegantem Schwarz gehalten und wurde von der Marke Audiophonics produziert. Mit dem purifi-Modell erhalten Sie ein Produkt, das höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht wird und ein unvergleichliches Klangerlebnis bietet. TypLeistungsverstärker Leistung am Ausgang8? @1%THD: 227W 4? @1%THD : 425W 2? @1%THD : 450W THD+NPO=1W, f=1kHz 0.0007 % PO=10W, f=1kHz 0.00026 % PO=100W, f=1kHz 0.00015 % PO=1W, f=20-20kHz 0.0007 % PO=10W, f=20-20kHz 0.00029 % PO=100W, f=20-20kHz 0.00017 % IMD (CCIF)PO=1W, f=18kHz+19kHz 0.00025 % PO=10W, f=18kHz+19kHz 0.00022 % PO=100W, f=18kHz+19kHz 0.00027 % IMD (DIM)PO=1W, DIM30 0.002 % PO=10W, DIM30 0.002 % PO=100W, DIM30 0.002 % Lärm in RuheA-weighted 11.5 µV Dynamischer BereichA-weighted 4? 131 dB SNRA-weighted 4? 131 dB FrequenzgangRL= 8?, f= 20-20kHz ±0.01 dB RL= 4?, f= 20-20kHz ±0.01 dB RL= 2?, f= 20-20kHz ±0.01 dB Impedanz am Ausgang1kHz, Iout=1A 0.07 m? 20-20kHz, Iout=1A <0.65 m? Impedanz am EingangRCA: 47k? / XLR 100k? Bypass: 2.2k? / 4.4 k? Ernährung110V-230V (Auswahlschalter unter dem Gehäuse) Trigger2x Triggerstecker 5-12V auf Klinkenstecker 3.5mm Abmessungen435 x 322 x 60mm (70mm mit Füßen) Gewicht5.63 kg NetzkabelGeliefert
Audiophonics LPA-S400ET 2 Channel Power Amplifier Purifi 1ET400A Eigentakt 425 W
End: 24.06. 2024 22:54:19 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 811.62 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 326162818533
- Seller: dmel_189 (642|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I’m selling an Audiophonics two channel power amplifier. It’s in near new, excellent condition. I purchased it new from Audiophonics and have barely used it. This amp utilizes 2 Purifi 1ET400A modules. It has both RCA and XLR inputs. You can use this amplifier with both 115v and 230v power. You just need to flip a switch on the bottom of the amp. The power specs are 227 Watts into 8 ohms, 425 Watts into 4 ohms and 450 Watts into 2 ohms.
purifi 1et400a modul Verstärker endstufe class D Keimkino Hifi DIY
End: 13.05. 2024 19:18:29 on Monday
End: 31.03. 2024 13:31:33 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 3076.92 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 305483953521
- Seller: tomook-8 (867|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Tokyo
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Description of itemThank you for visiting! Our shop is 100% Authentic item. If you have any questions, please be free to ask us. Have a great shopping on ebay! Paymentwe accept payment only through ebay Managed Payment. Shipping-Japan Post: 5-20 days to arrive -DHL: 5-10 days to arrival *We will ship the item by Japan post or DHL. If you need expedited shipping, please let me know. I will ask you about extra payment. Depending on the size and weight after packing the items, The shipping method may change depending on your location. **If you live in a remote area, We might ask extra charge for intenrational shipping. Please contact us for additional charges Shipping is only available to the address registered on ebay. Please note that any address not registered in ebay is not acceptable to ship. Shipping is available from Monday to Friday. **If you live in a remote area, We might ask extra charge for intenrational shipping. Weekends are not available because post office is closed.Term of sale-Return We accept product return within 30days from delivery date but product should be in original position and not in damaged condition,the return shipping charges will be buyer responsibility. -International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.
SoundImpress PU400 Stereo Verstärker Powered By Purifi
End: 30.03. 2024 19:00:36 on Saturday
SoundImpress PU400 Stereo Verstärker Powered By Purifi
End: 30.03. 2024 19:00:23 on Saturday
Purifi 1ET400A 2 Channel Buckeye Amps Class D Power Amplifier
End: 09.03. 2024 09:43:43 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 693.29 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 285754399321
- Seller: 49vintage (47|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Larchmont, New York
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Buckeye Amps Purifi 1 ET400A class D two channel power amplifier with extremely low hours in a secondary home audio system. Mint condition. Six months old. This is a wonderful class D power amplifier with amazing tone and great dynamics coupled with either tube or solid state preamplifiers and phono preamps. 225 watts @ 8 ohms and 450 watts @ 4 ohms. Black case. S/N is 131 DB. FR: 20 to 20k HZ. THD: 0.00017 High , low and medium gain settings. XLR inputs only. I have used it per Purifi advice with RCA to XLR connecting cable. See highly positive online reviews. I really like this amp in my system but I simply have too much audio gear and have decided to let it go for someone else to enjoy. $1075 retail price. It will be carefully packed for shipping at my expense.
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