pro-ject stream box dsa (25) |
pro ject stream box ds2 (25) |
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pro-ject stream box ds (183) |
PRO-JECT Stream Box DS2 T Silber in hervorragendem Zustand und OVP
End: 18.02. 2025 09:01:34 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 251.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 126927766710
- Bids: 3
- Seller: rimbalimba (1039|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Havixbeck
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 12,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Es handelt sich um eine Pro-ject Stream Box DS2T in sehr gutem Zustand. Aufgrund einer Systemumstellung steht die Stream Box zum Verkauf. Versand ist möglich und erfolgt in der OVP samt original Zubehör. Es handelt sich um einen Privatverkauf ohne Garantie und ohne Gewährleistung oder Rücknahme unter Ausschluss der Sachmängelhaftung! Das Zubehör ist vollständig vorhanden und das Gerät wird selbstverständlich in der OVP versendet! • 24 bit/192kHz Hires Audio Streamer • WAV, AIFF, FLAC, WMA9 lossless, ALAC & AAC • FLAC Dekodierung für alle 9 Kompressionsstufen inklusive Stufe 0 (Datenrate bis etwa 9 mbit/s) • Gapless Wiedergabe aller Audioformate • Coax und optischer digital Ausgang • Suchfunktion mit schnellem Vor– und Rücklauf • Alphanumerische Suche • 3,5“ Farbdisplay zeigt Coverart und Metadaten • Vielsprachige Menütextanzeige • Wifi 802.11 b/g für echtes 24/192 per Wifi • Vollmetallgehäuse verhindert Einstreuungen • Proprietäres NetAPI für schnelle, zuverlässige Steuerung Stream box DS2 T ist ein voll ausgestatteter Audio Streaming Client mit Internet Radio, welcher es ermöglicht Musik von Netzwerk Servern wie PCs, NAS Festplatten, etc) abzuspielen welche sich in Ihrem Netzwerk befinden. Stream Box DS2 T bietet hervorragende audiophile Features. Streaming Dienste wie Spotify oder TIDAL können ebenso wie andere Streaming Anbieter, wie Deezer, Grooveshark etc können über Drittanbieter Software eingebunden werden. Superlative Audio Wiedergabe inclusive 24bit HD Musik verstehen sich als selbstverständlich, ebenso liefert Stream Box DS2 T überlegene Resultate im Bereich Verzerrungen und Geräusch Level. Navigierung erfolgt über die mitgelieferte IR Fernbedienung oder eine Upnp A. Stream Box DS2 T kommt in elegantem Aluminium Gehäuse in silber mit individuellen Vollholz-Seitenteilen.
PRO-JECT Stream Box DS2 T Schwarz gebraucht und OVP
End: 16.01. 2025 14:12:16 on Thursday
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 silber - Hires Audio Streamer 1
End: 30.12. 2024 14:42:26 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 129.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 326383530980
- Seller: 1919gartenzwerg (745|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Weyhe
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 5,49 EUR
- on EBAY
1 Stück Pro-Ject Streambox in silberbiete hier einen von meinen beiden Hi-Res-Streamern an (der 2. ist auch hier eingestellt) Ist ungefähr ein Jahr alt. Streamt Qobuz, Tidal etc. (einfach mal bei Pro-Ject nachschauen ;-) )Verkauf erfolgt wegen Systemumstellung. Zustand absolut neuwertig! Lieferumfang :1 St. Streamer mit Steckernetzteil, OVP (s.Bilder) Einfach Fotos anschauen und bei Bedarf fragen!Da es sich hierbei um einen Privatverkauf handelt ist natürlich eine Garantie bzw. Rücknahme/Umtausch ausgeschlossen. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebots wird das Einverständnis hierzu bestätigt (siehe unten). ABWICKLUNG DER AUKTION BEZAHLUNG per Überweisung, Paypal oder bei Abholung.VERSAND innerhalb Deutschlands (ausser Inseln) erfolgt als versichertes DHL-Paket. Die Kosten hierfür sind im Verkaufspreis enthalten!Der Markenname ist geschützt. Er wird hier nur verwandt, da er die Wertigkeit des Produktes charakterisiert. Nun denn! Viel Spaß ! Zu Ihrer Information und Kenntnisnahme: Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat entschieden: Rechtsverbindliche Kaufverträge können auch in einer Internet-Auktion per Mausklick erfolgen. Für Sie bedeutet dies, dass auch Sie sich unwiderruflich verpflichten die ersteigerte Ware zu dem von Ihnen hier gebotenen Auktionspreis abzunehmen! Die Rückgabe, Wandlung oder Umtausch ersteigerter Artikel ist ausgeschlossen. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung/Garantie auch bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer. Die Konsequenz aus dieser Bestimmung steht indes oftmals in keiner vernünftigen Relation zum erzielten Kaufpreis. Beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Verkaufsbedingungen: Bitte stellen Sie ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes!!! Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft, das bedeutet: mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes, erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach neuem EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten. Die Artikel werden unter Ausschluss jeglicher Haftung und Gewährleistung angeboten. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende 1-Jahres-Frist bzgl. Garantie/Gewährleistung bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten (dies ist bei Privatgeschäften auch üblich!) Ich übernehme keine Garantie. Ferner sind Sie im Gegensatz zum neuen Verbraucherschutzgesetz als Käufer damit einverstanden, keinen Gebrauch vom neuen Garantie-Gesetz zu machen. Mit Ihrer Gebotsabgabe bestätigen Sie, dass Sie auf den Umtausch, Reklamationen oder Rückgabe ausdrücklich verzichten, sich zur Abnahme verpflichten und dies als Vertrag anerkennen. Bieten Sie nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind.
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 silber - Hires Audio Streamer 2
End: 28.12. 2024 06:31:01 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 129.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 326383531441
- Seller: 1919gartenzwerg (745|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Weyhe
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 5,49 EUR
- on EBAY
1 Stück Pro-Ject Streambox in silberbiete hier einen von meinen beiden Hi-Res-Streamern an (der 2. ist auch hier eingestellt) Ist ungefähr ein Jahr alt. Streamt Qobuz, Tidal etc. (einfach mal bei Pro-Ject nachschauen ;-) )Verkauf erfolgt wegen Systemumstellung. Zustand absolut neuwertig! Lieferumfang :1 St. Streamer mit Steckernetzteil, OVP (s.Bilder) Einfach Fotos anschauen und bei Bedarf fragen!Da es sich hierbei um einen Privatverkauf handelt ist natürlich eine Garantie bzw. Rücknahme/Umtausch ausgeschlossen. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebots wird das Einverständnis hierzu bestätigt (siehe unten). ABWICKLUNG DER AUKTION BEZAHLUNG per Überweisung, Paypal oder bei Abholung.VERSAND innerhalb Deutschlands (ausser Inseln) erfolgt als versichertes DHL-Paket. Die Kosten hierfür sind im Verkaufspreis enthalten!Der Markenname ist geschützt. Er wird hier nur verwandt, da er die Wertigkeit des Produktes charakterisiert. Nun denn! Viel Spaß ! Zu Ihrer Information und Kenntnisnahme: Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat entschieden: Rechtsverbindliche Kaufverträge können auch in einer Internet-Auktion per Mausklick erfolgen. Für Sie bedeutet dies, dass auch Sie sich unwiderruflich verpflichten die ersteigerte Ware zu dem von Ihnen hier gebotenen Auktionspreis abzunehmen! Die Rückgabe, Wandlung oder Umtausch ersteigerter Artikel ist ausgeschlossen. Das neue EU-Recht sieht eine einjährige Gewährleistung/Garantie auch bei Gebrauchtwaren vor. Dies mag für einen Händler tragbar oder angebracht sein, jedoch keinesfalls für einen privaten Verkäufer. Die Konsequenz aus dieser Bestimmung steht indes oftmals in keiner vernünftigen Relation zum erzielten Kaufpreis. Beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Verkaufsbedingungen: Bitte stellen Sie ihre Fragen vor Abgabe eines Gebotes!!! Der Artikel wird so wie er ist von Privat verkauft, das bedeutet: mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes, erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach neuem EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten. Die Artikel werden unter Ausschluss jeglicher Haftung und Gewährleistung angeboten. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen gesetzlich zustehende 1-Jahres-Frist bzgl. Garantie/Gewährleistung bei Gebrauchtwaren völlig zu verzichten (dies ist bei Privatgeschäften auch üblich!) Ich übernehme keine Garantie. Ferner sind Sie im Gegensatz zum neuen Verbraucherschutzgesetz als Käufer damit einverstanden, keinen Gebrauch vom neuen Garantie-Gesetz zu machen. Mit Ihrer Gebotsabgabe bestätigen Sie, dass Sie auf den Umtausch, Reklamationen oder Rückgabe ausdrücklich verzichten, sich zur Abnahme verpflichten und dies als Vertrag anerkennen. Bieten Sie nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind.
Project Stream Box DS2 T - schwarz - Pro-Ject
End: 22.01. 2024 09:02:33 on Monday
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T mit Fernbedienung und Garantie - Top Zustand
End: 29.12. 2023 18:30:01 on Friday
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK
End: 08.09. 2023 20:25:31 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 461.87 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 295918646370
- Bids: 0
- Seller: chord2425 (141021|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: GB
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
About Us Contact Us Terms delivery returns Home Menu Home HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop Customer services About us Delivery & returns Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Latest Products Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK £400.00 Add to wishlist Watch this item Ask seller a question Description Customer Reviews Delivery Payment Returns Description Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Stream Box DS2 T is a fully equipped audio streaming client with internet radio, that is able to play music stored on network servers (computers, NAS drives, etc) connected to your home network. Stream Box DS2 T includes powerful audiophile features. Ready for use with streaming services like Spotify and Tidal. Other streaming services such as Deezer, Grooveshark etc, can be implemented using 3rd party applications. Superb audio playback including 24bit HD music is self-evident, like outstanding technical data for distortion and noise levels. Navigation can be done via IR remote (which is included) and/or free Android / iOS App. Stream Box DS2 T comes in elegant aluminium cabinets in silver or ...
End: 07.09. 2023 19:41:36 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 160.5 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 285450332813
- Bids: 0
- Seller: vold21 (5174|99.6%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: London, London
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 10,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for PRO-JECT Dacs, Phono Preamps and Streamers (DS/DS2/DS3 and RS/ RS2 Families)This is high quality linear power supply for audio applications designed especially for use with Pro-Ject devices.The PSU provides accurately regulated power with parameters as specified for DS/DS2/DS3 series devices:DAC BOX DIGITAL PREAMPLIFIERTUBE BOXSTREAMER BOXCD BOX (incl. DS 3)PHONO BOX -including DS3 B version PLEASE CONTACT VIA MESSENGER IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT APPLICABILITY OF THIS POWER SUPPLY FOR models other than shown in list, we have power supplies dedicated to S,S2, SE and RS/RS series please have a look on our parallel auctions or send a message if you are interested PSU presented in the auction built with the best quality components dedicated to high class audio and provides higher output current ceiling that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the devices. Sonic effect is more transparent and pleasant to hear sound, deep and persuasive bass range, totally undistorted vocal range and accurate, airy treble. AVAILABLE WITH BLACK (anodized) or SILVER (brushed aluminium) SOLID FRONT PANELSupplied with high quality DC power cable to connect to Pro-Ject deviceAdditional IEC power cable for mains can be sent on request. Please note that this is not a poor quality switching power supply, but designed and dedicated to use in audio low noise linear psuy..Its design is matched to Pro-Ject items both electronically and aestetically how you can see in our example pictures. Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item.Please note that Pro-Ject devices shown in pictures as example of use are not included to this auction, This auction is for one power supply unit and one cable for it only We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Shipping cost of £25 quoted is initial estimation for EU only.Overseas delivery could cost from £29 (USA, China) to £35(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days. This psu can be used in 100-120v or 220-240V mains everywhere in the world. Please specify mains voltage on ordering Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side. We combine shipments, every second item won by the same bidder will be sent in one package with the first one at postage rate for the one (heavy) item only. Please note that we ship in 4-5 days after the payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK
End: 05.09. 2023 20:14:06 on Tuesday
- Condition: New
- Price: 461.13 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 394848682947
- Bids: 0
- Seller: chord2425 (140967|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: GB
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
About Us Contact Us Terms delivery returns Home Menu Home HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop Customer services About us Delivery & returns Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Latest Products Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK £400.00 Add to wishlist Watch this item Ask seller a question Description Customer Reviews Delivery Payment Returns Description Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Stream Box DS2 T is a fully equipped audio streaming client with internet radio, that is able to play music stored on network servers (computers, NAS drives, etc) connected to your home network. Stream Box DS2 T includes powerful audiophile features. Ready for use with streaming services like Spotify and Tidal. Other streaming services such as Deezer, Grooveshark etc, can be implemented using 3rd party applications. Superb audio playback including 24bit HD music is self-evident, like outstanding technical data for distortion and noise levels. Navigation can be done via IR remote (which is included) and/or free Android / iOS App. Stream Box DS2 T comes in elegant aluminium cabinets in silver or ...
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK
End: 30.08. 2023 21:39:29 on Wednesday
- Condition: New
- Price: 460.33 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 235160275365
- Bids: 0
- Seller: chord2425 (140882|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: GB
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
About Us Contact Us Terms delivery returns Home Menu Home HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop Customer services About us Delivery & returns Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Latest Products Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK £400.00 Add to wishlist Watch this item Ask seller a question Description Customer Reviews Delivery Payment Returns Description Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Stream Box DS2 T is a fully equipped audio streaming client with internet radio, that is able to play music stored on network servers (computers, NAS drives, etc) connected to your home network. Stream Box DS2 T includes powerful audiophile features. Ready for use with streaming services like Spotify and Tidal. Other streaming services such as Deezer, Grooveshark etc, can be implemented using 3rd party applications. Superb audio playback including 24bit HD music is self-evident, like outstanding technical data for distortion and noise levels. Navigation can be done via IR remote (which is included) and/or free Android / iOS App. Stream Box DS2 T comes in elegant aluminium cabinets in silver or ...
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK
End: 09.08. 2023 22:47:14 on Wednesday
- Condition: New
- Price: 524.08 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 295864257056
- Bids: 0
- Seller: chord2425 (140558|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: GB
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 44,43 EUR
- on EBAY
About Us Contact Us Terms delivery returns Home Menu Home HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop HiFi All in One Music Systems Amplifiers Blu-Ray and DVD Players Cartridges Stylus Replacements CD Players DACs Digital Products Equipment Supports Headphone Amplifiers Headphones Hi-Fi Supports iPod & MP3 Docks Media Players Music Streamers Other Phono Stages Portable Music Players Speaker Stands and Supports Speakers Tonearms Tuners Turntables and Essentials Home Cinema Cables Eccose Cable Shop Nordost & Wyrewizard Cables QED Cable Shop Wireworld Cable Shop Burn-In Products Cable Burn-In Service Cardas Custom Adaptors & Cable Chord Company Cables Digital Interconnects Ethernet Cables HDMI Cables Interconnects Mains Cables Mains Products Speaker Cables Sub-Woofer Interconnects Tonearm Cables and Connectors USB Cables Cables and Connectors Music CDs Music CDs & SACDs Vinyl Records Accessories BluRay Calibration Cartridge Mounting Kits Cartridge Tags CD, DVD Cleaning & Care Furutech Shop Headshell Leads Headshells Hi-Fi Fuses Isolation Products Mains Blocks Mains Connectors Maintenance / Cleaning Michell Engineering Shop Naim Shop Power Supplys Pro-Ject Turntable Spare Parts Record Cleaning and Care Record Cleaning Machines Record Sleeves Roksan Accessories Stylus Cleaners Tape Cleaners Terminations & Solder Tonearm Essentials Turntable Belts Turntable Covers Turntable Setup Tools Turntable Upgrades and Kits Valve and Tube Essentials Vinyl LP Display & Storage VPI Shop Customer services About us Delivery & returns Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Latest Products Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK £450.00 Add to wishlist Watch this item Ask seller a question Description Customer Reviews Delivery Payment Returns Description Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer Black/Eucalyptus - NEW OLD STOCK Stream Box DS2 T is a fully equipped audio streaming client with internet radio, that is able to play music stored on network servers (computers, NAS drives, etc) connected to your home network. Stream Box DS2 T includes powerful audiophile features. Ready for use with streaming services like Spotify and Tidal. Other streaming services such as Deezer, Grooveshark etc, can be implemented using 3rd party applications. Superb audio playback including 24bit HD music is self-evident, like outstanding technical data for distortion and noise levels. Navigation can be done via IR remote (which is included) and/or free Android / iOS App. Stream Box DS2 T comes in elegant aluminium cabinets in silver or ...
End: 05.06. 2023 21:39:32 on Monday
- Condition: New
- Price: 158.3 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 285292486065
- Seller: vold21 (5104|99.6%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: London, London
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 33,41 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for PRO-JECT Dacs, Phono Preamps and Streamers (DS/DS2/DS3 and RS/ RS2 Families)This is high quality linear power supply for audio applications designed especially for use with Pro-Ject devices.The PSU provides accurately regulated power with parameters as specified for DS/DS2/DS3 series devices:DAC BOX DIGITAL PREAMPLIFIERTUBE BOXSTREAMER BOXPHONO BOX -including DS3 B version PLEASE CONTACT VIA MESSENGER IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT APPLICABILITY OF THIS POWER SUPPLY FOR models other than shown in list, we have power supplies dedicated to S,S2, SE and RS/RS series please have a look on our parallel auctions or send a message if you are interested PSU presented in the auction built with the best quality components dedicated to high class audio and provides higher output current ceiling that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the devices. Sonic effect is more transparent and pleasant to hear sound, deep and persuasive bass range, totally undistorted vocal range and accurate, airy treble. AVAILABLE WITH BLACK (anodized) or SILVER (brushed aluminium) SOLID FRONT PANELSupplied with high quality DC power cable to connect to Pro-Ject deviceAdditional IEC power cable for mains can be sent on request. THIS PSU IS AVAILABLE WITH BLACK ANODIZED FRONT PANEL AS WELL.but because of high demand psu with this finish are sold off currently.Please request availability if you like to buy psu with black front finish. Please note that this is not a poor quality switching power supply, but designed and dedicated to use in audio.Its design is matched to Pro-Ject items both electronically and aestetically how you can see in our example pictures. Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item.Please note that Pro-Ject devices shown in pictures as example of use are not included to this auction, This auction is for one power supply unit and one cable for it only We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Shipping cost of £25 quoted is initial estimation for EU only.Overseas delivery could cost from £29 (USA, China) to £35(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days. This psu can be used in 100-120v or 220-240V mains everywhere in the world. Please specify mains voltage on ordering Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side. We combine shipments, every second item won by the same bidder will be sent in one package with the first one at postage rate for the one (heavy) item only. Please note that we ship in 4-5 days after the payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer - vTuner Radio - Tidal Spotify
End: 26.05. 2023 18:00:01 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 249.98 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 134578178296
- Bids: 2
- Seller: grahammkelly (132|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Peterborough
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 5,2 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer - vTuner Radio - Tidal Spotify.
End: 20.07. 2021 11:13:38 on Tuesday
- Condition: New
- Price: 659.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 254307323738
- Counter: 437
- Seller: mavecom-hifi (1715|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: perugia
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Streamer - vTuner Radio - Tidal Spotify with Remote
End: 30.05. 2021 21:23:08 on Sunday
- Condition: New
- Price: 265.47 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 174778993046
- Counter: 109
- Bids: 2
- Seller: trisandlaw2009 (486|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Wrexham
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-ject Stream Box DS2 T (Transport) Black/Eucalptus
End: 18.02. 2021 14:22:02 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 347.23 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 203272780688
- Counter: 479
- Bids: 30
- Seller: peakhifi (2926|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Sheffield
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 10,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-ject Stream Box DS2 T Black/Eucalptus
End: 08.02. 2021 14:19:16 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1.13 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 203269374881
- Counter: 141
- Bids: 0
- Seller: peakhifi (2917|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Sheffield
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 10,0 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 29.01. 2021 14:21:54 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 719.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 303411570924
- Counter: 272
- Seller: (840|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Civita Castellana, VT
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 29.01. 2021 14:21:54 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 675.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 303411561000
- Counter: 798
- Seller: (840|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Civita Castellana, VT
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
End: 29.01. 2021 14:21:47 on Friday
- Condition: New
- Price: 675.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 303411561492
- Counter: 1129
- Seller: (840|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Civita Castellana, VT
- Ships to: IT
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T, Silber Walnuss, Zubehör, OVP, neuwertiger Zustand
End: 22.12. 2019 19:08:15 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 555.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 273975619516
- Counter: 651
- Seller: tejm2004 (652|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Wiesbaden
- Ships to: Europe
- Shipping: 18,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-Ject Audio Stream Box DS2 T READ DESCRIPTION free shipping
End: 18.05. 2019 18:00:34 on Saturday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 178.17 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 254168069097
- Counter: 197
- Seller: betty2544 (1236|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Petaluma, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 22,34 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Schwarz / Eukalyptus
End: 08.10. 2018 13:06:09 on Monday
- Condition: New
- Price: 378.79 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 263962464357
- Counter: 296
- Bids: 16
- Seller: renateried (215|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Saarbrücken
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 6,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Pro-Ject Stream Box DS2 T Schwarz / Eukalyptus
End: 13.09. 2018 07:53:56 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 130.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 263928010055
- Counter: 243
- Bids: 12
- Seller: renateried (214|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Saarbrücken
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 6,5 EUR
- on EBAY
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