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Primare PRE 35 Prisma (Black) aus 11/2020 inkl. OVP Vorstufe Streamer Dac

End: 17.02. 2025 18:36:41 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2290.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135545336731
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e-markt (1101|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Primare PRE 35 Prisma (Black) aus 11/2020 inkl. OVP Vorstufe Streamer Dac

End: 27.01. 2025 10:23:53 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2490.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135508559534
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e-markt (1101|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare PRE 35 Prisma (Black) aus 11/2020 inkl. OVP Vorstufe Streamer DacPerfekter Klanggenuss – PRE35 PrismaDer schwedische HiFi-Spezialist Primare präsentiert mit dem PRE 35 einen modular aufgebauten Vorverstärker, der herausragende Klangperformance und flexible Einsatzmöglichkeiten bietet.Dank der Unterstützung sowohl von RCA-/Cinch- als auch von XLR-Verbindungen ermöglicht der PRE 35 die Einbindung analoger Audiosignale in höchster Qualität.Mit dem integrierten Netzwerkplayer-Board SM 35 wird der Vorverstärker zum PRE 35 Prisma, das perfekt für das Streaming und Musik-Surfen im Internet gerüstet ist.Details:Inklusive Originalzubehör Technisch absolut zuverlässig und voll funktionsfähig – ein Spitzen-Setup für HiFi-Liebhaber.Abholung möglichVersand möglich mit DHLPrivatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung für Sachmängel am Kaufgegenstand. Kein Umtauschrecht oder Recht auf Rückgabe.

Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020

End: 20.01. 2025 10:20:20 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5590.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135499506692
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e-markt (1100|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020Perfekter Klanggenuss – Primare A35.2 & PRE35 PrismaZum Verkauf stehen:2 x Primare A35.2 Endstufen1 x Primare PRE35 Prisma Vorverstärkeralle aus 12/2020Sehr guter, fast neuwertiger ZustandNP: 11.439 €Details:Inklusive Originalzubehör und drei Kartons.Eine Endstufe hat zwei kleine Kratzer an der Außenseite (siehe Fotos), sonst in einwandfreiem Zustand. Technisch absolut zuverlässig und voll funktionsfähig – ein Spitzen-Setup für HiFi-Liebhaber.Abholung möglich Versand in drei Kartons möglich mit DHL versichert 75 € Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung für Sachmängel am Kaufgegenstand. Kein Umtauschrecht oder Recht auf Rückgabe. Ich habe den Artikel nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben. Sollten Sie eine Frage zu diesem Artikel haben, so bitte ich Sie, diese vor Abgabe Ihres Gebotes zu stellen.Bitte fragen sie nicht nach einem günstigeren Versand, die Kosten stehen fest und ich versende ausschließlich NUR versicherte Pakete.Die Ware muss innerhalb von einer Woche bezahlt werden.

Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020

End: 14.01. 2025 08:09:08 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5890.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135486639573
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e-markt (1099|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020Perfekter Klanggenuss – Primare A35.2 & PRE35 PrismaZum Verkauf stehen:2 x Primare A35.2 Endstufen1 x Primare PRE35 Prisma Vorverstärkeralle aus 12/2020Sehr guter, fast neuwertiger ZustandNP: 11.439 €Details:Inklusive Originalzubehör und drei Kartons.Eine Endstufe hat zwei kleine Kratzer an der Außenseite (siehe Fotos), sonst in einwandfreiem Zustand. Technisch absolut zuverlässig und voll funktionsfähig – ein Spitzen-Setup für HiFi-Liebhaber.Abholung möglich Versand in drei Kartons möglich mit DHL versichert 75 € Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung für Sachmängel am Kaufgegenstand. Kein Umtauschrecht oder Recht auf Rückgabe. Ich habe den Artikel nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben. Sollten Sie eine Frage zu diesem Artikel haben, so bitte ich Sie, diese vor Abgabe Ihres Gebotes zu stellen.Bitte fragen sie nicht nach einem günstigeren Versand, die Kosten stehen fest und ich versende ausschließlich NUR versicherte Pakete.Die Ware muss innerhalb von einer Woche bezahlt werden.

Primare PRE 35 Prisma

End: 08.01. 2025 11:49:08 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2500.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 156588686800
  • Seller: wendelin123 (192|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rhumspringe Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 26,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare PRE 35 PrismaMein Primare PRE 35 Prisma (NP 4700€) stammt aus tier- & rauchfreiem Haushalt und befindet sich in einem sehr gepflegten und technisch einwandfreien Zustand. Das Gerät ist ca. 3,5 Jahre jung und wurde kürzlich von einer Fachwerkstatt (Medientechnik Bentlage) auf Herz und Nieren getestet. Alle nicht benötigten Anschlüsse waren verschlossen, um das Eindringen von Staub zu minimieren. Um den Klang weiter zu verfeinern, wurde eine HiFi-Tuning SUPREME³ (Kupfer) Sicherung verbaut. Der Kaufbeleg und das Zubehör ist vollumfänglich vorhanden (inkl. OVP). Stereoplay …“Hier liegt auch eine große Stärke des Vorverstärkers, der mit seinen „mächtigen Chips“ im Test Eindruck macht. Kombiniert mit der dazugehörigen Endstufe A35.2 schöpft er im Klangtest aus dem Vollen: Kräftig und mit Druck einerseits, „wunderbar entschlackt“ andererseits, dabei detailreich, aber gleichzeitig „nie hart“. Der Klang der Vor- und Endkombination erreicht fast Röhrenqualitäten: „Eine der besten Class-D-Inszenierungen der Gegenwart“ resümiert der Test.“ Philosophie Primare ist ein skandinavisches Unternehmen. Ein fester Bestandteil der Kulturlandschaft Skandinaviens ist die Idee, dass in allen Dingen ein Sinn für Proportionen und Ausgewogenheit vorhanden sein sollte und dass alle Elemente zusammenhängend zusammenarbeiten sollten. Lagom ist das schwedische Wort dafür und bedeutet in etwa „genau die richtige Menge“ – in perfekter Balance, Harmonie und Proportion. Klang Wenn ein Primare Gerät spielt, entsteht ein Klang, der sprachlos macht – natürlich und körperhaft wie ein Röhrenverstärker, gleichzeitig extrem schnell, dynamisch und unverfälscht. Sie können livehaftig in die Musik eintauchen - das Klangbild strahlt Gefühl, Kontrolle, Ruhe und eine 100%ige Durchhörbarkeit aus – alles fühlt sich perfekt und richtig an. Höchste Effizienz Primare entwickelt seine Geräte mit äußerster Sorgfalt und Professionalität, man sieht dies z.B. an dem perfekten Platinen-Layout der Geräte, dies ist so clever gestaltet, dass zur Vermeidung von Klangverlusten fast vollständig auf audiosignalführende Kabel verzichtet werden konnte, die zu unvermeidlichen Klangverlusten führen. Leistung des PRE 35 Prisma Primares Entwickler setzten seit der 2000er Jahre auf das Potential der leistungsfähigsten und schnellsten Netzteile. Der PRE 35 macht vieles anders als seine Wettbewerber. Das Ziel war es, eine Vorstufe zu entwickeln, die keinerlei Eigenklang erzeugt, sondern dem Ideal des Verstärkens so nah wie möglich kommt. DAC – die beste Digitalabteilung Das Primare DAC-Modul wurde einwickelt, um digital ankommende Signale, sei es extern von CD, TV uvm. oder intern vom Prisma-Streaming-Modul zugeführt in atemberaubender Genauigkeit und Qualität in analoge Signale zu wandeln, dabei unterstützt es alle relevanten Audioformate. Prisma Multiroom Audiostreaming Der PRE 35 Prisma verfügt über die neu entwickelte Prisma-Technologie. Diese setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Wiedergabe vernetzter Audioinhalte und bietet ein noch nie dagewesenes Angebot an Bedien- und Steuer-Funktionen. Sie ermöglicht Ihnen die Wiedergabe aller gespeicherten und gestreamten Medien über ein Netzwerk, dazu gehören u.a. LAN/WLAN, Bluetooth, Google Home/Google Cast inkl. der Multiroom-Steuerung. Alle Funktionen werden über die Prisma App verwaltet. Ich bitte zu berücksichtigen, dass ich kein Händler, sondern eine Privatperson bin. Das neue EU-Recht schreibt vor, dass auch Privatpersonen eine Garantie von einem Jahr und Umtauschrecht gewähren müssen, es sei denn, dass sie dies ausschließen. Die Anzeigendetails wurden meinerseits wahrheitsgemäß, nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht. Da es sich um einen Privatverkauf handelt, entfallen Anspruch auf Garantie- und Rückgaberecht, zudem schließe ich jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus. Ferner sind Sie im Gegensatz zum neuen Gesetz als Käufer damit einverstanden, keinen Gebrauch davon zu machen.

Primare Audio Pre 35 Highend-Vorverstärker; neuwertig!

End: 07.01. 2025 14:23:23 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1820.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196893924448
  • Seller: genesis.5 (60|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Edewecht Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare  Audio Pre 35 Highend-Vorverstärker; neuwertig!Hallo Ich verkaufe einen Primare Audio Pre35 Highend-Vorverstärker aus der aktuellen Serie in einem wirklich neuwertigen Zustand und inklusive eines hochwertigen Highend-Netzkabel von IsoTek (siehe weiter unten)! Der aktuelle Neupreis beträgt 3350 Euro. Ich biete diesen wunderbaren Highend-Vorverstärker für 1820 Euro VB an. Zusätzlich gebe ich kostenlos ein gutes Highend-Netzkabel von IsoTek, das EVO3 Initium in 1,5 m Länge dazu (siehe Bild 8)! Klanglich und technisch ist der Highend-Vorverstärker in seiner Klasse überragend! Siehe diverse Tests! Ich verkaufe den Primare Vorverstärker nur, weil ich auf einen deutlich teureren Röhrenvorverstärker umgestiegen bin. Der Vorverstärker hat viele Anschlussmöglichkeiten und ist absolut hochwertig gebaut! OVP und FB sind selbstverständlich dabei. Keine Prisma oder DAC-Version! Nichtraucherhaushalt! Am liebsten wäre mir Selbstabholung. Versand auf eigenes Risiko möglich. Für weitere Fragen stehe ich gerne zu Verfügung. Geräte Informationen:Features:- Erweiterbar mit dem Prisma-Modul- hocheffektiver Innenaufbau mit extrem kurzen Signalwegen, für eineMinimierung der Signalverluste- Klare, skandinavische Designsprache- State-of-The-Art-Funktionalität- außergewöhnliche Verarbeitung Technische Daten:Frequenzgang: 20Hz – 20kHz, -0.1dBTHD + N: 105dBInput Impedance: RCA 15kO; XLR 30kOAusgangsimpedanz: Pre RCA 100O; XLR 400O | Ausgangsimpedanz: Line 100OGain: RCA in/ RCA out:16.5dB | XLR in / XLR out: 16.5dB | Gain: RCA in / XLR out:22.5dB | XLR in/ RCA out: 10.5dC25 Fernbedienung; RS232; IR in/out; Trigger outLeistungsaufnahme: Standby 0.3W; Betrieb <37WAbmessungen (B x T x H): 430 x 420 x 106 mm mit AnschlüssenGewicht: 11 kg Ich verkaufe als Privatperson und gebe ausdrücklich keine Garantie oder jegliche Gewährleistung und kein Rückgaberecht. Ich bin ein seriöser und zuverlässiger Verkäufer. Sehen Sie bitte dazu meine Bewertungen. Viele Grüße

Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020

End: 05.01. 2025 11:41:35 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5890.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135476715368
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e-markt (1099|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020Perfekter Klanggenuss – Primare A35.2 & PRE35 PrismaZum Verkauf stehen:2 x Primare A35.2 Endstufen1 x Primare PRE35 Prisma Vorverstärkeralle aus 12/2020Sehr guter, fast neuwertiger ZustandNP: 11.439 €Details:Inklusive Originalzubehör und drei Kartons.Eine Endstufe hat zwei kleine Kratzer an der Außenseite (siehe Fotos), sonst in einwandfreiem Zustand. Technisch absolut zuverlässig und voll funktionsfähig – ein Spitzen-Setup für HiFi-Liebhaber.Abholung möglich Versand in drei Kartons möglich mit DHL versichert 75 € Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung für Sachmängel am Kaufgegenstand. Kein Umtauschrecht oder Recht auf Rückgabe. Ich habe den Artikel nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben. Sollten Sie eine Frage zu diesem Artikel haben, so bitte ich Sie, diese vor Abgabe Ihres Gebotes zu stellen.Bitte fragen sie nicht nach einem günstigeren Versand, die Kosten stehen fest und ich versende ausschließlich NUR versicherte Pakete.Die Ware muss innerhalb von einer Woche bezahlt werden.

Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020

End: 01.01. 2025 14:17:29 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5890.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135464317669
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e-markt (1099|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020Perfekter Klanggenuss – Primare A35.2 & PRE35 PrismaZum Verkauf stehen:2 x Primare A35.2 Endstufen1 x Primare PRE35 Prisma Vorverstärkeralle aus 12/2020Sehr guter, fast neuwertiger ZustandNP: 11.439 €Details:Inklusive Originalzubehör und drei Kartons.Eine Endstufe hat zwei kleine Kratzer an der Außenseite (siehe Fotos), sonst in einwandfreiem Zustand. Technisch absolut zuverlässig und voll funktionsfähig – ein Spitzen-Setup für HiFi-Liebhaber.Abholung möglich Versand in drei Kartons möglich mit DHL versichert 75 € Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung für Sachmängel am Kaufgegenstand. Kein Umtauschrecht oder Recht auf Rückgabe. Ich habe den Artikel nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben. Sollten Sie eine Frage zu diesem Artikel haben, so bitte ich Sie, diese vor Abgabe Ihres Gebotes zu stellen.Bitte fragen sie nicht nach einem günstigeren Versand, die Kosten stehen fest und ich versende ausschließlich NUR versicherte Pakete.Die Ware muss innerhalb von einer Woche bezahlt werden.

Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020

End: 25.12. 2024 08:56:06 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5890.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 135449490173
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: e-markt (1099|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Berlin Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 40,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare 2 x Endstufe A35.2 und eine Vorstufe Pre35 Prisma NP: 11.439 € aus 2020Perfekter Klanggenuss – Primare A35.2 & PRE35 PrismaZum Verkauf stehen:2 x Primare A35.2 Endstufen1 x Primare PRE35 Prisma Vorverstärkeralle aus 12/2020Sehr guter, fast neuwertiger ZustandNP: 11.439 €Details:Inklusive Originalzubehör und drei Kartons.Eine Endstufe hat zwei kleine Kratzer an der Außenseite (siehe Fotos), sonst in einwandfreiem Zustand. Technisch absolut zuverlässig und voll funktionsfähig – ein Spitzen-Setup für HiFi-Liebhaber.Abholung möglich Versand in drei Kartons möglich mit DHL versichert 75 € Privatverkauf unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung für Sachmängel am Kaufgegenstand. Kein Umtauschrecht oder Recht auf Rückgabe. Ich habe den Artikel nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen beschrieben. Sollten Sie eine Frage zu diesem Artikel haben, so bitte ich Sie, diese vor Abgabe Ihres Gebotes zu stellen.Bitte fragen sie nicht nach einem günstigeren Versand, die Kosten stehen fest und ich versende ausschließlich NUR versicherte Pakete.Die Ware muss innerhalb von einer Woche bezahlt werden.

Primare Pre30 Stereo Preamplifier; Pre 30 (No Remote)

End: 30.11. 2024 18:17:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 744.31 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326109243859
  • Seller: tmraudio (13219|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Erie, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 36,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Primare Pre30 Stereo Preamplifier; Pre 30 (No Remote) Product SKU: 58033 Age: Unknown Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $1995 Serial Number: 887-098 # of Owners: 2 Service History: None Cosmetic Description: Very good condition with minimal visible cosmetic wear including a few light scuffs on the top and left edges of the faceplate, along with minor scuffs and chips in the finish on the top of the right side and rear edges. There are also a few minor scratches on the top surface. This item does show a few blemishes, but is attractive overall and has been well cared for. What is Included: Preamplifier, Power cable (Remote Not Included) Other Notes: Remote is not included with this preamplifier. ...the Pre30 – especially when used with the A30.2 power amp – has the ability to take on the best and shine through, with a sound thats rather more than just that of the companys integrated amps plus a dose of extra oomph. -What Hi-Fi? Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $37- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.

Primare R35 MM/MC Phono Preamp

End: 26.11. 2024 15:39:47 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1540.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 305920393405
  • Seller: monyiyo (20|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Like new. Mint condition. Black. Factory packaging. Free shipping.

Primare SC15 Prisma Network Streaming Preamplifier; SC 15; Chromecast

End: 27.10. 2024 01:17:38 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 812.03 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335320793019
  • Seller: tmraudio (13135|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Erie, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 36,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Primare SC15 Prisma Network Streaming Preamplifier; SC 15; Chromecast Product SKU: 58100 Voltage: 100 - 240V # of Owners: 2 Service History: None Serial Number: 6315-8119 Age: 2 years Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $1900 Cosmetic Description: Very good condition with minimal visible cosmetic wear including a minor scuff on the top edge of the faceplate with a couple barely visible nicks on the top surface near the left corner. This item has some very light wear but still presents like new from your listening position. What is Included: Preamplifier, Remote, Ethernet cable, BT & Wifi antennas, Trigger cable, Quick start guide, Power cable, Factory packaging Other Notes: “Primare’s SC15 Prisma streaming preamplifier is a beautifully built, fine-sounding component that can accommodate a plethora of digital sources as well as high-quality streaming from mobile devices, and its small footprint makes it very attractive for use in multi-purpose living spaces.” - SoundStage! Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $37- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.

Primare PRE35 Prisma Titanium Preamp with Prisma control

End: 24.10. 2024 20:05:09 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2119.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 196663103558
  • Seller: crutchfield_electronics (13396|99.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Charlottesville, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Product highlightsfully balanced stereo preamplifier with digital and analog inputs to handle a variety of music sources premium high-performance DAC plays high-res digital music files (PCM up to 32-bit/768kHz; DSD up to 11.2MHz) compatible file types: WAV, LPCM, AIFF, FLAC, ALAC, MP3, MP4 (AAC), WMA, OGG, and DSD Primare Prisma network player controls stored and streamed media, whether wired or wireless support for WiSA 2-channel wireless network speaker connection system (requires future firmware update) front-panel OLED display remote control dual-band Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) for listening to music from a networked PC, free internet radio, and music services (PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz; DSD up to 5.6MHz) free Primare Prisma app for iOS® and Android™ devices offers easy control for playback of stored and streamed media, setup, and settings adjustments provides multi-room, multi-zone control between other Prisma enabled devices Spotify® Connect support (Spotify app and premium account required) Chromecast built-in streams audio directly from the cloud via compatible devices and apps, including high-res music (up to 24-bit/96kHz) controllable with Google Assistant-compatible voice control assistants Apple AirPlay® lets you stream directly from an iPhone®, iPad®, or Mac®, or computer built-in Bluetooth for streaming music from compatible smartphones, tablets, and computers Roon Ready: catalog, control, and discover music via subscription-based Roon software (Roon support coming via future firmware update) supports DLNA and UPnP™ (Universal Plug n Play) high-resolution wireless streaming from a Windows or Mac computer, or from a NAS drive 6 digital audio inputs (accepts PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz; DSD up to 5.6MHz) 4 Toslink optical 2 coaxial 1 USB Type-B input for connecting a PC or Mac (accepts PCM up to 32-bit/768kHz; DSD up to 11.2MHz) 1 USB Type-A input for connecting a thumb drive (accepts PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz; DSD up to 5.6MHz) 2 Ethernet ports (LAN in/LAN out) for connecting to a home network (accepts PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz; DSD up to 5.6MHz) 1 coaxial digital audio output 2 stereo balanced XLR analog inputs 3 stereo unbalanced RCA analog inputs 2 stereo balanced XLR analog outputs 2 stereo unbalanced RCA analog outputs (one line out w/fixed volume for dubbing; one pre-out w/volume control for connecting an amplifier or powered subwoofer) 3.5mm IR remote control in/out can be used with an optional IR repeater system and compatible Primare products 3.5mm 12V trigger output allows the I35 Prisma to switch on other devices, such as Primares DD35 CD transport RS-232 port for use with home automation control systems, like Crestron detachable power cord total harmonic distortion: 0.01% signal-to-noise ratio: 105 dB 16-15/16W x 4-3/16H x 17-15/16D weight: 24.9 lbs. warranty: 3 years Whats in the boxPreamplifier 6 AC power cord Remote control (C25) 2 AAA batteries 2 Bluetooth/WiFi antennas 59 Mono-minijack cable AC polarity pen Thank You Letter Safety And Warning Notification About this itemWritten by Crutchfields Steve KindigThe control center of a no-compromise audio system Primares PRE35 Prisma preamplifier is an exceptional system control center, providing endless ways to enjoy all of your 2-channel music. For digital music sources theres an excellent DAC section, along with one of the most complete and well-thought-out network players weve seen. The PRE35 Prismas back panel bristles with a comprehensive array of connections including both XLR and RCA inputs and outputs. About the only thing this preamp lacks is a turntable input, and vinyl fans can fix that by adding Primares R35 phono preamp, which is an ideal match, both sonically and visually. And if your system is based on conventional sources like a CD player, consider the analog-only PRE35 preamp, which lacks the DAC and network player. The PRE35 Prisma deserves to be used with high-quality amplification, and it achieves a special synergy when paired with Primares powerhouse A35.2 amplifier. A preamp/DAC offers many advantages The PRE35 Prisma handles the tasks of a conventional preamp — selecting and switching among your music sources — with precision and ergonomic ease. The carefully crafted fully balanced circuit design keeps signal paths as short as possible, resulting in exceptionally low noise and distortion. By placing the DAC in the same case as the preamp, you save on the cost of interconnect cables while keeping the signal cleaner. The PRE35 Prismas built-in high-performance 32-bit DAC was engineered with the latest audio processing. Feed it digital signals from your CD player or Blu-ray player and enjoy a level of clarity and detail you may not have experienced before. If streamed or downloaded music is a big part of your listening, youll love the easy access that Prisma provides. Primares Prisma network player does it all, and does it well Prisma is actually a bundle of technologies that provides a broad range of network music player features and functionality. It makes it easy to discover, explore, and share high-performance music playback, whether the source is stored or streamed, wired or wireless. Whether youre listening to Spotify® or files from your NAS drive, the Prisma control app provides total system management from your mobile device. The PRE35 Prisma also features Chromecast built-in and Apple AirPlay 2, streaming portals that let you connect directly to hundreds of streaming applications. Chromecast built-in streams audio directly from the cloud, so you get the highest sound quality. Its even possible to enjoy high-res music (up to 24-bit/96kHz) from services like TIDAL and Qobuz. The PRE35 Prisma is also Roon Ready (firmware update required). Stylish sound from Scandinavia Founded in Sweden in the mid 80s, Primare relies on a talented team of designers to create its innovative high-end audio components. Among audiophiles, their equipment is admired both for its exceptional sound quality and its elegant appearance.

Primare SP32 Preamp/Processor

End: 22.10. 2024 15:07:08 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 553.05 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296753671979
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: channarith (767|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Waukegan, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Excellent working condition and sound amazing all channels working & sound amazing. Actually, I used 5.1 channels.

Primare Pre 30 Stereo Preamplifier

End: 28.09. 2024 17:08:18 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 368.41 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 176588410747
  • Bids: 17
  • Seller: grootboet (664|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Del Mar, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 125,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Up for sale is my Primare Pre 30 preamplifier in great condition with original remote control. This preamp was in my daily system for 2 years and sounds great. Its fully featured and includes XLR inputs and outputs, trigger control and the ability to set variable gain by input. Please note there are some scratches on the metal remote, but it still works well (see last pic). Shipping and handling will be via UPS Ground at a flat rate of $125 for continental USA only as the unit is heavy and well built. No international bidders please, its just not worth it at this price. Local pickup in the San Diego area is also fine. Low reserve so happy bidding! Thanks!

Primare R15 MM-MC Phono Preamplifier

End: 09.09. 2024 17:42:39 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 715.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 186559601894
  • Seller: steikon_91 (313|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlottesville, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare R15 phono preamp in excellent working condition. I’ve used this preamp with both moving magnet and moving coil cartridges over the last few years. Only selling because I’m downsizing my system. Everything works, it sounds great, and offers good flexibility with different carts. Ships in the original packaging.

Vintage PRIMARE Model 201 Stereo Preamplifier with Phono

End: 29.08. 2024 16:37:21 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2268.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 226262154343
  • Seller: audioclassicsltd (3379|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Vestal, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 75,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage PRIMARE Model 201 Stereo Preamplifier With Phono 230 Volt Audio Classics, Ltd. Original MSRP: $6500.00 For sale we are offering a Vintage and Rare Model 201 from Primare Audio. This unit is fully tested and in good condition. Note that this unit operates at 230 Volts so the owner may need to use a proper step-up/down transformer. ** We are also selling in other Ebay listings the matching Primare 203 & 204 CD Player and Tuner** Comes with Original Remote, Remote Sensor and Metal Carrying Case. Thanks for looking. Model / Serial 201-Primare / 96 Contiguous US Lower-48-State shipping, insurance and handling charges for this item will be $75.00 With Signature Required. Please submit all inquiries regarding this item through the Ebay messaging system and ask All questions before committing to purchase. We will only ship to your Ebay/Paypal/Credit-Card Verified or Confirmed shipping address. We will not under-value this item or otherwise falsify our invoices or shipping documents for any reason.This item is available for sale only through Ebay.________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Primare Systems D20 CD Player (Pre-Owned)

End: 23.08. 2024 20:24:56 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 271.02 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 296408389494
  • Seller: audiolab-since_1958 (1170|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Morrisville, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare Systems D20 CD Player (Pre-Owned) Customer Trade-In / Display screen no longer working, but the unit still functions and plays CDs. D/A Converter + Filter........................24 Bit AKM Output Analogue...............................1.9 VRMS Output Impedance.............................100 ohms Frequency Response.........................20Hz - 20kHz (+0/0.4dB) Signal to Noise Ratio.........................100dBA Harmonic Distortion...........................<0.01% (20Hz - 20kHz) Digital Output....................................75 ohm coaxial Standby............................................<10W Weight..............................................9kg Dimensions(w x d x h)........................43.5 x 28.5 x 9 cm   Shipping Shipping cost:Free Shipping in USA (Non-International) Delivery time:Free 2-3 Day Shipping Payment We accept the following payment methods:  Cash On Pickup Please contact us if you have any questions. Shipping Policy Most orders are shipped via UPS and USPS within 2 business days. Any orders with Guaranteed Delivery will be shipped in time to arrive on the expected date. Whenever possible, products are double-boxed to further protect the contents of the package. All packages are shipped with shipping insurance. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a notification with your tracking information. Please allow 1-5 business days for delivery depending on what part of the country the order is being shipped to.  All orders over $250 we add signature confirmation to for security against package theft. By placing an order in that amount you agree to accept all responsibilities related to accepting and signing for your packages. *Products returned as undeliverable will have the full cost of shipping and up to a 15% restocking fee subtracted from the refund.* Return Policy Please message us to receive a return authorization or RA. An RA allows us to track your return and provide a timely refund. You may return any purchased item within 30 days of purchase for a refund as long as it is in the original box with all the packing and accessories. Shipping charges may be incurred by Audiolab and can be deducted from any refund even if they were provided at no cost on the original purchase. Shipping charges are based on the cost of shipping the item both ways. Opened items must be in new condition and although rare they may incur a restocking fee of no more than 10% if item is used or not complete. Please message us if you have any questions about returning an item. Defective merchandise may be exchanged or repaired, as per the manufacturers policies and warranties. Thank you.


End: 23.08. 2024 16:03:43 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 635.32 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 315679912874
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: dacky_43 (1|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Fremont, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am selling a matching set of Primare Amplifier and Preamplifier. Very much cared for woman owned and in pristine condition. As seen by the pictures there are numerous inputs and outputs. Happy bidding! I am asking for buyer to pay for shipping and handling.


End: 05.08. 2024 00:31:05 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1432.15 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 315603702149
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: dacky_43 (1|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Fremont, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 150,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    I am selling a matching set of Primare Amplifier and Preamplifier. Very much cared for woman owned and in pristine condition. As seen by the pictures there are numerous inputs and outputs. Happy bidding! I am asking for buyer to pay for shipping and handling.

Primare PRE 32 Pre-Amplifier + Rechn./GEWÄHR!

End: 01.08. 2024 12:58:18 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 899.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 176497364116
  • Seller: black-audioline (6198|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: St. Ingbert Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Primare PRE 32 Pre-Amplifier + Rechn./GEWÄHR! Primare PRE 32 Pre-Amplifier black in like new condition, works perfectly. It was used for low hours only and therefore shows almost no signs of use. Delivery includes commercial invoice, manual as .pdf file, remote control, power core and 1 year warranty. ALL pics show the item on offer. PRIMARE PRE 32 Vorverstärker: Modell: Primare PRE 32 Konzept: Hochpegel-Vorverstärker Eingänge: 2 x symmetrisch (XLR), 4 x unsymmetrisch (Cinch) Ausgänge: 1 x symmetrisch (XLR), 2x unsymmetrisch (Cinch) Maße & Gewicht: 430 x 105 x 385 mm (BxHxT), 10,5 kg Farben: Schwarz, Silber Sonstiges: Fernbedienung, durch optionales Streamingmodul MM 30 (um 1.200 Euro) zur digitalenQuelle aufrüstbar Leistungsaufnahme: circa 20 Watt im Leerlauf Primare PRE 32 Vorverstärker Bedienungsanleitung als .pdf Datei / User Manual as .pdf file Netzkabel / Power Core Bedienungsanleitung / Remote Control Auf diesen Artikel gilt eine Gewährleistung von 1 Jahr mit Rechnung und Seriennummer. Sie kaufen ohne Risiko! Auf diesen Artikel gilt eine Widerrusfrist von 14 Tagen. Alle Bilder sind wahrheitsgemäß und entprechen dem angebotenen Artikel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haben Sie Fragen zu diesem Angebot? Sie können uns gerne kontaktieren, siehe Rechtliche Informationen des Verkäufers unten: Das Gerät kann gerne nach kurzer Terminabsprache auch vor Ort abgeholt werden. Vorkasse / Bank transfer (IBAN + BIC) PayPal Barzahlung bei Abholung Inland: Deutsche Post DHL 19,99 € Europäische Union Deutsche Post DHL 34,00 € Europa ohne EU Deutsche Post DHL 44,00 € Der Versand erfolgt am Tag des Zahlungseingangs. Nach dem Paketversand erhalten Sie von uns die Tracking-ID per E-Mail zur Nachverfolgung des Paketes. Ein sicherer Versand hat bei uns allerhöchste Priorität. Sollte keine Originalverpackung für den Artikel vorhanden sein, wird eine gleichwertige, sichere Verpackung verwendet. Lieferungen per Express oder per Nachnahme innerhalb der EU möglich. Delivery will take place on the day we receive the payment. We will send you the tracking-id of the package to allow you to track the package shipping. A safe delivery of the item is our highest priority. In the case no original packaging is available, we will use an equal packaging to gurantee a safety arrival. Cash on delivery within EU possible.

Primare SP31 Surround Sound Preamp/Processor

End: 12.07. 2024 15:57:13 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 311.12 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 256568828358
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: hifigirl25 (99|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Clovis, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Good working condition Primare SP31 surround sound preamp/processor. Inputs and outputs have been tested and everything is functioning properly. Includes remote and power cord. SP31 still has protective film over display (DISPLAY IS NOT SCRATCHED) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION General Analog inputs 1 XLR, 7 RCA (left and right). Digital inputs 1 AES/EBU, 5 RCA, 2 TOSlink. Video inputs 4 composite, 3 S-Video, 2 component. Balanced analog outputs Front (left and right). Analog outputs Front (left and right), center, subwoofer, surround (left and right), surround back (left and right). Analog record output 2 RCA (left and right). Digital outputs 1 TOSlink, 1 RCA. Video outputs 2 composite, 2 S-Video, 1 component. General (continued) Modes Dolby Pro Logic Dolby Pro Logic II Dolby Digital 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround EX 6.1 Dolby Digital Matrix 6.1 DTS Neo:6 DTS 5.1 DTS ES 6.1 DTS ES 6.1 Discrete Surround EX 7.1 Video NTSC/PAL, component, S-Video, and composite. Analog data Bandwidth 1Hz – 100kHz, 1dB THD <0.005%, 20Hz – 20kHz Signal-to-noise -110dB Frequency response <10Hz – 100kHz, -1dB Input impedance 15k? unbalanced, 10k? balanced Output impedance 50? Digital data Frequency response 20Hz – 20kHz, ± 2dB THD+noise 0.005% @ 1kHz Dimensions (WxDxH) 430 x 385 x 100mm Weight 10kg

Primare SP31 Surround Sound Preamp/Processor

End: 10.07. 2024 14:40:34 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 356.84 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256561986578
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: hifigirl25 (98|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Clovis, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Good working condition Primare SP31 surround sound preamp/processor. Inputs and outputs have been tested and everything is functioning properly. Includes remote and power cord. SP31 still has protective film over display (DISPLAY IS NOT SCRATCHED) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION General Analog inputs 1 XLR, 7 RCA (left and right). Digital inputs 1 AES/EBU, 5 RCA, 2 TOSlink. Video inputs 4 composite, 3 S-Video, 2 component. Balanced analog outputs Front (left and right). Analog outputs Front (left and right), center, subwoofer, surround (left and right), surround back (left and right). Analog record output 2 RCA (left and right). Digital outputs 1 TOSlink, 1 RCA. Video outputs 2 composite, 2 S-Video, 1 component. General (continued) Modes Dolby Pro Logic Dolby Pro Logic II Dolby Digital 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround EX 6.1 Dolby Digital Matrix 6.1 DTS Neo:6 DTS 5.1 DTS ES 6.1 DTS ES 6.1 Discrete Surround EX 7.1 Video NTSC/PAL, component, S-Video, and composite. Analog data Bandwidth 1Hz – 100kHz, 1dB THD <0.005%, 20Hz – 20kHz Signal-to-noise -110dB Frequency response <10Hz – 100kHz, -1dB Input impedance 15k? unbalanced, 10k? balanced Output impedance 50? Digital data Frequency response 20Hz – 20kHz, ± 2dB THD+noise 0.005% @ 1kHz Dimensions (WxDxH) 430 x 385 x 100mm Weight 10kg


End: 03.07. 2024 20:40:45 on Wednesday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 63.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 335351978942
  • Seller: jtmetro (4132|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Santa Rosa, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PRIMARE SP31.7 MULTI-CHANNEL SURROUND SOUND PREAMPLIFIER w/ REMOTE for PARTS or REPAIR Missing internal parts, 8 of the top cover mounting screws are missing. Sold for parts or repair. No returns. Please check out my 100% Positive Feedback. I pack my items professionally. I ship promptly within 48 hours of payment. ______________________ I guarantee complete satisfaction with all of my items. If you are not happy with your purchase, or if I have made a mistake, then I offer a 100% refund of the purchase price (buyer pays return shipping and must return item in the same condition within 14 days of delivery). Please contact me immediately if there is a problem. International Buyers – Please Note: Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. Please ask any and all questions before bidding. I ship promptly the same or next day after receiving payment. I package and ship my items securely with electronic postage and labels. Delivery Confirmation w/ USPS or UPS tracking number is automatically included FREE with your Shipping and Handling Charge. A confirmation email is automatically emailed to you by PayPal when I purchase the postage online and print the label. (Domestic Only) For limited tracking Internationally, Priority Mail International is available. Priority International tracks the package to the point the package leaves the U.S, and is then only provided as a courtesy service by USPS and its partners. First Class International method does not include a tracking number, but I do, however, retain proof of mailing from the post office. Please use the easy online automatic S&H Calculator included here in the items description before you bid. I package my items very well using thick cardboard boxes. For combined shipping on International orders, please ask for a quote before you bid. I ship WORLDWIDE (with happy customers in Iceland, Germany, France, Canada, Japan, Greece, Norway, Finland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Mexico, Brazil, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland, India, Australia, Italy, Spain, China, Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Austria, Russia, Argentina, Chile, etc). I offer combined shipping when multiple items are paid for on one single combined invoice. If you bid, you agree to buy. If you bid on multiple items, and want to receive this discount, please wait for all your auctions to close before paying for your items. I will send you a SINGLE combined invoice. I am proud of my 100% Feedback. When you receive your item, please give me positive feedback and then I will give you like feedback in return. Thank you for your business and good luck with your BIDDING! Please check out all my other auctions! THANKS FOR BIDDING!