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End: 28.01. 2025 08:11:41 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 115.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226567989659
  • Seller: simpletek-l*elettronica-lowcost (13316|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Arezzo Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PLANTRONICS VOYAGER LEGEND AURICOLARE MONO PROFESSIONALE BLUETOOTH CALL CENTER Codice Simpletek 10152 Ricondizionato di Grado B Possibile presenza di difetti meramente estetici evidenti sullo chassis e sullo schermo, quali graffi, aloni e/o punti di luminanza, lhardware è comunque testato, funzionante e garantito. (vedi dettagli condizione prodotto) Informazioni Generali Accessori: Cavo Micro-USB in omaggio !Colore: NeroGaranzia: 12 mesi (Simpletek)Fattura di acquisto: va richiesta contestualmente allordine e sarà inviata tramite email. In assenza dei dati di fatturazione verrà emesso lo scontrino fiscale che non sarà possibile annullare. Descrizione Specifiche Questo auricolare Bluetooth è una soluzione completa per le tue comunicazioni. Con tre microfoni a cancellazione di rumore, offre unottima qualità audio filtrando l80% dei rumori ambientali. È compatibile con liPhone, con indicatori del livello della batteria sullo schermo. La tecnologia MultiPunto consente di connettere fino a due dispositivi contemporaneamente. Offre anche comandi vocali, avvisi vocali, e streaming audio di alta qualità. La sua autonomia è di 6 ore in conversazione e 5 mesi in standby. Con una serie di funzionalità intelligenti, tra cui la riduzione del rumore del vento e il tasto mute, è perfetto per un uso quotidiano. Con un design leggero e confortevole, puoi indossarlo a destra o a sinistra per tutta la giornata. Tre microfoni a cancellazione di rumore: filtrano l80% dei rumori ambientaliIndicatore del livello della batteria sulliPhoneTecnologia MultiPunto: connessione simultanea di fino a due dispositivi Bluetooth®Plantronics Vocalyst™: un anno di servizio gratuito per gestione mail, internet, applicazioni...Comandi vocali per gestire le chiamateAvvisi vocali sullo stato dellauricolare (autonomia, volume, mute, stato connessione...)Autonomia: 6 ore in conversazione / 5 mesi in standbyA2DP: streaming Bluetooth® di musica, podcast, GPS ad alta qualità audioTecnologia QuickPair™: accoppiamento facileTecnologia WindSmart™: riduzione del rumore del ventoTasto mute: permette di sospendere laudio del microfono in modo che linterlocutore non vi sentaBraccetto microfono sottile, robusto e regolabileGancio contorno orecchio flessibile, stabile e confortevole per tutta la giornataPortata Bluetooth® fino a 10 metriPeso: 18 grammiTempo di carica completa: 1 ora e mezzaSegnale acustico per batteria deboleBatteria Li-IonIndossabilità sia a destra che a sinistra Contattaci, clicca qui


End: 28.01. 2025 08:11:41 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 107.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326420225867
  • Seller: simpletek-l*elettronica-lowcost (13316|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Arezzo Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AURICOLARE CUFFIA PLANTRONICS VOYAGER 5200 BLUETOOTH PROFESSIONALE PCAURICOLARE CUFFIA PLANTRONICS VOYAGER 5200 BLUETOOTH PROFESSIONALE PC Codice Simpletek 10153 Ricondizionato di Grado B Presenza di difetti meramente estetici evidenti sullo chassis e sullo schermo, quali graffi, aloni e/o punti di luminanza, lhardware è comunque testato, funzionante e garantito. (vedi dettagli condizione prodotto) Informazioni Generali Accessori: Cavo Micro-USB in omaggio.Colore: NeroGaranzia: 12 mesi (Simpletek)Fattura di acquisto: va richiesta contestualmente allordine e sarà inviata tramite email. In assenza dei dati di fatturazione verrà emesso lo scontrino fiscale che non sarà possibile annullare. Descrizione Auricolari Plantronics Qualità Audio Avanzata: Tecnologia WindSmart a sei strati e quattro microfoni omnidirezionali per chiarezza audio ottimale.Connettività Wireless Versatile: Collegamento senza fili al computer fino a 30 metri con adattatore Bluetooth BT700 USB-A incluso.Bluetooth 5.0 Integrato: Connessione diretta al telefono cellulare con avvisi vocali avanzati e prestazioni stabili.Design Elegante e Portatile: Comodo design over-the-ear, compatti e protetti dallumidità con rivestimento P2i, perfetti per luso in movimento.Lunga Durata della Batteria: Fino a 21 ore di autonomia in conversazioneCompatibilità Universale: Funziona con le principali piattaforme di videoconferenza come Microsoft Teams e Zoom.Componenti Inclusi: Auricolare mono Bluetooth, cavo USB. Contattaci, clicca qui

Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 Anc Kopfhörer Profi Conference PC

End: 27.01. 2025 14:22:12 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 193.47 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226525309456
  • Seller: simpletek-l*elettronica-lowcost (13287|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Arezzo Italien
  • Ships to: Americas
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 Anc Kopfhörer Profi Conference PCPlantronics Voyager Focus 2 Anc Kopfhörer Profi Conference PC Die Beschreibung dieses Artikels erfolgte durch automatische Übersetzung. Bei anstehenden Fragen, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns. PLANTRONICS VOYAGER FOCUS 2 ANC-Ohrhörer, professionelle PC-Konferenz-Kopfhörer Simpletek-Code 7341 Klasse A renoviert Mögliches Vorliegen rein ästhetischer Mängel, die die Nutzung nicht beeinträchtigen, wie z. B. kleine Pixelfehler (ISO-9241-3xx-Standards), Mikrokratzer am Gehäuse/Bildschirm und/oder andere Mängel, die nicht mehr als 30 cm vom Objekt entfernt sichtbar sind und jedoch auf Abnutzung zurückzuführen sind des Objekts im Laufe der Zeit; Die Hardware ist jedoch getestet, funktionsfähig und garantiert (siehe Produktzustandsdetails) Allgemeine Informationen Zubehör: Kostenloses Micro-USB-KabelFarbe: SchwarzGarantie: 12 Monate (Simpletek)Kaufrechnung: muss gleichzeitig mit der Bestellung angefragt werden und wird per E-Mail verschickt. Bei fehlenden Rechnungsdaten wird eine Quittung ausgestellt, die nicht storniert werden kann. Beschreibung Spezifikationen Genießen Sie kristallklaren Klang und unvergleichlichen Komfort mit echten kabellosen Ohrhörern. Mit Schallisolierung, Geräuschreduzierung und 7,5 Stunden Musikwiedergabe ist Ihr Klangerlebnis überall einwandfrei. VERBINDUNGEN• Voyager Focus 2 UC: PC über den mitgelieferten Bluetooth-Adapter BT700 oder über ein USB-Kabel; Smartphone über Bluetooth• Voyager Office Base: PC über das mitgelieferte USB-A- oder USB-C-Kabel; Tischtelefon per Kabel inklusive.DRAHTLOS• Bluetooth v5.1• Klasse 1• Mehrpunktverbindung, das Headset stellt gleichzeitig eine Verbindung zu zwei Geräten her und speichert bis zu 8 Geräte• Unterstützte Bluetooth-Profile: A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, HFP• AktionsbereichVoyager Focus 2 UC: bis zu 50 m/164 ftVoyager-Bürobasis: bis zu 91 m/300 FußKABELVERBINDUNGEN• Verbindung zum PC über das mitgelieferte Micro-USB-Kabel mit Audiomodus über USBSCHLAGZEUG• Batteriekapazität: 560 mAh• Batterietyp: Lithium-Ionen• Gesprächszeit:Bis zu 25 Stunden (ANC und Online-Anzeige aus)Bis zu 20 Stunden (ANC ein und Online-Anzeige aus)Bis zu 18 Stunden (ANC aus und Online-Anzeige an, Standardeinstellung)Bis zu 16 Stunden (ANC an und Online-Anzeige an, Standardeinstellung)• Hörzeit: Bis zu 40 Stunden (ANC aus)Bis zu 24 Stunden (ANC eingeschaltet)• Ladezeit: 2 Stunden für eine vollständige Aufladung• Standby-Zeit: bis zu 30 TageEMPFANGSFREQUENZANTWORT• Dynamischer EQ optimiert für Breitband-PC-Sprachtelefonie bis 7 kHz oder Multimedia von 20 Hz bis 20 kHzANC.-TECHNOLOGIE ANC: aktive Geräuschunterdrückung)• Digitaler Hybrid-ANC mit zwei MEMS-Digitalmikrofonen und 2 analogen ECM-Mikrofonen mit drei Benutzereinstellungen (Aus/Niedrig/Hoch)INTELLIGENTE SENSOREN• Nehmen Sie Anrufe an, indem Sie einfach das Headset aufsetzen, schalten Sie sie stumm, indem Sie das Headset abnehmen und pausieren/fortsetzen der MusikGEHÖRSCHUTZ• SoundGuard DIGITAL: G616-Unterstützung begrenzt den Pegel auf 102 dBSPL; Der zeitgewichtete Durchschnitt verhindert, dass die durchschnittliche tägliche Lärmbelastung 85 dBA überschreitetMIKROFON UND TECHNOLOGIE• Diskreter Mikrofonarm mit Acoustic Fence-Technologie für das Microsoft Teams Open Office Premium-Mikrofon• Intelligenter, diskreter Mikrofonarm: Kann auf beiden Seiten getragen werden und behält die Stereo-R/L-Position bei. Drehen Sie die Stange zum Stummschalten und senken Sie sie ab, um die Stille aufzuhebenBEDIENELEMENTE UND LICHTER DES HEADSETS• Anruf annehmen/beenden, Stummschaltung, Lautstärke +/-, Ein-/Ausschalten/Pairing, ANC: Aus, niedrig, hoch• Online-Anzeige: Zwei LED-Anzeigen am Lautsprechergehäuse zeigen den Anrufstatus anBEDIENELEMENTE DER HEADSET-BASIS• Voyager Focus 2 UC mit Ladestation: Nur Tischladegerät• Voyager Office Base: Tischtelefon, Softphone-Wähltaste; Schaltfläche Microsoft Teams“ (nur Microsoft Teams-Version); und Tischtelefon-Einrichtung, Sende- und EmpfangsanpassungHEADSET-GEWICHT• 175 g Kontaktieren Sie uns, klicken Sie hier Mögliches Vorliegen rein ästhetischer Mängel, die die Nutzung nicht beeinträchtigen, wie z. B. kleine Pixelfehler (ISO-9241-3xx-Standards), Mikrokratzer am Gehäuse/Bildschirm und/oder andere Mängel, die nicht mehr als 30 cm vom Objekt entfernt sichtbar sind und jedoch auf Abnutzung zurückzuführen sind des Objekts im Laufe der Zeit; Die Hardware ist jedoch getestet, funktionsfähig und garantiert (siehe Produktzustandsdetails) Genießen Sie kristallklaren Klang und unvergleichlichen Komfort mit echten kabellosen Ohrhörern. Mit Schallisolierung, Geräuschreduzierung und 7,5 Stunden Musikwiedergabe ist Ihr Klangerlebnis überall einwandfrei. • Intelligenter, diskreter Mikrofonarm: Kann auf beiden Seiten getragen werden und behält die Stereo-R/L-Position bei. Drehen Sie die Stange zum Stummschalte Colore Nero Connettività Bluetooth Marca Plantronics Modello Focus 2 Tipo Cuffia wireless Banda 20 Hz a 20 kHz Fattore di forma On-Ear Garanzia produttore 1 anno MPN 7341 Paese di fabbricazione Cina Quantità 1 Tecnologia wireless Sì Unità di misura Unità EAN 0197029504517


End: 27.01. 2025 14:06:15 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 115.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226524881555
  • Seller: simpletek-l*elettronica-lowcost (13287|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Arezzo Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PLANTRONICS VOYAGER LEGEND AURICOLARE MONO PROFESSIONALE BLUETOOTH CALL CENTERPLANTRONICS VOYAGER LEGEND AURICOLARE MONO PROFESSIONALE BLUETOOTH CALL CENTER Codice Simpletek 10152 Ricondizionato di Grado B Possibile presenza di difetti meramente estetici evidenti sullo chassis e sullo schermo, quali graffi, aloni e/o punti di luminanza, lhardware è comunque testato, funzionante e garantito. (vedi dettagli condizione prodotto) Informazioni Generali Accessori: Cavo Micro-USB in omaggio !Colore: NeroGaranzia: 12 mesi (Simpletek)Fattura di acquisto: va richiesta contestualmente allordine e sarà inviata tramite email. In assenza dei dati di fatturazione verrà emesso lo scontrino fiscale che non sarà possibile annullare. Descrizione Specifiche Questo auricolare Bluetooth è una soluzione completa per le tue comunicazioni. Con tre microfoni a cancellazione di rumore, offre unottima qualità audio filtrando l80% dei rumori ambientali. È compatibile con liPhone, con indicatori del livello della batteria sullo schermo. La tecnologia MultiPunto consente di connettere fino a due dispositivi contemporaneamente. Offre anche comandi vocali, avvisi vocali, e streaming audio di alta qualità. La sua autonomia è di 6 ore in conversazione e 5 mesi in standby. Con una serie di funzionalità intelligenti, tra cui la riduzione del rumore del vento e il tasto mute, è perfetto per un uso quotidiano. Con un design leggero e confortevole, puoi indossarlo a destra o a sinistra per tutta la giornata. Tre microfoni a cancellazione di rumore: filtrano l80% dei rumori ambientaliIndicatore del livello della batteria sulliPhoneTecnologia MultiPunto: connessione simultanea di fino a due dispositivi Bluetooth®Plantronics Vocalyst™: un anno di servizio gratuito per gestione mail, internet, applicazioni...Comandi vocali per gestire le chiamateAvvisi vocali sullo stato dellauricolare (autonomia, volume, mute, stato connessione...)Autonomia: 6 ore in conversazione / 5 mesi in standbyA2DP: streaming Bluetooth® di musica, podcast, GPS ad alta qualità audioTecnologia QuickPair™: accoppiamento facileTecnologia WindSmart™: riduzione del rumore del ventoTasto mute: permette di sospendere laudio del microfono in modo che linterlocutore non vi sentaBraccetto microfono sottile, robusto e regolabileGancio contorno orecchio flessibile, stabile e confortevole per tutta la giornataPortata Bluetooth® fino a 10 metriPeso: 18 grammiTempo di carica completa: 1 ora e mezzaSegnale acustico per batteria deboleBatteria Li-IonIndossabilità sia a destra che a sinistra Contattaci, clicca qui


End: 27.01. 2025 14:06:13 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 107.5 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 226524881562
  • Seller: simpletek-l*elettronica-lowcost (13287|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Arezzo Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 12,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AURICOLARE CUFFIA PLANTRONICS VOYAGER 5200 BLUETOOTH PROFESSIONALE PCAURICOLARE CUFFIA PLANTRONICS VOYAGER 5200 BLUETOOTH PROFESSIONALE PC Codice Simpletek 10153 Ricondizionato di Grado B Presenza di difetti meramente estetici evidenti sullo chassis e sullo schermo, quali graffi, aloni e/o punti di luminanza, lhardware è comunque testato, funzionante e garantito. (vedi dettagli condizione prodotto) Informazioni Generali Accessori: Cavo Micro-USB in omaggio.Colore: NeroGaranzia: 12 mesi (Simpletek)Fattura di acquisto: va richiesta contestualmente allordine e sarà inviata tramite email. In assenza dei dati di fatturazione verrà emesso lo scontrino fiscale che non sarà possibile annullare. Descrizione Auricolari Plantronics Qualità Audio Avanzata: Tecnologia WindSmart a sei strati e quattro microfoni omnidirezionali per chiarezza audio ottimale.Connettività Wireless Versatile: Collegamento senza fili al computer fino a 30 metri con adattatore Bluetooth BT700 USB-A incluso.Bluetooth 5.0 Integrato: Connessione diretta al telefono cellulare con avvisi vocali avanzati e prestazioni stabili.Design Elegante e Portatile: Comodo design over-the-ear, compatti e protetti dallumidità con rivestimento P2i, perfetti per luso in movimento.Lunga Durata della Batteria: Fino a 21 ore di autonomia in conversazioneCompatibilità Universale: Funziona con le principali piattaforme di videoconferenza come Microsoft Teams e Zoom.Componenti Inclusi: Auricolare mono Bluetooth, cavo USB. Contattaci, clicca qui

Plantronics B230 Voyager Pro UC V2 Wireless Bluetooth Headset USED

End: 22.11. 2024 18:37:20 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 28.62 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 175778877853
  • Seller: empo_kwikship (1162|95.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 19,28 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plantronics B230 Voyager Pro UC V2 Wireless Bluetooth Headset USED. Very good/clean used condition. Please reference all pictures for your condition preference/ liking & message me with any ?’s you may have. Thanks

Kopfhörer Plantronics Voyager 5200 Bluetooth Profi PC

End: 18.08. 2024 23:45:52 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 119.36 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326206195542
  • Seller: simpletek-l*elettronica-lowcost (13134|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: 52100 Italien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Kopfhörer Plantronics Voyager 5200 Bluetooth Profi PCKopfhörer Plantronics Voyager 5200 Bluetooth Profi PCDie Beschreibung dieses Artikels erfolgte durch automatische Übersetzung. Bei anstehenden Fragen, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.PLANTRONICS VOYAGER 5200 PROFESSIONELLES BLUETOOTH-PC-HEADSET PLANTRONICS VOYAGER 5200 PROFESSIONELLES BLUETOOTH-PC-HEADSETReferenz: 10153 Simpletek-Code 10153Klasse B renoviertDas Gehäuse und der Bildschirm weisen rein ästhetische Mängel auf, wie z. B. Kratzer, Lichthöfe und/oder Leuchtflecken. Die Hardware ist jedoch getestet, funktionsfähig und garantiert. (siehe Produktzustandsdetails)Allgemeine Informationen Zubehör: Kostenloses Micro-USB-Kabel.Schwarze FarbeGarantie: 12 Monate (Simpletek)Kaufrechnung: muss gleichzeitig mit der Bestellung angefragt werden und wird per E-Mail verschickt. Bei fehlenden Rechnungsdaten wird eine Quittung ausgestellt, die nicht storniert werden kann.BeschreibungPlantronics-HeadsetsErweiterte Audioqualität: Sechsschichtige WindSmart-Technologie und vier omnidirektionale Mikrofone für optimale Audioklarheit.Vielseitige drahtlose Konnektivität: Drahtlose Verbindung zu Ihrem Computer bis zu 30 Meter mit dem mitgelieferten BT700 USB-A Bluetooth-Adapter.Bluetooth 5.0 integriert: Direkte Verbindung zum Mobiltelefon mit erweiterten Sprachalarmen und stabiler Leistung.Stilvolles und tragbares Design: Komfortables Over-the-Ear-Design, kompakt und feuchtigkeitsgeschützt mit P2i-Beschichtung, perfekt für den Einsatz unterwegs.Lange Akkulaufzeit: Bis zu 21 Stunden GesprächszeitUniverselle Kompatibilität: Es funktioniert mit den wichtigsten Videokonferenzplattformen wie Microsoft Teams und Zoom.Enthaltene Komponenten: Mono-Bluetooth-Headset, USB-Kabel. Kontaktieren Sie uns, klicken Sie hier Das Gehäuse und der Bildschirm weisen rein ästhetische Mängel auf, wie z. B. Kratzer, Lichthöfe und/oder Leuchtflecken. Die Hardware ist jedoch getestet, funktionsfähig und garantiert. (siehe Produktzustandsdetails) Kaufrechnung: muss gleichzeitig mit der Bestellung angefragt werden und wird per E-Mail verschickt. Bei fehlenden Rechnungsdaten wird eine Quittung ausgestellt, die nicht storniert werden kann. Erweiterte Audioqualität: Sechsschichtige WindSmart-Technologie und vier omnidirektionale Mikrofone für optimale Audioklarheit. Vielseitige drahtlose Konnektivität: Drahtlose Verbindung zu Ihrem Computer bis zu 30 Meter mit dem mitgelieferten BT700 USB-A Bluetooth-Adapter. Stilvolles und tragbares Design: Komfortables Over-the-Ear-Design, kompakt und feuchtigkeitsgeschützt mit P2i-Beschi Quantità 1 Unità di misura Unità Paese di fabbricazione Cina Garanzia produttore 1 anno Fattura Fornire dati al momento del pagamento Adatto a Multimedia Adatto a Telefono fisso Adatto a Ear-Cup (Over the Ear) Adatto a Standard Adatto a Elettronica e Informatica MPN 206110-01 Caratteristiche Voce HD Caratteristiche Auricolari sostituibili Caratteristiche Controllo volume Caratteristiche Punte auricolari sostituibili Caratteristiche Fascia regolabile Caratteristiche Controlli di riproduzione Caratteristiche Isolamento acustico Caratteristiche Bluetooth multipoint Caratteristiche A prova di sudore Caratteristiche Pieghevole Caratteristiche Cancellazione del rumore Caratteristiche Modalità suono ambientale Caratteristiche Microfono incorporato Caratteristiche Funzioni di chiamata Caratteristiche Senza fili Caratteristiche Eliminazione delleco Caratteristiche Batteria ricaricabile Modello Plantronics Voyager 5200 UC Colore Nero Tecnologia wireless Bluetooth Connettività Bluetooth Connettività USB Fattore di forma Gancio per orecchio Numero di auricolari Singolo Banda UHF Tipo Auricolare interno Marca Plantronics

Plantronics Voyager Pro UC B230 V2 Bluetooth Wireless Mobile Headset

End: 22.05. 2024 16:04:54 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 30.93 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 374820646564
  • Seller: bountyhunter (6983|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Davenport, Florida USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 38,11 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    See photos.

Plantronics B230 Voyager Pro UC V2 Wireless Bluetooth Headset Free Shipping

End: 18.12. 2023 16:30:00 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 16.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 1T 14:35:2
  • Item number: 126019241697
  • Seller: musthavegear (20780|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Falls Church, Virginia USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 18,22 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Terms PLEASE READ BEFORE BIDDING All items that we sell are guaranteed to be as described in the listing. Everything that is included in the auction is described and / or pictured above. If there is no indication of whether something is included, please do not assume it is. Parts or repair items and items that we cannot fully test are only guaranteed to have the functionally described. No further functionality can be guaranteed for these items. Used printing consumables and batteries are not guaranteed. Thank you for shopping with us! For more GREAT DEALS from MustHaveGear, please feel free to check out our eBay store. Shipping Local Pickup Local pickup is available at our location in Falls Church, Virginia from Monday - Saturday 10AM - 5PM. If you have won the item and prefer to pick it up, please select Local Pickup from the shipping options during checkout. Domestic Shipping --> Tracking information is automatically emailed upon shipment. We ship orders within the contiguous US with FedEx or UPS at our discretion. We use eBays UPS calculator for both FedEx and UPS rates. PO Box, HI, AK, APO/FPO/DPO, and PR orders must be shipped via USPS. Please request an adjusted invoice before checking out. Combined Shipping We can typically provide a 30% shipping discount for multiple purchases that will fit in the same box. For combined shipping, please click Request Invoice or send us a message before checking out. We can then adjust your invoice for combined shipping. Expedited Shipping --> In order to guarantee the rates and transit times shown, we must receive your order with its payment cleared by 2:00 PM EST during business days. Orders placed after 2:00 PM EST will be shipped on the next business day. Orders placed on weekends or holidays will be shipped the next business day. Please plan your orders accordingly. Domestic Shipping --> Tracking information is automatically emailed upon shipment. We ship orders within the contiguous US with FedEx or UPS at our discretion. We use eBays UPS calculator for both FedEx and UPS rates. PO Box, HI, AK, APO/FPO/DPO, and PR orders must be shipped via USPS. Please request an adjusted invoice before checking out. Combined Shipping We can typically provide a 30% shipping discount for multiple purchases that will fit in the same box. For combined shipping, please click Request Invoice or send us a message before checking out. We can then adjust your invoice for combined shipping. Expedited Shipping --> In order to guarantee the rates and transit times shown, we must receive your order with its payment cleared by 2:00 PM EST during business days. Orders placed after 2:00 PM EST will be shipped on the next business day. Orders placed on weekends or holidays will be shipped the next business day. Please plan your orders accordingly. Payment Payment For payment by PayPal, please checkout through eBay. If picking up locally we accept paypal, or credit card payments at our facility. Please make sure that your shipping and payment information are correct before submitting your order. Payment is due within 7 days of purchase. We accept PayPal, credit card over the phone, or cash upon local pickup. State Sales Tax will apply to all items shipped to Virginia as required by law. Requesting an Updated Invoice: If you need to update your invoice for combined shipping, local pickup, USPS, freight, or another reason, please click Request Invoice or send us a message before checking out. We can then adjust your invoice before checkout. Payment through PayPal: Please check out through eBay. Payment --> For payment by PayPal, please checkout through eBay. Please make sure that your shipping and payment information are correct before submitting your order. We accept PayPal. State Sales Tax will apply to all items shipped to Virginia as required by law. Requesting an Updated Invoice: If you need to update your invoice for combined shipping, USPS, or another reason, please click Request Invoice or send us a message before checking out. We can then adjust your invoice before checkout. Payment through PayPal: Please check out through eBay. Returns & Refunds Returns and Refunds --> We strive to be a 5 star seller and hope that you are happy with your purchase. If there is a problem with your order, please contact us through eBay messages or by phone before leaving feedback. For items that are tested and working properly: Our return window for working items listed as New or Used at the top are 30 days. If the item is no longer wanted or does not fit, the buyer is responsible for return shipping. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If the item is not working as described, we will work with you on the issue, please contact us to resolve For items that are sold AS-IS, for parts, repair, or not working: Items that state AS-IS, parts, repair, not working, or not fully tested are sold as is and cannot be returned or refunded. These items are only guaranteed to have the functionality as described in the listing. No further functionality can be guaranteed for these items. Please see the listing description. Please review all product details and sale terms before making a purchase. Returns and Refunds --> We strive to be a 5 star seller and hope that you are happy with your purchase. If there is a problem with your order, please contact us through eBay messages or by phone before leaving feedback. For items that are tested and working properly: Our return window for working items listed as New or Used at the top are 30 days. If the item is no longer wanted or does not fit, the buyer is responsible for return shipping. If the item is not working as described, we will work with you on the issue, please contact us to resolve Please review all product details and sale terms before making a purchase.

Plantronics Voyager Pro UC B230 Bluetooth V2 Wireless Mobile Headset

End: 20.11. 2023 15:00:39 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 109.19 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115866176876
  • Seller: smaa2014 (1856|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Branson, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,14 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand New, Sealed in the Factory BoxBox is a little distressed at one corner EXPEDITED SHIPPING & Fast Delivery - · We ship the same day of purchase and fast delivery. - · 100% Satisfaction guarantee. - · Hassle free return within 30 days of purchase if the item is not as described (Although, We describe item’s condition as accurate as possible). The returned item has to be in the same condition as we shipped and it’s the same item we sold. - . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via eBay messaging. We respond to every question in timely fashion (within an hour in most circumstances). - (A101)

Plantronics Voyager 8200 UC - B8200 - Bluetooth Headset - ähnlich BackBeat Pro2

End: 16.11. 2023 11:32:56 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 45.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 30T 18:38:49
  • Item number: 175967364214
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: Jena,Deutschland Deutschland
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plantronics Voyager 8200 UC - B8200 - Bluetooth Headset - ähnlich BackBeat Pro2Poly Voyager 8200 UC - Kopfhörer mit Mikrofon.Das Voyager 8200 UC Bluetooth-Headset blendet Hintergrundgeräusche aus, sodass Sie sich auf Ihre Arbeit, Telefonanrufe oder Ihre Playlist konzentrieren können – egal, wo Sie arbeiten. Mit vier Mikrofonen ohne Mikrofonarm, Verbindungsmöglichkeit mit mehreren Geräten und Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) lassen Sie Ablenkungen ganz einfach hinter sich. Highlights laut Herstellerbeschreibung: Zwei omnidirektionale Mikrofone mit erweitertem DSP optimieren die Sprachqualität und minimieren Hintergrundgeräusche Unübertroffenes Dualmodus-ANC zur Geräuschreduzierung nach Wunsch Dynamische Stummschaltwarnungen informieren Sie, wenn Sie bei Stummschaltung sprechen Modernes Design ohne Mikrofonarm Das 3,5 mm-Kabel sorgt für längeren Musikgenuss und ist ideal für die Nutzung im Flieger BT600 USB-Bluetooth-Adapter mit Stummschaltungsanzeige, mit diesem Dongle können Sie das Headset für Videokonferenzen an den PC drahltlos anschließen.Eine perfekte Kombination, Bluetooth direkt über das Handy, über den Dongel an den PC oder über Kabel im Flieger. Lieferumfang: Headset, 3,5mm Kabel und USB-Ladekabel

Plantronics Voyager PRO UC B230 Graphite Ear-Hook Bluetooth Headset

End: 27.10. 2023 16:01:29 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 102.37 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115866179161
  • Seller: smaa2014 (1856|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Branson, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,94 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand New, in OPEN Factory Box EXPEDITED SHIPPING & Fast Delivery - · We ship the same day of purchase and fast delivery. - · 100% Satisfaction guarantee. - · Hassle free return within 30 days of purchase if the item is not as described (Although, We describe item’s condition as accurate as possible). The returned item has to be in the same condition as we shipped and it’s the same item we sold. - . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via eBay messaging. We respond to every question in timely fashion (within an hour in most circumstances). - (A101)

Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2

End: 24.07. 2023 01:36:03 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.19 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275953149313
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: sea_compgeek (437|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saco, Maine USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 26,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2 Communication on the go has never been smarter. Be truly mobile with the intelligent Voyager PRO UC Bluetooth headset system. DETAILS:Bluetooth Version: Bluetooth 2.1 EDRBluetooth Profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)Features: Headset, Noise Canceling, Over-ear, Use With Mobile Phones, With Microphone, With Rechargeable BatteryIncluded Accessories: Bluetooth USB adapterThe unit is charged and a quick power on test reported 5 hours of talk time. Battery life will vary based on use. Please ask any questions before bidding. Unit is sold AS IS and I want you to be happy with the auction. Important Details: My guarantee to you:You will receive quick communication and response to questions during auction and after closingYou will receive what is listed in the auctionCheck my seller feedback for all the proof you need before bidding on this auction Warranty Terms: I do not warrant for the manufacturer, nor do I warrant against a specific use or compatibility of the product. If the product should arrive DOA (Dead-on-Arrival - totally non-functional) I will refund the cost of the item minus shipping upon return of the non-functional product. All warranty servicing need to be handled through the Original Manufacturer. Batteries charge and run times taken from manual and are not covered under warranty. All sales are final. Payment Terms: Contact in regards to payment needs to be made within 3 days of auction closing. The address I will ship the items to must be the address on the auction as I want Buyer / Seller Protections for each sale. Shipping Terms: Shipping & Handling is based on location and service selected. Express Service is also available and cost is based on shipping address after auction closing. Tracking number will be provided if available. Items normally shipped within 2-3 business days after payment is received. Other Auctions: Please see my other Auctions on eBay

Pads Replacement Foam Sponge For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC

End: 24.07. 2023 01:14:59 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.01 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 314608853207
  • Seller: greenburnhill (140|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,84 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pads Replacement Foam Sponge For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC Effectively reduce the friction between the ears and earphones. Sponge quality gives you a comfortable experience. Ideal replacement for any damaged, give new life for your headphones. Durable and soft for comfortable listening. Easy to install and use. Material: PU leather (Leatherette) Filler: Sponge foam Compatible for Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC Headphone Package includes: 1 Pair x Replacement Cushion For Headphone Left and Right * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. BEGIN]--> * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. END]--> - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. BEGIN]--> - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. END]--> - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! BEGIN]--> - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! END]--> - Our working time:* Hong Kong time : Monday to Saturday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. * if you send email to us,In our working hours will be resumed within 24 hours. * If you we are not satisfied with us ,please contact me and dont give us negative or natural feedback,We must give you a satisfactory solution. * You can contact us through emailBEGIN]--> * You can contact us through email * You can contact us through emailEND]-->

Plantronics Voyager PRO UC B230 Graphite Ear-Hook Bluetooth Headset

End: 20.07. 2023 16:40:55 on Thursday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 102.53 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115835009834
  • Seller: smaa2014 (1757|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Branson, Missouri USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 30,71 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Brand New, in OPEN Factory Box EXPEDITED SHIPPING & Fast Delivery - · We ship the same day of purchase and fast delivery. - · 100% Satisfaction guarantee. - · Hassle free return within 30 days of purchase if the item is not as described (Although, We describe item’s condition as accurate as possible). The returned item has to be in the same condition as we shipped and it’s the same item we sold. - . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via eBay messaging. We respond to every question in timely fashion (within an hour in most circumstances). - (A101)

Sponge Ear Pads Replacement For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC

End: 19.07. 2023 01:54:46 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 7.64 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166110234019
  • Seller: zhengjmwbk (2908|96.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,85 EUR
  • on EBAY

Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2

End: 17.07. 2023 01:35:14 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.1 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275942612730
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: sea_compgeek (437|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saco, Maine USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 27,37 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2 Communication on the go has never been smarter. Be truly mobile with the intelligent Voyager PRO UC Bluetooth headset system. DETAILS:Bluetooth Version: Bluetooth 2.1 EDRBluetooth Profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)Features: Headset, Noise Canceling, Over-ear, Use With Mobile Phones, With Microphone, With Rechargeable BatteryIncluded Accessories: Bluetooth USB adapterThe unit is charged and a quick power on test reported 5 hours of talk time. Battery life will vary based on use. Please ask any questions before bidding. Unit is sold AS IS and I want you to be happy with the auction. Important Details: My guarantee to you:You will receive quick communication and response to questions during auction and after closingYou will receive what is listed in the auctionCheck my seller feedback for all the proof you need before bidding on this auction Warranty Terms: I do not warrant for the manufacturer, nor do I warrant against a specific use or compatibility of the product. If the product should arrive DOA (Dead-on-Arrival - totally non-functional) I will refund the cost of the item minus shipping upon return of the non-functional product. All warranty servicing need to be handled through the Original Manufacturer. Batteries charge and run times taken from manual and are not covered under warranty. All sales are final. Payment Terms: Contact in regards to payment needs to be made within 3 days of auction closing. The address I will ship the items to must be the address on the auction as I want Buyer / Seller Protections for each sale. Shipping Terms: Shipping & Handling is based on location and service selected. Express Service is also available and cost is based on shipping address after auction closing. Tracking number will be provided if available. Items normally shipped within 2-3 business days after payment is received. Other Auctions: Please see my other Auctions on eBay

Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2

End: 10.07. 2023 01:34:31 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.1 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275931986042
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: sea_compgeek (437|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saco, Maine USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,76 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2 Communication on the go has never been smarter. Be truly mobile with the intelligent Voyager PRO UC Bluetooth headset system. DETAILS:Bluetooth Version: Bluetooth 2.1 EDRBluetooth Profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)Features: Headset, Noise Canceling, Over-ear, Use With Mobile Phones, With Microphone, With Rechargeable BatteryIncluded Accessories: Bluetooth USB adapterThe unit is charged and a quick power on test reported 5 hours of talk time. Battery life will vary based on use. Please ask any questions before bidding. Unit is sold AS IS and I want you to be happy with the auction. Important Details: My guarantee to you:You will receive quick communication and response to questions during auction and after closingYou will receive what is listed in the auctionCheck my seller feedback for all the proof you need before bidding on this auction Warranty Terms: I do not warrant for the manufacturer, nor do I warrant against a specific use or compatibility of the product. If the product should arrive DOA (Dead-on-Arrival - totally non-functional) I will refund the cost of the item minus shipping upon return of the non-functional product. All warranty servicing need to be handled through the Original Manufacturer. Batteries charge and run times taken from manual and are not covered under warranty. All sales are final. Payment Terms: Contact in regards to payment needs to be made within 3 days of auction closing. The address I will ship the items to must be the address on the auction as I want Buyer / Seller Protections for each sale. Shipping Terms: Shipping & Handling is based on location and service selected. Express Service is also available and cost is based on shipping address after auction closing. Tracking number will be provided if available. Items normally shipped within 2-3 business days after payment is received. Other Auctions: Please see my other Auctions on eBay

Cushion Ear Pads Foam Sponge For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC

End: 08.07. 2023 06:03:57 on Saturday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354797225762
  • Seller: lepean88 (353412|96.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,85 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Cushion Ear Pads Foam Sponge For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC Description: Ideal replacement for any damaged, give new life for your headphones. Durable and soft for comfortable listening. Sponge quality gives you a comfortable experience. Effectively reduce the friction between the ears and earphones. Easy to install and use. Material: PU leather (Leatherette) Filler: Sponge foam Compatible for Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC Headphone Package includes: 1 Pair x Replacement Cushion For Headphone Left and Right Payment: * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. BEGIN]--> * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. END]--> Shipping: - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. BEGIN]--> - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. END]--> Terms of Sale: - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! BEGIN]--> - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! END]--> About Us: - Our working time:* Hong Kong time : Monday to Saturday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. * if you send email to us,In our working hours will be resumed within 24 hours. * If you we are not satisfied with us ,please contact me and dont give us negative or natural feedback,We must give you a satisfactory solution. Contact Us: * You can contact us through emailBEGIN]--> * You can contact us through email * You can contact us through emailEND]-->

Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2

End: 03.07. 2023 01:34:08 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.06 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275921272434
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: sea_compgeek (437|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Saco, Maine USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 29,84 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Plantronics Voyager Pro UC v2 Communication on the go has never been smarter. Be truly mobile with the intelligent Voyager PRO UC Bluetooth headset system. DETAILS:Bluetooth Version: Bluetooth 2.1 EDRBluetooth Profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)Features: Headset, Noise Canceling, Over-ear, Use With Mobile Phones, With Microphone, With Rechargeable BatteryIncluded Accessories: Bluetooth USB adapterThe unit is charged and a quick power on test reported 5 hours of talk time. Battery life will vary based on use. Please ask any questions before bidding. Unit is sold AS IS and I want you to be happy with the auction. Important Details: My guarantee to you:You will receive quick communication and response to questions during auction and after closingYou will receive what is listed in the auctionCheck my seller feedback for all the proof you need before bidding on this auction Warranty Terms: I do not warrant for the manufacturer, nor do I warrant against a specific use or compatibility of the product. If the product should arrive DOA (Dead-on-Arrival - totally non-functional) I will refund the cost of the item minus shipping upon return of the non-functional product. All warranty servicing need to be handled through the Original Manufacturer. Batteries charge and run times taken from manual and are not covered under warranty. All sales are final. Payment Terms: Contact in regards to payment needs to be made within 3 days of auction closing. The address I will ship the items to must be the address on the auction as I want Buyer / Seller Protections for each sale. Shipping Terms: Shipping & Handling is based on location and service selected. Express Service is also available and cost is based on shipping address after auction closing. Tracking number will be provided if available. Items normally shipped within 2-3 business days after payment is received. Other Auctions: Please see my other Auctions on eBay

Pads Ear Cushion Foam Sponge For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC

End: 28.06. 2023 07:56:58 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.02 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 204351760136
  • Seller: roadstairs (66|95.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pads Ear Cushion Foam Sponge For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC

Pads Replacement Ear Cushion For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC

End: 27.06. 2023 07:32:00 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 8.22 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 304956087302
  • Seller: yuoerwcx112 (43|95.7%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 1,82 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pads Replacement Ear Cushion For Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 SE Voyager 8200UC

Ear Pads Cushion for Plantronics Voyager UC/Plantronics Backbeat Pro2 Headphone{

End: 27.06. 2023 03:18:06 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 9.42 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285297748531
  • Seller: power.st4 (2648|98.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original Cushion ear pads earmuff earpads pillow cover for Plantronics Voyager 8200 UC wireless noise canceling headphone New Features: Fits for Plantronics BackBeat PRO 2: Specially designed for Plantronics BackBeat PRO 2 over-ear headsets. Soft and Comfortable: Ultra-soft leather surface ensures a long time comfortable wearing, cozy and durable. Quick Replacement: Simply remove the worn-out ear pads and install the new replacement pads within seconds. Noise Isolation: Ear cushions isolate ambient sound while enhancing every beat that comes through the headphones. Package Included: 2 Pieces * Ear Pads (Headphone is not included). Specifications: Color: Brown, Grey, Black, White (Optional) Item Weight: Approx. 31.8g (2Pcs) Package List: 1 * Pair of Ear Pads

Earplug Protector Silicone Earbuds Cover For Plantronics Voyager 5200

End: 27.06. 2023 02:58:42 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 334877454144
  • Seller: yaoheffee (8558|96.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Shanghai China
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 2,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Earplug Protector Silicone Earbuds Cover For Plantronics Voyager 5200 Color: black (as shown) 100% brand new and high quality Suitable: For Plantronics Voyager 5200 Large 11.6*10mm; Medium 11.3*10mm; Small 10.6*10mm (aprox) Material: silicone,sponge Features: 1. Compatible with: PLANTRONICS PRO UC/PRO/PRO+/PRO HD Eartips V5200 VOYAGER LEGEND UC B235 VOYAGER LEGEND CS B335 2. Perfect fit: Perfect to get a custom fit, replacement for Plantronics s eartips, great replacement for when you earbud wears out and it will wear out. 3. Material: Soft silicone eartip and foam covers is comfortable for all day wearing, keep your headset fresh & comfortable, easily to install and replace. 4. Easy to use: Easy replacement and perfect fit. 5. Package contents: 3 different sizes of earplugs (please confirm the size before buying) Packing List: 3*Headphone Eartips Cover * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. BEGIN]--> * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. * Please make payment asap, then we can arrange shipment for you asap. END]--> - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. BEGIN]--> - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. - Thanks for your bid* We will arrange shipping for you within 24 Hours after payment cleared except the holidays.* If you have changed your address, or want us to ship to another address, please change to the new address.* We ship items to Worldwide. Thank you. END]--> - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! BEGIN]--> - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! - International Buyers Please Note: * Please check with your country customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying * We will carefully test every item before shipment.The quality is guaranteed! END]--> - Our working time:* Hong Kong time : Monday to Saturday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. * if you send email to us,In our working hours will be resumed within 24 hours. * If you we are not satisfied with us ,please contact me and dont give us negative or natural feedback,We must give you a satisfactory solution. * You can contact us through emailBEGIN]--> * You can contact us through email * You can contact us through emailEND]-->