pioneer pd-s701-g (6) |
pioneer pd-s-507 (6) |
pioneer pds-904 (6) |
pioneer pds 602 (6) |
pioneer pds-505 (7) |
pioneer pds 702 (7) |
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 25.01. 2025 19:01:42 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 308.99 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 267126029975
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 25,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Pioneer PD-X707 Operating Instructions Manual Booklet Only
End: 28.12. 2024 07:54:09 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.29 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 295768278180
- Seller: min3640 (482|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Lichfield
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 12,21 EUR
- on EBAY
Original Pioneer PD-X707 Operating Instructions Manual Booklet Only.
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 13.12. 2024 09:20:21 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 386.12 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 267085290015
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I Offer free shipping World Wide , and Selling too - Also World Wide ! Pioneer PD-S707 Hi End cd player stable platter . Note this runs on 220-/230- volt !This is a High-end CD player with the great stable platter drive from Pioneer , used in Wadia, among others.This one is in very good condition, completely in perfect order, sounds great, deep, clear, full of clearity.The remote control is one for a complete set up from Pioneer, With functions for TV CD etc General.This one is used but has a new look ,see pictures . I have not used this CD player much since 2009 , I started listing on my computer for music. Note ! I dont calculate you shipping cost ,This Cd player is free shipping GeneralManufacturer: PioneerModel: PD-S 707Type: CD-PlayerYears of manufacture: 1997 - 2002Made in: JapanColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower consumption: 14 WDimensions (WxHxD): 420 x 128 x 374 mmWeight: 7.2 kgOriginal price approx.: 700 DM (1998)ConnectionsInputs: -Number of outputs: 41x Audio Out Stereo1x Digital Out Coaxial 1x Digital Out SPDIF OpticalTechnical DataConverter: Jitter-resistant 24-bit D/A converter DAC 24Frequency response: 2 - 20000 HzDynamic range: 99 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: 110 dBDistortion factor: 0,002 %CD Text: Switchable displayMP3 support:Pitch control:Auto play:Shuffle: yesTitle programming: 24Repeat: yes, 6Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:Special FeaturesRemote control
PIONEER PD-S707 High End CD-Player Top Zustand Technisch einwandfrei
End: 13.11. 2024 19:44:02 on Wednesday
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 06.11. 2024 19:18:45 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 425.59 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 267043348066
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I Offer free shipping World Wide , and Selling too - Also World Wide ! Pioneer PD-S707 Hi End cd player stable platter . Note this runs on 220-/230- volt !This is a High-end CD player with the great stable platter drive from Pioneer , used in Wadia, among others.This one is in very good condition, completely in perfect order, sounds great, deep, clear, full of clearity.The remote control is one for a complete set up from Pioneer, With functions for TV CD etc General.This one is used but has a new look ,see pictures . I have not used this CD player much since 2009 , I started listing on my computer for music. Note ! I dont calculate you shipping cost ,This Cd player is free shipping GeneralManufacturer: PioneerModel: PD-S 707Type: CD-PlayerYears of manufacture: 1997 - 2002Made in: JapanColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower consumption: 14 WDimensions (WxHxD): 420 x 128 x 374 mmWeight: 7.2 kgOriginal price approx.: 700 DM (1998)ConnectionsInputs: -Number of outputs: 41x Audio Out Stereo1x Digital Out Coaxial 1x Digital Out SPDIF OpticalTechnical DataConverter: Jitter-resistant 24-bit D/A converter DAC 24Frequency response: 2 - 20000 HzDynamic range: 99 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: 110 dBDistortion factor: 0,002 %CD Text: Switchable displayMP3 support:Pitch control:Auto play:Shuffle: yesTitle programming: 24Repeat: yes, 6Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:Special FeaturesRemote control
PIONEER PD-S707 High End CD-Player Top Zustand Technisch einwandfrei
End: 04.11. 2024 21:46:19 on Monday
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 27.10. 2024 18:18:27 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 462.45 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 267032117550
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I Offer free shipping World Wide , and Selling too - Also World Wide ! Pioneer PD-S707 Hi End cd player stable platter . Note this runs on 220-/230- volt !This is a High-end CD player with the great stable platter drive from Pioneer , used in Wadia, among others.This one is in very good condition, completely in perfect order, sounds great, deep, clear, full of clearity.The remote control is one for a complete set up from Pioneer, With functions for TV CD etc General.This one is used but has a new look ,see pictures . I have not used this CD player much since 2009 , I started listing on my computer for music. Note ! I dont calculate you shipping cost ,This Cd player is free shipping GeneralManufacturer: PioneerModel: PD-S 707Type: CD-PlayerYears of manufacture: 1997 - 2002Made in: JapanColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower consumption: 14 WDimensions (WxHxD): 420 x 128 x 374 mmWeight: 7.2 kgOriginal price approx.: 700 DM (1998)ConnectionsInputs: -Number of outputs: 41x Audio Out Stereo1x Digital Out Coaxial 1x Digital Out SPDIF OpticalTechnical DataConverter: Jitter-resistant 24-bit D/A converter DAC 24Frequency response: 2 - 20000 HzDynamic range: 99 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: 110 dBDistortion factor: 0,002 %CD Text: Switchable displayMP3 support:Pitch control:Auto play:Shuffle: yesTitle programming: 24Repeat: yes, 6Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:Special FeaturesRemote control
Pioneer PD-S 707 Hi Fi CD Player
End: 18.10. 2024 10:11:34 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 49.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 156457154408
- Bids: 0
- Seller: edgarlang (226|92.3%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Düsseldorf
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Der Player ist in sehr gutem Zustand. Technisch einwandfrei. Seit Jahren hat er seine Zeit im Schrank verbracht und war in Folie eingepackt. Fernbedienung ist dabei. Der Pioneer PD-S 707 CD-Player in elegantem Schwarz ist ein hochwertiges Hi-Fi-Gerät, das durch seine Besonderheit der Hi-Fi Hoerwege Modifikation beeindruckt. Mit diesem Modell erleben Sie ein exzellentes Klangerlebnis, das audiophile Herzen höher schlagen lässt. Als Teil der Pioneer Marke steht dieser CD-Player für Qualität und Leistung in der Welt der Heim-Audio-Systeme. Ideal für Musikliebhaber, die Wert auf erstklassigen Klang legen und ein zuverlässiges Abspielgerät suchen. Billard Blue Jeans & Blues ZAHLUNG AUSSCHLIESSLICH PER VORKASSE! Versand sofort nach Zahlungseingang! Innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Auktionsende erhalten Sie eine E-Mail. Bitte bei der Überweissung Artikelbezeichnung, Ebayname und Artikelnummer angeben. Die Gewährleistung für Verkauf gebrauchter Gegenstände wird ausgeschlossen. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Ansprüche, die aus einer Verletzung von Leib oder Leben oder Garantiezusagen geltend gemacht werden oder die auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit oder einer fahrlässigen Verletzung einer wesentlichen Vertragspflicht beruhen. Seit Anfang 2002 gilt das neue EU-Gewährleistungsrecht, es zwingt dazu folgende Angaben zu machen: Dieses Angebot ist privater nicht gewerblicher Natur. Die angebotene Ware wird unter dem Status einer Gebrauchtartikelweitergabe verkauft (auch bei neuen Artikeln). Die Angaben wurden möglichst genau und nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht, damit sich der Käufer ein genaues Bild davon machen kann! Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jedweder Gewährleistung und Rücknahme. Der Artikel wird wie beschrieben von Privat verkauft! Mit der Abgabe des Gebotes erkennt der Bieter diese Bedingungen an! Spaßbieter sind unerwünscht! Es erfolgt neben der Meldung an eBay eine Anzeige wegen Betrug! Dabei ist es gleich ob es sich um 1 EUR oder 1000 EUR handelt! Bieter, welche die Ware nicht bezahlen, verstoßen gegen geltendes Recht und müssen ebenfalls mit einer Anzeige rechnen! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Transaktion erfolgt eine sofortige Bewertung. Fragen zu den Artikeln sollten Sie während der Auktion stellen und nicht erst, wenn Sie den Artikel bereits ersteigert haben!!! Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass an Wochenenden und Feiertagen nicht immer alle Fragen sofort beantwortet werden können. Bilder sind Eigentum von EDGARLANG. Nicht von uns genehmigtes Kopieren wird rechtlich verfolgt! Neue eBay-Benutzer bitten wir vor der Abgabe einer negativen oder neutralen Bewertung sich über die Gepflogenheiten zu informieren. Ungerechtfertigte, negative Bewertungen werden wir einklagen.
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 17.10. 2024 18:16:18 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 460.26 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 267019450081
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I Offer free shipping World Wide , and Selling too - Also World Wide ! Pioneer PD-S707 Hi End cd player stable platter . Note this runs on 220-/230- volt !This is a High-end CD player with the great stable platter drive from Pioneer , used in Wadia, among others.This one is in very good condition, completely in perfect order, sounds great, deep, clear, full of clearity.The remote control is one for a complete set up from Pioneer, With functions for TV CD etc General.This one is used but has a new look ,see pictures . I have not used this CD player much since 2009 , I started listing on my computer for music. Note ! I dont calculate you shipping cost ,This Cd player is free shipping GeneralManufacturer: PioneerModel: PD-S 707Type: CD-PlayerYears of manufacture: 1997 - 2002Made in: JapanColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower consumption: 14 WDimensions (WxHxD): 420 x 128 x 374 mmWeight: 7.2 kgOriginal price approx.: 700 DM (1998)ConnectionsInputs: -Number of outputs: 41x Audio Out Stereo1x Digital Out Coaxial 1x Digital Out SPDIF OpticalTechnical DataConverter: Jitter-resistant 24-bit D/A converter DAC 24Frequency response: 2 - 20000 HzDynamic range: 99 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: 110 dBDistortion factor: 0,002 %CD Text: Switchable displayMP3 support:Pitch control:Auto play:Shuffle: yesTitle programming: 24Repeat: yes, 6Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:Special FeaturesRemote control
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 07.10. 2024 18:15:48 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 463.07 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 267007303720
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I Offer free shipping World Wide , and Selling too - Also World Wide ! Pioneer PD-S707 Hi End cd player stable platter . Note this runs on 220-/230- volt !This is a High-end CD player with the great stable platter drive from Pioneer , used in Wadia, among others.This one is in very good condition, completely in perfect order, sounds great, deep, clear, full of clearity.The remote control is one for a complete set up from Pioneer, With functions for TV CD etc General.This one is used but has a new look ,see pictures . I have not used this CD player much since 2009 , I started listing on my computer for music. Note ! I dont calculate you shipping cost ,This Cd player is free shipping GeneralManufacturer: PioneerModel: PD-S 707Type: CD-PlayerYears of manufacture: 1997 - 2002Made in: JapanColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower consumption: 14 WDimensions (WxHxD): 420 x 128 x 374 mmWeight: 7.2 kgOriginal price approx.: 700 DM (1998)ConnectionsInputs: -Number of outputs: 41x Audio Out Stereo1x Digital Out Coaxial 1x Digital Out SPDIF OpticalTechnical DataConverter: Jitter-resistant 24-bit D/A converter DAC 24Frequency response: 2 - 20000 HzDynamic range: 99 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: 110 dBDistortion factor: 0,002 %CD Text: Switchable displayMP3 support:Pitch control:Auto play:Shuffle: yesTitle programming: 24Repeat: yes, 6Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:Special FeaturesRemote control
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 27.09. 2024 18:15:19 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 460.51 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266994426582
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I Offer free shipping World Wide , and Selling too - Also World Wide ! Pioneer PD-S707 Hi End cd player stable platter . Note this runs on 220-/230- volt !This is a High-end CD player with the great stable platter drive from Pioneer , used in Wadia, among others.This one is in very good condition, completely in perfect order, sounds great, deep, clear, full of clearity.The remote control is one for a complete set up from Pioneer, With functions for TV CD etc General.This one is used but has a new look ,see pictures . I have not used this CD player much since 2009 , I started listing on my computer for music. Note ! I dont calculate you shipping cost ,This Cd player is free shipping GeneralManufacturer: PioneerModel: PD-S 707Type: CD-PlayerYears of manufacture: 1997 - 2002Made in: JapanColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower consumption: 14 WDimensions (WxHxD): 420 x 128 x 374 mmWeight: 7.2 kgOriginal price approx.: 700 DM (1998)ConnectionsInputs: -Number of outputs: 41x Audio Out Stereo1x Digital Out Coaxial 1x Digital Out SPDIF OpticalTechnical DataConverter: Jitter-resistant 24-bit D/A converter DAC 24Frequency response: 2 - 20000 HzDynamic range: 99 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: 110 dBDistortion factor: 0,002 %CD Text: Switchable displayMP3 support:Pitch control:Auto play:Shuffle: yesTitle programming: 24Repeat: yes, 6Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:Special FeaturesRemote control
Pioneer PD-S707 "stable platter" Hi End cd player
End: 07.09. 2024 18:14:32 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 456.7 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266969756221
- Bids: 0
- Seller: roelcyborg (20|0.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Delft
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
I Offer free shipping World Wide , and Selling too - Also World Wide ! Pioneer PD-S707 Hi End cd player stable platter . Note this runs on 220-/230- volt !This is a High-end CD player with the great stable platter drive from Pioneer , used in Wadia, among others.This one is in very good condition, completely in perfect order, sounds great, deep, clear, full of clearity.The remote control is one for a complete set up from Pioneer, With functions for TV CD etc General.This one is used but has a new look ,see pictures . I have not used this CD player much since 2009 , I started listing on my computer for music. Note ! I dont calculate you shipping cost ,This Cd player is free shipping GeneralManufacturer: PioneerModel: PD-S 707Type: CD-PlayerYears of manufacture: 1997 - 2002Made in: JapanColor: BlackRemote control: yesPower consumption: 14 WDimensions (WxHxD): 420 x 128 x 374 mmWeight: 7.2 kgOriginal price approx.: 700 DM (1998)ConnectionsInputs: -Number of outputs: 41x Audio Out Stereo1x Digital Out Coaxial 1x Digital Out SPDIF OpticalTechnical DataConverter: Jitter-resistant 24-bit D/A converter DAC 24Frequency response: 2 - 20000 HzDynamic range: 99 dBSignal-to-noise ratio: 110 dBDistortion factor: 0,002 %CD Text: Switchable displayMP3 support:Pitch control:Auto play:Shuffle: yesTitle programming: 24Repeat: yes, 6Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:Special FeaturesRemote control
Pioneer PD-7070 CD Player Black - Tested & Working, Compact Disc Player
End: 09.08. 2024 15:19:33 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 186.07 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145867904194
- Seller: amazing_camera-shop (1094|98.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: MIe Tsu City
- Ships to: Americas
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer PD-7070 CD Player Black - Tested & Working, Compact Disc Player Description Pioneer CD Player PD-7070 It has been in storage for a long time. I connected it to an amplifier and did a simple test to see if it would play a CD, and it did work. Im an audio amateur, so there may be things Ive overlooked or not noticed. I only played a CD, so I didnt touch the switches much. Payment We accept Managed Payments ONLY. Please pay us within 5-10 days after the auction closed. Shipping I ship it in Expedited shipping(EMS,Fedex,DHL)I attach the tracking number. Please bid it without worrying*We can not use International e-Packet (Japan Post) service for some countries in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan etc.) If your shipping address is in these areas, please contact us before bidding. *For stuffed animal products, we may use compression bags for shipping (please understand that some wrinkles may occur). International Buyers - Please Note: * Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.* Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.* These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.* We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. ?CautionYou may need a plug adapter for the battery charger according to where you live and use.This chargers plug type is A
Pioneer CD Player Pd-7070 Keine Garantie Von Spielbarkeit
End: 01.07. 2024 05:50:06 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 196.61 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 116230193752
- Seller: dr_nine (1511|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Japan
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 74,67 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer CD Player Pd-7070 Keine Garantie Von SpielbarkeitDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Geschäft verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie mit der Unterbreitung unserer empfohlenen Artikel glücklich zu machen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu den Artikeln haben, können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden.Internationale Käufer - Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren gehen zu Lasten des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor der Gebotsabgabe/dem Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.- Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Frachtfirma (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben. Verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.- Wir kennzeichnen Waren nicht mit einem Wert unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel auch nicht als Geschenke. Die US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierungsvorschriften verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren gehen zu Lasten des Käufers. - Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Frachtfirma (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben. Verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. - Wir kennzeichnen Waren nicht mit einem Wert unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel auch nicht als Geschenke. Die US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierungsvorschriften verbieten Plug Regional Fitment NA Audio Outputs NA Storage Capacity NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA CD Changer Capacity NA Type NA Brand Pioneer Item Width NA Generation NA Surround Sound Formats NA Connectivity NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Item Length NA Screen Size NA Year Manufactured NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Item Weight NA Playable Media Format NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Model NA Audio Inputs NA Item Height NA Features NA MPN NA Memory Type NA Color NA RMS Power NA Product Line NA
PIONEER Compact Disc Player PD-S707 schwarz, gebraucht
End: 07.03. 2024 15:17:30 on Thursday
MAGNIFICENT & VERY RARE Pioneer PD-S707 CD Player ~ Stable Platter Mechanism
End: 10.01. 2024 22:42:27 on Wednesday
Pioneer CD Player Used Pd-X707L
End: 09.01. 2024 17:46:42 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 89.24 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 296103059215
- Seller: (102|98.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: JP
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
100? Authentic! All packages are Shipped directly from JAPAN!Condition DescriptionI played a CD, but there is a spinning sound during playback. Second-hand goods with many scratches and dirt Please Note It will be shipped from Japan. If you have any questions about the item, please contact us via message. Policy PaymentYou can use various payment methods based on eBay Managed Payments. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.Cancellations & ReturnsCancellation or returns will be accepted only if the item has an obvious problem that was not mentioned in the listing description. If that, please let us know within 3 days you got the item. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs and any charge incurred shipping products back.International BuyersImport duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.
Pioneer Pd-X707 CD Player NO REMOTE See Description
End: 17.12. 2023 02:00:01 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 10.0 USD

- Status: 6T 21:0:42
- Item number: 166489951998
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Fleming,OH,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
Pioneer PD-X707, single disc CD player. Seems a little overly sensitive to scratched CDs, but I have little experience with these units and may just be their nature. All functions work as they should. Good cosmetic condition with some scuffs/scratches consistent with items age/use. Please see pictures. Can provide additional pictures upon request and message me with any questions.
Pioneer Pd-X707L CD Player Used
End: 15.12. 2023 20:25:36 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 219.03 EUR

- Status: 6T 19:57:53
- Item number: 126015627627
- Seller: disney-dream-store (1313|88.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Japan
- Ships to: Americas
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Free eBay listing template designed by dewiso.comDescriptionThank you for your visiting our page Please be sure to read the condition description for product details. Please check on the photos for detailed condition of the product. If you have any question or concernplease do not hesitate to contact me. International Buyers - Please Note:International BuyersThe product will be shipped after being sterilized to prevent coronation. Delivery has been delayed due to congestion in the transportation system. It has a tracking number so please check the status from the tracking number after purchase. Please be sure to read the product description carefully before purchasing. If you have any questions or doubts please ask before you buy. The same goes for Best Offer please review and understand the product description before submitting your offer. If you have any questions please ask before you negotiate the price. Cables and AC adapter should be 100V for Japan. Please note that you might need a transformer to run the product in your country or region. Do not apply for an offer without reviewing it and then ask questions or hold off on purchasing it after the offer has been accepted. Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as gifts - US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Outside delivery are A specific special handling charge will be applied to the collection and delivery of cargo outside of the direct pickup/delivery areas that FedEx directly visits. For details please check the official Fedex website.Contact usWe can be contacted at any time through eBay messages if you have any questions comments or product requests. We will respond to you within 24 hours and do our best to help you out! We encourage our customers to contact us with any questions or concerns! Wed like to be sure you are completely satisfied with your purchase.PaymentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat. labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.ShippingEconomy Shipping items are shipped by sea.Shipping by sea may take 6 months to a year from the time of shipment to the time of arrival Please be sure to check before purchasing.Fedex / DHL With racking number will be provided but some items may not. If you would like a tracking number please purchase the item with a tracking number.Disclaimer We follow ebays policy and will contact ebay if anyone acts or speaks contrary to it. Customs duties are the responsibility of the buyer. Please check the item description yourself. ReturnPolicy Returned Goods Fraud PolicyThe product has a unique tag attached to it. We will not accept returns if the tag that came with the item has been removed.We will report to eBay if the shipping cost at the time of shipping is different from the shipping cost at the time of return.We will report to eBay if the serial number is different from the one on the customs document (invoice packing slip etc.) as this means that a counterfeit item has been returned.
PIONEER PD-X707L cd player Condition: Used, From: Japan
End: 30.11. 2023 15:56:40 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 111.85 USD

- Status: 29T 22:47:9
- Item number: 375024692131
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Japan
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 20,0 USD
- on EBAY
href=> PIONEER PD-X707L cd player Condition: Used, From: Japan Description Model number: PD-X707LWarranty period: Refund within 10 days Estimated shipping date: 3-4 days Registration date: June 16, 2023 Release date:1986Features/NotesCompact size CD player with a width of 360mmFeatures/NotesI played a CD, but there was a rotating sound while it was playing.WEB No.2014080000007938[Display based on Secondhand Goods Business Law: Hokkaido Public Safety Commission No. 101020001003] ?Note only for products that are turned on.?????????????Products that do not turn on are not eligible? The power supply for this product is AC100V 50/60Hz.A transformer may be required in some countries.Please prepare the transformer on the purchase side. Outlet specifications??A typeIf it is different from A type, a converter is required. You in areas other than 100V.If you use the transformer I sell, you can use it in areas other than 100V.ebay.com ebay.eu also sell other than contact us if you would like to purchase.If you have any other questions, please contact me.* It may not be possible in some areasPlease consider carefully.Payment ??We accept payment by PayPal only. ??Please payment within ??3 days after the auction closed. Shipping free shippingShip by express EMS?or DHL or FedExWe will deliver by the fastest delivery method. Shipment with damage / loss insuranceWith tracking number ??(10-15 days to US) ??(10-30days or more to Other countries) Terms of Sale ??[About returned goods]????Returns are accepted only if the item was ? not the item described in the aution. [Return] Returned goods for personal reasons will not be accepted. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Provided by HARU
Pioneer CD Player Used Pd-X707L
End: 14.11. 2023 17:29:59 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 97.47 USD

- Status: 30T 21:43:54
- Item number: 295987392906
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Japan
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
100? Authentic! All packages are Shipped directly from JAPAN!Condition DescriptionI played a CD, but there is a spinning sound during playback. Second-hand goods with many scratches and dirt Please Note It will be shipped from Japan. If you have any questions about the item, please contact us via message. Policy PaymentYou can use various payment methods based on eBay Managed Payments. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.Cancellations & ReturnsCancellation or returns will be accepted only if the item has an obvious problem that was not mentioned in the listing description. If that, please let us know within 3 days you got the item. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs and any charge incurred shipping products back.International BuyersImport duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.
Pioneer CD Player Used Pd-X707L
End: 14.10. 2023 17:29:57 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 90.38 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 295933768153
- Seller: (78|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: JP
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
100? Authentic! All packages are Shipped directly from JAPAN!Condition DescriptionI played a CD, but there is a spinning sound during playback. Second-hand goods with many scratches and dirt Please Note It will be shipped from Japan. If you have any questions about the item, please contact us via message. Policy PaymentYou can use various payment methods based on eBay Managed Payments. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility.Cancellations & ReturnsCancellation or returns will be accepted only if the item has an obvious problem that was not mentioned in the listing description. If that, please let us know within 3 days you got the item. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs and any charge incurred shipping products back.International BuyersImport duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying. These charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up - do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.
Pioneer Pd-7070 CD Player Wechsler
End: 29.09. 2023 05:49:45 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 256.95 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 115905187194
- Seller: dr_nine (1264|98.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Japan
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 73,78 EUR
- on EBAY
Pioneer Pd-7070 CD Player WechslerDas Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.ZahlungSeien Sie versichert, dass unser Shop eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmethoden anbietet.Bitte zahlen Sie innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Auktionsende.Über unsWir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. Es ist uns eine Freude, Sie glücklich zu machen, indem wir Ihnen unseren empfohlenen Artikel vorschlagen.Wenn Sie Fragen oder Wünsche zu Artikeln haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.Internationale Käufer – Bitte beachten Sie:-Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers.- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich vor dem Bieten/Kauf beim Zollamt Ihres Landes, wie hoch diese zusätzlichen Kosten sein werden.-Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten.-Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten ein solches Verhalten.]]>Wir sind in Japan ansässig. Überprüfen Sie bei elektrischen Produkten den Hersteller und das Produkt und rechnen Sie die Spannung in das jeweilige Land um. Wir planen den Versand per FedEx oder DHL. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, da sich die Versandkosten in einigen Fällen ändern können. -Einfuhrzölle, Steuern und Gebühren sind nicht im Artikelpreis oder den Versandkosten enthalten. Diese Gebühren liegen in der Verantwortung des Käufers. -Diese Gebühren werden normalerweise von der liefernden Spedition (Versandfirma) oder bei der Abholung des Artikels erhoben – verwechseln Sie sie nicht mit zusätzlichen Versandkosten. -Wir kennzeichnen Warenwerte nicht unter dem Wert und kennzeichnen Artikel nicht als Geschenke. Die Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen und internationalen Regierung verbieten e Plug Regional Fitment NA Audio Outputs NA Storage Capacity NA Country/Region of Manufacture NA Unit Quantity NA CD Changer Capacity NA Type NA Brand Pioneer Item Width NA Generation NA Surround Sound Formats NA Connectivity NA California Prop 65 Warning NA Item Length NA Screen Size NA Year Manufactured NA Unit Type NA Country Japan UPC NA Item Weight NA Playable Media Format NA Manufacturer Warranty NA Model NA Audio Inputs NA Item Height NA Features NA Color NA Memory Type NA MPN NA RMS Power NA Product Line NA
PIONEER PD-S707 High End CD-Player Top Zustand
End: 14.09. 2023 08:39:50 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 349.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 225680397873
- Seller: amy1310011 (1939|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Hillscheid
- Ships to: Americas
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
PIONEER PD-S707High End CD-Player High End CD-Player der Marke Pioneer Hier in der feinen Black - Finish Ausführung Feine und exzellente Verarbeitungwurden hier groß geschriebenEr hat das legendäre PlattentellerlaufwerkStable Platter MechanismEs lässt die CD Ruhig und Flatterfrei laufen !Super Fehlerkorrektur Hi-Bit Legato Link Wandler Optisch im Top Zustand !Nur kleine Gebrauchsspuren ! Technisch Einwandfrei ! Der Player verfügt über eine sehr gute Ausstattung und hat einen dynamischen audiophilen Klangdie Bässe kommen sehr sonor zur Geltung Lieferumfang:1 x PD-S7071 x Fernbedienung1 x Sevice Manual1 x Hochwertiges RCA-Kabel Gold1 x Professionelle Verpackung Differenzbesteuert nach §25 Ustg Mwst nicht ausweisbar PIONEER PD-S707High end CD Player Pioneer high-end CD player Here in the fine black finish version Fine and excellent workmanshipwere capitalized hereIt has the legendary turntable driveStable platter mechanismIt lets the CD run quietly and without chattering!Great error correctionHi-Bit Legato Link Converter Optically in top condition!Only minimal signs of use! Technically flawless ! The player has a very good equipmentand has a dynamic audiophile soundthe basses are very sonorous Scope of delivery:1 x PD-S7071 x remote control1 x Audio Cable Gold1 x service manual1 x Professional Packing
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