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Fernbedienung Grundig Tele-Pilot 300 für TV

End: 28.09. 2024 10:49:14 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 6.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196443791357
  • Seller: vcr-profi (38196|99.9%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Rostock Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Fernbedienung Grundig Tele-Pilot 300 für TVDie Fernbedienung ist gebraucht,geprüft,gereinigt und funktioniert einwandfrei!Originalfernbedienung,kein billiger Nachbau! Modell:Tele-Pilot 300 für Grundig TVGebrauchsspuren siehe Artikelfoto!! Wenn Sie nicht wissen,ob die Fernbedienung bei Ihrem Gerät passt,fragen Sie mich bitte VOR dem Kauf! Weitere Fernbedienungen finden Sie in meinem Shop!Sollte die gesuchte FB nicht dabei sein,schreiben Sie mir bitte eine Mail!

Carte pilote LED 1-883-300-11 pour télé SONY KDL-46EX721

End: 19.01. 2024 20:30:25 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 35.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 354860360695
  • Seller: central-electroparts (196|96.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Jarry Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AVANT DACHETER : il est courant pour les néophytes de se tromper de diagnostic. Les pannes de carte pilote LED produisent soit une absence dimage (le son continue de jouer)/ soit une télé affectée de variations de luminosité oudimage qui part et revient. Il est dur de différencier la panne de carte pilote LED des pannes de kit LED, car les symptômes sont les mêmes. Pour déterminer lélément en panne, il faut savoir prendre les mesures de tension, sinon le diagnostic sera fait à la légère. Dans les cas suivants, par exemple, CE NEST PAS votre carte pilote LED : télé affiche sombre dun côté (cest votre kit LED) / image affectée de stries ou bandes bien droites verticales ou horizontales (cest votre dalle), image qui fluctue (cest votre dalle ou votre nappe LVDS), image dédoublée par endroit (cest votre dalle). Le remplacement dune carte pilote LED demande du temps car une bonne partie de la télé doit être démontée. Ne vous lancez pas dans cette opération si vous nêtes pas sûr dy parvenir. En cas de doute, nhésitez pas à nous écrire AVANT LACHAT pour nous parler de votre panne et de votre modèle de télé. Toutes les cartes proposées sont fonctionnelles, merci de bien diagnostiquer la panne, bien vérifier la référence de la carte et celle de la télé (ne pas commander pour une autre marque ou modèle), assurez-vous que, les connectiques et les branchements sont identiques. Carte pilote LED susceptible de convenir également à dautres marques ou modèles non-listés _________________________________________________________________________ Questo prodotto è una scheda driver LED [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] per televisore SONY KDL-46EX721 / testata e funzionante / Te lo invieremo con piacere dalla Francia allItalia. Se hai una domanda, puoi inviarci un messaggio in italiano. _________________________________________________________________________ Este producto es una placa controladora de LED [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] para televisor SONY KDL-46EX721/ probada y funcionanda / Con gusto se lo enviaremos de Francia a España. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede enviarnos un mensaje en español. _________________________________________________________________________ Het product is een geleid bestuurdersbord [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] voor SONY KDL-46EX721 televisies / werkend & getest / we verzenden het graag voor u van Frankrijk naar Nederland of België. Als je vragen hebt, stuur ons dan een bericht in het Nederlands. _________________________________________________________________________ Das Produkt ist eine LED-Treiber Platine [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] für SONY KDL-46EX721 Fernseher / funktionsfähig & getestet /Wir versenden es aus Frankreich gerne für Sie nach Deutschland oder Österreich. Bei Fragen senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht auf Deutsch. _________________________________________________________________________ This product is a LED driver board [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] for SONY KDL-46EX721 television / tested & working / We will gladly send it from France to your country (for Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, France, Italy and Spain). If you have any question, you can message us in English

Carte pilote LED SONY 1-883-300-11 pour télé KDL32EX720

End: 15.12. 2023 16:24:11 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 25.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: 6T 16:25:23
  • Item number: 354851445493
  • Seller: central-electroparts (145|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Jarry Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AVANT DACHETER : il est courant pour les néophytes de se tromper de diagnostic. Les pannes de carte pilote LED produisent soit une absence dimage (le son continue de jouer)/ soit une télé affectée de variations de luminosité oudimage qui part et revient. Il est dur de différencier la panne de carte pilote LED des pannes de kit LED, car les symptômes sont les mêmes. Pour déterminer lélément en panne, il faut savoir prendre les mesures de tension, sinon le diagnostic sera fait à la légère. Dans les cas suivants, par exemple, CE NEST PAS votre carte pilote LED : télé affiche sombre dun côté (cest votre kit LED) / image affectée de stries ou bandes bien droites verticales ou horizontales (cest votre dalle), image qui fluctue (cest votre dalle ou votre nappe LVDS), image dédoublée par endroit (cest votre dalle). Le remplacement dune carte pilote LED demande du temps car une bonne partie de la télé doit être démontée. Ne vous lancez pas dans cette opération si vous nêtes pas sûr dy parvenir. En cas de doute, nhésitez pas à nous écrire AVANT LACHAT pour nous parler de votre panne et de votre modèle de télé. Toutes les cartes proposées sont fonctionnelles, merci de bien diagnostiquer la panne, bien vérifier la référence de la carte et celle de la télé (ne pas commander pour une autre marque ou modèle), assurez-vous que, les connectiques et les branchements sont identiques. Carte pilote LED susceptible de convenir également à dautres marques ou modèles non-listés _________________________________________________________________________ Questo prodotto è una scheda driver LED [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] per televisore SONY KDL32EX720 / testata e funzionante / Te lo invieremo con piacere dalla Francia allItalia. Se hai una domanda, puoi inviarci un messaggio in italiano. _________________________________________________________________________ Este producto es una placa controladora de LED [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] para televisor SONY KDL32EX720/ probada y funcionanda / Con gusto se lo enviaremos de Francia a España. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede enviarnos un mensaje en español. _________________________________________________________________________ Het product is een geleid bestuurdersbord [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] voor SONY KDL32EX720 televisies / werkend & getest / we verzenden het graag voor u van Frankrijk naar Nederland of België. Als je vragen hebt, stuur ons dan een bericht in het Nederlands. _________________________________________________________________________ Das Produkt ist eine LED-Treiber Platine [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] für SONY KDL32EX720 Fernseher / funktionsfähig & getestet /Wir versenden es aus Frankreich gerne für Sie nach Deutschland oder Österreich. Bei Fragen senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht auf Deutsch. _________________________________________________________________________ This product is a LED driver board [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] for SONY KDL32EX720 television / tested & working / We will gladly send it from France to your country (for Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, France, Italy and Spain). If you have any question, you can message us in English

Carte pilote LED SONY 1-883-300-11 pour télé KDL-40EX720

End: 11.10. 2023 11:05:36 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 35.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354851433830
  • Seller: central-electroparts (145|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Jarry Frankreich
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    AVANT DACHETER : il est courant pour les néophytes de se tromper de diagnostic. Les pannes de carte pilote LED produisent soit une absence dimage (le son continue de jouer)/ soit une télé affectée de variations de luminosité oudimage qui part et revient. Il est dur de différencier la panne de carte pilote LED des pannes de kit LED, car les symptômes sont les mêmes. Pour déterminer lélément en panne, il faut savoir prendre les mesures de tension, sinon le diagnostic sera fait à la légère. Dans les cas suivants, par exemple, CE NEST PAS votre carte pilote LED : télé affiche sombre dun côté (cest votre kit LED) / image affectée de stries ou bandes bien droites verticales ou horizontales (cest votre dalle), image qui fluctue (cest votre dalle ou votre nappe LVDS), image dédoublée par endroit (cest votre dalle). Le remplacement dune carte pilote LED demande du temps car une bonne partie de la télé doit être démontée. Ne vous lancez pas dans cette opération si vous nêtes pas sûr dy parvenir. En cas de doute, nhésitez pas à nous écrire AVANT LACHAT pour nous parler de votre panne et de votre modèle de télé. Toutes les cartes proposées sont fonctionnelles, merci de bien diagnostiquer la panne, bien vérifier la référence de la carte et celle de la télé (ne pas commander pour une autre marque ou modèle), assurez-vous que, les connectiques et les branchements sont identiques. Carte pilote LED susceptible de convenir également à dautres marques ou modèles non-listés _________________________________________________________________________ Questo prodotto è una scheda driver LED [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] per televisore SONY KDL-40EX720 / testata e funzionante / Te lo invieremo con piacere dalla Francia allItalia. Se hai una domanda, puoi inviarci un messaggio in italiano. _________________________________________________________________________ Este producto es una placa controladora de LED [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] para televisor SONY KDL-40EX720/ probada y funcionanda / Con gusto se lo enviaremos de Francia a España. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede enviarnos un mensaje en español. _________________________________________________________________________ Het product is een geleid bestuurdersbord [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] voor SONY KDL-40EX720 televisies / werkend & getest / we verzenden het graag voor u van Frankrijk naar Nederland of België. Als je vragen hebt, stuur ons dan een bericht in het Nederlands. _________________________________________________________________________ Das Produkt ist eine LED-Treiber Platine [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] für SONY KDL-40EX720 Fernseher / funktionsfähig & getestet /Wir versenden es aus Frankreich gerne für Sie nach Deutschland oder Österreich. Bei Fragen senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht auf Deutsch. _________________________________________________________________________ This product is a LED driver board [ SONY 1-883-300-11 ] for SONY KDL-40EX720 television / tested & working / We will gladly send it from France to your country (for Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, France, Italy and Spain). If you have any question, you can message us in English

Vintage Panasonic Color Pilot TV 13” CT-3003 TESTED

End: 29.08. 2023 14:52:53 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 234.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295792365234
  • Seller: aztecartguycoxnet (1228|98.3%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 88,83 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Vintage Panasonic Color Pilot TV 13” CT-3003 TESTED.

PILOT CD 300 MK III, HiFi Lautsprecher, sehr selten, rar

End: 16.08. 2023 18:34:10 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 199.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 266358467690
  • Seller: nielsbur (942|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Himbergen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 20,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    PILOT CD 300 MK III, HiFi Lautsprecher, sehr selten, rarPilot Lautsprecher CD 300 MKIIIBitte beachten Sie die Bilder: -technisch einwandfrei, keine Risse oder Dellen an den Chassis.-eine Abdeckung mit leichter Beschädigung am Rahmen und einem kleinen Loch in der Bespannung.-eine der beiden Oberseiten ist stärker angeraut, aber keine tiefen Kratzer oder andere Gehäusebeschädigungen.-Lieferung ohne Boxenständer!!! Lieferumfang: 2 Boxen CD 300 MKIII Versand mit DHLNatürlich auch Abholung möglich, Lieferung in der Nähe nach Absprache.Kein Versand in das Ausland. Privatverkauf, keine Garantie und kein Umtausch, keine Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme

RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual

End: 11.07. 2023 09:24:24 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 91.13 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256136533130
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: derekm1717 (1200|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lewistown, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 42,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual. New open box.

RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual

End: 10.07. 2023 02:02:29 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 91.04 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321578849
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: derekm1717 (1200|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lewistown, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 43,09 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual. New open box.

PILOT CD 300 MK III, HiFi Lautsprecher, sehr selten, rar

End: 05.07. 2023 09:43:23 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 159.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266321787217
  • Seller: nielsbur (938|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Himbergen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 18,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pilot Lautsprecher CD 300 MKIIIBitte beachten Sie die Bilder: -technisch einwandfrei, keine Risse oder Dellen an den Chassis.-eine Abdeckung mit leichter Beschädigung am Rahmen und einem kleinen Loch in der Bespannung.-eine der beiden Oberseiten ist stärker angeraut, aber keine tiefen Kratzer oder andere Gehäusebeschädigungen.-Lieferung ohne Boxenständer!!! Lieferumfang: 2 Boxen CD 300 MKIII Versand mit DHLNatürlich auch Abholung möglich, Lieferung in der Nähe nach Absprache.Kein Versand in das Ausland. Privatverkauf, keine Garantie und kein Umtausch, keine Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme

RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual

End: 03.07. 2023 02:02:00 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 90.71 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256121560419
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: derekm1717 (1200|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lewistown, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 43,2 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual. New open box.

RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual

End: 26.06. 2023 02:00:01 on Monday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 90.61 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266302640099
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: derekm1717 (1197|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lewistown, Pennsylvania USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 43,03 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    RCA CB Co-Pilot Model 14T300 23 Channel Mobile Two-Way Radio With Box & Manual. New open box.

Garrard 3000 Turntable Crafted Set Pilot Suitcase 25x14 With 2 Speakers Vintage

End: 24.06. 2023 00:44:30 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 162.2 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235053296798
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: versatilep_37 (20|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Garrard 3000 Turntable. Set In Pilot Suitcase. 25x12. With 2 Speakers. Vintage. This relic was found in the Basement of a building in Manhattan New York, probably from some popular DJ from the 70s/80s, it has some scratches, but it turns and lights well. without testing the sound connections. Untested.


End: 23.06. 2023 19:34:49 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1557.55 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166115126039
  • Seller: hull_sailor (15059|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bayville, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 99,1 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    FURUNO NAVPILOT 300 AUTOPILOT SYSTEM - NO RATE COMPASS MFG# NAVPILOT 300NavPilot 300 Autopilot System - No Rate CompassNavPilot 300 is not your ordinary Autopilot - The NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots.Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot!The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat!Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD DisplayThe SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing.Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be used for Man Overboard (MOB).Features:1-DIN 4.1 IP56 Waterproof Color Display (2 more Control Heads can be added)Full control from NavNet TZtouch, TZtouch2 & the all-new GP1871F/GP1971FNavigation Modes: Auto, Advanced Auto, Sabiki, Nav/Route Tracking, FishHunterPigtail cable design for simplified installationNMEA2000 Certified System (includes output of Heartbeat PGN)Self-learning adaptive softwareBuilt-in simulator and slide showBluetooth Gesture Controller (GC001) included as standard supplyTargeted for center console outboards and drive-by-wire systems on small to mid-sized boats NOTE: FREE shipping, 2nd Day & Next Day on listing is for Lower contiguous 48 States ONLY. There is a surcharge/additional charge for shipping outside the Lower contiguous 48 States. Shipping to AK, HI, PR, Protectorates and Territories is an additional cost. If the order has a total cost (including shipping costs and any taxes) of $750 or more, the order will ship w/signature required. This is for the buyers protection from fraud and theft/porch pirates..

PILOT CD 300 MK III, HiFi Lautsprecher, sehr selten, rar

End: 14.06. 2023 13:04:59 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 179.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266263377724
  • Seller: nielsbur (915|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Himbergen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pilot Lautsprecher CD 300 MKIIIBitte beachten Sie die Bilder: -technisch einwandfrei, keine Risse oder Dellen an den Chassis.-eine Abdeckung mit leichter Beschädigung am Rahmen und einem kleinen Loch in der Bespannung.-eine der beiden Oberseiten ist stärker angeraut, aber keine tiefen Kratzer oder andere Gehäusebeschädigungen. Lieferumfang: 2 Boxen CD 300 MKIII Versand mit DHLNatürlich auch Abholung möglich, Lieferung in der Nähe nach Absprache.Kein Versand in das Ausland. Privatverkauf, keine Garantie und kein Umtausch, keine Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme

Garrard 3000 Turntable Crafted Set Pilot Suitcase 25x14 With 2 Speakers Vintage

End: 10.06. 2023 00:43:19 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 166.4 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235035683963
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: versatilep_37 (20|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Garrard 3000 Turntable. Set In Pilot Suitcase. 25x12. With 2 Speakers. Vintage. This relic was found in the Basement of a building in Manhattan New York, probably from some popular DJ from the 70s/80s, it has some scratches, but it turns and lights well. without testing the sound connections. Untested.

Garrard 3000 Turntable Crafted Set Pilot Suitcase 25x14 With 2 Speakers Vintage

End: 03.06. 2023 00:42:49 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 166.89 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235027182896
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: versatilep_37 (20|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Garrard 3000 Turntable. Set In Pilot Suitcase. 25x12. With 2 Speakers. Vintage. This relic was found in the Basement of a building in Manhattan New York, probably from some popular DJ from the 70s/80s, it has some scratches, but it turns and lights well. without testing the sound connections. Untested.

Furuno NavPilot 300 w/Octopus 1.0L Pump 12V

End: 30.05. 2023 22:37:22 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2379.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256089382191
  • Seller: willygoodprice (40918|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bayville, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 101,31 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Furuno NavPilot 300 w/Octopus 1.0L Pump 12V NavPilot 300 with Octopus Pump 12V for Ram Sizes 7-12 Cubic InchNavPilot 300 is not your ordinary AutopilotThe NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots.The NavPilot 300/PG-S includes a 1.0L pumpset for boats with a single-cylinder steering system, as well as the PG700 Fluxgate Compass Heading Sensor with magnetic field distortion correction, providing highly accurate and stable heading information.Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot!The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat!Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD DisplayThe SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing.Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be used for Man Overboard (MOB).Integrate your helm with NavPilots FishHunter modeFishHunter mode is a unique feature of FURUNO’s NavPilot series. Find a fish target with your FURUNO sonar/sounder or bird target with your FURUNO radar and feed it to the NavPilot The NavPilot will activate the FishHunter mode to perform square, zigzag, circle, orbit, spiral or figure-eight maneuvers around the specified target at a user selected distance. This feature can also be used for Man Overboard (MOB).Furuno Fantum FeedbackWith Fantum Feedback, NAVpilot outboard/sterndrive installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. NAVpilot software clears the path to a simplified installation, while also delivering enhanced steering control.In the Box:FAP-3011- Control UnitGC-001 - Gesture ControllerFAP3012 - Processor UnitPG700 - Heading Sensor UnitPUMPOCT10-12 - 1,000CC/MIN OCTOPUS PUMP, 12V, 1.0 Cubic Inches per second (For Ram sizes from 7-12 Cubic Inches in volume)AIR-335-792 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, FemaleAIR-335-791 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, MaleAIR-052-531 - NMEA2000 T-Connector, Female/Female/Male (x3)This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 14H x 15W x 26L WT: 18.3 lbsUPC: 611679387899 Furuno NavPilot 300 w/Octopus 1.0L Pump 12V ? NavPilot 300 with Octopus Pump 12V for Ram Sizes 7-12 Cubic Inch NavPilot 300 is not your ordinary Autopilot The NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots. The NavPilot 300/PG-S includes a 1.0L pumpset for boats with a single-cylinder steering system, as well as the PG700 Fluxgate Compass Heading Sensor with magnetic field distortion correction, providing highly accurate and stable heading information. Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot! The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat! Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD Display The SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing. Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be uséd for Man Overboard (MOB). Integrate your helm with NavPilots FishHunter mode FishHunter mode is a unique feature of FURUNO’s NavPilot series. Find a fish target with your FURUNO sonar/sounder or bird target with your FURUNO radar and feed it to the NavPilot The NavPilot will activate the FishHunter mode to perform square, zigzag, circle, orbit, spiral or figure-eight maneuvers around the specified target at a user selected distance. This feature can also be uséd for Man Overboard (MOB). Furuno Fantum Feedback With Fantum Feedback, NAVpilot outboard/sterndrive installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. NAVpilot software clears the path to a simplified installation, while also delivering enhanced steering control. In the Box:FAP-3011- Control UnitGC-001 - Gesture ControllerFAP3012 - Processor UnitPG700 - Heading Sensor UnitPUMPOCT10-12 - 1,000CC/MIN OCTOPUS PUMP, 12V, 1.0 Cubic Inches per second (For Ram sizes from 7-12 Cubic Inches in volume)AIR-335-792 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, FemaleAIR-335-791 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, MaleAIR-052-531 - NMEA2000 T-Connector, Female/Female/Male (x3)This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 14H x 15W x 26L WT: 18.3 lbsUPC: 611679387899 × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Shakespeare PL-258-CP-G Gold VHF Barrel Splice Connector RG-8X 58/AU Coax Cable Lowrance Yamaha Engine Interface Cable 120-37 with N2K NMEA 2000 T Connector Garmin OEM Slip Case for GPSMAP 62 62s 62st 64 64s 64sc 64st Series Garmin OEM Motorcycle Mount Mounting Bracket Zumo 350LM 390LM 395LM 396LMTS GPS Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Willy Goodprice Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Seller will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Furuno NavPilot 300 Autopilot System - No Rate Compass

End: 30.05. 2023 22:37:22 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1554.12 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256089382147
  • Seller: willygoodprice (40918|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bayville, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 75,44 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Furuno NavPilot 300 Autopilot System - No Rate Compass NavPilot 300 Autopilot System - No Rate CompassNavPilot 300 is not your ordinary Autopilot - The NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots.Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot!The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat!Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD DisplayThe SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing.Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be used for Man Overboard (MOB).Features:1-DIN 4.1 IP56 Waterproof Color Display (2 more Control Heads can be added)Full control from NavNet TZtouch, TZtouch2 & the all-new GP1871F/GP1971FNavigation Modes: Auto, Advanced Auto, Sabiki, Nav/Route Tracking, FishHunterPigtail cable design for simplified installationNMEA2000 Certified System (includes output of Heartbeat PGN)Self-learning adaptive softwareBuilt-in simulator and slide showBluetooth Gesture Controller (GC001) included as standard supplyTargeted for center console outboards and drive-by-wire systems on small to mid-sized boats.This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 7H x 12W x 22L WT: 8.75 lbsUPC: 611679372031 Furuno NavPilot 300 Autopilot System - No Rate Compass ? NavPilot 300 Autopilot System - No Rate Compass NavPilot 300 is not your ordinary Autopilot - The NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots. Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot! The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat! Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD Display The SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing. Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be uséd for Man Overboard (MOB). Features:1-DIN 4.1 IP56 Waterproof Color Display (2 more Control Heads can be added)Full control from NavNet TZtouch, TZtouch2 & the all-new GP1871F/GP1971FNavigation Modes: Auto, Advanced Auto, Sabiki, Nav/Route Tracking, FishHunterPigtail cable design for simplified installationNMEA2000 Certified System (includes output of Heartbeat PGN)Self-learning adaptive softwareBuilt-in simulator and slide showBluetooth Gesture Controller (GC001) included as standard supplyTargeted for center console outboards and drive-by-wire systems on small to mid-sized boats.This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 7H x 12W x 22L WT: 8.75 lbsUPC: 611679372031 × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Shakespeare PL-258-CP-G Gold VHF Barrel Splice Connector RG-8X 58/AU Coax Cable Lowrance Yamaha Engine Interface Cable 120-37 with N2K NMEA 2000 T Connector Garmin OEM Slip Case for GPSMAP 62 62s 62st 64 64s 64sc 64st Series Garmin OEM Motorcycle Mount Mounting Bracket Zumo 350LM 390LM 395LM 396LMTS GPS Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Willy Goodprice Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Seller will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Furuno NavPilot 300/PG Autopilot System w/PG700 Sensor

End: 30.05. 2023 22:37:21 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2012.56 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256089382083
  • Seller: willygoodprice (40918|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bayville, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 111,66 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Furuno NavPilot 300/PG Autopilot System w/PG700 Sensor NavPilot 300/PG Autopilot System with PG700 SensorNavPilot 300 is not your ordinary Autopilot - The NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots.The NavPilot 300/PG includes the PG700 Fluxgate Compass Heading Sensor with magnetic field distortion correction, providing highly accurate and stable heading information.Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot!The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat!Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD DisplayThe SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing.Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be used for Man Overboard (MOB).Features:1-DIN 4.1 IP56 Waterproof Color Display (2 more Control Heads can be added)Full control from NavNet TZtouch, TZtouch2 & the all-new GP1871F/GP1971FNavigation Modes: Auto, Advanced Auto, Sabiki, Nav/Route Tracking, FishHunterPigtail cable design for simplified installationNMEA2000 Certified System (includes output of Heartbeat PGN)Self-learning adaptive softwareBuilt-in simulator and slide showBluetooth Gesture Controller (GC001) included as standard supplyTargeted for center console outboards and drive-by-wire systems on small to mid-sized boatsComes with:FAP-3011- Control UnitGCV-001 - Gesture ControllerFAP3012 - Processor UnitPG700 - Heading Sensor UnitThis product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 7H x 8W x 9L WT: 22.6 lbsUPC: 611679378101 Furuno NavPilot 300/PG Autopilot System w/PG700 Sensor ? NavPilot 300/PG Autopilot System with PG700 Sensor NavPilot 300 is not your ordinary Autopilot - The NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots. The NavPilot 300/PG includes the PG700 Fluxgate Compass Heading Sensor with magnetic field distortion correction, providing highly accurate and stable heading information. Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot! The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat! Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD Display The SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing. Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be uséd for Man Overboard (MOB). Features:1-DIN 4.1 IP56 Waterproof Color Display (2 more Control Heads can be added)Full control from NavNet TZtouch, TZtouch2 & the all-new GP1871F/GP1971FNavigation Modes: Auto, Advanced Auto, Sabiki, Nav/Route Tracking, FishHunterPigtail cable design for simplified installationNMEA2000 Certified System (includes output of Heartbeat PGN)Self-learning adaptive softwareBuilt-in simulator and slide showBluetooth Gesture Controller (GC001) included as standard supplyTargeted for center console outboards and drive-by-wire systems on small to mid-sized boats Comes with:FAP-3011- Control UnitGCV-001 - Gesture ControllerFAP3012 - Processor UnitPG700 - Heading Sensor UnitThis product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 7H x 8W x 9L WT: 22.6 lbsUPC: 611679378101 × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Shakespeare PL-258-CP-G Gold VHF Barrel Splice Connector RG-8X 58/AU Coax Cable Lowrance Yamaha Engine Interface Cable 120-37 with N2K NMEA 2000 T Connector Garmin OEM Slip Case for GPSMAP 62 62s 62st 64 64s 64sc 64st Series Garmin OEM Motorcycle Mount Mounting Bracket Zumo 350LM 390LM 395LM 396LMTS GPS Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Willy Goodprice Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Seller will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Furuno NavPilot 300 Remote Control Color Outboard Autopilot w/Octopus 1.6L Pump

End: 30.05. 2023 22:37:20 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2379.32 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 364275380720
  • Seller: willygoodprice (40918|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bayville, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 101,31 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Furuno NavPilot 300 Remote Control Color Outboard Autopilot w/Octopus 1.6L Pump NavPilot 300 with Octopus Pump for Ram Sizes 12 - 23 Cubic InchNavPilot 300 is not your ordinary AutopilotThe NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots.The NavPilot 300/PG-M includes a 1.6L pumpset for boats with a multi-cylinder steering system, as well as the PG700 Fluxgate Compass Heading Sensor with magnetic field distortion correction, providing highly accurate and stable heading information.Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot!The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat!Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD DisplayThe SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing.Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be used for Man Overboard (MOB).Integrate your helm with NavPilots FishHunter modeFishHunter mode is a unique feature of FURUNO’s NavPilot series. Find a fish target with your FURUNO sonar/sounder or bird target with your FURUNO radar and feed it to the NavPilot The NavPilot will activate the FishHunter mode to perform square, zigzag, circle, orbit, spiral or figure-eight maneuvers around the specified target at a user selected distance. This feature can also be used for Man Overboard (MOB).Furuno Fantum FeedbackWith Fantum Feedback, NAVpilot outboard/sterndrive installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. NAVpilot software clears the path to a simplified installation, while also delivering enhanced steering control.In the Box:FAP-3011 - 4.1 Color LCGC-001 - Gesture ControllerFAP3012 - Processor UnitPG700 - Fluxgate Magnetic Sensor With Enhanced Stability By A Solid-State Rate Gyroscope, w/ 6M CablePUMPOCT16-12 - 1,600CC/MIN OCTOPUS PUMP, 12V, 1.6 Cubic Inches per second (For Ram sizes from 12-23 Cubic Inches in volume)AIR-335-792 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, FemaleAIR-335-791 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, MaleAIR-052-531 - NMEA2000 T-Connector, Female/Female/Male (x3)This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 13H x 17W x 26L WT: 18.9 lbsUPC: 611679378125 Furuno NavPilot 300 Remote Control Color Outboard Autopilot w/Octopus 1.6L Pump ? NavPilot 300 with Octopus Pump for Ram Sizes 12 - 23 Cubic Inch NavPilot 300 is not your ordinary Autopilot The NavPilot 300 is a revolutionary autopilot. With Fantum Feedback, NavPilot outboard installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. This results in a streamlined, simplified installation. Combined with Furunos unique adaptive learning technology, NavPilot 300 provides unmatched outboard Autopilot performance. Fantum Feedback is designed for planing and semi-displacement outboard vessels from 24 to 50 feet, with one to four outboard engines, where it achieves precise course control from slow trolling to speeds of well over 60 knots. The NavPilot 300/PG-M includes a 1.6L pumpset for boats with a multi-cylinder steering system, as well as the PG700 Fluxgate Compass Heading Sensor with magnetic field distortion correction, providing highly accurate and stable heading information. Gesture Control - just push, point and shoot! The Gesture Controller is a revolutionary and unique way to steer your boat remotely. By using Bluetooth signals, it is possible to control the Autopilot from anywhere on the boat within 10 meters. Just push, hold the button, point to the desired heading and release to let the Autopilot redirect the boat! Versatile Display Modes on a vivid 4.1 Color LCD Display The SABIKI™ mode lets the autopilot control while you are drifting astern, so you can focus on fishing instead of steering. Maintaining heading astern while compensating for wind and tide, SABIKI™ mode is uniquely tailored for Sabiki fishing, jigging and bottom fishing. Other display modes include Furunos Highway mode, Auto and Advanced Auto modes, and Fish Hunter mode, where one of four pre-programmed maneuvers can be performed around a specified target at a user selected distance. These include Zig-Zag, Orbit, Figure 8, or a Spiral maneuver. The Fish Hunter feature can also be uséd for Man Overboard (MOB). Integrate your helm with NavPilots FishHunter mode FishHunter mode is a unique feature of FURUNO’s NavPilot series. Find a fish target with your FURUNO sonar/sounder or bird target with your FURUNO radar and feed it to the NavPilot The NavPilot will activate the FishHunter mode to perform square, zigzag, circle, orbit, spiral or figure-eight maneuvers around the specified target at a user selected distance. This feature can also be uséd for Man Overboard (MOB). Furuno Fantum Feedback With Fantum Feedback, NAVpilot outboard/sterndrive installations no longer require use of a physical rudder feedback unit. NAVpilot software clears the path to a simplified installation, while also delivering enhanced steering control. In the Box:FAP-3011 - 4.1 Color LCGC-001 - Gesture ControllerFAP3012 - Processor UnitPG700 - Fluxgate Magnetic Sensor With Enhanced Stability By A Solid-State Rate Gyroscope, w/ 6M CablePUMPOCT16-12 - 1,600CC/MIN OCTOPUS PUMP, 12V, 1.6 Cubic Inches per second (For Ram sizes from 12-23 Cubic Inches in volume)AIR-335-792 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, FemaleAIR-335-791 - NMEA2000 Micro Terminator, MaleAIR-052-531 - NMEA2000 T-Connector, Female/Female/Male (x3)This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns. Specifications:Steering Type: HydraulicBox Dimensions: 13H x 17W x 26L WT: 18.9 lbsUPC: 611679378125 × Buy now and save! Shipping info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info! Additional delivery notes PICK UP OPTION Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. PAYMENT Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Additional Information No additional information at this time Ask seller a question You might also like Shakespeare PL-258-CP-G Gold VHF Barrel Splice Connector RG-8X 58/AU Coax Cable Lowrance Yamaha Engine Interface Cable 120-37 with N2K NMEA 2000 T Connector Garmin OEM Slip Case for GPSMAP 62 62s 62st 64 64s 64sc 64st Series Garmin OEM Motorcycle Mount Mounting Bracket Zumo 350LM 390LM 395LM 396LMTS GPS Contact To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Ask seller a question © Willy Goodprice Shipping & Payments Click the Shipping & Payments tab above the listing description for more info Payment Accepted Payment Methods Immediate payment is required upon selecting Buy It Now or upon checking out through the cart. We accept payment via U.S. PayPal accounts and all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards & Google Pay. We are legally required to collect sales tax in those states and localities where we maintain a physical presence (nexus). The applicable amount of sales tax charged to an order will be calculated based on the shipment destinations state and local sales tax laws. Thank you for shopping with us on eBay! Returns Returns are accepted Items must be returned within 30 days of the auction ending Seller will pay for return shipping. eBay integration by

Garrard 3000 Turntable Crafted Set Pilot Suitcase 25x14 With 2 Speakers Vintage

End: 27.05. 2023 00:42:29 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 167.2 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 235017653656
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: versatilep_37 (19|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Garrard 3000 Turntable. Set In Pilot Suitcase. 25x12. With 2 Speakers. Vintage. This relic was found in the Basement of a building in Manhattan New York, probably from some popular DJ from the 70s/80s, it has some scratches, but it turns and lights well. without testing the sound connections. Untested.

PILOT CD 300 MK III, HiFi Lautsprecher, sehr selten, rar

End: 19.05. 2023 05:44:38 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 299.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266262996421
  • Seller: nielsbur (915|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Himbergen Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Pilot Lautsprecher CD 300 MKIIIBitte beachten Sie die Bilder: -technisch einwandfrei, keine Risse oder Dellen an den Chassis.-eine Abdeckung mit leichter Beschädigung am Rahmen.-eine Oberseite etwas stärker angeraut. Lieferumfang: 2 Boxen CD 300 MKIII Versand in zwei Paketen mit DHL, Versand pauschal 25.-, nur innerhalb Deutschland.Natürlich auch Abholung möglich, Lieferung in der Nähe nach Absprache. Privatverkauf, keine Garantie und kein Umtausch, keine Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme


End: 22.09. 2021 21:13:57 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1678.24 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 163925598306
  • Counter: 513
  • Seller: hull_sailor (14994|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bayville, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 92,35 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 22.09. 2021 21:13:57 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 2497.95 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 163925601230
  • Counter: 502
  • Seller: hull_sailor (14994|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Bayville, New Jersey USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 93,54 EUR
  • on EBAY