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CD MP3 Player "Roadstar" PCD-3055MPCK Discman OVP mit Netzteil+Bedienungsanl.
End: 25.01. 2025 13:05:18 on Saturday
Bush Tragbarer PCD-320B - Getestet Funktioniert #1
End: 18.01. 2025 20:27:59 on Saturday
Bush Tragbarer PCD-320B - Getestet Funktioniert #2
End: 18.01. 2025 20:27:58 on Saturday
CD MP3 Player "Roadstar" PCD-3055MPCK Discman OVP mit Netzteil+Bedienungsanl.
End: 28.12. 2024 11:32:44 on Saturday
CD Player tragbar Roadster PCD-3055MP Anti Shock System - Getestet✅ Funktioniert
End: 18.11. 2024 13:04:21 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 14.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 205110907788
- Seller: second-souls-store (63|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Kumhausen
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 3,85 EUR
- on EBAY
CD Player tragbar Roadstar PCD-3055MP mit Anti Shock System für unterbrechungsfreien Musikgenuss. Dieser Discman der Produktlinie Roadster ist ideal für unterwegs und spielt zuverlässig CDs ab. Das Modell bietet eine hohe Klangqualität und wurde getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es einwandfrei funktioniert. Ein praktisches und kompaktes Gerät für Musikliebhaber, die ihre Lieblingstitel überall genießen möchten. Ohne Kopfhörer und Batterien! Klicken Sie hier, um weitere Artikel in unserem Shop zu entdecken! ???????? Benutzung der Warenzeichen dient lediglich zur eindeutigen Identifikation der Ware und soll keine Verletzung der Schutzrechte darstellen.Hinweis zu den Versandkosten bei mehreren ArtikelnWenn Sie mehrere Artikel in Ihrem Warenkorb haben, klicken Sie bitte unbedingt auf Kombiversand anfordern, um die Versandkosten zu optimieren. Andernfalls werden die Versandkosten standardmäßig pro Artikel berechnet. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nach Abschluss der Bestellung eine nachträgliche Anpassung der Versandkosten leider nicht möglich ist. Hinweise zur BatterieentsorgungIm Zusammenhang mit dem Verkauf von Batterien oder Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf Folgendes hinzuweisen: 1. RückgabepflichtVerbrauchte Batterien dürfen nicht über den Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Sie sind gesetzlich verpflichtet, diese fachgerecht zu entsorgen. Altbatterien können unentgeltlich an kommunalen Sammelstellen oder im Handel vor Ort abgegeben werden. 2. Rückgabe bei unsSie können die von uns erhaltenen Batterien nach Gebrauch auch an unsere Firmenadresse zurücksenden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Versandkosten für die Rücksendung vom Käufer getragen werden. 3. Bedeutung der SymboleBatterien sind mit dem Symbol einer durchgestrichenen Mülltonne gekennzeichnet. Dieses weist darauf hin, dass sie nicht in den Hausmüll gehören. Unterhalb des Symbols befinden sich chemische Abkürzungen, die auf Schadstoffe hinweisen: Pb: Batterie enthält Blei. Cd: Batterie enthält Cadmium. Hg: Batterie enthält Quecksilber. Durch Ihre umweltgerechte Entsorgung tragen Sie aktiv zum Schutz von Mensch und Natur bei. Vielen Dank für Ihre Mithilfe!Kontaktinformationen und AGBs finden Sie weiter unten unter Rechtliche Informationen. Details zu Rückgabe und Datenschutz können Sie im Impressum unter Shop-Bedingungen einsehen.Als Kleinunternehmer im Sinne von § 19 Abs. 1 UStG wird keine Umsatzsteuer berechnet.
CD MP3 Player "Roadstar" PCD-3055MPCK Discman OVP mit Netzteil+Bedienungsanl.
End: 07.11. 2024 10:05:23 on Thursday
CD Player tragbar Roadster PCD-3055MPCK Anti Shock
End: 01.10. 2024 21:56:11 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 14.99 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 356093547057
- Seller: dasmagich-shop (3986|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Kerpen, null
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
CD Player tragbar Roadster PCD-3055MPCK Anti Shock -------------------------- Bestellungen bis 10 Uhr gehen von Montag bis Freitag noch am selben Tag raus. In der Regel erfolgt dann am nächsten Werktag die Zustellung. Wir listen Artikel individuell. Lieferumfang = Abbildungen, es sei denn oben in der Beschreibung ist etwas anderes vermerkt. --------------------------- Verbraucherinformationen zur AltgeräteentsorgungNach dem Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz (ElektroG) ist jeder Verbraucher dazu verpflichtet, Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte (Altgeräte) sowie Leuchtstoff- und Energiesparlampen ordnungsgemäß und getrennt vom Hausmüll zu entsorgen. Altgeräte enthalten Wertstoffe, die recycelt werden können, und - genauso wie Leuchtstoff- und Energiesparlampen - Schadstoffe, die die Umwelt und die menschliche Gesundheit gefährden können und daher nicht über den Hausmüll zu entsorgen sind.Das Zeichen mit der durchkreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie die damit gekennzeichneten Geräte nicht über den Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen.Altbatterien und Altakkumulatoren (Akkus), die aus dem Altgerät entnommen werden können, müssen getrennt abgegeben werden. Sie sind für die Löschung personenbezogener Daten auf den zu entsorgenden Altgeräten eigenverantwortlich.----------------------------Da wir eine Lagerfläche von unter 400 Quadratmetern haben, sind wir nicht zur Rücknahme von Altbatterien verpflichtet. Bitte informieren Sie sich, wo Sie Altbatterien abgeben dürfen und geben Sie diese an passenden Abgabestellen ab (Handel, örtliche Abgabestellen, Altgeräteentsorger).BatteriegesetzDa Warensendungen Batterien und Akkus enthalten können, weist Dasmagich-Shop, Ercan Ayyildiz, Am Hüttenhof 7, 50170 Kerpen, nach dem Batteriegesetz auf folgendes hin: Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht im Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien und Akkus verpflichtet. Altbatterien können u. a. Schadstoffe enthalten, die bei einer unsachgemäßen Lagerung oder Entsorgung die Umwelt oder Ihre Gesundheit schädigen können. Batterien enthalten unter anderem auch wichtige Rohstoffe (Eisen, Zink, Mangan, Nickel) und können wieder verwertet werden. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, die Batterien nach Gebrauch in Ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe (z. B. im Handel oder in kommunalen Sammelstellen) unentgeltlich zurückzugeben. Die Rückgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei für Endnutzer auf die übliche Menge sowie Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat.Das Zeichen mit der durchkreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien und Akkus nicht im Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen. Nachfolgend finden Sie zusätzlich Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung:Pb: Batterie enthält BleiCd: Batterie enthält CadmiumHg: Batterie enthält Quecksilber
Roadstar PCD-3040 MP CD und MP3 Player " Neuwertig und OVP "
End: 01.10. 2024 09:15:03 on Tuesday
ROADSTAR Discman PCD-3057MP CD Walkman
End: 29.09. 2024 16:54:07 on Sunday
End: 07.09. 2024 08:21:34 on Saturday
Bush PCD-320B Portable CD Player - Black
End: 23.08. 2024 16:14:48 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 21.6 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 134597100844
- Seller: hajti0 (767|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Glasgow
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 14,48 EUR
- on EBAY
Bush PCD-320B Portable CD Player - Black. Used good condition. Tested&working
Bush PCD-320B Portable MP3 CD Player Anti Shock LCD Display Fully tested
End: 23.07. 2024 08:11:47 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 23.71 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 325800164530
- Seller: goldendeals247 (1482|93.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Halstead
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 2,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Bush PCD-320B Portable MP3 CD Player Anti Shock LCD Display Fully tested In very good condition. Original headphones still sealed - CombIned shipping discounts are available - Fast Dispatch - Sent usually the same day if payment has cleared before 4pm - This item will be well packaged to ensure its safe during transit and sent using Royal Mail or Ebay Packlink services at really competitive prices or free of charge - If for some reason you encounter a problem just send us a message and we will rectify it swiftly - If you have any questIons please dont hesitate to ask and ill get back to you as soon as possible Check out my other items for more Golden Deals! Thanks for Looking
Quadraflex PCD-388 Stereo Cassette Deck - Tested - EB-15304
End: 10.07. 2024 15:04:01 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 87.21 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 176359356980
- Seller: tracktowntreasures (13314|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Springfield, Oregon
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Quadraflex PCD-388 Stereo Cassette Deck - Used, but still in good condition. TESTED, and in perfect working order. Does not include manual, or original packaging. NO REMOTE OR OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE INCLUDED. Unit shows some wear and scratches, but overall is in good condition. Cosmetically, this item is in good condition. (SEE PICTURES). The knob is present, with all of the illumination working, and the knob, switches, and buttons all functioning as theyre supposed to. Model #: PCD-388 Serial #: 70921379 ELECTRONICS DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of electronics, Serial numbers have been photographed and recorded, and tamper proof labels are used to prevent tampering. We strive to take excellent pictures and describe items as thoroughly and accurately as possible, but please dont hesitate to ask any questions that you may have. Thanks for looking!
CD-Player Roadstar PCD-3055 MP MP3-fähig
End: 21.06. 2024 07:58:06 on Friday
CD-Player Roadstar PCD-3055 MP MP3-fähig
End: 03.06. 2024 13:44:12 on Monday
Quadraflex PCD-388 Stereo Cassette Deck - Tested - EB-15304
End: 27.04. 2024 18:49:59 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 119.52 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 176341365536
- Seller: tracktowntreasures (12571|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Springfield, Oregon
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Quadraflex PCD-388 Stereo Cassette Deck - Used, but still in good condition. TESTED, and in perfect working order. Does not include manual, or original packaging. NO REMOTE OR OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE INCLUDED. Unit shows some wear and scratches, but overall is in good condition. Cosmetically, this item is in good condition. (SEE PICTURES). The knob is present, with all of the illumination working, and the knob, switches, and buttons all functioning as theyre supposed to. Model #: PCD-388 Serial #: 70921379 ELECTRONICS DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of electronics, Serial numbers have been photographed and recorded, and tamper proof labels are used to prevent tampering. We strive to take excellent pictures and describe items as thoroughly and accurately as possible, but please dont hesitate to ask any questions that you may have. Thanks for looking!
Technika Portable Lecteur CD PCD-307 Basse Booster Anti Choc - Entièrement Actif
End: 27.03. 2024 21:33:12 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 19.41 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 295798450512
- Seller: classicgenerations (28294|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: kettering, Northamptonshire
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 13,96 EUR
- on EBAY
Ce lecteur CD portable Technika PCD-307 est lappareil idéal pour les mélomanes qui apprécient la liberté découter leurs morceaux préférés partout où ils vont. Il dispose dune fonction damplification des basses et dune technologie anti-choc qui garantit une lecture fluide même lorsque vous êtes en déplacement. Ce lecteur CD est compatible avec les formats CD et dispose dune connectivité sans fil, vous permettant découter facilement votre collection de musique numérique. Lunité de couleur argentée dispose dune sortie audio dune prise casque et fait partie de la gamme de produits Discman. Il est livré en quantité unitaire et ne pèse que 100 g, ce qui le rend extrêmement portable. En plus de toutes ces fonctionnalités, ce lecteur CD dispose de bandes AM/FM et dune prise casque. Cest un article doccasion, mais il est entièrement fonctionnel et en très bon état. Le numéro de modèle est PCD-307 et il sagit dun lecteur CD personnel de Technika. Ce produit est parfait pour ceux qui aiment écouter de la musique en déplacement.Ce lecteur CD portable Technika PCD-307 est lappareil idéal pour les mélomanes qui apprécient la liberté découter leurs morceaux préférés partout où ils vont. Il dispose dune fonction damplification des basses et dune technologie anti-choc qui garantit une lecture fluide même lorsque vous êtes en déplacement. Ce lecteur CD est compatible avec les formats CD et dispose dune connectivité sans fil, vous permettant découter facilement votre collection de musique numérique. Lunité de couleur argentée dispose dune sortie audio dune prise casque et fait partie de la gamme de produits Discman. Il est livré en quantité unitaire et ne pèse que 100 g, ce qui le rend extrêmement portable. En plus de toutes ces fonctionnalités, ce lecteur CD dispose de bandes AM/FM et dune prise casque. Ce
Technika Portatile Lettore CD PCD-307 Spinta Basso Anti Shock - Fully
End: 27.03. 2024 21:33:12 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 19.48 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 296272844544
- Seller: classicgenerations (26914|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: kettering, Northamptonshire
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 14,03 EUR
- on EBAY
Technika Portatile Lettore CD PCD-307 Spinta Basso Anti Shock - FullyQuesto foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci. Questo lettore CD portatile Technika PCD-307 è il dispositivo perfetto per gli amanti della musica che amano la libertà di ascoltare i propri brani preferiti ovunque vadano. Vanta una funzione di potenziamento dei bassi e una tecnologia anti-shock che garantisce una riproduzione fluida anche quando sei in movimento. Questo lettore CD è compatibile con i formati CD e dispone di connettività wireless, che ti consente di ascoltare facilmente la tua raccolta di musica digitale. Lunità color argento dispone di unuscita audio tramite jack per cuffie e fa parte della linea di prodotti Discman. Viene fornito in una quantità unitaria di uno e pesa solo 100 g, rendendolo estremamente portatile. Oltre a tutte queste funzionalità, questo lettore CD dispone di bande AM/FM e di un jack per le cuffie. Si tratta di un oggetto usato, ma perfettamente funzionante ed in ottime condizioni. Il numero del modello è PCD-307 ed è un lettore CD personale di Technika. Questo prodotto è perfetto per chi ama ascoltare la musica mentre è in movimento.Questo lettore CD portatile Technika PCD-307 è il dispositivo perfetto per gli amanti della musica che amano la libertà di ascoltare i propri brani preferiti ovunque vadano. Vanta una funzione di potenziamento dei bassi e una tecnologia anti-shock che garantisce una riproduzione fluida anche quando sei in movimento. Questo lettore CD è compatibile con i formati CD e dispone di connettività wireless, che ti consente di ascoltare facilmente la tua raccolta di musica digitale. Lunità color argento dispone di unuscita audio tramite jack per cuffie e fa parte della linea di prodotti Discman. Viene fornito in una quantità unitaria di uno e pesa solo 100 g, rendendolo estremamente portatile. Oltre a tutte queste funzionalità, questo lettore CD dispone di bande AM/FM e di un jack per le cuffie.Questo lettore CD portatile Technika PCD-307 è il dispositivo perfetto per gli amanti della musica che amano la libertà di ascoltare i propri brani preferiti ovunque vadano. Vanta una funzione di potenziamento dei bassi e una tecnologia anti-shock che garantisce una riproduzione fluida anche quando sei in movimento. Questo lettore CD è compatibile con i formati CD e dispone di connettività wireless, che ti consente di ascoltare facilmente la tua raccolta di musica digitale. Lunità color argento dispone di unuscita audio tramite jack per cuffie e fa parte della linea di prodotti Discman. Viene fornito in una quantità unitaria di uno e pesa solo 100 g, rendendolo estremamente portatile. Oltre a tutte queste funzionalità, questo lettore CD dispone di bande AM/FM e di un jack per le cuffie. Unit Quantity 1 Type CD Player Features Headphone Jack Unit Type 100g MPN N/A Audio Outputs Headphone Jack Colour Silver Connectivity Wireless Band AM/FM Playable Media Format CD Product Line Discman Model PCD-307 Screen Size N/A Brand Technika
Technika Portable Lecteur CD PCD-307 Basse Booster Anti Choc - Entièrement Actif
End: 27.03. 2024 21:33:11 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 19.47 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 305433026885
- Seller: classicgenerations (26894|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: kettering, Northamptonshire
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 14,02 EUR
- on EBAY
Technika Portable Lecteur CD PCD-307 Basse Booster Anti Choc - Entièrement ActifCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter. Ce lecteur CD portable Technika PCD-307 est lappareil idéal pour les mélomanes qui apprécient la liberté découter leurs morceaux préférés partout où ils vont. Il dispose dune fonction damplification des basses et dune technologie anti-choc qui garantit une lecture fluide même lorsque vous êtes en déplacement. Ce lecteur CD est compatible avec les formats CD et dispose dune connectivité sans fil, vous permettant découter facilement votre collection de musique numérique. Lunité de couleur argentée dispose dune sortie audio dune prise casque et fait partie de la gamme de produits Discman. Il est livré en quantité unitaire et ne pèse que 100 g, ce qui le rend extrêmement portable. En plus de toutes ces fonctionnalités, ce lecteur CD dispose de bandes AM/FM et dune prise casque. Cest un article doccasion, mais il est entièrement fonctionnel et en très bon état. Le numéro de modèle est PCD-307 et il sagit dun lecteur CD personnel de Technika. Ce produit est parfait pour ceux qui aiment écouter de la musique en déplacement.Ce lecteur CD portable Technika PCD-307 est lappareil idéal pour les mélomanes qui apprécient la liberté découter leurs morceaux préférés partout où ils vont. Il dispose dune fonction damplification des basses et dune technologie anti-choc qui garantit une lecture fluide même lorsque vous êtes en déplacement. Ce lecteur CD est compatible avec les formats CD et dispose dune connectivité sans fil, vous permettant découter facilement votre collection de musique numérique. Lunité de couleur argentée dispose dune sortie audio dune prise casque et fait partie de la gamme de produits Discman. Il est livré en quantité unitaire et ne pèse que 100 g, ce qui le rend extrêmement portable. En plus de toutes ces fonctionnalités, ce lecteur CD dispose de bandes AM/FM et dune prise casque. CeCe lecteur CD portable Technika PCD-307 est lappareil idéal pour les mélomanes qui apprécient la liberté découter leurs morceaux préférés partout où ils vont. Il dispose dune fonction damplification des basses et dune technologie anti-choc qui garantit une lecture fluide même lorsque vous êtes en déplacement. Ce lecteur CD est compatible avec les formats CD et dispose dune connectivité sans fil, vous permettant découter facilement votre collection de musique numérique. Lunité de couleur argentée dispose dune sortie audio dune prise casque et fait partie de la gamme de produits Discman. Il est livré en quantité unitaire et ne pèse que 100 g, ce qui le rend extrêmement portable. En plus de toutes ces fonctionnalités, ce lecteur CD dispose de bandes AM/FM et dune prise casque. Ce Unit Quantity 1 Type CD Player Features Headphone Jack Unit Type 100g MPN N/A Audio Outputs Headphone Jack Colour Silver Connectivity Wireless Band AM/FM Playable Media Format CD Product Line Discman Model PCD-307 Screen Size N/A Brand Technika
Technika CD Portátil Reproductor PCD-307 Bajo Boost Anti Shock - Fully Laboral
End: 27.03. 2024 21:33:11 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 19.47 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 305431522945
- Seller: classicgenerations (26875|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: kettering, Northamptonshire
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 14,02 EUR
- on EBAY
Technika CD Portátil Reproductor PCD-307 Bajo Boost Anti Shock - Fully LaboralEsta ficha técnica del producto ha sido originalmente escrita en inglés. A continuación puede encontrar una traducción automática al español. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. Este reproductor de CD portátil Technika PCD-307 es el dispositivo perfecto para los amantes de la música que disfrutan de la libertad de escuchar sus canciones favoritas dondequiera que vayan. Cuenta con una función de refuerzo de graves y tecnología antigolpes que garantiza una reproducción fluida incluso cuando estás en movimiento. Este reproductor de CD es compatible con formatos de CD y cuenta con conectividad inalámbrica, lo que te permitirá escuchar tu colección de música digital con facilidad. La unidad de color plateado tiene una salida de audio de conector para auriculares y forma parte de la línea de productos Discman. Viene con una unidad y pesa solo 100 g, lo que lo hace extremadamente portátil. Además de todas estas características, este reproductor de CD tiene bandas AM/FM y un conector para auriculares. Es un artículo usado, pero está completamente funcional y en excelentes condiciones. El número de modelo es PCD-307 y es un reproductor de CD personal de Technika. Este producto es perfecto para quienes aman escuchar música mientras viajan.Este reproductor de CD portátil Technika PCD-307 es el dispositivo perfecto para los amantes de la música que disfrutan de la libertad de escuchar sus canciones favoritas dondequiera que vayan. Cuenta con una función de refuerzo de graves y tecnología antigolpes que garantiza una reproducción fluida incluso cuando estás en movimiento. Este reproductor de CD es compatible con formatos de CD y cuenta con conectividad inalámbrica, lo que te permitirá escuchar tu colección de música digital con facilidad. La unidad de color plateado tiene una salida de audio de conector para auriculares y forma parte de la línea de productos Discman. Viene con una unidad y pesa solo 100 g, lo que lo hace extremadamente portátil. Además de todas estas características, este reproductor de CD tiene bandas AM/FM Este reproductor de CD portátil Technika PCD-307 es el dispositivo perfecto para los amantes de la música que disfrutan de la libertad de escuchar sus canciones favoritas dondequiera que vayan. Cuenta con una función de refuerzo de graves y tecnología antigolpes que garantiza una reproducción fluida incluso cuando estás en movimiento. Este reproductor de CD es compatible con formatos de CD y cuenta con conectividad inalámbrica, lo que te permitirá escuchar tu colección de música digital con facilidad. La unidad de color plateado tiene una salida de audio de conector para auriculares y forma parte de la línea de productos Discman. Viene con una unidad y pesa solo 100 g, lo que lo hace extremadamente portátil. Además de todas estas características, este reproductor de CD tiene bandas AM/FM Unit Quantity 1 Type CD Player Features Headphone Jack Unit Type 100g MPN N/A Audio Outputs Headphone Jack Colour Silver Connectivity Wireless Band AM/FM Playable Media Format CD Product Line Discman Model PCD-307 Screen Size N/A Brand Technika
Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 Bass Boost Anti Shock - Fully Working
End: 27.03. 2024 21:31:57 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 23.74 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 295705273542
- Seller: classicgenerations (28515|99.2%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: kettering, Northamptonshire
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
This Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 is the perfect device for music lovers who enjoy the freedom of listening to their favourite tunes anywhere they go. It boasts a bass boost feature and anti-shock technology that ensures smooth playback even when you’re on the move. This CD player is compatible with CD formats and has wireless connectivity, allowing you to listen to your digital music collection with ease. The silver-coloured unit has an audio output of a headphone jack and is part of the Discman product line. It comes with a unit quantity of one and weighs just 100g, making it extremely portable. In addition to all these features, this CD player has AM/FM bands and a headphone jack. It is a used item, but it is fully functional and in great condition. The model number is PCD-307, and it is a personal CD player from Technika. This product is perfect for those who love to listen to music while on the go.
Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 Bass Boost Anti Shock - Fully Working
End: 19.01. 2024 21:17:29 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 23.33 EUR

- Status: 28T 9:56:23
- Item number: 295708279084
- Seller: classicgenerations (25315|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: kettering, Northamptonshire
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 13,87 EUR
- on EBAY
This Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 is the perfect device for music lovers who enjoy the freedom of listening to their favourite tunes anywhere they go. It boasts a bass boost feature and anti-shock technology that ensures smooth playback even when you’re on the move. This CD player is compatible with CD formats and has wireless connectivity, allowing you to listen to your digital music collection with ease. The silver-coloured unit has an audio output of a headphone jack and is part of the Discman product line. It comes with a unit quantity of one and weighs just 100g, making it extremely portable. In addition to all these features, this CD player has AM/FM bands and a headphone jack. It is a used item, but it is fully functional and in great condition. The model number is PCD-307, and it is a personal CD player from Technika. This product is perfect for those who love to listen to music while on the go.This Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 is the perfect device for music lovers who enjoy the freedom of listening to their favourite tunes anywhere they go. It boasts a bass boost feature and anti-shock technology that ensures smooth playback even when you’re on the move. This CD player is compatible with CD formats and has wireless connectivity, allowing you to listen to your digital music collection with ease. The silver-coloured unit has an audio output of a headphone jack and is part of the Discman product line. It comes with a unit quantity of one and weighs just 100g, making it extremely portable. In addition to all these features, this CD player has AM/FM bands and a headphone jack. It is a used item, but it is fully functional and in great condition. The model number is PCD-307,
Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 Bass Boost Anti Shock - Fully Working
End: 19.01. 2024 11:56:28 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 19.41 EUR

- Status: 28T 1:24:54
- Item number: 295707477468
- Seller: classicgenerations (25315|99.6%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: kettering, Northamptonshire
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 13,47 EUR
- on EBAY
This Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 is the perfect device for music lovers who enjoy the freedom of listening to their favourite tunes anywhere they go. It boasts a bass boost feature and anti-shock technology that ensures smooth playback even when you’re on the move. This CD player is compatible with CD formats and has wireless connectivity, allowing you to listen to your digital music collection with ease. The silver-coloured unit has an audio output of a headphone jack and is part of the Discman product line. It comes with a unit quantity of one and weighs just 100g, making it extremely portable. In addition to all these features, this CD player has AM/FM bands and a headphone jack. It is a used item, but it is fully functional and in great condition. The model number is PCD-307, and it is a personal CD player from Technika. This product is perfect for those who love to listen to music while on the go.This Technika Portable CD Player PCD-307 is the perfect device for music lovers who enjoy the freedom of listening to their favourite tunes anywhere they go. It boasts a bass boost feature and anti-shock technology that ensures smooth playback even when you’re on the move. This CD player is compatible with CD formats and has wireless connectivity, allowing you to listen to your digital music collection with ease. The silver-coloured unit has an audio output of a headphone jack and is part of the Discman product line. It comes with a unit quantity of one and weighs just 100g, making it extremely portable. In addition to all these features, this CD player has AM/FM bands and a headphone jack. It is a used item, but it is fully functional and in great condition. The model number is PCD-307,
Quadraflex PCD-388 Stereo Cassette Deck home audio PART/REPAIR AUDIOPHILE
End: 14.01. 2024 00:34:45 on Sunday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 35.0 USD

- Status: 30T 19:47:54
- Item number: 266565303295
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Fresno,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 50,0 USD
- on EBAY
Quadraflex PCD-388 Stereo Cassette Deck home audio PART/REPAIR AUDIOPHILE Preowned and in good condition with normal shelf and use wear. Tested and in nonworking condition with no power. No other accessories come with this item listing. ============ This Quadraflex PCD-388 Stereo Cassette Deck is a must-have for any music lover. With its vintage brown color and classic design, it adds a touch of nostalgia to any home audio setup. Made in Japan, this cassette player and recorder features a belt drive system that ensures smooth playback and recording of your favorite cassette tapes. Additionally, it comes equipped with a headphone jack that allows for private listening and the ability to enjoy your music without any interruptions. The Quadraflex PCD-388 also boasts a number of features, including easy-to-use cassette tape controls and a compact design that makes it easy to integrate into any home audio system. ==========-= The TnT Collectibles Show is the central valley’s newest and largest store for Vintage toys, comics, cards, anime and collectibles from over 30 vendors! Our Ebay store is packed with various genres from inside the store. So much to choose from! All items sold come from within our store, which is a pet and smoke free facility. All items are tested to the limits of the items. All items are cleaned before listing and after sold, in preparation to ship. All items shipped are carefully prepared, bubbled and boxed. Shipping is USPS Ground Advantage, Priority, Media Mail(Qualified Items), UPS Ground or FedEx Ground / Home Delivery, to the continental United States. Shipping charges are based on actual weight, destination, available shipping carriers and item itself. Additional charges apply for shipping to Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Local pickup is an option for our central valley customers. Once item is paid for, items can be arranged to be picked up at The TNT Collectibles Show, Fresno, Ca. Hours for pickup are 11am-5pm, Monday thru Friday. Please have your QR code or pickup code ready for our team. International shipping is done through the Ebay Global Shipping Program(GSP) and may require extra fees. Wait times, once shipped, may vary.
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