Pass Labs X350.8 amplifier
- Condition: Used
- Price: 1.0 USD
- Status: 6T 17:39:12
- Item number: 204621155441
- Bids: 1
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- Item location: Prosser,WA,USA
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Custom built Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amp. I built this amplifier in a cigar box. It uses the Nelson Pass 2018 boards, all of the recommended components, and the recommended Mean Well power supply. This was not made with cheap Chinese parts it was built using the components Nelson Pass recommended. the amp was built to the most recent Version 1.8 spec. This is a great sounding class A amplifier. There are two small defects in the wood on the left hand side. These were present on the cigar box when I assembled the amplifier. They arent as obvious in real life as they look in the pictures. I currently have a large fan on the top to dissipate heat. The fan is quiet and cant be heard from a few feet away or with any music playing. I dont believe the fan is necessary. If the fan is a deal breaker, I am willing to run the unit overnight prior to the sale with no fan to ensure there are no issues with passive only cooling. 8W x 2, 8 Ohms or 15W x 1, 8 Ohms bridged. Please message me with any questions.
Vendo splendido amplificatore finale Pass Labs X150.8 in eccellenti condizioni, acquistato da Hifi2erre di Pavia nel settembre 2022, ancora in garanzia, con accessori ed imballi originali e senza il benché minimo graffio o imperfezione. N/S 37832 Possibile ascolto in Roma centro. Grazie, Daniele Prezzo di listino €10.425,00 I am selling a splendid Pass Labs X150.8 power amplifier in excellent condition, purchased from Hifi2erre in Pavia in September 2022, still under warranty, with original packaging and without the slightest scratch or imperfection. Shipping would be expensive due to the weight of more than 40 kg, which requires the use of a pallet. However, in case of purchase from an EU country, please ask for confirmation of shipping costs. The buyer can also organise the shipment on his own, the amplifier will be perfectly packed. Thank you, Daniele Caratteristiche Tecniche Pass X 150.8, amplificatore stereofonico in Classe AB, guadagno 26 dB, potenza 150 watt su 8 ohm, 300 watt su 4 ohm, consumo 375 watt. Classe AB Tipo Stereo Guadagno (dB) 26 Pwr completo a 26 dB di guadagno (V) 1.73 Risposta in bassa frequenza 1,5 Hz Risposta ad alta frequenza 100 KHz Potenza di uscita /ch (8 ohm) 150 Distorsione (1 KHz, piena potenza) 1% Impedenza d’ingresso (SE & BAL Kohms) 50/100 Fattore di smorzamento 150 Rumore in uscita (uV) 200 Assorbimento di corrente al minimo (Ampere) 2.9 Consumo energetico (Watt) 375 Numero di telai 1 Dimensioni dell’unità (L x P x A) 19 x 21,25 x 7,5 x 21,25 x 7,5. Peso unitario (Kg) 40
MIT SHOTGUN S1 RCA/Cinch Kabel - 1 Meter - 7/2011 Im Laufe von vier Monaten habe ich den Shotgun-Webstuhl in so vielen Systemkonfigurationen wie möglich verwendet. Meine Beobachtungen waren identisch. Ich habe jedes MIT-Kabel mit denen anderer Marken, die ich zur Hand hatte, kombiniert, aber das erwies sich als sinnlos. Die Wiedergabe mit Schrotflinten war in jeder Systemkonfiguration durchweg besser. d Over the course of four months, I used the Shotgun loom in as many system configurations as possible. My observations were identical. I did mix and match each of the MIT cables with those of other brands I had on hand but this proved pointless. Playback was consistently better with Shotguns throughout each system configuration. No other cable combination came close.
MIT Oracle V2.1 RCA/Cinch Kabel 1,5min einem sehr gutem Zustand wird sicher verpackt mit DHL versendet. Test : Mai 2003 Sobald die Oracle v2.1-Verbindungen und Lautsprecherkabel ordnungsgemäß angeschlossen sind, kommen einem schnell kühne Aussagen in den Sinn – „Erwartungsänderung“, „Paradigmenwechsel“. Paradoxerweise ist die Präsentation von Oracle v2.1 sowohl bemerkenswert entspannt als auch sehr detailliert – in beiden Fällen unübertroffen. Einzelne Klangereignisse entstehen aus dem ruhigsten, schwärzesten Hintergrund, den ich je erlebt habe, und materialisieren sich dann mit allen feinsten Details und kleinsten räumlichen Hinweisen – und in lebensechter Beziehung zueinander. Ich könnte spekulieren, dass es bei dieser Präsentation um die ungeheuer geräuschlose Kulisse oder die großartige Wiedergabe von Details geht, aber ich denke, ich würde nur einen Teil der Geschichte erzählen. Ich hasse es, es zu sagen, aber das Wort, das es am besten zusammenfasst, ist Artikulation – diese MIT-Kabel klingen einfach klarer und verständlicher als andere, die ich verwendet habe. Ein Bereich, in dem sich die Oracle v2.1-Kabel auszeichnen, ist derselbe, in dem andere Netzwerkkabel, von denen ich gehört habe, besonders gut funktionieren. Ihr Bass ist sehr tief, sehr kraftvoll, straff und hat eine tolle dynamische Schattierung. Es gibt nicht mehr Bass, sondern einen Bass, der von höherer Qualität ist. Evolve [Righteous Babe RBR030-0] ist die neueste Veröffentlichung von Ani DiFranco und eine weitere gut klingende Aufnahme. Die Bassgitarre auf „Promised Land“ zeigt Tiefe und Gewicht, aber die Art und Weise, wie sie sowohl in der Lautstärke als auch in der Tonhöhe wechselt, sorgt dafür, dass sie förmlich durch das Lied tanzt. Die Oracle v2.1 helfen nicht nur dabei, alle Bassdetails zu extrahieren, sondern sie tun dies auch unter nicht idealen Bedingungen: inmitten der Umgebungsausbreitung des Basses über die gesamte Klangbühne, ähnlich dem Effekt, wenn man einen sehr guten Subwoofer hinzufügt. Während einige Verstärker und Lautsprecher eine solche Low-End-Leistung nicht mit der gleichen Leistungsfähigkeit bewältigen wie die von mir verwendeten Lamms und Wilsons, werden die MIT-Kabel sicherlich ihren Teil dazu beitragen, den Bass zu verbessern, den ein System erzeugen kann. Auch die Klanginszenierung und die Raumdarstellung sind Bereiche, in denen diese MIT-Kabel glänzen. Oftmals denken wir, dass wir eine größere Luft um die Künstler herum und mehr Raum hören, wenn ein wenig Höhenbetonung die Ursache ist. Nicht mit Oracle v2.1, dessen hohe Frequenzen überhaupt nicht hervorgehoben werden. Dennoch erzeugen diese Kabel ein kontinuierliches Klangfeld, das geräumig und lebendig ist. Und wie sieht es mit der Dynamik aus, die häufig auf einen Verstärker mit viel Headroom oder Lautsprecher mit hoher Empfindlichkeit zurückzuführen ist? Ich war überrascht, dass ich bei den Oracle v2.1-Kabeln in meinem System eine größere wahrgenommene Lücke zwischen leise und laut hörte. Klassische Musik eignet sich am besten zur Beurteilung der Dynamik, da sie im Gegensatz zu Rock oder Jazz oft zu einem Crescendo ansteigt, sodass sehr subtile Abstufungen der Lautstärke zu hören sind. Die ersten SACDs von Pentatone enthalten Aufnahmen, die 30 Jahre alt sind und dennoch sehr aktuell klingen. Bei Beethovens Sinfonie Nr. 5 [Pentatone 5186 102] beschleunigt sich die Musik sanft auf die höchste Lautstärke zu, anstatt von leise zu laut zu schwanken. Zumindest einen Teil der Anerkennung muss ich den Oracle v2.1-Kabeln zusprechen. Der wahrscheinlich wichtigste Aspekt der Oracle v2.1-Kabel des MIT ist ihre Fähigkeit, – in Ermangelung eines weniger abgedroschenen Begriffs – reine Audiozufriedenheit zu erzielen . Es ist ein Klischee bei Rezensionen, dass diese oder jene Komponente dazu führte, dass man „eine CD nach der anderen herausholte“, aber genau das haben die Oracle v2.1-Kabel bei mir bewirkt. Das lag nicht an irgendeiner Liste audiophiler Pyrotechnik, sondern eher an dem Gefühl, dass der Klang etwas näher dran war, zu stimmen . Während ich im Rahmen dieses Tests die Geräusche, die ich gehört habe, bis ins kleinste Detail identifizieren konnte, machte die Analyse meines Systems mit den Oracle v2.1-Kabeln immer eine lästige Pflicht. Sie bitten Sie, zuzuhören und zu genießen, nicht zu untersuchen und zu erklären Die Weisheit des Orakels Während es fast unmöglich ist, die meisten Audiophilen von der Wirksamkeit von Kabeln zu überzeugen, die so viel kosten wie die MIT Oracle v2.1, muss ich sagen, dass ihr Klang sehr deutlich für sie spricht, und das minimiert den Schock ihres Preises. Sie haben mich mit ihrer einzigartigen und fesselnden musikalischen Präsentation verführt und dabei meine Vorstellung vom Beitrag eines Kabels zur Wiedergabe von Musik neu ausgerichtet. Once the Oracle v2.1 interconnects and speaker cables are properly broken in, bold pronouncements -- expectation changing, paradigm shifting -- come quickly to mind. Paradoxically, the presentation of Oracle v2.1 is both notably relaxed and highly detailed -- without equal on both accounts. Individual sonic events emerge from the quietest, blackest background Ive ever experienced and then materialize with all of the very finest detail and most minute spatial cues intact -- and in lifelike relation to each other. I could speculate that this presentation is a matter of that tremendously noiseless backdrop or great retrieval of detail, but I think Id only be telling part of the story. I hate to say it, but the word that sums it up best is articulation -- these MIT cables just sound clearer and more intelligible than others Ive used. Piano fared particularly well, and in this regard, one of my long-time faves is Danilo Perezs Panamonk [Impulse! IMPD-190]. Bright Mississippi is a particularly telling cut. It begins slowly, with plenty of decay in between notes, and then builds to semi-frenzy. The MIT cables were unperturbed, portraying the opening with placidity and the later fireworks with high resolution, each note distinct in its attack and decay, and the dynamics of the cut in lifelike scaling soft to loud. I then I switched over to the JVC XRCD of Red Garlands Groovy [Victor VICJ-60161], which Ive been listening to habitually since I purchased it at CES. I immediately thought that theres a certain XRCDness about the Oracle v2.1s. All of the detail is there, and I do mean all of it, but it doesnt call attention to itself. I came to realize that the sound of the Oracle v2.1 cables defies description in many ways. While there are identifiable characteristics, they are so completely integrated into the tapestry of the music the cables help to reproduce that dissecting it all is difficult -- and ruins the achievement. One region in which the Oracle v2.1 cables excel is the same in which other network cables Ive heard do particularly well. Their bass is very deep, very powerful, taut, and has terrific dynamic shading. There isnt more bass, but rather bass thats of higher quality. Evolve [Righteous Babe RBR030-0] is the latest release from Ani DiFranco and another fine-sounding recording. The bass guitar on Promised Land displays depth and weight, but the way it shifts in volume as well as pitch causes it to positively dance through the song. The Oracle v2.1s help not only extract all of the bass detail, but they do it under less-than-ideal conditions: amidst the ambient spread of the bass throughout the soundstage, similar to the effect of adding a very good subwoofer. While some amps and speakers wont handle such low-end performance with the same proficiency as the Lamms and Wilsons I use, the MIT cables will certainly do their part to enhance whatever bass a system can produce. Soundstaging and the portrayal of space are also areas in which these MIT cables shine. Oftentimes we think that what were hearing is greater air around performers and more space when a bit of treble emphasis is the root cause. Not with Oracle v2.1, whose high frequencies are not highlighted in the least. Yet these cables portray a continuous soundfield that is spacious and alive. And what of dynamics, which are often a result of an amplifier with lots of headroom or loudspeakers with high sensitivity? I was surprised to hear a greater perceived gap between soft and loud with the Oracle v2.1 cables in my system. Classical music is best for evaluating dynamics because unlike rock or jazz it often builds to crescendo, so its possible to hear very subtle gradations in loudness. The first batch of SACDs from Pentatone features recordings that are 30 years old, and yet they sound very current. On Beethovens Symphony No.5 [Pentatone 5186 102], the music accelerates smoothly toward ultimate loudness instead of lurching from soft to loud. I have to give at least some of the credit to the Oracle v2.1 cables. Probably the most important aspect of MITs Oracle v2.1 cables is their ability to bring about, for lack of a less trite term, pure audio satisfaction. Its a reviewing cliché that such-and-such component caused you to pull out CD after CD, but this is exactly what the Oracle v2.1 cables did for me. This wasnt due to some list of audiophile-approved pyrotechnics but rather the sense that the sound was just a bit closer to being right. While for the purposes of this review I have been able to identify the minutiae of the sound I heard, my system with the Oracle v2.1 cables always made analysis a chore. They beg you to listen and enjoy, not examine and explain. Comparison Even with all of the considerable sonic merits of the Oracle v2.1 cables, I am convinced that they certainly wont be for everyone, even if their price were a fraction of what it is. Oracle v2.1 wont lighten up a dull-sounding system, and listeners who like their music with lots of high-frequency energy will likely find the relaxed character of these cables boring. Its certainly true that you cant please everyone, and sometimes with audiophiles, you cant please anyone. Of the cables Ive reviewed recently, those from Stereovox are the most competitive to the Oracle v2.1s in terms of overall performance and price. They are also similar sonically to Oracle v2.1; choosing one or the other may be a difficult task. I praised the Stereovox SEI-600 and LSP-600 for their balance and ability to convey detail without sounding hyper resolving. These things apply to MIT Oracle v.2.1 as well, but to an even greater extent. The Oracle cables sound even more relaxed and a touch more detailed, even though the Stereovox cables have a lighter overall balance that I would expect to give the impression of greater detail. The bass of the MIT cables is certainly more accomplished, but the low end of the Stereovox cables is not deficient in any way. The Stereovox cables dont have networks, so you wont have to figure out how to accommodate them in your system configuration. I would be very happy with either of these cables as my reference, but if cost were no consideration, I would choose MIT Oracle v2.1 (I might even spring for Oracle v1.1). If cost were an important part of the mix, I would not end up with either of these cable lines and instead investigate Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval, which gives a lions share of the overall performance (albeit with a different mix of traits) at a small fraction of the price. The wisdom of the Oracle While its almost impossible to convince most audiophiles of the efficacy of cables that cost what the MIT Oracle v2.1s do, I have to say that their sound speaks very loudly for them, and this minimizes the shock of their price. They seduced me with their unique and enthralling musical presentation, and in the process realigned what I have come to think of a cables contribution to reproduced music. Cables can very much be a matter of proper mating with certain components, and I would be doubly cautious in recommending these Oracle cables if there werent different versions to mate with different kinds of electronics, thus giving you a better chance of hearing at home what I heard in my listening room. Ive reviewed a smorgasbord of accomplished cable designs over the last year or so, and while none has cost as much as Oracle v2.1, none has also impressed me as much either. I wish I could offer some insight that wouldnt be ammo for all of the audio cynics, but I cant. Its clear to me that the most expensive cables Ive heard are also the best. In the case of MIT Oracle v2.1, you really do get more when you pay more.
The XA-25 is in great amp - without issue. Complete with packaging and box. I just dont use it. Maybe 30 hours of playing time. So needs a better home. Sat in its location since I bought new around Feb of this year with full 3 year transferrable factory warranty. Will try and get better pictures. No scratches or dents. See my other listings. Thanks Kevin
Custom built Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amp. I built this amplifier in a cigar box. It uses the Nelson Pass 2018 boards, all of the recommended components, and the recommended Mean Well power supply. This was not made with cheap Chinese parts it was built using the components Nelson Pass recommended. the amp was built to the most recent Version 1.8 spec. This is a great sounding class A amplifier. There are two small defects in the wood on the left hand side. These were present on the cigar box when I assembled the amplifier. They arent as obvious in real life as they look in the pictures. I currently have a large fan on the top to dissipate heat. The fan is quiet and cant be heard from a few feet away or with any music playing. I dont believe the fan is necessary. If the fan is a deal breaker, I am willing to run the unit overnight prior to the sale with no fan to ensure there are no issues with passive only cooling. 8W x 2, 8 Ohms or 15W x 1, 8 Ohms bridged. Please message me with any questions.
Custom built Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amp. I built this amplifier in a cigar box. It uses the Nelson Pass 2018 boards, all of the recommended components, and the recommended Mean Well power supply. This was not made with cheap Chinese parts it was built using the components Nelson Pass recommended. the amp was built to the most recent Version 1.8 spec. This is a great sounding class A amplifier. There are two small defects in the wood on the left hand side. These were present on the cigar box when I assembled the amplifier. They arent as obvious in real life as they look in the pictures. I currently have a large fan on the top to dissipate heat. The fan is quiet and cant be heard from a few feet away or with any music playing. I dont believe the fan is necessary. If the fan is a deal breaker, I am willing to run the unit overnight prior to the sale with no fan to ensure there are no issues with passive only cooling. 8W x 2, 8 Ohms or 15W x 1, 8 Ohms bridged. Please message me with any questions.
Manuel *This can be covered to 120v for additional $450. serious when sending messages Does require Step up transformer or Run a 240v Electrical OutletExtremly Clean Audio $2799. Marl Levinson No 23.5 power amp. Rare. 240v version. 200 x 2 85lbs. Will Ship being a little smaller power ampFor a few hundred dollars will include AQ Diamond RCAs. Circa 2000. Clean cables
Specifications:Description: Stereo power amplifier with single-ended, class-A output stage.Power output: 30W into 8 ohms (14.8dBW), 60W into 4 or 2 ohms (14.8dBW, 11.8dBW, respectively).Frequency response: 2Hz-100kHz, -0.5dB.Input impedance: 23k ohms.Voltage Gain: 20dB.Output impedance: 0.08 ohms. 1kHz distortion: 0.2% at 30W (8 ohms), 1% at 60W (4 or 2 ohms). DC offset: ±100mV. Power consumption: 250W at all times.Dimensions: 12 W by 6 H by 12 D. Shipping weight: 38 lbs.
The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Pass Labs XA25 Stereo Power Amplifier; XA-25; Silver Product SKU: 49973 Voltage: 120V # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Serial Number: 36386 Age: Unknown Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $5150 Cosmetic Description: Excellent condition with no notable blemishes. What is Included: Amplifier, Manual, Power cable, Factory packaging Other Notes: The new XA25 offers great sound at slightly lower power, without frills, at a lower price. It embodies new components and innovative circuits coupled with the best elements of the previous generation. -Pass Labs Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $99- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.
The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Pass Labs X350.5 Stereo Power Amplifier; X-350.5; Silver Product SKU: 49214 Voltage: 120V # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Serial Number: 26093 Age: Unknown Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $11550 Cosmetic Description: Good cosmetic condition with some minor visible cosmetic wear including light nicks on the right edge of the faceplate along with minor scuffs on the top surface and on the top of both heat sinks. There are a few nicks on the binding posts. This item has some very light wear but still presents like new from your listening position. What is Included: Amplifier, Power cable, Factory packaging Other Notes: The 350 Watt per channel X350.5 is the most powerful stereo amplifier in Pass Laboratories X.5 series, beyond it lays Pass Lab massive 600 and 1000 Watt monoblock amps. Thats not to say that some wouldnt consider the X350.5 massive in the same way as these more powerful amps. This 132 pound monster is almost one foot high, two foot deep beast of an amp! It is rather imposing resting on the lower plate of the equipment rack in my listening room. Plus, its large blue meter glowing in the center of its thick, sculpted aluminum faceplate is enough for anyone, audiophile or not, to take notice. - Enjoy The Music Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Shipping within the Continental USA is $299- This includes securing to a pallet with adequate protection and shipping via FedEx Freight to a residential address anywhere in the Continental USA. This rate can be reduced by $60 if a commercial delivery address available or if item can be picked up at nearest FedEx Freight depot. FedEx Freight charges a residential delivery fee otherwise which is included in our flat rate charge. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.
Custom built Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amp. I built this amplifier in a cigar box. It uses the Nelson Pass 2018 boards, all of the recommended components, and the recommended Mean Well power supply. This was not made with cheap Chinese parts it was built using the components Nelson Pass recommended. the amp was built to the most recent Version 1.8 spec. This is a great sounding class A amplifier. There are two small defects in the wood on the left hand side. These were present on the cigar box when I assembled the amplifier. They arent as obvious in real life as they look in the pictures. I currently have a large fan on the top to dissipate heat. The fan is quiet and cant be heard from a few feet away or with any music playing. I dont believe the fan is necessary. If the fan is a deal breaker, I am willing to run the unit overnight prior to the sale with no fan to ensure there are no issues with passive only cooling. 8W x 2, 8 Ohms or 15W x 1, 8 Ohms bridged. Please message me with any questions.
Get in on that Wayne Colburn sound with an excellent discrete Opamp from Staccato. Original volume knob is included, I just swapped to a different one for aesthetic reasons. Also included is a TI RC4580 Opamp.
I bought these brand new within the last year. They are in great shape as you can see. I got them for a sub project that never happened.
Custom built Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amp. I built this amplifier in a cigar box. It uses the Nelson Pass 2018 boards, all of the recommended components, and the recommended Mean Well power supply. This was not made with cheap Chinese parts it was built using the components Nelson Pass recommended. the amp was built to the most recent Version 1.8 spec. This is a great sounding class A amplifier. There are two small defects in the wood on the left hand side. These were present on the cigar box when I assembled the amplifier. They arent as obvious in real life as they look in the pictures. I currently have a large fan on the top to dissipate heat. The fan is quiet and cant be heard from a few feet away or with any music playing. I dont believe the fan is necessary. If the fan is a deal breaker, I am willing to run the unit overnight prior to the sale with no fan to ensure there are no issues with passive only cooling. 8W x 2, 8 Ohms or 15W x 1, 8 Ohms bridged. Please message me with any questions.
Edwards Home Entertainment and Design, an appointed and displaying dealer for McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins, Focal, NAIM, Parasound, Classe Audio, Rotel and Michi, Fyne Audio, Rel Acoustics, JL Audio, Perlisten, Soul Note, Gold Note, Marantz, Rose HiFi, AudioQuest, Nordost, as well as part of the Verified Premier Dealer Program on AudioGon, is offering this fantastic Pass Labs XA-25 stereo amplifier. The XA-25 is in great amp - without issue. Complete with packaging and box. Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign - Edwards Home Entertainment and Design (EHEAD) has been a premier seller of carefully selected, pre-loved high end audio equipment since 1997 and is now an authorized dealer for McIntosh (displaying C2700, C22, C12000, MC462, MC275vi, MC1.25s, MEN220, MT-10, MT-5, MA12000, MA352, MA252, MPC500, MPC1500, MHA200, speakers and interconnect cabling), Bowers & Wilkins (displaying 801D4, 802D4, 803D4, 804D4, 805D4, 702S3), Focal (displaying Scala EVO, Sopra3, Sopra2), NAIM (displaying the SuperNAIT3), Rotel Michi (displaying the P5s2, S5, X3s2), Classe Delta (displaying the Delta Pre, Delta Stereo, Delta Monos), Fyne Audio (displaying F1-12, F1-8, 502SP, F700), HiFiROSE (displaying the RS150, RS250 and RS520), Parasound (displaying JC-1+, JC2BP, JC-5, JC-3+, and HINT6), Jeff Wells Audio (displaying Commander II and Innamorata II), Marantz (displaying PM-10 Integrated, SA-10 Super Audio SACD/CD Player, TT-15S2 TurnTable), Rel Acoustics (displaying the Carbon Special, S/812, S/512, and T9/x), Perlisten (displaying the S7t and D212), JL Audio (displaying the G213v2, F113v2, D and E subs), Soul Note (displaying the A2 integrated), Nordost (displaying Norse and Leif series, with demo cases for in home trials), AudioQuest (displaying all power centers, 7000, 5000, 3000, Thunderbird, Black Beauty, Pegasus cabling), SolidSteel (displaying HyperSpike stands and amp stands), NEO Luxury Audio Racks (displaying the Quattron), Bossocontinuo (displaying the McRack) Reference. Visit the EHEADAudio com site in South San Francisco, CA for direct phone (begins with 925) / voice / text support. We are always looking to buy quality used gear. Despite listings that may indicate LOCAL PICK UP ONLY - this is just to facilitate posting of gear. Logistics is our specialty, we can facilitate packaging and shipping to and from anywhere in the country. If you are interested in our gear, please reach out and we can figure out a shipping solution that will work. Our shop is in South San Francisco - stop by and put your eyes and ears to work!
Custom built Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amp. This amplifier was built in a cigar box. It uses the Nelson Pass 2018 boards and the recommended Mean Well power supply. This is a great sounding class A amplifier. There are two small defects in the wood on the left hand side. These were present on the cigar box when I assembled the amplifier. 8W x 2, 8 Ohms or 15W x 1, 8 Ohms. Please message me with any questions.
Pass Labs First Watt M2 Power Amplifier. Black finish. In very good shape with only minor signs of use as seen in the photos. The only notable issue is a stripped screw immediately above the serial number on the rear panel. The unit comes with a power cord. Specifics from the Pass Lab website are as follows: “The First Watt M2 is a two channel audio power amplifier delivering 25 watts per channel (at 8 ohms). It uses JFET and MOSFET transistors operating in Class A mode without negative feedback so as to produce a more musically life-like sound.”. SALES TO LOCATIONS IN THE LOWER 48 UNITED STATES ONLY Additional Info: 25 wpc is more than enough for efficient speakers (90+ db). If your speakers are hard to drive, you might want to consider something else. This amp reminds me of a single ended tube amp from a sound perspective with perhaps a tad more bottom-end depending on the speaker. My experience is with Klipsch Cornwalls. It is Class A, so it runs warm to the touch. Like a tube power amp, you need to let it warm up before doing critical listening. I normally waited 30minutes or so. It’s not in the original box, but it will be overstuffed. I am the second owner.
The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies Pass Labs INT-60 Stereo Integrated Amplifier; Silver Product SKU: 53210 Voltage: 120V # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Serial Number: 30681 Age: 3 Years Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $9000 Cosmetic Description: Good cosmetic condition with some minor visible cosmetic wear including a small scratch on the faceplate of the unit. This item shows some wear consistent with its age but is still presentable and sounds wonderful. What is Included: Amplifier, Remote, Manual, Power cable, Factory packaging Other Notes: Advanced technologies and real-world testing combine to create the INT-60 which presents 60 glorious watts per channel into 8 ohms, and doesnt leave class A until 30 watts thanks to its high-bias operation. This larger class A operating envelope brings lower distortion and greater loudspeaker control, delivering higher quality musical fidelity for your enjoyment. -Pass Labs Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $135- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.
Biete hier aus einer Inzahlungnahme eine Pass Labs XP-30 Vorstufe an. Die Geräte befindet sich in einem sehr guten Zustand. Im Lieferumfang enthalten ist: Pass Labs XP-30, Verbindungskabel, Fernbedienung, Netzkabel und die originale Verpackung. Ich gewähre für Gebrauchtgeräte 12 Monate Gewährleistung. Die MwSt ist nicht ausweisbar (§25a UStG Differenzbesteuerung) Inzahlungnahmen sind möglich. Bei weiteren Fragen, einfach Kontakt aufnehmen. Wir sind Fachhändler für diverse Hifi Produkte. Besuchen Sie doch mal unsere Webseite mit angegliedertem Online Shop. For the International Interests: Here I sell a mint condition Pass Labs XP-30 Pre Amp. Shipping is possible, please drop me a call. Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE <p><a href= target=_blank>Widget erstellen oder Farben anpassen.</a></p> <a href= target=_blank><img src= border=0 /></a> <div style=clear: left;> </div> supremeauctiononlinesoftware.widgets.FeedbackWidgetBasic.swf
???? Item TitleDescriptionPass labs X5 Excellent condition ???? Power light does not illuminate but otherwise faultless.???? Enjoy the music!???? I will send it in perfect packaging.????? Manufacturer : PASS LabsModel number : X5Dimensions : W483×H177×D492mmWeight : 29.7kg ?If there is something you are looking for, please feel free to contact us.? If there is a discrepancy between the photo and the description on the product page, the photo will be considered as the correct one.Thank you. Shipping Standard Shipping ( Japan Post , FedEx , DHL ) The package will arrive 5-14 days after shipment. International Buyers - Please Note:Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. If there is a remote charge for your address we will charge you for additional shipping.Thank you for your understanding. ReturnsReturn Policy. We value your satisfaction with our service. We have an unconditional return policy if notified within 60 days of receipt ( time limits vary by item ). All returns must be in original condition. Once the product has been used, it cannot be returned. Returns must be made within the time limit upon receipt of the merchandise.Please contact us first for return before you ship it back to us.Thank you !
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