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Panasonic SA-XR58 7.1 AV-Receiver silber
End: 04.02. 2025 15:22:17 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 92.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 226569765146
- Bids: 2
- Seller: lerotnix (43|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Seeth
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Panasonic SA-XR58 7.1 AV-Receiver silber
End: 28.01. 2025 15:22:08 on Tuesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 89.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 226557857915
- Bids: 0
- Seller: lerotnix (43|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Seeth
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 10,49 EUR
- on EBAY
Beschreibung AV-Receiver mit einer Ausgangsleistung von bis zu 7x 100 Watt, SurroundTonformaten wie Dolby Digital EX, DTS-ES oder ProLogic IIx usw. Technischer Zustand einwandfrei, voll funktionstüchtigOptischer Zustand neuwertig (siehe Bilder)Zubehör Netzkabel, Fernbedienung, Kalibriermikrofon und Bedienungsanleitung Technische DatenAnschlüsse: 1x Phono, 1x CD, 1x Tuner, 2x Tape, 1x Aux, 2 Lausprecherpaare7x 100 Watt (DIN) mit Advanced DUAL AMP TechnologieHDMI Ein-/Ausgang mit HDAVI ControlDTS-ES,DTS 96724, DTS Neo:6, Dolby Digital EX und Dolby ProLogicIIx DecoderMulti-Source Remaster6-Kanaleingang (DVD Audio Ready)A-B-Betrieb11 Klangeinstellungen (SFC)Frequenzgang: 4 Hz - 88 kHzBass-Einstellung für Pegel und FrequenzRDS-TunerAnschlüsse: Schraubklemmen/Bi-Wiring, HDMI HDAVI-Control (1 x Ein / 1 x Aus), Componente (2 x IN / 1 x OUT), S-Video (4 x IN/ 1 x OUT), Video Cinch (5 x IN / 1 x OUT), 6-Kanal Eingang (Cinch), Subwoofer-Ausgang, Ausgang Tape / VCR (Cinch), CD/TV/DVD Digitaleingang (90 dB), Digitaleingänge (2 x opt, 2 x coaxial)Abmessungen B x H x T: 43 x 10,7 x 39 cmGewicht: 5,3 kg Passende Surround 5.1 Lautsprecher unter eBay-Artikelnr.: 226557859137
End: 24.01. 2025 04:30:20 on Friday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 24.12. 2024 11:42:05 on Tuesday
Panasonic SA-XR58 7.1 AV-Receiver silber Geprüft: funktioniert
End: 09.10. 2024 17:59:35 on Wednesday
Panasonic SA-XR58 7.1 AV-Receiver silber Geprüft: funktioniert
End: 29.09. 2024 17:59:06 on Sunday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 13.08. 2024 11:34:42 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 114.95 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 364514495842
- Seller: !ntress (156157|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Dresden
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 8,9 EUR
- on EBAY
hochwertiger AV Receiver Für Sie haben wir einen hochwertigen AV-Receiver im Angebot. Dieses Gerät mit integriertem Radioempfänger und der Möglichkeit zwischen mehreren Audio- und Video-Quellen umzuschalten überzeugt neben der technischen Ausstattung durch sein optisch zeitlos modernes Design. Es handelt sich hierbei um das Modell SA-XR58 von der Qualitätsmarke PANASONIC. Dieses ist in einer schwarzer Farbe gehalten und kann mit den verschiedensten Audio sowie Videoquellen kombiniert werden. Genauere Details entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Auflistung sowie dem Ebay-Datenblatt. Zustand: Das Gerät ist gebraucht und befindet sich in einem guten Zustand. Zu erkennen sind: - mehrere Kratzer, Bereibungen - etwas Staub - funktionstüchtig - OHNE Fernbedienung Ziehen Sie für einen noch genaueren Zustand bitte auch die Bilder zu Rate. Lieferumfang: Receiver Netzkabel Details / spezielle Daten: hochwertiger AV Receiver Marke: Panasonic Modell: SA-XR58 Farbe: Schwarz technische Daten: Digital-Technologie: 4Hz-88kHz Dual Amp System MOS FET Bi-Amp-Modus mit HF/LF Balance Ausgangsleistung: 7 x 100 Watt ((DIN Dolby Digital EX / ProLogic IIx DTS-ES Decoder DTS-Neo:6 DTS 96/24 Decoder DVD Audio Ready Multi-Source-Remaster Sound Field Control Lautsprecherwahlschalter A/B RDS HDAVI Control HDMI-Schnittstelle [1x Eingang / 1x Ausgang] mit HDAVI Control Komponenteneingang (YUV): 2 x Komponentenausgang (YUV): 1 x 6-Kanal Eingang Digitaleingänge: 2 opt. / 2 coax. Audioeingänge: 6 x Videoeingänge: 5 x Video-Ausgang: 1 x S-Video Eingang: 4 x S-Video Ausgang: 1 x Front-AV (S-Video/Video/Audio-IN) Subwoofer out Abmessungen (BxHxT): 43,0 x 10,7 x 39,0 cm Gewicht: 4,7 kg --> Wichtige Info Der hier angebotene Artikel wird im Auftrag von unseren privaten Kunden verkauft (Kommission)! Wir können Ihnen daher auf den Warenwert keine Rechnung inkl. Mehrwertsteuer ausstellen! Das Internet bietet eine Plattform gebrauchte Waren einer breiten Masse an Interessenten anzubieten, vielmehr den Leuten auf der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung zu stellen, die genau danach suchen. Wir haben uns diese Grundidee zur Philosophie gemacht. Ob es das 200 Jahre alte Buch, ein ungenutztes technisches Gerät, die Komplettküche, Spielzeug Ihrer Kinder, oder das Handy aus der Vertragsverlängerung ist - wir bieten Ihnen ein großes Sortiment an Gebrauchtware. Wir geben unser Bestes alle verwertbaren Artikel mit nachhaltigem Sinn zu veräußern. Das gesamte Team von Intress Wer etwas mehr über uns wissen möchte ... Die INTRESS Online Agentur ist Spezialist für den Verkauf von Artikeln aller Art über das Internet. Besonders den Marktplatz eBay hat INTRESS seit 2005 für sich erkannt. Heute können wir uns echte Profis nennen. Im Jahr 2008 wurde INTRESS Gewinner des Verkaufswettbewerbes im eBay-Magazin. INTRESS gehört zum ausgewählten Kreis der eBay-Mitglieder in Deutschland, welche besonders vertrauensvoll und somit erfolgreich handeln. Die strengen Kriterien bedeuten nicht nur hohe Verkaufszahlen, sondern auch Ehrlichkeit und Kundenorientierung. Was Sie nicht brauchen machen wir zu Geld! Sie haben den Keller voll mit Dingen, die Sie loswerden wollen? Sie handeln gewerblich und wollen Restbestände veräußern? Sie haben eine Erbschaft gemacht und wollen sich beim Verkauf um nichts kümmern? So einfach ist der Verkauf mit uns: Sagen Sie uns was Sie verkaufen möchten Wir übernehmen den kompletten Ablauf Unkomplizierte Artikelabgabe - hohe Transparenz Sie erhalten maximale Gewinne
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 02.08. 2024 11:38:08 on Friday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 26.07. 2024 11:37:48 on Friday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 10.07. 2024 21:06:33 on Wednesday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 30.06. 2024 21:04:27 on Sunday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 21.06. 2024 11:06:55 on Friday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 31.05. 2024 21:03:26 on Friday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 11.05. 2024 21:02:38 on Saturday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 01.05. 2024 21:02:13 on Wednesday
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 21.04. 2024 21:01:51 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 100.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 276421856799
- Bids: 0
- Seller: locken1989 (203|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Berlin
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Hallo,Verkauft wird hier ein Reciver leider OHNE Fernbedienung wurde mir beim letzten Umzug entwendet.... Ersatz gibt es bei Ebay fr ca 15 Euro... Privat Verkauf keine Garantie Rcknahme Der Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver bietet ein beeindruckendes DTS 7.1 Surround-Sound-Erlebnis. Mit sieben Kanlen und einer Vielzahl von Surroundtonformaten ist dieser Receiver ideal fr Heimkino-Enthusiasten. Das Modell ist von der renommierten Marke Panasonic und bietet eine erstklassige Audioqualitt. Dieser Stereo-Receiver ist perfekt fr die Verbindung mit verschiedenen Gerten wie Fernsehern, DVD-Playern und mehr geeignet. Ein Muss fr jedes Home-Entertainment-System.
7.1-Heimkino-Receiver Panasonic SA-XR58
End: 02.11. 2023 16:57:08 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 119.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 204514999179
- Seller: xoffxon (1020|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Eime
- Ships to: DE
- Shipping: 9,5 EUR
- on EBAY
Hier gibt es eine sehr gut erhaltenen voll funktionierenden 7.1 Kanal-Heimkino-Receiver Panasonic SA-XR58. Etwas Technik: DTS,DTS 96/24,DTS-ES Discrete/Matrix, DTS Neo:6 / Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Pro Logic IIx HDMI 1 x Eingang, 1 x Ausgang Komponente (YUV) 2 x Eingang, 1 x Ausgang S-Video 3 x Eingang, 1 x Ausgang FBAS 4 x Eingang, 1 x Ausgang Digital optisch (Toslink) 2 x Eingang Digital elektrisch (RCA-Cinch) 2 x Eingang Analog (RCA-Cinch) 4 x Stereo-Eingang, 1 x 6-Kanal-Eingang, 1 x Subwoofer Mono-Ausgang Front-Anschlüsse: 6,3 Millimeter Klinkenbuchse für Kopfhörer, S-Video, FBAS, Stereo-Analog-Audio, Messmikrofon-Eingang Advanced-Dual-Amp, Bi-Amp, automatisches Einmess-System, Leistung 7 x 100 Watt Frequenzgang 4 Hz - 88 KHz / ± 3 dB Lautsprecher-Impedanzen 4 -8 Ohm Lieferumfang: Receiver, Fernbedienung, Einmessmikrofon, FM Antenne, AM Antenne, Netzkabel, Bedienungsanleitung. Leider kein Originalkarton mehr vorhanden. Geringe Gebrauchsspuren. Bitte Bilder ansehen! ************************************************************************ Die Fotos zeigen den Artikel, den Sie kaufen. Dies ist ein Privatverkauf von gebrauchter Ware. Der Verkauf erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Keine Rücknahme. Alle Markennamen, Warenzeichen und eingetragenen Warenzeichen sind im Besitz Ihrer rechtmässigen Eigentümer und dienen hier nur der Beschreibung.
Panasonic SA-XR58 Audio-Video Stereo Control Receiver Dolby DTS 7.1 Surround
End: 23.09. 2023 07:23:51 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 129.95 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 364240773873
- Seller: !ntress (151774|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Dresden
- Ships to: Europe
- Shipping: 35,0 EUR
- on EBAY
hochwertiger AV Receiver Für Sie haben wir einen hochwertigen AV-Receiver im Angebot. Dieses Gerät mit integriertem Radioempfänger und der Möglichkeit zwischen mehreren Audio- und Video-Quellen umzuschalten überzeugt neben der technischen Ausstattung durch sein optisch zeitlos modernes Design. Es handelt sich hierbei um das Modell SA-XR58 von der Qualitätsmarke PANASONIC. Dieses ist in einer schwarzer Farbe gehalten und kann mit den verschiedensten Audio sowie Videoquellen kombiniert werden. Genauere Details entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Auflistung sowie dem Ebay-Datenblatt. Zustand: Das Gerät ist gebraucht und befindet sich in einem guten Zustand. Zu erkennen sind: - mehrere Kratzer, Bereibungen - etwas Staub - funktionstüchtig - OHNE Fernbedienung Ziehen Sie für einen noch genaueren Zustand bitte auch die Bilder zu Rate. Lieferumfang: Receiver Netzkabel Details / spezielle Daten: hochwertiger AV Receiver Marke: Panasonic Modell: SA-XR58 Farbe: Schwarz technische Daten: Digital-Technologie: 4Hz-88kHz Dual Amp System MOS FET Bi-Amp-Modus mit HF/LF Balance Ausgangsleistung: 7 x 100 Watt ((DIN Dolby Digital EX / ProLogic IIx DTS-ES Decoder DTS-Neo:6 DTS 96/24 Decoder DVD Audio Ready Multi-Source-Remaster Sound Field Control Lautsprecherwahlschalter A/B RDS HDAVI Control HDMI-Schnittstelle [1x Eingang / 1x Ausgang] mit HDAVI Control Komponenteneingang (YUV): 2 x Komponentenausgang (YUV): 1 x 6-Kanal Eingang Digitaleingänge: 2 opt. / 2 coax. Audioeingänge: 6 x Videoeingänge: 5 x Video-Ausgang: 1 x S-Video Eingang: 4 x S-Video Ausgang: 1 x Front-AV (S-Video/Video/Audio-IN) Subwoofer out Abmessungen (BxHxT): 43,0 x 10,7 x 39,0 cm Gewicht: 4,7 kg --> Wichtige Info Der hier angebotene Artikel wird im Auftrag von unseren privaten Kunden verkauft (Kommission)! Wir können Ihnen daher auf den Warenwert keine Rechnung inkl. Mehrwertsteuer ausstellen! Das Internet bietet eine Plattform gebrauchte Waren einer breiten Masse an Interessenten anzubieten, vielmehr den Leuten auf der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung zu stellen, die genau danach suchen. Wir haben uns diese Grundidee zur Philosophie gemacht. Ob es das 200 Jahre alte Buch, ein ungenutztes technisches Gerät, die Komplettküche, Spielzeug Ihrer Kinder, oder das Handy aus der Vertragsverlängerung ist - wir bieten Ihnen ein großes Sortiment an Gebrauchtware. Wir geben unser Bestes alle verwertbaren Artikel mit nachhaltigem Sinn zu veräußern. Das gesamte Team von Intress Wer etwas mehr über uns wissen möchte ... Die INTRESS Online Agentur ist Spezialist für den Verkauf von Artikeln aller Art über das Internet. Besonders den Marktplatz eBay hat INTRESS seit 2005 für sich erkannt. Heute können wir uns echte Profis nennen. Im Jahr 2008 wurde INTRESS Gewinner des Verkaufswettbewerbes im eBay-Magazin. INTRESS gehört zum ausgewählten Kreis der eBay-Mitglieder in Deutschland, welche besonders vertrauensvoll und somit erfolgreich handeln. Die strengen Kriterien bedeuten nicht nur hohe Verkaufszahlen, sondern auch Ehrlichkeit und Kundenorientierung. Was Sie nicht brauchen machen wir zu Geld! Sie haben den Keller voll mit Dingen, die Sie loswerden wollen? Sie handeln gewerblich und wollen Restbestände veräußern? Sie haben eine Erbschaft gemacht und wollen sich beim Verkauf um nichts kümmern? So einfach ist der Verkauf mit uns: Sagen Sie uns was Sie verkaufen möchten Wir übernehmen den kompletten Ablauf Unkomplizierte Artikelabgabe - hohe Transparenz Sie erhalten maximale Gewinne
End: 29.06. 2023 00:55:55 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 63.34 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 334890609838
- Seller: albieyourdog (17700|99.4%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Chesterfield
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 8am - 5pm Home Our Listings Newsletter Signup Contact Us TZRNP01XRVEV (TNPA6198 1 P) POWER SUPPLY FOR PANASONIC GENUINE TX-58DX700B Product Showing as unavailable? Click here to check availabilityWorking And Tested TV PartsBuy with confidence!We Offer up to 20% discount and 0% restocking fees for trade customers please contact us for further details on how to get this discount. EMOS TVs have over 20 Years experience in the Tv trade working on all types of equipment old and new. We aim to offer the best service possible to people in the trade or who are competent enough to repair their own products.If you need advice on your faulty product please feel free to ask, we will be more than happy to advise you.Parts all carry a 28 day return to us guarantee, we will do all we can to help if the part does not cure your fault.Please do not purchase any parts if you are unsure it will cure your fault, Please message our technical help team via eBay using the Ask a question link below, One of our advisors will be happy to help. Please check all part numbers on the PCB you require as the same model of TV can have different parts fitted. Please do not order by model number alone. We do what we can to help when this happens but you will have to cover the additional shipping costs. EMOS are a professional service company and our opening times are Mon-Fri 9am-5pmThank youEMOS TVs Harvested parts information 90 day Warranty * Buy with confidence! EMOS Are the UKs leading supplier of harvested TV parts. Technical support available The UKs largest stock holding Trade Discount Available No quibble returns policy Quantity discounts available Worldwide shipping Next day delivery available About Emos TV Parts EMOS are the UKs leading supplier of harvested Television spare parts, we work with the leading Extended Warranty and Insurance companies to provide the highest quality lowest cost parts in the industry. Help before you buy Unsure this product will cure your fault? Please message our technical help team via eBay using the Ask a question link below. Terms & Conditions All repairs are carried out at you own risk. EMOS accept no liability for loss, damage or injury caused whilst fitting our replacement spare parts. *90 day warranty is a return to us warranty, all products need to be returned to us for repair or replacement*
Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs
End: 25.05. 2023 14:41:16 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 8.14 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266268654983
- Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54851|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: MANCHESTER
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store! Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs 6.97 & Free P&P Product Description Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs N2QAYB000753 Replacement Remote Control For PANASONIC CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally. PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world. Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period. Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD Phone: At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.
Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs
End: 25.05. 2023 14:24:35 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 10.44 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266270451796
- Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54921|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: MANCHESTER
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store! Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs 8.97 & Free P&P Product Description Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs N2QAYB000753 Replacement Remote Control For PANASONIC CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Remote Control For Panasonic CXN758, CXR700, CXR800, CXT756 Series TVs SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally. PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world. Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period. Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD Phone: At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.
Replacement Remote Control For Panasonic TX-58DXR700 TX58DXR700 58" LED TV
End: 25.05. 2023 14:20:56 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 13.39 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145101574988
- Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54921|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: MANCHESTER
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store! Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Replacement Remote Control For Panasonic TX-58DXR700 TX58DXR700 58 LED TV 11.50 & Free P&P Product Description Replacement Remote Control For Panasonic TX-58DXR700 TX58DXR700 58 LED TV N2QAYB001133 Replacement Remote Control For PANASONIC TX-58DXR700 TX58DXR700 BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Replacement Panasonic Remote Control For TX-58DXR700 TX58DXR700 58 LED TV SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally. PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world. Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period. Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD Phone: At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.
Replacement Remote Control For Panasonic TX-58DXR800 TX58DXR800 58" LED TV
End: 25.05. 2023 14:20:08 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 13.39 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145101564853
- Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54921|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: MANCHESTER
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store! Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us Replacement Remote Control For Panasonic TX-58DXR800 TX58DXR800 58 LED TV 11.50 & Free P&P Product Description Replacement Remote Control For Panasonic TX-58DXR800 TX58DXR800 58 LED TV N2QAYB001133 Replacement Remote Control For PANASONIC TX-58DXR800 TX58DXR800 BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). Replacement Panasonic Remote Control For TX-58DXR800 TX58DXR800 58 LED TV SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally. PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world. Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period. Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD Phone: At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.
NEW Replacement PANASONIC TV Remote Control For TX-58EXR700
End: 25.05. 2023 14:19:40 on Thursday
- Condition: New
- Price: 11.63 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145101563391
- Seller: onlinesparesdirect (54922|99.5%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: MANCHESTER
- Ships to: GB
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
remotecontrolstore Welcome to our eBay Store! Home About Us Shipping Payment Returns contact Us NEW Replacement PANASONIC TV Remote Control For TX-58EXR700 9.99 & Free P&P Product Description NEW Replacement PANASONIC TV Remote Control For TX-58EXR700 N2QAYB001115 Replacement Remote Control For PANASONIC TX58EXR700 BRAND COMPATIBLE: Only Works With/ STABLE PERFORMANCE: :The perfect replacement remote control, the transmission distance perfectly replaces the damaged or old ones and covers all the functions of the original remote control. NO SETUP REQUIERED: Direct replacement for your original remote control, easy setup, no programming codes into the remote or TV/Device simply insert the batteries and you are back in control. EASY TO GRIP: The lightweight and ergonomic design make it very comfortable. this remote control easy to grip and difficult to slide. Perfect for everyone (Kids, Adults, Seniors, etc). NEW Replacement PANASONIC TV Remote Control For TX-58EXR700 SHIPPING PAYMENT RETURNS CONTACT US ABOUT US DeliveryAll orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same working day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched the next working day. All orders received on weekends will be sent out the following Monday. We offer free delivery on all orders to anywhere in the UK. We use the Royal Mail for small orders and Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days. Free DeliveryOur Free Delivery service is available for all UK addresses and the service we use either Royal Mail 1st class or Yodel for larger orders. Delivery time is usually 2-4 days. Express DeliveriesFor Small items we use Royal Mail Special Delivery which is a next working day service guaranteed before 1pm. For larger and bulk items we use a 48 hour courier service from either Yodel or DPD. International Orders. We are happy to shipped anywhere in the world. A charger costs approximately £2.99 extra to ship internationally. PaymentsPlease shop with peace of mind. We do not actually have access to your payment details only our secure 3 rd party payment processing provider PayPal has access to your details. Currently we use PayPal express for anyone with a PayPal account and our own site integrated card payments system to process our online payments for everyone who does not have a PayPal account. Our site integrated system is also facilitated by PayPal and can be used by everyone who has a credit/debit card but not a PayPal account. Please be reassured your details are only held by PayPal who are amongst the most respected online payment providers in the world. Returns We will happily issue a full refund (excluding delivery charges) if the product you purchased is not suitable for its intended purpose within 30 days from the purchase date. This 30 day no quibble refund promise is based on the item being returned to us in its original packaging in an as new unmarked condition. Please return the item to our business address on the “CONTACT US” page with your receipt, order number and a reason for the return. All our products also come with a 12 month replacement warranty from the date of purchase. GOOD REMOTE will happily replace any defective item within this period. Online Spares Direct, Unit 9, Kilwee Business Park,Upper Dunmurry Lane,Dunmurry,Belfast,BT17 0HD Phone: At, we are constantly developing our product range with every new device that comes onto the retail market we aim to add a compatible power supply product. Our working procedures and computerised systems are under constant development with the unified objective of serving our customers more effectively. © is the shop front for the brand, Good Lead®. Good Lead® is a registered trademark in the Trademarks Registry in accordance with the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. © Copyright - All Rights Reserved.
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