This beautiful near top-of-the-line (from 1994, I think) Onkyo Integra TA-2700 3-head cassette deck no longer works. The power button lights up, but thats it. I dont know if it is just a blown fuse, a loose connection, or what. Im just a stud, not an electrical engineer. Instead of taking the time to repair it, Id rather just sell it, as is, and look for another one. Once this deck has been fixed and repaired, you will have a world-class cassette recorder that can practically copy a CD. I used to own this same model cassette deck back in the 1990s, and stupidly sold it. When using Metal (Type IV) cassette tapes, even without adjusting bias, this deck could practically copy a CD, making it hard to distinguish tape from CD. If anything, I had to slightly adjust the bias, to slightly reduce the treble. With some adjustments to bias, this deck could make quite remarkable recordings, even when using Type I and Type II tapes. Having 3 heads allows you to monitor the actual recording (and quality) while actually recording. Often, I would press the Monitor button, even when listing to other sources, just to have the VU meters illuminate, to give the eyes something to listen to. I demagnetized the heads and cleaned the input and output jacks, but thats all that I can do with this deck. There is someone selling an Onkyo TA-2750 for about $1,500, so once you get this deck working, you will then have a real 1st class cassette deck on your hands. See the link to the review below. Independent review of the Onkyo TA-2700: Our BASF IEC-standard playback calibration tapes showed that the TA-2700’s playback frequency response varied by less than ± 1 dB from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Our center-line sample of TDK MA (Type IV, metal) showed equally flat overall record-playback response to 20,000 Hz at the customary — 20-dB measurement level. Indeed, using Dolby C (which has a built-in antisaturation equalization curve for high-level treble frequencies), the overall response was almost as flat at a 0-dB level. Samples of both TDK AD (ferric) and TDK SA (chrome-equivalent) showed a slight rolloff above 18,000 Hz, but this was both within specification and audibly inconsequential.
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