nakamichi pa-5e 2 (6) |
ns g30mkiv (6) |
nakamichi ba-100 (6) |
nakamichi pa5e (7) |
namco nsp (7) |
nakamichi 700 b04 (7) |
End: 28.01. 2025 21:53:41 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 62.37 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 276825311477
- Bids: 6
- Seller: avantime0677 (2529|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: New York, New York
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
Nakamichi AV-8 Receiver in very good condition. Cosmetically is a solid 9 ( one small scratch on top cover). I am selling it for a friend so I tested it on fm radio and CD and it works flawlessly. I didn’t try it with surround speakers. The tone push button is a bit scratchy sometimes momentary when pushed in/out but only sometimes and it doesn’t affect the functionality of the unit. I guess a bit of deoxit will do the trick if you want to. Other than that double coaxial/toslink inputs and a bunch of other video/audio inputs/outputs. The only downside I see not having HDMI. Most people are using it for stereo audio for the superb sound quality. Unfortunately I don’t have the remote but it’s easy to find an aftermarket one for a fairly low price. Please don’t bid if you are not sure what you are doing. The shipping costs listed are the ones coming from eBay, I don’t add any dollar on top of it. Link for aftermarket remote-
End: 06.08. 2024 09:44:26 on Tuesday
Nakamichi AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver
End: 23.06. 2024 17:02:26 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 58.16 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 266863259390
- Bids: 1
- Seller: todeee (54|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: New York, New York
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
This Nakamichi AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver is a great addition to any home entertainment system. With its sleek design and advanced features, it provides a high-quality audio and video experience for any movie or music lover. The brand Nakamichi is known for its superior sound quality and this A/V receiver is no exception. The model AV-8 offers a variety of functions, including video and audio playback, DTS-HD Master Audio, and BRAVIA Internet Video for an immersive viewing experience. It also has a user-friendly interface and easy setup process, making it a great choice for anyone looking to upgrade their home theater system. Comes with remote control!
Nakamichi AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver
End: 26.05. 2024 16:59:49 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 58.15 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266819749635
- Bids: 0
- Seller: todeee (54|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: New York, New York
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
This Nakamichi AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver is a great addition to any home entertainment system. With its sleek design and advanced features, it provides a high-quality audio and video experience for any movie or music lover. The brand Nakamichi is known for its superior sound quality and this A/V receiver is no exception. The model AV-8 offers a variety of functions, including video and audio playback, DTS-HD Master Audio, and BRAVIA Internet Video for an immersive viewing experience. It also has a user-friendly interface and easy setup process, making it a great choice for anyone looking to upgrade their home theater system. Comes with remote control!
Nakamichi AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver
End: 12.05. 2024 16:58:53 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 60.39 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 266797792936
- Bids: 0
- Seller: todeee (54|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: New York, New York
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
This Nakamichi AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver is a great addition to any home entertainment system. With its sleek design and advanced features, it provides a high-quality audio and video experience for any movie or music lover. The brand Nakamichi is known for its superior sound quality and this A/V receiver is no exception. The model AV-8 offers a variety of functions, including video and audio playback, DTS-HD Master Audio, and BRAVIA Internet Video for an immersive viewing experience. It also has a user-friendly interface and easy setup process, making it a great choice for anyone looking to upgrade their home theater system. Comes with remote control!
Nakamichi Stéréo Av / AV-8 Acoustique / Vidéo Récepteur / Am/Fm Tuner
End: 04.05. 2024 02:29:23 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 140.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145747382580
- Seller: ntc_tech (33100|99.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Rancho Cordova, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 191,81 EUR
- on EBAY
Les commandes réalisées à partir des États-Unis, peuvent être soumises à des taxes dimportation et droits de douane, que lacheteur est tenu responsable de payer.Nakamichi Stéréo Av / AV-8 Acoustique / Vidéo Récepteur / Am/Fm TunerCette fiche produit est originalement écrite en anglais. Veuillez trouver ci dessous une traduction automatique en français. Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter. Description Larticle a été récemment testé sur place et est en excellent état de fonctionnement. Le produit comprend une garantie de 30 jours pour votre tranquillité desprit supplémentaire. Cosmétiquement, ce produit présente des éraflures/rayures/imperfections mineures dues à une utilisation précédente. Le forfait comprend tous les éléments présentés dans les images fournies. Veuillez noter quaucun élément ou accessoire supplémentaire nest inclus, sauf indication contraire explicite. Sauf sur la photo, aucun adaptateur secteur/câble dalimentation nest inclus. Les photos représentent lune des unités actuellement disponibles. Notre inventaire est disponible et prêt à être expédié. Si vous avez des questions, nhésitez pas à nous contacter. Détails Fabricant Nakamihchi Numéro de modèle AV-8 SKU 19-72235 Conditions générales Comprend Cette liste comprend uniquement ce qui est illustré ou décrit. Veuillez nous contacter pour plus de détails. Beaucoup de nos articles utilisent un câble dalimentation standard de style PC (NEMA 5-15P vers IEC-320-C13) qui, sauf sur la photo, nest pas inclus. Nous pouvons en inclure un gratuitement sur demande au moment du paiement. En cas de doute, nhésitez pas à nous envoyer un message et nous serons heureux de vous confirmer ce qui est inclus dans votre achat. Si un cordon dalimentation personnalisé ou un adaptateur secteur est requis pour larticle, il nest inclus que sil est illustré ou décrit ci-dessus. Sauf indication contraire, les commandes seront expédiées par Fedex, USPS, GSO ou UPS à la discrétion du vendeur afin dassurer la livraison avant la date de livraison estimée. Les commandes reçues avant 8h00 PST sont expédiées le jour même, toutes les autres commandes sont expédiées sous 1 jour ouvrable. Tous les articles sont soigneusement emballés avec des matériaux demballage neufs pour garantir que votre article arrive à temps et sans dommage. Acheteurs internationaux Ces charges sont sous la responsabilité de lacheteur. Veuillez vérifier auprès du bureau de douane de votre pays pour déterminer ces coûts supplémentaires avant denchérir ou dacheter. Nous ne sous-évaluerons pas la marchandise et ne marquerons pas larticle comme un cadeau sur les formulaires de douane. Cela est contraire au droit américain et international. Confidentialité Soyez assuré que vos informations ne seront pas cédées, vendues, louées ou prêtées à un tiers. Larticle a été récemment testé sur place et est en excellent état de fonctionnement. Le produit comprend une garantie de 30 jours pour votre tranquillité desprit supplémentaire.Cosmétiquement, ce produit présente des éraflures/rayures/imperfections mineures dues à une utilisation précédente.Le forfait comprend tous les éléments présentés dans les images fournies. Veuillez noter quaucun élément ou accessoire supplémentaire nest inclus, sauf indication contraire explicite. Sauf sur la photo, aucun adaptateur secteur/câble dalimentation nest inclus.Les photos représentent lune des unités actuellement disponibles.Notre inventaire est disponible et prêt à être expédié. Si vous avez des questions, nhésitez pas à nous contacter. MPN AV-8 Brand Nakamihchi Type Receiver Model AV-8 UPC Does not apply
Nakamichi Stereo Av / AV-8 Audio/Video Ricevitore / Am/Fm Sintonizzatore
End: 04.05. 2024 02:29:22 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 140.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 135036493121
- Seller: ntc_tech (33100|99.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Rancho Cordova, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 191,81 EUR
- on EBAY
Quando si ordina dagli Stati Uniti, i pacchi possono essere soggetti a tasse di importazione e dazi doganali, che lacqirente è tenuto a pagare.Nakamichi Stereo Av / AV-8 Audio/Video Ricevitore / Am/Fm SintonizzatoreQuesto foglio informativo sul prodotto è stato originariamente stilato in lingua inglese. Si prega di consultare appresso una traduzione automatica dello stesso in lingua italiani. Per ogni domanda, si invita cortesemente a contattarci. Descrizione Larticolo è stato recentemente testato in loco ed è perfettamente funzionante. Il prodotto include una garanzia di 30 giorni per la tua maggiore tranquillità. Esteticamente, questo prodotto presenta piccoli graffi/graffi/imperfezioni derivanti dalluso precedente. Il pacchetto include tutti gli articoli mostrati nelle immagini fornite. Tieni presente che non sono inclusi articoli o accessori aggiuntivi se non esplicitamente indicati. Se non raffigurato, nessun alimentatore/cavo di alimentazione incluso. Le immagini si riferiscono a una delle unità effettivamente disponibili. Il nostro inventario è disponibile e pronto per la spedizione. Se avete domande non esitate a contattarci. Specifiche Produttore Nakamihchi Numero di modello AV-8 SKU 19-72235 Termini e condizioni Include Questo elenco include solo ciò che è raffigurato o descritto. Vi preghiamo di contattarci per ulteriori dettagli. Molti dei nostri articoli accettano un cavo di alimentazione standard in stile PC (da NEMA 5-15P a IEC-320-C13) che, a meno che non sia raffigurato, non è incluso. Possiamo includerne uno gratuitamente se richiesto al momento del pagamento. In caso di dubbi, non esitare a inviarci un messaggio e saremo lieti di confermarti cosa è incluso nel tuo acquisto. Se per larticolo è necessario un cavo di alimentazione personalizzato o un adattatore CA, sarà incluso solo se raffigurato o descritto sopra. Se non diversamente specificato, gli ordini verranno spediti tramite Fedex, USPS, GSO o UPS a discrezione del venditore al fine di garantire la consegna entro la data di consegna stimata. Gli ordini ricevuti entro le 8:00 PST vengono spediti lo stesso giorno, tutti gli altri ordini vengono spediti entro 1 giorno lavorativo. Tutti gli articoli sono accuratamente imballati con materiali di imballaggio nuovi di zecca per garantire che il tuo articolo arrivi in ??tempo e senza danni. Acquirenti internazionali Queste spese sono a carico dellacquirente. Si prega di verificare con lufficio doganale del proprio paese per determinare questi costi aggiuntivi prima dellofferta o dellacquisto. Non sottovaluteremo la merce né contrassegneremo larticolo come regalo sui moduli doganali. Farlo è contro il diritto statunitense e internazionale. Privacy Stai certo che le tue informazioni non verranno fornite, vendute, affittate o prestate a terzi. Larticolo è stato recentemente testato in loco ed è perfettamente funzionante. Il prodotto include una garanzia di 30 giorni per la tua maggiore tranquillità.Esteticamente, questo prodotto presenta piccoli graffi/graffi/imperfezioni derivanti dalluso precedente.Il pacchetto include tutti gli articoli mostrati nelle immagini fornite. Tieni presente che non sono inclusi articoli o accessori aggiuntivi se non esplicitamente indicati. Se non raffigurato, nessun alimentatore/cavo di alimentazione incluso.Le immagini si riferiscono a una delle unità effettivamente disponibili.Il nostro inventario è disponibile e pronto per la spedizione. Se avete domande non esitate a contattarci. MPN AV-8 Brand Nakamihchi Type Receiver Model AV-8 UPC Does not apply
Nakamichi Estéreo Av / AV-8 Audio/Vídeo Receptor / Am/Fm Sintonizador
End: 04.05. 2024 02:29:22 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 140.0 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 135036493153
- Seller: ntc_tech (33100|99.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Rancho Cordova, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 191,81 EUR
- on EBAY
Al realizar un pedido desde los EE. UU. los paquetes pueden estar sujetos a impuestos de importación y a los aranceles, que el comprador debe pagar.Nakamichi Estéreo Av / AV-8 Audio/Vídeo Receptor / Am/Fm SintonizadorEsta ficha técnica del producto ha sido originalmente escrita en inglés. A continuación puede encontrar una traducción automática al español. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. Descripción El artículo fue probado recientemente en el sitio y se encuentra en excelentes condiciones de funcionamiento. El producto incluye una garantía de 30 días para su mayor tranquilidad. Cosméticamente, este producto tiene rayones, rayones o imperfecciones menores debido a un uso anterior. El paquete incluye todos los artículos que se muestran en las imágenes proporcionadas. Tenga en cuenta que no se incluyen artículos ni accesorios adicionales a menos que se muestre explícitamente. A menos que se muestre en la imagen, no se incluye adaptador de corriente ni cable de alimentación. Las fotos son de una de las unidades disponibles. Nuestro inventario está disponible y listo para enviar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros. Detalles específicos Fabricante Nakamihchi Número de modelo AV-8 SKU 19-72235 Términos y condiciones Incluye Este listado incluye solo lo que se muestra o describe. Por favor contáctenos para detalles adicionales. Muchos de nuestros artículos utilizan un cable de alimentación estándar estilo PC (NEMA 5-15P a IEC-320-C13) que, a menos que se muestre en la imagen, no está incluido. Podemos incluir uno si lo solicita en el momento del pago de forma gratuita. Si no está seguro, no dude en enviarnos un mensaje y estaremos encantados de confirmarle qué se incluye con su compra. Si se requiere un cable de alimentación personalizado o un adaptador de CA para el artículo, solo se incluye si se muestra en la imagen o se describe arriba. A menos que se especifique lo contrario, los pedidos serán enviados por Fedex, USPS, GSO o UPS a discreción del vendedor para garantizar la entrega en la fecha de entrega estimada. Los pedidos recibidos antes de las 8 a. m. PST se envían el mismo día; todos los demás pedidos se envían dentro de 1 día hábil. Todos los artículos se empaquetan cuidadosamente con materiales de embalaje nuevos para garantizar que llegue a tiempo y sin daños. Compradores internacionales Estas cargas son la responsabilidad del comprador. Consulte con la oficina de aduanas de su país para determinar estos costos adicionales antes de ofertar o comprar. No subvaloraremos la mercancía ni marcaremos el artículo como regalo en los formularios de aduana. Hacerlo va en contra del derecho estadounidense e internacional. Privacidad Tenga la seguridad de que su información no será proporcionada, vendida, alquilada ni prestada a ningún tercero. El artículo fue probado recientemente en el sitio y se encuentra en excelentes condiciones de funcionamiento. El producto incluye una garantía de 30 días para su mayor tranquilidad.Cosméticamente, este producto tiene rayones, rayones o imperfecciones menores debido a un uso anterior.El paquete incluye todos los artículos que se muestran en las imágenes proporcionadas. Tenga en cuenta que no se incluyen artículos ni accesorios adicionales a menos que se muestre explícitamente. A menos que se muestre en la imagen, no se incluye adaptador de corriente ni cable de alimentación.Las fotos son de una de las unidades disponibles.Nuestro inventario está disponible y listo para enviar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros. MPN AV-8 Brand Nakamihchi Type Receiver Model AV-8 UPC Does not apply
Nakamichi Stereo AV / AV-8 Audio / Video Receiver / AM / FM Tuner
End: 04.05. 2024 02:28:36 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 138.29 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 135036358955
- Seller: ntc_tech (33097|99.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Rancho Cordova, California
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 5,55 EUR
- on EBAY
Description Item was recently tested onsite and is in excellent working order. Product includes a 30-day warranty for your added peace of mind. Cosmetically, this product has minor scuffs / scratches / blemishes from previous use. The package includes all items Shown in the provided pictures. Please be mindful that no additional items or accessories are included unless explicitly shown. Unless pictured, no power adapter / power cable included. Pictures are of one of the actual units available. Our inventory is available and ready to ship. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Specifics Manufacturer Nakamihchi Model Number AV-8 SKU 19-72235 Terms and Conditions Includes This listing includes only what is pictured or described. Please contact us for additional details. Many of our items take a standard PC style power cable (NEMA 5-15P to IEC-320-C13) which unless pictured is not included. We can include one if requested at the time of checkout free of charge. If unsure, please do not hesitate message us and we will be happy to confirm for you what is included with your purchase. If a custom power cord or AC adapter is required for the item, it is only included if pictured or described above. Shipping Details Shipping originates from zip code 95742. Unless otherwise specified, orders will be shipped by Fedex, USPS, GSO, or UPS at the seller’s discretion in order to ensure delivery by the estimated delivery date. Orders received by 8am PST are shipped same day, all other orders are shipped within 1 business day. Most listings offer Standard, Expedited, and Overnight shipping options. If these shipping options do not meet your needs, please contact us to make arrangements. We gladly ship international, please contact us for a quote if no shipping option is provided. All items are carefully packed with brand new packaging materials to ensure your item arrives on time and without damage. International Buyers Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyers responsibility. Please check with your countrys customs office to determine with these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Customs fees are normally charged by the shipping company or collected when you pick the item up. These fees are not additional shipping charges. We will not under-value merchandise or mark the item as a gift on customs forms. Doing so is against US and international law. Privacy Rest assured your information will not be given, sold, rented or loaned to any third party.
Nakamichi AV-8 Remote Control Tested Works Good Condition.
End: 01.05. 2024 14:47:53 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 36.95 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 176255010495
- Seller: boscoe2009 (280|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Southgate, Michigan
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
NAKAMICHI AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver / Verstärker mit RDS, Dolby Dig - Vintage,
End: 13.03. 2024 15:55:08 on Wednesday
NAKAMICHI AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver / Verstärker mit RDS, Dolby Dig - Vintage,
End: 13.02. 2024 17:51:45 on Tuesday
Original Nakamichi AV-8 Remote Control Unit Fernbedienung
End: 04.02. 2024 16:12:56 on Sunday
NAKAMICHI AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver / Verstärker mit RDS, Dolby Dig - Vintage,
End: 29.01. 2024 17:50:22 on Monday
NAKAMICHI AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver / Verstärker mit RDS, Dolby Dig - Vintage,
End: 26.01. 2024 17:50:09 on Friday
Nakamichi AV-8 Remote Control Tested Works Good Condition.
End: 22.01. 2024 23:27:39 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 45.19 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 176154286914
- Seller: boscoe2009 (284|100.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Southgate, Michigan
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 6,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Nakamichi AV8 AV-8 Learning Remote Control Tested Works
End: 20.01. 2024 18:18:08 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 44.44 USD

- Status: 30T 13:15:36
- Item number: 395077673852
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: San Diego,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
Tested remote control via IR with batteries and phone camera, batteries not included. The unit has some signs of wear as expected for a used item. The condition is used; Please see photos for additional details on the items condition. It has scratches from use and storage, please review pictures. Item will be shipped via USPS mail with tracking within 2 business days after payment is received.
NAKAMICHI AV-8 Audio/Video Receiver / Verstärker mit RDS, Dolby Dig - Vintage,
End: 18.01. 2024 17:49:47 on Thursday
Nakamichi AV-8 Receiver Remote Control Tested Works Good Condition.
End: 05.01. 2024 05:06:30 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 55.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:47:15
- Item number: 176079320592
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Southgate,MI,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 6,99 USD
- on EBAY
End: 10.11. 2023 06:07:09 on Friday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 129.99 USD

- Status: 30T 21:23:8
- Item number: 335064954566
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Redmond,OR,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 39,99 USD
- on EBAY
Nakamichi AV-8 In great cosmetic condition Unit sounds great. It doesnt play sound on center Message me with any questions
Nakamichi Av-8 receiver & Remote
End: 05.11. 2023 19:06:03 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 99.99 USD

- Status: 6T 22:28:15
- Item number: 404582837443
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Millville,NJ,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
You are bidding on a very nice clean working nakamichi av-8 receiver and remote .don’t miss out on this one
Nakamichi Av-8 receiver & Remote
End: 29.10. 2023 19:05:41 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 99.99 USD

- Status: 6T 23:2:41
- Item number: 404566165191
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Millville,NJ,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
You are bidding on a very nice clean working nakamichi av-8 receiver and remote .don’t miss out on this one
Nakamichi Av-8 receiver & Remote
End: 22.10. 2023 19:02:24 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 99.99 USD

- Status: 6T 22:59:47
- Item number: 404551118065
- Bids: 0
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Millville,NJ,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
You are bidding on a very nice clean working nakamichi av-8 receiver and remote .don’t miss out on this one
Nakamichi Av-8 receiver & Remote
End: 15.10. 2023 19:00:26 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 90.98 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 404545866344
- Bids: 0
- Seller: dorha_1084 (293|97.0%)
- Seller information: non commercial
- Item location: Millville, New Jersey
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: EUR
- on EBAY
You are bidding on a very nice clean working nakamichi av-8 receiver and remote .don’t miss out on this one
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