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NAD M12 - Stereo-Vorverstärker der Masters Serie - Aussteller

End: 02.02. 2025 19:00:00 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 2500.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 356506792036
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: hifidiscount-net (3170|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Baierbrunn Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD M12 - Stereo-Vorverstärker der Masters Serie - AusstellerNAD M12 - Stereo-Vorverstärker Der NAD Masters M12 ist weit mehr als ein Vorverstärker oder Digital-/Analog-Wandler. Der Masters M12 ist ein digitaler Audio-Hub mit extrem hoher Auflösung, entwickelt für die vollkommen authentische Wiedergabe digitaler Quellen und ausgestattet mit einer Vielzahl an Funktionen. Die Digitalarchitektur ist unter audiophilen Gesichtspunkten eine der fortschrittlichsten und kompromisslosesten überhaupt, denn die NAD DirectDigital™-Technologie und ein Class-A-Buffer sorgen für eine Signalverarbeitung in Echtzeit - mit 24 Bit-Genauigkeit vom ersten bis zum letzten Bit. Die asynchrone USB-Schnittstelle (Typ B) verarbeitet Audiodateien mit bis zu 24 Bit/192 kHz. Darüber hinaus besitzt der M12 Anschlussmöglichkeiten für nahezu alle digitalen und analogen Musikquellen, deren Signale somit absolut perfekt für Endstufen und Aktivlautsprecher bereitgestellt werden. NAD DirectDigital™ Technologie Die DirectDigital™ Signalverarbeitung im M12 ermöglicht ein Höchstmaß an Performance. Der 35-Bit-Datenpfad rt eine absolut präzise und unverfälschte Wiedergabe von 24-Bit-Audiodateien mit bis zu 192 kHz Auflösung. Sämtliche Vorverstärker-Funktionen, auch die Quellen- und Lautstärkeregelung, werden im M12 auf einem völlig neuen Präzisionsniveau durchgeführt, da sie vollständig in der digitalen Domäne realisiert sind. Jegliches Rauschen und jede Art von Verzerrungen, die bei der Verwendung analoger Schaltungen entstehen können, sind im M12 nicht existent. Aufgrund der extrem hohen Auflösung kann der M12 sogar 24-Bit-Dateien vollkommen verlustfrei über den gesamten Lautstärkebereich verarbeiten, so dass deren überragende Klangqualität vollständig erhalten bleibt. Anschlussvielfalt Die Serienausstattung des M12 umfasst Digitaleingänge in den Ausführungen AES/EBU, S/PDIF (optisch und koaxial), sowie eine asynchrone USB-Schnittstelle mit 24 Bit/192 kHz Unterstützung. Für Massenspeicher, wie USB-Sticks oder externe Festplatten, steht an der Vorder - und Rückseite des Vorverstärkers je ein USB-Eingang zur Verfügung. Analoge Quellen können symmetrisch via XLR oder unsymmetrisch via Cinch mit dem M12 verbunden werden. Ein Hochleistungs- Phonovorverstärker ermöglicht zudem den Anschluss eines Plattenspielers mit MM-oder MC-System. Anliegende digtale Signale können verlustfrei über die S/PDIF Anschlüsse des M12 ausgegeben werden. Abgerundet wird das Bild von einem reinen Class-A Buffer, der unter Verwendung der neuesten Generation an Super Operationsverstärkern das Ausgangssignal wahlweise symmetrisch via XLR - oder unsymmetrisch via Cinch für Endstufen und Aktivlautsprecher ausgibt. Über die hochwertige und programmierbare Fernbedienung können alle Funktionen gesteuert werden. IRRepeater, 12 V Trigger Eingänge und die RS-232-Schnittstelle ermöglichen die einfache Integration in bestehende Haussteuerungssysteme. Individuell konfigurierbar Aufgrund der hohen Rechenleistung und der hochauflösenden Signalpfade der von NAD perfektionierten DirectDigital™ Architektur, verfügt der Masters M12 über einzigartige Funktionen zur Konfiguration der Anlage. Die entsprechenden Einstellungen können bequem und übersichtlich über das große Touchscreen-Display vorgenommen werden. Individuelle Klangeinstellungen und Quellenbezeichnungen sind ebenso möglich wie die exakte Anpassung an umfangreiche Lautsprecher-Setups. Für den Anschluss von bis zu zwei Subwoofern stehen Hoch- und Tiefpassfilter mit jeweils frei wählbaren Trennfrequenzen zur Verfügung. Zukunftssicherheit mit MDC Eine der innovativsten Technologien von NAD ist das Prinzip der Modular Design Construction (MDC). Diese einzigartige Architektur ermöglicht jederzeit die Aktualisierung und den Austausch wesentlicher Baugruppen, wodurch die Fähigkeiten und Funktionen des M12 auch in Zukunft stets an den aktuellen Stand der Technik angepasst werden können. Bereits jetzt ist das DD-HDM-1 Modul mit drei HDMI-Eingängen und einem HDMI-Ausgang (3D Video Passthrough) erhältlich. Das Netzwerkmodul DD-BluOS macht den M12 zu einem Streaming-Client der absoluten Spitzenklasse. Das Modul verfügt über einen Ethernetanschluss, eine integrierte WLAN-Funktion und eine Bluetooth aptX-Schnittstelle. Über die NAD Remote-App für kompatible iOS- und Android-Geräte greift der M12 auf Audiodateien mit bis zu 24 Bit/192 kHz von im Netzwerk befindlichen NAS-Laufwerken oder anderweitigen Ordnerfreigaben zu. Eine Vielzahl an Musik-Streaming-Diensten wie Wimp, Qobuz oder Spotify, stehen ebenso zur Auswahl wie der Internetradioservice TuneIn. Features DirectDigital™ Vorverstärker / D/A-Wandler mit digitaler LautstärkeregelungTouchscreen-Display für einfachste Bedienung2 optische und 2 koaxiale Digitaleingänge1 asynchrone 24/192 USB-Schnittstelle (Typ B)2 USB-Schnittstellen (24/48,Typ A)Phono-Vorverstärker für MM- und MC-Systeme2 analoge Eingänge in Cinch- und XLR-AusführungOptischer und koaxialer Digitalausgang2 Subwoofer Anschlüsse mit wählbarer TrennfrequenzSymmetrische XLR- und unsymmetrische Cinch-AusgängeOptional erweiterbar mit MDC BluOS Audio-Streaming ModulMaximale Leistungsaufnahme 1600 W (120V 60Hz,230V 50Hz)Stromverbrauch im Standby < 0,5 WStromverbrauch im Normalbetrieb < 26 WAbmessungen (B x H x T) 435 x 133 x 383 mmGewicht (netto) 8,1 kgGewicht (brutto) 14,5 kg Sicherheitshinweise zum Produkt:Vermeidung von Feuchtigkeit: Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von Wasser oder in feuchten Umgebungen, um das Risiko von elektrischen Schlägen oder Schäden zu vermeiden.Reinigung: Reinigen Sie das Gehäuse nur mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch oder einem Staubsauger.Belüftung sicherstellen: Blockieren Sie keine Belüftungsöffnungen des Geräts. Stellen Sie sicher, dass stets eine ausreichende Luftzirkulation gewährleistet ist, um Überhitzung zu verhindern.Stabile Aufstellung: Platzieren Sie das Gerät auf einer stabilen und ebenen Oberfläche, um ein Umkippen oder Herunterfallen zu verhindern.Fernhalten von Wärmequellen: Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht in die Nähe von Wärmequellen wie Heizkörpern, Öfen oder anderen Geräten, die Wärme erzeugen.Verwendung des Originalnetzkabels: Verwenden Sie ausschließlich das mitgelieferte Netzkabel und schließen Sie es an eine geeignete Steckdose mit Schutzkontakt an.Schutz des Netzkabels: Verlegen Sie das Netzkabel so, dass es nicht geknickt, gequetscht oder anderweitig beschädigt wird. Achten Sie darauf, dass es keine Stolperfallen bildet.Vermeidung von Überlastung: Überlasten Sie Wandsteckdosen oder Verlängerungskabel nicht, um das Risiko von Feuer oder elektrischem Schlag zu minimieren.Trennung vom Stromnetz: Ziehen Sie bei Gewitter oder längeren Phasen der Nichtbenutzung den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose, um das Gerät vollständig von der Stromversorgung zu trennen.Vermeidung von Flüssigkeiten: Stellen Sie keine mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Gegenstände, wie Vasen, auf das Gerät, um das Eindringen von Flüssigkeiten zu verhindern.Sicherer Betrieb: Schalten Sie das Gerät sofort aus und ziehen Sie geschultes Fachpersonal zu Rate, wenn das Netzkabel oder der Stecker beschädigt sind, Gegenstände oder Flüssigkeit in das Gerät gelangt sind, das Gerät Regen oder Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt war, nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert oder beschädigt wurde.Verwendung geeigneter Ersatzteile: Stellen Sie sicher, dass bei Reparaturen nur vom Hersteller empfohlene Ersatzteile verwendet werden, um das Risiko von Feuer, elektrischem Schlag oder anderen Gefahren zu minimieren.Service: Öffnen Sie das Gehäuse des Geräts nicht selbst. Wenden Sie sich bei Wartungs- oder Reparaturbedarf an qualifiziertes Fachpersonal oder den NAD-Kundendienst.

NAD M10 v1 Masters BluOS Streamer/bluetooth DAC/integrated amp AUTHORIZED-DEALER

End: 23.01. 2025 22:55:47 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 954.69 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 135454567325
  • Seller: hi-fi.heaven (13850|98.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Green Bay, Wisconsin USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 55,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    WE ARE AN AUTHORIZED NAD DEALER!PREOWNED - $2750 LIST! - FULLY TESTED - INCLUDES ORIGINAL BOX/PACKING, MANUAL, POWER CABLE, FLASH DRIVE, MIC, CLEANING CLOTHProduct highlights:Features: 100 watts x 2 channels into 8 or 4 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.03% THD 4-ohm stable for use with a wide range of speakers 32-bit/384kHz ESS Sabre DAC built in plays high-resolution music (up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution) supports high-res MQA, FLAC, WAV, and AIFF files color touchscreen display with proximity sensor supports voice control with Amazon Alexa BluOS compatibility for further expansion with Bluesound wireless speakers built-in two-way Bluetooth® with aptX HD for wirelessly streaming music from a compatible device or streaming to a set of Bluetooth headphones connects to your home network via built-in dual-band Wi-Fi® or wired Ethernet for music streaming includes support for Amazon Music Unlimited, Spotify®, TIDAL, Napster, Deezer, Qobuz and more (subscription required for some services) free internet radio from TuneIn Radio and iHeartRadio Apple® AirPlay® 2 lets you stream directly from an iPhone® or iPad® and ask Siri to play Apple Music (via future firmware update) free BluOS controller app for iOS®, Android, Windows, and Mac OS X supports Dirac Live room correction Connections: 2 analog stereo RCA audio inputs digital inputs: 1 Toslink optical, 1 coaxial HDMI ARC input (2-channel PCM only; does not support Dolby Digital or DTS) USB (Type A) port for connecting a thumb drive or mass storage device stereo RCA preamp output for connecting a separate amplifier 2 mono RCA outputs for connecting powered subwoofers binding post speaker connectors IR input and 12-volt trigger in/out Dimensions: 8-1/2W x 3-15/16H x 10-1/4D weight: 11 lbs. Hi-Fi Heaven1549 Sixth StGreen Bay, WI 54304Contact us with your exact shipping address for accurate shipping cost.Larger speakers and items over 150lbs are strapped to a pallet and shipped via Freight including liftgate and residential delivery.We accept Pay-Pal or credit cards by contacting our store.We offer a 4% discount with payment by Zelle or check.Defective items are exchanged within 14 days from delivery.After 14 days, the manufacturers warranty will apply. Contact us for any assistance in obtaining warranty assistance.Defective item returns must be in the manufacturers original packaging, in like-new condition, including all packaging materials, shipped as-received and fully insured.Items are guaranteed to be as described.If a refund is desired, we will refund your full purchase price minus a 20% restocking fee.The item must be as received & unopened. Buyer pays return shipping costs.If you are having a problem, Please call before making a return claim on eBay.We do not offer free auditions or trials of merchandise.Returns will only be accepted for items that are truly defective.We use methods to detect product tampering.We will seek legal action against any individual or entity attempting to defraud us.Hi-Fi Heaven1549 Sixth StGreen Bay, WI 54304

NAD Masters M10 - BlueOS Streaming Vollverstärker - neuwertig - TOP!

End: 01.01. 2025 16:11:15 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 925.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326383445172
  • Bids: 26
  • Seller: kleinschmitt1993 (374|95.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stuttgart Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 12,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Masters M10 - BlueOS Streaming Vollverstärker - neuwertig - TOP!Zum Verkauf steht hier ein sehr gut erhaltener und selbst verständlich voll funktionsfähiger NAD Masters M10. Der Streaming Vollverstärker mit BlueOS Betriebssystem ist als neuwertig ohne erkennbare Nutzungsspuren zu bezeichnen. Er hat ein fabelhaften Klang und ein hochwertig minimalistisches Auftreten. Wir sind ein Nichtraucherhaushalt. Der Verstärker wird auf Werkseinstellung zurückgesetzt verkauft. Gekauft wurde der NAD M10 im März 2021 bei HiFi Klubben, der Rechnungsbeleg mit liegt bei. Der NAD M10 wird inklusive sämtlichen Originalzubehör (wie Netzkabel, Einmessmikrofon, USB Stick, Stoffbeutel & Dokumentation) in der Originalverpackung sicher verpackt als DHL Paket (versichert bis 2500€) versendet.

NAD Masters M10 - BlueOS Streaming Vollverstärker - neuwertig - TOP!

End: 25.12. 2024 16:09:42 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1199.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 326365255627
  • Seller: kleinschmitt1993 (375|95.2%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Stuttgart Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 12,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Masters M10 - BlueOS Streaming Vollverstärker - neuwertig - TOP!Zum Verkauf steht hier ein sehr gut erhaltener und selbst verständlich voll funktionsfähiger NAD Masters M10. Der Streaming Vollverstärker mit BlueOS Betriebssystem ist als neuwertig ohne erkennbare Nutzungsspuren zu bezeichnen. Er hat ein fabelhaften Klang und ein hochwertig minimalistisches Auftreten. Wir sind ein Nichtraucherhaushalt. Der Verstärker wird auf Werkseinstellung zurückgesetzt verkauft. Gekauft wurde der NAD M10 im März 2021 bei HiFi Klubben, der Rechnungsbeleg mit liegt bei. Der NAD M10 wird inklusive sämtlichen Originalzubehör (wie Netzkabel, Einmessmikrofon, USB Stick, Stoffbeutel & Dokumentation) in der Originalverpackung sicher verpackt als DHL Paket (versichert bis 2500€) versendet.

NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Ch Pre-Amp/Processor -REPAIR/PARTS-

End: 14.11. 2024 20:35:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 264.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145922861686
  • Seller: didelga_52 (29|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: San Diego, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Ch Pre-Amp/Processor -REPAIR/PARTS-. Condition is For parts or not working. Shipped with FedEx Ground or FedEx Home Delivery.

NAD M10 Masters BluOS Streamer/bluetooth DAC/integrated amp AUTHORIZED-DEALER

End: 03.11. 2024 14:26:38 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 899.45 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276704022767
  • Seller: bhaure (296|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Irvine, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD M10 Masters BluOS Streamer/bluetooth DAC/integrated amp AUTHORIZED-DEALER. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Ground Advantage.

NAD Masters M10 BluOS Streaming Amplifier Complete in Box CIB Tested

End: 28.10. 2024 21:59:12 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1323.81 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 196662616688
  • Seller: peimw (6039|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Prince Edward Island Kanada
  • Ships to: CA
  • Shipping: 18,38 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Mattel Hot Wheels 1:18 Scale 2004 Ford Mustang GT Silver NAD Masters M10 BluOS Streaming Amplifier Complete in Box CIB Tested *Please refer to attached photo package. This is the exact item you will receive.* *Tracking Is Provided*LC50BShipping Information We strive to provide you with a seamless and satisfactory shipping experience. Please review the following information regarding our shipping policy: Shipping Companies:We primarily utilize the services of Canada Post, UPS, and Canpar for the delivery of our packages. Depending on the destination and package size, we will select the most appropriate shipping company to ensure reliable and efficient delivery. This is at our discretion. Please note that we only ship within Canada and to U.S. destinations. Handling Time:Once your order is placed, our dedicated team works diligently to prepare your package for shipment. Our typical handling time is 1-2 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. We always make every effort to dispatch your order as quickly as possible. Combined Shipping:We do offer combined shipping for buyers who purchase multiple items from us. However, please note that combined shipping is provided at our discretion and is applicable only when multiple items are purchased at the same time from a single location. In such cases, we may reimburse you for the difference between the paid and actual shipping costs. Packaging and Care:Rest assured that all packages are handled with utmost care. Our experienced team takes special care in packing your items securely to minimize the risk of damage during transit. We use appropriate packaging materials to protect your purchases and ensure they arrive safely. Damaged Packages:In the unlikely event that your package arrives damaged, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact us immediately upon receipt of the damaged package. We will work together through the necessary steps to resolve the issue promptly. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we will work diligently to find a suitable solution. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance regarding our shipping policy, please do not hesitate to reach out. International Buyer - Important Notice Import Duties, Taxes, and Charges:The item price and shipping charges do not include any applicable import duties, taxes, or charges. These additional costs are the sole responsibility of the buyer. Customs Office and Additional Costs:Before bidding or buying, we strongly recommend that you check with your countrys customs office to determine any additional costs that may be imposed. These charges are typically collected by the postal service or freight company or when you pick up the item. Please do not mistake them for additional shipping charges. Merchandise Valuation and Gift Designation:We adhere to US and International government regulations and do not mark merchandise values below their actual value or label items as gifts. Such behavior is prohibited by law. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance regarding international purchases, please do not hesitate to reach out. Contact Us If you have any inquiries or questions specifically related to this listing or any listing, we are here to provide you with the information you need. Please feel free to reach out at any time. In the rare event that you are unhappy with your purchase, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible. We are here to assist you and address any concerns or issues you may have. Your concerns are valuable to us, and we are committed to finding a satisfactory resolution to ensure your complete satisfaction with your purchase.

NAD M12 Masters Digitaler Vorverstärker / DAC in Vollausstattung

End: 21.10. 2024 11:55:18 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1500.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 296724709947
  • Seller: emt930st (342|90.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kronberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 19,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD M12 Masters Digitaler Vorverstärker / DAC in VollausstattungNach Anschaffung des Nachfolgemodells M66 biete ich den Vorgänger M12 in Vollausstattung an. Das Gerät wurde im Januar 2017 gekauft und im Dezember 2019 durch die Nachrüstmodule HDMI2 für 329€ und BluOs 2i für 400€ ergänzt. Das HDMI Modul hat einen ARC (Audio Return Channel) Eingang, mit dem das Audio vom Fernseher über die Stereo Anlage wiedergegeben werden kann. Das BluOS Modul ermöglicht das Streaming verschiedener Anbieter, z.B. TIDAL, Spotify u.v.a.m. Es lässt sich über die BluOS App für Android und iOS komfortabel bedienen Die Fernbedienung wurde erst im Januar 2024 für 110€ erneuert, weil bei der originalen FB der interne Verschluss zum Batteriefach gebrochen war und nicht als Ersatzteil verfügbar war. Frische Batterien liegen bei, ebenso wie die Bedienungsanleitung und die Original Rechnungen. Für den Versand kann ich die Originalverpackung von meinem M66 anbieten, der die gleichen Dimensionen hat wie der M12. Die großen Kartons benötige ich allerdings zurück und würde natürlich einen frankierten Retoureschein beilegen. Der damalige Neupreis betrug 4000 Euro. Insgesamt habe ich für das Gerät 4840 Euro bezahlt.

NAD M10 Masters BluOS Streaming Amplifier Bluetooth (See Description)

End: 17.10. 2024 21:44:09 on Thursday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 184.09 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 276429642539
  • Seller: blindcenternv (28633|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD M10 Masters BluOS Streaming Amplifier Bluetooth (See Description) Notice: The amplifier can connect to phone with Bluetooth and can play songs but device couldnt connect to Wi-Fi. Sometimes the screen Stays black. NOT SOLD AS WORKING UNITS. units are sold for refurbishment/repair only. The Blind Center of Nevada always strives to provide the highest quality product and customer satisfaction. We hope your shopping experience with the Blind Center will be exceptional. We truly appreciate your support of individuals with Visual Impairments and contributing to each individual reaching their highest physical, social, intellectual, and economic potential. Items are 100% guaranteed to be received as described. If you receive an item that is not as described, we would be more than happy to check our inventory and send a replacement as well as a shipping label to return the defective unit. If we are unable to replace this unit, we would gladly accept the return and provide a full refund. You may also return the items within 30 days under the eBay terms and conditions/return policy for a refund. Items intended to be sold “Final Sale” for refurbishment parts units or as non- fully working units are under our no return policy and cannot be returned or exchanged. These items may have some damage, missing parts or pieces and may make the item non-functional. Please read the listing and description carefully as item specifics will be outlined. If you have any problems with your item, please contact us via email through eBay before initiating a case through eBay. We will make every effort to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your buying experience with us. Please Subscribe to our store for exclusive offers and updates. The Blind Center of Nevada thanks you for your Support!!

NAD Masters M17 AV Surround Sound Preamp Processor

End: 23.09. 2024 23:35:01 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2310.86 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 286062050780
  • Seller: area.r.wofjgqj (2|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Cypress, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Experience the ultimate surround sound with the NAD M17 AV Surround Sound Preamp Processor. This digital preamplifier boasts a variety of features including internet/media streamer, Dolby Atmos, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital, and DTS surround sound formats. With 7.1 channels and a variety of audio inputs and outputs such as digital coaxial RCA, RCA, stereo L/R RCA, digital optical TOSLINK, HDMI, and XLR, you can connect to your favorite devices and enjoy high-quality audio. The NAD M17 also includes a sub pre out/LFE and a stereo L/R RCA for added connectivity. Its sleek silver design and compact size make it the perfect addition to any home audio setup. Get ready to immerse yourself in your favorite movies and music with the NAD M17 AV Surround Sound Preamp Processor.

NAD Masters Series M12 Stereo Preamplifier & DAC; BluOS 2i & HDM-2 Upgrades

End: 19.09. 2024 18:07:42 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1629.52 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 226132842933
  • Seller: tmraudio (13049|99.6%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Erie, Colorado USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 54,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    The worlds largest online retailer of pre-owned audio Product DescriptionWho we areWhat we doOur ProcessOur Policies NAD Masters Series M12 Stereo Preamplifier & DAC; BluOS 2i & HDM-2 Upgrades Product SKU: 62796 Age: 3 Years Tobacco Exposure: No MSRP: $3499 Serial Number: H9ZM1202510 # of Owners: 1 Service History: None Cosmetic Description: Very good condition with minimal visible cosmetic wear including a couple faint scuffs along the top edge of the faceplate, and a couple tiny scratches near the corners of the top surface. These blemishes are not readily visible, and do not detract from the overall wonderful appearance. What is Included: Preamplifer, Remote, BluOS 2i Module (Installed), HDM-2 Module (Installed), Spike guards, Bluetooth antenna, USB-Manual, Quick Start Guide, Power cable, Factory packaging Other Notes: Optional MDC BluOS 2i Streaming Module ($399 Value) and MDC HDM-2 HDMI Module ($429 Value) installed. Total MSRP with upgrades $4327 Review 2 Functional Notes: Operational condition of this item is excellent, fully tested and no issues found. Once upon a time, NAD gear was thought to be great entry-level componentry but ultimately a stepping stone to something more fabulous and more refined from some other maker. Not so fast, and not this time. The NAD Masters Series M12/M22 combo proudly holds its own in pretty much any company. And it scores points at all levels—refinement of sound, classy execution, and cool, cutting-edge modularity that gives it attractive and sensible “have-it-your-way” appeal for the old guard and the network-savvy alike. Sensible, serious, masterful. -The Absolute Sound Review 3 Shipping: Cost to ship this item within the contiguous United States is a flat rate of $55- including packaging and insurance. For all other locations including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska, please request a quote prior to purchase. Items with factory packaging will be double boxed. When factory packaging not available re-usable shipping box with custom injected-foam mold will be used. (for all items over 10 lbs). Note that all items valued over $750 will require a signature upon delivery. Your online source for the best value in new and used audio gear. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign The Music Room is the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. Headquartered in beautiful Boulder Colorado, The Music Room is a team of 17 strong (and growing) music lovers - all dedicated to one singular mission: delivering the very best online shopping experience in the audio industry - period. We specialize in well-cared for, previously used gear because that is what we are passionate about. We feel that there is nothing more fulfilling than creating a high-performance system on a budget with carefully selected used components, speakers and cables. Our program is safe, secure, fast, fair, hassle-free and highly effective. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Buy: Are you looking to get a fair price for your used home audio equipment without all the hassles, headaches, risks and fees? We will appraise your equipment and make you a quick, easy, fair cash offer. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Sell: We sell in multiple online venues with many (but not all) of our products available in our eBay store. Everything is quality-assured and backed by our best-in-class, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. Trade: Make your budget go further with a generous trade-in allowance. Let us know what you have available, and we’ll get you the best possible trade-in allowance. We can even assist with shipping & logistics from anywhere in the USA. Just fill out our “get a quote” form on our homepage to start the process. Consign: We offer a hassle-free way for individuals and businesses to liquidate used gear. We’ll handle every step of the process from shipping to appraisals, customer service, fulfillment, and returns: Industry-low rates with no hidden fees Leverage our world-class reputation and get exposure in multiple sales venues - putting your product in front of over 570k monthly shoppers. Our program is Safe, Secure, Fast, Fair, Hassle-Free and Highly Effective. With 100% feedback ratings in every venue in which we sell, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Quality Assurance: We offer 15-20 new product listings for sale daily. Each product undergoes an extremely rigorous quality-assurance and listening session by one of our qualified technicians. We understand that buying used audio equipment can be rife with uncertainty and unexpected headaches. Our quality assurance program is informed by a knowledge-base built through delivering over 30,000 used audio products to satisfied customers. We promise to deliver your product in good working order - exactly as described 100% of the time. Support: We don’t just make promises. We stand behind them - your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our support team is ready to help you with any questions you might have before and after the sale. Value: In the never-ending pursuit of high performance, it’s important to stretch your limited budget as far as possible. Used equipment sells for a fraction of new prices, and with a partner like The Music Room you can upgrade any time you like and get most of your money back. There’s simply no better way to maximize a limited audio budget. Packaging: We’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into mastering our state-of-the-art packaging process. Our custom foam-in-place packaging system allows us to safely package almost any item regardless of irregular shapes or sizes. Most importantly, this system provides our customers with a re-usable shipping box which increases the resale value of the product and provides a shipping method for easy, secure returns. Be seen by over 70,000 monthly visitors. Visit us online to Buy / Sell / Trade / Consign Payment: Prompt payment is expected. Paypal is preferred but all forms of payment are accepted. Unpaid item case will be opened after 3 days if no payment received. Shipping Times: Most Domestic orders ship within 1 business day of purchase. For International orders or freight shipments, please allow 2-3 business days. In all cases, tracking information will be emailed to you at the moment the shipping label is created. If you cant find it or have other questions about shipping & logistics, please contact us. Shipping Costs: Flat rate shipping costs are applicable within the contiguous 48 States (USA). These rates are clearly posted on each product page. For an International or custom quote (including Hawaii, PR, AK) please contact us. Returns: Every purchase made on eBay carries a 30-day, satisfaction-guaranteed return policy. If youre not happy with your purchase for any reason or if youve simply changed your mind... no problem. Simply ship it back for a full refund or exchange (minus S&H costs). If you have received an item that is defective in some way, we will make it right. Let us know - we will pay for return shipping and repair the item or refund 100% of your original purchase price.

NAD Masters M10 BluOS Streaming Amplifier NEUw. + OVP + 2J. GEWÄHR!

End: 18.09. 2024 16:00:48 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1499.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116330484914
  • Seller: black-audioline (6236|99.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: St. Ingbert Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 9,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Masters M10 BluOS Streaming Amplifier NEUw. + OVP + 2J. GEWÄHR! NAD Masters M10 BluOS Streaming Vollverstärker in kaum gebrauchtem und technisch einwandfreiem Zustand, neuwertig. Das Gerät wurde nur wenige Stunden betrieben und weist somit nur geringste Gebrauchsspuren auf. Lieferung inklusive Originalverpackung, Messmikrofon, Netzkabel und 2 Jahren Gewährleistung. ALLE Fotos zeigen das hier angebotene Gerät. NAD Masters M10 BluOS Streaming Amplifier in less used, like new condition, works perfectly. It was tested for low hours only and therefore shows almost no signs of use. Delivery includes commercial invoice, original box, mic, power supply and 2 years warranty. ALL pics show the item on offer. • extrem verzerrungsarme HybridDigitalTM Verstärker • 2 x 100 W Dauerleistung an 4 und 8 ? • 2 x 300 W Impulsleistung an 4 ? • integriertes bidirektionales BluOS® aptX® HD Streamingmodul • Ethernet-Anschluss (Roon ready) • AirPlay 2 • BluOS®-Sprachsteuerung per Siri • Roon Ready Zertifizierung • koaxialer und optischer Digitaleingang • 2 analoge Hochpegeleingänge, HDMI-ARC-Eingang • MQA (24 Bit / 96 kHz), DSD und PCM Wiedergabe • zwei separate Subwooferausgänge • Vorverstärkerausgang • hochauflösender TFT-Touchscreen NAD Masters M10 BluOS Streaming Amplifier Originalverpackung / Original Box Netzkabel / Power Core Einmessmikrofon Sie kaufen ohne Risiko! Auf diesen Artikel gilt eine Widerrufsfrist von 14 Tagen. Alle Bilder sind wahrheitsgemäß und entprechen dem angebotenen Artikel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haben Sie Fragen zu diesem Angebot? Sie können uns gerne kontaktieren, siehe Rechtliche Informationen des Verkäufers unten: Das Gerät kann gerne nach kurzer Terminabsprache auch vor Ort abgeholt werden. Vorkasse / Bank transfer (IBAN + BIC) PayPal Barzahlung bei Abholung Nachnahme / Cash on delivery (Deutschland + EU) Gebühr : 5,00 € innerhalb Deutschlands / 8 € innerhalb EU Inland: Deutsche Post DHL 9,49 € Europäische Union Deutsche Post DHL 20,00 € Europa ohne EU Deutsche Post DHL 30,00 € Welt Deutsche Post DHL 82,00 € Rest-Welt Deutsche Post DHL 122,00 € Der Versand erfolgt am Tag des Zahlungseingangs. Nach dem Paketversand erhalten Sie von uns die Tracking-ID per E-Mail zur Nachverfolgung des Paketes. Ein sicherer Versand hat bei uns allerhöchste Priorität. Sollte keine Originalverpackung für den Artikel vorhanden sein, wird eine gleichwertige, sichere Verpackung verwendet. Lieferungen per Express oder per Nachnahme innerhalb der EU möglich. Delivery will take place on the day we receive the payment. We will send you the tracking-id of the package to allow you to track the package shipping. A safe delivery of the item is our highest priority. In the case no original packaging is available, we will use an equal packaging to gurantee a safety arrival. Cash on delivery within EU possible.

NAD Masters Series M10 V2 *MSRP $2,999.00

End: 14.08. 2024 18:56:56 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1869.94 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 134580643925
  • Seller: letgo2020 (1678|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Pleasantville, Iowa USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Masters Series M10 V2 *MSRP $2,999.00

NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Ch Pre-Amp/Processor ~ SERVICED! ~ w/ Remote Bright VFD

End: 05.08. 2024 00:32:05 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 448.7 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285932691510
  • Seller: novalux_stereophonic (1336|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Accepted, along with all eBay approved payment methods. - Payment required within (3) days of purchase or auction close.ReturnsNo return offered for this listing. Shipping Item usually ships within (3) business days of cleared payment. Note: This item may be eligible for international shipping either directly or through the eBay Global Shipping Program. If you are a buyer from outside of the US please contact me for additional details.Sales TaxeBay now automatically collects sales tax for all shipped transactions. If you are picking up your purchase from us in NYC, 8.875% local sales tax will be charged

NAD Masters M12 digitaler Vorverstärker NEUw. + OVP + Rechn./2J. GEWÄHR!

End: 02.08. 2024 10:38:33 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 2199.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 116238032111
  • Seller: black-audioline (6181|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: St. Ingbert Deutschland
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 19,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD Masters M12 digitaler Vorverstärker NEUw. + OVP + Rechn./2J. GEWÄHR! NAD Masters M12 Vorverstärker in kaum gebrauchtem und technisch einwandfreiem Zustand. Das Gerät wurde nur wenige Stunden betrieben und weist somit nur geringste Gebrauchsspuren auf. Alle Tasten und Drehregler funktionieren entsprechend wie neu. Lieferung inklusive Bedienungsanleitung, Fernbedienung, Netzkabel, Standfüße, Originalverpackung und 2 Jahren Gewährleistung. ALLE Fotos zeigen das hier angebotene Gerät. NAD Masters M12 Preamp in less used condition, works perfectly. It was used for low hours only and therefore shows almost no signs of use. All buttons work perfectly. Delivery includes commercial invoice, manual, remote control, power supply, feet, original box and 2 years warranty. ALL pics show the item on offer. Der zukunftssichere M12 zeichnet sich als Kombination eines Vorverstärkers und D/A-Wandlers durch eine ganze Reihe audiophiler Funktionen aus, die einige der fortschrittlichsten digitalen Audiotechniken der Welt nutzen. Ein 24 Bit / 192 kHz verarbeitender USB-Eingang steht für externe Datenspeicher bereit. Symmetrische XLR- und klassische Cinch-Eingänge gewähren analogen Musiksignalen, AES/EBU-, koaxiale und optische Eingänge digitalen Audioquellen Einlass. Und wer auch die Audiosignale seiner Videogeräte u?ber den M12 hören oder den Vorverstärker per BluOS® in ein lokales und/oder Multiroom-Netzwerk integrieren möchte, kann die hierfu?r optional erhältlichen MDC-Module in die Steckplätze an der Geräterückseite einsetzen. innovativer DirectDigital Vorverstärker symmetrische XLR- und Cincheingänge MM/MC Phono-Eingang AES/EBU-, 2 koaxiale und 2 optische Digitaleingänge asynchroner USB-Eingang (24 Bit / 192 kHz bei Anschluss eines PC/Mac, 24 Bit / 48 kHz bei externen Datenträgern) USB-A Eingang für externe Datenspeicher symmetrische XLR- und Cinchausgänge koaxialer und optischer Digitalausgang 2 individuell konfigurierbare Subwooferausgänge RS-232 Schnittstelle für Custom-Install Steuerung 3 Steckplätze für zusätzliche MDC-Erweiterungsmodule, aktuell BluOS® 2i und DD HDM-2 solides Aluminiumgehäuse hochauflösender TFT-Touchscreen Eingang für IR- und Ein-/Ausgänge für 12 V-Trigger-Signale NAD Masters M12 Vorverstärker Bedienungsanleitung / User Manual Originalverpackung / Original Box Fernbedienung / Remote Control Netzkabel + Standfüße / Power Cable + Feet Auf diesen Artikel gilt eine Gewährleistung von 2 Jahren mit Rechnung und Seriennummer. Sie kaufen ohne Risiko! Auf diesen Artikel gilt eine Widerrufsfrist von 14 Tagen. Alle Bilder sind wahrheitsgemäß und entprechen dem angebotenen Artikel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haben Sie Fragen zu diesem Angebot? Sie können uns gerne kontaktieren, siehe Rechtliche Informationen des Verkäufers unten: Das Gerät kann gerne nach kurzer Terminabsprache auch vor Ort abgeholt werden. Vorkasse / Bank transfer (IBAN + BIC) PayPal Barzahlung bei Abholung Nachnahme / Cash on delivery (Deutschland + EU) Gebühr : 5,00 € innerhalb Deutschlands / 8 € innerhalb EU Inland: Deutsche Post DHL 19,99 € Europäische Union Deutsche Post DHL 34,00 € Europa ohne EU Deutsche Post DHL 44,00 € Welt Deutsche Post DHL 82,00 € Rest-Welt Deutsche Post DHL 122,00 € Der Versand erfolgt am Tag des Zahlungseingangs. Nach dem Paketversand erhalten Sie von uns die Tracking-ID per E-Mail zur Nachverfolgung des Paketes. Ein sicherer Versand hat bei uns allerhöchste Priorität. Sollte keine Originalverpackung für den Artikel vorhanden sein, wird eine gleichwertige, sichere Verpackung verwendet. Lieferungen per Express oder per Nachnahme innerhalb der EU möglich. Delivery will take place on the day we receive the payment. We will send you the tracking-id of the package to allow you to track the package shipping. A safe delivery of the item is our highest priority. In the case no original packaging is available, we will use an equal packaging to gurantee a safety arrival. Cash on delivery within EU possible.


End: 26.07. 2024 23:14:47 on Friday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 1084.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 326153931390
  • Seller: mr.tubedude (582|98.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Hampden, Massachusetts USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    **PLEASE NOTE** This is an AS IS item, IT TURNS ON AND IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND SOUNDS GREAT!!ALL INPUTS AND OUTPUTS TESTED! It has SCRATCHES, MARKS, SCUFFS, CHIPS, DAMAGE! There may be damage that is also not pictured. This product is NOT covered by the manufacturers warranty or ANY warranty. There are NO Returns on this AS IS ITEM, it is FINAL SALE. The item will be packaged with original packaging OR replacement packaging. The Packaging will be distressed. What is pictured in the photos is what is included, please note no additional accessories or items will be included other than what is shown in the photos.

Nad M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier For PARTS

End: 12.06. 2024 20:20:33 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.3 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166792146243
  • Seller: 8ten1944 (213277|99.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Cass City, Michigan USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier. Comes with Power cord only NO REMOTE! Tested as follows: HDMI in/out work Digital Opticals in all work Speaker Preouts all work Monitor out works, helps with source set up Analog inputs have humming, NO SOUND may need some repair or to be grounded? Selling as is Nad M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier For PARTS Description Our SKU: ERCA000173694US-G9CGRG2A_R Item Brand: Nad Item MPN: NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier. Comes with Power cord only NO REMOTE! Tested as follows: HDMI in/out work Digital Opticals in all work Speaker Preouts all work Monitor out works, helps with source set up Analog inputs have humming, NO SOUND may need some repair or to be grounded? Selling as is Please let us know if you have any questions regarding a past or future purchase. Check out our entire store for more great products and deals!! Warranty Our inventory is purchased from various different manufacturers, retailers, and 3rd party sources. We do not represent or make any claim regarding any manufacturers warranty. We do however make every possible attempt to accurately describe the inventory we sell and stand behind it. We offer a no-questions asked 30-day return policy on everything we sell if the item is in the same condition it was sold in. If you have any issues at all with your purchase please feel free to contact us, we want to make it right!! Shipping All items are carefully packed and properly protected for shipment. We use several different carriers and choose the most economical for the item and destination based on the estimated handling and transit time. Please make every attempt possible to verify that part/product being purchased is correct for your application In the event of shipping damage, item not as expected, or any other reason to desire to return the product, please feel to contact us. At this time we do not offer internation shipping. About 8TEN Industries Since 2016, 8TEN Industries has been a leading asset recovery provider supporting national retailers, brands, and manufacturers. Our 60,000 square foot processing and distribution facility located in Cass City, Michigan has allowed us to become industry leader in turning difficult problems for manufacturers into great deals for our customers. More Items Store Contact Follow Us 8TEN Industries

NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Ch Pre-Amp/Processor ~ SERVICED! ~ w/ Remote Bright VFD

End: 11.06. 2024 11:34:29 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 464.18 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 276424616086
  • Seller: novalux_stereophonic (1332|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Accepted, along with all eBay approved payment methods. - Payment required within (3) days of purchase or auction close.ReturnsNo return offered for this listing. Shipping Item usually ships within (3) business days of cleared payment. Note: This item may be eligible for international shipping either directly or through the eBay Global Shipping Program. If you are a buyer from outside of the US please contact me for additional details.Sales TaxeBay now automatically collects sales tax for all shipped transactions. If you are picking up your purchase from us in NYC, 8.875% local sales tax will be charged

NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Ch Pre-Amp/Processor. Just Reconditioned

End: 29.05. 2024 00:02:10 on Wednesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 650.0 USD FESTPREIS
  • Status: 29T 22:46:45
  • Item number: 326107165727
  • Seller: (|%)
  • Seller information:
  • Item location: New London,WI,USA USA
  • Ships to:
  • Shipping: 0,0 USD
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Offering my NAD M15 processor. This unit was just came back from NAD Authorized service repair center for $650 power supply replacement, and power PCB recapping and is ready to go. It is fully tested and works great. While processor was being serviced, I bought a replacement, so I no longer need this unit. This processor has a very flexible setup and true audiophile level component. Very effective home theater control. An external multichannel amp needed to complete your install. Included is the original remote (does not fully work), a harmony one universal remote, printed manual and power cord. I do not have the original box or additional accessories. Used this in my high end living room system for years with no complaints whatsoever, it has brilliant detail, great bass control and dialog control makes low level/nighttime listening easy and very pleasant and noise free. Stereo performance/reproduction is outstanding. Any questions, please ask. It is setup to demo locally. High-performance audio and outstanding build quality With four dual-differential 24-bit/192kHz digital-to-analog converters, the M15 delivers stunning sound quality from your audio sources. Its linear power supply features a custom toroidal transformer with proprietary shielding to eliminate noise for ultra-quiet operation. All of the M15s high-performance circuitry is housed in a chassis boasting aluminum extrusions, zinc castings, and heavy-gauge steel for a component that is as rugged as it is handsome.READ LESSProduct highlights:THX Ultra2 certified audio/video surround sound preamplifier processorDolby Digital EX, ProLogic IIx (movies and music), DTS ES, DTS 96/24, Neo:6, THX EX, THX Cinema, THX Music, EARS, Enhanced Stereo, Stereo Bypass2-zone/2-source output:line-level stereo audio outputs with independent source and volume selectionzone 2 also has an independent composite video feeddigital domain tone controls with center channel dialogue controlfour dual differential 24-bit/192kHz analog-to-digital converters for stunning audio qualitylinear power supply with custom toroidal transformer with proprietary shielding to eliminate EMF leakageremoteprogrammable 12-volt triggers and RS-232 port for advanced control systems17-1/8W x 5-1/4H x 14-1/4Dweight: 15 poundsConnections:1080p-compatible HDMI digital video switching (2 in, 1 out)HDMI version 1.3component video switching: 3 in, 1 outdigital audio inputs: 4 optical, 4 coaxialdigital audio outputs: 2 optical, 2 coaxial6 audio/video inputs, including 4 rear-panel inputs with composite and S-video4 audio-only RCA inputs (no phono input)7.1-channel analog audio preamp input7.2-channel analog audio output (RCA)1-in, 2-out IR repeater mini jacks1-in, 3-out 12-volt trigger mini jacksRS-232C port (for control via PC or automated system)detachable power cordMFR # M15More details on the NAD Masters Series M15Features & specs General FeaturesBluetoothNoApple AirPlayNoAlexa-compatibleNoGoogle Assistant-compatibleNoChromecast built-inNoDTS Play-FiNoApp Remote ControlNoAuto Speaker CalibrationNoMulti-room Audio/VideoPreamp Multi-room Audio OutputYesMulti-room HDMI OutputNoTotal Number of Zones2Playback from Digital Audio InputsNoPlayback from Streaming SourcesNoSurround ProcessingDolby DigitalDD, EXDolby AtmosNoDolby Atmos Height Virtualization---DTSDTS, ES, 24/96, Neo6DTS:X---DTS Virtual:X---Inputs & OutputsPhono InputNoAudio-Video Inputs6Audio-only Inputs4RCA Analog Stereo Inputs---XLR Analog Stereo Inputs---Component Video Inputs3Component Video Monitor Outputs2Optical Digital Inputs4Coaxial Digital Inputs4XLR Digital Inputs---Optical Digital Outputs2Coaxial Digital Outputs2XLR Digital Outputs---Number of HDMI Inputs2HDMI Monitor Outputs1Subwoofer Outputs2Discrete Subwoofer OutputsNoMulti-Channel Analog InputYesMulti-channel Preamp Output7.2chXLR Analog Preamp Outputs---Ethernet Port---USB ConnectionsNoneRemovable Power CordIEC 3-prongSupports Wireless Rear SpeakersNoHDMI FeaturesHDMI Version1.3VRR (Variable Refresh Rate)NoALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode)No4K/120Hz-Capable InputsNoAudio Return ChannelNoVideo UpscalingNoHDR (High Dynamic Range) SupportHDR10NoHDR10+NoHLGNoDolby VisionNo

Lightly used NAD Masters Series M10 V2

End: 21.05. 2024 18:20:41 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1746.48 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 186119890715
  • Seller: kevrock605 (106|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Charlotte, North Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Have been testing this model for the last year. Excellent little all-in-one that has Dirac Live access and just looks and sounds great as well! Will have full warranty. All original items included in the box. Any questions, let me know. Thanks! Combining a sophisticated music streamer and powerful 100-watt-per-channel amplifier in one super-stylish component, the NAD M10 V2 BluOS Streaming Amplifier is made for the way people listen to music today. The M10 V2 is based on the acclaimed BluOS multi-room music platform, which has integrated support for dozens of streaming services. You can queue up any music you want using the intuitive BluOS app, and hear it in glorious high fidelity through your favourite loudspeakers. The M10 V2 improves on its award-winning predecessor by adding a remote control, updated gain algorithms, and an easy upgrade path to Dolby Digital surround sound. LINE INPUT, SPEAKER OUTContinuous output power into 8 ohms and 4 ohms>100W (ref. 20 Hz-20 kHz at rated THD, both channels driven)THD (20 Hz – 20 kHz)<0.03 % (250 mW to 100 W, 8 ohms and 4 ohms)Signal-to-Noise Ratio>85.1 dB (A-weighted, 500 mV input, ref. 1 W out in 8 ohms)Clipping power>130 W (at 1 kHz 8 ohms 0.1 % THD)>230 W (at 1 kHz 4 ohms 0.1 % THD)IHF dynamic power8 ohms: 160 W4 ohms: 300 WDamping factor>190 (ref. 8 ohms, 20Hz to 6.5kHz)Frequency response±0.6 dB (20 Hz – 20 kHz)Tone controlsTreble: ±6.0 dB at 20 kHzBass: ±6.0dB at 60 HzChannel separation>83 dB (1 kHz)>70.5 dB (10 kHz)Input sensitivity (for 100 W in 8 ohms) Line In: 456 mVDigital In: -13.23 %FSStandby power<0.5W

Nad M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier

End: 10.05. 2024 06:09:48 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 158.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 166710670632
  • Seller: 8ten1944 (202606|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Cass City, Michigan USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier. Comes with Power cord only NO REMOTE! Tested as follows: HDMI in/out work Digital Opticals in all work Speaker Preouts all work Monitor out works, helps with source set up Analog inputs have humming, may need some repair or to be grounded? Selling as is Nad M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier Description Our SKU: ERCA000173694US-G9CGRG2A_R Item Brand: Nad Item MPN: NAD M15 Masters Series 7-Channel Pre-Amp/Processor/Amplifier. Comes with Power cord only NO REMOTE! Tested as follows: HDMI in/out work Digital Opticals in all work Speaker Preouts all work Monitor out works, helps with source set up Analog inputs have humming, may need some repair or to be grounded? Selling as is Please let us know if you have any questions regarding a past or future purchase. Check out our entire store for more great products and deals!! Warranty Our inventory is purchased from various different manufacturers, retailers, and 3rd party sources. We do not represent or make any claim regarding any manufacturers warranty. We do however make every possible attempt to accurately describe the inventory we sell and stand behind it. We offer a no-questions asked 30-day return policy on everything we sell if the item is in the same condition it was sold in. If you have any issues at all with your purchase please feel free to contact us, we want to make it right!! Shipping All items are carefully packed and properly protected for shipment. We use several different carriers and choose the most economical for the item and destination based on the estimated handling and transit time. Please make every attempt possible to verify that part/product being purchased is correct for your application In the event of shipping damage, item not as expected, or any other reason to desire to return the product, please feel to contact us. At this time we do not offer internation shipping. About 8TEN Industries Since 2016, 8TEN Industries has been a leading asset recovery provider supporting national retailers, brands, and manufacturers. Our 60,000 square foot processing and distribution facility located in Cass City, Michigan has allowed us to become industry leader in turning difficult problems for manufacturers into great deals for our customers. More Items Store Contact Follow Us 8TEN Industries

NAD M10 Masters BluOS Streamer/bluetooth DAC/integrated amp

End: 09.05. 2024 13:04:24 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1654.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 176293475162
  • Seller: gurpreetbadal1980 (51|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bloomington, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This NAD M10 Masters amplifier is a fantastic addition to any home audio setup. With multiple capabilities, including streaming, Bluetooth, and DAC functionality, this amplifier is sure to impress. The sleek design and excellent sound quality make it a must-have for any music lover. The NAD M10 is compatible with various devices and has a range of inputs to suit your needs. It is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality audio amplifier. It is perfect mint condition. Aesthetically and performance is perfect without any flaws.

NAD M10 Masters BluOS Streamer/bluetooth DAC/integrated amp

End: 28.04. 2024 21:24:00 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 1289.13 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156177513244
  • Seller: flatheadfit (14|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Kalispell, Montana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This item is barely used, in the original box. includes amplifier, packaging, and power cord.

New NAD Masters Series M10 V2 *MSRP $2,499.00

End: 16.04. 2024 19:17:49 on Tuesday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1527.76 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 156160263632
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: brebelez (105|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: New York, New York USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Immerse yourself in the ultimate audio experience with the Brand New NAD Masters Series M10 V2 Multi Zone Amplifier. This top-of-the-line amplifier boasts unparalleled sound quality and performance, making it the perfect addition to your home audio setup. With its sleek design and advanced features, the NAD M10 V2 is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophile. This item is brand new from the manufacturer. My original unit was sent in for warranty repair and they decided to replace the unit entirely. All accessories included in the original box. Never used this unit. Purchased in October of 2021 but the warranty has been extended by an additional 8 months.