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Musical Fidelity M6x High-End DAC SIlber UVP 2295,-

End: 23.06. 2023 09:52:35 on Friday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1999.0 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285302195647
  • Seller: hifiteamshop (1373|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Graz Österreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 19,0 EUR
  • on EBAY

Musical Fidelity X-24k Digitalanalog Wandler DAC

End: 23.06. 2023 05:10:35 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 90.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 334913801413
  • Bids: 4
  • Seller: rosalb1 (146|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Wien Österreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 14,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ich versteigere meinen Digitalanalog-Wandler Musical Fidelity X-24k DAC wegen Umstieg auf einen neuen DAC, weil der X-24k leider keinen USB-Anschluss hat. Gekauft habe ich den Musical Fidelity X-24k im Jänner 2000 in einem Wiener Geschäft. Der Musical Fidelity X-24k funktioniert einwandfrei; er steht seit dem ersten Auspacken im Jahr 2000 in meinem Hifi-Regal, verrichtet tadellos seine Arbeit, wurde nie mit Flüssigkeit begossen und fiel auch nie hinunter. Ich habe ihn bis zuletzt über SPDIF in Betrieb gehabt, um über eine Bridge (deren interner DAC eine Zumutung ist), gestreamte Musik zu hören. Stromkabel ist dabei. Es ist mir sehr leid um ihn, aber ich habe für Hifi-„Museumsstücke“ leider keinen Platz. Der Musical Fidelity X-24k erschien 1998 und wurde damals mit „Preisbrecher-Wandler fu?r CD und 24 Bit / 96 Kilohertz. Klingt hochpra?zise, analytisch und hochmusikalisch“ beschrieben.“. Die Optik finde ich nach wie vor originell wie auch platzsparend. Er verfügt über 3 Coax/SPDIF-Anschlüsse (2x „In“, 1x „Out“), einen Toslink-Eingang und analoge Ausgänge (je 1x R/L Cinch). Das Gerät hat übliche Gebrauchsspuren, siehe Fotos. Dies ist eine private, keine gewerbliche Anzeige. Die Käuferin bzw. der Käufer erklärt sich mit dem Ausschluss der Gewährleistung und des Umtauschrechts einverstanden. I'm auctioning my Musical Fidelity X-24k DAC digital-to-analog converter because I'm upgrading to a new DAC, because the X-24k unfortunately doesn't have a USB port. I bought the Musical Fidelity X-24k in January 2000 in a shop in Vienna. The Musical Fidelity X-24k works perfectly; it has been on my hi-fi shelf since it was first unpacked in 2000, does its job perfectly, has never been spilled with liquid and has never fallen down. Until recently, I had it running via SPDIF in order to listen to music streamed via a bridge. Power cable is included. I'm very sorry about it, but unfortunately I don't have room for hi-fi museum pieces. The Musical Fidelity X-24k was released in 1998 and was then called a price-breaker converter for CD and 24 bit / 96 kilohertz. Sounds highly precise, analytical and highly musical. I still think the look is extraordinary and space-saving. It has 3 Coax/SPDIF connections (2x In, 1x Out), a Toslink input and analog outputs (1x R/L cinch each). The device has usual signs of use, see the pictures. This is a private, not a commercial ad. The buyer agrees to the exclusion of warranty and the right to exchange.

Musical Fidelity MX-DAC

End: 22.06. 2023 09:12:08 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 364.34 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295764806802
  • Seller: menesesricardovalpo (45|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Unterkulm Schweiz
  • Ships to: Europe
  • Shipping: 57,34 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity MX-DAC. 32bit / 192 KHZ Upsampling / DSD /USB / 16 Monate alt, wie neu. Achtung! Schweizer stecker, braucht Adapter or separat Strom Versorgung, sehen Bilder. Versand eingeschriebenes packet.

Musical Fidelity X-Dac - Upgraded

End: 19.06. 2023 14:24:39 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 572.84 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 175759107264
  • Seller: dralbert.123 (943|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: BLACKPOOL Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity X-DAC Complete with expensive quality interconnects Has Power supply and Clock Oscillator upgrade providing an improvement over the original specification now even better Track Page Views With Auctivas FREE Counter

Musical Fidelity X-Dac - Upgraded and serviced

End: 19.06. 2023 14:12:11 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 565.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275888365879
  • Seller: studiosound1 (74|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blackpool Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 45,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity X-DAC Complete with expensive quality interconnects Has Power supply and Clock Oscillator upgrade providing an improvement over the original specification

Musical Fidelity M6x Dac / Neuentwicklung / Reference Dac / Euro 2399,--

End: 18.06. 2023 18:15:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 1610.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 354832752785
  • Bids: 30
  • Seller: vip-exklusiv (2008|99.2%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Albstadt Deutschland
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Neue Webseite unter Audition6Musical Fidelity M6x DACNeuentwicklungJuni/Juli 2023 !!!Farbe schwarz / black oder silber / silverWird beim deutschen Vertrieb geordert.Will be ordered from the German distributor. UVP: Euro 2399,-- Zum Verkauf kommt der nagelneue Musical Fidelity M6x Dac des renommierten Herstellers.Lesen Sie auch den phänomenalen Testbericht in der STEREO Ausgabe 07/2022.Wird für Sie geordert. Evtl. etwas Lieferzeit einplanen.Will be ordered for you. Maybe some waiting time.Einmalige Chance. M6xiDAC – Übersicht Der M6xiDAC ist ein erneuter Meilenstein in der langen Ahnenreihe bahnbrechender Digital/Analog-Wandler von MUSICAL FIDELITY. Sein Vorgänger, der M6siDAC, war einer der ersten D/A-Wandler, der die sagenumwobene und international vielfach preisgekrönte ESS 32-Bit HyperStream II DAC-Architektur verwendete. Er wurde von der internationalen Fachpresse unter anderem als der beste Digital-/Analog- Wandler der Welt gerühmt. Beim Modell M6sRiDAC wurde die Benutzung von DSD vereinfacht und er hatte als erster D/A-Wandler von MUSICAL FIDELITY die zertifizierte volle Roon-Funktionalität. Der neue M6xiDAC geht diesen Weg nun konsequent weiter. Neue Wandlerbausteine, die doppelt und damit kanalgetrennt verwendet werden sowie ein völlig neues Bedienkonzept, das Ihnen bisher ungeahnte Möglichkeiten an die Hand gibt, machen den M6xiDAC zu einem der ambitioniertesten Digital/Analog-Wandler unserer Zeit. Erleben Sie Ihre digitalen Quellen vollkommen neu und entdecken Sie, wie musikalisch digitale Musik klingen kann. M6xiDAC – Merkmale ? 5 digitale Eingänge ? 2x optisch Toslink ? 1x elektrisch S/P-Diff ? 1x AES/EBU ? 1x USB-B ? vollsymmetrische Signalverarbeitung ? kanalgetrennte Digital-Analog-Wandlung ? High-Resolution bis 32 Bit / 768 kHz oder DSD 512 ? Roon-tested ? MQA-Dekodierung ? symmetrische (XLR) und asymmetrische (RCA) Analogausgänge ? Vorverstärkerfunktion schaltbar ? Kopfhörerverstärker ? 8 Digitalfilter schaltbar ? Upsampling an/ausschaltbar ? elegantes und solides Gehäuse M6xiDAC – der Digital/Analog-Wandler Die hervorragenden Erfahrungen mit den Sabre-ESS-Schaltkreisen haben die Ingenieure bei MUSICAL FIDELITY dazu veranlasst, die brandneuen ICs vom Typ ES9038Q2M einzusetzen. Der M6xiDAC verwendet davon zwei Exemplare im Dual-Differential-Modus. Dies ermöglicht ein lupenreines Dual-Mono-Design – also eine hundertprozentige Kanaltrennung schon auf der digitalen Seite. Unter Einbeziehung eines Time-Domain- Jitter-Eliminator führt dies zu bisher nicht gekannten Messergebnissen, was sowohl Zeitgenauigkeit als auch dynamische Präzision und Verzerrungsarmut betrifft. Beispielhaft sei hier die Kanaltrennung von über 130 dB bei Vollaussteuerung erwähnt. Für MUSICAL FIDELITY war das Reclocking und Upsampling der ankommenden digitalen Signale immer der Königsweg, zu klanglich hervorragenden Ergebnissen zu kommen. Dies vor allem im Hinblick darauf, dass viele digitale Signallieferanten nicht immer ein hundertprozentig einwandfreies Signal liefern - sei es TV, Mini-Disc oder andere, nicht auf höchste Klanqualität optimierte Quellen. In jüngster Zeit gibt es aber, betreffend der angelieferten Signalqualität, auf Seite der Digitalquellen auffällige Verbesserungen. M6xiDAC – der Digital/Analog-Wandler So bietet der M6xiDAC nun die Möglichkeit, die Neutaktung und das Hochrechnen der Daten gezielt mit Hilfe der 8 eingebauten Filtereinstellungen zu nutzen. So können Sie für jede Quelle frei entscheiden und die Digital/Analog-Wandlung ganz nach Ihren Wünschen konfigurieren. Digitalfilter Der M6xiDAC ermöglicht eine detaillierte Abstimmung des Audioerlebnisses. Er ist mit mehreren voreingestellten Rekonstruktionsfiltern ausgestattet. Diese Anpassungsfähigkeit des M6xiDAC macht ihn zu einem leistungsstarken Werkzeug für Musikliebhaber, die ihre Musiksammlung neu entdecken wollen. Wählen Sie zwischen den verschiedenen digitalen Filtern und passen Sie die Wiedergabe an Ihre klanglichen Vorlieben oder an Ihr HiFi-Setup an. So kann der M6xiDAC wie ein professionelles Werkzeug für den erfahrenen Benutzer verwendet werden. Eine Auflistung und Erläuterung der Digitalfilter finden Sie auf der nächsten Seite. Filter 1: Filter 2: Filter 3: Filter 4: Filter 5: Filter 6: Filter 7: Filter 8: Digitalfilter Linear phase fast roll off - Das gebräuchlichste Filter mit sauberer Gesamtfilterung. Bestens geeignet für hochtonreiche Musik. Linear phase slow roll off - Niedrige Gruppenverzögerung - und symmetrische Eingangsantwort. Weniger Verzerrungen und druckvollerer Bass als Filter 1. Minimum phase fast roll off - Minimales Vorschwingen. Optimal für räumliche Tiefe des Klanggeschehens. Kein Aliasing im Frequenzbereich. Stärkerer Bass als linearphasige Filter, saubere Höhen. Minimum phase slow roll off - Nicht symmetrischer Filter, der entwickelt wurde, um das Vorschwingen zu minimieren. Starker, druckvoller Bass mit guten Einschwingvorgängen. Apodizing fast roll off - Eine Version des Linearphasen-Fast-Roll-Off-Filters, die optimiert wurde, um das Vorschwingen zu minimieren. Hybrid fast roll off - Eine Kombination aus Linearphase und Minimalphase. Schneller Einschwingvorgang, starker, druckvoller Bass, knackige Höhen. Brick wall - Eines der frühesten Designs, das für die höchstmögliche Filterung mit hoher Signal-Verzögerung und Vorschwingen vorgesehen ist. Linearphasige, klare, saubere Höhen. Oversampling bypass - Der Oversampling-FIR-Filter, der für die 7 oben genannten Voreinstellungen verwendet wird, wird umgangen und die Quelldaten werden auf 352,8 kHz/384 kHz hochgesampelt. Die 16-Core-XMOS- und CPLD-MAX-II-Altera-Prozessoren sorgen dafür, dass immer genug Rechenkapazität für alle Wandler-Operationen, die digitalen Filter und die MQA- Verarbeitung vorhanden ist. Der USB-Class-2.0-Eingang nimmt PCM-Abtastraten von bis zu 768 kHz und 32 Bit an. Die DSD-Unterstützung geht bis DSD256 über DoP und nativ bis DSD512. Die S/PDIF- Eingänge akzeptieren Stereo-PCM-Sampleraten bis zu 192 kHz / 24 Bit bei voller MQA- Unterstützung! M6xiDAC – Das Platinenlayout Digital-Analog-Wandler stellen im Vergleich zu analogen Verstärkern ihre eigenen Design- Herausforderungen. Digitale und analoge Schaltkreise haben ihre je eigenen elektronischen Anforderungen. Dem trägt MUSICAL FIDELITY schon immer durch ein cleveres Platinenlayout Rechnung - ohne Eitelkeiten für ein auffälliges Board-Design nur um der Optik wegen. Design und Layout werden gezielt für jede Anwendung maßgeschneidert. Dabei wird gleichermaßen auf hervorragende Messwerte und klangliche Gesichtspunkte geachtet. M6xiDAC – Die Ausgänge Ausgangsseitig nimmt der M6xiDAC Kontakt per Cinch/RCA und XLR mit den nachfolgenden Geräten auf. Die Ausgangsstufen für die symmetrischen und die asymmetrischen Ausgänge sind beim M6xiDAC getrennt gepuffert, was auch einen gleichzeitigen Anschluss beider Verbindungsarten erlaubt. Beide Ausgangsstufen sind von überragender Audioqualität mit geringstem Rauschen und, wenn vom Signal gefordert, großer Ausgangsspannung sowie Stromlieferfähigkeit. Dabei resultieren die hervorragende Verstärkungsbandbreite und die sehr schnelle Anstiegsgeschwindigkeit in Verzerrungen an der Messbarkeitsgrenze. Die Ausgangs- verstärkung ist großzügig dimensioniert und kann dank Ihrer niedrigen Ausgangsimpedanz auch längere Kabel mühelos treiben. M6xiDAC – Der Vorverstärker Die Ausgänge können sowohl ein Fixpegel- als auch ein lautstärkegeregeltes Vorverstärkersignal ausgeben. Dies können Sie mit einem Tastendruck wählen. Somit können neben klassischen Stereoanlagen auch Aktiv-Lautsprecher oder Endverstärker direkt angeschlossen werden. M6xiDAC – Die Stromversorgung Der M6xiDAC präsentiert MUSICAL FIDELITYS neueste Entwicklung in Sachen Stromversorgung der Audioschaltkreise: den Super-Silent-Power-Transformer. So wird der Strom am Netzeingang mit einem EMI-Filter und einem DC-Blocker auf seine audiophile Aufgabe vorbereitet. Dies verhindert Interferenzen und eliminiert Transformatorbrummen auf höchst effektive Weise schon am Netzeingang. Der gekapselte Ringkerntransformator mit niedriger Kernsättigung ist für hochanspruchsvolle Audioanwendungen optimiert und aufgrund der extrem geringen elektromagnetischen Strahlung perfekt für digitales Audio. M6xiDAC – Der Kopfhörerverstärker Der eingebaute Kopfhörerverstärker ist von besonderer technischer wie klanglicher Güte. Er ermöglicht es Ihnen, die herausragenden Qualitäten des M6xiDAC direkt und ohne Umwege mit Ihren Kopfhörern zu genießen. So sind besondere Setups, in denen Lautsprecher gar nicht vorgesehen sind, ohne weitere Zusatzgeräte realisierbar. Die sehr hohe Ausgangsleistung treibt jeden Kopfhörer zu seiner maximal möglichen Performance. Die Strom-Rückkopplungs-AB-Architektur des eingebauten Kopfhörerverstärkers arbeitet mit hoher Bandbreite, extrem niedrigem Rauschen und einem Dynamikbereich von bis zu 128 dB. Die für MUSICAL FIDELITY typische hohe Stromlieferfähigkeit verhindert dabei ein Eigenleben der Kopfhörermembran und reduziert somit Verzerrungen gerader und ungerader Ordnung. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht sie dem Verstärker, schnell und linear zu reagieren – auch wenn plötzlich große Mengen an Ausgangsleistung benötigt werden. Dies eliminiert gezielt jegliches Grundrauschen der Schaltung und verbessert den Signal- Rausch-Abstand dramatisch. Der leistungsunabhängige Frequenzgang ermöglicht Ihnen die Nutzung der vollen Bandbreite des Verstärkers bei jeder Lautstärkeeinstellung. M6xiDAC – Das Gehäuse Die mechanische Konstruktion ist, wie Sie es von MUSICAL FIDELITY gewohnt sind, kompromisslos starr und solide – bei gleichzeitiger zeitloser Eleganz. Alle Bauteile und Materialien sind von ausgesuchter Qualität. Die Frontplatte besteht aus 10 mm starkem Aluminium und wird aus dem vollen Material gefräst. Dabei macht der M6xiDAC nicht nur äußerlich einen unverwüstlichen Eindruck. Die bewährte Konstruktion, die sich ästhetisch nahtlos in die Geräteserien aus dem Hause MUSICAL FIDELITY einreiht, schützt sein Inneres vor elektromagnetischen Feldern. Der Verzicht auf ein großes Display auf der Frontplatte verstärkt diesen Effekt, da der dafür nötige Ausschnitt nur ein Einfallstor für solcherlei Störungen darstellen würde. Die Anschlüsse sind von erlesener Qualität und bieten sowohl mechanisch wie elektrisch beste Kontaktsicherheit. M6xiDAC – Der Klang MUSICAL FIDELITY: um der Musik willen! Nachdem wir die technischen Aspekte des M6xiDAC betrachtet haben, wenden wir den Blick auf das Wesentliche: das musikalische Erlebnis. Alle konstruktiven Details, mit bahnbrechenden technischen Parametern, haben nur ein Ziel: eine Klangqualität voller Anmut, Mühelosigkeit und Transparenz. Mit all diesen Mitteln vermittelt der M6xiDAC Ihnen ein greifbares Gefühl für den Aufnahmeort. Die Musiker werden holografisch und mit spürbarer Präsenz in Ihr Wohnzimmer versetzt. Musikpuristen, die das hypnotische Gefühl der Kommunikation zwischen Publikum und Künstler spüren möchten, werden mit dem M6xiDAC fündig – die Suche hat ein Ende. Durch die vielfältigen Einstellmöglichkeiten der Digitalfilter, des Reclocking und des Upsamplings haben Sie die Möglichkeit die klanglichen Qualitäten des M6xiDAC gezielt Ihren Wünschen anzupassen - ein leistungsstarkes musikalisches Werkzeug. Entdecken Sie Ihre Lieblingsmusik völlig neu und erkunden Sie, ob Sie mit den verschiedenen Einstellparametern vielleicht noch tiefer ins musikalische Geschehen hineingezogen werden. Vertrauen Sie auf die jahrzehntelange Erfahrung von MUSICAL FIDELITY und erleben Sie Kraft, Dynamik und höchste Musikalität. DAC StructureSample rate converter: SRC4392 up-sampling data to 192kHzDigital to Analogue converter: PCM1795 32 bit / 192kHz Multi-bit Sigma-Delta typePerformanceOutput Voltage: 2 Volts RMS single-ended (RCA)Output Voltage: 4 Volts RMS balanced (XLR)PCM THD: <0.002%PCM THD(+ noise): <0.003%DSD THD: <0.003%DSD THD(+ noise): <0.006%PCM Frequency Response: –3dB, 2Hz to 90kHzPCM Frequency Response: –3dB, 2Hz to 40kHzChannel Separation: -110dBCapabilitiesCoaxial Inputs: S/PDIF up to 24 bit / 192kHzOptical Inputs: S/PDIF up to 24 bit / 192kHzUSB Input: USB Audio Class 2 requires USB 2.0 or higherUSB Data Transfer: Asynchronous with DSD DOP 64/128 supportInputs2x RCA coaxial connector SPDIF2x TOSLINK optical connector1x USB type B connectorOutputs1x line level RCA (single-ended)1x XLR Male sockets (balanced) to EIA RS-297-AGeneralDimensions - WxHxD (mm): 220 x 53 x 215Weight (unpacked / packed): 1.9Kg / 2.4KgPower Consumption: <0.25 Watts standby, <1 Watt max.Supplied Accessories1x 5v / 2A DC power supply (90-250VAC universal worldwide supply)Windows driver CDUser manual

MUSICAL FIDELITY X-ACT DAC convertisseur numérique vers Analogique

End: 17.06. 2023 18:59:47 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166163496503
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gericombir (951|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pfastatt Frankreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Le DAC MUSICAL FIDELITY X-ACT (Digital to Analog Converter) permet de convertir le signal numérique (binaire) en signal analogique (musical). Il fait ainsi lintermédiaire entre vos sources numériques (transport réseau, transport CD, ordinateur, …) et votre amplificateur. Un DAC haut de gamme permet de retrouver tout le naturel et la fluidité dune source purement analogique. Il convient de vérifier les formats et les taux déchantillonnage pris en charge par le DAC Hifi afin quil puisse convertir tous les formats de musique haute résolution souhaités... superbe son sur lecteur cd avec sortis optique ou coaxial...le son anglais dans toutes ça splendeur SpecificationsDigital converter: 18 bit, 8 x oversamplingDigital Inputs: Coaxial, OpticalSampling Frequency: 32, 44, 48kHzFrequency response: 20Hz to 20kHzSignal to Noise Ratio: 105dBTotal harmonic distortion: 0.05%Dimensions: 110 x 110 x 220mmWeight: 2kgidem Vincent, Kef, Sony, Technics, Atoll, Copland, Jbl, Synthesis, Cello, Viola, Mark Levinson, Roksan, Metaxas, Goldmund, Dynavector audio, Technica, Linn, Accuphase, Magico, Alnico, Plinius, Audiomat, Revel, Boston, Luxman, Harbeth, STENHIEM ALUMINE, Triangle, Altec, Goto, Conrad Johnson, Esoteric, Vpi, Proac, Mbl, Mulidine, Nakamichi, Manley, Rega, Radford, Sansui, Sae, B&W, Pioneer, Bowers & Wilkins, Imf, Cabasse, Jmlab, Focal, JMR, Klipsch, McIntosh, Cyrius, JMR, BC Acoustique, Electrocompaniet, Micromega, Marantz, Denon, Onkyo, Rogers , Audio Research, Acoustic Research, Advance Acoustic, Krell, Sonos, Jadis, Moon, Bel Canto, Devialet, Perreaux, Emotiva, Tannoy, Gryphon,Rotel, Thorens, Bose,NAD, Harman kardon, Yamaha...

Musical Fidelity MX-DAC

End: 16.06. 2023 16:03:58 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 233.14 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 185944116365
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: siouxsie1970 (839|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Oldham Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 48,92 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity MX-DAC. Had for about a year or so not really used. In very good condition although box is a bit tatty.

UPGRADE POWER SUPPLY FOR up to 3 Musical Fidelity X Valve Preamps, Dacs, HPA etc

End: 15.06. 2023 22:25:11 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 174.04 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285318157612
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: vold21 (5102|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY


End: 15.06. 2023 22:12:26 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 146.01 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285318148242
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: vold21 (5102|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 33,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for Musical Fidelity Valve X Series Ver3 and Ver 8 This is high quality power developed especially for use with X series Version 3 and 8 family of audio gears from Musical Fidelity.The PSU provides highly stable and purified AC voltage output of 24 (12-0-12) volt, exactly as specified for the X Series devices from Musical fidelity in V3 and V8 editions This psu is suitable for ALL VERSION 3 X Series VALVE ITEMS:X10D ver3XDac ver 3XLps ver3XCan ver3AND FOR 2 OF VERSION 8 X Series VALVE ITEMS: XLps V8 and XCans V8 but not suitable for some V8 models, like X-Ray or X-plora - please ask if you are in doubt Please note that similar PSU to be used with Musical Fidelity Ver.1 and 2 (AC 12 V) audio items likeX-10D valve bufferX-DACs (all models)X-PreampX-ToneX-LP and Lps phono stagesX-CAN headphone amplifiers - in it V1 and V2 editions.ARE PRESENTED IN OUR PARALLEL AUCTIONS please have a look there or ask about suitability for your system if you are in doubt PSU presented in the auction capable built with very high audio grade power toroidal transformer and has 3 times more output power that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the deviceslisted above as well as many other types where AC 24 Volt is power requirement.Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item. The PSU is assembled in solid aluminium frame marched aestetically with X series from Musical Fidelity.This is not an universal power supply adopted for audio gears, but dedicated and especially developed for use with Musical Fidelity X series V3 power source.In particular, not just output voltage is matched, but output impedance and regulation characteristics are tuned optimal for the best sonic results when paired with Musical Fidelity audio equipment.This item is to be supplied with 70 cm power cable to connect to a musical Fidelity item.If you wish this cable of another length or extra IEC mains cable (free of charge) please let us know by message. Delivery and possible return.This player will be supplied with replacement remote control,. Shipping cost of £9 quoted is related to UK mainland destinations only and includes insurance. Could be shipped any other location worldwide, but, please, ask for quotation before bidding if you are outside the UK mainland. We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Overseas delivery could cost from £29 (USA, China) to £45(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days. Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side.


End: 15.06. 2023 22:00:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 144.84 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285318138590
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: vold21 (5102|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 33,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to bid for high quality linear Power Supply Unit for MUSICAL FIDELITY MX DAC The PSU provides highly stable and purified 5 V DC voltage output , exactly as specified for MX DAC PSU presented in the auction provides far better quality power with higher output current than the original power adaptor and improves sonic performance of any Musical Fidelity MX DACSonic effect is more transparent and pleasant to hear sound, deep and persuasive bass range, totally undistorted and low noise sound reproduction Included DC cable with connector for MX DAC(4 mm plug)The psu available with silver front panel. We do not include IEC mains power cable, but if you need one please let me know and I will send it. We deliver worldwide with tracked airmail and combine shipments for lower postage cost. Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side.


End: 15.06. 2023 22:00:29 on Thursday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 134.33 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285318138591
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: vold21 (5102|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 26,77 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for Musical Fidelity X Series Devices with Valve OutputThis is high quality power developed especially for use with X series of audio gears from Musical Fidelity.The PSU provides highly stable and purified AC voltage output of 12-13 volt (for V1 and V2) the following devices from Musical fidelityX Cans headphone amplifiers in V1 and V2 X LP and LPS phono preamplifiersX Pre preamplifierX 10D valve BufferX-Tone preamplifierand many other models, please just ask if you are in doubt or your model is not listedPSU presented in the auction provides 3 times more power that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the deviceslisted above as well as many other types where AC 12 Volt is power requirement. Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item. The PSU is assembled in solid aluminium frame matched aestetically with X series of Musical Fidelity.Please refer to pictures where examples of use with X Act, X can v2 and X10D shownbut note that these Musical Fidelity devices are not included to this auction The Auction includes one power supply and one low voltage interconnect cable only.We can send you an IEC mains cable for this psu if you need one, let us know please PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE SIMILAR PSU for Ver 3 and Ver 8 audio devices by Musical Fidelity.It is presented in our parallel auction, please have a look there or just send us your question. Delivery and possible return.This player will be supplied with replacement remote control,. Shipping cost of £10 quoted is related to UK mainland destinations only and includes insurance. Could be shipped any other location worldwide, but, please, ask for quotation before bidding if you are outside the UK mainland. We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Shipping cost of £18 quoted is initial estimation for EU only.Overseas delivery could cost from £30 (USA, China) to £45(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days. Unfortunately we can not ship to Vietnam, Russia and Ukraine. Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side.

Musical Fidelity MXDAC Digital to Analog Converter - Black

End: 13.06. 2023 12:47:20 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 318.25 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 364288607998
  • Seller: brimike1953 (33|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: West Drayton Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 6,85 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity MXDAC Digital to Analog Converter - Black. mint condition purchased in April 2023 as opened but never usednow have integrated dac ; is all packaged carefully and ready to be despatched ;thank you for taking the time to look ;

MUSICAL FIDELITY X-ACT DAC convertisseur numérique vers Analogique

End: 10.06. 2023 18:43:22 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166146952091
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gericombir (948|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pfastatt Frankreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 8,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Le DAC MUSICAL FIDELITY X-ACT (Digital to Analog Converter) permet de convertir le signal numérique (binaire) en signal analogique (musical). Il fait ainsi lintermédiaire entre vos sources numériques (transport réseau, transport CD, ordinateur, …) et votre amplificateur. Un DAC haut de gamme permet de retrouver tout le naturel et la fluidité dune source purement analogique. Il convient de vérifier les formats et les taux déchantillonnage pris en charge par le DAC Hifi afin quil puisse convertir tous les formats de musique haute résolution souhaités... superbe son sur lecteur cd avec sortis optique ou coaxial...le son anglais dans toutes ça splendeur SpecificationsDigital converter: 18 bit, 8 x oversamplingDigital Inputs: Coaxial, OpticalSampling Frequency: 32, 44, 48kHzFrequency response: 20Hz to 20kHzSignal to Noise Ratio: 105dBTotal harmonic distortion: 0.05%Dimensions: 110 x 110 x 220mmWeight: 2kgidem Vincent, Kef, Sony, Technics, Atoll, Copland, Jbl, Synthesis, Cello, Viola, Mark Levinson, Roksan, Metaxas, Goldmund, Dynavector audio, Technica, Linn, Accuphase, Magico, Alnico, Plinius, Audiomat, Revel, Boston, Luxman, Harbeth, STENHIEM ALUMINE, Triangle, Altec, Goto, Conrad Johnson, Esoteric, Vpi, Proac, Mbl, Mulidine, Nakamichi, Manley, Rega, Radford, Sansui, Sae, B&W, Pioneer, Bowers & Wilkins, Imf, Cabasse, Jmlab, Focal, JMR, Klipsch, McIntosh, Cyrius, JMR, BC Acoustique, Electrocompaniet, Micromega, Marantz, Denon, Onkyo, Rogers , Audio Research, Acoustic Research, Advance Acoustic, Krell, Sonos, Jadis, Moon, Bel Canto, Devialet, Perreaux, Emotiva, Tannoy, Gryphon,Rotel, Thorens, Bose,NAD, Harman kardon, Yamaha...

Musical Fidelity MX-DAC DAC Uni Black hardly Used Boxed

End: 08.06. 2023 11:59:23 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 406.16 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295732449813
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: paint*cat (591|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Wakefield Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 10,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity MX-DAC DAC Uni Black hardly Used Boxed. Had this for a couple of years rarely used for a second system which I never got around to finishing. Fantastic condition with box Manuel and all accessories.


End: 05.06. 2023 21:40:08 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 134.35 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285295196631
  • Seller: vold21 (5104|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 31,13 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for Musical Fidelity X Series Devices with Valve OutputThis is high quality power developed especially for use with X series of audio gears from Musical Fidelity.The PSU provides highly stable and purified AC voltage output of 12-13 volt (for V1 and V2) the following devices from Musical fidelityX Cans headphone amplifiers in V1 and V2 X LP and LPS phono preamplifiersX Pre preamplifierX 10D valve BufferX-Tone preamplifierand many other models, please just ask if you are in doubt or your model is not listedPSU presented in the auction provides 3 times more power that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the deviceslisted above as well as many other types where AC 12 Volt is power requirement. Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item. The PSU is assembled in solid aluminium frame matched aestetically with X series of Musical Fidelity.Please refer to pictures where examples of use with X Act, X can v2 and X10D shownbut note that these Musical Fidelity devices are not included to this auction The Auction includes one power supply and one low voltage interconnect cable only.We can send you an IEC mains cable for this psu if you need one, let us know please PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE SIMILAR PSU for Ver 3 and Ver 8 audio devices by Musical Fidelity.It is presented in our parallel auction, please have a look there or just send us your question. Delivery and possible return.Shipping cost of £10 quoted is related to UK mainland destinations only and includes insurance. Could be shipped any other location worldwide, but, please, ask for quotation before bidding if you are outside the UK mainland. We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Shipping cost of £18 quoted is initial estimation for EU only.Overseas delivery could cost from £30 (USA, China) to £45(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days.


End: 05.06. 2023 21:40:05 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 139.54 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285292490240
  • Seller: vold21 (5104|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 9,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for Musical Fidelity X Series Ver 3 and Ver 8DACs and Preamps with Valve Output This is high quality power developed especially for use with X series Version 3 and Version 8 family of audio gears from Musical Fidelity.The PSU provides highly stable and purified AC voltage output of 24 (12-0-12) volt, exactly as specified for the following devices from Musical fidelityX10D V3 Valve BufferX Cans V3X DAC V3 DacX LPS V3 Phono Stage Preamplifiersuitable for V8 models XLps V8 and XCans V8but not suitable for some V8 models, like X-Ray or X-plora - please ask if you are in doubt Please note that similar PSU to be used with Musical Fidelity Ver.1 and Ver 2 (AC 12 V) audio items likeX-10D valve bufferX-DACs (all models)X-PreampX-LP phono stageX-CAN headphone amplifiers - in it V1 and V2 editions. PRESENTED IN OUR PARALLEL AUCTION please have a look there or ask about suitability for your system if you are in doubt PSU presented in the auction capable built with very high audio grade 30W power toroidal transformer and has 3 times more output power that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the deviceslisted above as well as many other types where AC 24 Volt is power requirement.Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item. The PSU is assembled in solid aluminium frame matched aestetically with X series from Musical Fidelity.This is not an universal power supply adopted for audio gears, but dedicated and especially developed for use with Musical Fidelity X series V3 power source.In particular, not just output voltage is matched, but output impedance and regulation characteristics are tuned optimal for the best sonic results when paired with Musical Fidelity audio equipment.We show connection of this PSU to X10D V3 in few pictures as example of use, but this the X10 is not included and shown for illustration onlyMains cable is not normally included, but please let us know if you need one to be sent with the psu, we will supply it. Delivery and possible return.This player will be supplied with replacement remote control,. Shipping cost of £10 quoted is related to UK mainland destinations only and includes insurance. Could be shipped any other location worldwide, but, please, ask for quotation before bidding if you are outside the UK mainland. We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Shipping cost of £19 quoted is initial estimation for EU only.Overseas delivery could cost from £36 (USA, China) to £30(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days. Unfortunately we can not ship to Vietnam and Ukraine. Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side.


End: 05.06. 2023 21:39:33 on Monday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 134.85 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 285292490237
  • Seller: vold21 (5104|99.6%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: London, London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 26,5 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Welcome to bid for Premium Power Supply Unit for Musical Fidelity X Series Devices with Valve OutputThis is high quality power developed especially for use with X series of audio gears from Musical Fidelity.The PSU provides highly stable and purified AC voltage output of 12-13 volt (for V1 and V2) the following devices from Musical fidelityX Cans headphone amplifiers in V1 and V2 X LP and LPS phono preamplifiersX Pre preamplifierX 10D valve BufferX-Tone preamplifierand many other models, please just ask if you are in doubt or your model is not listedPSU presented in the auction provides 3 times more power that the original wall adaptor and improves sonic performance of the deviceslisted above as well as many other types where AC 12 Volt is power requirement. Please ask if you are in doubt relating suitability of this PSU with your particular item. The PSU is assembled in solid aluminium frame matched aestetically with X series of Musical Fidelity.Please refer to pictures where examples of use with X Act, X can v2 and X10D shownbut note that these Musical Fidelity devices are not included to this auction The Auction includes one power supply and one low voltage interconnect cable only.We can send you an IEC mains cable for this psu if you need one, let us know please PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE SIMILAR PSU for Ver 3 and Ver 8 audio devices by Musical Fidelity.It is presented in our parallel auction, please have a look there or just send us your question. Delivery and possible return.This player will be supplied with replacement remote control,. Shipping cost of £10 quoted is related to UK mainland destinations only and includes insurance. Could be shipped any other location worldwide, but, please, ask for quotation before bidding if you are outside the UK mainland. We combine shipments, just ask if you buy more than one item. In particular, any cable presented in our auctions, if purchased, will be sent with this item without extra postage. Please, note that we ship in 5 days after he payment is cleared, please allow some extra time for delivery. Attention of International bidders: we will be pleased to ship worldwide. Shipping cost of £18 quoted is initial estimation for EU only.Overseas delivery could cost from £30 (USA, China) to £45(Australia, South America) We charge an actual minimal for international shipment, please, ask for quotation before bidding to be sure. Please, note that overseas delivery can take up to 12 working days. Unfortunately we can not ship to Vietnam, Russia and Ukraine. Item is fully tested and return is accepted within 2 week after delivery and exclusively in shape as it was shipped, i.e. perfect working condition. In this case 100% of auction price and shipment cost will be refunded. Return of nonworking, damaged or scratched item is not accepted and will be not refunded. Return shipment cost is on Buyer’s side.

Musical Fidelity X-Dac - Upgraded and serviced

End: 05.06. 2023 18:00:03 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 571.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 275864903576
  • Seller: studiosound1 (74|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Blackpool Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 34,59 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity X-DAC Complete with expensive quality interconnects Has Power supply and Clock Oscillator upgrade providing an improvement over the original specification

MUSICAL FIDELITY X-ACT DAC convertisseur numérique vers Analogique

End: 03.06. 2023 17:52:53 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 130.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 166129113841
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: gericombir (948|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pfastatt Frankreich
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Le DAC MUSICAL FIDELITY X-ACT (Digital to Analog Converter) permet de convertir le signal numérique (binaire) en signal analogique (musical). Il fait ainsi lintermédiaire entre vos sources numériques (transport réseau, transport CD, ordinateur, …) et votre amplificateur. Un DAC haut de gamme permet de retrouver tout le naturel et la fluidité dune source purement analogique. Il convient de vérifier les formats et les taux déchantillonnage pris en charge par le DAC Hifi afin quil puisse convertir tous les formats de musique haute résolution souhaités... superbe son sur lecteur cd avec sortis optique ou coaxial...le son anglais dans toutes ça splendeur SpecificationsDigital converter: 18 bit, 8 x oversamplingDigital Inputs: Coaxial, OpticalSampling Frequency: 32, 44, 48kHzFrequency response: 20Hz to 20kHzSignal to Noise Ratio: 105dBTotal harmonic distortion: 0.05%Dimensions: 110 x 110 x 220mmWeight: 2kgidem Vincent, Kef, Sony, Technics, Atoll, Copland, Jbl, Synthesis, Cello, Viola, Mark Levinson, Roksan, Metaxas, Goldmund, Dynavector audio, Technica, Linn, Accuphase, Magico, Alnico, Plinius, Audiomat, Revel, Boston, Luxman, Harbeth, STENHIEM ALUMINE, Triangle, Altec, Goto, Conrad Johnson, Esoteric, Vpi, Proac, Mbl, Mulidine, Nakamichi, Manley, Rega, Radford, Sansui, Sae, B&W, Pioneer, Bowers & Wilkins, Imf, Cabasse, Jmlab, Focal, JMR, Klipsch, McIntosh, Cyrius, JMR, BC Acoustique, Electrocompaniet, Micromega, Marantz, Denon, Onkyo, Rogers , Audio Research, Acoustic Research, Advance Acoustic, Krell, Sonos, Jadis, Moon, Bel Canto, Devialet, Perreaux, Emotiva, Tannoy, Gryphon,Rotel, Thorens, Bose,NAD, Harman kardon, Yamaha...

Musical Fidelity MX-Dac, convertitore di altissima qualitá, suona come R2R

End: 01.06. 2023 11:41:06 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 400.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256091259526
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: xxxnero (165|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Roma Italien
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 25,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity MX-Dac, convertitore di altissima qualitá, suona come R2R. In splendide condizioni. Perfettamente funzionante, completo di imballi ed alimentatore originale.Uno dei migliori dac in circolazione, costruito come un carro armato. Completamente in alluminio.

Musical Fidelity X-Can v8 DAC/Amplificatore cuffie valvolare

End: 31.05. 2023 19:53:22 on Wednesday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 0.01 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 125953037171
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: inomad64 (176|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Genova Italien
  • Ships to: Worldwide
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    DAC/Amplificatore cuffie Musical Fidelity X-Can v8 valvolare. Ingressi Line In RCA, USB B 1.1 (supporta audio in Alta Risoluzione fino a 24/48) Uscite: doppia cuffia jack 6.35mm, Line Out RCA Completo di alimentatore esterno artigianale. Manuale istruzioni:

Musical Fidelity X-PSU power supply with X-LPS phono stage and X-24K DAC

End: 28.05. 2023 20:00:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 346.87 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 295701636171
  • Bids: 25
  • Seller: idealaudio_uk (2754|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Warrington Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 18,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity X-PSU power supply with X-LPS phono stage and X-24K DAC Tested and fully operational Preowned good condition with blemishes to fascia that can be seen in the images provided Free UK post, international shipping via eBay GSP

Musical Fidelity MX-DAC - High quality audiophile DAC RRP £629 - 99p start!

End: 28.05. 2023 18:23:54 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 308.73 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 185907832161
  • Bids: 20
  • Seller: desertduck68 (1894|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Ealing, West London Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 6,75 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Musical Fidelity MX-DAC - High quality audiophile DAC RRP £629 - 99p start!. Hi and welcome to my auction for this excellent Musical Fidelity Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC). This is a high performance DAC from one of the first hifi DAC manufacturers, with 2 optical inputs, 2 coaxial inputs and asynchronous USB input (24B/192kHz). DSD 64/128 kHz also supported. If you want more detail and separation in your music, then you need to move away from the built in standard DACs in your CD player or Amp and enhance your music with a high quality external DAC like the Musical Fidelity MX-DAC. Great for connecting a CD player and getting true Hi-res playback or add a good quality BT receiver (I used an Audioengine B1 (not incl.) - and can definitely recommend this as my favourite of many I have tried) via the optical connection for high quality accessible Bluetooth streaming of your favourite streaming services. This DAC has 4 digital inputs, so you can connect many different digital sources. It also has USB input for connection to your computer. On the output side, you can use the standard RCAs or if you have a compatible amplifier you can improve things even further by connecting via the Balanced Outputs. It is a mid-size unit, so wont take up to much space I your hi-fi configuration. (see dimensions below). This DAC has plenty of 5 star reviews. As you will see form the pics, the DAC is excellent condition, with a very clean fascia and clean casework. It comes with original power supply and printed instruction manual. General- Dimensions (WHD): 220 x 53 x 215mm- Weight: 1.9kg (unpacked) Postage is only to standard UK addresses (no remote Uk locations) and no international bidders. Thanks. Manufacturer information: Product DescriptionMusical Fidelity MX-DAC DSD is a multi-input digital-to-analogue converter that has USB connectivity, with support for DSD, low distortion and noise levels, excellent stereo separation as well as balanced outputs for premium grade systems.Low Noise, Low Distortion, Low JitterMusic Fidelity’s MX-DAC with DSD has a design that produces very low distortion, minimal noise and an ultra-wide bandwidth - it’s performance rivals many other DACS on the market. The jitter is estimated at 12pps while the signal to noise ratio is minus 116dB.Excellent Stereo SeparationThe MX-DAC DSD achieves excellent stereo separation, 0.2 decibel linearity, a flat frequency response and distortion under 0.00025% (at 1kHz) and under 0.0003% at (20kHz) all of which translates to state-of-the-art audio capability, which is immaculately implemented to ensure a fully neutral and precise D/A conversion of any digital input.MX DAC DSD ConnectionsThe MX-DAC DSD offers twin-coax inputs and dual optical inputs, all of which are up to 24bit 192kHz PCM. The asynchronous USB port also supports PCM format as well as DSD 64 and DSD 128. Every input from coax, optical or USB is processed in the DSD domain, which delivers warm and emotive tones to the audio that cant be replicated by simple digital conversion. The MX DAC supports both single ended and balanced outputs.Compact BuildThe MX DAC DSD is available in black or silver and is housed in a sturdy and solid housing that is manufactured from exclusive custom-made extrusions using military-spec aluminium. It’s compact design allows it to be placed in mot places without taking up to much space.Tech Specs- SRC4392: up sampling data to 192kHz- DAC: PCM1795 32 bit / 192kHz - Multi-bit Sigma-Delta type- Out Voltage: 2V RMS single (RCA)- Out Voltage: 4V RMS bal (XLR)- PCM THD/THD+N: <0.002%/ <0.003%- DSD THD/THD+N: <0.003%/ <0.006%- PCM Freq Response: –3dB, 2-90k Hz- PCM Freq Response: –3dB, 2-40k Hz- Channel Separation: -110dB- Coaxial: S/PDIF (upto 24bit/192kHz)- Optical: S/PDIF (upto 24bit/192kHz) Inputs: - 2x RCA coaxial SPDIF (stereo PCM)- 2x TOSLINK optical connector - 32-192 kbps (16-24 bit stereo PCM)- 1x USB type ‘B’ connector- Asynch: 24/192 PCM, DSD64, DSD128 Outputs: - Line level RCA (single-ended)- XLR Male (bal) to EIA RS-297-A