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1MORE Piston Classic Headset gold In-Ear Ohrhörer bügellos Kabelmikrofon Klinke

End: 01.02. 2025 11:35:01 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 8.9 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145864418570
  • Seller: price-guard (848030|98.4%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schönberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: EuropeanUnion
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    1MORE Piston Classic  Headset gold In-Ear Ohrhörer bügellos Kabelmikrofon Klinke17.12.2024 03:30:29 price-guard Price Guard 2 27.07.2020 10:58:21 1d3382aa8992 12 1MORE Piston Classic Headset gold In-Ear Ohrhörer bügellos Kabelmikrofon Klinke 168618%-2.U 0 0.0000 Harmonisches Klang und tolles Hörerlebnis. In-Ear Kopfhörer Headset - bügellos Kabelgebunden - 3,5 mm Stecker Integriertes Kabelmikrofon Fernbedienung - Lautstärkeregler mit Originalverpackung Retourengeräte, bestimmungsgemäß verwendet, technisch einwandfrei, mit minimalen Gebrauchsspuren, Kratzer möglich! 12 Monate Gewährleistung 1MORE Piston Classic  - Headset - gold 1MORE Piston Classic - HeadsetDer dynamische Driver bietet tiefe Bässe und kristallklaren Klang. Ergonomisches Design - abgeschrägtes Design das zum Gehörgang passt, angenehm zu tragen. Sorgfältig abgestimmt mit dem Grammy Awarded Recording Master für Hifi Musik. Intelligente Steuerungstechnologie - Fernbedienung und Mikrofon sind kompatibel mit Apple iOS und Android. 3 Sätze Silikon-Ohrhörer garantieren die richtige Passform. Allgemein Produkttyp: Ohrhörer - kabelgebunden - 3,5 mm Stecker Farbe: Gold Audioausgang Kopfhörer-Formfaktor: Im Ohr Anschlusstechnik: Kabelgebunden Soundmodus: Stereo Membran: PET MikrofonTyp: Kabel FernbedienungSteuerung: Lautstärkeregler VerbindungenAnschlusstyp: Kopfhörer (Miniphone-Stereo 3,5 mm 4-polig) In-Ear Kopfhörer Headset - bügellos Kabelgebunden - 3,5 mm Stecker Integriertes Kabelmikrofon Fernbedienung - Lautstärkeregler Toggle navigation 1300+ Handy & Smartphones 3 Andere Handys 40+ Apple 6 HTC 20+ Huawei 40+ Motorola 10+ Nokia 90+ Samsung 360+ Smartwatch & Fitness-Armband 730+ Handy - Zubehör 2900+ Elektronik 1440+ Computer 250+ Drucker & Scanner 30+ Festnetz, DSL & Internet 2 Gaming 410+ Home Entertainment 30+ Kabel & Adapter 90+ Kamera & Foto - Zubehör 30+ Navigationsgeräte 8 Navigations - Zubehör 70+ Sicherheitstechnik 150+ Tablet 80+ Tablet - Zubehör 290+ TV 1300+ Auto & Motorrad 220+ Auto- & KFZ-Teile 100+ Autopflege & Chemie 260+ Motorrad -Teile 780+ Nutzfahrzeuge 6 Werkzeug & Co. 500+ Outdoor 80+ Bekleidung 10+ Schuhe 150+ Camping 90+ Militär 80+ Sport 100+ Accessoires 4000+ Haus & Garten 270+ Beauty & Wellness & Fitness 390+ Garten 310+ Haushaltsausstattung 590+ Haushaltselektronik 130+ Haushaltselektronik Zubehör 800+ Haushaltsgeräte 1280+ Heimwerker & Werkzeug 2 Hobbybedarf 40+ Lampen & Leuchten 10+ Möbel & Wohnen 10+ Strom & Akku & Batterien 100+ Tierhaltung 300+ Spielzeug 50+ Autos & Fahrzeuge 10+ Baby & Kleinkinder 40+ Bauernhof 8 Baukästen & Konstruktion 3 Brett- & Gesellschaftsspiele 130+ Kinderfahrzeuge 60+ Kinderspielzeug 7 Spielgeräte 10+ Spielzeug für Draußen 3 Wasser 20+ Werkzeug & Werkbänke Weihnachtlich shoppen: Erweitertes Widerrufsrecht auf alle Angebote bis 13.01.2018 1MORE Piston Classic Headset gold In-Ear Ohrhörer bügellos Kabelmikrofon Klinke Harmonisches Klang und tolles Hörerlebnis. In-Ear Kopfhörer Headset - bügellos Kabelgebunden - 3,5 mm Stecker Integriertes Kabelmikrofon Fernbedienung - Lautstärkeregler In-Ear Kopfhörer Headset - bügellos Kabelgebunden - 3,5 mm Stecker Integriertes Kabelmikrofon Fernbedienung - Lautstärkeregler Beschreibung Technische Daten Zustand: mit Originalverpackung Retourengeräte, bestimmungsgemäß verwendet, technisch einwandfrei, mit minimalen Gebrauchsspuren, Kratzer möglich! 12 Monate Gewährleistung Lieferumfang: 1MORE Piston Classic  - Headset - gold 1MORE Piston Classic - HeadsetDer dynamische Driver bietet tiefe Bässe und kristallklaren Klang. Ergonomisches Design - abgeschrägtes Design das zum Gehörgang passt, angenehm zu tragen. Sorgfältig abgestimmt mit dem Grammy Awarded Recording Master für Hifi Musik. Intelligente Steuerungstechnologie - Fernbedienung und Mikrofon sind kompatibel mit Apple iOS und Android. 3 Sätze Silikon-Ohrhörer garantieren die richtige Passform. Art.-Nr.: 168618%-2.U Allgemein Produkttyp: Ohrhörer - kabelgebunden - 3,5 mm Stecker Farbe: Gold Audioausgang Kopfhörer-Formfaktor: Im Ohr Anschlusstechnik: Kabelgebunden Soundmodus: Stereo Membran: PET MikrofonTyp: Kabel FernbedienungSteuerung: Lautstärkeregler VerbindungenAnschlusstyp: Kopfhörer (Miniphone-Stereo 3,5 mm 4-polig) Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen Das ist neu Xiaomi Redmi Buds 3 - Headset - weiß 8.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Xiaomi Redmi Buds Essential TWS - Headset - black 8.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen JBL T110 Kopfhörer schwarz Headset Kabelmikrofon In-Ear bügellos 3,5 mm Klinke 9.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Medion Life E83265 (MD43265) Headset schwarz USB Stereo Kopfhörer kabelgebunden 9.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen 1 € 9.90/ Cellularline Task Home & Office - Headset - schwarz 9.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Xiaomi Mi True Basic 2 - Headset - black 9.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen 1 € 9.90/Einheit Plantronics Backbeat FIT 6100 - Kopfhörer mit Mikrofon - geschlossen-pepper grey 9.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Xiaomi Redmi Buds 3 Lite - Headset - schwarz 10.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen JLAB JBuds Pro - Earbuds - schwarz 12.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen LG Tone Free HBS-FN7 - Kopfhörer - schwarz 14.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen 1MORE E1024BT In-Ear Headphones Bluetooth Kopfhörer Lautstärkeregelung schwarz 15.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Google Pixel USB-C Earbuds Headset weiß In-Ear Kopfhörer kabelgebunden 17.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Bosch BITURBO GDS 18V-1000 Professional Akku-Drehschlagschrauber blau/schwarz 690.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Bosch FSN 1100 Führungsschiene silber für Handkreissägen 1,1 m Länge stabil NEU 92.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Bosch GTA 3800 0601B24000 Untergestell Arbeitstisch 250 kg Tragkraft silber/blau 347.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Einhell GE-CM 36/33 Li Akku-Rasenmäher rot/schwarz 30 L Fangkorb, bis 250 m² NEU 286.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Muuwmi Aluminium 230 mm SG - Scooter Pro - klappbar - Tretroller - schwarz/grün 101.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Logitech Mouse Pad Studio - Computer Laptop PC Mauspad Rutschfest Geräuscharm 23.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Makita DHK180Z Akku-Meisselhammer 18 V Anti-Vibration LED blau/schwarz 421.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen 1 € 421.90/Einheit Kärcher WV Microfaser-Wischbezug gelb/weiß Indoor Klett-Befestigung 70x275x30 mm 21.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen 1 € 10.95/Stck Gardena RollUp M/L 25 Meter Schlauchtrommel grau Wand-Schlauchbox Frostsicher 188.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen 1 € 7.56/m Kathrein EMU 03 - F-DOPPELBUCHSE - SAT-Antennenadapter - Kupplung gerade -silber 22.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Walther Fiorito Holzrahmen - Wechselrahmen - eiche hell 30x40 inkl. Passepartout 28.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen BISSELL Naturel Multi Surface - PET Universal Reinigungsmittel - 1L 28.90 VERSAND FREI!! Ansehen Kundeninformationen Kaufabwicklung Versand Gemäß der Verordnung (EU) Nummer 524/2013 weisen wir darauf hin, dass zur außergerichtlichen Streitbeilegung von verbraucherrechtlichen Streitigkeiten seitens der europäischen Kommission eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) eingerichtet worden ist. Die Plattform finden Sie voraussichtlich ab dem 15.02.2016 unter Zur Teilnahme an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle sind wir nicht verpflichtet und nicht bereit. 1) Die Regelung über die Gewährleistung finden Sie unter §5 unserer AGB 2) Die Garantiebedingungen finden Sie unter Downloads 3) EU-Ware: Unter Umständen liegt keine deutsche Bedienungsanleitung in Druckform bei. Sie können eine Deutsche Bedienungsanleitung jedoch unter dem Reiter Downloads im Adobe pdf-Format herunterladen. ALLGEMEINER HINWEIS: Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer. I. Kundeninformationen II. Batterien III. Verpackungen IV. Altölrücknahme V. Informationen zu Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten I. Kundeninformationen: Ihr Vertragspartner wird die STK AG. STK AG ist im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Passau unter der Registernummer HRB 8587 eingetragen. Die ladungsfähige Anschrift und der Name des Vertretungsberechtigten der STK AG lauten: STK AGVorstand:Martin Schweighofer (Vorsitzender)Christian KoppMarcus TanzerAufsichtsratsvorsitzender:Josef SchweighoferIm Ebenfeld 1-394513 SchönbergDeutschland Nähere Informationen über das Zustandekommen des Vertrages erhalten Sie in den eBay-AGB für die Nutzung der deutschsprachigen eBay-Websites. Vertragssprache ist deutsch. Der Vertragstext wird von der STK AG nach Vertragsschluss nicht dauerhaft gespeichert. Sie haben jedoch die Möglichkeit, diesen vor Vertragsschluss durch einen Klick auf „Druckversion“ auszudrucken. Darüber hinaus wird der Vertragstext auch bei eBay für die Dauer von 90 Tagen nach Vertragsschluss gespeichert und kann von Ihnen unter „Mein eBay“ abgerufen werden. Nach Vertragsschluss erhalten Sie von der STK AG eine E-Mail mit den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Informationen. Die wesentlichen Merkmale der Ware ergeben sich aus der jeweiligen Artikelbeschreibung. Enthält diese keine besonderen Angaben, so ist die Gültigkeitsdauer hinsichtlich des Preises auf die Laufzeit des jeweiligen eBay-Angebots beschränkt. Der Gesamtpreis der Ware einschließlich aller damit verbundener Preisbestandteile ergibt sich aus den im Rahmen der Artikelbeschreibung bereitgestellten Informationen. Alle Preise beinhalten, soweit im jeweiligen Angebot nichts anders angegeben wird, die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer, welche die STK AG an das Finanzamt abführt. Alle Preise beziehen sich, soweit im jeweiligen Angebot nichts anderes angegeben wird, auf den jeweils abgebildeten und in der Artikelbeschreibung näher beschriebenen Artikel ohne Zubehör. Soweit Kosten für eine Versendung anfallen, sind diese auf der Angebotsseite ausgewiesen und von Ihnen zu tragen. Ein Versand erfolgt nur in die auf der Angebotsseite angegebenen Länder. Die Bezahlung kann per Vorkasse, per PayPal oder bar bei Abholung erfolgen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Paketdienstleister in diesem Fall zusätzlich ein Entgelt für die Geldübermittlung in Höhe von derzeit EUR 2,00 erhebt, das von Ihnen zu tragen ist und in dem in der Versandkostenübersicht ausgewiesenen Betrag nicht enthalten ist, nicht über die STK AG abgeführt oder von ihr in Rechnung gestellt wird. Bitte beachten Sie weiter, dass bei einer Bestellung aus dem Ausland und/oder einer Versendung in das Ausland gegebenenfalls weitere Kosten, insbesondere Steuern und/oder Zölle, anfallen können, die von Ihnen zu tragen sind und nicht über die STK AG abgeführt oder von ihr in Rechnung gestellt werden. Bitte beachten Sie auch den Selbstbelieferungsvorbehalt in unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.Die Bankverbindungdaten der STK AG werden Ihnen im Rahmen der Kaufabwicklung mitgeteilt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie spätestens in Verzug kommen, wenn Sie nicht innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Fälligkeit und Zugang einer Rechnung oder gleichwertigen Zahlungsaufforderungen leisten; Wenn Sie Verbraucher im Sinne des § 13 BGB sind, gilt dies allerdings nur, wenn Sie von der STK AG auf diese Folgen in der Rechnung oder Zahlungsaufstellung besonders hingewiesen worden ist. Verbraucher im Sinne des § 13 BGB ist jede natürliche Person, die ein Rechtsgeschäft zu einem Zwecke abschließt, der weder ihrer gewerblichen noch ihrer selbständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit zugerechnet werden kann. Für die Nutzung der Internetseiten sowie der Service-E-Mail Adresse stellt Ihnen die STK AG keine Kosten in Rechnung. Bei Nutzung der Service-Telefon- und Telefaxnummern fallen die neben den Nummern angegebenen Kosten an. Die anfallenden eBay-Gebühren übernimmt die STK AG. Bei Zahlung durch Überweisung oder per PayPal übergibt die STK AG die Ware innerhalb von 2 Werktagen nach dem Eingang Ihrer Zahlung an den Paketdienst. Weitere Informationen zum Versand der Ware erhalten Sie in den eBay-Angeboten der STK AG unter „Versand und Zahlungsbedingungen“. Bitte beachten Sie den Selbstbelieferungsvorbehalt in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der STK AG. Bei einem mit der STK AG über eBay abgeschlossenen Vertrag handelt es sich um einen Fernabsatzvertrag im Sinne des § 312b Absatz 1 BGB. Wenn Sie Verbraucher im Sinne des § 13 BGB sind, steht Ihnen nach dem Gesetz ein Widerrufsrecht nach den §§ 312d, 355 BGB (Verbraucherwiderruf bei Fernabsatzgeschäften) zu. Verbraucher im Sinne des § 13 BGB ist jede natürliche Person, die ein Rechtsgeschäft zu einem Zweck abschließt, der weder ihrer gewerblichen noch ihrer selbständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit zugerechnet werden kann. Nähere Informationen zum Widerrufsrecht erhalten Sie in der Artikelbeschreibung unter dem Punkt „Widerrufsbelehrung“. Bitte beachten Sie ergänzend auch die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der STK AG, die eine Regelung über die regelmäßigen Kosten der Rücksendung enthalten. Die Widerrufsbelehrung in Textform wird Ihnen nach Vertragschluss unverzüglich per E-mail übersendet. Die Gewährleistung richtet sich nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, soweit nicht in Ziffer 4. der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der STK AG etwas Anderes geregelt ist. Die meisten Hersteller von technischen Geräten gewähren eine Herstellergarantie auf diese. Nähere Informationen über eine bestehende Herstellergarantie für das von Ihnen gekaufte Gerät werden Ihnen mit der Warenlieferung zur Verfügung gestellt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihre gesetzlichen Gewährleistungsansprüche und -rechte gegen die STK AG als Verkäufer des von Ihnen gekauften Gerätes von einer solchen Herstellergarantie unberührt bleiben. Diese Rechte werden durch eine Herstellergarantie also in keinem Fall eingeschränkt. Für Fragen, Anregungen oder Beschwerden wenden Sie sich bitte an die unter Rechtliche Informationen des Verkäufers genannten Kontaktmöglichkeiten. II. Batterien: Als Endnutzer sind Sie zur Rückgabe von Altbatterien gesetzlich verpflichtet. Ich bin Vertreiber im Sinne des Batteriegesetzes. Batterien können Sie daher nach Gebrauch unentgeltlich an uns zurückgeben. Die gebrauchten Batterien können Sie entweder an uns unter der im Impressum angegebenen Anschrift übersenden oder in unseren Geschäftsräumen unter der im Impressum angegebenen Anschrift abgeben. Alternativ können Sie diese auch bei den von den öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträgern dafür eingerichteten Rücknahmestellen unentgeltlich zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: a) Das nachstehend abgebildete Symbol der durchgestrichenen Mülltonne hat folgende Bedeutung: „Batterien dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden.“ b) Pb: Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei (Pb = Blei); Cd.: Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium (Cd = Cadmium); Hg: Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber (Hg =Quecksilber); Wir weisen Sie weiter darauf hin, dass wir, wenn wir Fahrzeugbatterien an Endnutzer abgeben, verpflichtet sind, je Fahrzeugbatterie ein Pfand in Höhe von 7,50 Euro einschließlich Umsatzsteuer zu erheben, wenn der Endnutzer zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs einer neuen Fahrzeugbatterie keine Fahrzeug-Altbatterie zurückgibt. Das Pfand ist von uns bei Rückgabe einer Fahrzeug-Altbatterie zu erstatten.Fahrzeugbatterien“ sind Batterien, die für den Anlasser, die Beleuchtung oder für die Zündung von Fahrzeugen bestimmt sind. Fahrzeuge im Sinne von Satz 1 sind Landfahrzeuge, die durch Maschinenkraft bewegt werden, ohne an Bahngleise gebunden zu sein. „Endnutzer“ ist derjenige, der Batterien oder Produkte mit eingebauten Batterien nutzt und in der an ihn gelieferten Form nicht mehr weiterveräußert. III. Verpackungen: Hinsichtlich der von der STK AG erstmals mit Ware befüllten und an private Endverbraucher abgegebene Verkaufsverpackungen hat sich die STK AG zur Sicherstellung der Erfüllung ihrer gesetzlichen Pflichten nach § 6 VerpackV dem bundesweit tätigen Rücknahmesystem der VEOLIA Umweltservice Dual AG, Kruppstraße 5, D-41540 Dormagen (Kundennummer:310794) angeschlossen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der VEOLIA Umweltservice Dual AG. IV. Altölrücknahme: Wir sind gewerblicher Vertreiber von Verbrennungsmotoren- und Getriebeölen im Sinne des § 8 AltölV und sind als solcher gegenüber Endverbrauchern zur Annahme von gebrauchten Verbrennungsmotoren- und Getriebeölen bis zur Menge der im Einzelfall abgegebenen Verbrennungsmotoren- und Getriebeöle verpflichtet. Als Endverbraucher können Sie diese daher kostenfrei an unserem Geschäftssitz, Im Ebenfeld 1-3, 94513 Schönberg, abgeben oder für Sie kostenfrei an uns übersenden. Gleiches gilt für Ölfilter und beim Ölwechsel regelmäßig anfallende ölhaltige Abfälle. V. Informationen zu Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten gemäß Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz (ElektroG) Laut Gesetz über das Inverkehrbringen, die Rücknahme und die umweltverträgliche Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten (ElektroG) haben wir die privaten Haushalte zu informieren: 1. Getrennte Erfassung von Altgeräten Hersteller von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte müssen ihre Produkte, die nach dem 23. November 2005 in Verkehr gebracht werden, mit einem Symbol kennzeichnen (durchgestrichene Abfalltonne auf Rädern) und kostenlos zurücknehmen. Derartige Altgeräte sind nicht mit dem Hausmüll zu entsorgen, sondern zu trennen, zu sammeln und über geeignete Sammel- und Rückgabesysteme zu entsorgen. 2. Batterien und Akkus Private Haushalte haben die Elektroaltgeräte, die Sie nicht mehr nutzen möchten, umweltgerecht zu entsorgen. Dabei haben sie die Elektroaltgeräte einer vom unsortierten Siedlungsabfall getrennten Erfassung zuzuführen und Altbatterien und Altakkumulatoren vom Elektroaltgerät zu trennen, wenn diese nicht vom Elektroaltgerät umschlossen sind und soweit Elektroalteräte nicht nach § 14 Abs. 5 S. 2 und 3 ElektroG separiert werden, um sie für die Wiederverwendung vorzubereiten. 3. Möglichkeiten der Rückgabe von Altgeräten: Wir als Vertreiber mit einer Verkaufs- sowie Lager- und Versandfläche für Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte von mindestens 400 m² sind verpflichtet, a) bei der Abgabe eines neuen Elektro- oder Elektronikgerätes an einen Endnutzer ein Altgerät des Endnutzers der gleichen Geräteart, das im Wesentlichen die gleichen Funktionen wie das neue Gerät erfüllt, am Ort der Abgabe oder in unmittelbarer Nähe hierzu unentgeltlich zurückzunehmen, und b) Altgeräte, die in keiner äußeren Abmessung größer als 25 cm sind, in haushaltsüblichen Mengen entweder im Einzelhandelsgeschäft oder in unmittelbarer Nähe hierzu unentgeltlich zurückzunehmen, wobei hier die Rücknahme nicht an den Kauf eines Elektro- oder Elektronikgerätes geknüpft ist. Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten, die unter das ElektroG fallen, sind insbesondere die in der Anlage 1 zum ElektroG aufgeführten Geräte. Als Verbraucher haben Sie folgende Möglichkeiten, um ein Elektro- oder Elektronikgerät sicher und verantwortungsbewusst zu entsorgen: a) Sie nutzen, wie auch schon in der Vergangenheit, die Sammel- und Recyclingstellen der öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträger (z.B. kommunale Wertstoffhöfe). b) Ihr Altgerät ist noch in einem guten Zustand oder kann repariert werden. Vielleicht ist eine Spende an eine wohltätige Organisation noch eine gute Weiterverwendungsmöglichkeit? c) Sie haben bei der STK AG ein Elektro- oder Elektronikgerät gekauft, das unter die Regelungen des ElektroG fällt; in diesem Fall können Sie Ihr Altgerät der gleichen Geräteart und das im Wesentlichen die gleichen Funktionen wie das neue Gerät erfüllt, bei der STK AG zurückgeben. d) Sie können (unabhängig vom Kauf eines neuen Geräts bei der STK AG) Altgeräte, die in keiner Abmessung länger als 25 cm sind, zurückgeben. Für die beiden letztgenannten Möglichkeiten stehen Ihnen folgende Wege zur Verfügung: a) Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihr Elektroaltgerät unter folgenden Adresse kostenlos zurückzugeben: STK AG Lager Schönberg, Im Ebenfeld 1-3, 94513 Schönberg b) Für Elektroaltgeräte mit einem Gewicht bis 31 kg und den maximalen Paketabmessungen von 120 x 60 x 60 cm können Sie für die Rückgabe ein vorfrankiertes Versandetikett mit DHL von uns anfordern und ausdrucken. Wenden Sie sich dazu bitte an unseren Kunden-Service unter unten angegebenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten.Die nächstgelegene Paketannahmestelle finden Sie unter nachstehenden Links:Filialen der Deutschen Post und DHL und DHL-Packstationen c) Für die Rückgabe von Elektroaltgeräten mit einem Gewicht von mehr als 31 kg oder Abmessungen größer als 120 x 60 x 60 cm (nur beim Kauf eines entsprechenden Neugeräts) wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Kunden-Service unten angegebenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten. Dieser wird eine Abholung Ihres Altgeräts veranlassen. 4. Datenschutz-Hinweis Wir weisen darauf hin, dass der Endnutzer selbst für die Sicherung und Löschung der personenbezogenen Daten sowie von Betriebs- und Geschäftsgeheimnissen auf dem zu entsorgenden Elektroaltgerät verantwortlich ist. Die STK AG übernimmt insoweit keine Haftung für einen möglichen Datenverlust oder Datenmissbrauch und eventuell daraus entstehende Schäden.5. Bedeutung des Symbols „durchgestrichene Mülltonne“ Das auf den Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten regelmäßig abgebildete Symbol einer durchgestrichenen Mülltonne weist darauf hin, dass das jeweilige Gerät am Ende seiner Lebensdauer getrennt vom unsortierten Siedlungsabfall zu erfassen ist. Hinweis: Vorstehende Verbraucherinformationen können Sie hier in Druckform abrufen. Sie erhalten diese nach Vertragsschluss auch nochmals per E-Mail von der STK AG übersendet. In dieser E-Mail erhalten Sie auch die Widerrufsbelehrung in Textform. Wir möchten Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service bieten, deshalb eine Bitte:Besuchen Sie die Ebay-Kaufabwicklung über jetzt bezahlen und prüfen oder ergänzen Sie dort bitte Ihre Daten. Sie können eine Lieferadresse sowie eine Telefonnummer hinterlegen. Sie erhalten die für Ihre Auswahl zutreffenden Zahlungsanweisungen. ACHTUNG WICHTIG! Zum Schluss bitte nicht vergessen auf Kaufabwicklung abschließen zu drücken. (Andernfalls werden die Daten nicht von ebay an uns übermittelt) ACHTUNG WICHTIG! Rechnung: Sie erhalten mit der Ware eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mwst.Bewertung: Vergessen Sie nicht, uns zu bewerten, Sie werden auch von uns eine Bewertung erhalten. KEINE ZUSÄTZLICHEN VERSANDKOSTEN. Kaufen Sie ohne Aufschlag Zubehör. Wir berechnen nur einmal pauschale Versandkosten. (bei verschiedenen Artikeln gilt der höchste Versandkostenbetrag)Nur bei Abholung:Gerne können Sie die Ware auch direkt bei uns abholen, schreiben Sie uns einfach eine Nachricht.

Oculus Rift VR Headset, 2 Sensors, 2 Controllers, XBox Controller, & More!

End: 28.01. 2025 06:00:31 on Tuesday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 48.22 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 285368441642
  • Seller: pmfsentrie (171|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Rehoboth, Massachusetts USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 140,45 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Original ownerNot used muchTested This is a lot of 2 original SETS:-The Oculus Rift Set, packaged with: -Oculus Rift VR Headset -Sensor -Remote -xBox controller -Wireless dongle for xBox controller-Oculus Rift Touch Controllers Set, packaged with: -2 Touch Controllers w/batteries -Sensor -Connector for guitar controllers compatible with Rock Band VR * * * NOTE: The xBox controller does not come with batteries and is missing the battery cover * * ** * * NOTE: One of the thumb-sticks on the xBox controller drifts * * * See photos

Weihnachten kommt: 1More Sono Flow ANC Kopfhörer Headset, neuwertig

End: 05.12. 2024 17:49:25 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 39.0 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 235849897874
  • Bids: 1
  • Seller: heiopei32 (438|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Norderstedt Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 4,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Weihnachten kommt: 1More Sono Flow ANC Kopfhörer Headset, neuwertigVerkaufe hier das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk (für alle die noch suchen): einen 1More SonoFlow Kopfhörer Headset mit ANC. Ich habe mir den voller Euphorie vor einigen Monaten gekauft, muss mir aber eingestehen, dass ich eher der In-Ear-Typ bin. Lieferumfang: Kopfhörer 1More SonoFlowLadekabel USB CAnschlusskabel 3,5 mm KlinkensteckerTascheDer Artikel wird wie beschrieben bzw. abgebildet von Privat verkauft, das heißt: ich übernehme keine Gewährleistung/Garantie. Der Bieter akzeptiert mit seinem Gebot, dass es sich bei dem Angebot um eine Versteigerung im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 5 des Fernabsatzgesetzes handelt. Dies bedeutet für den Höchstbietenden, dass er kein Widerrufsrecht nach Fernabsatzgesetz genießt. Käufer zahlt Versand (ja, das wird immer teurer ;)), ebay übernehme wie immer ich. Bieten Sie bitte nicht, wenn Sie mit diesen Regeln nicht einverstanden sind. Allen anderen viel Spaß beim Bieten!

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 05.09. 2024 14:53:15 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 272.55 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266970811958
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1308|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 08.08. 2024 14:52:23 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 267.77 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266931293137
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1307|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 01.08. 2024 14:51:53 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 268.6 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266921392801
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1307|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 18.07. 2024 14:50:01 on Thursday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 268.79 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266900643158
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1307|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 29.06. 2024 19:36:34 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 268.64 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266871972505
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1303|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 22.06. 2024 19:35:53 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 312.28 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266862131030
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1303|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 15.06. 2024 19:34:52 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 312.21 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266851121503
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1303|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater RV Satellite Bundle Netgear Modem Headset, More

End: 08.06. 2024 19:32:57 on Saturday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 401.66 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266840451029
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: bruceadams44 (1303|100.0%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 45,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle With Sennheiser HDR 150 Wireless Headset Netgear Nighthawk Modem/Router HDMI Cable/Splitter Satellite Finder Extra Installation Connectors Offered for bid is a complete King Controls DTP4950 Tailgater Pro Satellite Receiver RV Bundle. This includes the Wally Receiver and Remote controller. This system was installed in an RV, and is in excellent working condition. Manufactured in 2021, the system is complete, and includes extra installation wires and connectors, and owners manual. There are some scratches on the plastic antenna enclosure. Also included is: Ø Netgear Nighthawk Model/Router. Ø Sennheiser wireless headset. Ø HDMI Cables and splitter Ø COAX cables (manufacturers and extra) Ø Extra Miscellaneous connectors Ø Satellite Finder Please examine the photos. This Bundle is all of the actual items you will receive in this offering. Free local pickup in Fabulous Las Vegas! King Controls Dish DTP4950 Tailgater Portable Satellite Bundle: Ø International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. Ø Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna 50 Feet Coax Cable Quick Start Guide Users Manual Wally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide) RF remote Users guide Ø Manufactured Date: 01/21/2021 Ø Country of Origin: United States Description from the Manufacturer web site: DISH® Tailgater® Pro Premium Satellite Portable TV Antenna w/DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Increased satellite acquisition of Eastern Arc for DISH® With KING’s next level satellite antenna technology, your choice for satellite TV is clear. Make any outdoor event more entertaining with the reengineered DISH® Tailgater® Pro, a fully automated premium HD satellite TV antenna – including our ultramodern new clear cover, an industry first. It’s simply better, by design. With the Tailgater Pro, enjoying your favorite HD or SD DISH® satellite TV service is easier than ever before. Ideal for RVers, sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, tailgaters, long haul truckers or anyone with an active mobile lifestyle, the Tailgater allows you to take your DISH satellite TV service with you anywhere in the continental U.S. Compatible with DISH HD Solo receivers (Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k or 411). DISH satellite service required; add service to your home account or sign up for a simple pay-as-you-go monthly programming plan. Premium Automatic Satellite Antenna Now you can watch TV like a pro with the DISH® Tailgater® Pro. Introducing the state-of-the-art redesigned DISH® Tailgater® Pro with the first ever ultramodern clear cover. It’s simply better, by design. Enjoy live HD DISH® satellite TV wherever the fun takes you with the Tailgater Pro premium satellite TV antenna. Designed for sporting events, outdoor enthusiasts or even owners of a second home, the DISH® Tailgater Pro is ideal for enjoying all your favorite TV programs anywhere, anytime. The DISH Tailgater Pro’s flexible design is ideal for portability or roof-mounting. It is fully automatic and works right out of the box when connected to a compatible DISH® HD Solo receiver. The award-winning design includes an exclusive interactive on-screen display for hassle-free set-up for DISH programming. The Tailgater Pro supports multiple TV viewing, so you can stay current on more than one show or live event. And, there’s no monthly contract to tie you down. With the DISH® Pay-As-You-Go plan, you pay only for the months you use. If you already have DISH at home, just add the new receiver to your account. Enjoy your favorite TV programing anywhere, anytime. Features: Industrial redesign and ultramodern, clear cover offer sleek look and leading signal strengthPortable or roof-mountable – mounting feet includedLightweight, compact design with integrated handleSimple set-up – automatic satellite acquisition and switchingEasily viewable internal indicator lights keep you informed of antenna performanceExclusive for DISH® service – receives both HD and SD programming, as well as local channelsSupports multiple TV viewing (requires two receivers; programming must be on the same satellite)Sign up for pay-as-you-go programming or add to your home DISH serviceWeather-resistant materials withstand extreme heat/coldDual coax output (for optimum roof-mount installation)Powered through receiver (no separate remote or power source needed)Includes 50’ of coax cable Specifications: Compatible receivers: DISH® HD solo receivers – Wally®, ViP®211z, ViP®211k, ViP®211 or 411Service compatibility: DISH® HD/SDDimensions: 13.5” H x 18.75” W x 17” LWeight: 8 lbs.Signal output: Dual (supports two receivers)Power: Powered by receiver over coax, no separate power cable DISH® Wally® HD Receiver Take your mobile television viewing experience to the next level with the DISH® Wally® HD Receiver, DISH’s feature-rich satellite TV receiver. The Wally is DISH’s smallest and fastest RV receiver to date, making it perfect for on-the-go use in an RV, camper or travel trailer. The Wally’s technology enables users to enjoy a variety of apps including Netflix and other video-streaming services* and it works seamlessly with your existing DISH home account or DISH Pay-As-You-Go Programming. Upgrade Your KING Satellite TV Antenna Experience The Wally® offers an array of features to complement your KING satellite TV antenna for the ultimate entertainment experience. The included RF remote can operate up to 200 feet away, even through walls or barriers, so it can be used anywhere in or around your RV or travel trailer. It’s also incredibly easy to locate with the Remote Finder feature, an audible chime that guides you to wherever your remote might be hiding. With the DVR upgrade, you can record shows on an external hard drive (sold separately) to save your favorites to watch later while you explore the great outdoors. You can also add over-the-air channel integration via the OTA adapter, also sold separately. The DISH® Wally® Receiver from KING When you’re looking for the best way to enjoy satellite programming no matter your destination, look no further than KING. For two decades, KING has been a leader, innovator and pioneer in the design and manufacturing of satellite and over-the-air antenna systems and accessories. The DISH Wally Receiver from KING is one more way we bring you premium entertainment, wherever life takes you. *Netflix and video streaming require Wi-Fi Adapter (sold separately) and wireless connection Package Contents: DISH Tailgater Pro Antenna50 Feet Coax CableQuick Start GuideUsers ManualWally HD Solo Receiver (Complete with cables, RF remote & user guide)RF remote Users guide

ONN Red Virtual Reality VR Smartphone Headset for iPhone, Samsung Apple & More

End: 08.10. 2023 23:29:48 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 3.61 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266326084453
  • Seller: racer1667 (894|99.7%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: York, South Carolina USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 25,86 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    ONN Virtual Reality Headset, Red: Universal fit works with smartphones that have screen sizes up to 6 Easy to use: simply open front, insert smartphone and adiust the fit Find VR apps in the Apple App Store and on Google Plav Front-hinge cradle design Padded face guard Adjustable optical focus Adjustable nylon head strap Headphone cable access port Virtual reality smartphone headset in red and black

Meta Oculus Quest 2 128GB VR Headset With Anker Wireless Charging Station + More

End: 29.09. 2023 13:55:51 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 356.11 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 266333232898
  • Seller: brandenbrooks7 (62|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Lafayette, Indiana USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 65,6 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Opened and used 3 times. In perfect condition. Includes all that would come with it new as well as comfort head strap, anker wireless charging dock and 16ft link cable!

Bitmore VReye Plus Virtual Reality Headset for Phones with Remote (#H1/20)

End: 11.09. 2023 19:27:06 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 9.23 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 145280767199
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: havenshospices (13806|99.5%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Southend-on-Sea Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,9 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bitmore VReye Plus Virtual Reality Headset for Phones with Remote Donated to one of our shops. Overall condition is good. Some light signs of wear to headset with scuffs. Headphones have been audio tested and work. The remote has not been tested. Box has some signs of wear. See pictures for details. 100% of proceed goes to Havens Hospices.

1More Triple Driver Headset In-Ear, neu OVP

End: 10.09. 2023 19:30:01 on Sunday
  • Condition: New
  • Price: 38.5 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 386080204770
  • Bids: 8
  • Seller: uwi1311 (1106|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Pommersfelden Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 5,49 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    1More Triple Driver Headset In-Ear, neu OVPVerkaufe ein neues Headset von 1More, Modell Triple Drive 1MEJE0002. Ist noch original in Folie eingeschweißt. Verkauf von privat unter Ausschluß der Sachmängelhaftung, keine Rücknahme Tierfreier Nichtraucherhaushalt

Bitmore VReye Virtual Reality VR Headset for Phones with Remote

End: 10.09. 2023 12:35:29 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1.14 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115906106978
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: futuretutor (413|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dunstable Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bitmore VReye Virtual Reality VR Headset for Phones with Remote. We bought this, but it was also bought by another relative, so we had two the same. This was opened, but never used and hence is in pristine condition and still in its original packaging and box. It has brought many hours of joy to my son and I would like to see this purchased by someone who will, likewise, enjoy the VR experience a phone has to offer.

Bitmore V R EYE Virtual Reality Headset For Smartphones

End: 10.09. 2023 11:59:26 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5.77 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256205903782
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: digger-rue (60|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bognor Regis Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bitmore V R EYE Virtual Reality Headset For Smartphones. Download the VR App and insert your smartphone to experiment a virtual World!

1More Kopfhörer In Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headset Ohrhörer Stöpsel wasserdicht

End: 08.09. 2023 11:32:45 on Friday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 44.99 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 276020455140
  • Seller: retourenwelt (76505|98.8%)
  • Seller information: Commercial
  • Item location: Schwarzenberg Deutschland
  • Ships to: DE
  • Shipping: 0,0 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    1More Kopfhörer In Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headset Ohrhörer Stöpsel wasserdicht1More Kopfhörer In Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headset Ohrhörer Stöpsel wasserdicht Neuwertig neuwertiger Artikel, evtl. minimale Gebrauchsspuren. Die Originalverpackung ist unter Umständen nicht mehr vorhanden oder war bereits geöffnet. Artikel ist 2. Wahl, B-Ware oder neu, unbenutzt, aber mit kleinen Fehlern. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel finden sie in unserem Angebot. Unter Neu Sonstige verstehen wir: • neuwertiger Artikel • Originalverpackung kann beschädigt sein • ggf. umweltfreundlich umverpackt • Details siehe Mehr zum Thema kostenfreier Versand sofort lieferbar Sofort-Kaufen Frage stellen WE3/24497-A Beschreibung Kaufabwicklung Batteriegesetzhinweise Beschreibung 1More ESS6001T Écouteurs Ecouteurs Bluetooth oder Kopfhörer Kopfhörer Merkmale Beschreibung des Paketinhaltes: siehe Artikelbeschreibung Jede Note lebt: Die ColorBuds haben eine einzigartige symmetrische Vollbereichsarmatur, die für weniger Verzerrungen über die gesamte Klangkurve sorgt. Von knackigen Höhen bis zu knackigen Tiefen hören Sie, wie es ist, Ihre Lieblingsmusik zum ersten Mal zu hören. Geräusch, der auf Reisen ist: Genießen Sie ein leichtes und kompaktes Design mit einer tragbaren Ladehülle, die leicht in Ihre Tasche passt für verbesserte Tragbarkeit. Wenn jeder Ohrhörer nur 4,1 g wiegt, werden Sie vergessen, dass Sie ihn tragen. Lassen Sie Ihre Stimme hören: Qualcomm cVc 8.0 Dual-Mikrofone verfügen über ENC (Environmental Noise Cancellation) Technologie, die Umgebungsgeräusche unterdrückt und Ihre Stimme auch in lauten Umgebungen kristallklar bleibt. Verbessertes ergonomisches Design: Ein dichter Verschluss ist besonders wichtig für Ihre Ohrstöpsel. Die abgewinkelten Düsen bieten einen bequemen und sicheren Sitz während langer Arbeitstage oder strengen Übungen. Lieferumfang: siehe Bilder (lediglich abgebildete Teile gehören zum Lieferumfang) Allgemeine Informationen zu unseren Angeboten Bei unseren Angeboten handelt es sich außer bei „Neuware um Kundenretouren. Kundenretouren sind Waren, die zuvor an einen Verbraucher verkauft und dann zurückgegeben wurden und sich unter Umständen noch im Garantiezeitraum des Herstellers befinden. D. h. der Artikel ist möglicherweise schon einmal ausgepackt worden oder war kurze Zeit in Betrieb genommen. Dadurch weisen manche Produkte mehr oder weniger an Gebrauchsspuren auf. Den genauen Zustand der Ware entnehmen Sie bitte unserer Artikelbeschreibung und den entsprechenden Produktbildern. Über den Umfang des vorherigen Gebrauchs sowie die Nutzungsdauer und die Anzahl der Vorbesitzer können wir keine Angaben machen. Eine Ausnahme bilden Artikel mit Betriebsstundenzähler. Versandinformation Artikel, welche aufgrund Ihrer Beschaffenheit nicht sicher mit dem Standardversand transportiert werden können, werden mit einem alternativen Versanddienstleister verschickt. Bitte geben Sie dem Versanddienstleister?keine Abstellvollmacht, da wir in diesem Fall bei Verlust der Ware keine Schadensansprüche übernehmen. Batteriegesetzhinweise Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise. QualitätsCheck TopPreise PremiumVersand 30 TageRückgabe Nutze die attraktiven Vorteile der Retourenwelt und schenke Produkten ein neues Leben nach dem Retourenschein. Jeder unserer Artikel ist mit Sorgfalt von Hand geprüft. Beschädigte Originalverpackungen werden durch umweltfreundliche Verpackungen ersetzt. Unter Neu Sonstige verstehen wir: • neuwertiger Artikel • Originalverpackung kann beschädigt sein • ggf. umweltfreundlich umverpackt • Details siehe Mehr zum Thema

ULTIMATE Quest 2 Bundle - Headset, Elite Battery Strap, VRCover Cushion + More!

End: 04.09. 2023 20:15:55 on Monday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 256.29 EUR Auktion
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 394843573002
  • Bids: 21
  • Seller: pelicankozuma (80|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Hove Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 7,99 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    This is a listing for a complete and boxed 64GB Meta Quest 2 in EXCELLENT condition, with a set of awesome addons: - Official Elite Battery Strap (doubles the battery life of the Quest 2 and adds additional comfort) - Official Carry Case - VRCover Facial Interface (2 thick comfortable face plates with a lens cover) - Official Silicone Face Plate Cover - Studioform Creative VR Custom Velcro Weight Strap (attaches to the black head pad of the Elite Battery Strap) This is one of the most comfortable Quest 2 VR setups you can get - the Elite Battery Strap moves the weight off your face, the custom face pads are far more comfortable than the one included (unused), and the Studioform Weight Strap ensures a near-perfect weight distribution between the back and the front of the headset. Everything is in excellent condition - almost no signs of wear, no dead pixels or lens scratches, no broken controllers or stick drift, and the only things with signs of use are one of the two VRCover face cushions, with the original face plate and secondary VRCover face cushion being completely unused. I only used this headset about once a month from February 2021 until now. The Elite Battery Strap is also without any of the cracking faults that the original battery straps had. I had the Elite Battery Strap replaced three times until I received this one that was made in a much later manufacturing batch, and is solid, secure and sturdy. The main reason I'm selling it other than the lack of use is because I recently moved and need to downsize on the things I own. Please message me if you have any questions!

Bitmore VReye Virtual Reality VR Headset for Phones with Remote

End: 03.09. 2023 12:35:10 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 1.14 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 115899592050
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: futuretutor (411|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Dunstable Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bitmore VReye Virtual Reality VR Headset for Phones with Remote. We bought this, but it was also bought by another relative, so we had two the same. This was opened, but never used and hence is in pristine condition and still in its original packaging and box. It has brought many hours of joy to my son and I would like to see this purchased by someone who will, likewise, enjoy the VR experience a phone has to offer.

Bitmore V R EYE Virtual Reality Headset For Smartphones

End: 03.09. 2023 11:59:14 on Sunday
  • Condition: Used
  • Price: 5.77 EUR Auktion
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 256197916843
  • Bids: 0
  • Seller: digger-rue (60|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Bognor Regis Großbritannien
  • Ships to: GB
  • Shipping: 3,93 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Bitmore V R EYE Virtual Reality Headset For Smartphones. Download the VR App and insert your smartphone to experiment a virtual World!

Electronic Mixed lot Wireless tablet keyboards, Router, Headset and more  300

End: 03.09. 2023 02:52:05 on Sunday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 20.63 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 374830083414
  • Seller: stewysbestdeals (87|80.8%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Creve Coeur, Illinois USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 38,61 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Electronic Mixed lot Wireless tablet keyboards, Router, Headset and more. lot includes all that is pictured more than 4 times the value of listed price and more!!

Ham Radio Parts Lot - Balon, Switchbox, Headset, and Unknown/More

End: 19.08. 2023 14:01:49 on Saturday
  • Condition: For parts or not working
  • Price: 23.39 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: unsold
  • Item number: 295832068010
  • Seller: wallofboxes (9533|99.1%)
  • Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
  • Item location: Temple, Texas USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 38,36 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Ham Radio Parts Lot - Balon, Switchbox, Headset, and Unknown/More Please see the photos for what is included. These are the extras from a lot of ham radio equipment at an estate. The other items will be listed over the next couple of days.

Meta Oculus Quest 2 128GB VR Headset With Extended Battery And More

End: 18.08. 2023 02:00:38 on Friday
  • Condition: New: Other
  • Price: 285.1 EUR FESTPREIS
  • Status: sold
  • Item number: 225632818967
  • Seller: thecudikids_shop (71|100.0%)
  • Seller information: non commercial
  • Item location: Joshua Tree, California USA
  • Ships to: US
  • Shipping: 37,48 EUR
  • on EBAY
  • Description

    Items included with Oculus Quest 2 : - Both left and right controller - Official Elite Strap with battery - Official Usb-C to USB-C - Official Oculus Quest 2 Pill Case All items will ship without original boxes. Immerse yourself in a world of wonder with this Meta Oculus Quest 2 128GB VR headset. Play your favorite games and explore new worlds with enhanced battery power and accessories that make every experience even more immersive. The crisp white design adds a touch of sophistication to your gaming setup. With advanced features like hand tracking and voice commands, you'll feel like you're truly inside the game. This headset is perfect for both casual and serious gamers who want to take their experience to the next level. Get lost in virtual reality with this Meta Oculus Quest 2 headset today.