Dieses Lautsprecherkabel in 9m-Länge wurde einst als 10m-Musterstück zur Messung der elektrischen Eigenschaften in einem Entwicklungslabor gekauft. (1m davon wurde später als Interconnect/Cinch-Kabel zum Test konfektioniert.) Das Kabel ist neuwertig, der Kunststoffmantel hat aber leider Lagerflecken bekommen. Der Außendurchmesser beträgt 9mm. Daraus kann mindestens ein Satz mit 2x4,5m konfektioniert werden, eventuell sogar zwei Sätze mit gemischten Längen. Deshalb ist in der Lieferung Zubehör enthalten: 10 Kabelschuhe und 10 Stiftpins zum Crimpen, sowie 10 gefederte/vergoldete Büschelstecker für 4mm-Buchsen zum Löten. (Diese Stecker haben sogar M3-Innengewinde.) Zwei 12cm-Schrumpfschlauch Abschnitte rot/schwarz sind ebenfalls dabei. Der Verkauf dieses Lautsprecherkabels erfolgt unter Ausschluss jeglicher Sachmangelhaftung. Aus dem Internet: “In 1981, Bruce Brisson licensed Interlink Reference to the Monster Cable Company. Interlink Reference was the first purposefully built audio cable. It was built with Brisson’s patented technology that corrected for problems relating to phase shift internal to the conductor. Everyone could hear the difference when hooking up Interlink Reference and the cable industry kicked into ‘high gear’. Additional designs by Brisson for Monster Cable included Powerline 2 and Powerline 3. Other high-end companies that have used, or are still using Brisson’s designs, include Spectral Audio, Inc., Jeff Rowland Design Group, Wilson Audio Specialties, Martin Logan Loudspeakers, Goldmund Audio, Skywalker Sound and most recently Constellation Audio. After completing his work for Monster Cable, Brisson formed Music Interface Technologies (MIT) and released the now legendary MI-330, MH-750 and MI330 and MH-750 Shotgun® designs.” Bruce Brisson engineered the first patented and purposefully built audio cable in 1981, the first of many patents and technologies he licensed to Monster Cable Inc. Many of Monster’s products are still using his technologies today and have become some of Monster’s most enduring and successful lines. In 1984, he founded Music Interface Technologies (MIT), which has been a leading force in the research, design, and manufacture of high-performance audio, video, and AC products. Since forming MIT, Bruce has also designed or manufactured cables and components for many other well-known audio companies such as Spectral Audio, Jeff Rowland Design Group, Wilson Audio Specialties, Martin Logan Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Goldmund Audio, and most recently Constellation Audio. MIT products are used in many recording studios and have become crucial components in many Hollywood productions. If you have listened to a hit record or attended a hit movie within the past three decades, you have undoubtedly heard many of his products.
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