mirage 550 (6) |
monarch sa 1600 (6) |
monarch sae-1200 (6) |
monarch 119 (7) |
monarch sa 616 (7) |
monarch 180 (7) |
Mars Gaming MHRGB Gaming Headset Chroma RGB Flow Professionelles Mikrofon Sound
End: 26.11. 2023 13:37:18 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 7.99 EUR

- Status: 30T 20:49:51
- Item number: 276123680915
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Schwarzenberg,Deutschland
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 2,99 EUR
- on EBAY
Mars Gaming MHRGB Gaming Headset Chroma RGB Flow Professionelles Mikrofon Sound Neuwertig neuwertiger Artikel, evtl. minimale Gebrauchsspuren. Die Originalverpackung ist unter Umständen nicht mehr vorhanden oder war bereits geöffnet. Artikel ist 2. Wahl, B-Ware oder neu, unbenutzt, aber mit kleinen Fehlern. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel finden sie in unserem Angebot. Unter Neu Sonstige verstehen wir: • neuwertiger Artikel • Originalverpackung kann beschädigt sein • ggf. umweltfreundlich umverpackt • Details siehe Mehr zum Thema kostenfreier Versand sofort lieferbar Sofort-Kaufen Frage stellen WE3/10624-A Beschreibung Kaufabwicklung Batteriegesetzhinweise Beschreibung Mars Gaming MHRGB Gaming Headset Chroma RGB Flow Professionelles Mikrofon Sound Mars Gaming Headset Chroma RGB Flow Professionelles Mars Gaming MHRGB Gaming Headset Chroma RGB Flow Professionelles Mikrofon Sound (24,50) Artikelgewicht: 0,31Kg Lieferumfang: siehe Bilder (lediglich abgebildete Teile gehören zum Lieferumfang) Allgemeine Informationen zu unseren Angeboten Bei unseren Angeboten handelt es sich außer bei „Neuware um Kundenretouren. Kundenretouren sind Waren, die zuvor an einen Verbraucher verkauft und dann zurückgegeben wurden und sich unter Umständen noch im Garantiezeitraum des Herstellers befinden. D. h. der Artikel ist möglicherweise schon einmal ausgepackt worden oder war kurze Zeit in Betrieb genommen. Dadurch weisen manche Produkte mehr oder weniger an Gebrauchsspuren auf. Den genauen Zustand der Ware entnehmen Sie bitte unserer Artikelbeschreibung und den entsprechenden Produktbildern. Über den Umfang des vorherigen Gebrauchs sowie die Nutzungsdauer und die Anzahl der Vorbesitzer können wir keine Angaben machen. Eine Ausnahme bilden Artikel mit Betriebsstundenzähler. Versandinformation Artikel, welche aufgrund Ihrer Beschaffenheit nicht sicher mit dem Standardversand transportiert werden können, werden mit einem alternativen Versanddienstleister verschickt. Bitte geben Sie dem Versanddienstleister?keine Abstellvollmacht, da wir in diesem Fall bei Verlust der Ware keine Schadensansprüche übernehmen. Batteriegesetzhinweise Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Bitte beachten Sie die vorstehenden Hinweise. QualitätsCheck TopPreise PremiumVersand 30 TageRückgabe Nutze die attraktiven Vorteile der Retourenwelt und schenke Produkten ein neues Leben nach dem Retourenschein. Jeder unserer Artikel ist mit Sorgfalt von Hand geprüft. Beschädigte Originalverpackungen werden durch umweltfreundliche Verpackungen ersetzt. Unter Neu Sonstige verstehen wir: • neuwertiger Artikel • Originalverpackung kann beschädigt sein • ggf. umweltfreundlich umverpackt • Details siehe Mehr zum Thema
Hollyland Mars 400s Wireless HDMI / SDI Transmission System - HL-MARS-400S
End: 25.11. 2023 22:06:01 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 249.99 USD

- Status: 30T 23:29:40
- Item number: 285531838943
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Fontana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
Lightly used Hollyland Mars 400s system in perfect working order. Found I could not use more than 2 Hollyland systems at the same time so Im selling the ones I no longer use.
Mars Gaming-Kopfhörer Kopfhörer wireless Headset 3D Surround Sound
End: 25.11. 2023 21:49:11 on Saturday
End: 25.11. 2023 21:45:34 on Saturday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 100.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:9:6
- Item number: 296007345280
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Santa Ana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 10,0 USD
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS T1000 BASE STATION WIRELESS COMMUNICATION INTERCOM SYSTEM **PARTS** T12-E4 TEST RESULTS **DOES NOT COME WITH ANTENNAS, BATTERY, AC ADAPTER OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORY**. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. WE DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE OR EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST THIS ITEM. SEE PICTURES FOR DETAILS Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1 | C1 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
End: 24.11. 2023 19:11:07 on Friday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 500.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:26:13
- Item number: 126152766634
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Santa Ana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 15,0 USD
- on EBAY
LOT OF 6 HOLLYLAND MARS 400S Wireless HDMI Video TRAMSMITTERS ONLY T6-E12 TEST RESULTS UNIT POWER ON TESTED USING AC POWER ADAPTER AND BATTERY. LED SCREEN WORKS AS INTENDED. ABLE TO NAVIGATE THRU MENU. WE DO NOT HAVE KNOLEDGE OR PROPER EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST OR ENSURE FULLY FUNTIONALITY OF THIS ITEM. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. NORMAL WEAR. BATTERIES, AC ADAPTERS OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE NOT INLCLUDED. PLEASE SEE PICTURES FOR MORE DETAILS. Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1, C4 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
End: 24.11. 2023 17:02:03 on Friday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 900.0 USD

- Status: 30T 21:16:2
- Item number: 305225612756
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Santa Ana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 15,0 USD
- on EBAY
LOT OF 13 HOLLYLAND MARS 400S Pro SDI HDMI Wireless Video TRANSMITER T6-E12 TEST RESULTS UNIT POWER ON TESTED USING AC POWER ADAPTER. LED SCREEN WORKS AS INTENDED. WE DO NOT HAVE KNOLEDGE OR PROPER EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST OR ENSURE FULLY FUNTIONALITY OF THIS ITEM. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. NORMAL WEAR. ANTENNAS, BATTERIES, AC ADAPTERS OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE NOT INLCLUDED. PLEASE SEE PICTURES FOR MORE DETAILS. Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1, C4 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
End: 24.11. 2023 16:13:12 on Friday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 130.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:6:6
- Item number: 305225545219
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Santa Ana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 7,0 USD
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS 4K WIRELESS VIDEO IMAGE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM *PARTS T12-D5 TEST RESULTS **DISPLAY POWER ON. BROKEN POWER SWITCH. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. **DOES COME WITH AC ADAPTER ONLY. WE DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE OR EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST THIS ITEM. SEE PICTURES FOR DETAILS Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1 | C1 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
End: 23.11. 2023 22:52:39 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 76.5 USD

- Status: 30T 18:17:5
- Item number: 296003638276
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Santa Ana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 7,0 USD
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS 300 PRO HDMI WIRELESS VIDEO RECEIVER ONLY *PARTS* T12-D5 TEST RESULTS POWER ON TESTED ONLY. **BROKEN SELECTOR SWITCH. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. NO CABLES. WE DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE OR EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST THIS ITEM. SEE PICTURES FOR DETAILS Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1 | C1 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
Hollyland Mars 400S PRO SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Transmitter
End: 23.11. 2023 20:24:28 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 217.0 USD

- Status: 30T 21:44:58
- Item number: 325859579018
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Memphis,TN,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 5,0 USD
- on EBAY
Hollyland Mars 400S PRO SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Transmitter is in fair condition with heavy wear. The red knob is broken off.
Hollyland Mars 400S PRO SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Receiver
End: 23.11. 2023 20:13:34 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 284.0 USD

- Status: 30T 21:33:58
- Item number: 225832666949
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Memphis,TN,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 5,0 USD
- on EBAY
Hollyland Mars 400S PRO SDI/HDMI Wireless Video Receiver is in fair condition with heavy wear. Works fine with Hawk Woods batteries but has issues with Sony batteries. They loose signal when adjusted.
End: 23.11. 2023 17:04:12 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 100.0 USD

- Status: 30T 21:19:26
- Item number: 305223371119
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Santa Ana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 10,0 USD
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS T1000 BASE STATION WIRELESS COMMUNICATION INTERCOM SYSTEM **PARTS** T12-E4 TEST RESULTS PARTS ARE LOOSE INSIDE. DOES NOT POWER ON. **DOES NOT COME WITH ANTENNAS, BATTERY, AC ADAPTER OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORY**. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. WE DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE OR EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST THIS ITEM. SEE PICTURES FOR DETAILS Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1 | C1 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
End: 23.11. 2023 16:36:28 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 250.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:46:51
- Item number: 126151027342
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Santa Ana,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS M1 WIRKESS 4K HDMI SDI Video Transmission T6-E12 TEST RESULTS UNIT TESTED TO POWER ON USING BATTERY. TOUCHSCREEN NOT WORKING. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. BATTERY, AC ADAPTER OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE SEE PICTURES FOR MORE DETAILS. Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F3, C4 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
Mars Gaming MHRGB Gaming Headset Chroma RGB Flow Professionelles Mikrofon Sound
End: 23.11. 2023 07:33:17 on Thursday
Hollyland Mars 300 Pro Enhanced Wireless Video Transmission System
End: 22.11. 2023 22:51:41 on Wednesday
- Condition: New: Other
- Price: 283.31 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 334883151507
- Seller: purpletechnado (48675|99.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: American Fork, Utah
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
PhonesComputersCamerasPrintersServer EquipmentMore Open box Hollyland Mars 300 Pro Enhanced Wireless Video Transmission SystemCondition: Open boxAn item in excellent, new condition with no wear. The item may be missing the original packaging or protective wrapping, or may be in the original packaging but not sealed. The item may be a factory second.Photos: Photos are of actual device. Reference pictures to see what accessories are included in this listing. All devices are factory reset. We are unable to provide the serial number at this time due to fraudulent warranty claims when published in a public forum. If you have any questions regarding the serial number or warranty information please send us an eBay message.ShippingReturnsGet Help We ship within 1 business day. Example: if you pay for an item on Tuesday, we ship it out before the end of the day Wednesday. If you pay for an item on Friday through Sunday, we will ship it out before the end of the day Monday. These commitments are in accordance to eBay guidelines. Please contact us if you experience any issues upon delivery of your purchase. We are proud of the service and quality of the products we provide. If you have received an item this is defective or damaged, you can return your item within 30 days of ordering. Send us a message through eBay messages and we will be happy to help resolve any issue! We are a family run business that relies on eBay, so please be honest about why you are returning products. When people are dishonest it hurts our standing on eBay and makes it difficult to sell our quality items. Thank you. Please contact us if you experience any issues upon delivery of your purchase. As a full-service company, our goal is to provide 100% satisfaction to our customers, our long-term clients, our employees, and the communities in which we live. You can contact us through eBay messages.
Hollyland Mars 400s Wireless Transmission System
End: 18.11. 2023 20:38:35 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 250.0 USD

- Status: 30T 21:56:25
- Item number: 295994335186
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Corona,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
Hollyland Mars 400s Wireless Transmission System. Used for only 3 live streams. Some light wear on body grill. Still has original OLED protection stickers, original packaging and contents
Hollyland Mars 300 Pro HDMI 300-ft Wireless Video Transmission System (Enhanced)
End: 18.11. 2023 19:28:07 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 349.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:41:30
- Item number: 295994261548
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Corona,CA,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 0,0 USD
- on EBAY
Hollyland Mars 300 Pro HDMI 300-ft Wireless Video Transmission System (Enhanced). Only used on 3 live stream shoots. Very little signs of wear. Never took off protective OLED stickers.
Hollyland Mars 400s Wireless Transmission System - HL-MARS-400S
End: 16.11. 2023 16:37:49 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 375.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:39:59
- Item number: 325850437515
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Crestwood,KY,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 10,0 USD
- on EBAY
I have for sale one USED Hollyland Mars 400S wireless video system in excellent, near-mint cosmetic and 100% operational condition. Includes all original accessories, one NP battery (no charger-as in box) a pair of mushroom/lollipop antenna as well as all original antennae.These are confirmed100% functional and were purchased new by me. Any questions, please ask.
Hollyland Mars 400s pro wireless With Extra Receiver
End: 16.11. 2023 16:17:22 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 450.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:19:13
- Item number: 145370760038
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Gautier,MS,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: USD
- on EBAY
Mars 400s pro wireless system includes - 1 Transmitter - 2 Receivers - 2 Power supplies - 2 standard antennae - 1 upgraded pair antennae - medium size batteries Everything is in perfect working condition. I just no longer need this set up perfect when you need to display one source to two different locations and save the hassle of running cables.
Hollyland Mars 4K Videofunkstrecke / 4K-Videoübertragungssystem
End: 16.11. 2023 11:59:41 on Thursday
End: 14.11. 2023 06:03:47 on Tuesday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 107.44 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 305225954187
- Seller: eftnetworks (28613|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Santa Ana, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS 4K WIRELESS HDMI/SDI VIDEO TRANSMITTER **PARTS** T6-E12 TEST RESULTS UNIT TESTED TO POWER ON USING AC ADAPTER AND BATTERY. LED DISPLAY WORKS AS INTENDED. ABLE TO NAVIGATE THRU MENU. WE DO NOT HAVE KNOLEDGE OR PROPER EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST OR ENSURE FULLY FUNTIONALITY OF THIS ITEM. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. AC POWER ADAPTER INCLUDED. BATTERY, CABLES OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE NOT INCLUDED. NORMAL WEAR PLEASE SEE PICTURES FOR MORE DETAILS. Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1, C4 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
End: 13.11. 2023 17:29:36 on Monday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 107.44 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 296005470049
- Seller: eftnetworks (28613|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Santa Ana, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 7,0 EUR
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS 4K WIRELESS VIDEO IMAGE TRANSMISSION TRANSMITTER *PARTS T12-D5 TEST RESULTS **DISPLAY POWER ON. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. **DOES COME WITH AC ADAPTER ONLY. WE DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE OR EQUIPMENT TO FULLY TEST THIS ITEM. SEE PICTURES FOR DETAILS Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F1 | C1 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
Hollyland Mars 4K Wireless Video übertragungs system 5G SDI HDMI 4Kp30 FPS
End: 11.11. 2023 13:22:56 on Saturday
End: 09.11. 2023 19:44:59 on Thursday
- Condition: For parts or not working
- Price: 165.29 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 296003085172
- Seller: eftnetworks (28613|99.3%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Santa Ana, California
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 0,0 EUR
- on EBAY
HOLLYLAND MARS M1 WIRKESS 4K HDMI SDI Video Transmission **CRACKED SCREEN** T6-E12 TEST RESULTS UNIT TESTED TO POWER ON USING BATTERY. TOUCHSCREEN WORKS AS INTENDED. SCREEN GLASS HAS CRACK ON BOTTOM. NO FURTHER TESTING DONE. BATTERY, AC ADAPTER OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORIES ARE NOT INCLUDED. PLEASE SEE PICTURES FOR MORE DETAILS. Functionality/Cosmetic Description See Categories Below F4, C1 ACCESSORIES / PARTS IF ITS NOT PICTURED OR LISTED ITS NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS PRODUCT DISCLAIMER We are not the original owner of the items we sell. items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description Category Product Functionality Description F1 Collectible or Specialty Equipment (Core Requirement 6.(e)(3)(A)) F2 Verified Specialty Electronics (Appendix D) F3 Key Functions Working (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F4 Hardware Functional (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F5 Refurbished (Appendix C – Test and Repair) F6 Like New (Appendix C – Test and Repair) Category Cosmetic Description C0 Not categorized C1 Damaged (For materials recovery) C2 Used Poor – Heavy use and age C3 Used Fair (Moderate use and age) C4 Used Good C5 Used Very Good C6 Used Excellent C7 Certified Pre-Owned (Seller or Manufacturer Refurbished) C8 Unused C9 New Open Box SHIPPING We ship items USPS or FedEx Ground services. Items are shipped M-F 1-2 business days from time of payment. NO SHIPPING TO AK – PR - HI PRODUCT DISCLAIMER & PARTS / REPAIR We are not the original owner of the items we sell. Items are given a GENERAL INSPECTION and may have additional issues beyond the item description. MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT **** ONLY APPLIES IF PURCHASING MEDICAL RELATED ITEMS***** The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S food and drug administration and the state & local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser or this item before shipping of the item.
Hollyland Mars 400S Pro Wireless SDI/HDMI Video Transmission System 400ft Range
End: 09.11. 2023 19:11:24 on Thursday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 300.0 USD

- Status: 30T 23:21:3
- Item number: 134761661224
- Seller: (|%)
- Seller information:
- Item location: Birmingham,AL,USA
- Ships to:
- Shipping: 20,0 USD
- on EBAY
Hollyland Mars 400S Pro. Pristine condition. Just been sitting on the shelf. Been using an all in one monitoring solution. Don’t need the ipad feature anymore. Message me for questions or pictures.
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