Ladies and Gentlemen, up for your bidding, is my used for repairs, Marantz SR6005. It comes with the remote and power cord. I hooked it up to a tuner but couldnt make it produce any sound from the speakers. All the various settings rotate through as per the video above. (The music you hear in the background of the video, is from another system, not the Marantz.) It could be that I just dont know what Im doing wrong, because I couldnt find a user manual online. I like to ship daily. Pay before 10 AM Arizona time, and you can have it within 2-8 days within the USA, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. You will be receiving your receiver in a box measuring 21x16x9 inches, weighing 27 pounds, 15 ounces. Dear EBAYER, You may be wondering why eBay shipping charges are going higher and higher. As an eBay buyer, I want you to be aware that eBay has changed their fee structure for us sellers, to include an additional, 13.25% on shipping charges. As a consequence, I have to charge a minimum of a $1 handling fee on everything I sell, to cover eBays additional 13.25%! Obviously, they should stay out of the shipping fees, but since theyre the only game in town, theres not much else I can do about it. Of course it doesnt end there, afterward eBay takes a 13.25% fee on the total eBay transaction to include shipping charges and SALES TAX TOO!! Yes, they charge me 13.25% on the sales tax you pay!!! Combined, eBay takes a 13.25% of everything I sell, every month! Further, we sellers have to buy and store most all our shipping supplies like, paper, ink, glue, envelops, staples, boxes, packing, and tape. Finally, in order to speed up the process and keep shipping costs down, we expend our time and gasoline to drive to the shipping facilities to drop off your package. Example: You pay $100 for an item. It costs $20 to ship it to you. Your local sales tax is 10%. $100+$20+$10 = $130 x 13.25% = $17.23 ---. My net then is $100 minus $17.23 which equals $82.77 not including picture fees, premotion fees, etc. (Of course, I have to find the product, pay for it, store it before eBay takes it cut) So, there you have low-down on eBay fees!!!!........... I hope you like the products I offer up, and check back with me from time to time. Sincerely, Greg 423150
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