kd990 kenwood (28) |
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Kenwood Seitenteile für KA-907 + KT-917
End: 22.12. 2024 19:05:24 on Sunday
4 Original Kenwood KT-917 Gerätefüße in goldfarben "1A Zustand"
End: 26.11. 2024 10:14:09 on Tuesday
Kenwood KR-2010 Receiver Verstärker Stereo Amplifier , funktionsfähig, 21917
End: 21.10. 2024 20:44:11 on Monday
Kenwood KR-2010 Receiver Verstärker Stereo Amplifier , funktionsfähig, 21917
End: 03.10. 2024 16:08:28 on Thursday
Analoger REFERENZ UKW TUNER - Kenwood KT 917 - schöner Zustand -
End: 30.09. 2024 04:56:52 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 799.0 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 205006564456
- Seller: 2nd-hifi (5723|100.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial
- Item location: Fuldabrück
- Ships to: EuropeanUnion
- Shipping: 15,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Produktseite Herzlich Willkommen bei Sie bieten hier auf einen Kenwood KT 917 UKW / FM Tuner Beschreibung: Absoluter High End REFERENZ UKW Tuner. Mit diesem Gerät Radio zu hören ist ein wahrer Genuss. Der rauscharme Klang des Tuners fällt sofort auf. Die Front ist aus massiven Metal gefertigt und die Scalenscheibe aus dicken Echtglas. Wer gerne analoges Radio hört wird an diesem Tuner viel Freude haben. Weitere Details können Sie den Bildern entnehmen. Danke Technische Daten: Spannung: 120-220Volt 50-60Hz. Zustand: Der optische Zustand ist gut. Die Front ist sauber und ohne auffällige Kratzer. Oben auf dem Deckel sind Gebrauchsspuren zu erkennen. Der technische Zustand ist perfekt. Lieferumfang: Kenwood KT 917 Tuner mit der SN: 920010. Versand und Verpackung: Wir versenden alle Produkte versichert mit DHL Versand Service. Alle Produkte werden in Luftpolsterfolie verpackt und wenn nötig, noch mit Styropor abgesichert. Anmerkung: Ich versuche meine Artikel immer so gut es mir möglich ist zu beschreiben. Ich beschönige keine Mängel und bin selbst für meine Angebote verantwortlich. Alle Bilder, die Sie sehen, sind von mir aufgenommen und zeigen den Artikel, der hier angeboten wird. Auch verwende ich keine Bildbearbeitungsprogramme etc. Also alles ungefiltert und authentisch. Im Lieferumfang steht genau aufgeführt, was geliefert wird. Alle Geräte die sie erhalten haben versteckte Sicherheitsmerkmale gegen Manipulation und oder Austausch von Bauteilen. Wenn diese Sicherheitsmerkmale gebrochen oder auffälligkeiten aufweisen, schließe ich eine Rücknahme oder Garantieanspruch aus! Geräte dürfen also nicht vom Käufer geöffnet werden. Leider ist es in der Vergangenheit vorgekommen das Geräte geöffnet werden und Bauteile getauscht wurden. Der Auktionstext und die Bilder sind geistiges Eigentum von 2nd-Hifi. Nach dem Verkauf: Nach dem Verkauf wünsche ich mir eine gute Kommunikation und einen fairen und ehrlichen Handel. Die Zufriedenheit meiner Kunden ist mir wichtig. Falls es Probleme jeglicher Art geben sollte und sie nicht zufrieden sind mit meinem Sevice oder dem erhaltenen Artikel, so kontaktieren Sie mich und wir werden eine Lösung finden. Ich bin immer offen für konstruktive Kritik. Ich würde mich über eine postive Bewertung in allen Punkten freuen. Vielen Dank. Unsere Philosophie: Die Philosophie von 2nd HiFi ist eigentlich ganz einfach. Ich kaufe gebrauchte HiFI Klassiker zu fairen Preisen an. Wichtig für mich ist, dass die HiFi Geräte die ich ankaufe, immer einen guten Gesamtzustand haben. So ist es mir möglich, Ihnen meine Geräte in einem guten bis sehr guten Zustand anzubieten. Meine Arbeiten an den Geräten können Sie stets in der Artikelbeschreibung und im Punkt Zustand nachlesen. Ich mag zwar etwas höhere Preise haben als andere Ebay Mitglieder, dafür bekommen Sie aber auch wirklich guterhaltene und gewartete Hifi Geräte angeboten und geliefert beim Vertragsabschluss. Ich hoffe, dass meine Fotos und meine Bewertungen für mich sprechen. Denn in erster Linie geht es mir um den Erhalt alter Hifi Geräte. So verbleibe ich und sage Danke für Ihr Interesse an meinen Hifi Geräten. Ihr 2nd HiFI Anbieter Marco Salzmann. Ankauf und Inzahlungnahme von HiFi Geräten: Haben Sie noch ein altes Schätzchen Zuhause? 2nd-Hifi ist immer auf der Suche nach gut erhaltenen Hifi Geräten aller Art. Auch an ganzen Sammlungen sind wir interessiert. Die Inzahlungnahme von Hifi Geräten ist beim Kauf eines Gerätes ebenfalls möglich. Ich wünsche Ihnen nun viel Spaß beim Ersteigern. Ihr Spezialist für klassische HiFi-Geräte
Kenwood 1977 2 page Ad, KA-907 Amplifier, KT-917 Tuner, Articles, Info
End: 29.09. 2024 17:42:21 on Sunday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.24 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 146062514553
- Seller: effgjm (22602|99.0%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1977, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood Kt-917 FM Stereo Tuner
End: 17.09. 2024 21:35:48 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 459.34 EUR

- Status: sold
- Item number: 166976760706
- Seller: cardinalrowe353 (179|97.7%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Melrose, Massachusetts
- Ships to: US
- Shipping: 49,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Kenwood Kt-917 FM Stereo Tuner Pulse Count Detector Turns on when plugged in, otherwise untested Not original owner
Kenwood KT-917 - Gold Edition - im sammlungswürdigen Zustand !
End: 13.08. 2024 15:18:05 on Tuesday
Kenwood 1977 2 page Ad, KA-907 Amplifier, KT-917 Tuner, Articles, Info
End: 09.08. 2024 11:43:17 on Friday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.11 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145922172619
- Seller: effgjm (22536|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1977, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood 1977 2 page Ad, KA-907 Amplifier, KT-917 Tuner, Articles, Info
End: 31.07. 2024 13:06:35 on Wednesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.11 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145920079504
- Seller: effgjm (22535|99.1%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1977, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood 1977 2 page Ad, KA-907 Amplifier, KT-917 Tuner, Articles, Info
End: 30.07. 2024 13:26:31 on Tuesday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 8.94 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166773099682
- Seller: effgjm (22460|98.9%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1977, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
1 Paar Rack Handles - für den High End Tuner Kenwood KT-917 - OVP -
End: 05.07. 2024 08:59:58 on Friday
1 Paar Rack Handles - für den High End Tuner Kenwood KT-917 - OVP -
End: 25.06. 2024 05:36:30 on Tuesday
1 Paar Rack Handles - für den High End Tuner Kenwood KT-917 - OVP -
End: 14.06. 2024 21:17:12 on Friday
Kenwood 1977 2 page Ad, KA-907 Amplifier, KT-917 Tuner, Articles, Info
End: 18.05. 2024 13:41:04 on Saturday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.21 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 166759851987
- Seller: effgjm (22299|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1977, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Kenwood KT-917 - Gold Edition - im sammlungswürdigen Zustand !
End: 15.05. 2024 10:13:17 on Wednesday
Kenwood 1977 2 page Ad, KA-907 Amplifier, KT-917 Tuner, Articles, Info
End: 13.05. 2024 14:03:14 on Monday
- Condition: Used
- Price: 9.28 EUR

- Status: unsold
- Item number: 145608301856
- Seller: effgjm (22237|98.8%)
- Seller information: Commercial (with base shop)
- Item location: Olmsted Falls, Ohio
- Ships to: Worldwide
- Shipping: 3,0 EUR
- on EBAY
Welcome to Audio/Video Archives, the largest home of audio literature available on eBay! This Advertisement is a reprint from 1977, it is printed on glossy photo paper and is in Excellent condition! The Picture is the picture of the actual item. It is a beautiful piece of Audio History. I have THOUSANDS more from every major brand of Audio from 1950 up to now. ---Satisfaction is GUARANTEED at AV Archives! Take a look at my feedback for satisfied customers! I have been open since 2007 and have sold THOUSANDS of Ads, Reviews, and Brochures to satisfied customers. ---I Ship Worldwide and combine shipping, each additional item is just $1 after the first is paid. ---Each Page is 8.5 by 11 unless otherwise noted in title. ---Single Page, Single Sided Ads, unless otherwise noted in the title. ---These Ads are perfect for framing and placed in your Audio Room. ---I have a HUGE Vinyl Record Store with Thousands of Collectable records, and MANY First Pressings/Audiophile LPs. Just click on my Vinyl Record Store link on the left under categories. Email me for any specific questions, You will hear back from me usually within 4 hours, THANK YOU! Greg Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
1 Paar Rack Handles - für den High End Tuner Kenwood KT-917 - OVP -
End: 25.04. 2024 14:14:03 on Thursday
Kenwood KT-917 - Gold Edition - im sammlungswürdigen Zustand !
End: 25.04. 2024 10:12:03 on Thursday
1 Paar Rack Handles - für den High End Tuner Kenwood KT-917 - OVP -
End: 15.04. 2024 14:13:40 on Monday
Kenwood KT-917 - Gold Edition - im sammlungswürdigen Zustand !
End: 15.04. 2024 10:11:52 on Monday
Kenwood KT-917 - Gold Edition - im sammlungswürdigen Zustand !
End: 05.04. 2024 10:11:28 on Friday
Kenwood KT-917 - Gold Edition - im sammlungswürdigen Zustand !
End: 26.03. 2024 10:11:04 on Tuesday
1 Paar Rack Handles - für den High End Tuner Kenwood KT-917 - OVP -
End: 16.03. 2024 14:12:26 on Saturday
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